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What information codes, conventions and messages about our country is communicated
enthuse postcards?
a. The Philippines is rich in everything such as culture, minerals, spices, and etc. but if
there is one an information codes, conventions and message about our country that is
communicated enthuse postcards it will probably be the beauty and spectacular
creations of God such as Taal Volcano, Palawan, Boracay, Bohol’s Chocolate Hills, and
any other destination or eye refreshing sight whether made by God or man.

2. If you are to create a postcard for a place or organization of your choice, what technical and
symbolic codes would you use to convey important information and create the desired
impression? Why?
a. If I were to create a postcard for a place or organization, I would use a place or setting as
my symbolic codes. To me, place or setting shows how responsible a human being can
be. It shows different characteristics such as the characteristics of the community,
people who lived there, what are their culture, how do they value things, and what are
the thing they should taking care off or preserve in order to be enjoyed by the next
3. How is understanding of the technical and symbolic codes contribute to media and information
a. Media and information literacy benefit greatly from technological and symbolic codes. It
makes details more informative, and these codes are very obvious. By simply displaying
some symbolic pictures, code demonstrates and conveys details and ideas about a
place, organization, or other entity. It is important for media content to have codes so
that people can easily understand it. simply by displaying any symbolic images It is
important for media content to have codes so that viewers can quickly understand what
the information is about. I've learned that there are a variety of ways to communicate
good or bad information about something, one of which is by using or displaying
symbolic codes. It clarifies and makes information understandable.

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