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585341 Mechanical Engineering Laboratory II

Short Report
Student ID: B6130473 Group: 04

HVAC Systems

B6130473 Ammaly Tom

Mechanical Engineering (International Program)
Suranaree University of Technology, Thailand

Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning (HVAC), is the system that generates the comfortable environment for
occupants such as the air conditioner at home and large systems are used in industrial complexes and apartment blocks.
The HVAC process consists of heating, cooling, humidifying, dehumidifying, filtering, and distribution of air at acceptable
conditions for keeping the indoor air quality for humans. HVAC systems can also be built to offer humidity control, and
both humidifiers and dehumidifiers can be added as options to heating and cooling systems, intakes outside air, exhaust or
filter contaminated air. (Heikel & Miller,2011)

Objectives: 1. Understanding the concepts of air conditioning system and how it works.
2. Be able to analyze and compute the effectiveness of Heating and cooling process in The HVAC system.


1. Recirculating Air Conditioning Unit
2. Anemometer
3. 30cm ruler
4. Water
5. Stop watch

1. Fill water in wet bulb thermometer then turn on the breaker and the axial flow fan.
2. Measure air velocity using anemometer and diameter of the air intake orifice.
3. For heating and humidification processes,
3.1 turn on the heater and steam generator.
3.2 record dry bulb temperature and wet bulb temperature at the inlet and exit
3.3 adjust the air flow rate and repeat step 2 and 3.2.
4. For cooling system,
4.1 turn on the air conditioning system.
4.2 record dry bulb and wet bulb temperature at the inlet and exit.
4.3 adjust the air flow rate and repeat step 2 and 4.2.(Wait for 5 minute)
4.4 adjust the heat input of the heater and repeat step 2 and 4.2. (Wait for 5 minutes)
6. Measure current and voltage of each electronic device (heater, boiler, compressor) to find the electrical power input.


Air flow rate , V=velocity of the air flow
A=Area of the air flow
v=Specific volume of air flow

Heat transfer , hout =Enthalpy at the outlet

hin =Enthalpy at the inlet

Efficiency , We = Electrical power

585341 Mechanical Engineering Laboratory II
Short Report
Student ID: B6130473 Group: 04


● The result shows that at state D, the wet bulb temperature is a bit greater than the dry bulb temperature or
almost equal. This occurs may be caused by 1. The error of measuring tools or measuring display
because we can see that Tdb is very close to Twb, 2. The air flow that exits from the evaporation reaches
the dew point temperature, some vapor starts to condense at this point, theoretically it reaches the
saturation condition Tdb = Twb (reach the dew point.)
● The efficiency of the heating process (from case 3 to 9) is officially called Energy Efficiency Ratio, , but
my result is weird (it is much more than 1). What I noticed from that is the heat gain or heat loss is more
than the input power, so it may due to the value of enthalpy of each step

585341 Mechanical Engineering Laboratory II
Short Report
Student ID: B6130473 Group: 04

1. What are the process paths of the heating process, heating and humidification process and cooling processes on
the psychrometric chart?
Fig.1. Heating Process is the process that increases the temperature of air without changing the specific

Fig.2. Heating and humidification process is the process that warms the air and sprays the stream water to add
moisture which is called humidifying to get the suitable air quality, humidity(w) increases.

Fig.3. Cooling process is the process that cools the air without removing moisture or reducing humidity(w), so the
humidity stays the same.

Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 3

2. Discuss the effect of the heating process, heating and humidification process, and cooling process on the air flow.
● Heating process: from the result observation, we see that the heating process decreased the relative
humidity on the air flow which means it removed moisture to the air and increased temperature.
● Heating and humidification process: increased the relative humidity which means it added moisture to
the air and increased temperature of the air flow.
● Cooling process: it removes the heat from air flow but keeping humidity ratio constant, and we see that
the relative humidity is increased which means the moisture is added.

3. Discuss the effect of mass flow rate of the air on the efficiency of the heat and coefficient of the performance.
From the same electricity input (case 1,3,5,7 ), we observed that the efficiency of the heat and coefficient of the
performance both increases while the air flow rate increases which also agree with its formula is heat/power
input where heat is so when mass flow rate increases, efficiency and COP increase also.

4. Discuss the effect of heat input on the efficiency of the heat and the coefficient of performance.
From the result, we see the case that has the same mass flow rate with different heat input are case 1,2,3,4, we can
see that the efficiency and coefficient of performance is lower when the electricity input is lower which is also
satisfied its equation of the efficiency and COP where the heat input is inverse proportional to the efficiency and
COP, so if we increase the heat input, the efficiency and COP will increase also.


After having experience in this laboratory, we have learned about the performance of the HVAC system and be able to
calculate and analyze the efficiency of the heating and coefficient of performance of cooling and dehumidifying process,
aslo learn how to increase or decrease both efficiency and COP of each process of the HVAC system.


[1] A. Çengel, Y., & A. Boles, M. (2015). Thermodynamics_ An Engineering_Approach (Eighth ed.). 2 Penn Plaza,
NY 10121, New York: McGraw-Hill Education.
[2] Heikel, M. R., & Miller. AIR CONDITIONING. In A-to-Z Guide to Thermodynamics, Heat and Mass Transfer,
and Fluids Engineering. Begellhouse.

585341 Mechanical Engineering Laboratory II
Short Report
Student ID: B6130473 Group: 04

(This section is only for lab instructors.)

Report Rubric Score
Inadequate Inadequate
evident with evident with Meet all Better than Scale Weighted
Components and Criteria No Evident Remark
major minor requirement requirement Factor Score
improvemen improvemen s (3) s (4)
t (1) t (2)
1. Introduction:
o Student provides significance and background
information needed for readers to understand the
o Student clearly expresses the objective of the
2. Material and Methods:
o Student gives overview of major procedures
performed in the experiment in the suitable form
(e.g., context, table, or figure, etc.).
o Student shows the experimental design: 0.625
independent, dependent, and control variables, and
experimental conditions in the suitable form (e.g.,
context, table, or figure, etc.)

3. Results:
o Student shows clear and concise results in tables
and/or graphs.
o Student states the key finding of the experiment.
4. Discussion:
o Student explains, analyzes, and interprets the
overall outcome and the meaning of the
experimental results.
o Student discusses the experimental results based on 0.625
the existing theory and knowledge.
o In case of experimental error, student provides
sources of errors and the suggestion for reducing
5. Conclusions:
o Students summarizes all major findings based on 0.250
the objective of the experiments.
Final Summary Score

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