Zero Point Alchemy

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Zero Point Alchemy     3

    #1360870 - 03/09/03 06:37 PM (17 years, 5 months ago)

This is just a subconscious rambling I thought I would release into the collective pool. Feel free to ignore, read
haphazardly, or add your thoughts. I try to use a flexible style so as not to adhere to any particular definitions, so the
reader can perceive in different ways. Read loosely and without judgement

The sphere comes together, polarization crescendos into a neutralizing point of non-time eternity. A moment that
lasts forever. All opposing forces in the universe merge together in harmony momentarily creating a vortex of
electromagnetic energies..A delightful union of matter and anti-matter where all is of one consciousness and all
fragmentary perceptions of reality are but a passing dream.

Living on the Earth as we do, we are effected by her magnetic field. As the vibrational frequency of the Earth's
pulses changes, each cell in our body shifts patterns of energy to achieve harmonic resonance to the frequencies of
the Earth. The human energetic system being electrical in nature can be influenced by higher vibrational
frequencies and have a tendency to move into resonance with them. This being a natural process, there is also
another part to the equation..consciousness. The willingness of the conscious mind to embrace these vibrations and
integrate them harmoniously into the mind-spirit-body complex. To create balance within requires adapting a more
flexible consciousness, releasing old belief patterns, relationships, and utilizing the all important tools of free will,

If you view the negative as a learning experience, and the positive as a learning experience, you have awakened
the seer within. The process of metamorphosis is as rediculously simple as it is insanely complex. The
transformation comes through the eyes of an infant. When things can be seen clearly for what they are, rather than
attaching feelings or emotions to them. When reaction is instantaneous and honest, no stopping to think what others
might say of your thoughts, or pondering over the right thing to say, that will surely color the results. Consciousness
is like a flowing stream of endless knowledge and experience which knows no limitations except for the filter we
use. To achieve zero point within is to remove this filter and allow things to flow naturally.

Alchemist, tune to the elements and offer your gratitude. Acknowledge and pay homage to the Earth which sustains
you, meditate to the fire which purifies, spread your arms in the wind which carries the breath of life, and be among
a body of water which is your life. This should of course, be done in nature.. the best would be a fire in an open field
under a night sky next to a lake.. when these things come together and you align with the elements, you become
the fifth element.. that of consciousness.. a part and extension of everything around you. Breathe with the trees, feel
the rhythm of the Earth, the global heartbeat. You are integrating, and damn does it feel good. Allow the rational and
intuitive to intertwine.. mingling frequencies adapting to one another.

You can set up an area in your home, for this very purpose. A shrine of sorts, to the elements, symbols of the
elements in the four cardinal directions. A feather for air, rock or crystal for earth, candle for fire, water.. offer your
respect and gratitude for these forces, and send yourself to them. This is how you can find your spirit animal. There
will be one for each direction, call for them by name, Force of the north, and such. This area could be used for many
purposes, a cleansing area, a release of emotions and energies, a meditative place, and place of neutralization and
harmony where you can interact with your higher self and different energies in a balanced environment.

The master lies within.. unlocking the door is only half of the journey, upon awakening a new world lies ahead with
many different lessons. The quickest way to acceleration of this frequency lies in the use of neutral and balanced
thinking.. a seperation from polarized thinking, beliefs, expectations. Transcendence of, not destruction of ego.
When your vision is clear and sharp, your mind focused with clarity, and the life is seen as a series of lessons
through experience.. therein lies true wisdom, a clarity of seeing life through unbiased eyes.. where things simply
are as they are. And I am that I am.

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