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Subject: English 2.

Teacher: David Ceballos Restrepo.

Topics of each unit:

Unit 1: Change -

Lesson A - I need a Change. (world link - Unit 7)

Lesson B - Graduation Plans

Preferences, dreams/desires and plans and projects in the future.

1. Preferences:

Use of the expression like + (to + verb in base form)/ (verb in ING)/ (noun).

- Subject + (like/likes) + complement.

- Subject + (like/likes) + Verb-ing + complement.

- Subject + (like/likes) + other types of noun

Note: for making its negative and interrogative sentences use do/does (*),
following the rule for conjugating every regular and any irregular verb
different than the verb to be or any modal verb in simple present.
- Use do for the subjects pronouns I, you, we, and they.
- Use does for the subject pronouns he, she, or it.
2. Dreams & desires at this moment Nand for the future

Informal context: Use the following expression:

- Subject + Want (to + base form of main verb)/ (any noun except
Note: The verb want is a regular verb, so apply the above-explained rule
(*) for its negative and interrogative sentences.

Formal context: Use the following expression:

- Subject + would like (to + base form of the verb)/ (any noun, except
Note: How can we make negative and interrogative sentences for the
expression would like …? Would is a modal verb so they have its
own rules. The modal verbs have their own rules.

3. Plans for the future (... be + going to ....)

When the situation to refer to:
1. It is an arrangement, that is a plan that already has began or has been
clearly established.
2. It is a serious plan even for the distant future. There is strong intention to
reach what today is your goal.

In both of the above cases, the expression to use is … be + going to + ...

- Subject + be + going to + the base form of a regular or irregular verb
(including to be).
Note 1: For the negative sentences , negate the form of the verb to be
(am/is/are). For any interrogative sentence (Yes/No Q.), start the
sentence with (Am/Are/Is) + subject + going to + base form of the
main verb + complement?
Note 2: When there is no plan for what you express, the expression to use
for the future is will. In those cases, the decision expressed is
known as a last-minute decision.

4. Making and responding to requests

Informal context -🡪 Can + subject + complement?

Yes, subject pronoun can (+ ...)
No, subject pronoun cannot (+ …)
Formal context 🡪 Could + subject + complement?
Yes, subject pronoun could (+ ...)
No, subject pronoun couldn’t (+ …)

5. Talking about bad habits.

For talking about current bad habits it is necessary to use basically the
present simple and present continuous. The present continuous has the
following structure: (am/is/are) + a main reg. or irreg. verb in ING)

Note: Remember the present simple has some rules for the verb to be which is
the only one in the particular sentences you use in this grammar tense, bt if the
verb is any regular or any irregular different than to be the rules are different.

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