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2020, VOL. 9, NO. 1, e1826132 (4 pages)


No time to die: the consensus immunoscore for predicting survival and response to
chemotherapy of locally advanced colon cancer patients in a multicenter
international study
Paolo A. Ascierto , Francesco M. Marincolab, Bernard A. Foxc,d, and Jérôme Galon e,f,g

Melanoma, Cancer Immunotherapy and Innovative Therapies Unit, Istituto Nazionale Tumori IRCCS Fondazione “G. Pascale”, Napoli, Italy; bRefuge
Biotechnologies, Menlo Park, CA, USA; cDepartment of Molecular Microbiology and Immunology, Oregon Health and Science University, Portland, OR,
USA; dLaboratory of Molecular and Tumor Immunology, Earle A. Chiles Research Institute, Robert W. Franz Cancer Center, Providence Portland Medical
Center, Portland, OR, USA; eLaboratory of Integrative Cancer Immunology, INSERM, Paris, France; fEquipe Labellisée Ligue Contre le Cancer, Paris,
France; gCentre de Recherche des Cordeliers, Sorbonne Université, Université de Paris, Paris, France


The multicenter international Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer (SITC) study of the consensus Received 14 September 2020
Immunoscore demonstrated the prediction of survival and response to chemotherapy in 763 Stage III Accepted 16 September 2020
colon cancer (CC) patients. Similar Immunoscore groups were found in elderly patients, and densities of KEYWORDS
immune cells and intratumoral T-cell repertoire were not decreasing with age in the tumor microenviron­ Immunoscore; tumor
ment. In two independent cohorts, Immunoscore significantly predicted time to recurrence (TTR), disease- microenvironment;
free survival (DFS), and overall survival (OS), including within high-risk (T4 or N2) and low-risk (T1-3, N1) immunity; cancer
patients. In stratified Cox multivariable analysis for TTR, DFS, and OS, Immunoscore’s association to classification; prognosis;
outcomes was independent of the patient’s age, sidedness, gender, T-stage, N-stage, and microsatellite predictive; colon cancer;
instability status. Furthermore, the relative contribution to the risk test showed that Immunoscore had the phase 3 trial
highest contribution to survival. Importantly Immunoscore predicted the likelihood of response to
chemotherapy. Only patients with a high-Immunoscore significantly benefited from chemotherapy. The
prognostic value of Immunoscore was confirmed in two independent phase 3 clinical trials (NCCTG-
N0147, n = 559; Prodige-IDEA, n = 1062). Moreover, results from IDEA phase 3 randomized trial revealed
the predictive value of Immunoscore for response to adjuvant FOLFOX chemotherapy duration. The latest
edition of the WHO Digestive System Tumors classification introduced the immune response as measured
by Immunoscore as essential and desirable diagnostic criteria for CC, and Immunoscore was introduced
into the 2020 ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines for CC to refine the prognosis and adjust chemotherapy
decision-making process in stages II and III patients. These results highlight the clinical utility of

Clinical utility of immunoscore in stage III colon adaptive immune reaction for the survival of patients revealed
cancer that immune parameters are beyond tumor progression and
invasion (TNM classification). This immune response was
A meta-analysis of the literature including more than 200
defined as the “Immunoscore”.1,5–7
published articles for the implication of cytotoxic T-cells and
The results of an international Immunoscore consortium
T-cell subpopulations with regard to prognosis of cancer
on Stage I/II/III colon cancer patients using the first world­
patients (in 20 different cancer types) revealed that cytotoxic
wide recognized and standardized consensus assay to quan­
CD8 + T-cells were associated with a good prognosis in 97% of
tify the preexisting immunity were published. The results
the studies.1 We previously showed that tumor recurrence and
showed that Immunoscore significantly predicted time to
overall survival times of patients with colon cancer were mostly
recurrence (TTR), disease-free survival (DFS) and overall
dependent on the presence of cytotoxic and memory T cells
survival (OS). Secondly, Immunoscore predicted high-risk
within specific regions of primary tumors. We performed
and low-risk patients in the restricted population of Stage II
a clinical study on human colorectal cancer showing that
colon cancer patients. This established the consensus as
cytotoxic and memory T-cells were predicting the clinical out­
a robust and powerful stratifier to predict the prognosis of
come in early Stage (I/II) colorectal cancer patients. We further
colon cancer patients.8 Before the inclusion of an immune
showed that histopathologic-based prognostic factors of color­
parameter into the TNM-staging system, to move to a TNM-
ectal cancers are associated with the state of the local immune
Immune (TNM-I) classification, it is important to also
reaction. The assessment of CD8(+) cytotoxic T lymphocytes
demonstrate the clinical utility of Immunoscore at each
in combined tumor regions provided an indicator of tumor
stage of the current staging-system. Thus, the clinical utility
recurrence beyond that predicted by AJCC/UICC-TNM
of Immunoscore has been reinforced by the recent publica­
staging.2–4 The importance of the patient intratumor natural
tions demonstrating the prognosis value of Immunoscore in

CONTACT Jérôme Galon INSERM, Laboratory of Integrative Cancer Immunology. Cordeliers Research Center, Paris 75006, France
© 2020 The Author(s). Published with license by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License (, which permits
unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Stage III CC patients, and its predictive value in response to free rates at 3 y of 56.9%, 65.9%, and 76.4%, respectively, with
chemotherapy. a significant hazard-ratio of 0.48 (P= .0003). Significant (all
Recently, the multicenter international Society for P< .001) association with prolonged TTR, OS and DFS were
Immunotherapy of Cancer (SITC) study of the consensus found for patients having a High-Immunoscore .
Immunoscore demonstrated the prediction of survival and Immunoscore association to TTR was independent
response to chemotherapy in Stage III colon cancer.9 This (P = .0003) of patient’s gender, T-stage, N-stage, sidedness,
international study led by the SITC evaluated the pre-defined and microsatellite instability-status, in Cox multivariable ana­
consensus Immunoscore in 763 patients with AJCC/UICC- lysis. Significant association of High-Immunoscore with pro­
TNM Stage III CC from 2 cohorts, a first cohort (Canada/ longed TTR was also found among MSS patients (P = .0003).
USA) and a second cohort (Europe/Asia). The consensus Importantly, Immunoscore had the strongest contribution for
Immunoscore was evaluated by quantifying the CD3+ and influencing survival (TTR and OS) as measured with Х2 pro­
cytotoxic CD8 + T-lymphocyte densities in the tumor and portion statistical analysis. Patients with a high-Immunoscore
invasive-margin by digital-pathology using pre-defined cut- responded to chemotherapy and had prolonged survival com­
points and categories. The lowest risk of recurrence was pared to patients not receiving chemotherapy. In contrast,
observed in patients with a high-Immunoscore in both cohorts. Low-Immunoscore patients did not significantly benefit from
Immunoscore Low, Intermediate and High had recurrence- chemotherapy treatment. Furthermore, the predictive value of

Figure 1. Clinical utility of the Immunoscore. (a) Immunoscore and intratumoral T-cell repertoire remain stable with age. (b) Relative contribution of each risk parameter
to survival risk for overall survival in Stage III CC using the x2 proportion test for clinical parameters and Immunoscore. (c) Immunoscore is a powerful prognosis marker
and a predictive marker of response to chemotherapy for stage III colon cancer patients.

a high-Immunoscore for response to chemotherapy and pro­ incidence and severity of adverse events compared to
longed survival was found for both low-risk (T1-3, N1) 6 months. Even if the primary objective of this trial was
(HR = 0.42, P= .001) and high-risk (T4 and/or N2) not met, secondary subgroup analyses were carried out and
(HR = 0.5, P= .001) patients. showed that CAPOX met the criteria for non-inferiority,
This study demonstrated five key findings.9 but not those for FOLFOX. Differences in DFS depending
First, we showed that densities of immune cells and intra­ on treatment-duration were modest. Based on these data it
tumoral T-cell repertoire are not decreasing with age. was proposed to treat low-risk patients (T1-3N1) with
Furthermore, the same proportion of Immunoscore groups is 3 months of chemotherapy. However, this study highlighted
found below 60 y-old and above 85 y-old which is of impor­ the need for additional biomarkers to predict the efficacy of
tance fundamentally and in considering treatment options. adjuvant chemotherapy in CC patients.
Second, we demonstrated, in two independent cohorts of Not only the phase 3 trial IDEA confirmed the prognostic
patients from this international study that Immunoscore sig­ value of Immunoscore but it also confirmed its predictive value
nificantly predicted time to recurrence (TTR), disease-free in response to chemotherapy.11 High-Immunoscore patients
survival (DFS) and overall survival (OS) in Stage III patients. significantly benefited from 6-month treatment compared to
Third, we showed that Immunoscore predicted outcome 3month treatment. Conversely, in patients with Low-
within the MSS population, and also predicted outcome within Immunoscore, no significant benefit of 6-month FOLFOX
high-risk (T4 or N2) and low-risk (T1-3, N1) stage III patients. was observed compared to 3-month treatment. These results
Fourth, in stratified Cox multivariable analysis for TTR, were also observed independently of the clinical stage. Both
DFS and OS, Immunoscore’s association to outcomes was high-risk (T4 and/or N2) and low-risk (T1-3, N1) patients sig­
independent of the patient’s age, sidedness, gender, T-stage, nificantly benefited from 6-month FOLFOX when they had
N-stage, and microsatellite instability (MSI) status. a High-Immunoscore, but not when they had a Low-
Furthermore, the relative contribution to the risk test showed Immunoscore. This validated and further demonstrated the
that Immunoscore had the highest contribution to survival in predictive value of Immunoscore in response to chemotherapy.
comparison to all other clinical parameters. Importantly, clinically low-risk patients (T1-3, N1) with High-
Fifth, importantly Immunoscore predicted the likelihood of Immunoscore had 91.4% DFS at 3-y when treated with the
response to chemotherapy. Indeed, patients who did not 6-month FOLFOX, but only 80.8% with the 3-month treatment
receive chemotherapy had similar outcomes as those who regimen. Thus, even low-risk (T1-3, N1) patients with a High-
received chemotherapy, if they had a low-Immunoscore, and Immunoscore could effectively benefit from 6 months of
did not significantly benefit from chemotherapy. In contrast, FOLFOX, thereby changing clinical practice. Unfortunately,
patients with an Intermediate/high-Immunoscore significantly patients with Low-Immunoscore (44.6% of Stage III) not only
benefited from chemotherapy. had an increased risk of recurrence but also a lack of benefit
This illustrates the fact that the benefit of chemotherapy from longer duration of chemotherapy treatment. Given the
may be dependent upon a proper preexisting immunity poor outcome in these patients, new therapeutic strategies and
(Figure 1). clinical trials should be initiated in this population. FOLFOX
chemotherapy contains 5-fluorouracil and Oxaliplatin. These
components may have a dual impact on the immune system.
Validation in two randomized phase 3 trials
On one hand, 5-fluorouracil may partially deplete or transi­
The results of Immunoscore in Stage III CC patients were ently inactivate inhibitory immune cells, and on the other hand
confirmed in two independent randomized phase 3 clinical oxaliplatin may increase cytotoxic T-cell infiltration and
trials. The Immunoscore-N0147 study was conducted in colla­ induce immunogenic cell death (ICD).12–14 It could be
boration with clinicians and researchers from the Mayo hypothesized that ICD-driven immunity is inefficient in
Clinic.10 The study included 559 patient samples from the tumors with a weak preexisting immunity such as Low-
FOLFOX arm of the NCCTG-N0147 trial and used the pre- Immunoscore patients. Thus, it will be important to identify
defined consensus Immunoscore. Immunoscore predicted Immunoscore-Low patients to test combination immu­
relapse and death in stage III CC patients treated with notherapies that can prime and expand anti-cancer immunity
a standard adjuvant treatment combining fluoropyrimidine in this population, in order to prolong their survival.
and oxaliplatin in the N0147 trial.10 Another randomized
phase 3 clinical trial (IDEA) in 1062 Stage III CC patients
tested the consensus Immunoscore.11 The two studies were
performed, using the pre-defined consensus Immunoscore, These results highlight the prognostic value of Immunoscore
had similar significant results regarding the prognostic value regardless of the patient’s age. It further strengthens the Level
of Immunoscore. of Evidence and clinical utility of Immunoscore in stage III CC
The randomized phase 3 clinical trial IDEA aimed to patients. The Immunoscore assay has been developed as an
evaluate the non-inferiority of 3 months of chemotherapy in vitro diagnostic test (CE-IVD) and is available in FDA CLIA-
(FOLFOX or CAPOX) compared to 6 months. The primary certified laboratories for routine use. Importantly, in the latest
objective of this trial (IDEA) was not met, and it could not (5th) edition of the WHO Digestive System Tumors classifica­
be concluded that this non-inferiority was achieved. tion, was introduced “the immune response as essential and
However, the IDEA study showed that 3 months adjuvant desirable diagnostic criteria for colorectal cancer,” and citing the
treatment was associated with a significantly lower consensus Immunoscore as best clinical evidence in colon

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