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Struggling to keep your days interesting?

Unable to find peace of mind in the midst of all this chaos?

Join us at the Downtown Market to learn about and discuss the

best ways to survive a global pandemic.

Our goal: addressing the negative effects of our current climate and providing healthy ways to cope.

Where: 435 Ionia Ave SW, Grand Rapids, MI


When: March 16, 2021 from 5:00 to 8:30 pm

Food and drinks available for purchase

Moneti/ Adobe Stock
Design Statement
The purpose of the event is addressing the widespread declining of mental health among the general public. Because this
issue affects so many people, the invitation won’t be promoted to a selective group of people. The goal is to open discussion on
depression, anxiety, and other disorders, and provide people with ways to help diminish the symptoms worsened by the chaos
that is the global pandemic and the current political climate.

I chose the images to convey the literal meaning of the text presiding on the corresponding slides. This way, people who
are scrolling through social media who are less likely to take the time to read every bullet point will be able to get the general
idea of the advertisement and will hopefully be hooked. The images portray a cooking scene, a person meditating, a person
journaling, and a cartoon woman in a calming scene to represent the end goal of the event.

By formatting the advertisement as a slides presentation, viewers will be able to view the first slide of general
explanations and will then want to click through to view more if they are interested. This way, all of the information isn’t thrown
at the audience at once and is less overwhelming. I could even post the entire slideshow onto Instagram, as it has a feature that
allows you to swipe through multiple pictures on one post, portraying a similar effect to moving through a slideshow

Some other design strategies I used were using a unique font, using the color theme of shades of green, and filling in text
boxes with translucent color to help the words pop. All of these elements will help my advertisement stand out among a sea of
other posts. I also scattered hashtags throughout that I would include in the actual post, allowing the slides to show up among a
sea of monotone advertisements.

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