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Cholesterol is an important molecule that has many uses like giving stability to cell membranes,

production of hormones and Vit D. Cholesterol can be synthesized in our bodies, there are many

enzymes needed in this pathway and many intermediaries, mevalonate, isoprenoids, squalene and

lanosterol have a major importance between others. To make mevalonate molecules of Acetyl

CoA must condensate, ACAT is the first enzyme, HMG synthase is the second and HMG

reductase is the last one, this enzyme is extremely important to the entire pathway, statins are

some drugs used to inhibit it. Isoprenoids are formed from mevalonate that goes through some

phosphorylation and then the formed units condensate to from larger ones, prenylation of proteins

are obtained from these intermediaries. Squalene and Lanosterol are other intermediaries of the

pathway. There is a balance between absorption and synthesis where some factors can affect each

other, exercise decreases bad Cholesterol and Cardiovascular disease by its protectives effects.

 Cerqueira NM, Oliveira EF, Gesto DS, Santos-Martins D, Moreira C, Moorthy HN,

Ramos MJ, Fernandes PA. Cholesterol Biosynthesis: A Mechanistic Overview.

Biochemistry. 2016 Oct 4;55(39):5483-5506. doi: 10.1021/acs.biochem.6b00342.

Epub 2016 Sep 23. PMID: 27604037.

 Luo, Jie & Yang, Hongyuan & Song, Bao-Liang. (2019). Mechanisms and regulation

of cholesterol homeostasis. Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology. 21. 1-21.


 Marques LR, Diniz TA, Antunes BM, Rossi FE, Caperuto EC, Lira FS, Gonçalves DC.

Reverse Cholesterol Transport: Molecular Mechanisms and the Non-medical Approach

to Enhance HDL Cholesterol. Front Physiol. 2018 May 15;9:526. doi:

10.3389/fphys.2018.00526. PMID: 29867567; PMCID: PMC5962737.

 Alphonse PA, Jones PJ. Revisiting Human Cholesterol Synthesis and Absorption: The

Reciprocity Paradigm and its Key Regulators. Lipids. 2016 May;51(5):519-36. doi:

10.1007/s11745-015-4096-7. Epub 2015 Nov 30. PMID: 26620375.

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