AP03-AA4-EV04 DOC Taller Elaboracion Resumenes

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Name: Francisco Javier Estrada Ordoñez


Elaboración de resúmenes para la comprensión de textos en inglés

1. Reading for main ideas

Read the text Cloud Computing, available at SENA Library’s databases by following the link
below. To access the library, just login with your ID number.

Dziak, M. (2016). Cloud Computing. Cloud Computing

(ELL), 1.

Name: Francisco Javier Estrada Ordoñez

Based on the previous reading, write the required information on the chart below.

Topic: Cloud Computing

Using Cloud Computing: Cloud computing can be used either by

individuals or by companies. People usually store their
information on a hard drive, but as it can get damaged and share
the information through it is complicated, people have decided
to start buying or renting storage on the Internet to access your
information from any device.
Companies, on the other hand, used to have problems with some
programs that they used, because hiring someone to install and
configure their programs is quite expensive; for this reason,
business began to use programs that bought or rented the
internet for a certain time.

Staying Safe in the Cloud: Although cloud computing is a very

helpful tool, it is also true that it has some disadvantages; among
those, the information you store will not always be secure, and
cloud network owners can say that the information belongs to
them, so many people have decided to go to private clouds.

Cloud computing has made life easier for many people and
businesses because sharing data, photos, videos and even
programs was difficult, but with this tool it can be done in
minutes. But you cannot trust any company that has a space to
store your information in the cloud, because your data is
valuable and if it is not a reliable company, someone could steal
your information.
Name: Francisco Javier Estrada Ordoñez
Background: The term cloud computing was not always the
same, on the contrary, over time the idea of sharing information
and programs between computers has been changing. For
example, between 1950 and 1960, people were looking for ways
to share data between devices; between 1970 and 1980 there
was already a way to share information, but it was very slow and
costly; in 1990 people began to use the Internet and use ASPs;
and finally, between the years 2000 and 2008 cloud computing
began to come afloat.

Cloud computing is
a way of saving and
applications, and
many things more
trough the web

2. Writing a summary
Now, use the information related to the main idea you already identified and the
supporting details you extracted from the passage, to write a summary of the text Cloud
Computing. Use the following template to guide your writing process. Remember that
supporting details can be used to make key points in your summary.

⇒ Bibliographic Information
Name: Francisco Javier Estrada Ordoñez
Author(s) of article: Mark Dziak_______________________________________
Title of article: Cloud Computing______________________________________
Name of magazine, newspaper, website, etc. containing the article:
ELL Reference Center_______________________________________________
Date article was published and page number: 2016, 4 pages. ______________

⇒ Summary Information

Briefly state the main idea or thesis presented in this article:

Cloud computing is currently used by many people and entities to store your information
either little or much and in turn access it from any device using the Internet. With cloud
computing, we can quickly share programs and data with people anywhere in the world
without having to download and configure them.

Summarize the most important information, ideas, facts, etc. presented in this article:

1. Previously there was no way to share information between computers that is why
people started looking for some ways to do it.
2. When cloud computing began to be deployed, it didn't turn out to be efficient, in
addition to the fact that it was expensive. That's why people decide to start using the
internet in 1990.
3. Cloud computing can be used by a person or by a company, depending on this the way
you use it changes.
4. Individual people often use hard drives to store their information, but they can get
damaged and everything they had saved in them would be lost, in addition to the fact that
sharing their content is tedious.
5. People sometimes use cloud computing to test programs for a certain time to decide if
they want to get it.
6. Keeping your information in the cloud is not always safe because you don't know how
the company that owns that storage will handle your information.
Name: Francisco Javier Estrada Ordoñez
7. When it comes to cloud storage, there are three types; whether in a public cloud, a
private cloud, or a hybrid cloud.

⇒ Summary
Write the final version of your summary here.

We are in the age of virtuality, where having technological knowledge has become almost a
requirement to live in this society. Previously, people had information perhaps stored on
their computer, but there were no ways to share it, let alone access it from another mobile
device. That is why between the 1950s and 1990s people started looking for alternatives that
would allow them not only to store but to share their data with someone else.

At first the idea of storing in the cloud involved a lot of time and money, because apart from
being expensive, its performance was not the best. That is why in 1990 people started using
the internet as that way they could connect computers and exchange information between
them in a faster and cheaper way.

Over time both people and companies were discovering that the idea of storing in the cloud
was very effective and would make their work much easier; that's why companies stopped
hiring people to install and configure programs to start renting them in the cloud for a certain
amount of time. In addition, people started replacing hard drive storage by using cloud
computing, because more than storing, it gives you access to your information from
anywhere and on any device.

Like everything, cloud computing has a few disadvantages, and it is not always known
whether the company that owns cloud storage is one hundred percent reliable or will use
your information for unknown purposes; that's why it's recommended to store with
companies that are known so you know that your data will be safe.

Comprehension Test
Name: Francisco Javier Estrada Ordoñez
1. When did many people start using the Internet?

A. in the 1950s

B. in the 1960s

C. in the 1970s

D. in the 1990s

2. Which of these is a part of a computer?

A. a hard drive

B. a public cloud

C. a private cloud

D. a mobile device

3. What is one problem with cloud


A. It is hard to set up.

B. It costs a lot of money.

C. It is not always safe.

D. It does not work fast.

4. Rent means paying to use something for a short time.

5. Clouds that mix public and private information are called hybrid clouds.
6. People want security, or safety, when using cloud computing.
Name: Francisco Javier Estrada Ordoñez

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