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An Adventure for Electric Bastionland Elements are painted largely in broad strokes, so fill
Written by Chris McDowall, 2020 the blanks and improvise around them.
Don’t get hung up on finding the correct answer to
any queries you have, your ideas are the new canon.

How to use this Adventure If in doubt, remember the fundamentals of making a

This adventure is written with the goal of being
accessible to use at the table with minimal • Be Honest - Give enough information to allow
preparation time beforehand. for an interesting choice. Don’t be afraid about
giving too much away, there’s enough mystery to
Each location has things that are immediately go around.
noticeable listed as bullets. Nested bullets below
each item are details that require interaction to • Be Fair - Give warnings but follow through on
reveal. For example: your word and make success and failure both
viable outcomes.

The Training Room • Be Confident - However you decide to run

with a particular element of the adventure, be
• Battered old desk bold with it! Describe places as if you’ve been
there yourself, embellish with details, and use
• Some burning damage on top silly voices.

• Drawers have all been ripped out and The group start £10,000 in debt as usual, but have
smashed on the ground been given a solid lead that could pay off most of
this in a single job!
• Scraps of paper in the smashed up
drawers show the name “Ratterly” Following this lead has led to Dwamsgarden
where they have arranged to meet their contact, the
• Broken Mirror on the wall Wormgirls in Club DIRT.

• Some of the damage was fierce enough to

damage the wall behind it
• Muddy ground with boardwalks connecting filthy buildings.

• Smell of damp cabbage.

• A thumping beat can be heard from the direction of Club DIRT

CLUB DIRT • The Dirtseer (old man with worm-infested

(allotment/rave) eye sockets behind a blindfold) has scried
her location as being beneath in the
• Filthy people dancing on vegetable-beds to Underground, below Hog Hall.
pounding drum music
• Before leaving, he insists that you take
• Four young women and one old man talking one of three items to help in the job:
intently around a wobbly table in the corner.
• Veg-Head in a Soundproof Bag.
• The four Wormgirls share a sort of Constantly screams.
collective-consciousness and want to make
the whole world dirty so that everybody is • Worm-Spade:A heavy, sharpened
equal in service of the Worm Queen. shovel (d6, Bulky).Anything chopped
Imagine teenage goths but idolosing filth off will regrow into a full being over
instead of sullenness. the next week, but they come out
• The Queen has been taken by an
anonymous captor.The reward for her • Grub-Nectar:A jar of slimy yellow
recovery is £5000, plus whatever the Queen caviar. Normally slippery but sticks
herself decides to pay (they hint this will be to flesh like glue. Sweet-salty taste
a VAST sum).They stress the importance will rouse anybody from
that she be treated appropriately for a unconsciousness.
queen, but are vague on any details of her
specific nature beyond praising her.
The Master of Rolls: Gluttonous Mock Hedgehog
Judge (5hp, d8 Ivory Pistol)
The Staff are milling around.They are:

Sal the Mock Newt Butler (3hp, DEX 18, hates

• Hates all real animals, especially invertebrates. Master and how badly he treats real animals. Has the
manner of an insincere sommelier)
• Always snacking from a pouch of slugs, one by
one: salting them, sniffing them, chewing them Krusta the Mock Shrimp Cleaner (2hp, pushing
and spitting them out. heavy prototype carpet-cleaner, just wants Sal to be
happy. Has the manner of an overly-servile waiter)
• A generous host, but threatens to have you
dragged to Mock Court at the slightest Musty the Mock Badger Bodyguard (6hp, STR
provocation before laughing it off as a joke. 15, d8 Blast Windup-Shotgun, smells awful, fiercely
loyal to Master, has the manner of an overprotective
• Allows entry to his cellar as long as you vow to brother)
give him anything valuable you find below.
When the Master of Rolls comes down to the cellar
he will start sniffing the air frantically, before calming
himself. He now has the scent of the Worm Queen
The Hall has treasures of its own. and will secretly begin to plan his own expedition to
capture and eat her.
• Three paintings of Master triumphing over
animals (£1k each)

• Master’s Fine Clothes (six outfits worth £1k


• The Cellar contains a dozen cases of fine wine

(£500 each) and winds down into a boarded-up
hatch to the Underground, specifically the Wet
• Rough natural rock with patches of algae

• Occasional puddles of filthy water

• Wooden supports prop up tunnels

1: Dank Pool

• Foul smelling pool of water

• Is actually well beyond 10ft deep

• Can be skirted around

• Water too murky to see to bottom

• Occasional bubbles

• Disturbing the water awakens a White

Crocodile (4hp, d8 jaws, flees to the
depths if hurt)

2: Sprawling Cavern • Stone Altar with a heavy wooden box

• Rough grey stone walls • Shoebox Sized

• Warm to the touch • Covered in wax, totally sealed

• Grey lizards (harmless) occasionally scurry • Faint screaming from within

across the surface
• Contains inert grey powder.
• Passageway North
• Reacts only to living touch, causing the
• Winds out of sight ash to whirl about in a screaming storm.
Eventually forms an...
• Crack in the South Wall
• Ash Wraith (3hp, ignores normal
• Can see that it leads through to a corridor, weapon attacks, d6 grabbing claws)
but needs to be blasted open.
• On Critical Damage it drains the
• Shoddy Wooden Ladder victim’s soul and returns to its box.
Those without a soul live on, but
• Breaks under any weight at all remove their CHA score,
automatically passing/failing CHA
• Leads to a crawl-space that provides saves as appropriate for a soulless
shortcut to 6 being.
3: Unstable Shack 6: Rickety Scaffolding

• Wooden doors on passageways to the S,W, E • Rotten wooden platforms leading both
downwards and upwards.
• West: Locked.Too sturdy to kick down, but
other means would work. • Collapse under any unsupported weight (d6
damage and DEX Save to avoid leg damage)
• Makeshift walls and floors made from rotten
planks of wood. • Downward: Rough chute deeper
• Bad drawings on the wall of a White Crocodile
and Machine-Monsters • Upward: Glowing from roof of the cave

• Two bedrolls on the ground, empty food cans • 3 growths of highly explosive fungus (d6
• Long abandoned

4: Silver Ooze Cave

• Tight squeeze space.

• Narrow crack running across the floor.

• Silvery glint from inside.

• Chemical odour

• Disturbing it awakens the Silver Ooze

(5hp, ignores normal weapons, reshapes at
will, d10 slam/stab/constrict and absorb on
Critical Damage.Won’t leave its cave.)

5: Hidden Store Room

• Two Old Muskets (d8, bulky, break on a roll of


• A longaxe (d8, bulky)

• A towering stash of canned food (sardines,

casserole, mushy peas)

• Hides a tiny jewellery box (modest

jewellery worth £200 total)

• A flimsy-looking chest marked “DIAMOND


• Tiny shards of glass-like crystal around the


• Break to release a toxic gas (d8 STR loss

from choking)
• Concrete tunnels painted dark blue and studded with seashells

• Sand in larger chambers

• Star Lamps in the ceiling

Encounters are now active.

Roll d6 when the group advance, make noise, or

1: An Encounter immediately meets them.

2-3: Roll an Encounter and give a clue that it is


4+: All Clear

1:The Terminus

• Concrete walls with faded posters of holiday

Encounters destinations.

1:ABYSS (see Level 3) bursting through a wall in a • Machine Terminal

hit and run attack.
• Appears dead.
2:Two Snail Drones (Sea Snails mounted on
monstrous mechanical bodies. 5hp,Armour 1, d8 • If stirred with an electric jolt,“BUNNY”
lash, maintaining and decorating the halls in an ocean awakens. She is an optimistic but unhelpful
theme to please ABYSS) companion-machine, designed to look after
those forced to live in isolation.
3: Dire Snail (10hp,Armour 2, d8 horns or glue
spray. Can shriek out to call for ABYSS) 2: Electric Hell
4: Master of the Rolls hunting the Worm Queen • Sparking wires and broken machinery
with Musky everywhere
5: Lost Wormgirl Scout (3hp, d8 Spike Rifle, • Can be navigated safely VERY SLOWLY.
assortment of specialist lamps that she’s dying to try Anybody rushing through takes d10 damage.
• Master switch in the centre of the room
6:Alpha Rocklizard desperate for meat (8hp, deactivates the power, but also cuts all the
Armour 1, d6 Bite and d6 Tail Lash on two targets, lights and kills BUNNY.
can phase in and out of rock)
3: Night Beetle Nest 6: Spare Parts Chapel

• Room walled off with a papery barrier • A vast church-like room decorated with bones

• Entirely taken over by a Night Beetle Hive, • Bones are from whales and other large
which now fills the room marine creatures

• The swarm (5hp, d6 bite, detachment. Each is • Set of Shark Jaws with a golden urn inside
dog sized. Only wants to eat light sources)
• The jaws are inert, and the urn is worth
4: Morgue £2k to the right buyer

• Cold room with two rows of metal doors on • Urn contains spare shark-teeth
the south wall
• Huge display screen sits dormant
• Each door lists a name and “KILLED BY
ABYSS” • Bloody spike on a thick cable sits below the
• Walker Mack
• Plugging a machine or creature with this
• Fresh body, pistol (d6) and spike causes their desires to be
military uniform projected onto the screen

• “Angry One”

• Foul rotten corpse, nothing left 7:The Aquarium

• “Sad One” • Dimly lit room flanked by two large glass tanks

• Foul rotten corpse, a silver • One is an enclosure for pale sea snails that
worm-ring (worthless, but the are happily crawling around eating algae
Wormgirls will pay up to £1k)
• The other is empty, but much larger and
5:Waiting Haven ornately decorated with colourful coral and
• Old fashioned leather seats and tables with
faded newspapers

5-6:The Stretch 8: Security Checkpoint

This stretch of space is different each time the • Two Snail Drones guard a set of downward
group enters, as the Underground constantly shifts stairs
beneath reality.When they traverse the stretch they
always meet one Encounter, which is rolled as • They won’t let anybody through without a
normal. good reason, and if in doubt they call for
Roll d6 for the nature of the Stretch.
• They’re currently bickering about whether
1: A spiral stairway down, impossible darkness on all life was better in the ocean or here
sides. If you press on it takes 30 minutes.
2: Well-maintained metal walkway over a seemingly
bottomless pit.
3: A railway tunnel.An automated shuttle arrives 9:The Gutting Room
after a moment. Its machine speaks through the PA
and gives safety advice before warning that ABYSS • Stench of fish
will tear apart anybody trespassing.
4: A foul sewage-side path. Disturbing the water • Twelve Snail Drones working away on metal
awakens a Sludge Spirit (10hp, d8 Acid Smash, tables
wants to make you as ugly as they are)
5: A maze of steel boxes filled with electronics. • Cleaning up the corpse of several large fish,
Damaging them alerts ABYSS but also halves his HP. carefully cleaning the bones and throwing
6: A vast abandoned warehouse, all stock rotten or the meat aside.
Massive underground lake with a rocky outcrop, where the Worm Queen is stranded, unable to swim.

Star lamps studded into stalactites and hanging rock formations above (d12 damage if triggered to fall)

Roll to see what ABYSS is doing (unless already alerted):

1: Lying in ambush for you under the water

2-3: Arguing with the Worm Queen about something inane
4-6: Docked into his terminal, unaware of you

ABYSS - Whalebone Machine The Worm Queen

Somewhere between a whale skeleton and a mecha. Anaconda-sized pink worm

STR 15, DEX 5, 8hp,Armour 2,Two Scything Bones STR 5, DEX 5, 2hp.
(d10 each) or Steam Spray (d6 Blast)
• Has two tiny arms just below her head, which
• Wants to bring the ocean to his domain has a crown-like bony crest.

• Wants to use the Worm Queen as bait to catch • Speaks like an elderly queen in a soft, barely
a worthy companion audible voice and expects to be treated with the
highest respect.
• Can tether a victim with his Mind Hook (DEX
Save or Abyss takes control of one character, • Worms will follow her orders diligently, but she
performing one action before losing connection) smells delicious to anything that would eat

• If returned, she pays £5,000 in gems if treated

perfectly to her royal standards, but strikes off
£1,000 for even the most trivial slights.At the
very least she offers a pardon for all past crimes
against wormkind.

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