About Me 2

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About Me

I’m very grateful to have a loving family and friends that care for me no matter what. I put in bullet form some
key moments from my life that will help you all get to know me better. Thanks for reading! Looking forward to
the school year!

• I worked on the entertainment and promotions teams for the Memphis Grizzlies from 2010-2018:
Got a chance to run across the court with flags, into the crowd with pump up signs, shot off tee-shirt
cannon, worked parades, watch parties etc. During player introductions I was on the court pumping up
the crowd. I embrace being an underdog and persevering through adversity. I grew through meeting so
many unique people from all over the world. It shaped my personality and helped me be bolder. I'm
passionate about getting people excited about things I believe in.

• Set High school 400m dash record (2007)

"I can do all things through Him who strengthens me" (Philippians 4:13) I wrote this verse on my track
spikes and had many of my friends and family sign them. Before every race, I would look and be
reminded what and who I was racing for. I still hold the record today fourteen years later. The memory
of winning that invitational and breaking the record I'll never forget. I felt so loved and supported.
Getting this victory helped shape my motivation to succeed and keep my head up during trials.

• Went to India on Mission trip (2016)

I have a jumping picture in front of the Taj Mahal. Ten friends and I went to an orphanage in
Hyderabad, India to work with underprivileged youth. It was eye-opening experience where I learned
about a new culture. The experience broadened my perspective of the world. The trip helped me be
more appreciative of what I have. The poverty was overwhelming. That trip led to me currently
volunteering with the University of Memphis VISA student organization. We welcome and throw events
for international students. It is so fulfilling to be a friend to this diverse group as well as introduce them
around to help them make other social connections.

• Encouraged troubled teenagers at Youth Villages-

Worked as a teacher counselor for two years. The stories these kids told me really shook me to the
core. It is unimaginable the obstacles these kids have encountered. I feel like this experience made me
a more compassionate person.

• Downline Ministries Emerging Leaders Program 2016-

In this program I learned a lot more about the bible. I met and lived with people that had come across
the country for the program. We volunteered in and out of the church. Their influence helped me in my
walk with Christ as well as assisting me in break bad habits and form positive ones. My faith brings me
joy and hope no matter my circumstances.
Favorite Verse James 3:17- “But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to
reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere.”

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