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Elective – Stem Challenge Course Grade 7 Electives



● Exploring interests, passions and skills while making personal connections to career possibilities.
● Planning, creating, appraising and communicating in response to challenges.
● Working independently and with others while exploring careers and technology.

At the end of the lesson students will be able to:
1. Make a plan to solve the challenge faced.
2. Construct a hut model that will withstand wind created by a hair dryer.
3. Use assessments and feedback to make improvements.
4. Communicate and express ideas clearly with peers.
● Popsicle sticks (25 /group)
● Straw (10 /group)
● Hair dryer (1 bring from home)
● String (5m /group)
● Newspaper construction paper (2 /group)
● Tape (2m /group)
● Glue (1 bottle /group)
● Cardboard (25cm x 25cm) (1 /group)
● Rulers (1 pack for groups who don’t have them)
● Timer (use the computer timer)
● Zipper bags (1 /group)
● Challenge1 booklet
● Have all the materials ready before class.
● Students might rush through the planning part of the lesson. Make sure to check their plans
thoroughly before giving them the material.
● Put the materials for each group in zipper bags.
Introduction Time
● Introduce the premise of the challenge to the students.
● Show pages 2 and 5 to the students. 5Min

Body Time
1) State the requirements and rules for constructing their hut.
2) Rules:
a. Let me check your plans before you can start
working on the construction.
Instructions b. Do not use excessive glue. It will take 3 days to dry 15Min
if you put too much glue on it. Show students how
much glue they should be using.
c. Remind the students that esthetics also count for
d. Students should write down how much materials
they need in their plan.
e. Not to waste material.
f. Not to throw anything in class.
g. Keep the volume moderate during class time.
h. If you are facing each other, you should have your
mask on.
i. If you want to bring more materials from for esthetic
purposes you can, but I’ll have to give you
1) Let the students pick their groups. Groups of 3 people. Or
work individually.
Group making 10 Min
2) Once they have their group, they can come to get the
challenge booklet and start planning.
1) Let the students work on their planning.
2) If they are done their plan
3) Monitor the class closely for out-of-line behaviours.
Work on their a. Yelling across the room.
project b. Gluing other stuff together.
c. Cutting school property or people.
d. Throwing things
e. No cellphones
Conclusion Time
● Collect the students’ plan and product.
● Give the students 5 minutes to clean their desks and floor. 5-10min
● Sanities their hands and get ready for lunchtime.
● Planning worksheets.
● Hut constructed.

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