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“​Hard work beats talent when talent AJ Shaw

doesn’t work hard”-Kevin Durant


As you all may know, with life, you get out what you put in and if there is nothing
being put in there is no need to expect something to be given to you because
everything in the world is earned not given. Everyone has a God given talent that
is different from the person sitting next to you and that’s what makes each and
every individual in this room special.Not everyone can afford to go to private
school, or even receive an education and eat the lunch we are provided each and
everyday given unto us by our parents not from their talents but from their hard
work each and everyday.

1.Definition( A great deal of endurance or effort)

TRANSITION: Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard

2.Quotation: 2nd Thesolonians 3:10-For even when we were with you, we gave
you this rule: "The one who is unwilling to work shall not eat."

TRANSITION: When you don’t put in the work, the incentives are not handed to
you therefore you don’t “eat”

3. Personal Story

TRANSITION: Not everyone can just accomplish goals in one day, so it takes time
and patience.

4. Testimony

TRANSITION: When you cheat the little things, the bigger things will never come
into existence .

“​Hard work beats talent when talent AJ Shaw
doesn’t work hard”-Kevin Durant
In life we all want to be successful in life and being able to provide for our family
when we enter the real world, we all want the fancy cars, the big what?
So why does that matter? When our talent fails to come through and it knocks us
down, our effort and the hard work will always pick us back up no matter what we
will always prevail through.

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