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Assignment No.4 Chapter 12: COORDINATION AND CONTROL

Q1. Encircle the best option.
1. Which type of coordination is found in plants?
(A) Chemical coordination (B) Mechanical coordination
(C) Nervous coordination (D) Electrical coordination
2. ______ included in effectors.
(A) Only muscles (B) Only glands (C) Muscles and glands (D) Brain
3. Action performed by effectors is called:
(A) Stimulus (B) Impulse (C) Response (D) Axon
4. The largest part of human brain is:
(A) Forebrain (B) Midbrain (C) Hind brain (D) Medulla
5. Central nervous system includes brain and:
(A) Notocord (B) Vertebrae (C) Spinal cord (D) heart
6. In a human eye, there are about ______ lac rods.
(A) 100 (B) 125 (C) 200 (D) 225
7. The middle layer of eye is called ______.
(A) Sclera (B) Cornea (C) Pupil (D) Choroid
8. ______ is related to hearing and smelling.
(A) Temporal lob (B) Occipital lob (C) Parietal lob (D) Frontal lob
9. Internal layer of eye is:
(A) Spot (B) Choroid (C) Retina (D) Ligament
10. Length of spinal cord is
(A) 20 cm (B) 40 cm (C) 60 cm (D) 10 cm
11. Hormone increasing level of calcium ions in blood is:
(A) Adrenaline (B) Calcitonin (C) Parathormone (D) Oxytocin
12. Disease caused by deficiency of iodine in food is called:
(A) Diabetes mellitus (B) Hyperthyroidism (C) Dwarfism (D) Goiter
13. Number of pairs of spinal nerves are:
(A) 12 (B) 21 (C) 13 (D) 31
14. The myelin sheath is secreted by:
(A) Nodes of Renvier (B) Axon (C) Dendrite (D) Schwann cell
15. Iodopsin is present in:
(A)Rods (B) Cones (C) Cornea (D) Choroid
16. This hormone is secreted in case of emergency situations.
(A) Pancreas (B) Glucagon (C) Adrenalin (D) Calcitonin
17. The unit of nervous system is:
(A) Neuron (B) Nephron (C) Alveolus (D) Bowman’s capsule
18. In neuron, the nucleus is found in:
(A) Myelin sheath (B) axon (C) Cell body (D) nodes of ranvier
19. A hormone Testosterone is secreted by:
(A) Pancreas (B) Gonads (C) Thyroid gland (D) Adrenal gland
20. The largest endocrine gland in Human body is:
(A) Adrenal gland (B) Parathyroid gland (C) pancreas (D) Thyroid gland
Q2.Give short answers to the following questions.
1. Define coordination and write down its types. 4. Define stimulus and give examples.
2. How coordination does takes place in unicellular 5. What is the difference between receptor and
organisms? response?
3. Name any four components of coordinated action 6. Differentiate between stimuli and response.
7. What is meant by receptors (sense organs)? Give 40. Describe the functions of rods and cones present
examples. in the retina of eye.
8. Define the following terms with examples: (i) 41. Owl is unable to see during day time. Give
Coordinators (ii) Effectors reasons.
9. What is neuron? Write names of its parts. 42. What is blind spot?
10. What is the difference between Dendrite and 43. Why the eyes of dogs and cats shine in the night?
axon? 44. Write the disorders of eye.
11. What is meant by myelin sheath? 45. Differentiate between Myopia and
12. Differentiate between sensory and motor Hypermetropia.
neurons. 46. How Myopia and Hypermetropia are rectified?
13. Define nerve and write the names of its two 47. What is colour blindness?
types. 48. Why Ali ibn-e-Isa is famous for?
14. Differentiate between sensory and motor nerves. 49. Write down the names of parts of internal ear.
15. What is nerve impulse? 50. Explain oval window.
16. What is meant by salutatory impulse? 51. How ears maintain the balance of body?
17. Differentiate between central and peripheral 52. What are the causes and symptoms of Paralysis?
nervous system. 53. What is meant by epilepsy? Give its two causes.
18. How brain is protected? 54. What is the difference between exocrine and
19. What are meninges in brain? Write down their endocrine gland?
functions. 55. Why Dwarfism is caused?
20. Where is the cerebrospinal fluid found? 56. What is meant by Acromegaly?
21. Write the names of four lobes of Cerebral Cortex. 57. Write the names of Hormones secreted by
22. Write down the function of occipital lobe. posterior lobe.
23. Write down the functions of Thalamus. 58. Write two functions of oxytocin.
24. What is hypothalamus? Write down its function. 59. Write the names of two hormones produced by
25. What is meant by Hippocampus? thyroid gland.
26. Write a short note on midbrain. 60. Differentiate between hypothyroidism and
27. What is the function of medulla oblongata? hyperthyroidism.
28. What is brain stem? 61. Why iodine is essential for us?
29. Define/Differentiate between reflex action and 62. What is meant by Goiter?
reflex arc. What is its pathway? 63. Write the function of Parathyroid glands.
30. Differentiate between voluntary and involuntary 64. Compare the function of hormones “insulin” and
action. “glucagon”
31. Described the pupils reflex in dim and bright light. 65. Define feedback mechanism.
32. What do you know about spinal cord? Give its 66. Describe positive feedback. Give example.
functions. / What is spinal cord? Give its length. 67. What are two types of Nervous Disorders?
33. What is meant by Grey matter? 68. What are the causes of Paralysis?
34. What are ganglia? 69. Give symptoms and causes of Epilepsy.
35. What is meant by somatic nervous system? 70. What is the treatment for Epilepsy?
36. What is autonomic nervous system? Give its
37. Differentiate between sympathetic and
parasympathetic system.
38. What are the function of retina and optic nerves?
39. Differentiate between aqueous humor and
vitreous humor.

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