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Fairy Tales

Fairy Tales 11
Teacher Teacher Guide
Kids&Us 2020
Fairy Tales 1

Kids&Us 2020
Fairy Tales 1 | Introduction

Dear teacher, The Teacher’s Guide is organised into Introduction, Cross

Reference, Lesson Plans, PHCs (only for in-class lessons),
Welcome to the new T&T Teacher Guide for the 2020/2021 Term Exams and Audio Scripts. There is a total of 68 Lesson
course which includes new and revised content for each Plans and 4 bonus sessions.
scenario A (100% face-to-face), B (blended) and C (100%
online). In this course Fairy Tales 1, you have four bonus sessions
which can be used at any point during the course if you need
In either scenario, the same advice as before applies: it further content. It is important that you do not skip a lesson
is essential that you speak English all the time and that you plan for a bonus session, they are to be used in cases such
make the students use the same language in the classroom as where there have been more holidays on class days than
and online: whenever they speak to you, whenever they speak usual for example.
to the whole class (e.g. answering a question, correcting
an exercise, etc.), and whenever they are doing pair work If all activities (including Warm-ups) are done correctly,
speaking activities. they should last for the entire class time. You should create
an academic calendar of which lesson plans need to be
covered on specific class days using My Classroom.
This is an approximation of the lessons that should be
• Ss = Students or Student covered each term:

• PHC# = photocopiable handout number

Term 1 Lessons 1 to 26
• LP = lesson plan
• CD1/CD2 = CD number Term 2 Lessons 27 to 49
• TR# = track number
Term 3 Lessons 50 to 68
• DQ = door question
• HW# = homework
• p. = page / pp. = pages
• ex. = exercise
Although you are provided with detailed lesson plans,
• FQ = focus question you must still spend some time preparing for each class.
First of all, read through the lesson plan carefully and look
STORIES at the pages and exercises that will be covered. It may be
helpful to highlight any details you think need to stand out.
The Fairy Tales courses use modern adaptations of classic For example, highlight any key vocabulary or expressions
fairy tales as a way of presenting the target grammar and which are the focus of the lesson or highlight any specific
vocabulary in context. The stories are told using a variety steps that you would like to remember.
of text types (narrative text, comics, news articles, online
conversations, diary pages, flyers), thus ensuring exposure Moreover, to make your classes run more smoothly (and
to different text types. to avoid a lot of gotcha! moments in class) It is important
to do the following:
This course is made up of 2 different stories:
• Study the keys in order to understand why an answer
• Red Riding Hoody is an adaptation of Little Red is correct and to be able to explain it to the students.
Riding Hood. It is divided into 7 chapters (Student
book pages 3-109). • Listen to the audio material before doing a listening
exercise in order to be able to point out to the
• Sidney and his Lucky Scarf is a loose adaptation students where answers are given. (If you don’t
of the Cinderella story. It is divided into 8 have time, please refer to the transcript provided
chapters (Student book pages 111-219). in this guide.)
In the book, the target grammar is highlighted in blue, • Look up any words that you anticipate may be
and the vocabulary is highlighted in red. challenging to explain to the students (If you don’t
have much time, feel free to take an English-English
dictionary into class with you.)
• Ask your coordinator if there is a part that is not clear

Kids&Us 2020
to you and please consult the head office regarding use a PC or laptop rather than a mobile device to access the
any confusing points that other teachers share, of platform, especially when giving or attending online classes.
which there may be many.

At the end of each lesson you will find a section called

The total length of an in-class lesson for Fairy Tales 1 is NEXT CLASS PREPARATION. You only need to pay attention
90 minutes. The task timings are included on the Lesson to this section if your course is 100% online or blended. This
Plans. These are estimated times that it should take for you must only be explained to the students if your next class
to do the activities in class. Please keep in mind: is online. As the online classes are shorter than in-class
lessons students need to do some preparation in order to
• That you should always go through the next class
make sure that all the course content is covered in academic
preparation tasks (if applicable), assigning of
year. This preparation is compulsory, and students will not
homework and other key activities before doing a
be able to take part in the online lesson without doing it
game or optional activity.
beforehand. Correction of the preparation material will take
• These timings are not set in stone as class size will place in the class, in some cases when there are a lot of
vary, but you should try to stick to them as closely exercises you will find the Key not only in the LP but also in
as possible. the O.T within the task. At some points you may decide to
• If you see that the students need more time to share your screen (Sh.S) with the students so that they can
complete an exercise or are participating very see the key to speed things up, this is ok but remember not
enthusiastically in an activity, you may want to to show the Teacher Gudie or lesson plans to the students.
continue with it rather than cut them off.
You can suggest to your students that they log on 15
• Some activities may take a bit more time whereas minutes before the class to do their preparation so that it
others may take a little less time; however, the idea is fresh in their mind when they join the class. If you are
is to help keep you on track and not spend too much teaching an in-class lesson and the next class is online, we
time on any one activity. recommend that you write a box on the board clearly with
the preparation activities (it is preferable that you do this
Some of the steps in an activity are marked OPTIONAL. It
before the class starts). For example, if you are teaching
is up to each teacher’s discretion whether or not this step
Lesson#5_in and the next class is Lesson#6_on you can
should be taken. Eliciting structures and vocabulary before
write the following.
going into the lesson is always a useful way to get the students
thinking. However, if you see that they aready use a structure
quite comfortably or have done well on previous exercises This is Lesson#5
on the same topic, feel free to skip these steps. This goes
Preparation for next class - Lesson#6 (online)
the same with some of the follow-up steps in activities.
Read Chapter 1
If you have a small group or get through a lesson plan and complete ex. A, B and C.
quickly, there is usually a section called Any Remaining Time.
You can use this filler activities only if necessary. Feel free Students can also at any time access the T&T zONe and
to recycle on other days. find the preparation work outlined at the end of the previous
class or at the beginning of their next (online) class.
T&T zONe
The T&T zONe is where all homework is accessed and
completed and in the case of a blended course it is also where All homework for T&T is online in the T&T zONe. You will
the online class will take place via the webinar function. need to tell your students which homework they have to do,
You should contact your school for your login details, we for example HW#4, and which lesson it relates to (Lesson 5),
recommend that you log in before the course starts to so that they can find it easily on the platform. Homework is
familiarise yourself with the different functionalities. always assigned on the last class day before the weekend.
The students’ results for certain types of activity (crossword,
It is always advisable to use Google Chrome when wordsearch, gap fill) will be communicated directly to My
accessing the T&T zONe, make sure that you pass this onto Classroom. Others such as writing tasks, will need to be
your students. In addition, we advise teachers and students to

Kids&Us 2020
Fairy Tales 1 | Introduction

entered manually by you into My Classroom, once you have an “Oscar”!

received and corrected the assignment. These homework
tasks have to be downloaded from the T&T zONe, corrected - Use of fillers. “So” for questions and “well” for answers.
and uploaded so the student can see your feedback. Once When the kids need a moment to think before they answer
this is done remember to enter the mark and feedback into a question they need to fill that moment with “Um, well,
My Classroom. let me think for a sec...” or “Well, that’s an interesting
question…” or the like. Even an “I don’t know” must be
You will find the information of which HW to assign, where embellished and expanded. Teach kids to say things like
to find it on the platform and if you need to enter it manually “That’s a good question. I’m afraid I don’t know.” Encourage
or not in each lesson plan. Again, it is recommended that you even exaggerated over-use of these rhetorical tools in the
write the HW#3 number on the board and whether this can be classroom, which will lead to a proper low-key use of them
found in the OHW section or the within the associated lesson in the “real world”. Other fillers to use include “Actually...”,
plan. If you are teaching online and assigning homework “Basically,...”, “Right, so...”.
you can Sh.S and show the students exactly where to find
the homework assignments. Here are some key expressions we want students to use:

a. A tough one for difficult exercises or questions.

Type of HW Location What do I need to do? b. A no-brainer for easy ones.

OHW section
Nothing. These c. Oh, really – why is that?
Tweens 1 – marks go to
OHW# on the T&T d. Well, actually… for answering any questions
Teens 2 My Classroom
automatically except those for which it’s actually inappropriate.
HW#4 (A) goes
e. So… for asking any questions except those for
automatically to My
T&T zONe
Tweens 1 – Classroom HW#5 which it’s actually inappropriate.
HW# (in the relevant
Teens 6 (M) needs to be
lesson) f. Let me point out that… to use in your
entered manually by
the teacher. explanations.
g. Let’s flip a coin to see which team get to go first.
Use “Let’s flip a coin!” to decide anything that
SPEAKING comes up like this. T always does the flip – too
time-consuming to let Ss do it.
Your Fairy Tales 1 students have been learning using the
Kids&Us method for between 6 to 10 years (at least since → What if they make mistakes?
the Oliver course). This means they have been listening to
around 10 min of English at home nearly every day (the It’s important to highlight any mistakes that are
student’s CD) for most of their lives, and they have been inappropriate to the level: using the Present Simple when
speaking in full sentences for at least 6 years in class. the Past Simple/Present Perfect/Present Continuous/will/
be going to should be used; using simple words when more
This means: elaborate vocabulary has been worked on; errors with
prepositions that we’ve worked on, etc.
a. our students are used to speaking English in
class using full sentences. When one of these mistakes is made, make sure you
b. our students’ linguistic background is immense: let students know using a gesture (knocking the table,
our expectations of how well they speak in class raising a finger, making a face...). Then let students work
should be very high! out themselves where the problem is. If they can’t, repeat
the sentence back to them highlighting the mistake or ask
This includes: them questions. For instance:

- Proper intonation. Don’t allow “robot talk”. (You may Ss: Susan start to cry and...
want to model “robot talk” to make them laugh and to (T makes silent gesture)
demonstrate exactly what they shouldn’t do). When modelling
Ss: Susan starts to cry?
sentences, use slightly exaggerated intonation to convey
the emotional meaning of the content. Encourage use of T: Every day? She starts to cry everyday?
this slightly exaggerated intonation among the students, as Ss: Uh. Susan started to cry.
it will lead to good normal intonation in the “real world”.
When students use really good intonation you can give them T: Or... (mimes “burst into tears”)

Kids&Us 2020
Fairy Tales 1 | Introduction

Ss: Susan burst into tears! As she passed by the group of teenagers,
X Extra word
T: Awesome! she saw him a handsome boy.
As she passed by the group of teenagers,
M Missing word
→ Use of gestures _ saw a handsome boy.
As she passed by the group of teenagers,
TF Too formal
New neurological studies involving mirror neurons have she observed a handsome boy.
shown how using gestures helps in language learning in As she passed by the group of teenagers,
TI Too informal
several ways. Of course, we all know that when we use she saw a real hottie.
gestures while talking, the people listening and watching us She saw passing a teenagers group a
have extra clues to meaning. But in addition to this obvious ? Not clear
handsome boy.
benefit, when Ss use gestures while talking, their words come As she passed by the group of teenagers,
more easily. And after learning a new word or expression ! Silly mistake
she seed a handsome boy.
and a gesture to go with it, that word or expression is more
likely to stick in the Ss’ brains. Also when they have a word For homework assignments where the answers are
that has been taught along with a gesture on the tip of sentence-level (a complete sentence), you should use a point
their tongue the teacher can use the gesture to help them system with each answer counting as one point. You may
remember. not know how many points to deduct, especially in cases
when students have made more than one mistake within a
CORRECTING WRITTEN ASSIGNMENTS single word, expression or structure.

Written assignments (homework or preparation tasks) will Here is a deduction scheme that has proved useful but
be done in the Portfolio section in the T&T zONe, which will again: you may want to adapt it to particular assignments and
be available for you to correct online in order to give your / or exercises. In any case, it shows how different types of
students some feedback on their writing tasks. mistakes could be weighed in relation to each other. The third
column offers symbols that may prove useful for highlighting
Teachers, especially less experienced ones, may find it the different types of mistakes.
useful to have some guidelines regarding the correction of
written tasks such as homework, mock tests and exams. Mistake Deduction Symbol
As a T&T teacher you are not obliged to use the following Wrong
Deduct 0.3 points
tips and if you do, please feel free to modify them so as to verb tense
create a tool that works for you. Deduct 0.5 points for any known words
or words worked on, as well as for
As with the Silent Correction technique, it can be useful words that appear in the heading of
for teachers not to correct students’ errors but rather point Wrong the exercise or a example given
them out and give the students the opportunity to correct spelling
Deduct 0.2 points for any words that
themselves. Correction codes help when you want to highlight are new or of a higher level than the
to your students that something is not correct or could be students are expected to use
better without actually giving away the correct answers.
Remember that we want our students to think about their Deduct 0.3 points
errors. Short annotations could be:
If a student makes several spelling mistakes in a single
Code Use Example word, only one deduction should be made. Also, you may only
As she passed next the group of want to deduct the penalisation for one mistake if a student
WW Wrong word
teenagers, she saw a handsome boy. commits a combination of errors within one single expression
As she passed by the group of teenagers, or a short sentence. The points deducted should be the ones
WT Wrong tense for the mistake that penalises the most. Said deduction
she sees a handsome boy.
As she passed by the group of teenagers, scheme may be used together with the aforementioned codes.
WF Wrong form
he saw a handsome boy.
As she by the group of teenagers passed, Here is an example of how you could correct the mistakes
WO Word order in the sentence: “I’m going to be better at playing football.”
she saw a handsome boy.
As she passed by the gruop of teenagers,
SP Spelling
she saw a handsome boy. SP WF
As she passed by the group of teenagers; I’m going to be beter in football.
P Punctuation
she saw a handsome boy.

Kids&Us 2020
Fairy Tales 1 | Introduction

According to the deduction scheme, only the highest

penalising error should be taken into account, what would
result in a deduction of 0.5 points for the wrong spelling of
the word “better”, which your students should know. This course marks the start of one significant change to
what is an essential part of the Ss learning process. Rather
As always, you should not forget to highlight what your than having a CD to listen to on a daily basis, the Tweens 3
students did well. Any high level vocabulary, correctly used course has an app, which the students should download at
structures you have been working on and / or idioms are the start of the school year.
worth to be pointed out.
The objective of the app is the same as the CD’s, to provide
BRITISH VS AMERICAN ENGLISH LIST audio content for the Ss to listen to, which will help to further
embed the content covered in class.

At the end of their books, on p. 220, Ss will find a list of There is one audio for each teaching week of the school
British words with their American equivalents. The words year. The Ss will need to listen to the audio and complete the
included in the list appear underlined in some parts of the accompanying exercises to have access to the next audio.
story and, therefore, should be checked after reading. The
Lesson Plan will tell you when to do so. The app, which represents a talent show on TV, consists of 2
parts which are related to the 2 stories of the students’ book.
The ”British vs. American” activity should not take more On the first day you will need to give them their username
than 5 minutes of the lesson and teachers will have to make and password, along with the password necessary to unlock
sure Ss know that the vocabulary they will be tested on the activities related to the first story. On the first class of the
in exams is the one that appears in the story and not the second story, you will need to give them the corresponding
American equivalent. password.

However, since our Ss are likely to be exposed to American You should encourage the use of the app amongst your
English on the TV or in online series, blogs, YouTube videos, students by asking them about their progress.
films or books, it is useful for Ss to be aware of American
English equivalents to the words they are learning in class. In case the students don’t own a mobile phone yet or don’t
have access to a phone or any other portable device easily,
they should ask their centre for a Student CD. The content of
the audio files on the CD and in the app is mostly the same.

On p. 221 of their Student books, Ss will find an empty

grid with the following headings:

• Verb (V1) = the base of the verb, e.g., be

• Yesterday (V2) = the past simple affirmative form, All written tests should take place during an in-class
e.g., was, were session if you’re doing a blended course, which means that
you may need to switch the test days if it falls on an online
• So Far (have/has V3) = the past participle, e.g., been
lesson day.
As indicated in the Lesson Plans, Ss will have to scan the
story texts looking for irregular verbs. Once a new irregular → Written tests
verb is found in the text, it has to be added to this Irregular
Verbs list at the end of their books. This way, the list becomes There are 6 written tests in total:
something that they have been involved in creating, and Ss are
more likely to make use of it and to remember the irregular
verb forms.
Red Riding Hoody
In the Irregular Verbs Key section in this teacher Guide, you
will find a list of all the irregular verbs covered throughout
the course in alphabetical order. Since the stories have been • Test 1 (Story Chapters 1-2)
written to focus on B1 language, most A1-B1 irregular verbs • Test 2 (Story Chapters 3-4)
are included. • Test 3 (Story Chapters 5-7)

Kids&Us 2020
Fairy Tales 1 | Introduction

“The students who need encouragement the most are

Sidney and his Lucky Scarf often the least likely to receive it.” (Timothy Evans)

• Test 1 (Story Chapters 1-2)

It is crucial to give encouragement to ALL our students
and most teachers do, from time to time, use certain words
• Test 2 (Story Chapters 3-5) or phrases to encourage their students. Repetition of these
• Test 3 (Story Chapters 6-8) words can lack meaning. Therefore, a list of words and
phrases have been compiled (see below) to be used in class.
The written tests provide a combination of Listening, Lack of encouragement could trigger attention seeking
Reading, Writing, Grammar and Vocabulary activities, so behaviour, so please try to encourage all your students when
that each skill or area is tested at least 3 times throughout they show effort, attention, speak in longer sentences or
the year. use more complex language.

The Lesson Plan before a Test is always devoted to finishing

any remaining activities in the chapter and/or reviewing the
important grammar and vocabulary.

→ Oral tests

There are 3 Oral Tests in total:

• Oral Test 1 (LP#21)

• Oral Test 2 (LP#42)
• Oral Test 3 (LP#65)

They are scheduled so that you can do an oral test towards

the end of each term. The Oral Test Lesson Plans have been
written so that you have activities to keep the group busy
while you test each S individually. However, since groups
may be smaller or larger, you may need to adjust activities
to suit your needs.


→ Door Questions (DQs)

As Ss leave class they must answer a door question (DQs)

as a “ticket” to leave. These must be included every day
even if you haven’t had time to finish that day’s exercises
that come before. Be sure to keep this in mind near the end
of class for good timing.

Have Ss repeat back these questions in the first person

singular before answering them.


T: So, Mariona, what are you going to do this evening

after class?
Ss: What am I going to do this evening after class? Well,


Kids&Us 2020
Fairy Tales 1 | Introduction


I’m proud of the way you worked

Excellent! Congratulations. You got it right!

Fantastic! You’re doing that much better today. You did a lot of work today.

Good work! That’s the best you’ve ever done. I’m very proud of you.

Great! You’re doing a good job. I like that.

How do you feel about what you have

Now you’ve figured it out. You’re doing fine!
I noticed how long you stuck with
That’s quite an improvement. You are really learning a lot.

I’m listening. I knew you could do it. I’ve never seen anyone do it better.

I’m sure you can find a way to solve

Congratulations! Keep on trying.
this problem.

Look at what you’ve accomplished! Not bad. Keep working on it.

Marvelous! That’s the best ever. You’re improving.

Outstanding! You’ve just about mastered it. You are learning fast.

Perfect! That’s better than ever. Well done!

Superb! Much better! What do you think?

Terrific! You must have been practicing. What would you do about it?

Thanks for helping. You did that very well. Why don’t you try again?

That’s right! Now that’s what I call a fine job. Wonderful!

That’s good. That’s great. Wow!

You’re really working hard today. You’re really improving. You did it!

You must feel so proud of yourself

You are very good at that. You’re doing beautifully!
right now!
You worked so hard on that! It really
That’s much, much better! You certainly did well today.

Exactly right. Keep it up! I knew you could do it!

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Kids&Us 2020
Cross Reference
Red Riding Hoody

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Kids&Us 2020
Red Riding Hoody | Cross Reference


• TR#4 (Chapter 1, part 1) • Going to • PHC#1 (Tweens 2 Revision)
Tell Ss to
download the • PHC#2 (Be into)
• TR#1 (Used to Song) • Tense revision • PHC#3 (Used to song) • HW#1 (A)
Tell Ss to
start playing • Connectors
Susan vs. • Used to / didn’t use to

• Tense revision • PHC#4 (Tense revision) • HW#1 (A)

LESSON 3 • Used to / didn’t use to
Susan vs. • Can / could / must / may
Skateboarder (deductions)
• Irregular verbs

• TR#1 (Used to Song) • Tense revision • PHC#4 (Tense revision) • OHW#1

• TR#5 (Chapter 1, part 2) • May have / must have (deductions
LESSON 4 - past)
• TR#6 (Gran Buys Present)
• Used to / didn’t use to

• TR#6 (Gran Buys Present) • Tense revision • PHC#5 (Mime it) • OHW#1
• Past simple
LESSON 5 • Possessives
Susan vs. Roller
Skater • Questions
• Before / after / while + ing
• Use to / didn’t use to

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Red Riding Hoody | Cross Reference


• TR#7 (Chapter 2, part 1) • Irregular verbs • PHC#4 (Tense revision) • HW#2 (A)
• TR#1 (Used to Song) • Tense revision
• Second conditional
• Past continuous

• Past continuous vs. past simple • HW#2 (A)

Susan vs. • Tense revision
Football juggler • Be going to

• TR#8 (Chapter 2, part 2) • Tense revision • OHW#2

• TR#1 (Used to Song) • Question formation

• TR#9 (Chapter 2 Gapfill) • Tense revision • PHC#6 (Tense revision) • OHW#2

LESSON 9 • TR#10 (The Sales) • Second conditional • PHC#7 (Dice game)
Susan vs.
Traceur • Object pronouns • PHC#8 (The sales)
• Present perfect

• TR#1 (Used to Song) • Tense revision • OHW#3

LESSON 10 • Question formation
• Irregular verbs

• TR#1 (Used to Song) • Tense revision • OHW#3

LESSON 11 • Question formation • Schedule Test 1
• Irregular verbs

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Kids&Us 2020
Red Riding Hoody | Cross Reference


• Tense revision • PHC#4 (Tense revision) • Prepare for the test

• Advice (should- shouldn’t) • PHC#9 (Summary writing practice)
Susan vs. Trick • Used to
Rider • May have / must have
• Second conditional

• TR#11 (Chapter 3, part 1) • Tense revision • RRH TEST 1 • OHW#4

LESSON 13 • TR#23 (RRH Test) • Irregular verbs • PHC#10 (BMX flyers)
• Be going to

• TR#2 (Make You Proud Song) • Tense revision • PHC#10 (BMX flyers) • OHW#4
LESSON 14 • Reflexive pronouns
Susan vs. Belly
Dancer • Advice (should- shouldn’t)
• Question formation

• TR#12 (Chapter 3 put the text in • Reflexive pronouns • PHC#10 (BMX flyers) • HW#3 (A)
• Tense revision • PHC#11 (Tense revision)
• Irregular verbs • PHC#12 (Chapter 3 put the text in
• Question formation

• TR#2 (Make You Proud Song) • Reflexive pronouns • HW#3 (A)

LESSON 16 • TR#13 (Chapter 3, part 2) • Collocations, adverbs, prepositions
• Tense revision
vs. Ballet
Dancer • Advice (should- shouldn’t)
• Question formation

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Kids&Us 2020
Red Riding Hoody | Cross Reference


• TR#14 (Have something done) • Tense revision • PHC#11 (Tense revision) • OHW#5
• TR#1 (Used to Song) • Question words
• TR#2 (Make You Proud Song) • Have something done
• Comparatives & superlatives

• Tense revision • PHC#13 (Before / after / while + • OHW#5

• Reflexive pronouns
LESSON 18 • Have something done
Susan vs.
• Before / after / while + V-ing
Dancer • Will (future)
• Irregular verbs
• Comparatives & superlatives

• TR#2 (Make You Proud Song) • Present perfect • PHC#14 (Tense revision) • OHW#6
• TR#15 (Chapter 4, part 1) • Irregular verbs
• Have something done
• Comparatives & superlatives

• TR#16 (BMX Expert) • Tense revision • OHW#6

• Suffix -FUL
LESSON 20 • Comparatives & superlatives
Susan vs.
Rope Jumper • First conditional
• Used to / didn’t use to
• Present perfect

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Kids&Us 2020
Red Riding Hoody | Cross Reference


• TR#17 (Chapter 4, part 2) • First conditional • PHC#15 (Game: silence!) • HW#4 (M)
• Tense revision
• Irregular comparatives &
• Irregular verbs
• Second conditional

LESSON 22 • Question formation • PHC#16 (Information exchange) • HW#4 (M)

Susan vs. Aerial
Dancer • Have something done

• TR#2 (Make You Proud Song) • Past perfect vs. past simple • PHC#18 (Dice game) • Revise for the exam
LESSON 23 • TR#18 (BMX Points) • On my own / by myself
• Used to / didn’t use to

• Comparatives & superlatives • PHC#18 (Dice game) • Revise for the exam
Susan vs. • Superlative + ever
Pole Vaulter • On my own / by myself

LESSON 25 • Tense revision • RRH TEST 2 • OHW#7

(TEST 2) • Past perfect vs. past simple • PHC#17 (Classmates comparison)

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Kids&Us 2020
Red Riding Hoody | Cross Reference

• TR#19 (Sound Effects) • Object pronouns • PHC#19 (Tense revision) • OHW#7

• Tense revision • PHC#17 (Classmates comparison)
• Irregular verbs
LESSON 26 • Comparatives & superlatives
Susan vs. • (Not) as + adj + as
Dog Trainer
• For / since
• Must / may / can / could
• Second conditional

• Past perfect • PHC#26 (Last Christmas) • OHW#8

• Question formation • PHC#20 (Have you ever...?)
• Must have been (showing empathy)
• Present perfect
• Object pronouns

• TR#20 (Chapter 5, part 2) • (Not) as + adj + as • PHC#21 (Script) • OHW#8

• TR#3 (RRH Song) • Tense revision
• Irregular verbs
Susan vs. • Question formation
Hand Walker • Superlatives + ever
• Present continuous
• Since / for

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Red Riding Hoody | Cross Reference

• TR#3 (RRH Song) • Irregular verbs • PHC#22 (Game: silence!) • HW#5 (A)
• Tense revision
• Second conditional
• Superlatives + ever
• Yet / already
• Have something done

• Tense revision • PHC#9 (Summary writing practice) • HW#5 (A)

• Yet / already
• Reflexive pronouns
Susan vs.

• TR#3 (RRH Song) • Irregular verbs • PHC#24 (RRH song bingo) • OHW#9
• Advice (should / shouldn’t)
• (Not) as + adj + as
• Relative pronouns

• TR#3 (RRH Song) • Past perfect • OHW#9

LESSON 32 • Irregular verbs

Susan vs.

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Red Riding Hoody | Cross Reference

• Relative pronouns • HW#6 (A)

• (Not) as + adj + as
• Superlatives
• For / since
• First conditional

• TR#3 (RRH Song) • For / since • HW#6 (A)

• TR#21 (Chapter 7, part 1) • Irregular verbs
• First conditional
Susan vs.

• Yet / already • PHC#25 (For / since recap) • OHW#10

• For / since
• Ever / never

• TR#22 (Chapter 7, part 2) • Present perfect • PHC#23 (Deductions recap) • OHW#10

• Possessives
• Suffix -LESS
Susan vs.
Levitator • Must have been
• Used to / didn’t use to

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Red Riding Hoody | Cross Reference

• TR#22 (Chapter 7, part 2) • For / since • PHC#27 (Relative pronouns and • Revise for exam
• (Not) as + adj + as vocabulary revision)
• TR#3 (RRH Song)
• Yet / already
DAY • Ever / never
• Suffix -LESS

• TR#24 (Test 3 Listening) • Question formation • PHC#29 (Pair matching contest) • Revise for exam
• Negatives • RRH Test 3

• TR#1 (Life in Thalou Song) • Irregular verbs • HW#7 (M)

• TR#5 (Chapter, 1 part 1) • Always /often / sometimes
Sidney vs.
Paint Artist

• TR#6 (Sid’s Family) • Adverbs • PHC#1 • HW#7 (M)

• TR#7 (Chapter, 1 part 2)


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Kids&Us 2020
Red Riding Hoody | Cross Reference

• TR#1 (Life in Thalou Song) • Irregular verbs • PHC#3 (Pronoun practice) • OHW#11
• TR#8 (Holidays in Thalou) • Irregular plurals
Sidney vs.

• TR#1 (Life in Thalou Song) • Irregular plurals • PHC#2 • OHW#11

• TR#9 (Chapter, 2 part 1) • Adverbs – revision • PHC#3 A-D
• Vocabulary revision
• Irregular verbs

• TR#10 (Announcement by the • Predictions • HW#8 (A)

• Word formation: nouns & adjectives
• Second conditional
Sidney vs.

• TR#1 (Life in Thalou Song) • Tense revision • PHC#4 • HW#8 (A)

• TR#11 (Chapter 2, part 2) • Adverbs- revision • PHC#5 A&B
LESSON 43 • 2nd conditional • PHC#6
• Irregular verbs

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Red Riding Hoody | Cross Reference

• Subject pronouns • Revise for exam

• Object pronouns
Sidney vs. • Possessive adjectives
Magic Cube • Possessive pronouns
Solver • Adverbs
• Going to (predictions)

• Word formation (adj vs. adv -LY) • Revise for exam

(REVISION • Possessive pronouns & adjectives
DAY) • Subject and Object pronouns

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In-Class Lesson Plans
Fairy Tales 1

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Lesson#1_in Fairy Tales 1

• Fairy Tales 1 book per S

• 1 Tweens shoulder bag per S
• Ss will get to know each other. • 1 Kids&Us binder per S
• Ss will introduce their classmates in 3rd person.
• Ss will understand the course dynamics and 2.– TASK 1: GETTING TO KNOW EACH OTHER
rules. (10-15 MIN.)
• Ss will predict what is going to happen in the story.
→ Step 1: Explain to Ss what a breakout room (BOR) is
• Ss will apply the structure “going to” to talk about and why it is going to be an essential part of the course.
future plans. Tell Ss that a BOR is “a virtual room created in an online
environment in order to split up a group of students into
MATERIALS smaller groups that can talk and collaborate”. Also, tell
them that throughout the online classes they will be put
together either in pairs or in groups of 3 or more to carry out
• PHC#30 (Term 1 Activities password)
certain speaking activities for which they will be sent to BOR.
• PHC#2 (one per S)
→ Step 2: Now pair up Ss randomly so that they know
PROCEDURE who they are going to work with on the following activity.

→ Step 3: Explain to Ss that they will have to interview their

1.– WARM-UP (10 MIN.) classmate by asking him/her about the following: name, age,
school, family, hobbies, how long they have been studying
→ Step 1: Welcome Ss to their new blended course. First English and whatever else occurs to them. You may want
introduce yourself briefly but in complete sentences. Mention to write these concepts down on the whiteboard so that
your name, age, where you are from, hobbies and how long they don’t forget about anything. Aim for questions such as:
you have been teaching English. Set an example on how they “What’s your name?”, “How old are you?”, “Where do you
are expected to answer in class. study?”, “Have you got any brothers or sisters?”, “What
do you like to do in your free time?”, “How long have you
→ Step 2 (optional): Skip this step if your school has chosen been studying English?”, etc. Encourage Ss to come up
scenario A (100% on-site classes) and only do it if scenario with this type of questions to ask their classmates in order
B was chosen (blended classes, 50% online, 50% on-site). to find out as much information as possible about them.
Briefly explain to Ss that this first class is a face-to-face The more information they can get, the better. Give Ss 7
class, whereas the other ones will be alternating between minutes to do the task.
online and face-to-face classes throughout the course.
→ Step 4: Meanwhile, circulate to monitor each pair’s
→ Step 3: Let Ss introduce themselves but ask them to conversation and to help them out if necessary. Note down
just say their names for now. Then, to do some more ice on the whiteboard any points worth mentioning.
breaker talking, ask Ss the following questions. Remember to
encourage Ss to give you as complete answers as possible:
• What did you do during the summer holidays?
• Have you been anywhere special? → Step 1: After the 7 minutes are over, ask each of the Ss
to introduce their classmates by using the third 3rd person
• Did you help your parents with housework? singular and structures such as: “His/Her name is… and
• Have you been to the beach? he/she is… years old”, etc. Algo give Ss some general
feedback on their performance while you were listening to
• Have you been to the mountains? their conversations.
• Did you practise any sports?
• Have you done any homework? 4.– TASK 2: INTRODUCTION TO THE COURSE &
• Describe a usual day in your life during summer. CLASS RULES (15 MIN.)

→ Step 3: Once everybody's had the chance to talk, hand → Step 1: Ask the Ss to take out their books and have a
out the student material. Each S should get: quick look at them. Highlight some of the different sections
and draw their attention to different types of exercise

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Lesson#1_in Fairy Tales 1

(grammar, vocabulary, speaking, listening, etc.). Also, point 5.– OPEN CLASS FEEDBACK (5-10 MIN.)
out to them that the book contains 2 different stories. Ask
them to look at the cover of the book and have each S come → Step 1: Ask a different pair each time to share their
up with a prediction on what the stories could be about. doubts, questions and/or concerns. Clarify all their doubts
Encourage them to use the structure “going to” to make and solve questions if needed. Then give Ss some feedback
their predictions. based on the monitoring you have carried out if you have
noticed anything they should take into account for next time.
→ Step 2: Once again remind Ss that this course will be a
blended course, split up into 50% face-to-face sessions and
the other 50% online. The face-to-face sessions will be 90 6.– SPEAKING, PHC#2 (10 MIN.)
minutes long, whereas the online sessions will mostly focus
on speaking and interactive activities in pairs and groups → Step 1: Hand out PHC#2 to Ss. Ask a S to read and
and will be 60 minutes long (including a 5 min. break), which explain ex. 1. Then allow them a couple of minutes to work
means that the remaining 30 minutes of the class are to on the ex. individually. They can draw something they are
be spent doing class preparation before the next class. The into in the empty box.
preparation activities are typically reading- and vocabulary-
focused tasks and, sometimes, a listening activity might Walk around to help them when necessary.
also be required.
→ Step 3 (App): Inform the Ss that they will be expected to
baking | swimming | skiing | painting | photography | tennis
play with the Tuned In app designed specifically for the course.
| cooking | (Ss’ own answers)
Inform them that the listenings are based on both the story
and on different grammar, vocabulary and comprehension → Step 2: Another S reads and explains ex. 2. First Ss fill
activities. Inform Ss that the activities they find on the app in the first column individually. Then they interview two other
can help them learn English. classmates. Allow them to stand up and move around freely.

→ Step 4: Hand out PHC#30 to Ss. Inform them that the Walk around to make sure the correct verb tenses are
PASSWORD for the first term activities is SUSAN. always used.
→ Step 5: Explain the following to Ss:
• The app consists of 2 blocks (focused on the course’s 7.– OPEN CLASS FEEDBACK (5 MIN.)
main characters: Susan and Sidney) and each block
→ Step 1: Ask a different S each time to share their
contains 3 episodes, with several “shows” per
findings about their two classmates. Make sure they apply
episode in which the main character competes
the “to be into” structure and the verb tenses correctly.
against someone different (Susan vs. …, Sidney vs.
Also, give Ss some feedback based on the monitoring you
…). Tell Ss that the shows are basically activities.
have carried out if you have noticed any points they should
• Each show (Susan vs. Skateboarder, Sidney vs. take into account for next time.
Opera Singer, etc.) contains 2 compulsory activities,
Qualifying round and Showtime; whereas the last
exercise called Rehearsal is extra activities. 8.– WRAP-UP: SPEAKING (10 MIN.)
• The app shows or activities will become an integral
→ Step 1: Ask Ss if they know another way to make
part of the course, because as a teacher you will
predictions or to refer to the future but which is NOT “will”.
need to ask them if they have played with the app
They should already be familiar with it. However, give them
at the beginning of the class. This will be a way for
an example, “My sister will wait for me outside”, and get Ss
them to keep up with the course.
to come up with enough examples of their own to understand
→ Step 6: Put Ss in pairs or in groups of 3, as you consider what the future refers to in case they don’t know or don’t
necessary. Ask them to come up with 2 points or concerns remember. Then elicit the structure “going to” to make
regarding the following topics: predictions. Ask Ss the following questions:

• Doubts about the course • (Ss’ name), what are you going to do this weekend?
• Rules for behaviour and expectations during the • (Ss’ name), what are you going to do on Tuesday
course at 6 pm?
• (Ss’ name), what are you going to do next summer?
→ Step 7: Allow Ss to discuss any doubts and questions
for 3 minutes. Circulate to monitor their conversations. • (Ss’ name), what are you going to have for dinner?

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Lesson#1_in Fairy Tales 1

• (Ss’ name), what time are you going to go to bed

• (Ss’ name), what are you going to be when you grow
• (Ss’ name), what are you going to get for your
• (Ss’ name), what are you going to do on Sunday at
11 am?

→ Step 2: If your next class is an online class, they need

to do the preparation work (you will find this information
at the end of the LP). This is essential because otherwise
they will not be able to take part in the class. Go through
the preparation work and have Ss write down the ex. they
will need to complete.


• Download and play with the Tuned In app
• Encourage Ss to come up with any doubts,
questions and concerns regarding the course


If your next class is online, Ss must do the following

preparation which should take no more than 30 mins.

Students must do the following at home in time for the

next class.

• Read Ch. 1 Part 1, p. 5

• Complete ex. 2 & 3A, pp. 5-6

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Lesson#2_in Fairy Tales 1

shortcut and arrived at the grandmother’s house before

her. The wolf gobbled up the poor granny and dressed in
her clothes. When the little girl arrived at the house, she
• Ss will brainstorm the possible similarities between found her granny looked quite odd (“What big ears you
Little Red Riding Hood and the new story. have”…). When she finally asked “What big teeth you have!”,
• Ss will predict in more depth what is going to happen the wolf replied “The better to eat you with!” and started
in the story. chasing her. She cried for help and luckily, a hunter who
was nearby heard her and saved her. He made the wolf
• Ss will identify the meaning of vocabulary and
spit out the grandmother, who was still in one piece, and
expressions from Ch. 1 Part 1.
Little Red Riding Hood learned an important lesson about
• Ss will answer comprehension questions about not talking to strangers.
Ch. 1 Part 1.
→ Step 2: Get a volunteer to read and explain the exercise.
• Ss will apply the structure “to be into”.
If they get stuck, try asking other classmates for help.
Remember: let them do the talking!
Remind Ss the Language Boxes (Lg. Box) contain the
• Track #4 most important information they need to remember for
tests (and real life!). Elicit from Ss the words needed to
PROCEDURE complete the box:

1.– WARM-UP (5 MIN.) is | are
→ Step 1: Call the register. Generate a brief conversation → Step 3: Now Ss look at the pictures and brainstorm
about whether Ss own a mobile phone or have access to ideas about the plot of the story, who is going to die, etc.
a tablet. If yes, ask what they use them for. Also, ask Ss and write them down in the boxes under each picture. The
whether they have downloaded the app and if they have most important is that Ss apply the structure “going to” to
already started using it: “Have you started using the app come up with their predictions.
yet?” or, “How many times have you played with the app
this week?”. Encourage them to answer, “I have started Circulate helping (remember to make them think) and
using it already”, “I haven’t started using it yet” or “I have giving positive feedback for original ideas, longer sentences,
played with the app 6 times since (same day last week)”. interesting vocabulary, etc.
Remind them that it is also possible to ask their centre for
a Student CD in case they don’t have access to a device of
their own. 3.– READING & LISTENING, CH. 1 PART 1, TR#4,
P. 5 (15 MIN.)
2.– STORY OF LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD & EX. 1, → Step 1: Ask a volunteer to play the track from the
P. 3 (10-15 MIN.) Teacher’s CD. Ss read while simultaneously listening and
using a highlighter pen to colour everything that they DO
→ Step 1: Ask Ss what they know about the story of Little understand, not what they don’t. You may want to warn them
Red Riding Hood. Elicit the main elements of the story from that words in blue are target grammar, while words in orange
the group. You can write key words on the whiteboard to are target vocabulary.
help Ss keep track.

STORY (VERSIONS MAY DIFFER): Have a volunteer write the FQ on the board and tell Ss
that when they finish listening to the text, they need to be
Little Red Riding Hood was a little girl who lived in a house able to answer this question:
in the woods. She always wore a riding cloak with a hood,
so everybody called her Little Red Riding Hood. One day, her
mum gave her lots of delicious food in a basket and asked How old was Susan when she got her own BMX bike?
her to bring the food to her grandmother, who lived across
the forest. Little Red Riding Hood’s mother warned her to → Step 2: Play Track #4. After listening to the text, ask
be careful and not talk to strangers, but her daughter soon Ss to answer the FQ.
forgot this advice. When she encountered the evil wolf, she
told him where she was going. The wolf decided to take a

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Lesson#2_in Fairy Tales 1


“By the time” means at that time or before that time, so
→ Step 1: Put the Ss in pairs. Each pair chooses 3 words
she got her bike when she was 7 1/2 or a while before.
from the target language (highlighted in orange) and writes
them on a piece of paper.
→ Step 3: Ss ask the teacher about the parts of the text
they didn’t understand using the following question as a
→ Step 2: The pieces of paper are gathered and each
template (to be written on the board):
pair receives 3. Now each pair has to write 1 sentence that
is NOT about the story using all 3 words. Walk around and
“So, (Teacher’s name), what does ..... mean?” help them when necessary. Make sure they come up with
full and correct structures.
→ Step 4: To check understanding of the paragraph orally
ask some of the following questions. Get a S to answer your → Step 3: Pairs read their sentences and the group votes.
question and nominate another classmate to answer to the Let’s see who writes better!
following question.
Optional: Write the following grid on the board to help
• What was the protagonist called? your Ss assess their classmates’ work:
Her name was Susan.
• What did she like to play with when she was 4? Makes All 3 Is it Grammar Fluently
sense? words? funny? mistakes? read?
She loved playing with mud and sticks.
• What could she do when she was 6?
By the time she was 6, she could ride a bike really well. 6.– RRH, EX. 3, P. 6 (10 MIN.)
• Where did Susan and Gran often go?
They often went to watch BMX competitions. → Step 1: Ask a different S to read and explain the exercise.

• What were the BMX competitions like? Optional: Challenge the S to play Taboo, i.e. don’t allow
They were really good fun. him/her to use any of the words written in the book. Try
• What did Gran take photos of? eliciting “empty space/hole” instead of “gaps” or “complete”
She took photos of Susan on her bike. instead of “fill in”. Advanced Ss could come up with the word
“statement” instead of “sentence”.
• What did Gran do with the photos?
She made a scrapbook which she gave to Susan for → Step 2: Go over the words in the box as a class to check
her 7th birthday. comprehension and then let them do the exercise individually.
• What was Susan’s nickname?
She was known as Cool Susan. → Step 3: Review the expressions in part B.

As you check the answers of part A encourage them to

4.– RRH, EX. 2, P. 5 (10 MIN.) say the following: “It’s my turn, that’s a tough one / no-
brainer” and then they read out the sentence.
→ Step 1: Ask a different S to read and explain the exercise
instructions. KEY
→ Step 2: Let the Ss work on the exercise individually. 1. called | 2. outdoors | 3. nickname | 4. mud | 5. good
Walk around to monitor their work. If necessary, use silent fun | 6. performed
correction to help them correct their errors.

→ Step 3: Check the answers as a class. 7.– CHAIN GAME (5 MIN.)

KEY → Step 1: Write the following expression on the whiteboard

(or get a volunteer to do it for you):
1. F: She loved playing outdoors with mud and sticks. | 2.
F: She used to go with her gran. | 3. T: They were really
good fun. | 4. T or DOESN’T SAY (it is implied) | 5. DOESN’T be into = be interested in
SAY | 6. F: “By the time” means “at that time or before that
time”, so she could have got her BMX when she turned → Step 2: Start asking one student “Tell me, Anna, what
| 7. For instance are you into?”. They should answer “I am into… cycling”.

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Lesson#2_in Fairy Tales 1

Now say: “I’m into swimming and Anna is into cycling”. Then Students must do the following at home in time for the
pick another student to keep playing the game: “(Teacher’s next class.
name) is into swimming, Anna is into cycling and I am into…”.
• Read Ch. 1 Part 1, p. 5
• Complete ex. 2 & 3A, pp. 5-6
8.– WRAP-UP (10 MIN.)

→ Step 1: If your next class is an online class, they need

to do the preparation work (you will find this information
at the end of the LP). This is essential because otherwise
they will not be able to take part in the class. Go through
the preparation work and have Ss write down the ex. they
will need to complete.


→ Step 1: Explain and assign HW#1 (A) if it is the class

before the weekend. The homework can be found inside
Lesson#2 in the T&T zONe. The marks for this activity go
to MyClassroom automatically.

Also, tell Ss to play Susan vs. Skateboarder on the Tuned

In app.


→ Step 1: Tell Ss that this year, in order to leave the class,

on some days they will have to answer a question called
Door Question (DQ), sometimes in a special way. Write on
the board:

Could you ride a bike when you were 6?

Tell your Ss that when you ask them a DQ, they will have
to first rephrase it in the first person. Demonstrate with the
example on the board:

Could you ride a bike when you were 6?

Could I ride a bike when I was 6? Well, ...

Use the following questions today:

• Could you ride a bike when you were 6?
• Do you have a nickname?
• Do you prefer to play outdoors or indoors?


If your next class is online, Ss must do the following

preparation tasks, which should take no more than 30 mins.

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Lesson#3_in Fairy Tales 1

• Yesterday (point backwards, elicit Susan rode her


• Ss will change the tense of a verb so it matches • 3 times so far this week (elicit Susan has ridden
given time expressions. her bike)

• Ss will answer a personality quiz. Write their answers on the board.

• Ss will compare their answers with their classmates.
→ Step 3: Do the same but this time in the negative.
• Ss will talk about emotions using new vocabulary.

3.– RRH, EX. 4A & B, P. 7 (10 MIN.)

→ Step 1: Ask Ss to tell you everything they know about
• Track #1 personality quizzes in magazines. Do they read magazines
• PHC#3 (adapted, not to be printed) on a regular basis? Which ones? Do they like personality
quizzes? Do they believe in what they say? Etc.

PROCEDURE → Step 2: Ask for a volunteer to read and explain the


1.– WARM-UP (5-10 MIN.) Optional: challenge the Ss to play Taboo, i.e. don’t allow
them to use any of the words written in the book.
→ Step 1: Call the register. Start with some small talk
about how much they’ve played with the app. Since they will → Step 3: Go over the answers as a group to check
have had access to the app for a couple of days now, ask comprehension and then give them a few minutes to answer
them whether they could download it and had the chance the personality quiz individually. Elicit that a “lazybones” is
to play with it if it’s the first class of the week. someone who is really lazy while a “live wire” is someone
who is very active and has a lot of energy.
→ Step 2: Ask the Ss to correct you:
→ Step 4: Review the connectors in part B. Ask the Ss
• Susan could ride a bike when she was 4. “When do we use these words?” or “What do they mean?”
No, she couldn’t! She could ride a bike by the time and give them a few minutes to try and express themselves.
she was 6.
• Susan loved playing with glitter and dolls. Write on the board:
No, she didn’t! She loved playing with mud and sticks.
I like pears. I like pears and apples.
• Susan’s real name was Cool Susan.
No, it wasn’t! That was her nickname. I like apples. I like pears. I like apples too.

I like pears. I like pears but I don’t like apples.

I don’t like apples. I prefer pears instead of apples.
→ Step 1: The aim of this exercise is for Ss to become
I don’t like pears.
aware that, depending on the time when something happened, I like neither pears nor apples.
I don’t like apples.
we say it differently (this is a simplification of the notion of
tense). In the app, they have an example of this exercise.
→ Step 5: Have Ss ask each other the questions in part A.
Get a volunteer to write on the board: Try encouraging the use of “So, …” and slightly exaggerated
intonation while asking.

Susan / ride / her bike • “So, Anna, do you know anyone who is a lazy bones?...
Oh, really? Why is that?”
→ Step 2: Now in turns ask Ss to say the sentence using • “So, Michael, could you ride a bike well by the time
the following time expressions. Add gestures to clarify them: you were 6?... Oh, really? Why is that?”, etc.

• Every day, in general (elicit Susan rides her bike) Encourage use of connectors.
• Now (point at the window, as if Susan were there.
Elicit Susan is riding her bike)

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Lesson#3_in Fairy Tales 1

4.– RRH, EX. 5, P. 8 (5-10 MIN.) → Step 4: As a class, review the main differences in your
Ss’ answers. Now play the track a second time to check. You
→ Step 1: Ask a S to read and explain the exercise. Clarify, may want to write the answers on the board.
if needed, that we use “used to” when we are talking about
a habit in the past, for example, something we used to do KEY
often when we were little, but we don’t do anymore.
She used to be afraid of the dark and of staying at
→ Step 2: Ss complete the Lg. Box with something that home alone.
they used and didn’t use to do when they were little. She used to believe in the movies (= films in American
English) and in magic/Santa Claus.
KEY (Answers may vary)
A doll and a teddy (bear).
(I used to) suck my thumb. | (I didn’t use to) eat paint.

→ Step 3: Challenge the Ss to come up with more examples 6.– RRH, EX. 6, P. 10 (10 MIN.)
of their own.
→ Step 1: A S reads and explains the exercise.
→ Step 4 (optional): Ss write down two true sentences
about themselves using the structures “used to / didn’t use → Step 2: Complete the Lg. Box as a group. Write down
to”. The scraps of paper are gathered and put inside a bag. the answers on the board as you go over them. Ask Ss to
Ss take it in turns to pick up a paper, read the sentence and mime the expressions or clarify them with examples.
guess who wrote it.
Remember to elicit the structure “I think it’s (John) who 1. unhappy | 2. excited | 3. guilty | 4. embarrassed |
used to / didn’t use to...”. 5. anxious | 6. calm | 7. worried | 8. afraid

→ Step 3 (optional): Call out different emotions and ask

5.– RRH, “USED TO” SONG, P. 9, TR#1 (10-15 MIN.) Ss to mime them.
→ Step 1: Get a volunteer to prepare the track. Meanwhile,
ask the Ss to close their books. Tell them it’s time to check 7.– RRH, EX. 7, P. 11 (10 MIN.)
how good their comprehension is.
→ Step 1: Get another volunteer to read and explain the
→ Step 2: Copy the following chart on the whiteboard and exercise.
ask Ss to do the same. Then play Track #1 once. Ss must
fill in only the first column with the information they recall Ask the Ss “Do you know what ‘to open up’ means?” and
after listening to the song. elicit anything similar to “to start to talk about yourself
and your feelings”.
.................... → Step 2: You may choose to pair up the Ss and let them
interact more freely or to do the exercise as a class, getting
What did Susan use
to be afraid of?
each S, in turn, to ask a question of their choice to somebody
(2 things) else. In any case, remember Ss should do the talking (i.e.
ask questions, give answers, ask vocabulary doubts, correct
What did Susan use other classmates, etc.).
to believe in, that
she doesn't believe
in anymore?
(2 things) 8.– GAME: COFFEEPOT (10 MIN. – OPTIONAL)

Which toys are → Step 1: Ss write actions on pieces of paper. They can
mentioned in the be quite specific, such as “Ride a bike”, “Play outdoors”,
“Make mud pies”, etc.

→ Step 3: Put the Ss into pairs (ideally, you should make → Step 2: One S leaves the room and the rest of the
them stand up and swap seats) and ask them to interview class pick an action.
each other (Ss fill in the second column). Walk around and
monitor their conversations. Do all of them have the same → Step 3: The S comes back and tries to guess what the
information? Encourage them to justify their answers. action is by asking questions using the word “coffeepot”

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Lesson#3_in Fairy Tales 1

instead of the action. The rest of the class answer giving NEXT CLASS PREPARATION (30 MIN.)
clues, but always using the word “coffeepot”.
If your next class is online, Ss must do the following
EXAMPLE preparation tasks, which should take no more than 30 mins.
If the action was “ride a bike”.
Students must do the following at home in time for the
– Have you ever coffeepotted? next class.
– Yes, I have. • Complete ex. 8, p. 11
– When was the last time you coffeepotted?
• Complete ex. 9A & B, p. 12
– I coffeepotted last month, on a Saturday.
• Go through ex. 11A & Lg. Box, p. 13
– Do you coffeepot on your own or do you coffeepot with
other people?
– It depends. I can coffeepot on my own, but I prefer
coffepotting with other people.
– Where do you coffeepot?
– We coffeepot in the park, the forest, the campsite...
- (...)

9.– WRAP-UP (5 MIN.)

→ Step 1: If your next class is an online class, they need

to do the preparation work (you will find this information
at the end of the LP). This is essential because otherwise
they will not be able to take part in the class. Go through
the preparation work and have Ss write down the ex. they
will need to complete.

10.– HOMEWORK (5 MIN.)

→ Step 1: Explain and assign HW#1 (A) if it is the class

before the weekend. The homework can be found inside
Lesson#2 and Lesson#3 in the T&T zONe. The marks for
this activity go to MyClassroom automatically.

Also, tell Ss to play Susan vs. Skateboarder on the Tuned

In app.


→ Step 1: Ask Ss one of the DQs of the day. Ask the Ss

to correct you:

• I love both pasta but pizza. (AND)

• Yesterday I went to school and I neither did my
homework. (ALSO)
• I always make my bed and I never wash the dishes.
• Last weekend I went shopping with my mum
neither hanging around with my friends as I
usually do. (INSTEAD OF)

– 32 –
Kids&Us 2020
Lesson#4_in Fairy Tales 1

Write the sentences for slower Ss to copy.

• Ss will rephrase a sentence in writing so that it
matches a variety of time expressions.
+ -
• Ss will disagree with false statements using
expressions from Ch. 1 Part 1. Gran takes Gran doesn’t take
Every day
pictures... pictures…
• Ss will interpret images using modal verbs of
possibility. Gran is taking Gran isn’t taking
pictures… pictures…

Gran is going to Gran isn’t going to

take pictures… take pictures…
Tomorrow OR OR
• n/a Gran will take Gran won’t take
pictures… pictures…
Gran took Gran didn’t take
pictures… pictures…
1.– WARM-UP (5-10 MIN.)
3 times so far Gran has taken Gran hasn’t taken
this week pictures… pictures…
→ Step 1: Call the register. If it’s the first class of the
week, check their progress on the app. Ask the Ss, “How
many times have you played with the app this week?”. → Step 4: Ask Ss which of these forms are less familiar
They should reply: “I have played with the app 6 times since to them or they weren’t able to remember on their own. Ss
(same day last week)”. can highlight these forms to be more aware of what they
need to improve next time.
→ Step 2: Put a BUZZER in the middle of the table and ask
the children to press it to answer the following questions:
3.– RRH, EX. 8, P. 11 (5 MIN.)
• What did Susan use to play with when she was
very little? → Step 1: A S reads and explains the exercise. Challenge
She used to play with mud and sticks. the Ss to give you as many synonyms as possible for the
words “match” (v.) and “half”.
• Where did she use to play?
She used to play outdoors / in the woods. SOME IDEAS:
• Where did Gran use to take Susan? match = combine, link, pair (up), join...
She used to take her to watch BMX competitions.
half = part, chunk...

2.– TENSE REVISION (10 MIN.) → Step 2: Ss work on the exercise individually.

→ Step 1: Write on the top of the whiteboard: → Step 3: While checking the answers as a class, make
sure everybody uses full structures.
Gran / take / pictures of Susan
→ Step 2: Draw a grid similar to the one from below 1-G | 2-C | 3-D | 4-A | 5-B | 6-E | 7-F
(or the first column) on the whiteboard. Do NOT write any
sentences for now. Elicit from Ss what the symbols mean:
4.– RRH, EX. 9A & B, P. 12 (10 MIN.)
+ means affirmative or positive sentence, - means negative
sentence, includes “not”.
→ Step 1: Another S reads and explains the exercise.
→ Step 3: As a group, go over the different forms of saying
→ Step 2: Pair the Ss up and give them a couple of minutes
the same sentence in all the cases, eliciting rather than
to correct the sentences. Walk around to monitor their
giving the answer. You can ask them questions, give them
conversations and help them justify their choices. Encourage
other examples, or start the missing words, for instance.
the use of the structure “I think this is wrong because...”.

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Lesson#4_in Fairy Tales 1

→ Step 3: Check the answers as a class. • Susan was into tennis.

No, she wasn’t. She was into BMX.
• Gran gave Susan a photo album for her 7th birthday.
When I was little, I used to love sweets. When I was 6 years No, she didn’t. She gave her a scrapbook.
old, I didn’t use to stay at home all by myself. When my
• Susan’s nickname was Sweet Susan.
mum was little, she used to go to the museum on Sundays.
No, it wasn’t. It was Cool Susan.
→ Step 4: Ask a S to read and explain part B. • Gran took Susan to BMX competitions because
they were boring.
→ Step 5: Do the exercise as a class.
No way! She took her to BMX competitions because
they were good fun.
• Susan’s mum took pictures of Susan on her bike.
go | goes | going | went | been
No, she didn’t! Gran took pictures of Susan on her bike.
Ask the Ss: “So, what do you need to remember from • When Susan was 6 she couldn’t ride her bike.
this Language Box?”. Elicit that after “used to” we use the No way! When she was 6 she could ride it really well.
verb in its simplest form, not the past.
• The competitors at BMX competitions were very
5.– CHAIN GAME (5 MIN. – OPTIONAL) No, they weren’t! They were amazing.

→ Step 1: Write on the board:

7.– RRH, EX. 11A, P. 13 (10 MIN.)

USED TO / DIDN’T USE TO + INFINITIVE → Step 1: Ask a S to read and explain.

→ Step 2: Start asking one S “Tell me, Marta, what did → Step 2: Go over the sentences and discuss the meaning
you use to do when you were little?” Marta answers “I of the verbs as a class.
used to cry a lot”.
Encourage Ss to express their ideas with their own words.
Now say: “I used to break everything I touched. Marta Avoid using the explanations used in the Lg. Box. Again, let
used to cry a lot”. The S sitting next to Marta says: “(Teacher them do the talking! And don’t aim at “perfect” or super
name) used to break everything he/she touched. Marta technical explanations either.
used to cry a lot...” and adds a similar sentence.
→ Step 3: Complete and discuss the Lg. Box as a group.
Go round the table until all the Ss have said one sentence.
6.– RRH, EX. 10, P. 12 (10 MIN.) A-2 | B-3/4 | C- 1 | D-4/3

→ Step 1: A S reads and explains the exercise. → Step 4 (optional): To check comprehension, call out
the following prompts and encourage Ss to come up with
Review as a class the expressions in the speech bubble, sentences of their own.
ask the Ss if they can come up with any other examples and
practise intonation. PROMPTS (and possible answers)

→ Step 2: Read the following statements and let the Ss rain – tomorow : It may rain tomorrow, but I’m not sure. |
correct you. Make sure every S corrects at least one sentence politicians – earn little money: Politicians can’t earn little
using the expressions in the speech bubbles. money. They charge us for everything! | playing football
– ideal job: Playing football could be seen as an ideal job,
• Susan was a lazy bones. but in fact it isn’t. | new technologies – helpful : New
No, she wasn’t. She was a live wire. technologies may be helpful sometimes, but not always.
• Susan loved to play indoors. Many people can’t make it through the day without a
No, she didn’t. She loved to play outdoors. mobile phone!

• Susan used to make her Gran chocolate cakes.

No, she didn’t. She used to make her mud pies.

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Lesson#4_in Fairy Tales 1

8.– RRH, EX. 11B, P. 13 (5-10 MIN.) at the end of the LP). This is essential because otherwise
they will not be able to take part in the class. Go through
→ Step 1: Now ask the Ss to have a look at the pictures the preparation work and have Ss write down the ex. they
and to think about what they may or may not be about. Ask will need to complete.
them to study the images and get ready to use the modal
verbs from ex. 11A.
11.– HOMEWORK (5-MIN.)
→ Step 2: Discuss as a group. Remember to encourage
the use of modals as much as possible. → Step 1: Explain and assign OHW#1 if it is the class
before the weekend. The homework can be found in the
Online Homework section in the T&T zONe.
9.– IRREGULAR VERBS, P. 221 (10 MIN.)

→ Step 1: Put the Ss into 2 teams and assign a paragraph NEXT CLASS PREPARATION (30 MIN.)
from chapter 1 part 1 to each team.
If your next class is online, Ss must do the following
Tell them they must find all the irregular verbs they can preparation tasks, which should take no more than 30 mins.
within the assigned extract and write them in the grid they’ll
find at the end of the book. Students must do the following at home in time for the
next class.
Explain and write on the board: • Read Ch. 1 Part 2
• Complete ex. 12 & 13, p. 15
Verb (V1) Yesterday (V2) So far (have/has V3)
• Go through Lg. Box, p. 18
fly flew flown

→ Step 2: Discuss everybody’s findings as a class. Write

all the verbs (in all their forms) on the board so as to ensure
that slower Ss can copy all of them.


BE was/were been

FLY flew flown

CAN could could

RIDE rode ridden

DO did done

GO went gone

TAKE took Taken

FEEL felt felt

GIVE gave given

HAVE had had

KNOW knew known

10.– WRAP-UP (5 MIN.)

→ Step 1: If your next class is an online class, they need

to do the preparation work (you will find this information

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Kids&Us 2020
Lesson#5_in Fairy Tales 1

4. Gran looked after her in the afternoons. | 5. Gran picked

her up from school. | 6. Gran sipped her tea.

• Ss will change the tense of a verb so that it matches

given time expressions. 2.– TENSE REVISION (10 MIN.)
• Ss will identify the new vocabulary items in Ch. 1 → Step 1: Write on the top of the whiteboard (or ask a
Part 2 and match them to their definitions. volunteer to do it for you):
• Ss will understand notes and match them to their
context. Gran / pick / Susan up from school

MATERIALS → Step 2: Tell Ss it’s time to check how much they

remember about verb tenses. Set a time limit (4 minutes)
• Track #5 and get Ss to transform the sentence given. They can write
• Track #1 their answers on a separate sheet.

• Track #6 → Step 3: Ask the Ss to swap papers and check the answers
as a group. Use the board to ensure that slower Ss can
PROCEDURE assess their classmates’ work appropriately.

1.– WARM-UP (5-10 MIN.)

→ Step 1: Call the register. If it’s the first class of the + -

week, check their progress on the app. Ask the Ss, “How
Gran picks Susan Gran doesn’t pick
many times have you played with the app this week?”. Every day
up... Susan up…
They should reply: “I have played with the app 6 times since
(same day last week)”. Gran is picking Gran isn’t picking
Susan up… Susan up…
→ Step 2: Tell Ss to correct the sentences you read
Gran is going to Gran isn’t going to
out to make them true. Make sure the children use and pick Susan up… pick Susan up…
understand the words or expressions in italics. Some of them Tomorrow OR OR
are mimable, so if you mime them as you read the sentence Gran will pick Gran won’t pick
and encourage Ss to do it along with you, the words will be Susan up… Susan up…
easier to remember.
Gran picked Gran didn’t pick
• The competitors at BMX competitions weren’t Susan up… Susan up…
amazing, on the contrary, they were very bad (mime
by pretending you are impressed by sth you see). 3 times so far Gran has picked Gran hasn’t picked
this week Susan up… Susan up…
• Doing homework with Gran was good fun (mime
pretending you are having a great time).
• Susan and Gran saw each other once a week (mime 3.– RRH, READING & LISTENING, CH. 1 PART 2,
by pointing to yourself and someone else repeatedly). TR#5, P. 15 (10-15 MIN.)
• Susan’s babysitter looked after her in the afternoons
(mime by pretending you are cradling a baby in your → Step 1: Ask a S to prepare the track for you.
Ss read while simultaneously listening and using a
• Susan’s parents picked her up from school (mime highlighter pen to colour everything that they DO understand,
stopping the car and motioning someone in). not what they don’t.
• Gran sipped whiskey while Susan did her homework
(mime sipping). On the board:

What may have happened to Gran?
1. They were amazing. | 2. Watching BMX competitions She may have (V3) ...
was good fun. | 3. They saw each other nearly every day. |

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Lesson#5_in Fairy Tales 1

→ Step 2: After listening and reading once, get Ss to → Step 3: Ask the Ss to swap books (with the S opposite
answer the question on the board using the structure “She them, for instance) and check the answers as a class.
may have...”.
If any of the Ss has the exercise 100% correct, they can
EXAMPLES get to be the teacher.

Gran may have missed the bus.

She may have forgotten about Susan.
1. didn’t use to | 2. used to | 3. didn’t use to | 4. didn’t
→ Step 3: Now Ss ask you the words or expressions use to | 5. used to | 6. didn’t use to 7. didn’t use to | 8.
they didn’t understand. Encourage them to use, “So, um, didn’t use to
(Teacher’s name), what does ..... mean?”.
As a class, agree on appropriate gestures to mime the
words highlighted in orange. Crazy ideas welcome as long → Step 1: Time to lighten up a bit. Play the song again
as they convey the correct meaning of the word. and encourage your Ss to sing (and maybe agree on a
→ Step 4: Ask the Ss to stand up. Play the story a second
time and encourage everybody to perform the appropriate
gesture every time they hear a key word. 7.– RRH, EX. 14, P. 16 (5-10 MIN.)

→ Step 1: Ask Ss if they sometimes leave notes for their

4.– RRH, EX. 12, P. 15 (5-10 MIN.) friends or family. Tell them that at their level they are expected
to be able to understand and create notes in English.
→ Step 1: Have a S read and explain the ex.
Have another S read and explain the ex.
→ Step 2: Ss work on the ex. (they may do so individually
or in pairs). → Step 2: Pair the Ss up and give them a few minutes to
choose the note that matches each situation.
Walk around to monitor their work, help them if necessary
and ensure that they interact in English (if they are working Walk around to monitor their conversations and to help
in pairs). them when necessary. But remember eliciting and silent
→ Step 3: Check the answers as a class.
→ Step 3: Check the answers as a group. Ask the Ss to
KEY justify their choices.
1. look after | 2. nearly | 3. show up | 4. as usual | 5. pick
somebody up from a place | 6. good fun
situation 1: a | situation 2: c
→ Step 4 (optional): Divide the Ss into teams and encourage
them to come up with a sentence of their own for each of
the expressions. 8.– RRH, EX. 15, P. 17 (5 MIN.)

Set a time limit of maximum 5 minutes and check which → Step 1: Have another S read and explain the ex. Ask
team manages to write more sentences. them “Is this the same exercise? How is it different from
the previous one?”. Once again, let them express themselves
as well as they can, but don’t aim at proficiency level
5.– RRH, EX. 13, P. 15 (10 MIN.) explanations.

→ Step 1: A S reads and explains the ex. Once again, → Step 2: Ss do the ex. individually. Walk around to help
you can use the “Taboo technique” to make them rephrase them with unfamiliar vocabulary.
the instructions.
→ Step 3: Go over the answers as a group. Encourage the
→ Step 2: Ss work on the ex. individually. Walk around following structures: “So, um, (Marc), which situation best
and help when necessary. describes the note?” and “Well, I think that...” / “Well, in
my opinion, ...”.

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Kids&Us 2020
Lesson#5_in Fairy Tales 1

KEY – Where do you coffeepot?

Situation B – We coffeepot in the kitchen. - (...)

9.– RRH, EX. 17, P. 18, TR#6 (10 MIN.) 11.– WRAP-UP (5 MIN.)

→ Step 1: Ask the children “When you think about going → Step 1: If your next class is an online class, they need
shopping, what words or expressions come to your mind?”. to do the preparation work (you will find this information
Elicit as much vocabulary as possible and write it on the at the end of the LP). This is essential because otherwise
board (last year they practised a conversation where someone they will not be able to take part in the class. Go through
bought clothes, so they may remember some vocabulary). the preparation work and have Ss write down the ex. they
will need to complete.

How much is it? | How can I help you? | What size do you 12.– HOMEWORK (5-MIN.)
need? | Where are the changing rooms? Can I try it on?
→ Step 1: Explain and assign OHW#1 if it is the class
department store | credit card | cash | sales/shop assistant
before the weekend. The homework can be found in the
| bargain | offer | expensive | cheap
Online Homework section in the T&T zONe.
→ Step 2: Tell them they are going to hear Gran buying
something at the department store and that they must find NEXT CLASS PREPARATION (30 MIN.)
out what she is buying. Play the CD only once. You can find
the script in the Tapescripts section of the Teacher Guide. If your next class is online, Ss must do the following
preparation tasks, which should take no more than 30 mins.
→ Step 3: Ss share their guesses. Make sure they use
the structures which appear in the Lg. Box. Tell them they Students must do the following at home in time for the
will find out what she finally bought in the next chapter! next class.
(The red hoody.)
• Complete ex. 16, p. 17

10.– GAME: COFFEEPOT (5-10 MIN. – OPTIONAL) • Complete ex. 19-20, p. 20

• Go through Lg. Box, p. 21
→ Step 1: Ss write actions on pieces of paper. They can
be quite specific, such as “Bake a cake”, “Do homework”, • Complete Vocabulary Review – Chapter 1, letters
“Brush your teeth”, etc. A-J, pp. 20-21

→ Step 2: One S leaves the room and the rest of the class
pick one action.

→ Step 3: The S comes back and tries to guess what the

action is by asking questions using the word “coffeepot”.
The rest of the class answer giving clues, but always using
the word “coffeepot”.


If the action was “baking a cake”.

– Have you ever coffeepotted?
– Yes, I have.
– When was the last time you coffeepotted?
– I coffeepotted last month, for my mum’s birthday.
– Do you coffeepot on your own or do you coffeepot with
other people?
– It depends. I can’t coffeepot on my own, so my sister or
my mum help me coffeepot.

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Kids&Us 2020
Lesson#6_in Fairy Tales 1

NOTE: to make it more appealing, have your most distracted

student keep score for both teams on the whiteboard. Let’s see
which team gets more points!
• Ss will rephrase a sentence so that it matches a
variety of time expressions.
3.– RRH, EX. 16, P. 17 (5 MIN.)
• Ss will write a note that fulfills a specific
communicative need in a given context.
→ Step 1: Ask a volunteer to explain to the group what
• Ss will demonstrate their comprehension of a needs to be done in the ex. Ask another volunteer to read
conversation in a shopping centre by choosing the different situations. Clarify if needed.
among a set of images.
→ Step 2: Ss choose a situation and write a note individually.
MATERIALS Circulate checking Ss’ work, helping with grammar or
vocabulary and giving positive feedback for effort, good
choice of words or correct spelling.
• Track #6
Early finishers can read each other’s notes.

4.– RRH, EX. 18, P. 19, TR#6 (10 MIN.)

1.– WARM-UP (5-10 MIN.)
→ Step 1: Ask a S to read and explain the exercise.
→ Step 1: Call the register. If it’s the first class of the
week, check their progress on the app. Ask the Ss, “How This time challenge the Ss to give you as many synonyms
many times have you played with the app this week?”. as possible for the words “choose” and “right”.
They should reply: “I have played with the app 6 times since
(same day last week)”. SOME IDEAS

→ Step 2: Write down on different scraps of paper each choose = select, pick, decide which...
of the following words and/or expressions: right = correct, good, suitable...
sticks | good fun | worried | sip | look after | nearly → Step 2: Go over the questions as a class to check
| both | show up | miserable | embarrassed | on comprehension. Clarify that the questions are in the same
time | lazybones | excited | afraid | live wire | pick order in the recording, but that there may be distractors
somebody up (more than one item in the pictures may be mentioned, but
only one of them is the right answer).
→ Step 3: Give one card to each S. In turns the Ss mime
what they have on their card and the rest of the class must
→ Step 3: Play the CD (or ask for a volunteer to do it for
guess what the word or expression is.
you) and allow them a minute to think and choose an answer.

2.– TENSE REVISION (10 MIN.) → Step 4: Play the CD a second time, pausing to check
the answers as a group.
→ Step 1: Write on the top of the whiteboard:

Susan’s parents / work / late 1. b | 2. a | 3. c

→ Step 2: Now divide the class into two groups and ask 5.– RRH, EX. 19, P. 20 (10 MIN.)
them to stand up. Call out different time expressions. The
first team to sit down gets to answer. → Step 1: Ask a S to read and explain the ex.
Every day | Now | Tomorrow | Yesterday | 3 times
so far this week Tell Ss a classic mistake in exams is writing everything
in the present, instead of the past, when telling a story.
Ask randomly for both affirmative and negative forms.
Optional: Play a quick clapping game to review past forms.
One S says a verb (V1) of his/her own choice, claps his/her

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Lesson#6_in Fairy Tales 1

classmate’s hand, who gives the past form (Yesterday - V2) used to talk about them (under, on, in, between, in front
and a new verb. Keep on like this until you go all the way of, behind, etc.).
round the table.
→ Step 4: Distribute two scraps of paper to each student.
→ Step 2: Ss take it in turns to read the text aloud. As they Every Ss writes one true sentence and one false sentence
read, make them underline all the verbs in present form. about the position of the objects. Circulate checking the
sentences. If needed, write a model on the board:
→ Step 3: Individually, Ss write the past tense of all the
verbs previously spotted.
Monica’s bracelet is under Miguel’s book.
Walk around to monitor their work and help if necessary.
Fast-finishers can compare their answers or highlight the → Step 5: Gather all the sentences and mix them up. A
regular and irregular verbs in different colours. volunteer takes one paper and reads it aloud. If the sentence
is false, the group must touch the floor and say: “No way!
→ Step 4: Ss take it in turns again to read the text aloud You must be joking!” + the sentence in the negative.
but using the past tenses. If they say something wrong,
remember to use Silent Correction. 7.– RRH, EX. 20, P. 20 (10 MIN.)
KEY → Step 1: Ask another Ss to read and explain the exercise.
Once upon a time there was a little girl called Susan. Susan Ask them “What does ‘rearrange’ mean?” and elicit anything
was a live wire and she liked playing outdoors. Susan similar to “change the order or position of something”.
spent a lot of time with her gran because her parents
worked late. In fact, it was Gran who picked her up from → Step 2: Do number 1 as a class to help the children
school and looked after her every day. Susan and Gran understand the dynamics of the exercise.
got along really well. When Susan was 7, she got a BMX
bike. Gran took Susan to BMX competitions, they thought KEY
the tricks that the BMX performers did were amazing. 1. What was Susan like?
When Susan got back home, she tried the tricks herself
and Gran watched her and took photos of her. → Step 3: Ss finish the ex. individually. Walk around to
monitor their work and help when necessary.
Fast-finishers can help other classmates or simply
(5 MIN. – OPTIONAL) compare their answers before checking as a group. Make
sure they interact in English!
→ Step 1: Ask each Ss to give you an object they are
carrying today (a pencil case, a bracelet, a rubber...). Gather
→ Step 4: Check the answers as a class.
all the objects together in a bag.
→ Step 2: Go over each object asking the questions:
2. Why did Gran look after Susan? | 3. What did Gran do
• What is this? (It’s a...)
while Susan did her homework? | 4. Why didn’t Gran pick
• Whose is it? (It’s Monica’s / It’s hers/his / It’s mine). Susan up from school?

To make it more fun, try to confuse them as much as

possible. 8.– RRH, EX. 21, P. 21 (10 MIN.)

EXAMPLE → Step 1: Ask a S to read and explain the exercise. Check

if the Ss remember any synonyms for “below” (e.g.: down,
T: Oh, so this is hers? under, beneath...).
S: No, I said it’s mine!
→ Step 2: Go over the Lg. Box as a group. Make sure Ss
T: Theirs, you say? understand that BEFORE, AFTER and WHILE must always
S: No! Not theirs! It’s mine! be followed by an -ING form (or gerund).

→ Step 3: Send the Ss out of the classroom for a minute Have a volunteer write on the board:
and place all the objects so that several prepositions can be

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Lesson#6_in Fairy Tales 1


→ Step 1: Divide the class into two groups, “boys vs girls”
→ Step 3: Have a look at the example (number 1) as a usually works really well, but it all depends on the group.
group and then ask the Ss to complete the ex. individually.
Have one member of each team write a list of numbers
Walk around to check their work. Pay special attention (1-10) on the board and ask everybody to line up at the end
to both the key structure and spelling mistakes. Remember of the classroom.
to elicit and use silent correction.
→ Step 2: Read out the paragraph saying “beep” + a
KEY (Answers may vary) number each time there is a gap, and in turns one member
2. I do my homework before/after having dinner. | 3. I of each team runs to the board to write the word that is
get dressed before/after brushing my teeth. | 4. I have a missing.
shower before/after going to school. | 5. I surf the internet Susan loved to play (1) outdoors, she (2) used to go
before/after/while doing (my) homework. | 6. I listen to hunting for tigers in the woods and play with (3) mud
music before/after/while chatting to friends. and sticks. Susan loved Gran (4) dearly. Gran used
to (5) look after her (6) nearly every day because
→ Step 4 (optional): Ss read aloud their sentences and
Susan’s parents worked late. Susan thought that the
compare them to their classmates’ answers. Has everybody
tricks BMX performers did were (7) amazing, she
got a similar routine?
found BMX competitions (8) good fun (enjoyable). (9)
By the age of 7 and ½ Susan was given a BMX bike.
(10 MIN.) 11.– WRAP-UP (5 MIN.)

→ Step 1: Tell Ss: “Wouldn’t it be amazing to have a sort → Step 1: If your next class is an online class, they need
of visual dictionary where you could see all the vocabulary to do the preparation work (you will find this information
from the chapter together? It would help you when revising at the end of the LP). This is essential because otherwise
for the exam, wouldn’t it?”. Tell Ss to go to the Vocabulary they will not be able to take part in the class. Go through
Review. the preparation work and have Ss write down the ex. they
will need to complete.
→ Step 2: Ss get into two teams. Team A fills in the gaps
under the pictures a-j, while as team B does the same with → Step 2: Tell Ss that they will have to complete HW#2
the pictures labeled with numbers 1-7. on the PLTF. Also, tell them that they will have to play Susan
vs. Roller Skater this week.
If they don’t know the answers, tell them to look at the
highlighted words in the chapter (not just the text itself, but
also the Used To song and exercises). 12.– HOMEWORK (5-MIN.)
• Assign HW#2 on the PLTF
→ Step 3: Check the answers as a group by having a
fast-finisher write the answers on the board. • Tell Ss to play Susan vs. Roller Skater on Tuned In


a. looking after | b. on time | c. sip | d. sticks e. amazing
If your next class is online, Ss must do the following
| f. nearly | g. love ... dearly | h. outdoors | i. picking ....
preparation tasks, which should take no more than 30 mins.
up | j. mud
1. good fun | 2. perform | 3. cool | 4. both | 5. as usual 6. Students must do the following at home in time for the
show up | 7. hang out next class.

Make sure everybody spells the words correctly. These • Find all irregular verbs in Ch. 1 Part 2 & write all
pages should help Ss get ready for the exam! three forms in the table on p. 221
• Read Ch. 2 Part 1, p. 25
→ Step 4 (optional): If time permits, ask the Ss to come
up with more sentences using any of the words above. Try to
make them step away from the story as much as possible.

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Lesson#7_in Fairy Tales 1


→ Step 1: Write on the top of the whiteboard:
• Ss will change the tense of a verb so that it matches
given time expressions.
Susan / do / her homework
• Ss will locate irregular verbs in a text.
• Ss will demonstrate comprehension of vocabulary → Step 2: Ss write down a suitable AFFIRMATIVE and
by miming it and matching it to a given definition. NEGATIVE sentence. Warn them that this verb is particularly
→ Step 3: Ask the Ss to swap papers and check the answers
as a group. Use the board to ensure that slower Ss can
• Track #7
assess their classmates’ work appropriately.
• Track #1
+ -

1.– WARM-UP (5-10 MIN.) Every day does doesn’t do

→ Step 1: Call the register. If it’s the first class of the Now is doing isn’t doing
week, check their progress on the app. Ask the Ss, “How is going to do isn’t going to do
many times have you played with the app this week?”. Tomorrow OR OR
They should reply: “I have played with the app 6 times since will do won’t do
(same day last week)”.
Yesterday did didn’t do
→ Step 2: Make Ss stand up and form a line at the back 3 times so far
of the class. Stand at the opposite end, facing your Ss. Say has done hasn’t done
this week
each of the following infinitives making a tennis move, as
if you were swinging an invisible tennis racket. Any S can
answer, but they must answer swinging a racket as well, 3.– IRREGULAR VERBS, P. 221 (10 MIN.)
as if you were playing a tennis match with an invisible ball.
Encourage loud answers! → Step 1: Put the Ss into pairs and assign a chunk of Ch.
1 Part 2 to each team.
Call out some of the following verbs and elicit the past
simple and past participle forms: Tell them they must find all the irregular verbs they can
within the assigned extract and write them in the grid they’ll
BE was/were been find at the end of the book (unless they were already there).

HAVE had had → Step 2: Discuss everybody’s findings as a class. Write

MAKE made made only the ‘new’ verbs (in all their forms) on the board so as
to ensure that all Ss can copy them.
CAN could could
RIDE rode ridden

DO did done SEE saw seen

GO went gone SPEND spent spent
TAKE took taken SIT sat sat
FEEL felt felt SHOW showed shown
GIVE gave given COME came come
KNOW knew known

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4.– RRH, READING & LISTENING, CH. 2 PART 1, → Step 2: Now answer question 1 as a group. Make sure
TR#7, P. 25 (10 MIN.) everybody uses the structure given in the book.

→ Step 1: Ask a S to prepare the track for you. → Step 3: Write on the board:

Ss read while simultaneously listening and using a If I ..... the lotery I ..... travel a lot.
highlighter pen to colour everything that they DO understand,
not what they don’t.
Ask them “What would you do if you won the lottery?”
On the board: and elicit “won” and “would”. Any other ideas welcome!

→ Step 4: Now answer question 2 as a class, again making

What has happened to Gran? sure that all Ss use a second conditional in their answers.

→ Step 2: Now Ss ask you the words or expressions they → Step 5 (optional): Write on the board:
didn’t understand. Encourage the use of “So, um, (Teacher’s
name), what does ..... mean?”.
If I found a 500€ note on the street I would...
Once all the doubts have been solved, Ss answer the
question on the board. Ask the Ss to write down what would they do in this
situation. Gather all the sentences, mix them up and place
→ Step 3: As a class, agree on appropriate gestures to them in the middle of the table.
mime the words highlighted in orange. Crazy ideas are
welcome as long as they convey the correct meaning of In turns, Ss pick up a sentence, read it aloud and guess
the word. who wrote it. Encourage the structure: “Well, I think (S’s
name) wrote this because...”.
→ Step 4: Ask the Ss to stand up. Play the story a second
time and encourage everyone to perform the appropriate
gesture every time they hear a key word. 7.– RRH, USED TO SONG, TR#1 (10 MIN. – OPTIONAL)

→ Step 1: Play the song once and sing along.

220 (5 MIN.) → Step 2: Ask the Ss the questions below about the song
making sure they answer in full and using used to when
→ Step 1: Tell Ss to go back to the story and take a look appropriate.
at the underlined word.
Verse 1
Have them open their books on the British vs. American list
and point out that, depending on whether they’re American 1. What did Susan use to be afraid of? | 2. What
or British, some words can be completely different and some did you use to be afraid of that you are not afraid
words can be spelt or pronounced differently but still mean the of anymore? | 3. What did Susan use to believe in?
same. Focus on the word seen in this part and its American | 4. Why did Susan use to cry? | 5. When you were
equivalent: little, did you use to cry when you wanted something?

neighbour (UK) – neighbor (US) Verse 2

→ Step 2: Make sure Ss know that although there might 1. Where did Susan use to stay? | 2. How did Susan
be two possibilities to express the same thing, in the exam use to feel when he was alone? | 3. What does Susan
they will be asked to use the ones that appear in the story. do instead of staying at home?

Verse 4
6.– RRH, EX. 22, P. 25 (10 MIN.)
1. Where did they use to play? | 2. What did they
use to imagine?
→ Step 1: Ask a S to read and explain the exercise.

Go back to the Emotions Lg. Box on p. 10 and play the

following game: in turns, Ss choose an emotion and call it
out; the rest of the group mimes it.

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8.– RRH, PAST CONTINUOUS – INTRODUCTION → Step 3: The next team is given a word and goes through
(10 MIN.) the same process.

→ Step 1: Tell Ss what you usually do late at night, and → Step 4: The winner is the team with the most points.
lead in to the past continuous: “I always go to bed at 11pm.
So, last night at 11:30 I was sleeping”; “I always watch TV Interesting words to spell
after having dinner. So last night at 10:00 I was watching amazing - almost - nickname - outdoors - indoors dearly
TV”; etc. - together - homework - sipping - borrow - trick nearly
- neighbour - unfortunately - upset - through
→ Step 2: Write your typical schedule on the board with
your usual everyday activities:
10.– WRAP-UP (5 MIN.)
7:30am – breakfast
→ Step 1: If your next class is an online class, they need
9 to 12 – classes to do the preparation work (you will find this information
12 – lunch at the end of the LP). This is essential because otherwise
1pm to 5pm – classes they will not be able to take part in the class. Go through
6pm – gym the preparation work and have Ss write down the ex. they
8pm – dinner will need to complete.
11pm – bedtime → Step 2: Remind Ss that they will have to complete
HW#2 on the PLTF and also remind them to play Susan vs.
Now, give them examples of what exactly you were doing Roller Skater on the app.
at a certain time yesterday: “At noon, I was having lunch.
At 1pm, I was giving a class”.
11.– HOMEWORK (5-MIN.)
Ask Ss to tell you what you were doing and have them
• Remind Ss to complete HW#2 on the PLTF.
answer in second person singular: “What was I doing
yesterday at midnight?”, “You were sleeping at midnight”. • Remind Ss to play Susan vs. Roller Skater on the
→ Step 3: Ss jot down their own daily schedules, or what
they did yesterday, and then take turns first saying what they
were doing at certain time: “I was having breakfast at 7am”.
→ Step 1: On this occasion, the Ss can only leave the
Then, they switch schedules with a classmate and say what
classroom if they can say a sentence about the Red Riding
he or she was doing: “Juan was having breakfast at 10 am”.
Hoody story. If you see the sentences are going to be too
Finally, they make comparisons: “I was studying when he simple, give them a cue from which they’ll have to make
was playing video games”. Or find similarities: “We were a sentence.
all sleeping at midnight”.
Possible cues

9.– SPELLING GAME (5 MIN. – OPTIONAL) look after, pick up, in surgery, tripped, make it through,
closest friend…
→ Step 1: Divide the class into two to three teams.

→ Step 2: If there are three Ss per team then the rules

will be as follow:
If your next class is online, Ss must do the following
• You will give the first person on the team a word preparation tasks, which should take no more than 30 mins.
to spell.
Students must do the following at home in time for the
• If the S spells it correctly, the team gets three points.
next class.
• If not, the S after him can try for two points.
• Go through Lg. Box in ex. 23 & complete ex. 24,
• If the answer is correct, the team earns two points. p. 26
If not, the third person on the team can try.
• Complete ex. 25, p. 27
• If the answer is correct, the team earns 1 point. If
• Complete ex. 26A & B, p. 29
not, the opposite team can try for 1 point.

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3.– RRH, EX. 23, P. 26 (5 MIN.)

→ Step 1: Ask a S to read and explain the ex.
• Ss will change the tense of a verb so that it matches
given time expressions. → Step 2: Ss fill in the gaps in the first part of the Lg. Box.
• Ss will spot mistakes in different sentences.
• Ss will discuss Susan’s plans for next month using
“be going to”. got – were operating

MATERIALS Now ask them “So what’s the difference between ‘did’
and ‘was doing’ in this sentence?” and elicit anything similar
to “‘did’ refers to a short action that interrupts a longer
• n/a
one ‘was doing’”. Avoid getting too technical. What we need
right now is for them to notice that there are two different
PROCEDURE past tenses with different usage.

1.– WARM-UP (5-10 MIN.) 4.– RRH, EX. 24, P. 26 (5 MIN.)

→ Step 1: Call the register. If it’s the first class of the → Step 1: Ask the Ss to complete the exercise individually.
week, check their progress on the app. Ask the Ss, “How Walk around and monitor their work. See if anybody struggles
many times have you played with the app this week?”. to do the exercise. Help them if needed.
They should reply: “I have played with the app 6 times since
(same day last week)”. → Step 2: Check the answers as a group.

→ Step 2: Nominate a different S each time to answer KEY

to your questions. Make sure they use the past continuous
in all of their answers: 1. arrived - was sleeping | 2.was knitting - knocked 3.
opened - were having | 4. fell - was practising
• What were you doing yesterday at 10 a.m.?
• What were you doing yesterday at 4 p.m.? → Step 3 (optional): If time permits, ask Ss to come up
with sentences of their own.
• What were you doing on Saturday at noon?
• What were you doing on Sunday at 11 p.m.?
5.– RRH, EX. 25, P. 27 (10 MIN.)
• What were you doing yesterday at 6 a.m.?
• What were you doing last Friday at 5 p.m.? → Step 1: Ask a second S to read and explain the ex.

→ Step 2: Ss do the ex. individually. It’s important to check

2.– TENSE REVISION (5 MIN.) how much they are able to understand on their own.

→ Step 1: Write at the top of the whiteboard: Walk around and help them with vocabulary doubts if
necessary. Do not give translations, no matter how much
Gran / sip / tea they insist! Give synonyms or examples instead.

→ Step 2: Now divide the class into two groups and ask → Step 3: Go over the answers as a class.
them to stand up. Call out different verb tenses. The first
team to sit down gets to answer. KEY

1 - 3 | 2 - 2 | 3 - 1 | 4 - 3 | 5 -1
Ask randomly for both affirmative and negative forms.
Keep it snappy!
Every day | Now | Tomorrow | Yesterday | 3 times
so far this week NOTE: this game can be played individually or in teams.

NOTE: to make it more appealing, keep score for both teams → Step 1: The Ss are given £1,000,000 in virtual money.
on the whiteboard. Let’s see which team gets more points!

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→ Step 2: Ask the Ss to turn around (hide under the 7.– RRH, EX. 26A & B, P. 29 (10 MIN.)
table; put their jackets/jumpers over their face, etc.) and
write on the board: → Step 1: Ask the children “Do you remember how to
talk about your plans? Is it ‘I have done’, ‘I do’...” and elicit
“With ‘going to’!”.
Gran use sipping tea while Susan practised in his BMX.
→ Step 2: Have a volunteer read the instructions and fill
KEY in the Lg. Box as a class.
Gran used to sip tea while Susan practised with her BMX.
→ Step 3: The Ss must say how many mistakes they think
What is Susan going to do on...?
the sentence has and bet an amount of money.
She is going to...
Make them say the amount of money correctly, to practise
the use of “thousand” and “hundred”. Then ask Ss to write → Step 3: Now ask the Ss to complete part B of the ex.
the correct version of the sentence on a separate piece of individually.
paper, underlining the mistakes.
Walk around and help when necessary. But remember to
→ Step 4: Once everyone has placed their bets, the teacher elicit and use Silent Correction. Make them think!
says if they are right or wrong.
→ Step 4: Go over the answers as a class. If you have
If they guessed all the mistakes, and wrote the sentence a fast finisher, this is a good opportunity to let him/her be
correctly, the team doubles the amount of the bet. In any the teacher.
other case, they lose the money they bet.
EXAMPLE I am going to visit my cousins.
You are going to visit your cousins.
Team A = 1,000,000 Team B = 1,000,000
He is going to visit his cousins.
Bet = 100,000 Bet = 25,000
Right! Win = 200,000 Wrong! Lose = 25,000 She is going to visit her cousins.
Total = 1,200,000 Total = 975,000 We are going to visit our cousins.
You are going to visit your cousins.
In this case Team A, who has the right answer, doubles their
bet and wins 200,000 pounds. Whereas Team B, who has the They are going to visit their cousins.
wrong answer loses 25,000 pounds (the bet they placed).
8.– RRH, SPEAKING, P. 28 (5 MIN.)
→ Step 5 (optional): Repeat with other sentences if time
allows. → Step 1: Ask Ss to look at the calendar. This is what
Susan is planning to do next month. Tell Ss that you will
Susan tooks a picture of the BMX riders while they was now ask them different questions about Susan’s plans and
they will have to answer as appropriate.
performing theirs stunts.
Susan’s mum show up at school while she was waiting • What is Susan going to do on Friday 11th?
for his Granny. She is going to play board games.
• What are the Williams going to do on Saturday 5th?
KEY They are going to go fishing.
Susan took a picture of the BMX riders while they were • Whose birthday is she going to celebrate on
performing their stunts. Friday 4th?
She is going to celebrate Ethan’s birthday.
Susan’s mum showed up at school while she were waiting
for her Granny. • When is she going to London?
She is going to London on Saturday 19th and Sunday
20th. You may want to clarify that in this case you can
say “going to go” or “going” if you have the tickets.

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Lesson#8_in Fairy Tales 1

Don’t get into too much detail yet. (The differences NEXT CLASS PREPARATION (30 MIN.)
between future tenses will be covered in a higher
course) If your next class is online, Ss must do the following
preparation tasks, which should take no more than 30 mins.
→ Step 2: Now the S who answered the last question can
create a new question. The student who answers comes up Students must do the following at home in time for the
with another question, and so on. next class.

• Read Ch. 2 Part 2, pp. 30-31, Track #8

9.– RRH, EX. 27, P. 29 (10 MIN.)
• Complete ex. 28, p. 32
→ Step 1: Ask Ss (pretend to be confused) if we can use • Complete ex. 29A, p. 32
“going to” to make predictions. If Ss are unsure, refer them • Complete ex. 30A, p. 33
back to the first Lg. Box in the book (p. 3).

Tell Ss it’s time to make some more predictions about

what is going to happen in the story.

→ Step 2: Ss complete the ex. individually and then pass

their book to the person sitting opposite them.

→ Step 3: Check the answers as a class. If needed, write

the correct answers on the board to ensure that everybody
assesses their classmates’ work correctly.


2. is - isn’t | 3. are - aren’t | 4. is - isn’t | 5. is - isn’t | 6.

is - isn’t | 7. am - am not | 8. are - aren’t

While checking the answers make the Ss explain their

decisions (“I think Susan isn’t going to sell her BMX because
I’ve heard on the app that she’s going to become a BMX
champion”, for instance).

Only well-argued answers should be accepted.

10.– WRAP-UP (5 MIN.)

→ Step 1: If your next class is an online class, they need

to do the preparation work (you will find this information
at the end of the LP). This is essential because otherwise
they will not be able to take part in the class. Go through
the preparation work and have Ss write down the ex. they
will need to complete.

→ Step 2: Remind Ss to complete OHW#2 on the PLTF

and play Susan vs. Football juggler on Tuned In.

11.– HOMEWORK (5-MIN.)

• Remind Ss to complete OHW#2 on the PLTF.
• Also remind them to play Susan vs. Football
juggler on the app.

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3.– GAME: “YES, AND…” (5 MIN.)

→ Step 1: Ask each S to choose a difficult word they have
• Ss will rephrase a sentence so that it matches a learnt so far. A volunteer can write them on the board.
variety of time expressions.
• Ss will demonstrate their understanding of a comic → Step 2: Tell Ss they will now collectively create a story
by deciding if certain information about it is true, using all those words. The teacher starts a story with the
false, or not mentioned. first line. The next S must say “Yes, and…” and continue the
story. Previous information has to be accepted to continue
• Ss will provide questions for given answers.
building the story.


• Track #8 perform / closest friend / nickname

• Track #1
T: Once upon a time, there was a little boy whose nickname
PROCEDURE was Jimmy Lightning.
S1: Yes, and he used to perform amazing magic tricks.

1.– WARM-UP (5-10 MIN.) S2: Yes, and his closest friend used to take pictures of his
tricks which he then kept in a scrapbook...
→ Step 1: Call the register. If it’s the first class of the
week, check their progress on the app. Ask the Ss, “How
many times have you played with the app this week?”.
They should reply: “I have played with the app 6 times since
TR#8 (10 MIN.)
(same day last week)”.
→ Step 1: Before reading the comic, ask the Ss “So, what
is the most important thing that has happened in the story
→ Step 2: Tell the Ss they’ll have to mime (altogether)
so far?” and encourage them to answer using the present
the expressions you are going to call out.
pick up | love you dearly | hurry | look after | good
fun outdoors | upset | amazing | pass away | trip KEY
| show up
Susan has lost her Gran.

2.– TENSE REVISION (5 MIN.) → Step 2: Play the track and encourage the Ss to read
and listen to the CD at the same time.
→ Step 1: Write at the top of the whiteboard:
→ Step 3: Ss ask you the words or expressions they didn’t
Gran / look after / Susan understand. Encourage the use of “So, um, (Teacher’s name),
what does ..... mean?”.
→ Step 2: Divide the class into two teams.
→ Step 4: Now assign characters to your Ss and have
Alternatively, each team decides which form (affirmative/ them read the text aloud. You can split the comic so that
negative + time expression for tense) the other team will all the Ss get the chance to read.
have to provide.
Pay special attention to pronunciation, intonation, and
A volunteer keeps score on the whiteboard. fluency. Encourage slightly exaggerated intonation and avoid
‘robot reading’.

Team B: 3 times so far this week... NO! 5.– BRITISH VS. AMERICAN, CH. 2 PART 2, P. 31
Team A: Gran hasn’t looked after Susan! (5 MIN.)
Teacher: Well done! Scorekeeper, a point for team A! → Step 1: Tell Ss to go back to the comic and take a look
at the underlined words. Ask them if they know the meaning

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Lesson#9_in Fairy Tales 1

of these words and if they know or have heard any other → Step 4: Now have a look at the linking words on part
words that mean exactly the same thing: B and give the pairs some more minutes to rehearse their
Finally, pairs take it in turns to stand up and tell the story
mobile phone (UK) – cell phone (US) to their classmates.
colour (UK) – color (US)
OPTIONAL: Turn this part of the activity into a “talent show”.
→ Step 2: Ss may or may not come up with the American Who is the best speaker? Who talks more fluently and clearly?
equivalent for the words. In any case, have them open their Who has used more linking words? Who has been funnier? Etc.
books on the British vs. American list and point out that,
depending on whether they’re American or British, some
words can be completely different (mobile - cellular or cell)
and some words can be spelt or pronounced differently but
→ Step 1: Put the Ss into pairs. Each pair chooses 3 words
still mean the same. Focus on the words seen in this part
from the target language (highlighted in orange) in Chapters
and their American equivalents.
1 or 2 and writes them on a piece of paper.
→ Step 3: Make sure Ss know that although there might
→ Step 2: The pieces of paper are gathered and each pair
be two possibilities to express the same thing, in the exam
receives three. Now each pair has to write one sentence
they will be asked to use the ones that appear in the story.
NOT about the story using all three words.

6.– RRH, EX. 28, P. 32 (10 MIN.) Walk around and help them when necessary. Make sure
they come up with full and correct structures.
→ Step 1: Get a volunteer to read and explain the exercise.
→ Step 3: Pairs read their sentences and the group votes.
→ Step 2: Ss work on the exercise individually. Walk around Let’s see who writes best!
and help them when necessary.
OPTIONAL: Write the following grid on the board to help your
→ Step 3: Check the answers as a group. Ss assess their classmates’ work:

KEY Makes All 3

Is it funny?
Grammar Fluently
sense? words? mistakes? read?
1. F - Susan doesn’t feel very happy/feels upset. | 2. T
- | 3. F - At first, Susan is not in the mood for opening
presents. | 4. F - Mum loved her present because purple 9.– RRH, USED TO SONG, TR#1 (5 MIN. – OPTIONAL)
is her favourite colour. | 5. D/S | 6. F - When she put the
hoody on, she felt awful. → Step 1: Time to lighten up a little bit. Play the song
again and encourage your Ss to sing (and maybe dance?) to it.
7.– RRH, EX. 29A & B, PP. 32-33 (10 MIN.)
10.– RRH, EX. 30A, P. 33 (10 MIN.)
→ Step 1: Get another volunteer to read and explain the
exercise. → Step 1: Ask a S to read and explain the ex. This time
challenge them to find synonyms for the words “statement”,
→ Step 2: Pair the Ss up and allow them a couple of “come up with” and “match” (we’ve worked on this one
minutes to number the sentences. previously).

Walk around and monitor their conversations. To make SOME IDEAS

the activity a bit more challenging, try to confuse them a
little bit to get them to justify their answers. statement = sentence, remark...
come up with= invent, create, provide...
→ Step 3: Check the work of a fast-finisher and let them
write the right answers on the board. match = combine, link, pair (up), join...

→ Step 2: Let the Ss work on the exercise individually.

Walk around paying special attention to the inversion needed
a. 4 | b. 8 |c. 5 | d. 3 | e. 6 | f. 7 | g. 2 | h. 1 when forming questions.

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→ Step 3: Go over the answers as a class. You may want to 14.– DQ OF THE DAY (IF TIME LEFT)
ask children to step up to the board and write the answers.
If you do so, encourage peer assessment. Ask Ss one of the DQs of the day. Once they have answered
in full, they can leave the classroom.
• What are you in the mood for right now?
a. How old was Susan when she learned to ride a bike?
• What are you in the mood for after a whole day
| b. Where did Susan and her Gran go? | c. What were
at school?
the stunts at the BMX competitions like? | d. What was
Susan like? | e. Who helped Susan with her homework? • Are you normally in the mood for doing homework?

11.– RRH, EX. 30B, P. 33 (5 MIN.) NEXT CLASS PREPARATION (30 MIN.)

→ Step 1: Ask another S to read and explain the ex. If your next class is online, Ss must do the following
preparation tasks, which should take no more than 30 mins.
→ Step 2: Ss take turns coming up with the questions to
match your answers. If necessary, you can help them a bit Students must do the following at home in time for the
by whispering the question words in bold. next class.

• Susan was 6 when she learned to ride a bike. • Go over Lg. Box and complete ex. 31, p. 34
(Q: How old was Susan when she learned to ride a bike?) • Complete ex. 32, p. 34
• Susan saw her Gran every day. • Complete ex. 33, p. 35, Track #9
(Q: How often did Susan see her Gran?)
• Go over Lg. Box, p. 35
• Susan spent so much time with Gran because
Susan’s parents both work late.
(Q: Why did Susan spend so much time with her Gran?)
• Gran died by tripping and falling down the stairs.
(Q: How did Gran die?)
• Gran died just before Christmas.
(Q: When did Gran die?)
• Gran spent 2 hours in surgery before passing away.
(Q: How long did Gran spend in surgery before passing

12.– WRAP-UP (5 MIN.)

→ Step 1: If your next class is an online class, they need

to do the preparation work (you will find this information
at the end of the LP). This is essential because otherwise
they will not be able to take part in the class. Go through
the preparation work and have Ss write down the ex. they
will need to complete.

→ Step 2: Tell Ss that they will have to complete OHW#2 on

the PLTF and remind them to play Susan vs. Football juggler.

13.– HOMEWORK (5-MIN.)

• Remind Ss to complete OHW#2 on the PLTF.
• Remind Ss to play Susan vs. Football juggler on
the app.

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Lesson#10_in Fairy Tales 1

OBJECTIVES Susan / make / mud pies

• Ss will change the tense of a verb so that it matches → Step 2: Then copy this table on the whiteboard too and
given time expressions. ask Ss if they see anything different from previous activities.
(The time expressions are in a different order!) This makes
• Ss will rephrase sentences changing nouns for
the exercise trickier for them.
object pronouns.
• Ss will make hypotheses using the 2nd + -
• Ss will identify the items mentioned in an
3 times so far this
advertisement. week
every day
• Track #9
• PHC#8 Optionally, give Ss some time to copy the table on a separate
sheet and give them a TL of 3-5 minutes to write as much
PROCEDURE as possible. Use your phone or a stopwatch.

→ Step 3: Check the answers as a group. Use the

1.– WARM-UP (5-10 MIN.) board to ensure that slower Ss can assess their own work
→ Step 1: Call the register. If it’s the first class of the
week, check their progress on the app. Ask the Ss, “How KEY
many times have you played with the app this week?”.
They should reply: “I have played with the app 6 times since + -
(same day last week)”.
Susan made mud Susan didn’t
pies. make mud pies.
→ Step 2: In order to do some follow-up on the story, ask
Ss the following questions: 3 times so far this Susan has made Susan hasn’t
week mud pies. made mud pies.
• What had Gran done before she died?
Susan is making Susan isn’t making
She had done all her Christmas shopping. now
mud pies. mud pies.
• What did Mum get? Susan makes mud Susan doesn’t
every day
She got a purple dress. pies. make mud pies.
• What did Dad get? Susan is going to Susan isn’t going
He got a new mobile phone. make mud pies. to make mud pies.
tomorrow OR OR
• What did Susan get? Susan will make Susan won’t make
She got a red hoody. mud pies. mud pies.
• Did Susan like her present? Why?
Yes, she did. It was just her style / incredibly cool.
3.– RRH, EX. 31, P. 34 (5 MIN.)
• How did Susan feel when she looked at herself
in the mirror? → Step 1: Ask a S to read and explain the exercise.
She felt awful.
• Why did she feel awful? → Step 2: Give Ss a minute to skim read the comic and
complete the Lg. Box. Then check as a class.
Because Gran wasn’t there to share the moment.
If Gran were here, this would be a great Christmas.
→ Step 1: Write on the top of the whiteboard:
→ Step 3: Now, as a class, answer the question below.

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Lesson#10_in Fairy Tales 1

KEY → Step 5: Make sure Ss understand the meaning of

“chilly” and “cosy”. They are target language, too, so they
No, this is an unreal situation.
may appear in the exam.
Explain to the Ss that we use “was/were” and “would
+ V1” to talk about situations which are not true. To check 6.– DICE GAME (5-10 MIN.)
comprehension, ask them to come up with some examples
of their own. → Step 1: Ask Ss to close their books and tell them that
you are going to play a game. Tell them that you are going to
secretly show a volunteer a word or an expression which they
4.– RRH, EX. 32, P. 34 (10 MIN.) will have to either draw, mime or explain to their classmates
to guess. They will need to throw the dice to see if they have
→ Step 1: Ask another S to read and explain the ex. and
to draw, mime or explain.
to complete the example with what they would do. Let the
rest think and write their own answers. → Step 2: Choose a volunteer and let him/her roll the dice.

→ Step 2: Do the next couple of sentences as a class, • 1 or 2: draw the word

until you feel the Ss get the structure. • 3 or 4: mime it!
• 5 or 6: explain in English
Walk around and monitor their work. Remember: whatever
the mistake... use Silent Correction! → Step 3: The rest of the Ss try to guess the word. In
order for their guess to be valid, they must use the word in
NOTE: it is advisable not to correct this ex. as a group. If the a full correct sentence. For example: (beach) “I love going
group is numerous, it would be too time consuming. to the beach.”

KEY (Answers may vary)

7.– RRH, EX. 34, P. 35 (10 MIN.)
1. If I were extremely rich, I would buy the moon. | 2. If I
were president, I would ban homework and exams. | 3. → Step 1: Write on the board:
If I were a boy/girl, I would wear lipstick/baggy shorts. |
4. If I could choose between..., I would choose the power
of... | 5. If I could travel to the past or the future, I would
(before the verb) (after verb or preposition)
travel to... | 6. If I could have dinner with any celebrity, I
would have dinner with...
Quickly elicit the pronouns using gestures and example
sentences. For example: “(point to yourself) am a teacher”
5.– RRH, EX. 33, P. 35, TR#9 (10 MIN.) for “I”. “My mum loves (point to yourself)” for “me”. Etc.
After you elicit them, the board should look like this:
→ Step 1: Ask a third S to read and explain the ex. Check
if they know what a “summary” is (a short, clear text that SUBJECT PRONOUNS OBJECT PRONOUNS
gives the main facts or ideas about something). (before the verb) (after verb or preposition)

→ Step 2: Go over the words as a class to check I me

comprehension. They are all target vocabulary.
You you
→ Step 3: Put the Ss into pairs (ideally, make them work He him
with a classmate they don’t usually sit with) and give them
She her
some minutes to work on the exercise.
It it
→ Step 4: Play the CD to check the answers.
We us
Encourage the Ss to use “That’s a no-brainer!” when the You you
answer was easy for them or “That’s a tough one!” when
they are not sure of their answer. They them

KEY Now ask Ss: “How do you know when to say ‘I’ and when
to say ‘me’?”. Elicit the following information and write it
already | incredibly cool | put it on | looked great | felt on the board, too:
awful | share | glad | from that day on

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Lesson#10_in Fairy Tales 1

The department store offers different types of discount.
+ OBJECT PRONOUN They are marked with different coloured labels:
PREPOSITION red - 45 % off
green - 30 % off
→ Step 2: Now ask another S to read and explain the
exercise and complete the Lg. Box as a class. yellow - 25 % off

You may leave this information on the board.


call Jessica - call her | call Paul - call him | bring your → Step 4: Play the whole track. You may pause to give
books - bring them | bring your notebook - bring it Ss time to colour the items.

→ Step 3: Now Ss complete the rest of the exercise Warn the Ss that they must pay close attention. The text
individually. To check, go over the answers as a group. gives a lot of information. So they shouldn’t panic if they
don’t get all the information right away.
→ Step 5: If needed, play the track a second time and check.
1. them | 2. it | 3. her | 4. him | 5. them | 6. us
8.– RRH, PHC#8, TR#10 (10-15 MIN.)
Yellow: dishwasher | washing machine
→ Step 1: Get a volunteer to read and explain the ex. Green: swimsuits | ski helmets | tennis rackets
Red: laptops | printers | cupboards | armchairs
Make sure all your Ss have something to colour with in
red, yellow and green (marker, pen, crayon...). Distribute
material if needed. 9.– WRAP-UP (5 MIN.)

→ Step 1: If your next class is an online class, they need

→ Step 2: Tell the Ss that in this type of exercise it is very
to do the preparation work (you will find this information
useful to think about the names of the objects beforehand,
at the end of the LP). This is essential because otherwise
so as to be more prepared when they hear them.
they will not be able to take part in the class. Go through
the preparation work and have Ss write down the ex. they
Assign each section to a group and get them to come up
will need to complete.
with as much vocabulary as possible to describe the items
in their section and note it down.
→ Step 2: Tell Ss that they will have to complete OHW#3
on the PLTF and to play Susan vs. Traceur on Tuned In.

In the SPORTS section: trainers, a tent, tennis rackets,

swimsuits, a surfboard, helmets, a basketball, another 10.– HOMEWORK (5 MIN.)
ball... • Assign OHW#3 to be done on the PLTF.
In the HOME section: a washing machine, a dishwasher, a • Tell Ss to play Susan vs. Traceur on the app.
curtain, an armchair, cushions, a lamp, a vase with flowers,
blankets, an office lamp, a bookshelf, a cupboard with
bowls on it... 11.– DQ OF THE DAY (3 MIN.)
In the ELECTRONICS section: plasma TV screens (or Ask Ss one of the DQs of the day. Once they have answered
desktop computers), computer mouses, video cameras, in full, they can leave the classroom.
a printer, smartphones, cameras, laptops...
• So, (Ss’ name), have you ever been to Paris?
In turns, each group explains what’s in their section using • Which countries have you been to so far?
prepositions of place.
• Have you seen your school’s headmaster or
→ Step 3: The first piece of information they need to headmistress today?
understand is what the colours refer to. Play the first • Have you ever eaten snake soup?
paragraph of the text and then check.

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If your next class is online, Ss must do the following

preparation tasks, which should take no more than 30 mins.

Students must do the following at home in time for the

next class.

• Ex. 36A, p. 36
• Ex. 37, p. 37
• Ex. 38, p. 38
• Vocabulary Review – Chapter 2, complete cues
A-L, pp. 40-41

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Lesson#11_in Fairy Tales 1

Every day [+] | Every day [-] | Now [+]| Now [-]
Tomorrow [+] | Tomorrow [-] | Yesterday [+]
Yesterday [-] |3 times so far this week [+] 3 times
• Ss will identify the tense needed in context and so far this week [-]
apply it.
• Ss will identify irregular verbs in a narrative text. → Step 2: Then, write on the top of the whiteboard:

• Ss will match vocabulary items to their definitions

and to pictures. Susan / put on / her hoody

MATERIAL → Step 3: Ss take turns to choose a form and nominate

a classmate to come up with an appropriate sentence.
• 10 small pieces of paper
• CD1 TR#1 3.- RRH, EX. 35, P. 36 (5 MIN.)
→ Step 1: Ask a S to read and explain the exercise. Then,
LESSON PLAN ask them “Does this sound familiar/ring a bell to you?”. Of
course, it does/it is! They’ve just done it in the tense revision,
so this exercise is going to be... Elicit: “a no-brainer!”.
1.– WARM-UP (5-10 MIN.)

→ Step 1: Call the register. If it’s the first class of the → Step 2: Ss work on the exercise individually.
week, check their progress on the app. Ask Ss, “How many
times have you played with the app this week?”. They should → Step 3: Check the answers as a class.
reply: “I have played with the app 6 times since (same day
last week)”. KEY

1. c | 2. d | 3. b | 4. a | 5. e | 6. c
→ Step 2: Have a volunteer write on the board or do it
4.- RRH, EX. 36A&B, P. 36 (10-15 MIN.)
That doesn’t sound right. → Step 1: Ask another S to read and explain the ex.
If I remember correctly, ... Make sure they understand that different verb tenses may
be necessary.
Tell Ss you are going to read a summary of Susan’s story
and that they have to listen carefully to correct you in case → Step 2: If the group needs it, do the first one as a
you say anything wrong. Read: group. Then, pair Ss up and allow them some minutes to
work on the ex.
The story of Little Red Riding Hoody starts when Susan
is an adult. Her parents finish work really early so Walk around and monitor both their conversations and
she spends a lot of time with them. Susan doesn’t their writing. Remember it is essential to encourage peer
see her Gran very often, but they get along really interaction in English!
well. Susan loves BMX but Gran doesn’t, so Susan
goes to watch BMX competitions by herself. For her → Step 3: Go over the answers as a class. You may want to
seventh birthday, Susan gives Gran a scrapbook. One ask for volunteers to step up to the board and help you write
day while Susan is putting away her BMX bike, her the answers (in this case, encourage again peer correction
mum comes and tells her that Gran has had a heart and assessment).
attack and that she is in hospital. All the family are
very happy because Gran makes it through. KEY
Encourage the use of the expressions on the board or 1. Do you know your neighbours’ names? | 2. Do you often
other similar ones. have to hurry to get to school on time in the morning? | 3.
What do you wear when it’s chilly outside? | 4. What pieces
of furniture do you have in our bedroom? | 5. What is the
cosiest place in your house? | 6. Have you ever tripped
and fallen down the stairs? | 7. What’s the best gift you
→ Step 1: Before class (if possible) write the following
have ever received?
tenses on the board.

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Lesson#11_in Fairy Tales 1

→ Step 4: To do part B, put Ss into different pairs. They KEY

can choose which questions they want to ask their partner.
1. B | 2.F | 3.H | 4.G | 5.D | 6.A | 7.E | 8.C
Again, walk around to check their conversations and their
→ Step 4 (optional): Challenge Ss to invent new sentences
using any of the previous expressions.
OPTIONAL: If time permits, have them report their findings
to the group. Make sure they use the third person singular
appropriately. 8.– RRH, VOCABULARY REVIEW, PP. 40-41 (15 MIN.)

→ Step 1: Divide the group into teams (girls vs. boys?

5.- RRH, USED TO SONG, TR#1, P. 9 according to their age?).
→ Step 1: Time to lighten up a little bit. Play the song → Step 2: Tell them they’ve got 5 minutes to find out what
again and encourage your Ss to sing (and maybe dance?) to it. the words a-l are, and to write a sentence with each of them.

Walk around to monitor their job and help when necessary.

6.- RRH, EX. 37, P. 37 (10 MIN.)
→ Step 3: Go over the answers and their sentences as
→ Step 1: Before doing the exercise, try to generate some
a class. To make the activity more appealing, you can give
conversation about social networks and socialising in the
1 point per word and 2 points for each complete sentence.
virtual world. Are they on any social network? What do they
Super complex sentences may be awarded extra points too!
use it for? Do they have online friends they hardly ever talk
to? Etc.
→ Step 2: Get a volunteer to read and explain the exercise. a. tripping | b. cosy | c. chilly | d. hurry | e. putting... on f.
This time, check if Ss know any other words for “transform”, gift | g. sharing | h. close friends | i. upset j. fall down the
“choose” or “right”. stairs | k. sighing | l. operating on - surgery

SOME IDEAS → Step 4: Pair them up and allow Ss a couple of minutes

to complete cues 1-8.
transform = change, replace
choose = pick, select → Step 5: Check them as a class. For answers to be
valid, Ss need to orally come up with a sentence containing
right = correct, good, appropriate
that word.
→ Step 3: Ss work individually on the exercise. Walk around
encouraging Ss and giving clues to those who are stuck. KEY

1. get on with | 2. awful | 3. each | 4. a couple of 5. glad |

→ Step 4: Assign the roles of Ethan and Susan to 2 Ss in 6. gorgeous | 7. for instance | 8. Without
the class. Ask them to read the conversation, while a third
Ss writes the answers on the board. If needed, stop to clarify
the reasons why a certain tense is used. 9.– IRREGULAR VERBS, P. 221 (10 MIN.)

KEY → Step 1: Keep the same teams from the previous activity,
assign them a part of Ch. 2 and ask them to spot all the
1. have been | 2. passed away | 3. were | 4. miss 5. ‘ll irregular verbs used in the text.
give/‘m going to give | 6. have had | 7. Are ... going to
have/Will ... have → Step 2: Discuss everybody’s findings as a class. Write
only the ‘new’ verbs (in all their forms) on the board so as to
ensure that all the verbs are copied on the irregular verbs
7.– RRH, EX. 38, P. 38 (5-10 MIN.)
list at the end of the book.
→ Step 1: Get another volunteer to read and explain the
exercise. CH.2 P.1

→ Step 2: Let Ss work on the exercise individually.

TELL told told
→ Step 3: Go over the answers as a class.

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Lesson#11_in Fairy Tales 1

FALL fell fallen Red Riding Hoody Chapters 1, 2

SEND sent sent If you have extra time today, go over the Language
Boxes in these chapters and let Ss exp-lain them,
GET got got helping them with any difficulties.
BUY bought bought

KEEP kept kept


LOSE lost lost → Step 1: Ask Ss one of the DQs of the day. Once they
have answered in full, they can leave the classroom.
CH.2 P.2
• So, (Ss’ name), When did you last go on holiday?

SAY said said • When did you last eat pizza?

THINK thought thought
• When did you last see your Gran?
WEAR wore worn
Make sure they use AGO in their answers.
PUT put put


10.– SPELLING GAME (5 MIN. – OPTIONAL) If your next class is online, Ss must do the following
→ Step 1: Divide the class into two to three teams. preparation tasks, which should take no more than 30 mins.

→ Step 2: If there are 3 Ss per team, the rules will go Students must do the following at home in time for the
as follow: next class.

• You will give the first person on the team a word • Go through Lg Box, p. 38
to spell. • Complete ex. 40, p. 39
• If the S spells it correctly, the team gets three points. • Reflect upon what is a summary and what are the
• If not, the S after him/her can try for two points. key aspects of a summary. Ask Ss to brainstorm
ideas and write them down so as not to forget them.
• If the answer is correct, the team earns two points.
If not, the third person on the team can try.
• If the answer is correct, the team earns 1 point. If
not, the opposite team can try for 1 point.

→ Step 3: The next team is given a word and goes through

the same process.

→ Step 4: The winner is the team with the most points.

Interesting words to spell

hope - almost - nickname - through - dearly – without

- gorgeous - thoughtful - awful - couple - nearly
neighbour - unfortunately

11.– HOMEWORK (5-MIN.)

• Remind Ss to complete OHW#3 on the PLTF.

• Tell Ss to prepare for the exam.

→ Step 1: Schedule the upcoming test (Lesson#13 if 100%

online or Lesson#14 if blended and Lesson#13 is online):

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Lesson#12_in | Revision Day Fairy Tales 1


+ -
• Ss will transform a sentence so that it matches
different given time expressions. They open presents. They don’t open presents.
• Ss will practise giving advice using the modal They aren’t opening
Now They are opening presents.
verb should. presents.
They are going to open They aren’t going to open
• Ss will explain the difference between may and presents. presents.
must when used for deductions. Tomorrow
They will open presents. They won’t open presents.

MATERIAL Yesterday They opened presents. They didn’t open presents.

3 times so
They haven’t opened
far They have opened presents.
• 1 copy of PHC#4 per S presents.
this week

• 1 copy of PHC#9 for every 2 Ss

→ Step 4: Ss highlight the forms that were trickier for
• White sheets of paper (1 per S) them, so they can focus on them when they revise for the test.

3.- RRH, PAGE 38, EX. 39 (5 MIN.)
→ Step 1: A S reads and explains the exercise. Ask them
1.– WARM-UP (5-10 MIN.) “What’s advice? Cn you give me an example?” and elicit
anything similar to “an opinion or a suggestion that someone
→ Step 1: Call the register. If it’s the first class of the
offers you about what you should do (or shouldn’t do!)”.
week, check their progress on the app. Ask the children
“How many times have you played with the app this week?”.
→ Step 2: Complete the Lg Box as a class. But remember
They should reply: “I have played with the app 6 times since
Ss must be the ones giving the information!
(same day last week)”.
→ Step 2: Return or collect homework as necessary. Give
Ss up to 5 minutes to correct their own mistakes. Help them We use should/shouldn’t to give advice or recommendations.
when needed but do not give them the answer straight away.
You should talk to her.
→ Step 3: Mime he following words and see if your Ss You shouldn’t worry so much.
are able to guess them.
→ Step 3: Follow-up questions (answers may vary):
gift - dearly - hope - operate on - almost - cosy
chilly - tripping • What would you say to a friend that wants to get
the First Certificate next summer?
That he/she should study super hard! First Certificate
2.– TENSE REVISION, PHC#4 (10 MIN.) is a tough one!

→ Step 1: Tell Ss that this activity sums up a lot of things • What would you say to Susan, who is nervous
they should know for the test, so it’s a very important one. about signing up for a BMX competition?
That she should go for it.
Give a copy of the PHC to each of your Ss and write on the • If you heard one of your friends screaming and
board (you may ask for a volunteer to do it for you): insulting his or her mum on the phone, what
would you tell him/her?
You shouldn’t talk to your mum like that.
They / open / presents
• Your sister borrowed a book from a friend’s and
→ Step 2: Ss work individually. Try to not answer any she has lost it. What would you tell her?
questions today, to make it more exam-like. That she should buy a new book without telling her
friend. / That she should tell her friend and buy her
→ Step 3: Check the answers as a group. Use the board a new book.
to ensure that slower Ss can assess their classmates’ work

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Lesson#12_in | Revision Day Fairy Tales 1

4.- RRH, PAGE 39, EX. 40 (10 MIN.) → Step 3: Hand them a white sheet of paper (or have a
volunteer to do it) and ask them to write a summary of Little
→ Step 1: Another S reads and explains the exercise. Red Riding Hood (the real one, not Susan!).

→ Step 2: Put Ss into pairs and allow them some minutes If they don’t remember the whole story, review it as a
to work on the exercise. class first orally.

Walk around to monitor their conversations and help when Tell them they have got 10 minutes to write a very short
necessary. summary. No need to write any best seller, only short texts
containing the main ideas.
→ Step 3: Go over the answers as a class.
Walk around and help if necessary.
→ Step 4: To check, hand a copy of the PHC. Go over the
1. cool | 2. own | 3. chilly | 4. cosy | 5. mood | 6. upset | 7.
criteria as a class and then allow them some minutes to
awful | 8. surgery | 9. bright | 10. herself | 11. gifts
assess their own work.

8.- RRH, PAGES 40-41, VOCABULARY REVIEW Tell them this is how you are going to assess their writings
(10-15 MIN.) in the exam, so they should really pay attention to it!

→ Step 1: Tell Ss it’s time to finish the vocabulary revision

exercise. This will help them revise for the test. Pair them up, 10.– BE INTO (OPTIONAL - 5 MIN.)
and allow them a couple of minutes to complete vocabulary
1-8. → Step 1: Write on the board:

→ Step 2: Check as a class. For answers to be valid, Ss

Be into = Be interested in
need to come up with a sentence containing that word.

KEY: → Step 2: Start asking one S “Tell me, Anna, what are
you into?” They answer “I am into cycling”. Now say: “I’m
1. get on with | 2. awful | 3. each | 4. a couple of into swimming and Anna is into cycling”. The S sitting next
5. glad | 6. gorgeous | 7. for instance | 8. without to Anna says: “(Teacher name) is into swimming, Anna is
into cycling and I am into…”
→ Step 3 (optional): In pairs, Ss play Pictionary. One S
draws one word or concept and the other tries to guess it,
then reverse. 11.– USED TO – REVISION (5 MIN.)

→ Step 1: Ask the children to correct you (if necessary!).

→ Step 1: Tell Ss it’s time to sharpen their writing skills. To → Step 2: Say (emphasizing the wrong words):
begin with, ask them “Who remembers what’s a summary?”
• When Susan was a little girl she used to loved playing
and elicit anything similar to “a short, clear text that gives
with mud and sticks. (used to love!)
the main facts or ideas about something” or “a short version
of a story”, etc. • At 5 years old, she use to play outdoors. (used to play!)
• Her Gran uses to take pictures of Susan while she
→ Step 2: Now, ask them “And what do you think are the practised with her bike. (used to take!)
key aspects of a summary?” and try to elicit the following
items: • Gran didn’t used to sip coffee while Susan did her
homework. (didn’t use!)
• It is not a copy of the original story.
• Susan and Grand don’t used to hang out with other
• Refer only to the main ideas riders. (didn’t use!)
(Who? What? When?)
Remember to make them explain why your sentences
• It must be short.
are wrong!
• Use your own words.

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Lesson#12_in | Revision Day Fairy Tales 1

12.– DEDUCTIONS – REVISION (5 MIN.) • What’s a synonym for “present”?

→ Step 1: Write on the board:


I MAY have left my keys at home.
I MUST have left my keys at home. If your next class is online, Ss must do the following
preparation tasks, which should take no more than 30 mins.
→ Step 2: Ask the children to explain the difference in
meaning and elicit anything similar to “‘may’ means that you Students must do the following at home in time for the
are not very sure and ‘must’ means that you are very sure”. next class.

• Write a summary of Little Red Riding Hood on the CF

13.– CONDITIONAL TYPE 2 (5 MIN.) and tell Ss to use PHC#9 to assess their classmates’
summaries. Encourage them to write a comment
→ Step 1: Write on the board: on any classmate’s post on the CF.

If I won the lottery, I would travel a lot.

→ Step 2: Now, divide Ss into teams and ask them to

stand up and form a line at the very end of the classroom.

Tell them you are going to give them the first part of the
structure and that they must come up with an appropriate
ending. For each sentence, one different member of the group
must run to the board and write their option.


• If I could fly...
• If my parents disappeared one day...
• If I saw my favourite singer on the street...
• If I got lost in the jungle...

14.– HOMEWORK (5 MIN.)

→ Step 1: Tell Ss that the homework is to revise for the

exam (either done during Lesson#13 or #14, depending on
the scenario chosen). Remind them to go over Red Riding
Hoody Chapters 1, 2. Also, they should play Susan vs. Trick
Rider on the app.


Ask Ss one of the DQs of the day. Once they have answered
in full, they can leave the classroom.

• So, (Ss’ name), What’s the opposite of ‘indoors’?

• What’s a synonym for “take care”?
(look after)
• What do doctors do inside a surgery room?
(operate on people)

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Lesson#13_in | Test Day Fairy Tales 1


GIVE gave given
• Ss will classify different verb forms found in a comic.
• Ss will form questions based on prompts to get
information about a BMX competition. Red Riding Hoody Test 1 (35 min.)
• Ss will decide which picture is being described Listening track: CD1 TR#23
based on what characters say in a comic.


CH. 3, PART 1. TR#11 (10 MIN.)
• CD1 TR#23, TR#11
→ Step 1: Ask Ss “So what’s the last thing that happened
• 1 copy of RRH Test 1 per S in Susan’s story?” and encourage Ss to use past simple in
• 1 copy of PHC#10 for every 2 Ss, cut out their answers.

Now, ask them “And what do you think is going to happen

next?” and this time encourage children to use “going to”
to make their predictions.
1.– WARM-UP (5-10 MIN.)
→ Step 2: Play the CD (or ask for a volunteer to do it) and ask
→ Step 1: Call the register. If it’s the first class of the week, the children to listen and read at the same time. Encourage
check their progress on the app. Ask the children “How many them also to highlight everything they DO understand.
times have you played with the app this week?”. They should
reply: “I have played with the app 6 times since (same day → Step 3: As a class, solve any vocabulary doubts.
last week)”.
→ Step 4 (optional): If your Ss are into acting, you can
→ Step 2: Return or collect homework as necessary. Give assign the roles to Ss and have them do an expressive reading
Ss up to 5 minutes to correct their own mistakes. Help them of the comic.
when needed, but do not give them the answer straight away.
3.– RRH, PAGE 43, EX. 41 (10 MIN.)
→ Step 3: Make Ss stand up and form a line at the back
of the class. Stand on the opposite end, facing your Ss. Say → Step 1: Ask a S to read and explain the exercise. Go
each of the following infinitives making a tennis move, as over the different tenses as a class, asking the Ss to come
if you were swinging an invisible tennis racket. Any Ss can up with a sentence of their own with each of them.
answer, but they must answer swinging a racket as well,
as if you were playing a tennis match with an invisible ball. → Step 2: Pair Ss up and allow them a couple of minutes
Encourage loud answers! to complete the grid.

Call out the following infinitives and elicit the past simple Walk around to encourage peer interaction in English.
and past participle forms:
→ Step 3: Check the answers as a group. Use the board
V1 V2 V3 to ensure everybody can copy the right answers.
BE was/were been
HAVE had had
COULD could could EVERY
RIDE rode ridden DAY

MAKE made made are gave ’s been

blooming took haven’t
DO did done think will be
are getting were looked
GO went gone
are feeling was ’ve grown
TAKE took taken

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Lesson#13_in | Test Day Fairy Tales 1

4.– RRH, PAGE 44, EX. 42 (10 MIN.) Next day, you will do part B of the exercise. Collect the
flyers to be used in the next class.
→ Step 1: Ask a S to read and explain the exercise.

→ Step 2: Individually, Ss skim read the comic again and 6.– HOMEWORK (2 MIN.)
complete the exercise.
→ Step 1: Tell Ss to complete OHW#4 in the Online
→ Step 3: Go over the answers as a class. Remember to Homework section in the T&T zONe.
make your Ss justify their own ideas (e.g.: “I think Susan’s
mum mentions picture X because in the text it says...”). 7.– DOOR QUESTIONS (5 MIN.)

KEY Ask Ss one of the DQs of the day. Once they have answered
in full, they can leave the classroom.
1. c | 2 d.| 3. a
• So, (Ss’ name), What are you going to do tomorrow?
• Are you going to have a shower when you get home?
5.– RRH, PAGE 45, EX. 43A, PHC#10 (10 MIN.)
• What are you going to do next weekend?
→ Step 1: Put Ss into pairs, have them choose to be either
student A or student B.
Give each pair a copy of the handout and ask them “What Students must do the following at home in time for the
do you think it is?” and try to elicit the word “flyer”. Then next class.
ask, “And what is this flyer advertising?” and get Ss to
answer “A BMX competition”. • Read and listen to Ch. 3 Part 1, pp. 42-43, Track
#11 (SR)
→ Step 2: Now, ask a Ss to read and explain the exercise. • Complete ex. 41, p. 43

OPTIONAL: These instructions are a good opportunity to play • Go through Lg Box on p. 46 and complete ex. 45,
Taboo again! If you do, put especial emphasis on the following p. 47
receive = get, obtain...
include = add, introduce...
prompt = hint , clue, help...
below = down, under, beneath...
related to= linked to, connected to, associated with

→ Step 3: Do number 1 and 2 as a class, and let the Ss

finish the questions individually.


1.When is the competition?

2.Where is the competition?
3. Is the competition for professional riders only?
4. What time does the competition start? What time does
it finish?
5. Is it indoors or outdoors?
6. How do you have to be to enter the competition?
7. Is there a website?
8. Where can I register?
9. How much does it cost?

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Lesson#14_in | Test Day Fairy Tales 1

• Susan always put her BMX away after...

• Gran watched Susan while...
• Ss will rephrase a sentence so that it matches a • I always play with the app before...
variety of time expressions, transforming it into a
• At night, I always switch the light off after...
• Susan burst out crying after...
• Ss will read and write letters explaining problems
or dilemmas and write back giving advice using the • Gran passed away after...
modal should. • gran had bought the Christmas present before...
• Ss will orally invent sentences using the target • Susan put on her lucky red hoody before...
vocabulary, removing it from the context of the
Red Riding Hoody Test 1 (35 min.)
MATERIAL Listening track: CD1 TR#23

• CD1 TR#23, TR#11 (if exam hasn’t been done yet)

• 1 copy of RRH Test 1 per S i(f exam hasn’t been
done yet) → Step 1: Tell Ss today we’re going to go a step further...
• a ball We are going to introduce questions as well!. Have a volunteer
write on the board:
• CD1 TR#2
• 1 copy of PHC#10 for every 2 Ss (used last day)
Susan and her parents / look through /
• small pieces of paper the scrapbook
• a small mirror
→ Step 2: Now, divide the class into two groups and ask
• a bag
them to stand up. Call out different verb tenses. The first
• envelopes team to sit down gets to answer.
• sheets of paper (2 per student)
Ask randomly for affirmative, negative and questions.

LESSON PLAN Every day | Now | Tomorrow | Yesterday | 3 times so

far this week
1.– WARM-UP (5-10 MIN.)
NOTE: To make it more engaging, keep score on the whiteboard
IMPORTANT: In case of scenario B (blended), if your previous for both teams. Let’s see which team gets more points!
class (Lesson 13) was online, do Test 1 (Ch. 1 to 2) today and skip
the activities labelled as “optional”. If the exam was already done 3.– RRH, PAGE 45, EX. 43B, PHC#10 (10 MIN.)
during Lesson 13 (scenario A or C), then work on this Lesson
Plan as usual and omit the part where the exam is mentioned. → Step 1: Distribute the flyers from the day before. Tell
them to skim read the information given on their flyer and
→ Step 1: Call the register. If it’s the first class of the also the questions they prepared on ex. 42A.
week, check their progress on the app. Ask the children
“How many times have you played with the app this week?”. → Step 2: Now, pair Ss up (careful no to put 2 Ss A or
They should reply: “I have played with the app 6 times since B together!) and ask them to interview each other. They
(same day last week)”. can write their classmates’ answers in the book or on the
backside of the flyer.
→ Step 2: Ask the children to finish the sentences (they
need to use a verb in V-ing form, but don’t tell them that, Walk around and monitor their conversations. If necessary,
just elicit it). use Silent correction to help them solve their own mistakes.

• I always brush my teeth before... → Step 3: Now that everybody has got all the information, it’s
• I always have a shower before... time to answer the question on ex. 42B: “ Which competition
should Susan enter?” and “Why?”.

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Lesson#14_in | Test Day Fairy Tales 1

KEY When the music stops playing, the S who has the bag
must pick a word from the bag and come up with a sentence
Susan should enter the Super BMX Junior series, because
using that word.
the other is for bikers aged 15 or more.
If they are able to form a correct sentence, they keep the
4.– RRH, PAGE 46, EX. 44 (5 MIN.) card. If they are not, they should put the card back in the
bag. The person who has the most cards at the end wins!
→ Step 1: Take a small mirror (or pretend to have one in
your hands) and look at yourself while arranging your hair. NOTE: Encourage Ss not to form sentences about the story.
Ask the children “What am I looking at?” and elicit “Your The aim of this activity is to introduce the new vocabulary and
are looking at yourself!”. grammar into their “daily lives” (not checking that they know
Susan’s story by heart!).
→ Step 2: Now, give the mirror to another S and ask the
rest of the group “What is she/he looking at?”, to what Ss
should reply “She/He is looking at herself/himself!”. 7.- AGONY AUNT LETTERS (15-20 MIN.)
→ Step 1: Ask Ss if they are good at giving advice when
→ Step 3: Now, draw the Ss’ attention to the Lg Box and a friend or younger sibling tells them their problems or
ask them what are all these people looking at. Complete dilemmas.
the Lg Box as a class.
Elicit what we use in English to give advice: should and
KEY: shouldn’t. If needed, refer them back to the Lg Box on p. 38.
You are looking at yourself. | He is looking at himself. |
She is looking at herself. | It is looking at itself. | We are Ask Ss if they have ever seen a section in a magazine where
looking at ourselves. | You are looking at yourselves. | readers send their problems or dilemmas and a columnist
They are looking at themselves. gives them advice on what to do. Tell them this “mysterious
advice giver” is called Agony Aunt in English. Today they will
be Agony Aunt.
5.– RRH, PAGE 47, EX. 45 (5-10 MIN.)
→ Step 2: Elicit how we start letters and write on the board:
→ Step 1: Ask another S to read and explain the exercise.
Once again, ask them “What other words do we know for
‘fill in’ and ‘following’?” and elicit words such as “complete” Dear Agony Aunt,
or “next”.

→ Step 2: Ss work on the exercise individually. Walk around What should I do?
and help when necessary. Then, check as a class:
Distribute 1 sheet of paper + 1 envelope per S. Ss write
a. herself | b. yourself | c. himself | d. myself | down letters to Agony Aunt with problems (real or imagined)
e. yourselves | f. ourselves | g. itself | h. themselves and put them in an envelope.


(OPTIONAL – 10-15 MIN.) The boy that my best friend fancies has asked me out. I
→ Step 1: Ask Ss to write down on a piece of paper a have already turned him down, but... Should I tell her?
word they have learnt during the term (the more difficult, It’s going to break her heart!
the better!). Then, put all the pieces of paper in a bag. I know that my older brother has started smoking, but
he’s begged me not to tell my parents. Should I tell them?
→ Step 2: Now, ask Ss to sit in a circle. Stand outside the
My ankle hurts when I walk for too long, but we have the
circle and control the CD player.
final match of the season next Saturday. Should I tell my
coach or wait to see if it gets better and play?
→ Step 3: Play the CD (TR#2). As music plays, ask the
Ss to pass around the vocabulary bag.
Ss place their envelopes inside a bag.
Stop the CD at intervals during the song.

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Lesson#14_in | Test Day Fairy Tales 1

→ Step 3: Each S picks an envelope at random from the • Susan was upset because Gran wasn’t there to
bag and reads the problem in it. Distribute another sheet share the Christmas with them.
of paper for Ss to write advice for the problem they have Q: Why was Susan upset.
picked. On the board:


Dear reader,
Students must do the following at home in time for the
You must feel very ... next class.
You should ...
• Ask Ss to write a letter to Agony Aunt and post it to
You shouldn’t ...
the CF on the T&T zONe. Remind them of what a
Yours, letter looks like and the structure it follows.
Agony Aunt • Also, ask Ss to answer to, AT LEAST, one of their
classmates’ letters posted in the CF. Encourage
Circulate making sure they use should correctly. Point out them to become Agony Aunt for a day and give their
any mistakes you see, and help them using questions and classmates some good advice!
clues. • Complete ex. 46 using the cues from PHC#12 (SR);
tell Ss to manually copy the cues from the PHC
→ Step 4 (optional): If there’s enough time, Ss can read
directly into their books on p. 47.
each other’s letters. Encourage positive feedback between Ss.



Time to lighten up a little bit. Play the song and tell Ss to

listen, and try to understand the situation and what Susan
is feeling.

Encourage Ss to join in singing the chorus. Dance movements

and gestures to enact the lyrics welcome!



→ Step 1: Remind Ss to complete OHW#4 in the Online

Homework section in the T&T zONe. Also, tell them to play
Susan vs. Belly Dancer on the app.


Ask Ss to turn the following answers into questions, paying

special attention to the question words.

• Gran died by tripping and falling down the stairs.

Q: How did Gran die?
• Gran died just before Christmas.
Q: When did Gran die?
• Gran spent 2 hours in surgery before passing away.
Q: How long did Gran spend in surgery before passing
• Mum got a gorgeous purple dress for Christmas.
Q: What did mum get for Christmas?

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Lesson#15_in Fairy Tales 1


→ Step 1: Distribute the PHC. Tell Ss today they will
• Ss will change the tense of a verb so that it matches practise making questions as well as affirmative and negative
given time expressions. sentences.
• Ss will read the parts of a text and put it in order.
Have a volunteer write on the board:
• Ss will create questions from answers.

MATERIAL Susan / fall off / her bike.

• a small mirror → Step 2: Ask Ss to do as much as they can on their

own. Circulate to help. Let fast-finishers compare answers.
• 1 copy of PHC#11 per S
• CD1 TR#12 → Step 3: Check answers on the board.
• 1 copy of PHC#12 for every 2 Ss, cut into cards
• glue sticks
• a ball Affirmative:
• 1 copy of PHC#10 (used last day) E/D: Susan falls off her bike.
Now: Susan is falling off her bike.
T: Susan is going to fall off her bike OR Susan will fall
off her bike.
1.– WARM-UP (5-10 MIN.) Y: Susan fell off her bike.
So Far: Susan has fallen off her bike.
→ Step 1: Call the register. If it’s the first class of the
week, check their progress on the app. Ask the children
“How many times have you played with the app this week?”. Negative:
They should reply: “I have played with the app 6 times since
E/D: Susan doesn’t fall off her bike.
(same day last week)”.
Now: Susan isn’t falling off her bike.
→ Step 2: Return or collect homework as necessary. Give T: Susan isn’t going to fall off her bike OR Susan won’t
Ss up to 5 minutes to correct their own mistakes. Help them fall off her bike.
when needed but do not give them the answer straight away.
Y: Susan didn’t fall off her bike.
→ Step 3: Revise reflexive pronouns. Look at yourself in So Far: Susan hasn’t fallen off her bike.
the mirror and say “I am looking at ourselves” and get the
Ss to correct you “No way! You are looking at yourself!”.
Now pass the mirror to the following Ss and say: E/D: Does Susan fall off her bike?
• to a boy: “He is looking at herself!” Now: Is Susan falling off her bike?
(No way! He is looking at himself!) T: Is Susan going to fall off her bike? OR Will Susan fall
• to a girl: “She is looking at myself” off her bike?
(No way! She is looking at herlself!) Y: Did Susan fall off her bike?
• two girls hold the mirror: So Far: Has Susan fallen off her bike?
“They are looking at herselves”.
(No way! They are looking at themselves!”)
3.– RRH, PAGE 47, EX. 46, PHC#12, TR#12
• sit in the middle of two Ss and hold up the mirror:
“You are looking at ourselves”
(10-15 MIN.)
(No way! We are looking at ourselves!)
→ Step 1: Orally revise with your Ss the concept of
“summary”: “What’s a summary?”, “What should a summary
include?”. Try to elicit all the information given in previous

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lessons, e.g.:It’s a short, clear text that gives the main facts • Which competition lasts longer?
or ideas about something (or ‘a short version of a story’). The Spring Gold Cup Weekend does.

• It is not a copy of the original story. • Which event sells the cheapest entry tickets?
Super BMX Junior Series does.
• It mentions only the main ideas
(Who? What? Wbehen?). • Are anticipated tickets available for both
• It must be short.
No. You can only buy anticipated tickets for the
• You must use your own words. Super BMX Junior Series.
• Which competiton is open to both professional
→ Step 2: Now, give a set of the PHC (previously cut into
and amateurs?
cards) to each S and allow them a couple of minutes to put
Both competitions are.
the jumbled parts of the text in order.
• Which competition is going to be held in Woodswille?
Ss may work individually or in pairs. In any case, walk The Super BMX Junior Series.
around and help when necessary.
• Which competition is going to be cancelled if the
weather is not good enough?
→ Step 3: To check, play the CD and encourage the Ss to
The Spring Gold Cup Weekend.
read and listen and the same time. They should also highlight
everything they DO understand.
5.– RRH, PAGE 48, EX. 47 (10 MIN.)
→ Step 1: Ask a S to read and explain the exercise. If they
1. A few months later it was a Saturday in early spring. gets stuck, ask the other Ss to lend them a hand.
Flowers were blooming, the days were getting longer,
the weather was getting warmer and Susan’s family → Step 2: Pair the Ss up and allow them some minutes
were feeling a little better. to work on the exercise.
2. After lunch that day, they decided to sit down together
and look through Susan’s BMX scrapbook. → Step 3: Check as a group. Don’t accept any word unless
they can use it in a sentence.
3. They slowly looked at each of the photos and laughed
and joked about all of the memories. Susan hadn’t been
to see any BMX competitions since her gran had died,
but looking through the photos gave her new inspiration 1. depressed | 2. still practises | 3. have
4. made a toast | 5. look through | 6. joked | 7. enter
4. The following Saturday, there was going to be a BMX
competition in her hometown. She decided she should
enter the competition to honour the memory of her 6.– IRREGULAR VERBS, P. 221 (10 MIN.)
5. So that week, in the afternoons when she got back → Step 1: Divide the class into two teams. Assign Ch.3 P.1
from school, Susan put on her lucky red hoody and to one of the teams, and the summary on p. 47 to the other
practised her BMX tricks until they were perfect. She
was going to make her gran so proud of her! → Step 2: Teams skim read both texts while trying to spot
as many irregular verbs as possible.
→ Step 4: Solve any vocabulary doubts.
Walk around and help when necessary.

4.– RRH, PHC#10. FLYERS RECAP → Step 3: While checking as a class, write on the board
(OPTIONAL – 5 MIN.) only those verbs which haven’t been covered yet.

Put the flyers in the middle of the table. Ask the following Ch.3 - P.1
questions using a ball:

• What did the flyers advertise? BEGIN began begun

They advertised a BMX competition. HURT hurt hurt
• Did both flyers advertise the same competition? GROW grew grown
No, they didn’t.

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All the irregular verbs have already been covered! CLASS BEFORE THE WEEKEND)
→ Step 1: Tell Ss to complete HW#3 which they can find in
7.– SPELLING GAME (10 MIN.) Lessons 14 and 15 on the T&T zONe.

→ Step 1: Divide the class into two or three teams.

→ Step 2: If there are three Ss per team, the rules will Ask Ss to turn the following answers into questions, paying
go as follow: special attention to the question words.
• You will give the first person on the team a word • Gran helps Susan with her homework.
to spell. Q: Who helps Susan with her homework?
• If the S spells it correctly, the team gets three points. • Susan sees her Gran every day.
• If not, the S after him can try for two points. Q: How often does Susan see her Gran?
• If the answer is correct, the team earns two points. • Susan and her Gran go to BMX competitions.
If not, the third person on the team can try. Q: Where do Susan and her Gran go?
• If the answer is correct, the team earns 1 point. If • The stunts at the BMX competitions are fantastic.
not, the opposite team can try for 1 point. Q: What are the stunts at the BMX competitions like?

→ Step 3: The next team is given a word and goes through

the same process. NEXT CLASS PREPARATION (30 MIN.)
Students must do the following at home in time for the
→ Step 4: The winner is the team with the most points. next class.
Interesting words to spell • Read and listen to Ch. 3 Part 2, Track#13 (SR)
afternoon – blooming – depressed – beginning – • Complete ex. 48, p. 49
squash – together – dearly – log – toast – favourite • Complete ex. 50, p. 50
– through – neighbour – proud – competition –


→ Step 1: Put Ss in pairs. Each pair chooses 3 words from

target language (highlighted in orange) and writes them in
a piece of paper.

→ Step 2: The pieces of paper are gathered and each

pair receives three. Now, each pair has to write 1 sentence
that is NOT about the story using all 3 words

Walk around and help them when necessary. Make sure

they come up with full and correct structures.

→ Step 3: Pairs read their sentences and group votes.

Let’s see who writes better!

OPTIONAL: Write the following grid on the board to help your

Ss assess their classmates’ work:

Makes All 3 Is it Grammar Fluently

sense? words? funny? mistakes? read?

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Lesson#16_in Fairy Tales 1

→ Step 2: Ask the Ss to stand up, toss the ball at any

of them and call out a verb tense + affirmative/negative/
• Ss will choose the correct words in a gapped text.
Every day | Now | Tomorrow | Yesterday | 3 times
• Ss will debate whether a character should do
so far this week
something or not.
• Ss will find and correct mistakes in given Once this S gives a correct sentence, he/she passes the
sentences. ball to another S and chooses a different form and tense.

Continue like this until all Ss have had a least one go.

• a ball CH. 3, PART 2, EX. 48, TR#13 (15 MIN.)
• a dice → Step 1: Ask the Ss “So, what has happened in Susan’s
• sheets of paper story so far?” and elicit as much information as possible.

Encourage the use of the present perfect.


→ Step 2: A volunteer reads and explains the exercise.

1.– WARM-UP (5-10 MIN.)
→ Step 3: Ss work individually on the exercise. Walk around
→ Step 1: Call the register. If it’s the first class of the and help when necessary, but don’t give any answers yet.
week, check their progress on the app. Ask the children
“How many times have you played with the app this week?”. Solve also vocabulary doubts, but remember not to give
They should reply: “I have played with the app 6 times since any translations!
(same day last week)”.
→ Step 4: To check, play the CD.
→ Step 2: Return or collect homework as necessary. Give
Ss up to 5 minutes to correct their own mistakes. Help them KEY:
when needed but do not give them the answer straight away. 1. on | 2. for | 3. like | 4. over | 5. for | 6. to | 7. up |
8. about | 9. off | 10. on
→ Step 3: Encourage Ss to finish your sentences using a
reflexive pronoun (myself, yourself, himself, herself...). Use → Step 5: As a group, agree on gestures to mime the
gestures if needed. highlighted vocabulary in the text. Then play the track again
• No, you cannot do this for me. I have to do it.... and encourage the Ss to do the agreed gestures.
• Why doesn’t she do it....? (herself) 4.- BRITISH VS. AMERICAN, CH. 3 - P. 2 (5 MIN.)
• He likes to think of .... as a good person. (himself)
→ Step 1: Tell Ss to go back to the text and take a look
• They talk about .... all the time. (themselves) at the underlined word.
• If you don’t respect .... , nobody is going to do it
→ Step 2: Have them open their books on the British vs.
either. (yourself)
American list and point out that, depending on whether they’re
• We did not believe UFOs existed until we saw one American or British, some words can be completely different
.... (ourselves) and some words can be spelt or pronounced differently but
still mean the same. Focus on the word seen in this part
2.– TENSE REVISION (5 MIN.) and their American equivalent.

→ Step 1: Write on the board: KEY

mum (UK) - mom (US)

Susan / do / a flip

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→ Step 3: Make sure Ss know that although there might → Step 3: Go over the answers as a class. Before checking,
be two possibilities to express the same thing, in the exam ask them how many mistakes they found and write it on
they will be asked to use the ones that appear in the story. the board.

Three months had gone by since Gran had passed away
Time to make your Ss debate a little bit. Ask them “So The flowers were blooming and Susan and her family were
should Susan still enter the competition? Why or why not?” feeling better. One day, they decided to have a look at the
scrapbook that Gran had given Susan for her 7th birthday.
Encourage the use of “I think she should / shouldn’t... It was great fun seeing all those lovely memories again!
because...” as much as possible. That day, Susan decided to enter her first competition.
She wanted to honour her Gran’s memory. But the day
before the competition she had an accident with her BMX
6.– RRH, P. 50, EX. 49 (10 MIN.) and ripped a hole in her lucky red hoody. Gran’s hoody
was ruined! What was she going to do? Was it a sign?
→ Step 1: Ask another S to read and explain the exercise. Should she really enter the competition?
This time, elicit synonyms for “match” and “find out”.

match = combine, link, pair (up), join...
find out = detect, identify, discover... Time to lighten up a little bit. Ss sing along to the song
(don’t do the actual exercise yet). Encourage loud singing.
→ Step 2: Pair the Ss up, and ask them to match words
and definitions. Dance movements and gestures to enact the lyrics also
→ Step 3: Go over the answers as a class. To double check
comprehension, encourage Ss to come up with new sentences
(NOT related to the story) containing these expressions. 9.– GAME: GRAMMAR CASINO (10-15 MIN.)

KEY: NOTE: This game can be played individually or in teams.

a.5 | b.2 | c.7 | d.3 | e.6 | f.8 | g.4 | h.1 | i.9 → Step 1:Ss are given a quantity of virtual money, for
example 1,000,000 euros.
→ Step 4 (optional): If time permits, divide the class into
2 teams and play a quick Dice Game using the vocabulary → Step 2: Ask Ss to turn around (hide under the table;
on the left column. Remember: put their jackets / jumpers over their face, etc.) and write
• 1 or 2: draw the word on the board.

• 3 or 4: mime it!
When Susan tooks his hoody of, she looked down to
• 5 or 6: explain in English (Ss cannot use the
definitions given on the exercise!) it and she sudenly bursted into tears.

7.– RRH, P.50, EX.50 (10 MIN.)
When Susan took her hoody off, she looked down at it
→ Step 1: Ask a third S to read and explain the exercise. and she suddenly burst into tears.
Can they remember any synonyms for “to spot”? (e.g. see,
find, identify...) → Step 3: Ss must say how many mistakes they think
the sentence has and bet an amount of money. Make them
→ Step 2: Put the Ss into different pairs and allow them say the amount of money correctly, to practise the use of
a maximum of 5 minutes to work on the exercise. “thousand” and “hundred”.

Walk around encouraging peer interaction in English. Use Hand them a piece of paper. They must write the correct
Silent correction to help them fine-tune their speech. version of the sentence on it, underlining the mistakes.

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Lesson#16_in Fairy Tales 1

→ Step 4: Once everyone has placed their bets, the teacher • Susan decided to enter the competition.
says if they are right or wrong. Q: What did she decide to do?
• It was Friday.
If they guessed all the mistakes, and wrote the sentence
Q: What day was it?
correctly, the team doubles the amount of the bet.
• She wanted to enter the competitions because
In any other case, they lose the money they bet. she wanted to make Gran proud of her.
Q: Why did she want to enter the competition?
EXAMPLE • All the other competitors were at least 12.
Q: How old were the other competitors?
Team A = 1,000,000 Team B = 1,000,000

Bet = 100,000 Bet = 25,000 NEXT CLASS PREPARATION (30 MIN.)

Students must do the following at home in time for the
Right! Win = 200,000 Wrong! Lose = 25,000 next class.

Total = 1,200,000 Total = 975,000 • Download PHC#11 (SR) and tell Ss to follow the
same format to come up with the correct sentences
In this case Team A, who has the right answer, doubles in the different tenses for:
their bet and wins 200,000 pounds. Susan / practice / her BMX tricks.
Whereas Team B, who has the wrong answer loses IMPORTANT: encourage Ss to write them in a document
25,000 pounds (the bet they placed). and upload it to the Portfolio or they can manually draw
→ Step 4: Once everyone has placed their bets, the teacher the table and write the sentences in it so as to check
says if they are right or wrong. Teams that said the sentence them during the following class.
was incorrect must correct the mistake on the board. • Go through the Lg. Box on p. 51 and complete the
blank spaces. Reflect upon the rules for question
→ Step 5 (optional): Repeat with other sentences if time words.
• Check the Lg. Box on p. 52 and reflect upon it. Do
the matching. Ss should listen to Track#14 (SR) and
After falling of her bike, Susan tryed his hardest to be count how many “have something done” structures
brave an limped back home without cry. appear in the conversation. You can find the script
in the Tapescripts section of this TG.
After ripped a huge whole in her lucky hoody, Susan
isn’t sure about entering the competiton.


After falling off her bike, Susan tried her hardest to be

brave and limped back home without crying.
After ripping a huge hole in her lucky hoody, Susan isn’t
sure about entering the competition.


→ Step 1: Remind Ss to complete HW#3 which they can
find in Lessons 14 and 15 on the T&T zONe. Also, tell them
to play Susan vs. Ballet Dancer on the app.


Ask the Ss to turn the following answers into questions,

paying special attention to the question words.

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Lesson#17_in Fairy Tales 1

Give a copy of the PHC to each of your Ss and write on the

board (you may ask for a volunteer to do it for you):
• Ss will rephrase a sentence so that it matches a
variety of time expressions and forms (question/ Susan / practise / her BMX tricks
• Ss will provide synonyms and use target language → Step 2: The pairs complete the PHC.
in context.
• Ss will match “How...” questions and answers. → Step 3: Ask the Ss to swap papers and check the answers
as a group. Use the board to ensure that slower Ss can assess
their classmates’ work appropriately.
• 1 copy of PHC#11 per S
• small pieces of paper
E/D: Susan practises her BMX tricks.
• a bag
Now: Susan is practising her BMX tricks.
• CD1 TR#1, TR#2, TR#14
T: Susan is going to practise her BMX tricks OR Susan
will practise her BMX tricks.
Y: Susan practised her BMX tricks.
So Far: Susan has practised her BMX tricks.
1.– WARM-UP (5-10 MIN.)

→ Step 1: Call the register. If it’s the first class of the Negative:
week, check their progress on the app. Ask the children E/D: Susan doesn’t practise her BMX tricks.
“How many times have you played with the app this week?”.
They should reply: “I have played with the app 6 times since Now: Susan isn’t practising her BMX tricks.
(same day last week)”. T: Susan isn’t going to practise her BMX tricks OR Susan
won’t practise her BMX tricks.
→ Step 2: Return or collect homework as necessary. Give
Y: Susan didn’t practise her BMX tricks.
Ss up to 5 minutes to correct their own mistakes. Help them
when needed but do not give them the answer straight away. So Far: Susan hasn’t practised her BMX tricks.

→ Step 3: Read the following paragraph saying “beep” Question:

each time there is a gap. Ss have to guess the missing word.
To make it more interesting, you can divide the class into E/D: Does Susan practise her BMX tricks?
two teams. You can add gestures to help comprehension. Now: Is Susan practising her BMX tricks?
There was going to be a BMX competition in town and T: Is Susan going to practise her BMX tricks? OR Will
Susan decided she should ........ (enter) the competition Susan practise her BMX tricks?
to ........ (honour) Gran’s ........ (memory). So during that Y: Did Susan practise her BMX tricks?
week, every afternoon, Susan put ........ (on) her lucky
red hoody and practised her BMX stunts. The day before So Far: Has Susan practised her BMX tricks?
the competition, during her last practice session, Susan
started to get ........ (butterflies) in her stomach. Most 3.– MIMING VOCABULARY (5 MIN.)
........ (competitors) were ........ (older) than Susan and
all of them were boys, but she was ........ (determined) → Step 1: Divide the group into 2 or 3 teams.
to win the competition because she wanted Gran to be
........ (proud) of her. → Step 2: Mime the following words, but don’t accept any
of your Ss’ answers unless they use the appropriate word in
a correct sentence. Encourage them playfully.
get butterflies in your stomach | be determined
→ Step 1: This time, Ss can work in pairs. to | put something away | burst into tears | get
yourself ready | try your hardest | limp

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4.-RRH, PAGE 51, QUESTION WORDS LG. BOX Stop the CD at intervals during the song.
(10 MIN.)
When the music stops playing, the S who has the bag must
→ Step 1: Ask the Ss if they remember what question select a word from the bag and come up with a sentence
words are and elicit anything similar to “the words we use using that word.
to begin a question”.
If they are able to form a correct sentence, they keep the
→ Step 2: Ss complete the part A of the Lge Box either card. If they are not, they should put the card back in the
individually or in pairs (Ss should already be familliar with bag. The person who has the most cards at the end wins!
all these question words).
NOTE: Encourage Ss not to form sentences about the story.
KEY The aim of this activity is to introduce the new vocabulary and
grammar into their “daily lives” (not checking that they know
Who = people | When = time Susan’s story by heart!).
Where = place | Why = reason

→ Step 3: Do part B as a class (Ss might not be so familiar 7.– RRH, PAGE 52, EX. 53, TR#14 (10 MIN.)
with these question words).
→ Step 1: Have Ss explain you the Lg Box on p. 52.
What... for? = why? | Whose = asking for possession
How? = in what way? 1.b | 2.a

→ Step 2: Tell Ss they are about to listen to a conversation

5.– RRH, PAGE 51, EX. 52 (10 MIN.) that is also in their Student CD. They should be familiar with it.

→ Step 1: Have a S read and explain the exercise. Make

Instruct the Ss to listen and count how many “have
sure they are able to rephrase “make sense” (to be clear
something done” structures appear in the conversation.
and easy to understand).
Play the track.

→ Step 2 (optional): Go over the sentences as a group to

check comprehension.
SPEAKER 1: I don’t make my bed myself. I have it made.
→ Step 3: Ss work on the exercise individually. Then check
S2: Well I’m rich, so I obviously have my clothes washed,
as a class.
ironed and folded for me.

Before answering, encourage the children to first say S3: Really? I’m so rich that I even have my luggage carried
whether it was “a no-brainer” or “a tough one”. when I travel.
S4: Oh, so do I. But then I also have my car driven by a
KEY chauffeur.
A.5 | B.7 | C.1 | D.3 | E.4 | F.6 (extra sentence = 2) S5: Oh please! I even have my text messages typed for
me. My nails are too long, so I can’t type on my mobile.
Did I mention that I have my nails painted, too?
→ Step 1: Ask the Ss to write down on a piece of paper a KEY
word they have learned during the term (the more difficult,
8 repetitions (6 if you consider the second speaker’s
the better!). Then put all the pieces of paper in a bag.
utterance as 1 structure).
→ Step 2: Now ask the Ss to sit in a circle. Stand outside If needed, play it a second time and pause after each
the circle and control the CD player. sentence so that they get it.

→ Step 3: Play the CD (TR#1 or TR#2, whichever your Ss → Step 3 (optional): Time to get creative. Put Ss into pairs
prefer). As music plays, ask Ss to pass around the vocabulary and encourage them to come up with two or three sentences
bag. using “have sth done”. The craziest, the better!

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8.– RRH, PAGE 52, EX. 54 (10 MIN.) 11.– DOOR QUESTIONS (5 MIN.)

→ Step 1: Ask another S to read and explain the exercise. Ask Ss one of the DQs of the day. Once they have answered
in full, they can leave the session.
→ Step 2: Do the first sentence as a group and then allow
• So, (Ss’ name), who is the tallest in your class?
them some minutes to finish the exercise individually.
• Who is shorter than you in your class?
→ Step 3: To check, make Ss swap books and go over the
• Who is the most intelligent in your class?
answers as a group.


a. has it done | b. has them ironed | c. has them typed Students must do the following at home in time for the
up | d. they have them washed | e. he has it done next class.

• Complete ex. 55 on p. 53. Refer back to the Lg.

9.– GAME: TENNIS MATCH (5 MIN. - OPTIONAL) Box on p. 46 if needed. Tell Ss to come up with full
answers to the ex.
→ Step 1: Make Ss stand up and form a line at the back
• Complete ex. 56, p. 53. Review the meaning of “try
of the class.
your hardest” (do your best) and write a first example
as a class for Ss to know how they must complete
→ Step 2: Stand on the opposite end, facing your Ss. Say
the ex.
each of the following words making a tennis move, as if you
were swinging an invisible tennis racket. • Spot as many irregular verbs as possible in Ch.3
Part 2 (p. 49) and then add the new verbs to the
Any Ss can answer, but they must answer swinging a Irregular Verbs list on p. 221 at the end of the book.
racket as well, as if you were playing a tennis match with
an invisible ball. Encourage loud answers!

Call out the following words and elicit synonyms:

look after = take care of

incredible = amazing
enjoyable = good fun
start crying = burst into tears
sad = upset
a piece of cake = a no-brainer
very difficult = a tough one
super beautiful = gorgeous
prepare yourself = get yourself ready
walk with difficulty = limp
do your best = try your hardest



→ Step 1: Tell Ss to complete OHW#5 which can be found

in the OHW section on the T&T zONe. Also, remind them to
play Susan vs. Ballet Dancer on the app.

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→ Step 2: Now divide the class into two groups and ask
them to stand up. Call out different verb tenses. The first
team to sit down gets to answer.
• Ss will rephrase a sentence so that it matches a
variety of time expressions.
Ask randomly for affirmative, negative and interrogative
• Ss will narrate the events of a story in order using forms.
before/after + V-ing.
Every day | Now | Tomorrow | Yesterday | 3 times
• Ss will make predictions using will. so far this week
• Ss will spot irregular verbs in a narrative text.
NOTE: To make it more appealing, keep score for both teams
on the whiteboard. Let’s see which team gets more points!

• 1 copy of PHC#13 for every 4 Ss (there are 2 sets 3.– RRH, PAGE 53, EX. 55 (10 MIN.)
in each PHC and Ss work in pairs). Cut out and
clip each set together with a paper clip → Step 1: Pretend to be combing your hair and encourage
your Ss to do the same. The ask them “What are you doing?”
and elicit “We are combing our hair”. Then ask “Interesting...
And do you usually comb your hair yourselves or do you
have it combed?” and elicit answers such as “I do it myself!”
or “I have it combed!”.
1.– WARM-UP (5-10 MIN.)

→ Step 1: Call the register. If it’s the first class of the → Step 2: A S reads and explains the exercise. Before doing
week, check their progress on the app. Ask the children the exercise, ask the Ss “Do you remember all the reflexive
“How many times have you played with the app this week?”. pronouns?”. Write them on the board as they say them:
They should reply: “I have played with the app 6 times since
(same day last week)”. myself - yourself - herself - himself - itself
ourselves - yourselves - themselves
→ Step 2: Return or collect homework as necessary. Give
Ss up to 5 minutes to correct their own mistakes. Help them
when needed but do not give them the answer straight away. → Step 3: Ss work on the exercise individually. Walk around
and help when necessary. Since answers may vary a lot, we
→ Step 3: Read the following paragraph saying “beep” recommend not going over them as a class unless you’ve
each time there is a gap. Ss have to guess the missing got plenty of time.
word. To make it more interesting, you can divide the class
into two teams. 4.– BEFORE/AFTER +-ING RECAP, PHC#13 (15 MIN.)
Just before she was going to try her last trick, Mum ........
(called) her for dinner but she decided to do it one last → Step 1: Ask your group “What sounds better ‘I have
time. Poor Susan ........ (fell) and crashed her bike, but breakfast after wake up’ or ‘I have breakfast ater waking
she was ........ (determined) not to cry. Her mum called her up’?” and elicit “I have breakfast after waking up”.
again, so she put her bike a ........ (away) and limped inside.
She tried her ........ (hardest) to be brave, but as she was Now ask “And what sounds better ‘I watch TV before going
taking her hoody off, she looked down and suddenly ........ to bed’ or ‘I watch TV before go to bed’?” and, again, elicit
(burst) into tears. She had ........ (ripped) a big, ugly hole “I watch TV before going to bed”.
in her lucky red hoody! Gran’s hoody was ........ (ruined)!
→ Step 2: Write on the board:


→ Step 1: Have a volunteer write on the board:
Now, encourage the Ss to come up with similar sentences.
If they get stuck, try giving them the following prompts:
Susan’s parents / work / late
have a shower / go to school
do homework / watch TV

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lay the table / have lunch When taking a plane you’ve got to try your hardest to get
on time to the airport.
surf the internet / do the homework
When going on a school trip you’ve got to try your hardest
pack the schoolbag / go to school
to make sure no one gets lost.
get dressed / have a shower
→ Step 3: Go over everybody’s answers as a class. Check
open the door / enter a room
who was more creative!
→ Step 3: Ss get in pairs. Distribute the PHC, one set to
each pair. Ss rearrange the strips in the correct order and
6.– RRH, PAGE 53, EX. 57 (5-10 MIN.)
while discussing when things happened, they should use
before/after + V-ing.
→ Step 1: Ask a S “Will it rain tomorrow?”. Elicit answers
using will and write them on the board.

Gran took Susan to BMX competitions before taking photos

Will it rain tomorrow?
of her.
Yes, it will.
Gran took photos of Susan before making a scrapbook No, it won’t.
for her.
Gran made a scrapbook before giving it to Susan. Now, ask the class: “Will (a S in your class) be rich and
Gran gave the scrapbook to Susan before buying the famous when s/he grows up?”. Elicit answers using will.
Christmas gifts. Ask each S to come up with a prediction for one of their
classmates, using will.
Gran bought the Christmas gifts before tripping.
Gran fell down after tripping. → Step 2: Now, encourage Ss to fill in the gaps in the
exercise and also to make their predictions. Make sure they
Gran passed away after falling down the stairs.
use will in their sentences.
→ Follow-up (optional):

Read out the sentences below and make Ss correct you. 7.– IRREGULAR VERBS, P. 221 (10 MIN.)
When correcting you, Ss should say “Excuse me, I think
you are wrong…” → Step 1: Divide the class into two teams. Assign the
first half of the text (until gap#6) to one team and the rest
• Gran fell down the stairs before tripping. to the other team.
• Gran gave Susan the scrapbook before making it.
→ Step 2: Teams skim read the texts while trying to spot
• Gran passed away before falling. as many irregular verbs as possible.
• Gran bought the Christmas presents after passing
away. Walk around and help when necessary.
• Gran took Susan to BMX competitions after passing
→ Step 3: While checking as a class, write on the board
only those verbs which haven’t been covered yet.

5.– RRH, PAGE 53, EX. 56 (5 MIN.) Ch.3 - P.2

→ Step 1: Ask a S to read and explain the exercise.

WIN won won
Go over the examples as a class and review the meaning BURST burst burst
og “try your hardest” (do your best).
THROW threw thrown
→ Step 2: Write a first example as a class and then ask
the Ss to complete the exercise individually. Make sure Ss add these new verbs to the grid found at
the end of the book.
When studying you’ve got to try your hardest to understand
the topic well.

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8.–RRH, PAGES 54-55, VOCABULARY REVIEW CH. 3 Susan’s mum / call / for dinner.
(10-15 MIN.) IMPORTANT: this time the time reference expressions
are in a different order, so Ss must pay extra attention!
→ Step 1: Divide the class into different teams and assign Encourage Ss to write them in a document and upload
each team a part of the Vocabulary Review exercise. it to the Portfolio or they can manually draw the table
and write the sentences in it so as to check them
Walk around to monitor their conversations and help during the following class.
when necessary. Remember to encourage peer interaction
in English! • Read and listen to Ch. 4 Part 1 (Track#15, SR) on
p. 57.
→ Step 2: Go over the answers as a class. If time permits, • Complete ex. 58, p. 57. Encourage Ss to answer in
ask the children to come up with a sentence of their own full sentences.
with each of the items reviewed.


1. at least | 2. enter | 3. still

a. proud | b. get ... ready | c. picking up | d. brave | e.
over | f. laughing | g. bursting into tears | h. taking ... off |
i. putting ... away | j. butterflies in his stomach | k. trying
its hardest to | l. look through | m. determined to | n. joking
| o. depressed / in despair

→ Step 3 (optional): Each team assigns 3 words to the

other team, who has to write a sentence using them (if
possible, not about the story).



→ Step 1: Remind Ss to complete OHW#5 which can be

found in the OHW section on the T&T zONe. Also, tell them
to play Susan vs. Ballroom Dancer on the app.


Ask Ss one of the DQs of the day. Once they have answered
in full, they can leave the classroom.

• So, (Ss’ name), who is the tallest in your family?

• Who is taller than you in your family?
• Who is the most intelligent in your family?
• What is the easiest school subject?
• What is the most difficult school subject?


Students must do the following at home in time for the
next class.

• Download PHC#14 (SR) and tell Ss to follow the

same format to come up with the correct sentences
in the different tenses for:

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Lesson#19_in Fairy Tales 1


→ Step 1: Give a copy of the PHC to each of your Ss and
• Ss will rephrase a sentence so that it matches a
write on the board (you may ask for a volunteer to do it for
variety of time expressions.
• Ss will listen to a song and choose their favourite
Susan’s mum / call / for dinner
• Ss will role play bragging using the causative have
something done
→ Step 2: This time the time reference expressions in the
PHC are in a different order, so Ss must pay extra attention!
→ Step 3: Ask Ss to swap papers and check the answers
• CD1 TR#2, TR#15 as a group. Use the board to ensure that slower Ss can
• 1 copy of PHC#14 per S assess their classmates’ work appropriately.
• sheets of paper (1 per S)
LESSON PLAN Affirmative:
Y: Susan’s mum called her for dinner.
1.– WARM-UP (5-10 MIN.) So Far: Susan’s mum has called her for dinner.

→ Step 1: Call the register. If it’s the first class of the Now: Susan’s mum is calling her for dinner.
week, check their progress on the app. Ask the children T: Susan’s mum is going to call her for dinner. OR Susan’s
“How many times have you played with the app this week?”. mum will call her for dinner.
They should reply: “I have played with the app 6 times since
E/D: Susan’s mum calls her for dinner.
(same day last week)”.

→ Step 2: Return or collect homework as necessary. Give Negative:

Ss up to 5 minutes to correct their own mistakes. Help them
when needed but do not give them the answer straight away. Y: Susan’s mum didn’t call her for dinner.
So Far: Susan’s mum hasn’t called her for dinner.
→ Step 3: Write on the board:
Now: Susan’s mum isn’t calling her for dinner.

SO FAR... HAS / HASN’T HAPPENED T: Susan’s mum isn’t going to call her for dinner. OR Susan’s
mum won’t call her for dinner.

Tell the children your are going to give them some prompts/ E/D: Susan’s mum doesn’t call her for dinner.
ideas and that they’ll have to say if those things have or
haven’t happened in the story. Make sure Ss use present
perfect in their answers. Say: Question:
Y: Did Susan’s mum call her for dinner?
• Susan’s gran / die
So far Susan’s gran has died. So Far: Has Susan’s mum called her for dinner?
• decide to enter the competition Now: Is Susan’s mum calling her for dinner?
So far Susan has decided to enter the competition. T: Is Susan’s mum going to call her for dinner? OR
• enter the competition Will Susan’s mum will call her for dinner?
Susan hasn’t entered a competition yet E/D: Does Susan’s mum call her for dinner?
• win the competition
Susan hasn’t won a competition yet. 3.– HAVE SOMETHING DONE REVISION (5 MIN.)
• fall off her bike
So far Susan has fallen off her bike. → Step 1: Tell them that they are as rich as Bill Gates,
so they can have everything done by someone else. Write
• rip a hole in her hoody a list of things on the board like:
So far Susan has ripped a hole in her hoody.

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polish shoes | make my bed | make my breakfast | do
homework | do exams | tie my shoe laces | brush my 1. On Saturday morning she felt anxious because of the
hair | wash my face | peel my grapes | blow my nose | painful fall she had had on Friday.
flush the toilet 2. She watched them carefully, trying to pick up a few
→ Step 2: Go through the phrases together to make sure 3. She had forgotten her lucky hood and she had never
they understand them. ridden her bike without it since her gran died.
4. Her mum helped her by taking her lucky hoody to the
→ Step 3: Play chain game getting them to say I’m so
arena. She had even stitched up the hole!
rich that I even have my nose blown. She’s so rich that
she even has her nose blown, but I’m so rich that I have
my grapes peeled… 6.– RRH, PAGE 58, EX. 59 (10 MIN.)

→ Step 1: Ask the Ss which TV shows they usually watch

4.– RRH, PAGE 57, READING & LISTENING. and then elicit at least three adjectives for each of them.
CH. 4, PART 1, TR#15 (15 MIN.) Write everything on the board (try to elicit both long and
short adjectives.
→ Step 1: As usual, Ss highlight everything they understand
and then ask you, in English, what the words or expressions SOME IDEAS
they don’t know mean.

→ Step 2: Agree on gestures for the words highlighted INTERESTING - FUNNY - POPULAR - ENTERTAINING
in orange and play the track again. Ss must perform the CLEVER - HILARIOUS - BAD - NICE - GOOD
gestures as they listen to the story.
→ Step 2: Now, encourage Ss to compare the three TV
→ Step 3: Time to look for new irregular verbs. Divide shows chosen previously. Elicit the use of comparatives and
the group into two teams and assign one paragraph to each superlatives as much as possible.
of them.
→ Step 3: Draw the Ss’ attention to the grid and encourage
Allow them a couple of minutes to spot all the irregular them to explain by themselves the differences between long
verbs used in the story. and short adjectives.

Fill in the grid as a class using adjectives of their own choice.

While checking as a group, though, write on the board only
the verbs which haven’t been covered yet and make sure Ss
KEY (Answers may vary)
copy them on the irregular verbs list at the end of the book.
Ch.4 - P.1
COMPARATIVE nicer than more interesting than

HEAR heard heard SUPERLATIVE the nicest the most interesting

Make sure Ss add this new verb to the grid found at the
end of the book. 7.– RRH, PAGE 71, MAKE YOU PROUD, TR#2,
(10-15 MIN.)

5.– RRH, PAGE 57, EX.58 (10-15 MIN.) → Step 1: Ask the Ss to close their books and grab a piece
of paper and something to write.
→ Step 1: Ask a S to read and explain the exercise. Do
they know any other words for “find out”? (e.g.: discover, → Step 2: Play the song. Ss sing along and write down
learn, identify...) three words they like (because they had never heard them
before, because they like how they sound, because they’re
→ Step 2: Do the exercise as a group, but have volunteers tricky, etc.)
stand up and write the answers on the board. Use this
opportunity to enhance peer interaction and make the most → Step 3: Quickly review the words chosen by the Ss.
of eliciting and silent correction. Comment on why the chose them and write them on the board.

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Once the list is ready, randomly choose a S and encourage other people?
him / her to come up with a sentence using one of the words.
– It depends. I can coffeepot on my own, but I preffer
If they manage to form a correct sentence, cross out the word
coffepotting with other people.
and choose another S. Keep on like this until everybody has
constructed, at least, one sentence. – Where do you coffeepot?
– We coffeepot in the park, the forest, the campsite...
OPTIONAL: To make it more appealing, turn this activity into
a “Ss against the teacher contest”. For each word they manage - (...)
to squeeze into a sentence, you give them a point. For each word
left unused, you keep the point. Set a maximum time limit of 10.– HOMEWORK FOR NEXT CLASS (IF IT’S A CLASS
5-6 minutes to avoid spending too much time playing this game. BEFORE THE WEEKEND)

8.– RRH, PAGE 58, EX. 60 (10 MIN.) → Step 1: Tell Ss to complete OHW#6 which can be found
in the OHW section on the T&T zONe. Also, remind them to
→ Step 1: Ask another S to read and explain the exercise. play Susan vs. Ballroom Dancer on the app.
Once again, help Ss use their own words and avoid having
them simply read the instructions aloud. 11.– DOOR QUESTIONS (5 MIN.)
→ Step 2: Pair the Ss up and allow them some minutes Ask Ss one of the DQs of the day. Once they have answered
to work on the exercise. in full, they can leave the classroom.

Walk around and help when necessary. Read out the answers below and get Ss to ask you the
questions that elicited them.
→ Step 3: Go over the answers as a class. Make sure
they use full structures while correcting the exercise (e.g.: • No, I have never been to Rome.
“X means the same as Y”). (Q: Have you ever been to Rome?)
• No, Susan has never ridden a motorbike.
KEY (Q: Has Susan ever ridden a motorbike?)
1.G | 2.E | 3.F | 4.B | 5.H | 6.D | 7.A | 8.C | 9.I • No, my parents have never seen an alien.
(Q: Have your parents ever seen an alien?)
9.– GAME: COFFEPOT (5 MIN. - OPTIONAL) • No, I have never read a book in French.
(Q: Have you ever read a book in French?)
→ Step 1: Ss write actions on pieces of paper. They can
• No, she has never travelled to Italy.
be quite specific, such as “Ride a bike”, “Play outdoors”,
(Q: Has she ever travelled to Italy?)
“Make mud pies”, etc.

→ Step 2: One S leaves the room and the rest of the class NEXT CLASS PREPARATION (30 MIN.)
pick one action.
Students must do the following at home in time for the
next class.
→ Step 3: The S comes back and tries to guess what the
action is by asking questions using the word “coffeepot”. • Complete ex. 61 on p. 58. Elicit quickly what “-ful”
The rest of the class answer giving clues, but always using means (full with / with lots of).
the word “coffeepot”.
• Complete ex. 62 on p. 59. Remind Ss of the rules for
when using comparatives and superlatives (short
vs long adjectives).
If the action was “ride a bike”. • Go through Lg. Box (ex. 64) on p. 60 and remember
– Have you ever coffeepotted? the rules for the First Conditional.
– Yes, I have. • Complete ex. 65 on p. 60.
– When was the last time you coffeepotted?
– I coffeepotted last month, on a Saturday.
– Do you coffeepot on your own or do you coffeepot with

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→ Step 1: Write on the board:
• Ss will rephrase a sentence so that it matches a
variety of time expressions.
• Ss will compare BMX competitors using the BMCX riders / perform / amazing stunts
information on a chart.
→ Step 2: Now divide the class into two groups and ask
• Ss will make gestures to clarify target vocabulary.
them to stand up. Call out different verb tenses. The first
team to sit down gets to answer.
Ask randomly for affirmative, negative or interrogative
• CD1 TR#16 forms.

Every day | Now | Tomorrow | Yesterday | 3 times

LESSON PLAN so far this week

NOTE: To make it more appealing, keep score for both teams

1.– WARM-UP (5-10 MIN.) on the whiteboard. Let’s see which team gets more points!

→ Step 1: Call the register. If it’s the first class of the

week, check their progress on the app. Ask the children 3.– RRH, CHAPTER 4, PART 1 FOLLOW-UP (10 MIN.)
“How many times have you played with the app this week?”.
They should reply: “I have played with the app 6 times since → Step 1: Encourage the children to read the text paragraph
(same day last week)”. out loud. Select a S who will start reading. They can read up
to wherever they want, and the next S must pay attention to
→ Step 2: Return or collect homework as necessary. Give continue where the last one left off.
Ss up to 5 minutes to correct their own mistakes. Help them
when needed but do not give them the answer straight away. The rest of the class make the gestures for the target
vocabulary as it is read.
→ Step 3: Ask Ss to grab a piece of paper and something
to write. Tell them you are going to call out words and ask If the S who is reading mispronounces a word, remember
for synonyms or opposites. to use silent correction and elicit the correct pronunciation
from the group.
For each word you say, they’ll have three seconds to write
down an appropriate synonym or opposite (make a loud count → Step 2: Read the following statements and encourage Ss
down to make the activity more challenging). to correct you using the structure “If I remember correctly...”.

• After the fall, Susan had more confidence in

Once the 3 seconds are over, Ss show their answers. You
may want to give points and write them on the board. In any
If I remember correctly, after the fall Susan had less
case, keep it snappy!
confidence in herself.
Say: • She decided not to enter the competition.
[...] she was still going to enter the competition.
• synonym for vomit (throw up)
• Susan watched the other competitors so as not
• opposite of outdoors (indoors)
to get bored while she was waiting for her turn.
• synonym for prepare yourself (get yourself ready) [...] she tried to pick up a few tips.
• synonym for starting to cry • She was feeling calm and relaxed.
(burst into tears) She felt very nervous, as if her stomach was about
to explode.
• opposite of with (without)
• synonym for very pretty (gorgeous)
4.– RRH, PAGE 58, EX. 61 (10 MIN.)
• opposite of upset (happy, calm, well...)
• opposite of uncomfortable and cold (cosy) → Step 1: Ask a S to read and explain the exercise.

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Orally, elicit what -ful means and write it on the board: elicit “We’ve used superlatives”. Then ask, “And what do
we have to use in this exercise?” and elicit “We have to
use comparatives”.
-FUL = full of / with lots of
→ Step 2: Ss work on the exercise individually. Walk around
→ Step 2: As a group, look at the two examples given in and help them if necessary.
the exercise and try to find a suitable definition for “colourful”
and “useful”. → Step 3: To check, ask Ss to swap books and go over the
answers as a group. Leave correct answers on the board to
KEY ensure that everybody can correct their classmates’ work
Colourful = with lots of different bright colours
Useful = effective KEY

→ Step 3: Brainstorm with the group other adjectives with 1. Susan is younger than George
-ful. Allow them a minute to individually choose an example (or: George is older than Susan)
and write a definition. Circulate to check. 2. Freddie is faster than Susan.
(or: Susan is slower than Freddie.)
3. George does more dangerous stunts than Freddie.
Beautiful = with lots of beauty / full of beauty (or: Freddie does safer / less dangerous stunts than
Helpful = that helps a lot
4. Susan is younger than Freddie.
(or: Freddie is older than Susan.)
5.– RRH, PAGE 59, EX. 62 (10 MIN.)
→ Step 4 (optional): If time permits, ask children who are
→ Step 1: Ask another S to read and explain the exercise.
they favourite celebrities and write their names on the board.
Orally review the use and form of comparatives and superlatives.
Quickly, check that they remember the differences between
Once the list is done, elicit adjectives that could be used
short and long adjectives.
to compare any of these celebrities. Write the adjectives
also on the board:
→ Step 2: Pair the Ss up and give them some minutes to
work on the exercise.

As usual, walk around to monitor their conversations and

help when necessary. POPULAR / UNKNOWN - GOOD / BAD ARTIST
→ Step 3: Check as a group. If time permits, you may HANDSOME / UGLY - RICH / POOR - TALL / SHORT
want to ask for volunteers to step up to the board and help
you write the answers.
7.– RRH, PAGE 60, EX. 64 (5 MIN.)

1. George is the oldest. → Step 1: Have another S read and explain the exercise.
Make sure they answer both questions correctly (we are talking
2. Freddie is the fastest. about what will happen in the future if something happens now
3. George does the most dangerous stunts. or in the nearer future; it’s just a possibility)
4. Susan is the youngest.
→ Step 2: Encourage the Ss to finish your sentences. Say:
5. George is the slowest.
• If I miss the bus, ... (I will be late)
6. Freddie does the least dangerous stunts.
• If I watch TV until late at night, ... (I will be tired in
the morning)
6.– RRH, PAGE 59, EX. 63 (10 - 15 MIN.)
• If I fail maths, my dad... (will be mad at me))
→ Step 1: A third S reads and explains the exercise. Ask • If I get sick, ... (I won’t go to school)
them “What have we used in the previous exercise?” and

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8.– RRH, PAGE 60, EX. 65 (10 MIN.) Freddie is the best at doing spins.
George is the worst at doing spins.
→ Step 1: Do the first sentence of the exercise as a group.
Then, pair the Ss up and ask them to complete the activity. (...)

Walk around to monitor their conversations and help when SCRIPT

JOURNALIST/COMMENTATOR: Things are getting exciting
today at the 11th Super BMX Junior series. I’m here with
→ Step 2: Go over the answers as a class and check who
BMX legend Lucas Krasinsky. Lucas, which competitor
wrote the craziest/funniest sentence. Make sure also that
has done the best spins?
everybody wrote the necessary comma between the first
and second parts of the structure (If someone does this, that BMX EXPERT: Well, I’d say that Freddie Clements has
will happen). done the best spins, but young Susan Williams would be
a close second. George Ray’s spins have been quite good,
Make sure everybody used the conditional type 1 in their but not as good as Susan’s, or Freddie’s.
J/C: Susan Williams has done an amazing flip, too.
KEY BMX: Yes, she’s definitely the best at flips. Which is
incredible, considering she is a lot younger than most of
(Answers may vary) the other competitors.
J/C: Who has done better flips in your opinion, Freddie
9.– RRH, PAGE 60, EX.66, TR#16 (10 MIN.) Clements or George Ray?

→ Step 1: Ask a S to read and explain the exercise. BMX: Well, it’s difficult to say, but I think Freddie’s flips
have been a bit better than George’s. Sorry George!
Orally (and very quickly) review the use and form of both J/C: What about their bikes?
comparatives and superlatives, short and long adjectives.
BMX: Well, I wish I had had George Ray’s bike when I was
Go over the empty grid so that the Ss get familiar with his age! Have you seen George’s bike? It must be very
the information they have to look for. Clarify the difference expensive. To be honest, he has the best junior bike I
between “spin” and “flip” by demonstrating with a small have ever seen. The weird thing is Freddie Clements has
object, such as a water bottle (you spin around horizontally performed much better than him, even though he has
but you flip vertically). got the worst bike: too heavy, and not as fast as Susan’s
bike, for example.
→ Step 2: Play the track (or ask for a volunteer to do it) J/C: Thank you very much for taking time to talk to us,
and then let the Ss fill in the grid. Lucas.

→ Step 3 (optional): If they didn’t understand much, play BMX: You’re welcome.
the track a second time and give them some more seconds
to try and fill as many cells as possible. 10.– CHAIN GAME (5 MIN. - OPTIONAL)
→ Step 4: Go over the answers as a class. Make sure Ss → Step 1: Write on the board:
use full structures while checking the exercise.


Freddie Susan George → Step 2: Start asking one S “Tell me, Marta, what did
doing spins +++ ++ + you use to do when you were little?” Marta answers “I
used to cry a lot”.
doing flips ++ +++ +
good bike + ++ +++ Now say: “I used to break everything I touched. Marta
used to cry a lot”. The S sitting next to Marta says: “(Teacher
EXAMPLES OF ANWERS TO BE GIVEN ORALLY name) used to break everything he/she touched. Marta
used to cry a lot...” and adds a similar sentence.
George is worse than Susan at doing spins.
Susan is better than George at doing spins. Go round the table until all the Ss have said one sentence.

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→ Step 1: Tell Ss to complete OHW#6 which can be found

in the OHW section on the T&T zONe. Also, tell them to play
Susan vs. Rope Jumper on the app.


Read out the answers below and get Ss to ask you the
questions that elicited them.

• No, my mum has never climbed a mountain.

(Q: Has your mum ever climbed a mountain?)
• No, she has never been to Australia.
(Q: Has she ever been to Australia?)
• No, Tom has never learnt German.
(Q: Has Tom ever learnt German?)
• No, Susan has never drunk wine.
(Q: Has Susan ever drunk wine?)
• No, Susan’s dad has never eaten snails.
(Q: Has Susan’s dad ever eaten snails?)
• No, I have never travelled by plane.
(Q: Have you ever travelled by plane?)


Students must do the following at home in time for the
next class.

• Go through and reflect upon the Lg Box in ex. 67

on p. 61. Are those forms correct? Elicit quickly
the correct comparatives and superlatives for all 3
verbs (better/best, worse/worst and farther/farthest)
• Complete ex. 68, p. 61.
• Complete ex. 69, p. 61.
• Read and listen to Ch. 4 Part 2 (Track#17, SR)

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OBJECTIVES Susan’s family / drink / lemon squash

• Ss will rephrase a sentence so that it matches a

variety of time expressions. → Step 3: Ss take turns to pick another classmate to
give an appropriate sentence using the tense they've been
assigned by their classmate.

• CD1 TR#17 3.– RRH, PAGE 61, EX. 67 (10 MIN.)

• 1 copy of PHC#15
→ Step 1: Ask another S to read and explain the exercise.
• Kids&Us sweets or lollies (optional)
→ Step 2: Do the exercise as a class and write the answers
LESSON PLAN on the board so Ss are able to correct their answers

Circulate to make sure they have written everything

1.– WARM-UP (5-10 MIN.) correctly. Otherwise, they’ll be revising with the wrong
→ Step 1: Call the register. If it’s the first class of the
week, check their progress on the app. Ask the children KEY
“How many times have you played with the app this week?”.
They should reply: “I have played with the app 6 times since
Adj. Comp. Superla. E.g.
(same day last week)”.
GOOD better the Susan is
→ Step 2: Return or collect homework as necessary. Give than best the best at
Ss up to 5 minutes to correct their own mistakes. Help them doing flips.
when needed, but do not give them the answer straight away. BAD worse the I am worse
than worst than
→ Step 3: Ask Ss the following questions. If they manage Susan...
to answer them using a correct conditional type 1 structure, FAR farther the The Sun is
they get a point. If they don’t, they get no point. than farthest farther than
• What will happen if it rains tomorrow? the Moon.
If it rains tomorrow, everything will get wet.
(answers may vary)
4.– RRH, PAGE 61, EX. 68 (5 MIN.)
• What will happen if you don’t study?
If we don’t study, we won’t learn anything / → Step 1: Ask a volunteer to read and explain the exercise.
we will fail the exams... (answers may vary) This time, elicit “fill in the gaps” to rephrase “complete”
• What will happen if global warming continues?
If global warming continues, the ice in the poles will → Step 2: Ss work on the exercise individually, using the
melt. information from ex. 66.

• What will happen if the ice in the poles melts? → Step 3: Go over the answers as a class.
The cities that are close to the sea will flood.
1. the best | 2. the worst | 3. the best | 4. worse... than
→ Step 1: Before class (if possible) write the following
tenses on the board: 5.– RRH, PAGE 61, EX. 69 (5-10 MIN.)

Every day [+] | Every day [-] | Now [+]| Now [-] |Tomorrow → Step 1: A S reads and explains the exercise.
[+] | Tomorrow [-] | Yesterday [+] | Yesterday [-] |3 times
so far this week [+] | 3 times so far this week [-] → Step 2: Do the exercise as a class. First, elicit the
sentences orally and then write them on the board so that
→ Step 2: Add this on the board too: the Ss can copy them.

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OPTIONAL: If time allows, make some mistakes while writing While checking as a group, though, write on the board only
on the board and encourage the Ss to correct them. the verbs which haven’t been covered yet and make sure Ss
copy them on the irregular verbs list at the end of the book.
CH.4 P.2:
1. Susan is better than George at doing spins.
2. George is worse than Freddie at doing spins. SPIN spun span
3. Neptune is farther away from the Earth than the Moon. RUN ran run

6.– GAME: SILENCE! PHC#15 (10 MIN.) - OPTIONAL Make sure Ss add these new verbs to the grid at the end
of the book.
→ Step 1: Before class (if possible) write the letters from
the PHC on the board.
8.– ERASER GAME (5-10 MIN.)
→ Step 2: Tell them your are going to give them some → Step 1: Ss play all as one group... against you!
clues and that they must guess the word by putting together
the correct letters from the board. → Step 2: Ask them to turn around (hide under the table,
etc.) and write on the board.
Now say:

• What’s the comparative form of ‘bad’? (worse)

‘Whether the weather is warm, whether the weather
• What’s the opposite of ‘worse’? (better) is hot, we have to put up with the weather, whether
• If you feel anxiety it means that you are... (anxious) we like it or not.’

• What’s the opposite of ‘painless’? (painful)

→ Step 3: On the count of three, have Ss read out the
• What’s the superlative form of ‘far’? (farthest) sentence. Check pronunciation and drill reading it faster
• What’s a synonym for ‘throw up’? (vomit) and faster each time.
• What’s the yesterday form of ‘announce’?
→ Step 4: Ss cover their eyes while you erase some key
words and replace them with a line.
• What new word have you learned that means the
same as ‘despite that’? (nevertheless)
‘............ the ............ is warm, ............ the ............ is
NOTE: If Ss manage to spell correctly the word NEVERTHELESS, hot, we have to ............ with the ............, ............ we
they definitely deserve a prize! (maybe some sweets or lollies? like it or not.’

7.– RRH, PAGE 63, READING & LISTENING. CH. 4, → Step 5: Ss try to remember the original text. The “Ss
team” gets a point for each word they remember correctly.
PART 2, TR#17 (15 MIN.)
If they can’t recall a word, the T gets the point.
→ Step 1: Have Ss highlight everything they understand
and then ask you, in English, what the words or expressions 9.– ORAL TEST PREPARATION (5 MIN.)
they don’t know mean.
Tell Ss they will soon do the first term Oral Test.
→ Step 2: Agree on gestures for the words highlighted in
orange and play the track again. Ss perform the gestures See if the students remember the tips they were given
as they listen to the story. last year:

→ Step 3: Time to look for new irregular verbs. Divide • What’s better, saying “yes” or saying “yes, they
the group into two teams and assign one paragraph to each can”? (Always use full sentences)
of them. • What’s more important: using good English or
saying true information about Susan’s story?
Allow them a couple of minutes to spot all the irregular
verbs used in the story. Content is not important; what’s important is that you
use good English.)

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• If you don’t remember a word, should you ask VOCABULARY (10 MIN.)
the teacher? (No, because the teacher won’t tell
you the word. It’s better to choose to say something
• Reflect upon the meanings of the following words
different.) and tell Ss to try to think of a definition and an
example for each of them:
Tell Ss the 5 aspects you are going to assess in their wear | spin | get off a bike | wheel | encourage
Oral Test: someone | take a deep breath | clap | speechless
• FLUENCY. If you only use single words and spend | cry tears of joy | hug
a long time thinking, your fluency is low. But if
READING (10-15 MIN.)
you make long sentences and spend little time
thinking, your fluency is high. • Download PHC#14 (it can be found at the bottom
• RANGE. This means that you need to show you of the Next Class Preparation section or in the SR
remember a lot of different words. If you always section on the T&T zONe) and complete the different
use the same word, you won’t get a good mark in verb tenses using the sentence: "Susan / love / her
this. Gran dearly". Ss should directly copy and paste
the content into the Portfolio and save their work.
• ACCURACY. This means that you use correct
English. For example, saying “Susan love her
gran dear” is incorrect; we should say “Susan HOMEWORK FOR NEXT CLASS (IF IT’S A CLASS
loveD her gran dearLY”. And when we are telling BEFORE THE WEEKEND)
a story, we should use the past: “went, took...”.
→ Step 1: Tell Ss to complete HW#4 (M). They can find in
• PRONUNCIATION. Model bad pronunciation that
the Homework section of Lessons 21 and 22 as an attached
is difficult to understand. Encourage students to
file. Ss will have to copy it to the Portfolio once they've
give their best pronunciation, trying to sound like
finished. Also, remind them to play Susan vs. Rope Jumper
the CD.
on the app.
• OVERALL IMPRESSION. Whether someone
English who listened to them would be able to
understand what they are saying, or would be 11.– DOOR QUESTIONS (5 MIN.)
confused and not get their message.
Ask Ss one of the DQs of the day. Once they have answered
using full structures, they can leave the classroom.
10.– WRAP-UP (5 MIN.)
Ask the following questions: Make sure to elicit full second
→ Step 1: If your next class is an online class, Ss must conditional structures and any of the emotions listed below.
do the preparation work (you will find this information at
the end of the LP). This is key because, otherwise, they • How would you feel if you lost the keys to your
will not be able to take part in the class. Go through the house?
preparation work and have Ss write down the exercise they (If I lost ... I would feel worried, upset, guilty...)
will need to do. • How yould you feel if a teacher caught you
copying in an exam?
(If I was caught... i would feel embarrassed guilty...)
• How would you feel if won a sports competition?
If your next class is online, Ss must do the following (If I won... I would feel excited, happy, over the
preparation tasks, which should take no more than 30 min. moon...)

Remind Ss they should log in to Lesson 22 on the PLTF.

Next day: Oral Test - Term 1
Important: Ss must do the following at home in time for
the next class.


• Read Ch. 4 Part 2 again to freshen up on it for

next class.

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Lesson#22_in | Oral Test Fairy Tales 1

→ Step 2: Do the oral test, following the guidelines given

during the Tweens&Teens teacher training.

• Ss will decide if given statements are true, false

or not mentioned in a text at all. Red Riding Hoody - Oral Test Term 1
• Ss will place target vocabulary in the right
Depending on the size of the group, you will
context by filling gaps in 2 short texts.
devote more or less time to testing your Ss one
• Ss will create a short text using 3 target by one.
vocabulary words.
Therefore, you may need more or less activities
for the rest of the group to do in the meantime.
If there is an activity which they haven’t done
during the Oral Test, do it as a regular class
• 1 copy of PHC#16 per S activity.
• Oral Test Term 1 materials (check RRH Tests
section in this Guide)
3.– CHECKING RRH, PAGE 63-64, EX. 68 (5 MIN.)
→ Step 1: Have a volunteer explain what they did in this
exercise. If he / she gets stuck, try asking the other classmates
1.– WARM-UP (5-10 MIN.) for help.

→ Step 1: Call the register. If it’s the first class of the → Step 2: Go over the answers as a class.
week, check their progress on the app. Ask the children
“How many times have you played with the app this week?”. KEY
They should reply: “I have played with the app 6 times since
(same day last week)”. 1. F: Now that she was wearing her lucky hoody, she
didn’t feel nervous anymore.
→ Step 2: Return or collect homework as necessary. Give 2. F: She heard her gran’s voice whispering into her
Ss up to 5 minutes to correct their own mistakes. Help them ear.
when needed but do not give them the answer straight away.
3. T: Everyone in the audience was cheering,
→ Step 3: Mime the words below and as Ss to call out screaming and clapping when she finished.
which of the items or expressions you are miming. 4. F: No, she couldn’t. The intensity of the moment had
left her speechless.
wear | spin | get off a bike | wheel | encourage someone
5. D/S
take a deep breath | clap | speechless | cry tears of joy | hug

4.– CHECKING RRH, PAGE 64, EX. 71 (5 MIN.)

5-8 MIN. PER S) → Step 1: Ask Ss explain the exercise. Did they have to
use all the words? Did they have to change any of them?
→ Step 1: Assign the following activities to the rest of the (Yes, the verbs), etc.
group so they keep working while you test each Ss one by one:
Check if they understand the word “trickier” (a bit more
• Pp. 63-64, ex. 70
• P. 64, ex. 71
• Vocabulary Review, pp. 72-73 → Step 2: Check as a group.

• PHC#16 (look at the explanation below and go KEY:

over what needs doing before Ss start it)
1. confident | 2. takes a deep breath | 3. anxious
Write the list of activities on the board so everybody knows 4. encourages | 5. screaming | 6. threw up | 7. anymore
what to do.

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Lesson#22_in | Oral Test Fairy Tales 1

5.– CHECKING RRH, P. 64, EX. 72 (5 MIN.) → Step 2: Now Ss A start asking Ss B the questions and
filling in the gaps with the information that they are given.
Let Ss stand up and read their texts aloud. Encourage
positive feedback from Ss and model it by complimenting Ss B check if Ss A are asking the questions correctly
creative ideas, good use of the target language, long (they have the questions at the bottom of their handout) and
sentences or overall effort. correct them if necessary before giving them the information
they are asking for. Then it’s Ss B's turn to ask.
If the target vocabulary has been used incorrectly (e.g. I
have a very painful in my neck.), use silent correction.

6.– CHECKING RRH, PP. 72-73, VOCABULARY → Step 1: Use the “I’m thinking of a number ...” guessing
REVISION (10 MIN.) game to determine the contestants. Those two Ss go to the
front of the room and face their classmates.
→ Step 1: Go over the answers as a class.
→ Step 2: Reveal a secret word (write it on the board or a
KEY chart or hold up a card) to everyone but the two contestants.
a. screaming | b. cheering | c. clapping | d. wheel
The rest of the Ss raise their hands to volunteer one-
e announcing | f. pain (NOT painful!) | g. throwing up
word clues that might help the contestants guess the word.
h. lost | i. crying tears of joy | j. encouraging | k. anxious
Contestants take turns calling on clue until one of the
l. confident
contestants correctly guesses the secret password.
1. carefully | 2. spin | 3. audience | 4. nevertheless
5. still | 6. be about to | 7. speechless | 8. bright → Step 3: The contestant who guesses the password
9. pick up a few tips remains at the front of the class; the S who gave the final
clue replaces the other contestant.
→ Step 2 (optional): To double-check comprehension,
teams take it in turns to call out one of the words for the WORDS TO USE:
other team to mime it.
speechless | confident | trip | encourage | guilty | bike

team A says: Clapping! 9.– WRAP-UP (5 MIN.)

team B claps and says: Anxious!
→ Step 1: If your next class is an online class, Ss need
team A bites their nails and says: Nevertheless!
to do the preparation work (you will find this information
team B pretends to be announcing something. at the end of the LP). This is key because, otherwise, they
T makes a funny buzzer noise to mark the error. will not be able to take part in the class. Go through the
preparation work and have Ss write down the exercise they
team A calls out another word. will need to complete.


If your next class is online, Ss must do the following
If you need more time to do the Oral Test, you preparation tasks, which should take no more than 30 min.
can let the rest of the class do this PHC activity
without you. Remind Ss they should log in to Lesson 23 on the PLTF.
No checking afterwards is needed.
Important: Ss must do the following at home in time for
the next class.
→ Step 1: Divide Ss into pairs. Individually they read the
gapless paragraph they have, and then read the gapped
• Review the content of ex. 73, parts A and B, p. 65
Next they look at the cues for the questions they’ll have and complete the gaps with the correct information.
to ask and write out the question.

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Lesson#22_in | Oral Test Fairy Tales 1


• Complete ex. 74, p. 65. To complete this exercise, Ss

must listen to CD1 TR#18 (can be found in SR or at
the bottom of the Next Class Preparation section).


• Listen to the "Make you Proud" song (CD1 TR#2,

SR or at the bottom of the Next Class Preparation
section) and complete ex. 81, p. 71.



→ Step 1: Remind Ss to complete HW#4 (M) which they

can find in the Homework section of Lessons 21 and 22 as
an attached file. Ss will have to copy it to the Portfolio once
finished. Also, tell them to play Susan vs. Aerial Dancer
on the app.


Ask Ss one of the DQs of the day. Once they have answered
in full, they can leave the classroom.

• Where can you have your eyes tested?

I can have my eyes tested at the optician’s.
• Where can you have your shoes repaired?
I can have my shoes repaired at the shoe repairer’s.
• Where can you have your car fixed?
I can have my car fixed at the mechanic’s.
• Where can you have a tooth filled?
I can have a tooth filled at the dentist’s.

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Lesson#23_in Fairy Tales 1

OBJECTIVES Everybody clapped.

Susan had performed amazingly.
• Ss will rephrase a sentence so that it matches a
variety of time expressions.
Ask Ss which of the two underlined actions happened…
• Ss will listen and note down long numbers
contained in an oral text.
1st (had performed)
• Ss will identify the order of past events based on
tense use (present perfect vs. past simple) 2nd (clapped)

MATERIAL 1st 2nd

• CD1 TR#18, TR#2 past –––––––––––––––––––––––––– present

• 1 copy of PHC#18 cut into cards had performed clapped

• a dice
→ Step 2: Ask them in which way the verb form used for
the 1st action is different from the verb form used for the
2nd action.

1.– WARM-UP (5-10 MIN.) The action that happens even more in the past is in “super
past”: had + V3. The action that happens second, not so far
→ Step 1: Call the register. If it’s the first class of the back in the past, is in simple past: V2.
week, check their progress on the app. Ask the children
“How many times have you played with the app this week?”. Explain to Ss that the “super past” or had + V3 is used
They should reply: “I have played with the app 6 times since when more than one thing happened and we want to make
(same day last week)”. clear which happened first and which happened next.

→ Step 2: Return or collect homework as necessary. Give Tell Ss from now on, in the Tense Revision activity, you
Ss up to 5 minutes to correct their own mistakes. Help them will add a new time expression: “before she arrived home”,
when needed but do not give them the answer straight away. and it will be the cue to use the “super past”.

→ Step 3: Let’s start today’s lesson by moving a little → Step 3: Do part A of the exercise, as a group.
bit. Say:
• Stand up if Susan came in the first place.
(Ss should stand up) They both cried tears of joy and walked out of the arena.
Susan had won the competition!
• Sit on the floor if Susan performed terribly.
(Ss should do nothing) → Step 4: Ask a S to read the instructions in part B and
• Touch your nose if Susan’s mum sewed her lucky then complete as a class.
hoody. (Ss should touch their noses)
• Jump high three times if Susan felt confident
right before riding into the arena (Ss should jump) Super past = had won | Past = cried
• Touch your toes if Susan fell off her bike while
performing in the competition 3.– “SUPER PAST” QUESTIONS (5 MIN. - OPTIONAL)
(Ss should do nothing)
Read the questions below and encourage Ss to answer
• Run around the table is Susan’s Gran was
using the “super past”:
“somehow” present in the competition
(Ss should run around the table) • What had happened before Gran was taken to
She had tripped and fallen down the stairs.
2.– RRH, P. 65, EX. 73A&B (10-15 MIN.)
• What had Gran done before she died/passed away?
→ Step 1: Write on the board: She had done the Christmas shopping.

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Lesson#23_in Fairy Tales 1

• What had Susan done before she ran out of the 5. 351 points
house for some fresh air?
6. 398 points
Before she ran out of the house for some fresh air,
she had put on the red hoody. SCRIPT:
• What had happened to dad’s mobile / What
Ladies and gentlemen, the day has come to an end and
had Dad done before he got a new mobile for
it is time to announce the winners.
He had dropped it in the bathtub. It has been a tough battle. 72 riders from all over the country
have been competing and performing their best tricks to
• What had happened before she saw the hole in
win today’s competition. The almost 10,000 spectators
her hoody?
gathered here today at Woodsville have witnessed 13
Before she saw the hole in her hoody, she had fallen
rounds and more than 930 tricks. We have seen 123
off her bike.
astonishing front flips as well as 167 back flips which
have left us all speechless. All of the competitors were
4.– DICE GAME, PHC#18 (10 MIN. - OPTIONAL) absolutely amazing, but unfortunately, only three of them
will make it to the podium. Are you ready to find out who
→ Step 1: Ask Ss to close their books and write the words they are?
from PHC#18 on the board. Get a volunteer and assign him With 246 points, our 13 year old rookie George Ray wins a
/ her a word. well-deserved third place. Congratulations mate!

→ Step 2: Tell the volunteer to choose a number from 1 to The second place goes to a 15 year old boy who has proven
6. According to the number chosen, tell him / her what to do. to be the life of the party. With 351 points and some of
today’s best stunts, please welcome the incredible Freddie
• 1, 2 or 3: mime it Clements!
• 4, 5 or 6: explain in English Finally, a rider who has stolen the show. She’s our youngest
rider, it’s her first competition ever and, nonetheless, she
→ Step 3: The rest of Ss try to guess the word. In order has an astonishing score of 398 points. Please meet our
for their guess to be valid, they must use the word in a full outright winner, Susan Williams!
correct sentence. For example: (beach) “I love going to
the beach.”
6.– RRH, P. 66, EX. 75A (10 MIN.)

5.– RRH, P. 65, EX. 74 , TR#18 (10 MIN.) → Step 1: Ask another S to read and explain the exercise.
Try to make Ss rephrase the word “alone” (e.g. with nobody
→ Step 1: Ask a S to read and explain the exercise. Ask else)
them “What’s a journalist?” and elicit anything similar to “A
journalist is a person who writes articles for a newspaper → Step 2: Now, complete the grid as a class. Write the
or a magazine”. answers on the board.

→ Step 2: Give Ss 1 minute to skim read the sentences KEY

and ask you for unfamiliar vocabulary. Warn them that the
information will be given in the same order.
I STUDY on my own by myself
→ Step 3: A volunteer plays the track twice. All Ss try to YOU STUDY on your own by yourself
complete as many gaps as possible. HE STUDIES on his own by himself
SHE STUDIES on her own by herself
→ Step 4: Play the track once more and pause after the
IT STUDIES on its own by itself
answers are given so there is time to write them on the board.
WE STUDY on our own by ourselves
KEY: YOU STUDY on your own by yourselves
1. 72 riders competing THEY STUDY on their own by temselves

2. almost 10.000 spectators

→ Step 3: Make sure Ss understand the difference between
3. 930 tricks / 123 front flips / 167 back flips reflexive pronouns (myself, yourself, himself...) and the
expression by + reflexive pronoun.
4. 246 points

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Lesson#23_in Fairy Tales 1

Ask the “What does ‘I talk to myself’ mean?” and elicit 8.- RRH, P. 71, MAKE YOU PROUD, TR#2
“That you don’t talk to anyone in particular, only to you” (10 MIN.)
or anything similar.
→ Step 1: Get a volunteer to read and explain the exercise.
Write on the board:
→ Step 2: Play the song once and then allow Ss a couple
of minutes to compare and discuss their answers with their
I talk to myself classmates.
I talk to me
→ Step 3: To check, play the song a second time and
encourage the Ss to say “Stop!” every time you get to a
Now ask, “And what does ‘I do the homework by myself’ mistake in the lyrics.
mean?” Elicit “That nobody helps you doing the homework.
You do them alone”. KEY:

I’m sitting on the sidelines

Add the answer on the board and ask the Ss to write
everything down (in their notebooks, books, or a piece of Watching others compete (repeat)
paper to be kept in their binder). They’re boys; they’re older, better…
Probably. (broccoli)
I do the homework by
I talk to myself. myself.
= = I’ve never been much of a fighter (firefighter)
I talk to me. Nobody helps me with Why should a little girl like me?
the homework.
Riding bikes was just for fun (sun)

Explain Ss that, when we use a reflexive pronoun alone, Or so it seemed.

we want to express that we do something to ourselves.
On the other hand, when we use by + a reflexive pronoun,
But then I hear (here)
what we want to say is that we do something alone, without
anybody’s help. You whisper in my ear:
“You’re the best one here! (hear)
→ Step 4 (optional): If time permits, encourage Ss to come
up with other examples of their own. Go out and do your stuff!
Forget about the crowd…” (cow)
7.– RRH, P. 66, EX. 75B (5 MIN.)
Yes, I’m gonna make you proud!
→ Step 1: Get a volunteer to read and explain the exercise.
Make sure they understand they must write both versions Rising up above the clouds (doubts)
(on... own + by ...-self) for each of the sentences. Can you hear the crowds cheer, scream?
→ Step 2: Ss work on the exercise individually. Walk around Can you see me reach my dream? (team)
and help when necessary.

→ Step 3: Check Ss work as you walk around so as to not I have never tried
to waste time checking in a group. I have never been this brave (safe)

KEY: I feel the butterflies

It’s my turn to fly!
1. on her own / by herself
2. on his own / by himself
3. on our own / by ourselves (chorus)

4. on its own / by itself

5. on my own / by myself

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Lesson#23_in Fairy Tales 1

Yes, I’m gonna make you proud!

Schedule test 2:
Rising up above the clouds (in love)
Red Riding Hoody Chapters 3, 4
Can you hear how loud they scream?
Can you see me reach my dream?
9.– WRAP-UP (10 MIN.)
Give Ss the following prompts and elicit a “When I was
→ Step 1: If your next class is an online class, they need little, I used to.../didn’t use to...” structure.
to do the preparation work (you will find this information
• cry when I wanted an ice-cream
at the end of the LP). This is essential because otherwise
they will not be able to take part in the class. Go through • my parents / read me a story before going to bed
the preparation work and have Ss write down the ex. they • eat vegetables
will need to complete.
• pick my nose
• tell lies
• do jigsaw puzzles
If your next class is online, Ss must do the following
preparation tasks, which should take no more than 30 min. • watch cartoons
• love sweets
Remind Ss they should log in to Lesson 24 on the PLTF.
• suck my thumb
Important: Ss must do the following at home in time for • brush my teeth after meals
the next class. • play with mini cars

VOCABULARY (10 MIN.) • play with dolls

• Complete ex. 80, p. 70.


Inform Ss that the exam is approaching so they should

prepare the following topics:

• P. 46: Reflexive pronouns

• P. 51: Question words
• P. 58: Comparatives and superlatives
• P. 61: Irregular comparatives and superlatives
• P. 65: Super past
• P. 66: on my own / by myself
• P. 68: the best ever
Ss should go over the important Lg Boxes from Chapters
3&4. Also, they should highlight any parts of the Lg
Boxes they haven't fully learned yet.



→ Step 1: Ss should revise for the exam. Also, remind

them that playing with the app can help them improve their
language skills, so they should remember to play Susan vs.
Aerial Dancer on the app.

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Lesson#24_in | Revision Day Fairy Tales 1

2.– RRH, P. 67, EX. 76A&B (10 MIN.)

→ Step 1: Ask a S to read and explain the exercise.
• Ss will find out information about their
classmates using the expressions “on your own” Go over the images and the speech bubbles as a class to
and “by yourself”. ensure comprehension.
• Ss will discuss about celebrities and food using
→ Step 2: Allow Ss to move freely around the classroom
the structure superlative + ever.
in order to interview their classmates. They should write
• Ss will provide the comparative and superlative the name of the S they interview next to the action they do
forms of different adjectives. on their own.

MATERIAL → Step 3: Ss sit down again and write at least three

sentences about what their classmates do on their own
• a buzzer in part B.
• 1 copy of PHC#18 cut into cards (if it wasn’t used
Walk around and help if necessary.
last day)
→ Step 4 (optional): Go over the sentences as a class
LESSON PLAN and encourage peer assessment and correction: “Is that
right/correct?”, “Why is it incorrect?”, “What would you
change?”, etc.
1.– WARM-UP (5-10 MIN.)

→ Step 1: Call the register. If it’s the first class of the 3.- RRH, P. 67, EX. 76C (5 MIN.)
week, check their progress on the app. Ask the children
“How many times have you played with the app this week?”. Orally, Ss explain what their classmates don’t do on their
They should reply: “I have played with the app 6 times since own.
(same day last week)”.
Make sure they use the 3rd person singular correctly.
→ Step 2: Return or collect homework as necessary. Give
Ss up to 5 minutes to correct their own mistakes. Help them
when needed but do not give them the answer straight away. 4.- RRH, PAGE 68, EX. 77A&B (5 MIN.)

→ Step 3: Ask Ss to rephrase the following sentences → Step 1: Go over the phrases on part A as a class and
using first on ... own and then by ...self: elicit your Ss’ ideas. “Who is the best football player ever?”,
“Who is the most talented actress ever?”, “What is the
• I am going to do it alone. worst breakfast food ever?”.
(on my own / by myself)
• You are going to do it alone. If Ss agree or disagree with each other, encourage them
(on your own / by yourself) to use the expressions in the speech bubbles to do so.

• He is going to do it alone.
→ Step 2: Individually, each S writes their own ideas in
(on his own / by himself)
the Lg Box.
• She is going to do it alone.
(on her own / by herself)
• It is going to do it alone.
(on its own / by itself) → Step 1: Ask Ss to close their books and write the words
• We are going to do it alone. from PHC#18 on the board. Get a volunteer and assign him
(on our own / by ourselves) / her a word.
• They are going to do it alone.
(on their own / by themselves) → Step 2: Tell the volunteer to choose a number from 1 to
6. According to the number chosen, tell him / her what to do.
To make the activity more appealing, you may place a
• 1, 2 or 3: mime it
BUZZER in the middle of the table. The first S to make it
sound gets to answer. • 4, 5 or 6: explain in English

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Lesson#24_in | Revision Day Fairy Tales 1

→ Step 3: The rest of Ss try to guess the word. In order SHORT shorter than the shortest
for their guess to be valid, they must use the word in a full
correct sentence. For example: (beach) “ I love going to WIDE wider than the widest
the beach.”
LARGE larger than the largest

6.- RRH, PAGE 68, EX. 78 (5-10 MIN.) SHORT shorter than the shortest
WIDE wider than the widest
→ Step 1: Get a volunteer to read and explain the exercise.
The Lg Box mentioned is the one in ex. 77A.
Brainstorm ideas to write about and leave them on the OLD older than the oldest
board (e.g. my gran-best muffins; my maths teacher - most YOUNG younge thanr the youngest
difficult exams; my dad-best maccaroni; Disneyland - best more antique the most
amusement park; etc.) ANTIQUE
than antique
more modern the most
→ Step 2: Ss work on the exercise individually. Walk around MODERN
than modern
and help them when necessary.

Pay special attention to spelling while checking your Ss’ COLOURS

work. LIGHT lighter than the lightest

→ Step 3 (optional): If time permits, go over the answers DARK darker than the darkest
as a class, encouraging peer assessment and recycling the BRIGHT brighter than the brightest
use of the expressions seen in exercise 77B. more colourful the most
than colourful

7.- RRH, P. 69, EX. 79 (10-15 MIN.)

→ Step 1: Get a S to read and explain the exercise. RUDE ruder than the rudest
→ Step 2: As a group, classify the words given into the the most
OPTIMISTIC optimistic
correct categories. optimistic
KEY: BRAVE braver than the bravest
NICE nicer than the nicest
SIZE: immense - tiny - long - narrow - large - short -
wide SHY shier than the shiest

AGE: old - young - antique - modern more sincere the most

than sincere
COLOURS: light - dark -bright - colourful
PERSONALITY: rude - optimistic - brave - nice - shy - → Step 4 (optional): If time permits, encourage Ss to come
sincere up with sentences of their own using any of these adjectives.

→ Step 3: Now put Ss into pairs and allow them some

8.- RRH, PAGE 70, EX. 80 (10 MIN.)
minutes to finish the exercise. Go over the answers as a group.
→ Step 1: Put Ss into different pairs and give them a TL
KEY of 7 minutes to try and fill as many gaps as possible and
find the words in the wordsearch.
→ Step 2: Have a fast-finisher write the answers on the
TINY tinier than the tiniest
LONG longer than the longest
NARROW narrower than the narrowest KEY:
LARGE larger than the largest a. still | b. even | c. laugh | d. proud | e. away | f. cheer |
g. wheel | h. painful | i. brave

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Lesson#24_in | Revision Day Fairy Tales 1

9.– WRAP-UP: VOCABULARY, EX. 80, P. 70 (5 MIN.)

→ Step 1: If your next class is an online class, they need
to do the preparation work (you will find this information
at the end of the LP). This is key because, otherwise, they
won't be able to take part in the class. Go through the
preparation work and have Ss write down the exercise they
will need to do.


Students must do the following at home in time for the
next class.

If your next class is online, Ss must do the following

preparation tasks, which should take no more than 30 min.

Remind Ss they should log in to Lesson 25 on the PLTF.

Important: Ss must do the following at home in time for

the next class.


Inform Ss that they should prepare for the exam. Go over

the important Lg Boxes from Chapters 3&4. If Ss have any
questions or doubts, now is the time they ask them. Once
again, quickly remind them what they need to revise:
• P. 46: Reflexive pronouns
• P. 51: Question words
• P. 58: Comparatives and superlatives
• P. 61: Irregular comparatives and superlatives
• P. 65: Super past
• P. 66: on my own / by myself
• P. 68: the best ever



→ Step 1: Ss should revise for the exam. Also, remind

them that playing with the app can help them improve their
language skills, so they should play Susan vs. Pole Vaulter..

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Kids&Us 2020
Lesson#25_in | Test Day Fairy Tales 1

Every day [+] | Every day [-] | Now [+]| Now [-] |Tomorrow
[+] | Tomorrow [-] | Yesterday [+] | Yesterday [-] |3 times
so far this week [+] | 3 times so far this week [-]
• Ss will rephrase a sentence so that it matches a
variety of time expressions.
→ Step 2: Add this on the board too:
• Ss will read a newspaper article and answer
questions to show comprehension.
Susan’s family / drink / lemon squash
→ Step 3: Ss take turns to pick another classmate to
• 1 copy of RRH Test 2 per S give an appropriate sentence using the tense theytip've been
assigned by their classmate.
• 1 copy of PHC#17 per S
• small pieces of paper
• a bag
Red Riding Hoody Test 2 (20 min.)

2.– RRH, P. 74, READING. CH. 5, PART 1. (10 MIN.)

1.– WARM-UP (5-10 MIN.)
→ Step 1: Ask the Ss “So, what has happened in the
→ Step 1: Call the register. If it’s the first class of the
story so far?” and elicit as much information as possible,
week, check their progress on the app. Ask the children
encouraging the use of present perfect.
“How many times have you played with the app this week?”.
They should reply: “I have played with the app 6 times since
Now ask them “And what do you think will happen after
(same day last week)”.
Susan’s success?” If you want to make it easier for them to
predict what will happen, you can give them the following
→ Step 2: Return or collect homework as necessary. Give
Ss up to 5 minutes to correct their own mistakes. Help them
when needed but do not give them the answer straight away • become famous
• have lots of friends
→ Step 3: Ask the children to tell you the words that
mean the following: • have lots of enemies

• the same as vomit (throw up) • sign autographs

• the opposite of freezing (scorching) • appear on tv

• the opposite of get on a bike (get off the bike) • be interviewed

• the opposite of put on clothes (take off your clothes) • win more BMX competitons

• the same as trick (stunt) • buy a new hoody

• the same as take part in a competition (enter) • stop going to school

• the same as pick up (learn) • travel a lot

• the same as start crying (burst into tears) → Step 2: As a class, ask which type of text this new
• the opposite of chilly (warm) chapter is and elicit vocabulary such as: newspaper, article,
piece of news, etc.
• the same as cosy (warm and comfortable)
• the same as difficult (a tough one) → Step 3: Read the text aloud as a group. Children can take
turns to read one or two sentences each while highlighting
everything they do understand.

→ Step 1: Before class (if possible) write the following Solve any vocabulary doubts and encourage the children
tenses on the board: to orally summarise what they’ve just read.

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Lesson#25_in | Test Day Fairy Tales 1

3.- BRITISH VS. AMERICAN P. 74, CH.5 - P.1 → Step 1: Check the answers as a class.
(5 MIN.)
→ Step 1: Tell Ss to go back to the story and take a look
1. c | 2. b | 3. c
at the underlined word.

→ Step 2: Have them open their books on the British 6.- GAME: PASSWORD (5 MIN. - OPTIONAL)
vs. American list and point out that, depending on whether
they’re American or British, some words can be completely → Step 1: Use the “I’m thinking of a number ...” guessing
different (report – grades) and some words can be spelt or game to determine the contestants. Those two Ss go to the
pronounced differently but still mean the same. Focus on front of the room and face their classmates.
the words seen in this part and their American equivalents.
→ Step 2: Reveal a secret word (write it on the board or a
KEY: chart or hold up a card) to everyone but the two contestants.

recognised (UK) - recogized (US) The rest of the Ss raise their hands to volunteer one-
word clues that might help the contestants guess the word.
→ Step 3: Make sure Ss know that although there might
Contestants take turns calling on clue volunteers until one
be two possibilities to express the same thing, in the exam
of the contestants correctly guesses the secret password.
they will be asked to use the ones that appear in the story.
→ Step 3: The contestant who guesses the password
4.- RRH, P. 74, EX. 82 (10 MIN.) remains at the front of the class; the S who gave the final
clue replaces the other contestant.
→ Step 1: Ask a S to read and explain the exercise.
Elicit and example of a verb in present simple (every day),
present continuous (now), etc. If they can give you a full come first | terrific | take part in | challenge | in a row
sentence, much better! nearly | pass away

→ Step 2: Pair the Ss up and allow them some minutes

to work on the exercise. Walk around to monitor their
conversations and help if necessary. (10-15 MIN. - OPTIONAL)
→ Step 1: Give a copy of the handout to each S (or have
→ Step 3: Check the answers as a class. a volunteer do it for you) and go over the first instructions
as a class.

has changed | was | came first | has been | is becoming Review the expressions “no good at”, “quite good at” and
will be | has won “very good at” to check comprehension and elicit some
examples from your Ss: “How good are you at Maths?”,
wears | bought “How good are you at PE?”, etc.

→ Step 4 (optional): If time permits, agree on gestures → Step 2: Ss fill in the first column with information about
for the key vocabulary highlighted in orange. Then ask the themselves and then interview two other classmates (let
Ss to stand up and perform the agreed gestures as you or them move freely around the classroom).
another volunteer reads the text aloud.
→ Step 3: Now, tell them they’ll have to share the
5.- RRH, P. 75, EX. 83 (10 MIN.) information they have with two different classmates (Ss
who they haven’t interviewed yet) in order to complete the
→ Step 1: Ask another S to read and explain the exercise. second grid.

Go over the questions as a class to check comprehension. Make sure they use the 3rd person singular correctly while
filling in this second grid of the handout.
→ Step 2: Ss work on the exercise individually. Walk around
and help them when necessary. Walk around and monitor their conversations. Encourage
the use of key expressions and 3rd person singular.

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Lesson#25_in | Test Day Fairy Tales 1

7.– WRAP-UP (5 MIN.) • p. 51: Question words

• p. 58: Comparatives and superlatives
→ Step 1: If your next class is an online class, they need
to do the preparation work (you will find this information • p. 61: Irregular comparatives and superlatives
at the end of the LP). This is essential because otherwise • p. 65: Super past
they will not be able to take part in the class. Go through
the preparation work and have Ss write down the exercise • p. 66: on my own / by myself
they will need to complete. • p. 68: the best ever

Students must do the following at home in time for the BEFORE THE WEEKEND)
next class.
→ Step 1: Ss should revise for the exam. Also, tell them
to complete OHW#7, which can be found in the Homework
If your next class is online, Ss must do the following
section on the T&T zONe. Also, remind them to play Susan
preparation tasks, which should take no more than 30 min.
vs. Pole Vaulter on the app.
Remind Ss they should log in to Lesson 26 on the PLTF.

Important: Ss must do the following at home in time for

the next class.

Scenario C, if exam has already been done:


• Look for the new irregular verb (only one) in Ch. 5

Part 1 which hasn't been covered yet. Add it to the
Irregular Verbs list on p. 221.


• Go over the Lg Box in ex. 84, p. 75, reflect upon it

and do the matching.


• Look at the two students profiles on p. 76 and
compare the information. As a class, go over the
Lg Box. Explain Ss that they can express the same
idea using a comparative form (-er or more) or using
not as… as. If needed, repeat with another example
from the class.


• Complete ex. 86 on p. 76 based on the information

from the students profiles.

Scenario B, if exam is to be done in Lesson 26_in:


Tell Ss that they should prepare for the exam. Go over

the important Lg. Boxes from Chapters 3&4. If Ss have
any questions or doubts, now is the time they ask them. If
necessary, quickly remind them what they need to revise:
• p. 46: Reflexive pronouns

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OBJECTIVES Red Riding Hoody Test 2 (20 min.)

• Ss will rephrase a sentence so that it matches a

variety of time expressions. 2.– TENSE REVISION, PHC#19 (10-15 MIN.)
• Ss will identify the irregular verbs in a news article. → Step 1: Get Ss in pairs. Give a copy of the PHC to each
• Ss will compare 2 people using the structure pair. Now write on the board (you may ask for a volunteer
“(not) as ... as”. to do it for you):

MATERIAL Susan / represent / GB

• 1 copy of RRH Test 2 per S → Step 2: Clarify that GB = Great Britain. Pairs have a
maximum of 5 minutes to complete as much as possible.
• CD1 TR#19
• 1 copy of PHC#19 for every 2 Ss → Step 3: Each pair will check another pair’s work and
give 1 point per correct answer in the grid. Let’s see which
• 1 copy of PHC#17 per S pair gets the most points!
• a ball

LESSON PLAN Affirmative

E/D: Susan represents GB.
1.– WARM-UP (5-10 MIN.) Now: Susan is representing GB.
T: Susan is going to represent GB. OR Susan will represent
IMPORTANT: In case of scenario B (blended), if your previous GB.
class (Lesson 25) was online, do Test 2 (Ch. 3 to 4) today and skip
the activities labelled as "optional". If the exam was already done Y: Susan represented GB.
during Lesson 25 (scenario A or C), then work on this Lesson So Far: Susan has represented GB.
Plan as usual and omit the part where the exam is mentioned. Super Past: Susan had represented GB.
→ Step 1: Call the register. If it’s the first class of the
week, check their progress on the app. Ask the children Negative
“How many times have you played with the app this week?”.
They should reply: “I have played with the app 6 times since E/D: Susan doesn’t represent GB.
(same day last week)”. Now: Susan isn’t representing GB.
→ Step 2: Return or collect homework as necessary. Give T: Susan isn’t going to represent GB. OR Susan won’t
Ss up to 5 minutes to correct their own mistakes. Help them represent GB.
when needed but do not give them the answer straight away. Y: Susan didn’t represent GB.
→ Step 3: Write on the board: So Far: Susan hasn’t represented GB.
Super Past: Susan hadn’t represented GB.
Subject Pronoun Object Pronoun

I me
E/D: Does Susan represent GB?
Ask Ss to stand up and arrange them in a line at the back Now: Is Susan representing GB?
end of the classroom. Time to play a quick tennis match!
T: Is Susan going to represent GB? OR Will Susan represent
You call out a subject pronoun and they swing you back the
appropriate object pronoun.
Y: Did Susan represent GB?
Randomly say:
So Far: Has Susan represented GB?
I | you | he | she | it | we | you | they
Super Past: Had Susan represented GB?

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3.– IRREGULAR VERBS, P. 221 (OPTIONAL - 5-10 5.- RRH, PAGE 76, EX. 85 (5 MIN.)
→ Step 1: Ask another S to read and explain the exercise.
→ Step 1: Agree with the Ss on a funny sound and/or Do they recall any synonyms for “underneath”? (e.g.: below,
gesture to make whenever they hear an irregular verb. Read under...)
the text in Chapter 5 part 1 aloud and let Ss make the agreed
sound or gesture. → Step 2: Get 2 Ss to stand up next to each other and
ask the rest to compare their height using the word “tall”.
→ Step 2: Tell Ss that in Chapter 5 part 1 there is only Elicit: ... is taller than ...
1new irregular verb. Let’s see who spots it first!
Ask Ss “Is ... as tall as ...?” Use your hands to express
→ Step 3: While checking as a class, write on the board the meaning of “as tall as”. Elicit: “... isn’t as tall as ...”
only the verb which hasn’t been covered yet.

CH.5 - P. 1 Tell them that they can express the same idea using a
comparative form (-er or more) or using not as… as. If
BECOME became become needed, repeat with another example from the class.

Ss must add it to the Irregular Verbs list at the end of → Step 3: Now have the children look at the Lge Box on
their books. and make them explain the difference in meaning between
the two sentences. Try and make the rephrase the sentences
using comparatives (if possible).
4.- RRH, PAGE 75, EX. 84 (OPTIONAL - 5 MIN.)
→ Step 1: Ask Ss “Can you say “I have listened to the
CD 7 times FOR (same day last week)?”. Elicit a “No, you Susan and Ethan are equally good at BMXing.
can’t.”. Now ask them “And can you say ‘We have been here
Susan is worse than Ethan at Art.
for (time the lesson began)?”. Elicit again, “No, you can’t”.

→ Step 2: Ask Ss to look at the Lge Box. At the top they 6.- RRH, PAGE 76, EX. 86 (10 MIN.)
have different correct examples. Then, they have to match.
Do the matching as a group, using the examples above to → Step 1: Now tell the Ss it’s time to compare Susan and
lead Ss to the right answer: Ethan in writing. Do the first ones as a class.


for + a number of minutes, hours days or years Susan is as good as Ethan at PE.
since + a point in the past Ethan is as good as Susan at BMXing.

→ Step 3: Ask Ss the following questions. You can use → Step 2: Ss complete the exercise individually. Walk
a ball. around and help when necessary. Make sure everybody uses
the correct structure (as... as / not as... as).
• How long have you studied English?
→ Step 3: Go over the answers as a group.
• How long have you lived in the house or flat
where you live now? KEY
• How long have you had these trousers?
Ethan is as good as Susan at BMXing.
• How long have you been a student in your
Susan isn’t as good as Ethan at English.
present school?
Ethan isn’t as good as Susan at Maths.
• How long have you had a brother/sister?
Susan isn’t as old as Ethan.
• How long have you been interested in (...)?
Ethan is as clever as Susan.
• How long have you known your best friend?
• How long have you had these shoes?

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7.- RRH, COMPARING CLASSMATES, PHC#17 → Step 3: Time for group discussion. Encourage the use
(10 MIN.) of the expressions in the speech bubbles.

→ Step 1: Give a copy of the handout to each S (or have

a volunteer do it for you) and go over the first instructions 10.- SOUND INTERPRETATION, TR#19 (10 MIN. -
as a class. OPTIONAL)

Review the expressions “no good at”, “quite good at” and → Step 1: Ask Ss if they remember how we make deductions
“very good at” to check comprehension and elicit some in English. If they get stuck, you may refer them to the Lge
examples from your Ss: “How good are you at maths?”, Box on page 13.
“How good are you at PE?”, etc.
→ Step 2: Ss listen to the sounds and say what is happening
→ Step 2: Ss fill in the first column with information about using: “I think this must/can/may/etc. be...”.
themselves and then interview two other classmates (let
them move freely around the classroom). KEY

→ Step 3: Now tell them they’ll have to share the information 1. cheering | 2. throwing up | 3. falling down the stairs |
they have with two different classmates (Ss who they haven’t 4. crying tears of joy | 5. slamming a door | 6. whispering
interviewed yet) in order to complete the second grid. | 7. laughing | 8. clapping | 9. announcement

If you are repeating this activity, make sure Ss also use the
new structures learned today: as... as, not as... as.
11.– WRAP-UP (5 MIN.)

Walk around and monitor their conversations. Encourage → Step 1: If your next class is an online class, they need
the use of both key expressions and 3rd person singular. to do the preparation work (you will find this information
at the end of the LP). This is essential because otherwise
they will not be able to take part in the class. Go through
8.- RRH, PAGE 77, EX. 87 (5 MIN.) the preparation work and have Ss write down the ex. they
will need to complete.
→ Step 1: Before doing the exercise, spark some debate
on social networks. You could ask : “Do you know any social
networks?”, “Which one is your favourite?”, “Are you allowed NEXT CLASS PREPARATION LESSON#27
to join social networks?”, etc.
If your next class is online then students must do the
→ Step 2: Get a volunteer to read and explain the exercise. following preparation tasks, which should take no more
Do they know what “to label” means? (e.g.: to mark with a than 30 min.
label; to describe/classify...)
Remind Ss they should log in to Lesson 27 on the PLTF.
→ Step 3: Label the pictures as a group. Encourage the
use of “I think the (top-left...) picture is... because I can IMPORTANT: Ss must do the following at home in time for
see / there is...”. the next class.


a. wild waterfalls | b. food market | c. street performance • Complete ex. 89, p. 78. Remember the structure of
| d. countryside landscape the super past had + V3 and get Ss to reflect upon
the following: “So, when do we use the super past?
9.- RRH, PAGE 77, EX. 88 (10 MIN.) When we have two actions in the past, we use the
super past to talk about what happened first or to
→ Step 1: Have another volunteer read and explain the talk about what happened in second place?” and
exercise. elicit “To talk about what happened first”. If needed,
tell Ss to go to p. 65 to look at the Lg. Box there.
→ Step 2: Divide the class into 2 or 3 groups and let them
discuss for a couple of minutes. GRAMMAR (5 MIN.)

Walk around to monitor their conversations. Encourage • Complete ex. 90, p. 78.
peer interaction in English and make sure they get ready
to justify their decisions.

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• Complete ex. 91, p. 78. Tell Ss to make sure they

understand the words and expressions before they
begin to write.



→ Step 1: Remind Ss to complete OHW#7, which can be

found in the Homework section on the T&T zONe. Also, tell
them to play Susan vs. Dog Trainer on the app.


→ Step 1: Write on the board the following words:

amazed | sad | terrified | shocked | surprised | upset

angry | excited

→ Step 2: Quickly ask each S one of the questions below,

they should answer saying “I would feel…”

“How would you feel in the following situations?”

1. “Your dog runs away from home and you can’t find
2. “Somebody steals your bike.”
3. “You pass all your subjects with flying colours.”
4. “Your teacher tells you that he/she has won the
5. “You can’t go to your closest friend’s birthday party.”
6. “Your Dad forgets to pick you up after English class.”
7. “Your pet fish dies.”
8. “Your Mum says,”You drive” and passes you the
car keys.”
9. “You have a presentation to do in front of 25
10. “You hear ghost sounds in an abandoned house
late at night.”

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• Which country do you think is colder, Canada or

(answers may vary)
• Ss will choose whether to use the past simple or
the past perfect in sentences.
2.– RRH, PAGE 78, EX. 89 (5 MIN.)
• Ss will create sentences using new vocabulary.
• Ss will listen to a song and identify their favourite → Step 1: Ask a S to read and explain the exercise. Elicit
words. from them the form of the super past and write it on the board:

• Ss will react to given situations using “Oh! That

must have been + adjective” HAD + V3 = SUPER PAST

Now ask them “So, when do we use the super past?
When we have two actions in the past, we use the super
• CD 1 TR#3 past to talk about what happened first or to talk about what
• 1 copy of PHC#26 per S happened in second place?” and elicit “To talk about what
happened first”. If needed, have Ss go to p. 65 to look at
• 1 copy of PHC#20, cut out (be careful not to mix the Language Box there.
Locations with Activities)
• a ball → Step 2: Ss work on the exercise individually. Walk
around and help when necessary. Do not give any definitive
• pieces of paper (1 per S)
answers, though.
• a bag
→ Step 3: Check as a group. You can ask your Ss to swap

1.– WARM-UP (5-10 MIN.)
a. had tripped and fallen | b. had given | c. had bought
d. had ripped
→ Step 1: Call the register. If it’s the first class of the
week, check their progress on the app. Ask the children
“How many times have you played with the app this week?”. 3.- RRH, PAGE 78, EX. 90 (5 MIN.)
They should reply: “I have played with the app 6 times since
→ Step 1: Ask another S to read and explain the exercise.
(same day last week)”.
→ Step 2: Ss complete the exercise in pairs. Walk around
→ Step 2: Return or collect homework as necessary. Give
to monitor their conversations and help if necessary.
Ss up to 5 minutes to correct their own mistakes. Help them
when needed but do not give them the answer straight away.
→ Step 3: Go over the answers as a class.
→ Step 3: Ask the following questions and elicit the use
of “as... as”, “not as... as” and/or comparatives:
a. had watched - got on | b. had sewn - brought
You may use a BALL to spice the activity up. Make the Ss
c. started - had done | d. cried - had come
ask for the ball every time they want to say something (e.g.:
Pass me the ball! Can I have the ball!, etc.)
4.- RRH, PAGE 78, EX. 91 (10-15 MIN.)
• Who is taller, your mum or your granny?
(answers may vary) → Step 1: Get a volunteer to read and explain the exercise.
Challenge them to give you synonyms for the word “useful”
• What is more expensive, McDonalds or Burger
(e.g.: helpful, practical, handy...). Tell them that having a clear
example of the use of these words in the Language Box will
(answers may vary)
help them when revising for the test.
• Where do you think it’s more expensive to live, in
New York or in London? → Step 2: Ask the Ss whether they prefer to do the exercise
(answers may vary) individually, in pairs or as a class.

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If you do it as a class, make sure all Ss participate explaining 5. What was your favourite present?
the meaning of the words and brainstorming possible
6. Did your parents work or were they on holiday?
7. Did you feel like going back to school?
If Ss prefer working individually or in pairs, walk around
to monitor their conversations and help them come up with → Step 3: Now ask them to fill in the first column of the
sentences related to their own daily lives or experiences (not grid individually.
about Susan’s story).
Then allow them to stand up and move freely around the
KEY classroom to interview another classmate (ideally, they should
interview a classmate they don’t normally work with).
(answers may vary)
→ Step 4 (optional): If time permits, ask them to share
their findings with the group. Encourage them to compare
themselves to the interviewed classmate.
→ Step 1: Ask the Ss to close their books and grab a piece
of paper and something to write. Aimed structures: comparatives, “as...as”, “not as... as”,
“I did... but he didn’t”.
→ Step 2: Play the song. Ss must sing along and write
down three words they like (because they had never heard 7.- RRH, PAGE 79, EX. 92 (10 MIN.)
them before, because they like how they sound, because
they’re tricky, etc.) → Step 1: Write on the board:

→ Step 3: Quickly review the words chosen by the Ss.

Comment on why the chose them and write them on the board. That must have been...

Once the list is ready, randomly choose a S and encourage

Now ask the Ss “Who remembers when we use this
him / her to come up with a sentence using one of the words.
expression?” and elicit anything similar to “We use it to
If they manage to form a correct sentence, cross out the word
show empathy about something that happened to the other
and choose another S. Keep on like this until everybody has
person, to show that even though we weren’t there, we can
constructed, at least, one sentence.
imagine how the other person felt, etc.”:
OPTIONAL: To make it more appealing, turn this activity into
Then ask them “But are we pretty sure about what we are
a “Ss against the teacher contest”. For each word they manage
saying or just a little bit?” and elicit “We are pretty sure”
to squeeze into a sentence, you give them a point. For each word
(if necessary, mime “pretty much” and “just a little bit” with
left unused, you keep the point. Set a maximum time limit of
your hands to ensure comprehension).
5-6 minutes to avoid spending too much time playing this game.

→ Step 2: Get another volunteer to read and explain the

6.- LAST CHRISTMAS, PHC#26 (10 MIN. - exercise.
Go over the right and left column as a group to check
→ Step 1: Give a copy of the handout to each of your Ss comprehension.
and get a volunteer to read an explain the instructions.
→ Step 3: Ss work individually on the exercise.
→ Step 2: Go over questions 1-7 as a class. Make them
→ Step 4: Go over the answers as a class.
pay attention to the tenses used in the answers.

1. B/E/F | 2. C/G | 3. B/E/F | 4.D/G | 5. B/E/F | 6. A/H
1. How many presents did you get?
2. When do you usually get your presents?
8.- RRH, PAGE 79, EX. 93 (5-10 MIN.)
3. Did you go anywhere?
4. What did you do on Christmas Eve? → Step 1: Tell Ss it’s time to put the expressions they’ve
just learned into practice.

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→ Step 2: Ss take turns reading aloud the situations given Remind Ss they should log in to Lesson 28 on the PLTF.
in the book. Encourage the group to find the best expression
to reply. IMPORTANT: Ss must do the following at home in time for
the next class.
KEY (answers may vary)
b. Ugg! That must have been such a nightmare.
c. Oh, no! That must have been so hard/boring/such a • Listen to Ch. 5 Part 2 (TR#20; it can be found as
nightmare. an attached file in the NCP section or in the S.R.).
Encourage Ss to listen to it twice if needed.
→ Step 3 (optional): If time permits, pair Ss up and make
them rehearse the conversations, paying special attention COMPREHENSION (5-10 MIN.)
to pronunciation and intonation. • Complete ex. 94 on p. 80. Remind Ss to correct the
incorrect sentences.
→ Step 1: Before class (if possible) cut a copy of PHC#20 • Ss should download PHC#21 (it can be found as an
into cards. Be careful not to mix actions and locations. attached file in the NCP section or in the S.R.), read
the text again and identify all the irregular verbs.
Place both piles on the middle of the table and encourage
the Ss to grab one paper from each pile. In turns, Ss build GRAMMAR (5-10 MIN.)
up questions with the prompts they got.
• Complete ONLY the questions in ex. 96 on p. 81.

New York / have and X-ray done HOMEWORK FOR NEXT CLASS (IF IT’S A CLASS
Have you ever been to New York to have an X-ray done? BEFORE THE WEEKEND)

Once the S has asked the correct question, the S sitting → Step 1: Tell Ss to complete OHW#8, which can be found
to his/her left answers and asks de following question. in the Homework section on the T&T zONe. Also, remind
them to play Susan vs. Dog Trainer on the app.

What? No! I’ve never been to NY to have an X-ray done! (If 11.– DOOR QUESTIONS (5 MIN.)
I needed an X-ray I would simply go to a hospital.)
Read out the sentences below getting the Ss to substitute
Carry on like this until everybody has asked and answered the things or people with object pronouns. Go faster and
at least a question. faster with each sentence!
Make sure all Ss use present perfect both in their questions • Give the chocolate to Peter. (Give it to him.)
and answers.
• Give the money to your parents. (Give it to them.)
• Give the books to your teacher. (Give them to him/
10.– WRAP-UP (5 MIN.) her.)
→ Step 1: If your next class is an online class, they need • Give the homework to your friends. (Give it to
to do the preparation work (you will find this information them.)
at the end of the LP). This is essential because otherwise • Give the food leftovers to the dog. (Give them to it/
they will not be able to take part in the class. Go through him/her.)
the preparation work and have Ss write down the ex. they
will need to complete. • Give the bag to Susan. (Give it to her.)
• Give the pencils to your classmates. (Give them to
• Give the bread to John. (Give it to him.)
If your next class is online then students must do the
following preparation tasks, which should take no more
than 30 min.

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→ Step 1: Write on the board:
• Ss will rephrase a sentence so that it matches a
variety of time expressions.
• Ss will listen to a radio interview and decide if Susan / post / pictures on social networks
given statements are true or false.
• Ss will write questions for given answers. → Step 2: Now divide the class into two groups and ask
them to stand up. Call out different verb tenses. The first
team to sit down gets to answer.
Ask randomly for:
• CD1 TR#20, TR#3
• affirmative
• 1 copy of PHC#21 for every 2 Ss
• negative
• a buzzer
• question
• small pieces of paper (3-4 per S)
• 2 plastic cups/small bags/pencil cases Every day | Now | Tomorrow | Yesterday | 3 times so
(something to keep the pieces of paper) far this week | Before she arrived home

NOTE: To make it more appealing, keep score for both teams

LESSON PLAN on the whiteboard. Let’s see which team gets more points!

1.– WARM-UP (5-10 MIN.) 3.– RRH, PAGE 80, EX. 94 LISTENING, CH. 5, PART 2,
TR#20 (10 MIN.)
→ Step 1: Call the register. If it’s the first class of the
week, check their progress on the app. Ask the children → Step 1: Ask Ss what is happening in the picture. Where
“How many times have you played with the app this week?”. is Susan? What is she doing? Who is the man next to her?
They should reply: “I have played with the app 6 times since
(same day last week)”. POSSIBLE ANSWERS

→ Step 2: Return or collect homework as necessary. Give Susan is at a radio studio. She is being interviewed by a
Ss up to 5 minutes to correct their own mistakes. Help them journalist.
when needed but do not give them the answer straight away.
→ Step 2: Tell Ss they are going to listen to the interview
that Susan has given.
→ Step 3: Place a BUZZER in the middle of the table and
encourage the children to rephrase your sentences using
Ask a S to read and explain the exercise.
the structure “not as... as”.

• The Eiffel Tower is higher than the Statue of → Step 3: Play the CD twice and then check the answers
Liberty. as a group.
The Statue of Liberty is not as tall as the Eiffel
Tower. KEY
• The Amazon river is longer than the Nile. 1. F: According to Susan, they key to success is to
The Nile is not as long as the Amazon river. practise as much as possible.
• Australia is much larger than Indonesia. 2. T:
Indonesia is not as big/large as Australia.
3. F: She did win the Salisbury’s BMX Festival and she
• India is more populated than the United States. feels lucky, not unhappy.
The United States are not as populated as India.
4. F: The interviewer says he looks forward to seeing
• The Sun is farther away from the Earth than the Susan take part in many more BMX competitions.
NOTE: You can check the script in the Tapescripts section
The Moon is not as far away from the Earth as the
of this TG.

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4.- IRREGULAR VERBS, P. 221, PHC#21 (5-10 MIN.) → Step 2 (optional): If necessary, do the first one as a
group and quickly review main question words (e.g.: what,
→ Step 1: Since part 2 of Chapter 5 is a listening, we have who, when, where, how...).
provided the script as a PHC. Put the Ss into pairs and give
one copy of the PHC to each pair. → Step 3: Let the Ss work individually on the exercise. Walk
around and help them if necessary. Make them pay special
→ Step 2: Pairs skim read the text while trying to spot as
attention to the different verb tenses to be used.
many irregular verbs as possible.

Walk around and help when necessary. → Step 4: To check, make the Ss swap books. Write the
answers on the board to make it easier for the Ss to assess
→ Step 3: While checking as a class, write on the board their classmates’ work appropriately.
only those verbs which haven’t been covered yet.
CH.5 - P. 2
1. How did you feel? | 2. How did you perform?
SLEEP slept slept 3. What was the audience doing? | 4. Which is your nickname?
| 4. What’s the secret to your success?
EAT ate eaten

MEAN meant meant 7.– RRH, PAGE 81, EX. 96 (10 MIN.)
PAY paid paid → Step 1: Ask as S to read and explain the exercise.
Challenge them once more to rephrase the instructions. At
LEARN learnt/learned learnt/learned
this stage, Ss should already be able to express themselves
Make sure Ss copy these verbs in the Irregular Verbs list quite comfortably without having to use the same words of
at the end of the book. the book.

→ Step 2: Pair Ss up and allow them some minutes to

5.- GAME: PASS THE PARCEL (10 MIN.) complete the exercise.

→ Step 1: Ask the Ss to write down on a piece of paper a → Step 3: Go over the answers as a group.
verb (action) they have learned during the term (e.g.: sip tea,
ride a bike, enter a competition, pick up tips, etc.). If needed, KEY (ANSWERS MAY VARY)
they can check the Vocabulary Revision pages at the end
of each Chapter. Then put all the pieces of paper in a bag. 1. The longest journey I have ever made was to...
2. What’s the best food you have ever had/eaten/tried/
→ Step 2: Now ask the Ss to sit in a circle. Stand outside tasted?
the circle and control the CD player. The best food I have ever had/eaten/tried/tasted was
→ Step 3: Play the CD, TR#3. As music plays, ask the Ss
3. What’s the funniest film you have ever watched?
to pass around the vocabulary bag.
The funniest film I have ever watched is...
Stop the CD at intervals during the song. 4. Who is the most interesting person you have ever
When the music stops playing, the S who has the bag The most interesting person I have ever met is ...
must select a word from the bag and mime it. 5. Who is the best teacher you have ever had?
The best teacher I have ever had is...
If the rest of the group guesses the word, the S keeps the
card. I the group can’t guess the word, the S should put the
card back in the bag. The person who has the most cards 8.– VOCABULARY BATTLE (5-10 MIN.)
at the end wins!
→ Step 1: Make 4 teams of 1 or 2 Ss (depending on the
size of your class). Assign one chapter of the Red Riding
6.– RRH, PAGE 81, EX. 95 (10 MIN.) Hoody story to each team.

→ Step 1: Ask as S to read and explain the exercise. Each team looks the Vocabulary Review page of their chapter
and tries to choose difficult words for the other teams to guess.

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→ Step 2: Team 1 (those who have been assigned Chapter use too much silent correction. We’re aiming for fluency and
1) go first. In turns, each of the other teams describe one fun, not accuracy at this point.
of the vocabulary items in their chapters (2, 3 and 4 in this
case) to Team 1. They can provide a definition, mime, make
sounds or Team 1 get a point for every word they guess. 10.– WRAP-UP (5 MIN.)

→ Step 1: If your next class is an online class, they need

→ Step 3: Continue until all teams have had a go. The
to do the preparation work (you will find this information
team with the most points wins.
at the end of the LP). This is essential because otherwise
they will not be able to take part in the class. Go through
9.- CRAZY MOBILE PHONE CONVERSATION the preparation work and have Ss write down the ex. they
(10 MIN. - OPTIONAL) will need to complete.

→ Step 1: Ss write locations in pieces of paper, for example:

“at a hotel”, “in my bedroom”, “at the library”… Separately, Ss NEXT CLASS PREPARATION LESSON#29
also write possible activities: “bake a cake”, “play football”,
If your next class is online then students must do the
“paint my nails”, etc.
following preparation tasks, which should take no more
than 30 min.
Locations and activities are put in different containers.
You can use 2 plastic cups, 2 pencil cases, or 2 small bags, Remind Ss they should log in to Lesson 29 on the PLTF.
for instance.
IMPORTANT: Ss must do the following at home in time for
→ Step 2: Place 2 chairs back to back and do an example the next class.
run with a volunteer. You can use turned off mobile phones
as props. Pretend to call the S and ask them where they VERB TENSES (10 MIN.)
are and what they are doing, they must pick a paper and • Review tenses by writing sentences (on a separate
use that in their answers. Make them justify why they are sheet of paper) in affirmative, negative and question
doing that in that place, and encourage them to ask you the to the following cue:
same questions.
(Teacher's name) / teach / this class

T: Riiing, riiing! As usual, apply the different time expressions:

S: Hello? Every day | Now | Tomorrow | Yesterday | 3 times
T: Oh, hi, Marta. Hey., where are you? so far this week | Before she arrived home
S: I’m… (takes a location paper) …at a hotel. VOCABULARY (5-10 MIN.)
T: Oh, really? And what are you doing there? • Complete ex. 97A on p. 82.
S: I’m… (takes an activity paper) …baking a cake.
T: Why are you baking a cake at a hotel?
• Go over the Lg Box on p. 83 and complete ex. 98.
S: Because it’s my mum’s birthday but the hotel cook is
ill! What about you? Where are you? LISTENING (5-10 MIN.)
T: I’m… (picks location paper) at the library. • Listen to the Red Riding Hoody Song, CD1 TR#3
S: What are you doing at the library? (it can be found as an attached file to the NCP
section or in the SR) and write down 3 actions that
T: I’m… (picks activity paper) painting my nails. are mentioned in the song (ride a bike, pass away,
S: Why are you painting your nails at the library? breathe in deep, etc.)
T: Well… I’ve just bought this new shade of pink and just
couldn’t wait! Oh, I have to go. Talk to you later. Take care! HOMEWORK FOR NEXT CLASS (IF IT’S A CLASS

→ Step 1: Remind Ss to complete OHW#8, which can be

→ Step 3: Now another 2 volunteers can come up and have
found in the Homework section on the T&T zONe. Also, tell
a similar conversation. Help elicit the structures, but don’t
them to play Susan vs. Hand Walker on the app.

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Ask the Ss to rephrase the following sentences using FOR

and SINCE.

• We’ve been here for an hour and a half.

We’ve been here since (time the class began).
• I’m 27 years old and I’ve been teaching English
since I was 20.
You’ve been teaching English for 7 years.
• My grandpa has been retired since he was 65
years old. He’s 75 now.
Your grandpa has been retired for 10 years.
• I’ve been asking door questions for 5 minutes.
You’ve been asking questions since (current time
minus 5 minutes).

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MEAN meant meant
• Ss will rephrase a sentence so that it matches a
variety of time expressions. THINK thought thought

• Ss will analyse the usage of the adverbs yet and THROW threw thrown
already. WEAR wore worn
• Ss will use letter cards to form words from oral
cues given by the teacher.
→ Step 1: Write on the board:

• CD1 TR#3
(your name) / teach / this class
• 1 copy of PHC#22, cut out into cards
• 1 copy of HW#5 per S, if it’s the lesson before the → Step 2: Now divide the class into two groups.
Each team can decide which form and which tense they
LESSON PLAN ask the other team:
• affirmative
1.– WARM-UP (5-10 MIN.) • negative
• question
→ Step 1: Call the register. If it’s the first class of the
week, check their progress on the app. Ask the children Every day | Now | Tomorrow | Yesterday | 3 times so
“How many times have you played with the app this week?”. far this week | Before she arrived home
They should reply: “I have played with the app 6 times since
(same day last week)”. NOTE: To make it more appealing, keep score for both teams
on the whiteboard. Let’s see which team gets more points!
→ Step 2: Return or collect homework as necessary. Give
Ss up to 5 minutes to correct their own mistakes. Help them 3.- RRH, PAGE 82, EX. 97A (10 MIN.)
when needed but do not give them the answer straight away.
→ Step 1: A S reads and explains the exercise. This
→ Step 3: Make Ss stand up and form a line at the back time, check if they remember any other words for “match”,
of the class. Stand on the opposite end, facing your Ss. Say “descriptions” and “career”.
each of the following infinitives making a tennis move, as
if you were swinging an invisible tennis racket. Any Ss can SOME IDEAS
answer, but they must answer swinging a racket as well,
to match = pair, draw a line, combine...
as if you were playing a tennis match with an invisible ball.
Encourage loud answers! description = definition, explanation...
career = profession, occupation, job...
Call out the following infinitives and elicit the past simple
and past participle forms: → Step 2: Give Ss a time limit of 3 minutes to match as
many as possible and then continue as a class. Make sure
V1 V2 V3 Ss understand the target language (highlighted in orange).

FALL fell fallen → Step 3: Have a volunteer write the correct answers
GET got got on the board.

GROW grew grown KEY

HEAR heard heard
a. 8 | b. 7 | c. 6 | d. 9 | e. 4 | f. 5 | g. 1 | h. 3 | i. 2
HURT hurt hurt
→ Step 4 : Brainstorm names of celebrities for each of the
KNOW knew known
categories and write their names on the board. Then, before

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erasing their names, ask again what each of them is (actor, → Step 2: Time to analyse. Ask the Ss to check both the
politician, filmmaker, etc.). sentences on the board and the sentences in the Lge Box of
page 83 and spot as many differences as possible.

4.– RRH, PAGE 82, EX. 97B (10 MIN.) Let them make their deductions freely, real rules will be
covered in the next step. At this stage, you should concentrate
→ Step 1: Another S reads and explains the exercise. Ask on pointing out any possible inconsistencies in the Ss’ theories
one of your most outgoing Ss “What would you like to be without giving them any definitive solution.
famous for?”, “Would you like to be a famous photographer,
a famous singer...?”. → Step 3: Have a S read and explain the exercise. Let them
work individually and then check as a class.
If the class engages in discussion about what they would
like to be famous for, do the exercise as a class, even though KEY
each S will write their own personal answers.
1. yet | 2. already | 3. already | 4. yet | 5. already ... yet
Ask the class questions like “Who is the greatest football
player ever?”, “Who is the greatest singer ever?”, “Who is → Step 4: Orally, ask Ss to insert yet or already in the
the greatest comedy actress ever?”, etc. Let Ss comment. following sentences where appropriate and explain why (e.g.:
Focus silent correction on mistakes with superlatives or “yet because it’s a question “, “at the end of the sentence because
comparatives. it’s a ‘yet’”, etc.)

1. Have you finished?

→ Step 2: Circulate checking their work.
2. He hasn’t arrived.
SAMPLE ANSWERS: 3. He has finished.
1. I would like to be a famous scientist. 4. I haven’t read this book.
I would like to be famous for inventing a cure for cancer.
5. I have seen this film
2. Who is the greatest writer ever?
6. Have you had a shower?
In my opinion, the greatest writer ever is William
7. My mum has been to China twice.
Shakespeare. I love Romeo and Juliet!
8. We haven’t studied the conditional.
5.- RRH, PAGE 83, EX. 98 (10-15 MIN.)
6.- RRH, PAGE 83, EX. 99 (5-10 MIN.)
→ Step 1: Ask Ss “What sounds better, ‘we haven’t finished
→ Step 1: Pair the Ss up and ask them to fill in the grid.
the class already’ or “we haven’t finished the class yet’?”.
Elicit and write on the board: Walk around and monitor their conversations. Encourage
peer interaction in English as much as possible.
We haven’t finished yet.
→ Step 2: Go over the answer as a group.

Now ask them “And what sounds better, ‘we have KEY
already done some exercises’ or ‘we have yet done some
exercises’?”. Elicit and add on the board: YET ALREADY
used in negative sentences √
We haven’t finished yet. used in affirmative sentences √
We have already done some exercises. used in questions √
used with SO FAR √ √
Finally ask them “And what sounds better ‘have you been
used between have and V3 √
to school yet?’ or ‘have you been to school already’?”

We haven’t finished yet. 7.– RED RIDING HOODY SONG, TR#3 (5-10 MIN.)
We have already done some exercises.
Have you been to school yet? → Step 1: Ask the Ss to close their books and grab a piece
of paper and something to write.

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→ Step 2: Play the song. Ss must sing along and write NEXT CLASS PREPARATION LESSON#30
down three actions mentioned in the song (e.g.: ride a bike,
pass away, breathe in deep, etc.) If your next class is online then students must do the
following preparation tasks, which should take no more
→ Step 3: Review the actions chosen by the Ss and see than 30 min.
if they can come up with a new sentence using that action.
Remind Ss they should log in to Lesson 30 on the PLTF.

8– GAME: SILENCE! PHC#22 (10 MIN.) IMPORTANT: Ss must do the following at home in time for
the next class.
→ Step 1: Before class (if possible) cut the handout into
cards. GRAMMAR (5 MIN.)

→ Step 2: Ask the Ss to stand up, form a circle and distribute • Complete ex. 100 on p. 83.
all the cards among your Ss (make sure you hand them all Quickly review the following:
out, otherwise, the game won’t work).
YET → in negative sentences and questions at the end
NOTE: If your group has less than 8 Ss, it might be better to of the sentence.
play this game as in LP#20 (by putting up the cards on the board ALREADY → in affirmative sentences in the middle of
instead of having Ss arrange the cards in order). the sentence between have and V3.

→ Step 3: Tell them your are going to give them some VOCABULARY (10 MIN.)
clues and that they must guess the word and arrange the
cards in order without uttering a peep! If they talk or fail to • Complete ex. 101 on p. 84. First go over the vocabulary
arrange themselves correctly, you get the point! given in the two boxes, then check the example
sentence and after that move on to completing the ex.
Now say:
• How do you call the person that wins a competition?
• Write a summary of Susan's story in the CF of either
Lesson 29 or Lesson 30. Remind the Ss that there
• The invented name you are called by your friends is no need to write any best seller, only short texts
is your... (nickname) containing the main ideas.
• A synonym for “upset” is... (unhappy)
• Instagram/Facebook is a social... (network) HOMEWORK FOR NEXT CLASS (IF IT’S A CLASS
• Gran was the .... why Susan decided to enter BMX
competitions. (reason) → Step 1: Tell Ss to complete HW#5 (A), which can be
• A word that means “any person”. (anyone) found in the Homework sections of Lessons 29 and 30 on
the T&T zONe. Also, remind them to play Susan vs. Hand
• Something that celebrities sign for their fans.
Walker on the app.
• Another way of saying ‘not long ago’ is... (recently)
9.– WRAP-UP (5 MIN.) Ask Ss one of the DQs of the day. Once they have answered
in full, they can leave the classroom.
→ Step 1: If your next class is an online class, they need
to do the preparation work (you will find this information • Where can you have your nails painted?
at the end of the LP). This is essential because otherwise I can have my nails painted at the beauty salon.
they will not be able to take part in the class. Go through • Where can you have a belt repaired?
the preparation work and have Ss write down the ex. they I can have a belt repaired at the shoe repairer’s.
will need to complete.
• Where can you have yor bicycle fixed?
I can have my bicycle fixed at the mechanic’s.
• Where can you have your English tested?
I can have my English tested at a language school.

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OBJECTIVES Susan / sign / autographs

• Ss will rephrase a sentence so that it matches a

variety of time expressions. → Step 2: Ask the Ss to stand up, toss the ball at any of
them an call out a verb tense.
• Ss will match definitions or pictures with target
vocabulary. Once this S gives a correct sentence, he/she passes the
• Ss will write a summary of the story and self- ball to another S and then you assign a different tense.
assess it using standard criteria.
Remember to call out all the following forms and tenses:
MATERIAL • affirmative
• negative
• a ball
• question
• 1 copy of PHC#9 for every 2 Ss
Every day | Now | Tomorrow | Yesterday | 3 times so
• 1 copy of HW#5 per S, if it’s the lesson before the far this week | before she arrived home

3.- RRH, PAGE 83, EX. 100 (10 MIN.)

→ Step 1: Ask a S to read and explain the exercise.
1.– WARM-UP (5-10 MIN.)
If your Ss struggled a lot on LP#29, quickly review when
→ Step 1: Call the register. If it’s the first class of the to use yet and already.
week, check their progress on the app. Ask the children • YET → in negative sentences and questions at
“How many times have you played with the app this week?”. the end of the sentence.
They should reply: “I have played with the app 6 times since
(same day last week)”. • ALREADY → in affirmative sentences in the
middle of the sentence between have and V3.
→ Step 2: Return or collect homework as necessary. Give
→ Step 2: Ss work on the exercise individually. Walk around
Ss up to 5 minutes to correct their own mistakes. Help them
and help if necessary.
when needed but do not give them the answer straight away.
→ Step 3: Go over the answers as a class.
→ Step 3: Ask Ss the questions below making sure they
use YET or ALREADY in their answers.
You can use a ball. 1. In the story, Gan has already died.
1. Have you done your homework for tomorrow yet? 2. Has Red Riding Hoody met the wolf yet?
2. Has your English class finished yet? 3. Susan hasn’t met Jason in person yet.
3. Has summer started yet? 4. Susan has already become a BMX champion.
4. Have you had dinner yet? 5. Has Susan had TV interviews yet?
5. Have you had lunch yet? 6. My parents haven’t got back from Brazil yet.
6. Have you brushed your teeth yet? 7. Have you had a shower yet?
7. Have you finished the revision for the test yet? 8. I haven’t had a shower yet.
8. Have you taken your exam yet? 9. I have already had a shower.

2.– TENSE REVISION (5 MIN.) 4.- RRH, PAGE 84, EX. 101 (10 MIN.)

→ Step 1: Write on the board: → Step 1: A s reads and explains the exercise.

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As a group, review the meaning of “having butterflies in KEY

your stomach”, “cry tears of joy” and “feel guilty”.
a. challenge | b. passed away
→ Step 2: Go over the vocabulary given in the two boxes 1. fond of | 2. still | 3. even though | 4. represent
as a group to check comprehension. Then check the example 5. nickname | 6. terrific | 7. up to | 8. nearly | 9. in a row
(sentence no.1) as a group to ensure that Ss understand
what they have to do. → Step 3: To double check comprehension, teams take
it in turns to call out one of the words for the other team
→ Step 3: Ss complete the exercise individually or in pairs. to mime it.
Circulate helping and encouraging.
Each S can read one of their sentences to the rest of the
group. Remember to make the Ss justify their choices. → Step 1: Tell Ss it’s time to sharpen their writing skills. To
begin with, ask them “Who remembers what’s a summary?”
KEY (Answers may vary) and elicit anything similar to “a short, clear description that
2. before an important game. / before a really big exam. gives the main facts or ideas about something” or “a short
version of a story”, etc.
3. after a baby is born. / after meeting a famous person.
4. after seeing your parent punish your brother for → Step 2: Now ask them “And what do you think are the
something you did. key aspects of a summary?” and try to elicit the following
items (write them on the board):

5.- RRH, PAGE 84, EX. 102 (10 MIN.)

• It is not a copy of the original story.
→ Step 1: Get a third volunteer to read and explain the
• Refer only to the central and main ideas
exercise. (who? what? when?).

As a group, brainstorm different emotions. If the Ss can’t • It must be short.

remember many, you can ask them to revisit the Lge box • Use your own words.
on page 10.
Remind them also that the summary should have the
→ Step 2: Check the example given and the situations
following parts:
included in a box at the bottom of the page.

Then allow Ss some minutes to work on the exercise • Introduction

• Plot

→ Step 3: Time to see who was more creative! As a group, • Ending (or predicitions about what’s going to happen
check your Ss’ answers. next)

OPTIONAL: If time permits, you can have the Ss stand up and → Step 3: Hand them a white sheet of paper (or have
write their answers on the board. Encourage peer assessment a volunteer to do it) and ask them to write a summary of
and correction. Susan’s story.

If they don’t remember the whole story, review it as a

6.– RRH, PAGE 85, VOCABULARY REVIEW class first orally.
(10-15 MIN.)
Tell them they have got 10 minutes to write a very short
→ Step 1: Divide the group into two teams. Assign letters summary. No need to write any best seller, only short texts
A-B + numbers 1-3 to one group and numbers 4-9 to the containing the main ideas.
other group.
Walk around and help if necessary.
Give a maximum of 5 minutes to both teams to look through
chapter 5 and complete the exercise. → Step 4: To check, ask the Ss to use PHC#9. You gave
them a copy a long time ago, but you may need to hand out
→ Step 2: Go over the answers as a class. new copies.

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Go over the criteria as a class and then allow them some 9.– DOOR QUESTIONS (5 MIN.)
minutes to assess their own work.
Encourage the Ss to finish your sentences using a reflexive
Tell them this is how you are going to evaluate their writing pronoun (myself, yourself, himself, herself...)
in the exam, so they really must pay special attention to it!
• No, you cannot do this for me. I have to do it....
8.– WRAP-UP (5 MIN.) • Why doesn’t she do it....? (herself)

→ Step 1: If your next class is an online class, they need • He likes to think of .... as a good person. (himself)
to do the preparation work (you will find this information • They talk about .... all the time. (themselves)
at the end of the LP). This is essential because otherwise
• If you don’t respect .... , nobody is going to do it
they will not be able to take part in the class. Go through
either. (yourself)
the preparation work and have Ss write down the ex. they
will need to complete. • We did not believe UFOs existed until we saw one
.... . (ourselves)


If your next class is online then students must do the
following preparation tasks, which should take no more
than 30 min.

Remind Ss they should log in to Lesson 31 on the PLTF.

IMPORTANT: Ss must do the following at home in time for

the next class.


• Read Ch. 6 Part 1 and complete ex. 103 on p. 86.


• Read the new chapter again and identify all the

irregular verbs (ask Ss to underlined them). Then
find which one hasn't been covered yet. Write it in
the irregular verbs list on p. 221 with all its correct
forms (V2 and V3).


• Go through the Lg Box on in ex. 104 on p. 87 and

reflect upon the rules.


• Complete ex. 106 on p. 87.



→ Step 1: Remind Ss to complete HW#5 (A), which can

be found in the Homework sections of Lessons 29 and 30 on
the T&T zONe. Also, tell them to play Susan vs. Slackliner
on the app.

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→ Step 3: Check the answers as a class.

• Ss will define words using relative pronouns (who,
which, where, that). 1. b | 2. e | 3. a | 4. d | 5. c
• Ss will look for irregular verbs in an online → Step 4: Assign the roles of Susan and Jason to the Ss
conversation. and make them read out loud the conversation. Fine-tune
• Ss will rephrase comparative sentences using the mispronunciation and help them with intonation.
structure “not as ... as”.
3.– IRREGULAR VERBS, P. 221 (5 MIN.)
→ Step 1: Ss skim read the text individually while trying
• 1 copy of PHC#24 for every 2 Ss to spot as many irregular verbs as possible.

• CD1 TR#3 → Step 2: While checking as a class, write on the board

only those verbs which haven’t been covered yet.
CH.6 - P. 1

1.– WARM-UP (5-10 MIN.) MEET met met

→ Step 3 (optional): Make Ss stand up and form a line

→ Step 1: Call the register. If it’s the first class of the at the back of the class. Stand on the opposite end, facing
week, check their progress on the app. Ask the children your Ss. Call out some of the infinitives in the Ss’ list making
“How many times have you played with the app this week?”. a tennis move, as if you were swinging an invisible tennis
They should reply: “I have played with the app 6 times since racket. Any Ss can answer, but they must answer swinging
(same day last week)”. a racket as well, as if you were playing a tennis match with
an invisible ball. Encourage loud answers!
→ Step 2: Read the following paragraph saying “beep”
instead of the highlighted words. Ss have to guess the missing
word. It’s part of they summary they listen to in the students 4.- ORAL FOLLOW-UP (5 MIN.)
CD, so they should be familiar with it. → Step 1: Ask Ss “What has happened in this chapter?”
and elicit anything similar to “a follower / stranger has
To make it more interesting, you can divide the class into introduced himself to Susan”.
two teams.
→ Step 2: Now ask them “And do you think it’s safe to
At first I only appeared in local newspapers, but then I speak online to people you have never met in person?”.
was chosen to represent Great Britain in the next BMX Elicit answers using “should/shouldn’t”.
Teen Championship and… things went crazy! I’m still
getting used to it - being recognised in the street, people
asking for autographs, interviews, etcetera. I have more 5.- RRH, PAGE 87, EX. 104 (5 MIN.)
followers than ever on social networks and I get quite a → Step 1: Ask a S to read and explain the exercise.
few messages.
→ Step 2: Ss explain the Lg Box to you.
2.– RRH, PAGE 86, EX. 103, READING CH. 6, PART 1
(10 MIN.)
WHO = people
→ Step 1: Ask a S to read and explain the exercise.
WHICH = things
Go over the sentences at the bottom of the page as a class THAT = both things and people
to check comprehension. WHERE = places

→ Step 2: Pair the Ss up and let them work on the exercise. Make sure Ss use the structure “We use ... when we refer
Walk around to monitor their conversations and help when to...” when checking answers. It appears at the top of the
necessary. Language Box.

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6.– RRH, PAGE 87, EX. 105 (10 MIN.) → Step 3: Allow a couple of minutes for the Ss to work on
the exercise individually. Walk around and help them if needed.
→ Step 1: Ask a third S to read and explain the exercise.
→ Step 4: Fast-finishers can compare answers. When half
Go over the vocabulary given as a group to check
the class has finished, check as a class.
comprehension. Revise also the speech bubbles and elicit
one definition as an example:
EXAMPLE 2. Freddie isn’t as brave as Susan.
It’s something that you place all around the house. (furniture) 3. George isn’t as strong as Susan.
4. Susan’s hoody is not as clean as Freddie’s.
→ Step 2: Now give a minute for the Ss to chose a word
and prepare a definition. 5. George isn’t as young as Susan.

→ Step 3: Ss say their descriptions out loud. The rest of 9.– GAME: THE ALPHABET FEVER
the group tries to guess the word. You can award points if
that is motivating for the whole group.
→ Step 1: Tell Ss that they have got a very strange illness:
they always speak using the next letter of the alphabet!
7.– RRH, PAGE 87, EX. 106 (10 MIN.)
They will have to pretend to be as normal as possible, but
→ Step 1: Another S reads and explains the exercise.
every time they speak, they will have to start their sentence
with the next letter of the alphabet.
Go over the example as a class to ensure that the Ss
understand what to do.
Start with a sentence that begins with “A”, then turn to the
S to your right and have them respond with a sentence that
→ Step 2: Ss work on the exercise individually. Walk around
starts with B. Then the following S will start their sentence
to monitor their work. Use silent correction to solve any
with C, etc.
→ Step 3: Check as a group.
T: Actually, I’ve always loved windy weather.
S1: Basically, it’s just air moving.
2. This is the book that/which I read last summer. S2: Constantly!
3. This is the boy who/that won the competition. S4: Did you hear that?
4. This is the hotel where I stayed last Christmas. S5: Extraordinary!
5. This is the 50-euro note which/that I found in the street.
Encourage the rest of the group to mime or whisper ideas
to their classmates if they are struggling.
8.– RRH, PAGE 88, EX. 107 (10 MIN.)
→ Step 1: Get 2 Ss to stand up next to each other and
ask the rest to compare their height using the word “tall”.
Elicit “... is taller than ...” TR#3 (5-10 MIN. - OPTIONAL)

→ Step 1: Write the following 13 words on the board in

Ask Ss “Is ... as tall as ...?” Use your hands to express
random order.
the meaning of “as tall as”. Elicit “... isn’t as tall as ...”

Tell them that they can express the same idea using a Spun - Alley - Bike - Tricks - Wind - Madness
comparative form (-er or more) or using not as … as. If Youngest - Beautiful - Valley - Feet - Tripped - Wheels
needed, repeat with another example from the class.

→ Step 2: Get a volunteer to read and explain the exercise. → Step 2: Distribute the bingo boards in the PHC, one
for each pair.
Go over the example to double check comprehension.

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In teams, the pairs Ss choose 6 of these words and write 12.– DOOR QUESTIONS (5 MIN.)
them in the empty squares.
Encourage the use of connectors (and, too, also, but, instead
→ Step 3: They listen to the song and cross off the words of, neither).
in their grids when they hear them. The first team to cross
• Tell me two things that you really like.
off all six of their words should shout Bingo!
• Tell me two things that you really hate.
NOTE: You can find the lyrics in the Tapescripts section of
• What’s something that you would do to help at
the Teacher Guide.
home, and something that you wouldn’t do.
• What do you prefer, surfing the internet or
11.– WRAP-UP (5 MIN.) chatting with your friends on the phone?

→ Step 1: If your next class is online, Ss need to do the

preparation work (you will find this information at the end of
the LP). This is essential because, otherwise, they will not be
able to take part in the class. Go through the preparation work
and have Ss write down the ex. they will need to complete.


If your next class is online, Ss must do the following

preparation tasks, which should take no more than 30 min.

Remind Ss they should log in to Lesson 32 on the PLTF.

IMPORTANT: Ss must do the following at home in time for

the next class.


• Go over the Lg Box on p. 89 and reflect upon it

(super past).

• Listen to the Red Riding Hoody song. Download CD1
TR#3 (NCP section of Lesson 31).


• Read Ch. 6 Part 2 on pp. 90-91, which includes the
e-mail, the schedule and also the brochure.
• Also, look for the irregular verbs within the texts
and underline all of them. Ss should add ONLY the
one/s which hasn't/haven't been covered yet to the
list on p. 221.



→ Step 1: Tell Ss to complete OHW#9, which can be found

in the OHW section on the T&T zONe. Also, remind them to
play Susan vs. Slackliner on the app.

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happened first (further in the past) and which one happened

• Ss will merge sentences about past actions
Elicit that the action that happens even more in the past is
using the past simple, the past perfect, and the
in “super past” (had + V3). The action that happens second,
connectives “before” and “after”.
not so far back in the past, is in simple past (V2).
• Ss will decode a plot presented through diverse
media: an online conversation, an email, a weekly Write on the board:
plan and a safety brochure.
• Ss will write a birthday message.
1st 2nd

MATERIAL past ––––––––––––--------–––––––––––––– present

• CD1 TR#3 had breakfast went to school

LESSON PLAN → Step 3: Finally, make the Ss look back at the Lg Box
and use it to create two sentences containing the information
on the board:
1.– WARM-UP (5-10 MIN.)
→ Step 1: Call the register. If it’s the first class of the
week, check their progress on the app. Ask the children 1 GOES BEFORE 2 = I had had breakfast before I went to
“How many times have you played with the app this week?”. school.
They should reply: “I have played with the app 6 times since 2 GOES AFTER 1 = I went to school after I had had
(same day last week)”. breakfast.

→ Step 2: Mime he following words and see if your Ss are Make sure Ss understand that they can form the sentence
able to guess them. Warn them that they are all professions. in the order they prefer as long as the correct tenses are
used with the correct actions.
guitarist - filmmaker - goalkeeper - author - musician
politician - fashion designer - scientist
3.- RRH, PAGE 89, EX. 108 (10-15 MIN.)
Now see if your Ss can think of other professions and → Step 1: Ask a S to read and explain the exercise. Make
mime them for the rest of the group to guess. sure Ss understand there are two things to be done: underline
what happens first and write a full sentence using super past.

2.- SUPER PAST RECAP (10 MIN.) Go over the two examples as a class to check comprehension.
→ Step 1: Draw the Ss’ attention to the Lg Box on page 89.
→ Step 2: Now go through sentences a-c and, as a group,
Do they understand anything at all? Can they explain it to agree on which is the first action and underline it. If possible
you? If they can’t, ask the following questions. (if Ss disagree), spark some debate on the issue (e.g.: “Why do
you think this is the first action?”, “Are you sure?” “If I remember
• “Did you have breakfast last Tuesday?” correctly/If I’m not mistaken”...).
• “Did you go to school last Tuesday?”
• “Which did you do first?”
a. Gran (pass away)
Write on the board:
b. Susan (win) the competition
c. he (drop) his mobile phone in the bathtub.
1st- have breakfast 2nd - go to school
Ask them “So what verb tense are we going to use with
all of these actions?” and elicit “super past”.
→ Step 2: Now ask them to remind you the tenses we use
when we have two past actions and we need to say which

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→ Step 3: Pair the Ss up and let them finish the exercise. → Step 3: Now ask the Ss to read the online chat between
Walk around and help them form correct full structures. Ss Susan and Jason. As usual, encourage them to highlight
will most likely forget to combine both tenses (super past + everything they DO understand.
past simple) within a sentence.
Help them with unfamiliar vocabulary and then ask “So...
Finally, check as a group. What’s going on?” or “What has happened?” and elicit the
following pieces of information:
• Susan has been ill with the flu.
a. Susan won the competition after Gran had passed
• Jason has asked Susan to meet in person.
away. (or) Gran had passed away before Susan won the
competition. • Susan has turned down his suggestion because
she’s very busy (she has exams and a TV
b. Susan had won the competition before she became
famous. (or) Susan became famous after she had won
the competition. • Susan has revealed her email address to Jason.
c. Dad had dropped his mobile phone in the bathtub • They’ve agreed to meet at the park sometime.
before he got a new mobile phone for Christmas. (or)
Dad got a new mobile phone for Christmas after he had → Step 4: Ss take turns to read the email aloud.
dropped his (old) phone in the bathtub.
Again, help them with unfamiliar vocabulary and then ask
“So what has happened now?” and elicit that “The date and
4.– RED RIDING HOODY SONG, TR#3 location of the TV interviews have been changed”.
Ask the following comprehension questions:
Play the whole song and tell Ss that today they will find
out more about what the last part refers to. Ss listen and • “Where was it supposed to take place?”
sing to the song (dance moves are welcome too!). It was supposed to take place in the TV studios.
• “Where is it going to be held now?”
5.– RRH, PAGES 90-91. READING. CH. 6, PART 2 It is going to be held at 4, Forest Road, Woodoak FG5
(15-20 MIN.)
• “When is it going to take place?”
→ Step 1: Ask the Ss “So, what’s the last thing that It is going to take place next Friday 22nd at 5.15 pm.
happened to Susan?” and elicit as much information as
possible from chapter 6, part 1. See if anyone identifies Mr. J Wolf with Jason (Jason’s
icon in text A is a wolf). If nobody does, don’t worry. They
KEY will find it out soon.
She was contacted by someone called Jason through a
→ Step 5: Let the Ss have a quick look at Susan’s week
social network.
schedule and ask:
→ Step 2: Ask the Ss to open their books to pages 90-91. • How many exams has Susan got this week?
She has got 2 exams.
Tell them this part of Chapter 6 is more difficult for them:
instead of an explanation of what has happened as told by • When is she doing the science exam?
a narrator, they are given 4 different short texts and have to She’s doing the science exam on Thursday.
figure out what has happened...! • And when is she doing the History exam?
She’s doing the History exam on Tuesday.
Let the Ss scan the texts quickly (1 minute!) and elicit what
the different texts are: • Is she doing any exams on Monday?
No, she isn’t. On Monday she is going to a birthday
KEY party.

a. an online conversation • Whose birthday is it?

Her cousin’s Alex. (It’s the Alex in Animal Planet)
b. an email
• When is she going to the interview?
c. a weekly plan
She is going to the interview on Friday afternoon.
d. a safety brochure

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→ Step 6: Ss take turns again to read the brochure aloud. KEY

Once read, ask:
1. d | 2. c | 3. b | 4. a | 5. d
• According to the brochure, what should you do?
You should... (elicit the DOs list)
8.- RRH, PAGE 92, EX. 110 (10-15 MIN.)
• And, according to the brochure, what shouldn’t
you do? → Step 1: Have another S read and explain the exercise.
You shouldn’t... (elicit the DON’Ts list) Clarify that Susan’s cousin Alex is the protagonist of Animal
• Has Susan read this brochure? Which of these Planet (the stories in the Tweens 1 and 2 courses).
tips hasn’t she followed so far?
→ Step 2: As a class, brainstorm useful vocabulary and
She hasn’t read this brochure. She has told Jason
expressions and write them on the board.
about her plans, she has given him her email
address, she hasn’t told her parents about the POSSIBLE IDEAS

→ Step 7 (optional): If time permits, start some discussion Hi! / What’s up? / How are you doing?
about Ss’ habits on internet. Are they very active on social
Happy birthday! / Have an awesome day!
networks? Do they chat with their friends very often? Do they
I wish you the best / a great day.
befriend everybody on social networks or only the people
Hope you have a great day.
they know? etc.
See you soon! / Enjoy!

6.– IRREGULAR VERBS, P. 221 (5-10 MIN.) → Step 3: Ss write their postcards individually. Walk around
and help them when necessary.
→ Step 1: Divide the class into two groups and assign
page 90 to one of the teams and page 91 to the other team. Pay special attention to misspelling and whole structure
Ss skim read the text while trying to spot as many irregular of the text (i.e.: greeting, best wishes, closing and signature).
verbs as possible.

→ Step 2: While checking as a class, write on the board 9.– WRAP-UP (5 MIN.)
only those verbs which haven’t been covered yet.
→ Step 1: If your next class is online, they need to do
CH.6 - P. 2: ONLINE CHAT & EMAIL the preparation work (you will find this information at the
end of the LP). This is essential because, otherwise, they
TEACH taught taught will not be able to take part in the class. Go through the
preparation work and have Ss write down the ex. they will
need to complete.
All the irregular verbs have been covered!
→ Step 3 (optional): Call out some of the infinitives in the
Ss’ list and encourage Ss to come up with a sentence using If your next class is online, Ss must do the following
that verb in any tense. preparation tasks, which should take no more than 30 min.

To spice up the activity, you can ask Ss to stand up and

Remind Ss they should log in to Lesson 33 on the PLTF.
allow them to sit down only after having formed a full and
correct sentence. IMPORTANT: Ss must do the following at home in time for
the next class.
7.- RRH, PAGE 92, EX. 109 (5-10 MIN.)
→ Step 1: Ask a Ss to read and explain the exercise. Make
sure Ss understand that all the options (A-D) can be used • Ss should write their own postcards as expected in
more than once. ex. 110 on p. 92. They must write their postcards
in the CF under the label Lesson 33 - Postcard on
→ Step 2: Ss work on the exercise individually. the T&T zONe.
→ Step 3: Check as a class. Useful vocabulary and expressions:

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Hi! / What’s up? / How are you doing?

Happy birthday! / Have an awesome day!
I wish you the best / a great day.
Hope you have a great day.
See you soon! / Enjoy!


• Complete ex. 111 and 112 on p. 93.

• Complete ex. 113 on p. 94.



→ Step 1: Remind Ss to complete OHW#9, which can be

found in the OHW section on the T&T zONe. Also, tell them
to play Susan vs. Acrobatic Gymnast on the app.


Ask Ss one of the DQs of the day. Once they have answered
in full, they can leave the classroom.

• Are you in the mood for eating chocolate now?

• Are you in the mood for staying in the classroom
for another hour?
• Are you in the mood for going to bed?
• Are you in the mood for doing homework?

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→ Step 2: Go over the example as a group to check


• Ss will define words using relative pronouns. → Step 3: Give a couple of minutes for the Ss to complete
• Ss will put different frequency adverbs in order the exercise individually or in pairs and then check as a group.
from most frequent to least frequent.
• Ss will interview their classmates and report their
findings to the group. 2. A whale is the heaviest.
A mouse is the lightest.
MATERIAL An elephant isn’t as heavy as a whale.
3. A house is the most expensive.
• a bag A pencil is the cheapest.
A jumper isn’t as expensive as a house.
• small pieces of paper (1 per S)

LESSON PLAN 3.- RRH, PAGE 93, EX. 112 (10 MIN.)
→ Step 1: Ask another S to read and explain the exercise.
1.– WARM-UP (5-10 MIN.)
Go over the example as a group.
→ Step 1: Call the register. If it’s the first class of the
→ Step 2: Ss work on the exercise individually. Ss should
week, check their progress on the app. Ask the children
already be very familiar with this structure, so be pickier
“How many times have you played with the app this week?”.
than usual when walking around and checking their work.
They should reply: “I have played with the app 6 times since
(same day last week)”.
→ Step 3: Check as a class.
→ Step 2: Encourage Ss to define any of the following
words using a relative pronoun (who, which, that, where).
Answers may vary. 2. My father isn’t as good at English as my mum. (or)
My mum isn’t as bad at English as my dad.
• pencil (It’s something that you use to write.)
3. A truck isn’t as cheap as a motorbike. (or)
• beach (It’s a place where you can sunbathe.)
A motorbike isn’t as expensive as a truck.
• teacher (It’s a person who spends the day teaching
4. Science isn’t as fun as PE. (or)
PE isn’t as boring as Science.
• rubber (It’s something that you use to erase what
5. BMXing isn’t as easy as swimming. (or)
you have written.)
Swimming isn’t as difficult as BMXing.
• school (It’s a place where children spend most of
their time) → Step 4 (optional): If time permits, play a quick 10 things
game. Ask your Ss to grab a piece of paper an have them
• bicycle (It’s the vehicle that Susan uses to win
write 10 things they can find in a sports stadium.
• tea (It’s something that Gran used to sip while SOME IDEAS
Susan practised with her BMX.)
stands, chairs, people, soft drinks, toilets, crisps, athletes,
• competitor (It’s a person that takes part in a competition.) scoreboards, grass, bars

Ask the Ss to swap papers and then encourage them to

2.- RRH, PAGE 93, EX. 111 (10 MIN.)
compair any of the items written in the paper they got.
→ Step 1: Ask a S to read and explain the exercise. This
time, challenge them to find synonyms for the word “item”. EXAMPLE

SOME IDEAS Toilets aren’t as clean as bars.

item = thing, element, words...

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4.- RRH, PAGE 94, EX. 113 (5 MIN.) → Step 3: Ss share their findings with the group. Make
sure they use third person singular while doing so.
→ Step 1: Get another volunteer to read and explain the
Check if they are able to explain what “frequency” means OPTIONAL)
(e.g.: How often you do something).
→ Step 1: Ask the Ss to write down on a piece of paper an
→ Step 2: Put Ss into pairs and give them a couple of emotion they have learned this year (e.g.: upset, embarrassed,
minutes to complete the exercise. anxious, guilty, worried, cheerful, etc.). The most difficult, the
better! Then put all the words on the whiteboard.
→ Step 3: Check as a group.
If they can’t remember any, remind them of the Lg Box
KEY on page 10.

(from most to least frequent) → Step 2: Now tell Ss you are going to play a song and
1. Absolutely all the time | 2. Every day | 3. A few times that they have to start counting once the song starts. As
a week | 4. Once a week | 5. Once in a while | 6. Hardly a teacher control the CD player and when the song stops
ever | 7. Never (actually when you decide to randomly stop it) the S who has
stopped counting has to choose a word from the board and
→ Step 4 (optional): Ask the following questions: mime it or come up with a sentence explaining the word.

• How often do you brush your teeth? Stop the CD at intervals during the song.
• How often do you see your grandparents?
Anyone else can try to guess which word is being mimed
• How often do you go to the cinema?
or described. The S who guesses correctly gets one point!
• How often do you forget to do your homework? The person who has the most cards at the end wins!
• How often to eat junk food?
8.- RRH, PAGE 95, EX. 115 (10-15 MIN.)
5.- RRH, PAGE 94, EX. 114A (5 MIN.) → Step 1: Get a volunteer to read and explain the exercise.
As a group, look at the conversation and elicit the missing
parts from the Ss. This is a semi-open writing practice, so there are no
“correct” answers.
→ Step 2: Pair Ss up and allow them a maximum of 10
Q: What do you use a pen for? minutes to work on the exercise.
A: That’s obvious! I use it for writing.
Walk around and help when necessary.
Q: How often do you use a pen?
A: Well, let me think for a sec. I would say I use a pen → Step 3: Pairs take turns to perform their conversations.
every day. The rest of the group assesses the pair’s work both in terms
of accuracy and creativity.
6.- RRH, PAGES 94-95, EX. 114B (10-15 MIN.)
9.- RRH, PAGE 96, EX. 116 (5 MIN.)
→ Step 1: Ask another S to read and explain the exercise.
→ Step 1: Ask the Ss to remind you when to use FOR or
Go over the phrases as a class to check comprehension. SINCE. Elicit that we use FOR + a period of time and SINCE
+ a point in time.
→ Step 2: Ss walk around the classroom to interview their
classmates. They should try to find at least one name for Encourage Ss to come up with a sentence of their own
each of the options given in the book. using for or since.

Walk around to monitor their conversations. Encourage the → Step 2: Get a volunteer to read and explain the exercise.
use of the questions seen in the previous exercise.

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→ Step 3: Allow them a couple of minutes to complete 11.– DOOR QUESTIONS (5 MIN.)
the exercise and then check as a group.
Ask Ss what they think will happen if ... Make sure Ss
use If … will …
• Susan goes to the interview.
1. for | 2. since | 3. for | 4. since | 5. for
• Susan and Jason meet.
10.– WRAP-UP (10 MIN.) • Susan knows that Jason is not 16.
Susan decides to speak to Jason on the phone before
→ Step 1: If your next class is online, they need to do she goes to the interview.
the preparation work (you will find this information at the
end of the LP). This is essential because, otherwise, they
will not be able to take part in the class. Go through the
preparation work and have Ss write down the ex. they will
need to complete.


If your next class is online, Ss must do the following

preparation tasks, which should take no more than 30 min.

Remind Ss they should log in to Lesson 34 on the PLTF.

IMPORTANT: Ss must do the following at home in time for

the next class.


• Complete ex. 117 on p. 96.


• Ss should go to p. 98 and have a look at the images.
They are NOT in the correct order and there is an
extra image which DOESN'T belong there. Ss should
download CD1 TR#21 (NCP section of Lesson 33 or
CP of Lesson 34), listen to it while putting the images
in the correct order leaving out the one that doesn't
belong to the story.


• Read Ch. 7 Part 1 on p. 99.
• Highlight all the irregular verbs and write the new
ones in the irregular verbs list on p. 221.
• Have a look at the underlined words in the chapter
and look for their American equivalents (p. 220).



→ Step 1: Tell Ss to complete HW#6 (A), which can be

found in within the Homework section of Lessons 33 and
34 on the T&T zONe. Also, remind them to play Susan vs.
Acrobatic Gymnast on the app.

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→ Step 2: If necessary, do number 1 as a class, and then

let them finish the activity individually.

• Ss will listen to a narrative text and put pictures → Step 3: Check as a group.
in order.
• Ss will listen to a song and find missing words. KEY:
• Ss will identify irregular verbs in a narrative text. I’ve lived in my house for 11 years.
I’ve been learning French for 8 years.
I’ve had this BMX bike for three years and a half.

• CD 1 TR#3, TR#21 I’ve been interested in BMX for 5 years.


1.– WARM-UP (5-10 MIN.) NOTE: TPR means Total Physical Response, an activity where
Ss show understanding through movement.
→ Step 1: Call the register. If it’s the first class of the
week, check their progress on the app. Ask the children Read the following instructions and encourage the group
“How many times have you played with the app this week?”. to react appropriately.
They should reply: “I have played with the app 6 times since
• Stand up if you use a mobile phone every day.
(same day last week)”.
• Touch your nose if you use a pencil for writing
→ Step 2: Ask Ss the questions below and get them to absolutely all the time.
answer saying “I think so” or “I don’t think so”. • Mess your hair up if you have a shower once a
You can use a ball.
• Sit on the floor if you use a computer a few times
• Do you think Susan will die? a week.
• Do you think Gran will come back to life? • Kneel down if you hardly ever help cooking at
• Do you think Jason is a good person? home.

• Do you think Susan will be happy to see Jason is • Hop if you make your bed once in a while.
not 16 years old? • Clap your hands if you never forget doing your
• Do you think the interview will be real? homework.

• Do you think Jason is really interested in BMX?

• Do you think Gran will save Susan from Jason?
• Do you think there will be a wolf in our story?
→ Step 1: Divide the class into two teams and ask them
• Do you think Jason will poison Susan? to complete the exercise.
• Do you think Jason wants to steal Susan’s BMX?
Walk around and monitor their conversations. Remember
to encourage peer interaction in English as much as possible.
2.- RRH, PAGE 96, EX. 117 (5-10 MIN.)
→ Step 1: Ask a S to read and explain the exercise. Make KEY
sure they understand what to do (to express exactly the
a. flu | b. trust
same idea but using FOR instead of SINCE, i.e. to mention
the period of time something has been happening instead 1. unfortunately | 2. I’m looking forward to doing it
of mentioning the point in time where that thing began.) 3. How about...? | 4. be into it | 5. lately
6. meet up in person
Quickly review the uses of FOR and SINCE.
→ Step 2: Now arrange both groups in a line as far away
from the whiteboard as possible. Tell them you are going

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to read some sentences and that every time they hear you Jump and flip and cross and spin.
saying beep, they’ll have to run to the board and write the
And up the ramp and fly like 8. wind.
missing word.
Turn and brake and breathe in 9. deep.
All the missing words will be, obviously, part of the New tricks will come out of her 10. feet.
vocabulary revision exercise.

Read: So she jumped and flipped and crossed and 11.spun.

Those wheels those 12. wheels made her a champ.
• I’d love to ...... my favourite singer in person.
(meet) The 13. youngest champ on a BMX, on a BMX, on a BMX.
• My best friend was really ill for a couple of weeks,
but he’s been feeling better .......... (lately). 6.- RRH, PAGE 99, EX. 118, LISTENING.
• I .... him and he disappointed me terribly. (trusted) CH. 7, PART 1, TR#21 (10-15 MIN.)
• I can’t stop sneezing and blowing my nose. I think → Step 1: Ss go to page 98 (the one with the pictures) and
I’ve got the ...... (flu). fold the book so they can’t see the text on page 99.
• ................ , I don’t think you’ll know this word.
(unfortunately) Explain to Ss that they will have to put the pictures in the
right order, but that one of them doesn’t belong.
• My parents are ........ to going on vacation. They’ve
worked really hard this year! (looking forward) Quickly elicit what they can see in each image. who can
• ............ finishing this activity? (how about) they see?; where are they?; what are the people in the picture
doing?; etc.

5.- RRH, PAGE 107, RED RIDING HOODY SONG, TR#3 → Step 2: Get a volunteer to play the track. Ss listen and try
(10 MIN.) to put the pictures in order, leaving out the one that doesn’t
→ Step 1: Now ask Ss to turn to page 107. Play the first part
of the song (green text) and encourage Ss to fill in the gaps.
→ Step 3: Now let Ss open their books to see both page
98 and 99 (pictures and text). Play the track a second time,
→ Step 2: Check using the board.
while Ss highlight everything they understand.
If needed, give Ss another minute to finish putting the
RRH song pictures in order.

Up the 1. hill and down the 2. alley. → Step 4: Check as a group.

She rode her 3. bike always watched by Granny.
KEY (from top to bottom)
But what if Granny wasn’t there one day?
What if Granny 4. tripped and passed away? 4 - doesn’t belong

Susan would have to push away sadness. 1-3

Pedals spinning out and away from 5. madness. → Step 5: Any unfamiliar vocabulary? Let Ss ask you: “So,
Jump and flip across the hills of fear. (teacher’s name), what does ... mean?”. You can use the
pictures to explain some of the vocabulary.
Leap for 6. tricks on her BMX, on her BMX.

7.- IRREGULAR VERBS, P. 221 (10 MIN.)

And with that hood, that 7. beautiful red hoody.
→ Step 1: Divide the Ss into 2 teams, and assign paragraphs
And with that hood, that beautiful red hoody.
1-2 to one team and 3-5 to the other.
And with that hood, that beautiful red hoody.
Susan was now Little Red Riding Hoody. → Step 2: Teams skim read the text while trying to spot
as many irregular verbs as possible.

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→ Step 3: While checking as a group, write on the board NEXT CLASS PREPARATION LESSON#35
only those verbs which haven’t been covered yet, so that Ss
can copy them in the book. If your next class is online, Ss must do the following
preparation tasks, which should take no more than 30 min.
CH.7 - P.1:
Remind Ss they should log in to Lesson 35 on the PLTF.
FIND found found
IMPORTANT: Ss must do the following at home in time for
SHAKE shook shaken the next class.
CATCH caught caught
LEAVE left left VOCABULARY (10 MIN.)
LIE lay lain • Complete ex. 119 on p. 100.

Clarify that the verb “lie” here means “to be in horizontal GRAMMAR (10 MIN.)
position”. (The verb “lie” as in “saying something that is
• Go over the Lg Box on p. 100 and do the matching
false” is regular: lie, lied, lied. They are different from the
in part A. Then move to part B and complete the
verb “lay”, which is transitive, and means “to put something
ex. as well.
down in a flat position”: lay, laid, laid.)
8.- BRITISH VS. AMERICAN PAGE 220, CH.7 - P.1 • Complete ex. 121 on p. 101. Ss should take a look to
(5 MIN.) Ch. 7 Part 1 and bare in mind that they might need
to change some of the words slightly.
→ Step 1: Tell Ss to go back to the story and take a look
at the underlined words. Ask them if they know the meaning
of these words and if they know or have heard any other HOMEWORK FOR NEXT CLASS (IF IT’S A CLASS
words that mean exactly the same thing: BEFORE THE WEEKEND)

→ Step 2: Ss may or may not come up with the American → Step 1: Remind Ss to complete HW#6 (A), which can
equivalent for the words. In any case, have them open their be found in within the Homework section of Lessons 33
books on the British vs. American list and point out that, and 34 on the T&T zONe. Also, tell them to play Susan vs.
depending on whether they’re American or British, some Breakdancer on the app.
words can be completely different and some words can be
spelt or pronounced differently but still mean the same.
Focus on the words seen in this part and their American
equivalents. Remember to get them to answer rephrasing the question
in first person and using full sentences.
• What will happen if it rains tomorrow?
block of flats (UK) - apartment building (US)
• What will happen if nobody makes your dinner
pavement (UK) - sidewalk (US) today?
→ Step 3: Make sure Ss know that although there might • What will happen if we heat our planet?
be two possibilities to express the same thing, in the exam • What will happen if when you get home today
they will be asked to use the ones that appear in the story there’s nothing in the fridge?

9.– WRAP-UP (10 MIN.)

→ Step 1: If your next class is online, they need to do

the preparation work (you will find this information at the
end of the LP). This is essential because, otherwise, they
will not be able to take part in the class. Go through the
preparation work and have Ss write down the ex. they will
need to complete.

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Lesson#35_in Fairy Tales 1

2.- FOR & SINCE RECAP, PHC#25 (10-15 MIN.)

→ Step 1: Hand out a copy of the PHC to each of your Ss.
• Ss will create sentences based on prompts using
present perfect and yet / already. Revise as a group when to use FOR and SINCE and
encourage the children to complete the rules before ex. 1.
• Ss will deduce the uses of never and ever when
used with the present perfect.
• Ss will apply target vocabulary in new contexts by
We use SINCE + a point in the past
choosing the right word or expression to fit in a
gapped sentence. We use FOR + amount of time

→ Step 2: Go over ex. 1 as a class.

• 1 copy of PHC#25 per S
for 2 years | since 1999 | since I was a child | for 10
LESSON PLAN minutes | since last April | for 6 months | for 2 seconds
since last summer

1.– WARM-UP (5-10 MIN.) Do this activity orally and making sure they justify their
answers (e.g.: because it’s a period of time , because it’s an
→ Step 1: Call the register. If it’s the first class of the exact point in time, etc..)
week, check their progress on the app. Ask the children
“How many times have you played with the app this week?”. → Step 3: Now let them work on ex. 2 individually. Set a
They should reply: “I have played with the app 6 times since maximum time of 3 minutes. Circulate helping and checking.
(same day last week)”.
→ Step 2: Write on the board: (answers may vary)

→ Step 4: Go over the questions in ex. 3 as a group to

SO FAR... HAS / HASN’T HAPPENED check comprehension and then allow your Ss to move freely
YET / ALREADY around the classroom to interview two classmates.

Tell the children your are going to give them some prompts/ To keep it snappy, you may warn your Ss they’ve got 5
ideas and that they’ll have to say if those things have or minutes maximum to fill in their grids.
haven’t happened in the story. Make sure Ss use present
perfect in their answers. Say: Walk around and monitor their conversations. Make sure
they use FOR and SINCE appropriately.
• Susan / win many BMX competitions
So far Susan has already won many BMX → Step 5 (optional): If time permits, let the Ss share their
competitions. findings. In this case, make sure they use the third person
• Susan / sign autographs singular appropriately.
So far Susan has already signed autographs.
• Susan’s dad / radio interview 3.- RRH, PAGE 100, EX. 119 (10 MIN.)
He hasn’t gone to any radio interview yet
→ Step 1: Ask a S to read and explain the exercise.
• Susan / TV interview
Susan hasn’t had any TV interview yet.
→ Step 2: Pair the Ss up and give them some minutes to
• Jason / chat with Susan complete the exercise.
So far Jason has already chatted with Susan.
• Jason and Susan / meet in person → Step 3: Go over the answers as a class.
So far they already met in person
• Jason / arrested.
So far, Jason hasn’t been arrested yet.

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Lesson#35_in Fairy Tales 1

KEY 6.– RRH, PAGE 101, EX. 122 (10 MIN.)

1. factory | 2. wonder | 3. anxious | 4. lay |
→ Step 1: Ask another S to read and explain the exercise.
5. realise | 6. notice | 7. block of flats | 8. expect
9. neighbourhood | 10. location | 11. to be about to
Go over the example as a class. Then brainstorm some
ideas to write about and leave them on the board. Some
4.– RRH, PAGE 100, EX. 120 A&B (15 MIN.) ideas could be:

→ Step 1: Have another S read and explain the exercise.

Elicit that they have to explain the Lg Box to you. - never trust strangers
- keep fit to be able to run
→ Step 2: Go over the three sentences in the Lg Box as - never give your contact details to anyone
a class and ask them to point out as many differences as - avoid abandoned places
possible. At this stage, let them state their own hypotheses.
Avoid getting too technical.
→ Step 2: Ss work on the exercise individually. Walk around
→ Step 3: Now focus on the matching exercise below and and help them when necessary.
complete it as a group.
→ Step 3: Ss take turns to read their notes aloud. You
KEY may encourage the S to vote for the wisest piece of advice.

→ Step 4: Finally, get a volunteer to read and explain part
B. Let them work on the exercise individually and then check → Step 1: Divide the class into two to three teams.
as a group.
→ Step 2: If there are three Ss per team then the rules
Remember you must make them justify their answers. will go as follow:

KEY • You will give the first person on the team a word
to spell.
1. ever | 2. never | 3. ever | 4. ever | 5. ever | 6. never
• If the S spells it correctly, the team gets three
7. ever | 8. never | 9. ever
• If not, the S after him can try for two points.
5.– RRH, PAGE 101, EX. 121 (10 MIN.)
• If the answer is correct, the team earns two points.
→ Step 1: Ask a S to read and explain the exercise. These If not, the third person on the team can try.
instructions are a nice opportunity to play Taboo again. • If the answer is correct, the team earns 1 point. If
not, the opposite team can try for 1 point.
Words they should already be able to paraphrase are: fill
in, gaps, highlighted, careful and ‘may need’. → Step 3: The next team is given a word and goes through
the same process.
A new word to work on is “slightly” (a little).
→ Step 4: The winner is the team with the most points.
→ Step 2: Let the Ss complete the exercise individually.
→ Step 3: To check, ask the children to swap books wonder - corridor - anxious - realise - expect -
and check as a group. Write the answers on the board to lately - trust - brochure - challenge - although - still
ensure that everybody can correct their classmates’ work
8.- RRH, PAGE 102-103, EX. 123. CROSSWORD
KEY (10-15 MIN.)
a. soul... sight | b. introduce yourself | c. expects
→ Step 1: Have a third volunteer read and explain the
d. realised | e. wonder
exercise. Make sure they understand words can be from any
of the chapters (1-7).

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Lesson#35_in Fairy Tales 1

→ Step 2: Pair the Ss up and allow them some minutes HOMEWORK FOR NEXT CLASS (IF IT’S A CLASS
to work on the crossword. BEFORE THE WEEKEND)

Walk around to monitor their conversations and encourage → Step 1: Tell Ss to complete OHW#10, which can be
peer assessment as much as possible. found in the OHW section on the T&T zONe. Also, remind
them to play Susan vs. Breakdancer on the app.
→ Step 3: Have 2 fast-finishers write the answers on
the board.
Ask Ss to insert yet or already where appropriate.
1. Have you finished?
4. bright 1. confident
2. He hasn’t called.
6. flu 2. hang out
3. He has called.
7. advertisements 3. challenge
4. I haven’t seen this film.
9. politicians 5. exhibition
5. I have read this book
8. pain
6. Have you had a breakfast?

9.– WRAP-UP: CORRECTION, EX. 119&121, PP. 100- 7. My mum has been to Paris twice.
101 (10 MIN.) 8. We haven’t studied the passive voice.

→ Step 1: If your next class is online, they need to do

the preparation work (you will find this information at the
end of the LP). This is essential because, otherwise, they
will not be able to take part in the class. Go through the
preparation work and have Ss write down the ex. they will
need to complete.


If your next class is online, Ss must do the following

preparation tasks, which should take no more than 30 min.

Remind Ss they should log in to Lesson 36 on the PLTF.

IMPORTANT: Ss must do the following at home in time for

the next class.


• Complete ex. 124 on p. 103.


• Read Ch. 7 Part 2 on p. 104.


• Complete ex. 125 on p. 105. Listen to CD1 TR#22
(NCP section) and find the mistake in the article.

• Go over the content of the Lg Box in ex. 126A and
do the matching on p. 105.

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Lesson#36_in Fairy Tales 1

Tell them that this time, THEY will write the A/B/C
comprehension questions for the text.
• Ss will create questions based on given answers.
→ Step 2: Tell Ss they must read the assigned passage
• Ss will describe the position and origin of objects again and come up with a reading comprehension question
using prepositions of place and possessive and 3 answers (2 incorrect answers and a correct one). The
adjectives or the genitive. trickier, the better!
• Ss will listen to an interview and read a news article
to find a difference between the information in both. Walk around and help them create questions and answers
that are challenging but doable.

MATERIAL → Step 3: Teams take turns to read their questions and

answers aloud and the rest of the group tries to guess the
• CD1 TR#22 correct answer by reading that part of the text again.
• 1 copy of PHC#23, cut out
3.- RRH, PAGE 103, EX. 124 (10-15 MIN.)
→ Step 1: Tell Ss these words are specially tricky and
useful at the same time, and that the best way to learn them
1.– WARM-UP (5-10 MIN.) is to use them in a sentence. That’s why they will create their
own example for the Language Box.
→ Step 1: Call the register. If it’s the first class of the
week, check their progress on the app. Ask the children → Step 2: Do the exercise as a class. First, have Ss look
“How many times have you played with the app this week?”. for the word in context in the Chapter. Then, elicit examples
They should reply: “I have played with the app 6 times since from Ss and help them if there are mistakes. Ss can write
(same day last week)”. different versions in their books, but circulate to make sure
they are using the target language correctly.
→ Step 2: Read out the answers below and get Ss to ask
you the questions that elicited them. POSSIBLE IDEAS:

• No, I have never been to New York. I have almost finished my sandwich.
(Q: Have you ever been to New York?) I’m nearly as tall as my teacher now!
• No, Susan has never ridden a horse. I used to play the violin, but I don’t play it any more.
(Q: Has Susan ever ridden a horse?)
My little sister wakes up really early every day... even on
• No, I have never seen my parents cry. Saturdays and Sundays!
(Q: Have you seen your parents cry?)
Even though my brother is older than me, I’m taller than him.
• No, I have never read a comic in Japanese.
(Q: Have you ever read a comic in Japanese?) → Step 3 (optional): If time permits, let Ss share their
• No, she has never travelled to Russia. sentences as a group.
(Q: Has she ever travelled to Russia?)
While a S reads aloud, encourage the other Ss to help
• No, my mum has never climbed a tree.
him/her with mispronunciations.
(Q: Has your mum ever climbed a tree?)
• No, she has never been to the Moon.
(Q: Has she ever been to the Moon?) 4.- PREPOSITIONS AND POSSESSIVES GAME
(10 MIN.)
• No, Susan has never sung in a talent show.
(Q: Has ever sung in a talent show? → Step 1: Ask each s to give you an object they are carrying
today (a pencil case, a bracelet, a rubber...). Gather all the
objects together in a bag.
(10 -15 MIN.) → Step 2: Go over each object asking the questions:
→ Step 1: Divide the Ss into groups of 2-3 and assign • What is this? (It’s a...)
each group a part of chapter 7, part 1.

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Lesson#36_in Fairy Tales 1

• Whose is it? (It’s Monica’s / It’s hers/his / It’s mine) KEY

To make it more fun, try to confuse them as much as The bullies were not into computer games. They were into
possible. BMXing.

EXAMPLE 7.- RRH, PAGE 105, EX. 126A (5 MIN.)

T: Oh, so this is hers?
→ Step 1: Time for the Ss to enlighten you. Draw their
S: No, I said it’s mine! attention to the Lg Box and encourage them to explain it to you.
T: Theirs, you say?
S: No! Not theirs! It’s mine!
SPEECHLESS means the same as ‘doesn’t have the ability
→ Step 3: Send the Ss out of the classroom for a minute to talk’.
and place all the objects so that several prepositions can
MOTIONLESS means the same as ‘without moving’.
be used to talk about them (under, on, in, between, in front
of, behind, etc.). → Step 2: Now encourage them to complete the rule.

→ Step 4: Distribute two scraps of paper to each S. Each KEY

S writes one true sentence and one false sentence about the
position of the objects. Circulate checking the sentences. If We add -less when we want to say without (something).
needed, write a model on the board:

Monica’s bracelet is under Miguel’s book. 8.- RRH, PAGE 105, EX. 126B (10 MIN.)

→ Step 5: Gather all the sentences and mix them up. A → Step 1: Get a volunteer to read and explain the exercise.
volunteer takes one paper and reads it aloud. If the sentence
is false, the group must touch the floor and say: “No way! → Step 2: Pair the Ss up and allow them some minutes
You must be joking!” + the sentence in the negative. to complete the exercise.

Walk around to monitor their conversations. Remember to

5.- RRH, PAGE 104, READING, CH. 7, PART 2. encourage peer interaction in English as much as possible.
(5-10 MIN.)
→ Step 3: Check as a class.
→ Step 1: Ss take turns reading the text aloud. To make
everyone pay more attention, the S who is reading can stop KEY
whenever they choose, and the next S must pick up where
1. homeless | 2. careless | 3. hopeless | 4. helpless
the last one left off.
5. spotless | 6. fingerless
As usual, Ss highlight everything they understand and
then ask you, in English, what the words or expressions 9.- DEDUCTIONS RECAP, PHC#23 (10 MIN.-
they don’t know mean. OPTIONAL)
NOTE: All the irregular verbs in the article have already been → Step 1: Before class, cut a copy of the hand out into
covered, so there is no need to go over them again. cards to place them in the middle of the table.

→ Step 2 (optional): Agree on gestures for the words Brainstorm with the Ss adjectives to describe or react to
highlighted in orange and have a volunteer read the text aloud. situations and write them on the board. I they get stuck, they
Ss must perform the gestures while they listen to the story. can go back to ex. 92 on page 79. Some ideas:

6.- RRH, PAGE 104-105, EX. 125, TR#22 (10 MIN.) incredibly cool - disappointing - hilarious - painful
embarrassing - great - stressful - boring - exciting
→ Step 1: Ask a S to read and explain the exercise. really hard - tough

→ Step 2: Play the track and check if Ss can find out the → Step 2: Ss take turns to grab a piece of paper and read
mistake in the article. the situation out loud. The rest o the group must reply to that
situation using the following expression:

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Lesson#36_in Fairy Tales 1

• Where did you use to sleep when you were a

Wow! That must have been (so)...! baby?
• What cartoons did you use to watch when you
were little?

→ Step 1: If your next class is online, they need to do

the preparation work (you will find this information at the
end of the LP). This is essential because, otherwise, they
will not be able to take part in the class. Go through the
preparation work and have Ss write down the ex. they will
need to complete.


If your next class is online, Ss must do the following

preparation tasks, which should take no more than 30 min.

Remind Ss they should log in to Lesson 37 on the PLTF.

IMPORTANT: Ss must do the following at home in time for

the next class.


• Complete ex. 127 on p. 106. Listen to CD1 TR#22

again (NCP of Lesson 36 or CP of Lesson 37).


• Complete cues a-l in the Vocabulary Review - Chapter
7 on pp. 108-109.


• Revise for/since, p. 75.

• Revise as + adj. + as, p. 76.
• Revise yet/already, p. 83.
• Revise ever/never, p. 100.



→ Step 1: Remind Ss to complete OHW#10, which can be

found in the OHW section on the T&T zONe. Also, tell them
to play Susan vs. Levitator on the app.


Ask Ss one of the DQs of the day. Once they have answered
in full, they can leave the classroom.

• So, (Ss’ name), did you use to believe in the Tooth


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Kids&Us 2020
Lesson#37_in | REVISION DAY Fairy Tales 1

• Where in the text does it say that Jason started

running after her?
(Paragraph 3 - chasing after her)
• Ss will explain the target grammar to their
classmates and invent correct and incorrect • Where in the text does it say that there wasn’t
examples of use. anybody?
(Paragraph 1 - There wasn’t a soul in sight.)
• Ss will spot differences between the written lyrics
of the song and the audio recording. • Where in the text does it say that Jason and
Susan greeted each other by briefly joining
• Ss will match target vocabulary to visual and
written prompts.
(Paragraph 2 - shook hands)
• Where in the text does it say that Jason was K.O’d
when he nearly had Susan?
(Paragraph 4 - was about to)
• CD1 TR#22, TR#3
• 1 copy of PHC#27, cut out
3.- RRH, PAGE 106, EX. 127, TR#22 (5 MIN.)

LESSON PLAN → Step 1: Tell Ss the test will include a listening exercise,
so it’s a good time to practise listening.
1.– WARM-UP (5-10 MIN.)
Go over the questions in ex. 127 as a group to check
→ Step 1: Call the register. If it’s the first class of the
week, check their progress on the app. Ask the children → Step 2: Have a volunteer play the track once.
“How many times have you played with the app this week?”.
They should reply: “I have played with the app 6 times since → Step 3: Check as group, making Ss justify their choices.
(same day last week)”.
→ Step 2: Ask the Ss “What sounds better...?”:
1. d | 2. a | 3. c
• ‘I almost tripped and fell yesterday’ or ‘I even
though tripped and fell yesterday’? (almost) Note: Remember that the script can be found in the
Tapescripts section of this TG.
• ‘My mum doesn’t do yoga any more’ or ‘ My mum
doesn’t do yoga even’? (any more)
• ‘Although I don’t like vegetables I must eat them’
or ‘Even I don’t like vegetables I must eat them’? (10-15 MIN.)
→ Step 1: Divide the class into two teams and ask them
• ‘Almost they have a lot of money they are still to complete the exercise.
unhappy’ or ‘Even though they have a lot of money
they are still unhappy’? (even though) You can assign letters A-L to one group and numbers
• ‘I nearly died when I heard the news’ or ‘I almost 1-11 to the other group.
died when I heard the news’? (both are correct!)
Walk around and monitor their conversations. Remember
to encourage peer interaction in English as much as possible.
2.- RRH, PAGE 99, CH. 7, PART 1 REVIEW (5 MIN.)
→ Step 1: Get Ss to go to Chapter 7, tell them they will have → Step 2: When checking, challenge the Ss to come up
to find specific information as quickly as they possibly can. with a sentence of their own containing the word which is
being revised.
→ Step 2: Ask them the following:
If needed, have a fast-finisher write the word on the board
• Where in the text does it say that the so that all Ss can copy them.
neighbourhood looked dangerous or unsafe?
(Paragraph 1 - dodgy)

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Lesson#37_in | REVISION DAY Fairy Tales 1

KEY Let them share their findings with the classmates sitting
next to them (How many mistakes have they found? Which is
a. knocked... out | b. block of flats | c. neighbourhood
the word in the song? etc.). They can complete this information
d. shaking hands | e. whispering | f. makeup | g. lying
in the exercise (bottom of page 106).
h. chasing after | i. pretending | j. location | k. arrested
l. factory
→ Step 3: Check as a group. Ask them what’s the word in
1. keep | 2. expect | 3. realise | 4. notice | 5. find out the book and what’s the word they heard on the CD.
6. wonder | 7. be about to | 8. actually
9. introduce yourself | 10. safe | 11. politely KEY

prohibition >< permission

Remind Ss that for the test they should revise real >< fake
the vocabulary from Chapters 5, 6 and 7. nobody >< somebody
common >< strange
entered >< left
Finally ask them “So what king of words are these?” and
There are 4 important Grammar Language Boxes in elicit “They are opposites!”.
Chapters 5, 6 and 7 to be reviewed. Split them among your
Ss, so that each S or pair of Ss focus on one grammar point. → Step 4 (optional): If time permits, challenge them to
1. for/since: p. 75 find some more opposites.

2. as + adj + as: p. 76
3. yet/already: p. 83 7.- PHC#27, RELATIVE PRONOUNS & VOCABULARY
4. ever/never: p. 100
→ Step 1: Have one S turn to p. 87 (Relative Pronouns
Tell Ss they will have to explain the Language Box to the
Language Box). They are the “expert”. Ask the rest of the class
rest of the class and also provide 2 correct and 2 incorrect
to tell you the words that are missing in these sentences. A
volunteer writes them on the board.
→ Step 1: Allow the teams 5 minutes to prepare. Circulate • A volunteer is a person BEEP chooses to help
among the Ss to help and clarify the rules. other people. (who or that)
• A science lab is the place BEEP you can do
→ Step 2: Teams (or individual Ss, depending on the size experiments. (where)
of your group) come to the board to explain their Language
Box briefly. They present the 4 sentences to the rest of the • A pillow is something PEEP you use to rest your
group, who then have to decide whether they are correct head in bed. (which or that)
or incorrect.
At the end, the board should have:
Make the most of this time to make sure everybody asks
any questions they may have regarding the grammar points. who - that - where - which

6.- RRH, PAGE 106-107, RED RIDING HOODY SONG, → Step 2: Throw the cards from the PHC in the air,
EX. 128, TR#3 (10 MIN.) challenging Ss to catch as many as possible. Make sure
each S has at least 1 card.
→ Step 1: Have a different S read and explain the exercise.
The lyrics of the second part of the song are in black. In turns, Ss pick one of their cards and describe the word
to the rest of the group using a relative pronoun in their
Ss will have to listen carefully and underline the words sentence.
that are different in the book and in the song.
Make sure you help Ss who are struggling. They need to
→ Step 2: Have a volunteer play the track. Encourage Ss learn how to make sentences using relative pronouns. If
to sing the first part and then be quiet in the second to focus necessary, do the first definition on the board so they have
on the exercise. a model structure.

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Lesson#37_in | REVISION DAY Fairy Tales 1

The rest of Ss listen to the definition and try to guess the

word. The S who guesses the word gets a point. Remind Ss that for the test they should revise
the vocabulary from Chapters 5, 6 and 7. They
should also review all the Language Boxes
8.– SUSAN’S STORY WRAP-UP (5 MIN. - OPTIONAL) covered in these chapters.

→ Step 1: Time to check if the Ss’ predictions were accurate

or not. Ask them to turn to page 3 and discuss about what
they predicted and what has really happened. HOMEWORK FOR NEXT CLASS (IF IT’S A CLASS
→ Step 3: Now divide the class into small teams (2/3 Ss)
and ask them to write a list with all the characters they can → Step 1: Tell Ss that the homework is to revise for the
recall from the original Little Red Riding Hood. exam.

Little Red Riding Hood - Her mother - Her grandmother
- The wolf - The huntsman or lumberjack Ask Ss if they know what the -less suffix means. (Key:
Ask them to relate these characters to the ones in Susan’s
story. Who is who? Now ask them the following:

1. Sweets that contain no sugar are...

2. A person that has no home is...
Little Red Riding Hood = Susan
3. If you are so shocked you can’t speak you are...
The wolf = Jason
4. If a top has no sleeves it’s...
The huntsman or lumberjack = Granny’s ghost?
The police? 5. If you have no hope you are...
Susan’s intuition? 6. An animal with no fur is...
Charles P. Hunter?
7. Something that requires no effort is...
8. A person who does things with no care is...
9.– WRAP-UP (5 MIN.)

→ Step 1: If your next class is online, they need to do

the preparation work (you will find this information at the
end of the LP). This is essential because, otherwise, they
will not be able to take part in the class. Go through the
preparation work and have Ss write down the ex. they will
need to complete.


If your next class is online, Ss must do the following

preparation tasks, which should take no more than 30 min.

Remind Ss they should log in to Lesson 38 on the PLTF.

IMPORTANT: Ss must do the following at home in time for

the next class.

Revision for the test.

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Kids&Us 2020
Lesson#38A_in | TEST DAY Fairy Tales 1

→ Step 2: Tell them they’ve got try and match as many

words and definitions as possible. The target words are in
bold, the definitions aren’t.
• Ss will transform given sentences from
affirmative to negative or question.
→ Step 3 (optional): Once everybody has finished the test,
• Ss will listen to a radio announcement and check which groups had more correct pairs. In order to win
complete information in note form. the point, though, teams will have to come up with a sentence
• Ss will find and correct mistakes in a text. using the word defined.

Now continue with LP#38B

from Sidney and his Lucky Scarf.
• RRH Test 3 (1 per S)
• CD1 TR#24 (Test Listening)
• 1 copy of PHC#28A&B, cut out
• 2 copies of PHC#29 cut into cards (you have 2
sets on one page)
• SID PHC#31 (1 for every 4 Ss) cut into strips with
the password for the second part of the app


1.– WARM-UP (5-10 MIN.)

→ Step 1: Call the register. If it’s the first class of the week,
check their progress on the app. Ask the children “How many
times have you played with the app this week?”. They should
reply: “I have played with the app 6 times since (same day
last week)”. Also, ask them if they studied for the exam.

→ Step 3: Before class, cut the handouts 28A&B into

cards. Pile them in the middle of the table.

Ss take turns to grab a card and transform the sentence

according to the instructions (symbol in brackets). Help using
silent correction.

Red Riding Hoody Test 3 (35 min.)



Use this activity with fast finishers to keep them busy while
the rest finish the exam.

→ Step 1: Before class, prepare 2-3 sets of the PHC.

Give a first set to the first fast finisher. As Ss keep finishing

their tests, arrange them in pairs or teams of 3.

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Kids&Us 2020
Lesson#38B_in | TEST DAY Fairy Tales 1

• How well do you sing?

• How well do you write?
• Ss will predict what is going to happen in the • How well do you speak English?
• How well do you read English?
• Ss will listen to and read Ch. 1, Part 1 and
answer comprehension questions about it. • How well do you ski?

• Ss will make sentences using frequency adverbs • How well do you swim?
about what they do to cope with stress. • How well do you cook?

MATERIALS → Step 3: Now encourage one S at a time to repeat what

one of his / her classmates said using the third person
singular such as in "Marta / She sings beautifully". Make
• RRH Test 3 (1 per S)
sure each S participates at least once.
• CD1 TR#24 (Test Listening)
• CD2 TR#1, TR#5 Red Riding Hoody Test 3 (35 min.)
• PHC#1


→ Step 1: Ask Ss what they know about the story of
Cinderella. Elicit only the main elements and events of the
plot from them.
This is the second part of LP#38 if you've done
It corresponds to approximately the second
Cinderella had two horrible step-sisters and a step-
45 minutes of today’s lesson.
mother who made her do all the housework and treated
her horribly. One day, the prince organised a ball where
Important (Test, only scenario B): If you're doing he would choose his future wife, the princess. Cinderella
a blended scenario and you've done Lesson wanted to attend the ball but she wasn’t allowed to. Besides,
38A_on and didn't do the test, do it during this she had nothing to wear. So her fairy godmother used her
IN-session and skip all the activities from 2 to 6 magic to turn Cinderella’s old rags into a beautiful dress.
and start with activity 7 once finished the test. She also created a pair of glass slippers, a carriage and
horses so that she could go to the ball and impress the
prince. However, the magic would only last until midnight.
1.– WARM-UP (5-10 MIN.)
The prince instantly fell in love with her, but when the clock
→ Step 1: Call the register. If it’s the first class of the struck midnight, she rushed out of the palace. She left
week, check their progress on the app. Ask the children one of her glass slippers behind, and the prince decided
“How many times have you played with the app this week?”. he would use that glass slipper to find her. His servants
They should reply: “I have played with the app 6 times since tried the slipper on the feet of all the young women until
(same day last week)”. Also, ask them if they studied for they found Cinderella.
the exam.
→ Step 2: Ss look at a montage of 6 pictures from the
→ Step 2: Before asking the questions write the following story. Ss make guesses about what the story is going to be
adjectives on the board: about. Grammar focus: “Be going to” to talk about the future.

Each picture has 1 blank box under it for Ss to write their

beautiful terrible slow quick fluent bad predictions.

Ss should use the adverb form of these adjectives in their
answers (i.e., they should add -ly to the adjectives). Avoid Sidney is going to appear on TV.
giving technical explanations. This is just a first approach
to the issue. → Step 3 (optional): Early-finishers can read each other’s
predictions or Ss can share their predictions with the class.

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3.- SID, PAGE 113, READING & LISTENING, CH. 1 CH.1 - P.1:
PART 1, TR#5 (10 MIN.)
SPEAK spoke spoken
→ Step 1: Ss read while simultaneously listening and
using a highlighter pen to colour everything that they DO WAKE woke woken
understand, not what they don’t. SING sang sung
BRING brought brought
Write the Focus Question on the board:
Ss copy these new verbs in the grid on page 221.
“What was the most important thing
that Sidney and his family did together?” 5.– SID, PAGE 113, EX. 1 (5 MIN.)

Tell Ss that when they finish reading the text, they need → Step 1: Ask a S to read and explain the exercise.
to be able to answer this question.
Encourage them to explain what the word “rephrase”
→ Step 2: Now Ss answer the Focus Question. means exactly (to say or write something again in a different
and usually clearer way).
→ Step 2: Put the Ss into pairs and allow them some
Singing was the most important thing they did together. minutes to work on the exercise.

→ Step 3: Ss ask the teacher about anything they don’t Walk around to monitor their conversations. Help when
understand using the following question as a template (to necessary.
be written on the board):
→ Step 3: Check as a group.
“So, (teacher’s name), what does mean?”

1. is an only child | 2. as soon as | 3. kept | 4. the housework

→ Step 4: To check their comprehension ask them the
5. cope with
following questions:

• Where did Sidney live?

6.– SID, PAGE 114, EX. 2A&B (5 MIN.)
• How old was he?
• How many brothers and sisters did Sidney have? → Step 1: Ask another S to read and explain the exercise.

• Who did he live with? Review the meanings of the frequency adverbs: always,
• What kind of family were the Zhoumas? often, sometimes, hardly ever and never.

• What did they do when one of them was sad? → Step 2: Now look at the pictures and encourage Ss to
• What happened in Sidney’s family every Sunday? describe what they see and what they think is happening
in them (e.g.: listening to music, playing sports, doing yoga,
keeping a diary, turning to adults, hanging out with friends).
→ Step 3: Go over the example as a class and then let Ss
→ Step 1: Divide the class into two teams and assign a
work individually on ex. 2A. Walk around and help them with
part of the text to each of them.
spelling mistakes.
→ Step 2: Teams skim read the texts while trying to spot
as many irregular verbs as possible. 7.– SID, PAGE 123, LIFE IN THALOU, TR#1
(5 MIN.)
Walk around and help when necessary.
Time to lighten up a little bit. Play the song and encourage
→ Step 3: While checking as a class, write on the board your Ss to sing (and maybe dance?) to it.
only those verbs which haven’t been covered yet.

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(10-15 MIN.) Sidney's family / sing / songs every Sunday

→ Step 1: Give a copy of the handout to each S (or get a → Step 3: Get a volunteer to start and then let Ss pick
volunteer to do it for you). their classmates and assign them a verb tense for which
they have to come up with the correct sentence.
Ask them “Do you remember these people? Who are they?”
Elicit as much vocabulary related to family relationships as
possible. Hopefully, they’ll remember the following words 10.– SECRET WORD GAME (10 MIN.)
(write them on the board):
AIM: Working on fluency and confidence while speaking

FATHER - MOTHER - SISTER - BROTHER - SON - → Step 1: Tell Ss that since they have been putting such
DAUGHTER - UNCLE - AUNT - GRANDMA - a big effort into their English classes, they deserve now to
GRANDPA - COUSIN - NEPHEW - NIECE play a little bit. There are two versions for this game: it can
be done in pairs or individually.

While revising Alex’s family tree, make sure to elicit full → OPTION 1 (in pairs): Ss are given a random topic, and a
sentences from the Ss (e.g.: “Patsy was Gina’s mum”). random word completely unrelated to the topic. They prepare
a dialogue which must hide the word and rehearse it. Pairs act
→ Step 2: Now put the Ss into pairs and ask them to out their dialogues trying to hide their secret word from the
invent a family tree. The more relatives, the better! But set other classmates (here is where confidence comes into play!).
a maximum time of 5-6 minutes to create it.
The other Ss in the class must listen carefully to the
Walk around and check their work. Make sure all the family conversation, in an attempt to discover the secret word.
relationships mentioned are correct, otherwise the next step
won’t work. → OPTION 2 (individually): If your Ss are strong enough,
make them prepare individual speeches instead of dialogues.
→ Step 3: Pair 1 “dictates” their family tree to Pair 2, Let them rehearse a bit too, and help them in the process.
who tries to draw it on a separate sheet of paper. Once the In turns, Ss give their speech in front of the others, again
dictation is finished, Pair 1 checks to see if Pair 2 got the trying to make the secret word go totally unnoticed. The rest
family tree right or not. of the class must do their best to spot it.

Finally, pairs swap roles and repeat the exercise. SOME IDEAS

OPTIONAL: If you believe this could get too chaotic, try BMX competitions - mobile phone/sunscreen... | Singing
dividing the class into two groups. This way, only one team talent contests - kiwi/marker/kettle... | Restaurants - alien/
will be dictating at a time. climber/grass... | At the furniture shop - ear plugs/bike/
balloon... | My new house - ant/muffin/lake...


→ Step 1: Tell Ss that it's high time to revise verb tenses
once again! So this is going to be a piece of cake for them, AIM: Practise the use of present perfect + never
as they have done it so many times!
All Ss show their hands with 5 fingers up. In turns, each
Write the following tenses on the board. S says a sentence using the present perfect + never:

Every day [+] | Every day [-] | Every day [?] | Now [+]| EXAMPLE
Now [-] | Now [?] | Tomorrow [+] | Tomorrow [-] Tomorrow I have never swum in the sea at night.
[?] | Yesterday [+] | Yesterday [-] | Yesterday [?] | |3 times
so far this week [+] | 3 times so far this week [-] | 3 times The sentences have to be true (something they have never
so far this week [?] | Before he arrived home [+] | Before done).
he arrived home [-] | Before he arrived home [?]
If anyone has done that, they have to drop one finger. When
→ Step 2: Write on the board the following cue: they drop all fingers, they are out of the game.

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12.– WRAP-UP (5 MIN.) • At what age did you start studying English?
• Is your family a close family? What things do your
→ Step 1: If your next class is online, they need to do
family do together?
the preparation work (you will find this information at the
end of the LP). This is essential because, otherwise, they • Do you play board games with your family?
will not be able to take part in the class. Go through the • Do you help your parents to do the housework?
preparation work and have Ss write down the ex. they will
need to complete.


If your next class is online, Ss must do the following

preparation tasks, which should take no more than 30 min.

Remind Ss they should log in to Lesson 39 on the PLTF.

IMPORTANT: Ss must do the following at home in time for

the next class.


• Listen to the Life in Thalou song (again). Play CD2

TR#1 (NCP section of Lesson 38B or CP of Lesson 39).


• Go over the Lg Box in ex. 3A and B on p. 115.


• Ss should analyse PHC#1 again (NCP section of
Lesson 38B or CP of Lesson 39) and find out about
Sidney's family or make sure they understand all
the relations.


• Complete the family tree in ex. 5 on p. 116. Ss have

to listen to CD2 TR#6 (NCP section of Lesson 38A
or CP of Lesson 38B) They might want to listen to
it twice.



→ Step 1: Tell Ss to complete HW#7 (M), which can be

found as an attached file in the Homework section of Lesson
38A. They will have to copy and paste its content as a Portfolio
task within Lesson 38A or 38B on the T&T zONe. Also, tell
them to play Susan vs. Paint Artist on the app.


Ask Ss one of the DQs of the day. They will have to rephrase
the question in first person before answering with a full

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→ Step 2: Fill in gaps 2 and 3 in ex 3A as a class.

• Ss will form adverbs using -ly suffix.
2. hope | 3. strength
• Ss will differenciate between nouns and
adjectives. Now check the examples given both for adjectives and
• Ss will listen to and read Ch. 1, Part 2 and nouns and elicit the following:
concentrate on vocabulary.
• Nouns represent / denote a person, place or a
• Adjectives describe and give more information
about a noun.
• CD2, TR#6, TR#7
• 1 copy of PHC#1 per S See if they can now come up with a sentece using STRONG
and another one using STRENGTH.
• 1 sheet of paper per student
→ Step 3: Now encourage the Ss to fill in gaps 4 and 5
LESSON PLAN on their own and then check as a group.

1.– WARM-UP (10 MIN.)
4. heat | 5. sadness
→ Step 1: Call the register. If it’s the first class of the
week, check their progress on the app. Ask the children if Finally, challenge them to form sentences using these
they have started playing with the second part of the app words (adjectives & nouns). Do not accept structures that
and also ask them: “how many times have you played with are too simple though.
the app this week?”. They should reply: “I have played with
the app 6 times since (same day last week)”. Make sure WRONG: Today is hot.
that all your Ss know the password from PHC#31.
RIGHT: Today is so hot that I ate six ice-creams!
→ Step 2: Before asking the questions write the following
adjectives on the board:
3.– SID, PAGE 115, EX. 4 (10 MIN.)

beautiful terrible slow quick fluent bad → Step 1: Get a volunteer to read and explain the exercise.

How many things must they do? (two: write the nouns and
Ss should use the adverb form of these adjectives in their then choose the correct option). What goes first? What next?
answers (i.e., they should add -ly to the adjectives). Avoid
giving technical explanations. This is just a first approach → Step 2: Let the Ss fill in the gaps individually and then
to the issue. check as a group.
• How well do you sing?
• How well do you write?
a. happiness | b. hope | c. strength | d. heat 1 e. sadness
• How well do you speak English?
• How well do you read English? → Step 3: Now Ss choose the bes option for each of the
sentences. Check also as a group.
• How well do you ski?
• How well do you swim? KEY
• How well do you cook? 1. happiness | 2.hopeful | 3. strong | 4. heat | 5. sad

2.– SID, PAGE 115, EX. 3A&B (10 MIN.) 4.– ERASER GAME (10 MIN.)

→ Step 1: Have a S read and explain the exercise. → Step 1: Ss play as one group... against you!

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→ Step 2: Ask them to turn around (hide under the table, great-uncle = Adrian (5)
etc.) and write on the board:
distant relatives: aunt = Victoria (7)
distant relative: uncle = Martin (13)
‘The big bug bit the little beetle, but the little beetle
mum = Noofa (6)
bit the big bug back.’
Dad’s side
→ Step 3: On three, have Ss read out the sentence. Check grandfather = Malki (9)
pronunciation and then drill reading them faster and faster grandmother = Lakmal (3)
each time.
great-aunt = Fathima (2)
→ Step 4: Ss cover their eyes while you erase some key dad = Rahulan (12)
words and replace them with a line.

6.– SID, PAGE 117, EX. 6 (10 MIN.)

‘The big ......... bit the ......... beetle,
but the ......... beetle ......... → Step 1: Get a volunteer to stand up and give him/her a
the big ......... .......... marker. As a group, brainstorm as many possible household
chores as possible and have the volunteer write them on
the board.
→ Step 5: Ss try to remember the original text. The “Ss
team” gets a point for each word they remember correctly.
If they can’t recall a word, the T gets the point.

making your bed - laying the table - tidying up -

5.– SID, PAGE 116, EX. 5, TR#6 (15 MIN.)
dusting - sweeping - washing the dishes - preparing
→ Step 1: Have a S read and explain the exercise. meals - feeding pets - doing laundry - walking the
dog - putting the rubbish out- ironing - vacuuming
Before playing the track, review the family tree as a group
and the names of the relatives at the bottom of the page. → Step 2: Now ask them, “So, what do you have / don’t you
Tell them they are not supposed to write the actual names have to do at home?” and spark some debate on the issue.
in the family tree, but only the numbers.
→ Step 3: Finally, ask the children to look at the picture in
→ Step 2: Ask the children to close their books and play ex. 6 and encourage them to describe it: who can they see?
the track a first time. What are they doing? What are they using?

Let the Ss open their books and fill in as many boxes as Grammar focus: present continuous. Aimed vocabulary:
possible. Then check how many relatives they could identify. parts of a house, furniture and household chores.

→ Step 3: Play the track a second time and pause the

recording every time an answer is given. 7.– SID, PAGE 119, READING & LISTENING,
EX. 7A/B&C, CH. 1, PART 2, TR#7 (15-20 MIN.)
NOTE: Remember that the script can be found in the
Tapescripts section of this TG. → Step 1: Ss skim read the text individually and tell you
what they think it is. Elicit that it’s a Wikipedia article that
KEY explains the main facts about Thalou and its people.
Mum’s side
Now have a S read and explain ex. 7A. Challenge them to
great-grandfather = Netmi (8) find it as fast as possible.
great-grandmother = Reshita (1)
grandfather = Sufuni (10)
mans should be men
grandmother = Nuwan (4)
womans should be women
great-aunt = Nayana (5)

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→ Step 2: Get another volunteer to read and explain ex. LISTENING COMPREHENSION (10-15 MIN.)
7B and go over the words in the box as a class to check
• Listen to CD2 TR#7 (NCP section of Lesson 39 or
CP of Lesson 40). Complete ex. 7B and 7C on p. 119.
Play the track a first time and encourage Ss to fill in the • Reflect upon the question: "What's the most exotic
gaps 1-10. place / country you've ever been to?" Think about
means of transport, accommodation, food, people,
If necessary, play it a second time and then check as a weather, traditions, etc. Write a brief description of
group. your exotic place in the CF under the label "Lesson
40" on the T&T zONe.
1. scenery | 2. sunshine | 3. mild | 4. silk | 5. gold | 6. garlic
7. dishes | 8. coconut | 9. birth | 10. entertain • Listen to the Life in Thalou song, CD2 TR#1 (NCP
section of Lesson 39 or CP of Lesson 40) and follow
Solve any vocabulary doubts they may have. the lyrics on p. 123.

→ Step 3: Pair the Ss up and allow them a couple of minutes GRAMMAR (5-10 MIN.)
to agree on a title for each of the sections (a-d).
• Complete ex. 8 on p. 119.

Walk around and help them by pointing out main hints and
clues in the text for writing a suitable title. HOMEWORK FOR NEXT CLASS (IF IT’S A CLASS
Check as a class:
→ Step 1: Remind Ss to complete HW#7 (M), which can
KEY be found as an attached file in the Homework section of
Lesson 38. They will have to copy and paste its content as
a. Geography | b. Weather/Climate | c. Clothing
a Portfolio task within Lesson 38 or 39 on the T&T zONe.
d. Cooking | e. Traditions Also, remind them to play Susan vs. Paint Artist on the app.

→ Step 4 (optional): If time permits ask the group: “What’s

the most exotic place / country you’ve ever been to?” and 10.– DOOR QUESTIONS (5 MIN.)
discuss. Make sure everybody participates and try to elicit
as much vocabulary related to travel as possible (means of The aim this time is that Ss use to + infinitive of purpose.
transport, accommodation, food, people, weather, traditions, • Why do you study English?
• Why do you go to school?
• Why do you have to listen to your teacher?
8.– WRAP-UP (5 MIN.)
• Why do you have to study?
→ Step 1: If your next class is online, they need to do
the preparation work (you will find this information at the
end of the LP). This is essential because, otherwise, they
will not be able to take part in the class. Go through the
preparation work and have Ss write down the ex. they will
need to complete.


If your next class is online, Ss must do the following

preparation tasks, which should take no more than 30 min.

Remind Ss they should log in to Lesson 40 on the PLTF.

IMPORTANT: Ss must do the following at home in time for

the next class.

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→ Step 2: Teams skim read the texts while trying to spot

as many irregular verbs as possible.
• Ss will rearrange words to form questions.
Walk around and help when necessary.
• Ss will recap on irregular plurals.
• Ss will solve a riddle. → Step 3: While checking as a class, write on the board
only those verbs which haven’t been covered yet.
CH.1 - P.2:

• CD2, TR#1, TR#8

Yep! All the verbs have been covered!
• 1 sheet of paper per S.

(5 MIN.)
1.– WARM-UP (5-10 MIN.)
→ Step 1: Tell Ss to go back to the story and take a look
at the underlined words. Ask them if they know the meaning
→ Step 1: Call the register. If it’s the first class of the
of these words and if they know or have heard any other
week, check their progress on the app. Ask the children if
words that mean exactly the same thing:
“How many times have you played with the app this week?”.
They should reply: “I have played with the app 6 times since
→ Step 2: Ss may or may not come up with the American
(same day last week)”.
equivalent for the words. In any case, have them open their
books on the British vs. American list and point out that,
→ Step 2: Read the following sentences. Children must
depending on whether they’re American or British, some
try and change as many words for pronouns as possible.
words can be completely different (report – grades) and
• Sidney sang with his parents twice a day. some words can be spelt or pronounced differently but still
He sang with them twice a day. mean the same. Focus on the words seen in this part and
their American equivalents.
• His father made dinner with Sidney’s help.
He made it with his help.
• Sidney and his parents loved the waterfalls near
their house. centre (UK) - center (US)
They loved them. trainers (UK) - sneakers (US)
• Sidney’s parents spoke English to Sidney every autumn (UK) - fall / autumn (US)
flavoured (UK) - flavored (US)
They spoke it to him every Sunday.
chilli (UK) - chili (US)
• Sidney’s family were a happy family.
They were a happy family. → Step 3: Make sure Ss know that although there might
• Sidney helped his parents to do the housework. be two possibilities to express the same thing, in the exam
He helped them to do it. they will be asked to use the ones that appear in the story.
• Sidney’s neighbours often asked Sidney to sing
the main parts of the songs. 4.– SID, PAGE 123, LIFE IN THALOU, TR#1
They often asked him to sing them. (10 MIN. - OPTIONAL)
• The people from Thalou believed that singing
brought the family closer together. → Step 1: Ask Ss to close their books and grab a piece of
They believed that it brought the family together. paper and something to write with.

→ Step 2: Play the song. Ss must sing along and write

2.– IRREGULAR VERBS (10 MIN.) down three words they like (because they had never heard
them before, because they like how they sound, because
→ Step 1: Divide the class into two teams and assign a
they’re tricky, etc.)
part of Chapter 1, Part 2 to each of the them.

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→ Step 3: Quickly review the words chosen by the Ss. woman / women child / children
Comment on why they chose them and write them on the
tooth / teeth
→ Step 3: Divide the class into two or three teams and
Once the list is ready, randomly choose a S and encourage assign them ex. 9B. This is quite a challenging activity so Ss
him / her to come up with a sentence using one of the words. might need more help than usual.
If they manage to form a correct sentence, cross out the word
and choose another S. Keep on like this until everybody has Walk around and give them as many hints as they may
constructed at least one sentence. need, but avoid giving them definitive answers. Just help
them think!
OPTIONAL: To make it more appealing, turn this activity into
a “Ss against the teacher contest”. For each word they manage → Step 4: Check as a group.
to squeeze into a sentence, you give them a point. For each word
left unused, you keep the point. Set a maximum time limit of KEY
5-6 minutes to avoid spending too much time playing this game.
Two chubby childish children went fishing on foot. On their
way they bumped into many people: two mild-mannered
5.– SID, PAGE 119, EX. 8 (10 MIN.) men, a Welsh wealthy woman and three mini mice munching
on muffins with their teeny tiny teeth.
→ Step 1: Ask another S to read and explain the exercise.

→ Step 2: Pair the Ss up and give them some minutes to 7.– SID, PAGE 120, EX. 10 (10 MIN.)
complete the exercise.
→ Step 1: Ask a S to read and explain the exercise.
→ Step 3: Check as a class.
As a group, review Sidney’s family: what was his father’s
KEY name? And his mother’s name? Who was his great-
grandfather? etc.
1. What was Sidney’s family like?
2. What were songs in Thalou about? → Step 2: Ss work individually on the exercise. Again, this
is a rather challenging test, so they should really concentrate.
3. How often did the Zhoumas practise English?
4. What was Sidney’s voice like? → Step 3: Check as a group.

→ Step 4 (optional): Ask the following questions. KEY

1. The food in Thalou was hot and spicy. 1. Sidney

(A: What was the food in Thalou like?)
2. Rahulan
2. The Zhouma family was a close, happy family.
3. Noofa
(A: What was the Zhouma family like?)
4. Malki
3. The clothes in Thalou were colourful and layered.
(A: What were the clothes in Thalou like?) 5. Lakmal

4. The singing in Thalou was beautiful and joyful.

(A: What was the singing in Thalou like?) 8.– SID, PAGE 121, EX. 11 (10 MIN.)

→ Step 1: Ask a different S to read and explain the exercise.

6.– SID, PAGE 120, EX. 9A&B (10 MIN.)
→ Step 2: Ss describe and agree on which ones refer
→ Step 1: Ask a different S to read and explain the exercise.
to Thalou. Encourage them to use the language in the two
speech bubbles at the bottom of the page.
→ Step 2: Do ex.9A as a class.
Also, elicit vocabulary related to: food, sports/hobbies
and clothing
man / men person / people-persons
mouse / mice foot / feet

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9.– SID, PAGE 122, EX. 12, TR#8 (10 MIN.) 11.– WRAP-UP (5 MIN.)

→ Step 1: Get a volunteer to read and explain the exercise. → Step 1: If your next class is online, they need to do
the preparation work (you will find this information at the
Brainstorm local holidays of your area. end of the LP). This is essential because, otherwise, they
will not be able to take part in the class. Go through the
→ Step 2: Play the track a first time without pausing it. preparation work and have Ss write down the ex. they will
need to complete.
Allow your Ss a minute to finish writing and then check if
they got all the information given in the recording.
→ Step 3: If necessary, play the track a second time and
check as a group. If your next class is online, Ss must do the following
preparation tasks, which should take no more than 30 min.
Remind Ss they should log in to Lesson 41 on the PLTF.
April 10th- Spring Festival
June 3rd - National Family Day IMPORTANT: Ss must do the following at home in time for
the next class.
July 2nd - Education Day
July 15th- Chili Harvest Festival VOCABULARY (10 MIN.)

October 18th - National Music Day • Complete the cues A-S in the Vocabulary Review -
Chapter 1 on pp. 124-125.
December 25th- Christmas
• Read and listen to Ch. 2 Part 1 on pp. 126-127. The
track is called CD2 TR#9 (NCP section of Lesson 40
→ Step 1: Put these useful expressions on the board:
or CP of Lesson 41).
• Complete ex. 13 on p. 127.
“Well, mine is/are ............... than yours.”
“Well, mine is/are ............... in the world!” VOCABULARY (5-10 MIN.)
• Look for all the irregular verbs in the text. Write
→ Step 2: Read out these statements one at a time (using down only the ones which haven't been covered yet
appropriate body language, intonation and facial expressions in the list on p. 221.
to help convey meaning), followed by the names of 2 Ss.

1. My singing voice is beautiful! HOMEWORK FOR NEXT CLASS (IF IT’S A CLASS
2. My muscles are big! BEFORE THE WEEKEND)

3. My marks are good! → Step 1: Tell Ss to complete OHW#11, which can be

4. My car is sporty! found in the Homework section on the T&T zONe. Also, tell
them to play Susan vs. Magician on the app.
5. My English is good!
6. My cooking is delicious!
7. My trainers are cool!
8. Can you think of more? Add as needed. Ask Ss one of the DQs of the day. Once he or she has
answered in full, he or she can leave the classroom.
• Elicit from 1st S. “Well, mine is more beautiful
• What’s your mum’s dad’s name?
than yours!”
• What’s your dad’s aunt’s / uncle’s name?
• Elicit from 2nd S. “Well, mine is the most
beautiful in the world!” • What’s your great-grandmother’s name?
• What’s your great-grandfather’s name?

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the elements in it. Circulate to help and encourage. Give a

time limit of 5 or 6 minutes.
• Ss will play a memory game using irregular
→ Step 5: When the time is over, Ss from group B stop
drawing and can compare their work with the original picture.
• Ss will revise key vocabulary from Ch.1.
• Ss will do a reading and listening exercise to → Step 6: Now student B can describe their picture to
check comprehension. student A.


• CD2 TR#1, TR#9 → Step 1: Put a scale (1 to 5) on the board with “beautifully”
at the top, “terribly” at the bottom.
• 1 copy of PHC#2 for every 2 Ss
• 1 copy of PHC#3 (A-D) → Step 2: Ask Ss “How well do you sing?” and record
• 2 pieces of paper per S responses on the scale.

I sing really/very well. | I sing quite well. | I sing badly.

1.– WARM-UP (5-10 MIN.)

• beautifully
→ Step 1: Call the register. If it’s the first class of the •
week, check their progress on the app. Ask the children if

“How many times have you played with the app this week?”.
They should reply: “I have played with the app 6 times since •
(same day last week)”. • terribly

→ Step 2: Call out the following words and encourage

your Ss to reply by calling out its plural form very quickly. → Step 3: Using the results written on the board, Ss write
Don't give them time to think so as to make the activity sentences in their notebooks, using as ... as or not as ... as
more challenging! about their own singing voices.

man - mouse - woman - tooth - person - foot - child 4.– SID, PAGE 123, LIFE IN THALOU SONG, TR#1
(10 MIN.)
Repeat at least two or three times and call out the words
faster and faster every time.
→ Step 1: First ask the group which gesture could be
used to represent each line. You have some suggestions
2.– PICTURE DESCRIPTION, PHC#2 (10 MIN.) here in case they don’t come up with anything.

→ Step 1: Split the class into 2 groups: A and B. Give all SCRIPT
Ss in group A the part A of the PHC. Give part B to all the Verse 1:
Ss in group B.
The sticky hot summers (move your hand as if it were
→ Step 2: Ss will have to describe their picture to very hot)
someone from the other group, who will have to draw it And the thunderstorm (cover your ears with your hands
without seeing it, only by listening to the description offered
by their classmate. Give them 3 minutes to prepare their as if something were very noisy)
descriptions by asking for any new vocabulary. The cities in the valleys (move your hand like a wave)
Where it’s always warm (fan yourself as if it were really
→ Step 3: Pair Ss up: a S from group A + a S from group B.
→ Step 4: Ss with picture A describe their picture to
their classmate from group B, who draws the house and

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Don’t get stuck in the desert (freeze on the spot) 5.- SID, PAGE 124 - 125, VOCABULARY REVISION
Where the sand is red (put your tongue out and point to it) (10-15 MIN.)
Why miss the chance to visit (move your arms as if you → Step 1: Divide the group into teams (girls vs. boys?
were asking “why?”) according to their age?).
waterfalls instead? (wiggle your fingers pointing up and
move your hands down) → Step 2: Tell them they’ve got 7 minutes to try and find
as many words as they can.

Chorus: Walk around to monitor their job and help when necessary.
It’s life in Thalou! , oo, oo, oo, oo!
A fairy tale come true, oo, oo, oo, oo!
1. to succeed in life | 2. to bring people closer together | 3.
There’s so much to do, oo, oo, oo, oo!
an only child | 4. a birth | 5. whenever | 6. beautiful scenery
I’ll never, never, never leave Thalou! (shake your finger | 7. to encourage someone | 8. humid | 9. however | 10. to
as if you were saying no) cope with it | 11. cheer yourself up | 12. mild | 13. as soon
as | 14. to keep doing it | 15. neighbours | 16. dry | 17. alike

Verse 2: A. valley | B. waterfall | C. wedding | D. hope | E. sand |

People dressed in colours (point to a clothing item) F. sunshine | G. lake | H. chillies | I. cliff | J. coconut | K.
desert | L. dishes | M. garlic | N. gold | O. hot and spicy |
Singing down the street (pretend to sing using an invisible P. housework | Q. silk | R. stream | S. thunderstorm
Honour our traditions (nod your head) → Step 3: Go over the answers and sentences as a class.
To make the activity more appealing, you can give 1 point
Never miss a beat (say “no” with their fingers) per word.

→ Step 4: Finally, challenge both teams to write the longest

Can I have some curry? (Put your hands together as if
sentence ever! The more words they manage to fit into one
you were praying)
sentence, the more points they will get!
Or another sweet? (put your fingers in your mouth as if
you were about to eat something)
What’s this smell of garlic? (smell something)
So much food to eat! (shout, “Yummy!”) → Step 1: Ss write the ingredients of their favourite dish
on a piece of paper, not the name of the dish!

→ Step 2: Put all the pieces of paper in a bag.

It’s life in Thalou! , oo, oo, oo, oo! → Step 3: Ss take turns to grab a different piece of paper
and guess the dish and the person who likes that dish.
A fairy tale come true, oo, oo, oo, oo!
There’s so much to do, oo, oo, oo, oo! Encourage the use of full sentences and elicit as much
I’ll never, never, never leave, (wave goodbye) vocabulary related to food as possible.

No, I’ll never, never, never leave, EXAMPLE

No, I’ll never, never, never leave... Thalou!
Flour, salt, olive oil, tomato sauce, mozzarella... Mmm,
→ Step 2: Then the Ss stand in a line in front of a wall. I think these are the ingredients to make a pizza! And I
Call out the words in bold in a random order and the Ss think this is Marc’s recipe!
must mime them according to the action assigned.

→ Step 3: Play the song and encourage the Ss to mime

the words in bold when they hear them.

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7.- SID, PAGE 126, READING & LISTENING, EX. 13, Dad: You can’t stand working in the garden?! Well, I can’t
CH. 2, PART 1, TR#9 (10 MIN.) stand hearing you complain about all the work you have
to do around here!
→ Step 1: Ask “Who remembers what happens in Thalou Sidney: Dad, but I…
on Sundays?” and elicit “It’s English day!” or “Everybody
speaks in English!” Mum: Sidney, your father is very stressed right now. If we
all pitch in, we’ll have the job done in no time. Now let’s
Now ask “And do you remember why they speak in have breakfast in peace, please.
English?” and elicit anything similar to: “Because people
Solve any vocabulary doubts and then allow them a couple
from Thalou considered English really important to succeed
of minutes to fill in the gaps.
in life and to open doors when looking for work”.
→ Step 4: Check as a class.
→ Step 2: Now have a volunteer read and explain the
Challenge them to rephrase the following words: 1. a | 2. c | 3. e | 4. b
• fill in (complete, answer, fill up) → Step 5 (optional): If time permits, assign roles to the
• gaps (empty spaces, holes) Ss and give them a couple of minutes to rehearse.
• appropriate (correct, right, suitable)
Then as a class, Ss act out the dialogue. Encourage
→ Step 3: As usual, Ss listen to the story and highlight exaggerated intonation, and correct main mispronunciations.
everything they do understand.

Mum: Good morning Sidney! Time to get up! → Step 1: Divide the class into two teams and assign a
part of the text to each of the them..
Sidney: Already?
Mum: (giggles) Come on, don’t be lazy → Step 2: Teams skim read the texts while trying to spot
as many irregular verbs as possible.
Sidney: (yawn) It’s Sunday, right?
Mum: Yes, it’s English day. Walk around and help when necessary.
Sidney: Good morning then! Mum, I’m starving. What’s
for breakfast? → Step 3: While checking as a class, write on the board
only those verbs which haven’t been covered yet.
Mum: Why don’t you go to the kitchen and help your dad
to fry some eggs? CH.2 - P.1:
Sidney: Good morning Dad! Do you need any help?
Dad: You can start by putting the kettle on. But be careful! READ read read
I’ll get the bowl from the shelf... STAND stood stood
Dad: Rats!
Sidney: Are you ok, Dad? 9.– INVENT YOUR OWN COUNTRY, PHC#3 (A-D)
Dad: Sorry, Sid. I’ve… I’ve spent the morning reading the (15 MIN.)
newspaper and some of the things I’ve read are just… awful!
→ Step 1 (Only to be done if it wasn’t covered on
Sidney: Don’t worry, Dad. Hey, after having breakfast, why
LP#39): If time permits, ask the group, “What’s the most
don’t we all take a walk down to the lake? That might help.
exotic place / country you’ve ever been to?” and discuss.
Dad: Thank you, but I’m not in the mood. And this afternoon Make sure everybody participates and try to elicit as much
you need to help us clear the garden. Grandpa Sufuni said vocabulary related to travel as possible (means of transport,
he would come around but the work is too heavy for him. accommodation, food, people, weather, traditions, etc.).
Sidney: Oh, Dad! Not again! You know I can’t stand working
→ Step 2: Put the Ss into pairs and give a different version
in the garden!
of the handout (A, B, C and D) to each of them.

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→ Step 3: Ss invent the different parts of a Wikipedia KEY

article. Each version (A-D) contains the name of a different,
1. C / V (The most important cities are often located between
invented country.
Cliffs and Valleys)
Walk around to check their work and make sure they always 2. C / H / F (The Zhoumas were a Close, Happy Family)
write full sentences.
3. M / A / W / A (Men And Women Alike wore colourful layers)
Crazy ideas are welcome! 4. L / E (Learning English was considered to be really
important for opening doors when looking for work)
→ Step 4: Pairs take turns to stand up and present their 5. S (Singing was the most important tradition in Thalou)
countries. Once all the countries have been introduced, the
Ss discuss where they would live and why. 6. O / C (He didn’t have any. He was an Only Child)
7. V / E / A (They started studying English at a Very Early Age)

10.- GAME: NOUGHTS AND CROSSES (10 MIN. - 8. T (In spring and autumn in Thalou the weather is a bit
OPTIONAL) wild, and thunderstorms are very common.)
9. H / S (The food was Hot and Spicy)
→ Step 1: Explain to Ss that they need to give you a
complete sentence that will need to include more than just
the keywords. 11.– WRAP-UP (5-10 MIN.)
→ Step 1: If your next class is online, they need to do
→ Step 2: Write on the board:
the preparation work (you will find this information at the
end of the LP). This is essential because, otherwise, they
C/V C/H/F M/A/W/A will not be able to take part in the class. Go through the
preparation work and have Ss write down the ex. they will
need to complete.


If your next class is online, Ss must do the following
→ Step 3: Ss ask for a chance on a square like this: “We preparation tasks, which should take no more than 30 min.
would like to try for the square with the letter in
it.” (Useful expression to be written on board at least the Remind Ss they should log in to Lesson 42 on the PLTF.
first couple of times the game is played.)
IMPORTANT: Ss must do the following at home in time for
→ Questions: the next class.

1. Where are the most important cities of Thalou LISTENING COMPREHENSION (5-10 MIN.)
• Go over ex. 16A on p. 129 and listen to CD2 TR#10.
2. What was the Zhouma family like? Reflect upon the question "So, what is he announcing?"
3. Who wore colourful layers? • Go over ex. 16B too and focus on the structure "If
4. What was considered really important for opening + past simple, would + infinitive".
doors when looking for work?
5. What was the most important tradition in Thalou?
• Complete ex. 14 on p. 128. Read the three articles and
6. How many brothers and sisters did Sidney have?
decide. Make sure all the vocabulary is understood.
7. When did kids in Thalou start studying English?
8. What is very common in Thalou during spring and
autumn? • Go over ex. 19 on p. 131. Elicit from Ss the difference
9. What was the food like in Thalou? between adjectives (describe a noun) and adverbs
(describe an action, we usually add -ly).

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Lesson#41_in Fairy Tales 1



→ Step 1: Remind Ss to complete OHW#11, which can

be found in the Homework section on the T&T zONe. Also,
remind them to play Susan vs. Magician on the app.


Ask Ss one of the DQs of the day. Once he or she has

answered in full, he or she can leave the classroom.

• How well does your dad sing?

• How well does your best friend write?
• How well does your grandmother speak English?

• How well does your grandfather swim

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Lesson#42_in Fairy Tales 1

→ Step 2: Pair the Ss up and let them work on the Lge Box.
Let them speculate and reach their own conclusions freely.
• Ss will read newspaper articles and answer Just make sure they interact in English and help them convey
comprehension questions about it and justify their ideas!
• Ss will listen to a speech and summarise what
they have heard orally → Step 3: Check as a group.
• Ss will use adjectives and adverbs in sentences

MATERIALS 1. definitely will | 2. probably will | 3. may/might

4. might/may
• CD2 TR#10
→ Step 4: Now encourage your Ss to make their own
• 1 blank piece of paper per S predictions about Sid’s story. Go over the speech bubbles
before starting the activity.
Give a first S a maximum of 10 seconds to make a prediction,
and then ask him / her to give their turn to someone else.
1.– WARM-UP (5 MIN.) Keep on like this until everybody has made at least one
→ Step 1: Call the register. If it’s the first class of the
week, check their progress on the app. Ask the children if
“How many times have you played with the app this week?”. 3.– SID, PAGE 129, EX. 16, TR#10 (10 MIN.)
They should reply: “I have played with the app 6 times since
→ Step 1: Have a different S read and explain the exercise.
(same day last week)”.
Before playing the track, go over the speech bubbles in
→ Step 2: Ask the following questions to your Ss. The aim part A to ensure comprehension.
this time is that Ss use to + infinitive of purpose.
→ Step 2: Play the track and ask the “So, what is he
• Why do you study harder when you’ve got exams?
announcing?” Spark as much discussion as possible on
• Why do you sleep every day? the issue. Make sure Ss use the expressions in the speech
• Why do you have a shower after sweating? bubbles shown in part A.

• Why do you eat three times a day? SCRIPT

• Why do you have to listen to your parents? It is with great sadness and tremendous worry that I,
• Why do you have to brush your teeth every day? King of Thalou, inform you, people of Thalou, that a war
has started in our country. In these times of uncertainty,
• Why do you have to tidy up your room?
we advise the population to stay at home. Schools will
• Why do you have to get on well with your brothers close from Monday onwards, but the government will try
and/or sisters? its hardest to keep hospitals running. Our hearts sing
with yours, with sadness but also with hope for a better
future for our nation.
2.– SID, PAGE 129, EX. 17 (10 MIN.)
→ Step 3: Finally ask your Ss to close their books and
→ Step 1: Get a volunteer to read and explain the exercise.
answer the following question: “So how would you feel if
a war started in your country?” Try to elicit the following
Can they find other ways to express the idea of “predicting
second conditional structure:
the future”?

SOME IDEAS If a war started in my country, I would feel...

Predict the future:
Now ask them to open their books again and draw their
= imagine how the future is going to be
attention to the underlined words in the Lg Box of part B.
= to say what you expect to happen in the future Elicit the following answers and make the Ss write them
down in the book.

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Lesson#42_in Fairy Tales 1

KEY → Step 3: Ss skim read the three articles while the teacher
times 2 minutes. If a S finishes before the time limit, they can
If = Watch out! It’s a conditional!
raise their hands and bring the activity to a halt.
started = V2 (or ‘yesterday tense’)
→ Step 4: Check as a group and solve any doubts about
would feel = would + V1. ‘Would’ never changes its form!


article b
→ Step 1: Divide the class into two teams and give each NOTES: This is a good opportunity to make Ss agree on gestures
S a blank sheet of paper. for the words they don’t understand. Avoid translations at all costs.

→ Step 2: They’ll have a maximum of 5 minutes to try and

draw the biggest family tree they can imagine. The only rule 6.– SID, PAGE 128, EX. 15 (10 MIN.)
is that all family relationships must be correct (e.g.: Uncle
Harry cannot be married to nephew Jessica!). → Step 1: A second S reads and explains the exercise.
These instructions are easy enough to play a bit of Taboo.
The aim of this activity is to revise family links, so encourage
them to first focus on who is who (father, son, grandmother, → Step 2: Put the Ss into pairs and give them a maximum
etc.) and then invent names for everyone. of 5 minutes to complete the exercise.

→ Step 3: One team reads aloud their family tree and the Walk around to monitor their conversations. Remember
other team tries to draw it on the board. Then they swap roles. to encourage peer interaction in English!

OPTIONAL: To make it more engaging, you can award points → Step 3: Check as a class. Ask the Ss to tell you were
for ‘correct relatives’ included in the family tree. You could do they found the pieces of information.
something like this:
relative = 1 point
1. b (Meanwhile, the number of unemployed citizens in
relative + name = 1,5 point
Thalou continues to rise, [...].)
distant relatives = 2 points.
2. c (Coach H.F. Goodman has said: “All teams go through
(such as great-aunt, great-grandfather, etc.) a rough patch once in a while. We will recover”; Former
coach Kavindu Ghidra thinks differently: “The team may win
If you want to take it up a notch, deduct 2 points for each some matches, but it won’t go back to what it used to be”.)
incorrect relative.
3. a (Grand Cinema and Isuri hill)
EXAMPLE 4. b (whole first paragraph of the article)
Great-aunt Sally is married to Great-uncle John.
7.– SID, PAGE 130, EX. 18 (10 MIN.)
5.– SID, PAGE 128, EX. 14 (15 MIN.)
→ Step 1: In pairs (ideally, different ones), Ss complete
the exercise.
→ Step 1: Ask the children: “So what happened in the
last chapter?” and elicit as much information as possible
Walk around to monitor their work and help when necessary.
but especially: “That Dad was in a very bad mood because
of the news he read in the newspaper”.
→ Step 2: Check as a group. Write the missing words on
the board:
→ Step 2: A S reads and explains the exercise.

Challenge them to be the first to find out which article is
the one Dad read. Tell them they have 2 minutes, so they a. unemployed | b. audience | c. disappointed | d. celebrity
really need to concentrate if they want to be the winner!
e. election | f. smart | g. lawyer | h. hill | i. maker

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→ Step 3 (optional): If time permits, ask the pairs to come KEY

up with a sentence containing at least two words from the
They ran the race fast.
word search. Creativity and crazy ideas welcome! Grammar
must be accurate, though.
→ Step 2: Ss finish the exercise individually. Warn them they
might not always need an adverb to complete the sentence.
8.– SID, PAGE 131, EX. 19 (10 MIN.) Adjectives may also be necessary.

→ Step 1: Get another volunteer to read and explain the → Step 3: Go over the answers as a class.
exercise and go over the Lg Box as a class.
KEY 2. It was adorable.
a. The bird sings beautifully | b. The bird is beautiful 3. The old van needs to be replaced.

Now ask them “So which is the adjective and which is 4. They should work quietly.
the adverb?” and elicit that “Beautiful is the adjective and 5. She was decorating the cake carefully.
beautifully, the adverb”.
→ Step 4 (optional): Now encourage Ss to come up with
→ Step 2: Ss complete the ex. individually. Walk around questions of their own and answer them as a group.
and help if necessary.
Elicit the use of “How...?” and “What is/are... like?”
→ Step 3: To check, go over the answers as a group.
Remember to write the answers on the board to ensure that OPTIONAL: To make it more engaging, tell your Ss that they
everybody assesses their own work appropriately. can skip the door questions if they manage to give you a question
10.– WRAP-UP (5 MIN.)
quick quickly → Step 1: If your next class is online, they need to do
the preparation work (you will find this information at the
fast fast
end of the LP). This is essential because, otherwise, they
loud loudly will not be able to take part in the class. Go through the
important importantly preparation work and have Ss write down the ex. they will
well well need to complete.
sweet sweetly
angry angrily
If your next class is online, Ss must do the following
preparation tasks, which should take no more than 30 min.
→ Step 3: Now complete the second Lg Box as a class.
Remind Ss they should log in to Lesson 43 on the PLTF.
IMPORTANT: Ss must do the following at home in time for
adjective + -ly = adverb.
the next class.
Finally ask them “Is there anything you notice about any of
these words?” and elicit: “Fast and well don’t add -ly at the
end of the word to form an adverb”. • On a separate sheet of paper, put the following cue
into the verb tenses seen so far, affirmative, negative
and question:
9.– SID, PAGE 131, EX. 20 (10 MIN.)

→ Step 1: Now tell them it’s time to practise how to use Sid / sing / joyful songs
adverbs in a sentence. Do number one as a group to ensure
they understand how the exercise works. Every day, now, tomorrow, yesterday, 3 times so far
this week, before he arrived home

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Every day (+): Martha eats veggies every day.

Every day (-): Martha doesn't eat...


• Read Ch. 2 Part 2 on pp. 132-133 and complete

the blank spaces with the verbs in ex. 21 on p. 133.
• Check own answers by listening to CD2 TR#11 (NCP
section of Lesson 42 or CP of Lesson 43).


• Complete cues A-R in the Vocabulary Review -
Chapter 2 on pp. 138-139. Mention to Ss that the
target vocabulary might be as well in the chapters
and in the comics.



→ Step 1: Tell Ss to complete HW#8 (A), which can be

found within the Homework section of Lessons 42 and 43 on
the T&T zONe. Also, tell them to play Susan vs. Firebreather
on the app.


Ask the following questions.

• What do you do to cope with stress?

• What does you mum do to cope with stress?
• What do your friends do to cope with stress?

Schedule Oral Test - Term 2

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Lesson#43_in | Oral Test Fairy Tales 1

Warn them you will collect PHC#4 and 5 and mark them
as if they were HW worksheets.
• Ss will transform a given sentence into different
→ Step 2: Do the oral test as explained in the T&T Teacher
tenses so that it matches a series of time
• Ss will match target vocabulary to pictures or
definitions RRH & SID - Oral Test Term 2
• Ss will scan two conversations to find irregular
verbs in them → Step 3: Collect both PHCs and carry on with activities
• CD2 TR#1, TR#11
→ Step 1: Hand out a copy of the PHC to each S and
• 1 copy of PHC#4 per S
encourage them to fill in the whole grid.
• 1 copy of PHC#5 A&B for every 2 Ss
• 1 copy of PHC#6 per S → Step 2: Collect the handouts to mark them for the
next lesson.
• Oral Test 2 Script
• Oral Test 2 Photocopiable material KEY

• Oral Test Marking grid EVERY DAY

Sid sings joyful songs.
Sid doesn’t sing joyful songs.
Does Sid sing joyful songs?
1.– WARM-UP (5-10 MIN.)
→ Step 1: Call the register. If it’s the first class of the Sid is singing joyful songs.
week, check their progress on the app. Ask the children if Sid isn’t singing joyful songs.
“How many times have you played with the app this week?”.
They should reply: “I have played with the app 6 times since Is Sid singing joyful songs?
(same day last week)”. TOMORROW

→ Step 2: Ask the Ss to rephrase the following sentences Sid will / is going to sing joyful songs.
using the vocabulary they have learnt so far. Sid won’t / isn’t going to sing joyful songs.
• Sidney had no brother or sisters. Will Sid sing joyful songs? / Is Sid going to sing joyful songs?
Sidney was an only child. YESTERDAY
• Their food contained many spices. Sid sang joyful songs.
Their food was spicy.
Sid didn’t sing joyful songs.
• They started speaking English the moment they
woke up. Did Sid sing joyful songs?
They started speaking English as soon as they woke 3 TIMES SO FAR THIS WEEK
Sid has sung joyful songs.
• People in Thalou sang songs to celebrate friends
Sid hasn’t sung joyful songs.
getting married.
People in Thalou sang songs to celebrate weddings. Has Sid sung joyful songs?
2.– ORAL TEST TERM 1 (5-8 MIN. PER S) Sid had sung joyful songs.

→ Step 1: Assign activities 3-6 to the group so they keep Sid hadn’t sung joyful songs.
working while you test each S one by one. Had Sid sung joyful songs?

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Lesson#43_in | Oral Test Fairy Tales 1

4.– WHAT WOULD YOU DO IF..., PHC#5 A&B Dad: I’m afraid it’s bad news. Do you remember how on
(15 MIN.) Sunday I (3) spent the morning reading the newspaper
and it (4) put me in such a bad mood…?
→ Step 1: Divide the class into Ss A and Ss B and hand Sidney: Yes.
them the corresponding PHC (A or B).
Mum: Well, the situation has become worse. A war (5) has
→ Step 2: Ss answer the questions in the first grid according started and… we have to leave.
to what they would do in each situation. Sidney: We have to leave…? What do you mean, “leave”?
Mum: It’s not safe for us to stay here anymore, Sidney.
→ Step 3: Then they choose a classmate and interview
him or her. Sidney: But… we’re from here. We can’t just go! What
about my friends? What about school, it’s not even the
→ Step 4: Once everybody has someone else’s answers, end of the term yet…!
on the backside of the PHC, Ss write sentences comparing Dad: Sidney, I know that it’s hard for you to understand…
their own decisions with those of their classmates. They
must write a sentence for each of the items in the grid. Sidney: Why hadn’t you told me about this before? This
is so unfair!
It could be handy to leave the following structures on Dad: We were hoping our country would avoid the war.
the board: And we didn’t want to worry you… But now staying here
is too dangerous. We (6) will start over somewhere new.
You (7) will go to school, we (8) will find new jobs, you
If I ....., I would.... but (classmate) would... (9) will make new friends…
Both (classmate) and I would.... if we...
Neither (classmate) nor I would.... if we... → Step 4: Help them with unfamiliar vocabulary.

→ Step 5: Collect the handouts to mark them for the 6.– SID, PAGES 138-139, VOCABULARY REVIEW
next lesson. (15 MIN.)

This time, if you are still doing the oral tests, challenge the
5.– SID, PAGES 132-133, READING & LISTENING, group to fill in as many gaps as possible without your help.
EX. 21, CH. 2, PART 2, TR#11 (10-15 MIN.) Warn them that the highlighted words may be on page 128,
as well as the chapter comics.
→ Step 1: Tell Ss that this time they will have to complete
the comic by using the verbs given on page 133. → Step 2: When checking the oral tests, make sure Ss
have written all the words correctly. At the end, make them
→ Step 2: Ss read the text and decide which verb fits each highlight the words that they found the most difficult or can’t
gap and what tense must be used. recall yet.

→ Step 3: To check, play the track and go over the answers KEY
as a group.
a. shelf | b. starving | c. heavy | d. documentary
e. in a bad mood | f. lawyer ... judge | g. lazy | h. stand
i. celebrity | j. out of | k. peel | l. cucumbers |
Sidney: Hello! I’m home! m. audience | n. bowl | o. kettle | p. filmmaker | q. hill |
r. army.
Sidney: Phew! I’m knackered, it (1) has been such a long
day… geography, maths, history, science and then English! 1. against | 2. hard | 3. prevent ... from | 4. heroine
Look at me, (2) I’m speaking English even though it’s not 5. meanwhile | 6. election | 7. avoid | 8. smart |
Sunday! 9. season | 10. complain | 11. party | 12. unemployed
13. go through a rough patch | 14. trade | 15. unfair
Sid: Dad, what’s for dinner? Should I start peeling those
Sidney: Mum? Dad? What’s wrong? 7.– IRREGULAR VERBS (5 MIN.)

Mum: Sidney, we’ve got some news for you. → Step 1: Divide the class into two teams and assign a
Sidney: News? What kind of news? part of Chapter 2, part 2 to each of them.

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Lesson#43_in | Oral Test Fairy Tales 1

→ Step 2: Teams skim read the texts while trying to spot T reads the question and Ss have only got 5 seconds to
as many irregular verbs as possible. answer it in a complete sentence (not just the letter). If they
do, the number inside the box is erased and replaced with
Walk around and help when necessary. the letter of that team. If they don’t answer within the time
limit, the box remains unchanged.
→ Step 3: While checking as a class, write on the board
only those verbs which haven’t been covered yet. Now the turn goes to the other team (who, in the case
that the first team has failed to come up with the answer
CH.2 - P.2: soon enough, can choose the same box, if they so wish). The
process should be fast! Go back and forth between teams
UNDERSTAND understood understood as quickly as possible – that’s the fun part!) Each time the
turn goes to the other team, a new representative of that
team must play. Warn Ss that there are 2 distractors.
8.– SID, PAGE 123, LIFE IN THALOU, TR#1 (5 MIN.)
Questions for each square are as follows (please mime
Time to go a bit wild! Encourage the Ss to sing and dance to all “mimable” terms):
the song. Try using the gestures agreed on previous lessons. 1. What does stress of the day mean? (KEY: J)
2. What does to complain mean? (KEY: H)
3. What does it mean to cope with the stress of the
(10 MIN. - OPTIONAL) day? (KEY: O)

Objective: To fill the boxes with your team’s letter as 4. What does the whole group mean? (KEY: C)
quickly as possible. When all boxes are filled with either 5. What does bring a group of people closer together
X’s or Y’s, count how many of each and the team with the mean? (KEY: G)
most boxes wins.
6. What does it mean when something is considered
→ Step 1: Divide the class into 2 teams (boys vs girls). to be really important? (KEY: P)
Girls’ team is X, boys’ team is Y. 7. What exactly is a tradition? (KEY: N)
8. What does as soon as you wake up mean?
→ Step 2: Pass out one copy of the PHC to each team.
(KEY: Q)
Instruct Ss to read A-Q while T draws grid on board (step 3).
9. How do songs about happiness, hope and strength
→ Step 3: Draw the grid on the board, while Ss read the make you feel? (KEY: E)
answers. 10. What does opens doors when looking for work
mean? (KEY: A)
1 2 3 4 11. What are chopsticks? (KEY: I)
12. What are board games? (KEY: D)
5 6 7 8
13. What does every child was taught English mean?
(KEY: L)
9 10 11 12
14. What does the whole day mean? (KEY: K)

13 14 15 16 15. What is a valley? (KEY: B)

16. What is a lawyer? (KEY: M)
→ Step 4: Get a team to go first. You can do so by flipping
a coin. But first ask them: “Shall we flip a coin to decide 10.– WRAP-UP (5 MIN.)
who goes first? Heads or tails?” Or simply choose a team
to be the ones to begin. → Step 5: If your next class is online, they need to do
the preparation work (you will find this information at the
→ Step 5: The first S from the team that won the flip or end of the LP). This is essential because, otherwise, they
who was chosen to go first chooses a square, using the will not be able to take part in the class. Go through the
expression “We would like to try for square number ......., preparation work and have Ss write down the ex. they will
please.” (Write it on the board as a useful expression). need to complete.

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Lesson#43_in | Oral Test Fairy Tales 1


If your next class is online, Ss must do the following

preparation tasks, which should take no more than 30 min.

Remind Ss they should log in to Lesson 44 on the PLTF.

IMPORTANT: Ss must do the following at home in time for

the next class.


• Go over the Lg Box on p. 135 and complete the

sequence in ex. 23A.
• Complete ex. 23B on p. 135 too.

• Complete ex. 24A on p. 135.

QUIZ (10 MIN.)

• Complete ex. 25 on p. 136 and reflect upon the
results. Do you agree? Why? Why not?



→ Step 1: Remind Ss to complete HW#8 (A), which can

be found within the Homework section of Lessons 42 and
43 on the T&T zONe. Also, remind them to play Susan vs.
Firebreather on the app.


Ss should answer using by + -ing.

• What do you do to help out around the house?

• How do you help your parents?
• How do you prepare for an exam?
• How do you keep fit?
• How do you kill time when you are bored?

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Lesson#44_in Fairy Tales 1

→ Step 2: Ask the Ss to read the instructions individually.

Then, as a group, agree on what must be done.

• Ss will discuss how much they help out at home → Step 3: Describe the picture as a class and try to elicit
and compare with eachother. as much vocabulary as possible: What can they see? What’s
• Ss will fill in gaps with pronouns and sustiture a/an... for?, etc.
nouns with pronouns.
• Ss will form sentences using “as soon as”. Then go over the words given to check comprehension
(at the bottom).

MATERIALS → Step 4: Ss take turns to produce a sentence using the

structure in the speech bubble. To keep it snappy, raise
• 1 scrap of paper per S your hands (wide open) and count down from ten using your
Encourage Ss to form long sentences. Don’t accept simple
1.– WARM-UP (5-10 MIN.)
→ Step 1: Call the register. If it’s the first class of the
week, check their progress on the app. Ask the children if If I were Sid, I would pack the hoody because it can keep
“How many times have you played with the app this week?”. me warm.
They should reply: “I have played with the app 6 times since
→ Step 5 (optional): If the group is strong, try playing a
(same day last week)”.
quick chain game getting them to say: "If she were him,
she would pack the hoody, but I would only pack a wallet
→ Step 2: Draw a quick 1 to 4 scale on the board. In the
full of money."
top-left corner, write: “Really helpful”. Then a bit further
down: “Pretty helpful”. Then “Not very helpful”, and finally
“Not at all” (Not “not helpful at all”, just “not at all”). 3.– SID, PAGE 135, EX. 23 A&B (10 MIN.)

Explain and give examples as necessary. Ask Ss: “Do you → Step 1: Go over the examples in part A as a group and
usually help with the housework at home?”, “ Which chores then ask the Ss to complete the sequence individually.
do you do?”, “Do you help to lay the table?”, “Do you do the
washing-up or load the dishwasher?”, “Do you cook?”, “Do → Step 2: Check as a class:
you make your bed or do you have it made?”, etc.
Depending on their responses, write Ss’ names down the
right side in the most appropriate place of the scale. Keep You live in your house because it’s yours. I’m listening
on board. to you!
He lives in his house because it’s his. Listen to him!
Now ask them the following questions:
She lives in her house because it’s hers. Listen to her!
• Who is the most helpful? It lives in its burrow because it’s its. Listen to it!
• Who is the least helpful? We live in our house because it’s ours. Listen to us!
• Is … as helpful as …? You live in your house because it’s yours. I’m listening
to you!
Encourage the Ss to say “... is more helpful than …”, “...
is (not) as helpful as ...”. They live in their house because it’s theirs. Listen to them!

→ Step 3: Now ask a S to read and explain part B and

2.– SID, PAGE 134, EX. 22 (10 MIN.) do it as a group.

→ Step 1: Ask the Ss “So what has happened so far in KEY

the story?” and elicit answers using the present perfect.
1. Subject pronouns - start the sentence

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Lesson#44_in Fairy Tales 1

2. Possessive adjectives - possession + thing • I hate exams. They make me feel... (anxious!)
3. Possessive pronouns - possession + thing • Right now we are being... (loud!)
4. Object pronouns - after a verb or a preposition
6.– SID, PAGE 136, EX. 25 (10 MIN.)
Finally check if they have learned these words at school.
→ Step 1: A different S reads and explains. Can they think
of other words to say “score”?
4.– SID, PAGE 135, EX. 24 A&B (10 MIN.)
→ Step 1: Get a volunteer to read and explain part A.
score = gain/get/win points
→ Step 2: Ss complete the exercise individually and then
check as a group. → Step 2: Let the Ss answer the quiz individually. Walk
around to help them with unfamiliar vocabulary.
→ Step 3: Write Ss’ names down in the most appropriate
1. we | 2. him - it | 3. your room / yours - you - it | 4. she - us
place of the scale from the warm-up exercise, and discuss
5. them - theirs any similarities or differences between the results of the
two exercises.
→ Step 3: Have another volunteer read and explain part B.

Go over the answers as a class to check comprehension 7.– GAME: TRUE/FALSE DIY (10 MIN.)
and then discuss all together: Who thinks he /she is more
of an intuitive learner? Why? Etc. → Step 1: Each S writes 2 true sentences + 1 false sentence
about the story on a piece of paper.

5.- GAME: TENNIS MATCH (5 MIN. - OPTIONAL) → Step 2: Mix and encourage them to take turns to grab
a piece of paper, read and decide whether they are T or F.
→ Step 1: Make Ss stand up and form a line at the back
of the class. NOTE: To make it more engaging you can award extra points
to those students using commonly used expressions such as
While they get ready, write on the board: “This one is a no-brainer / tough one!” or “If I’m not mistaken,
this sentence is...”,

→ Step 2: Stand on the opposite end, facing your Ss. → Step 1: Have a last volunteer read and explain the
Read each of the sentences below making a tennis move,
as if you were swinging an invisible tennis racket. Ask them “What exactly does ‘as soon as’ mean?” and
elicit “just / right / immediately after something else”.
Any Ss can answer, but they must answer swinging a
racket as well, as if you were playing a tennis match with If they get stuck, try reading them the following sentences
an invisible ball. to provide them with some context:

• As soon as I finish breakfast, I brush my teeth.

Encourage loud answers!
• As soon as my mobile phone rings, I pick it up.
• I speak English.... (fluently!)
• As soon as my teacher starts speaking, I fall
• I run... (fast!) asleep.
• I never fight because I’m always.... (happy!)
→ Step 2: Ss can do this exercise individually or in pairs.
• I do my homework... (carefully!) Walk around to help them with unfamiliar vocabulary.
• I cook... (terribly!)
→ Step 3: Now check as a group.
• I love meeting new people because I’m very (sociable!)

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Lesson#44_in Fairy Tales 1


1. c | 2. f | 3. a | 4. e | 5. b BEFORE THE WEEKEND)
→ Step 1: Tell Ss that very soon they will be taking Test
→ Step 4 (optional): If time permits, give the following 1 of the second story. They should start revising for it. Also,
situations and encourage your Ss to come up with sentences remind them that playing with the app can be very useful
using “as soon as”. to review for the exam too, so they should play Susan vs.
• Step on a banana peel. Magic Cube Solver.

• Phone rings in the middle of a quiet place.

• Enter the wrong classroom.

• Get home after school. Ask the following questions.

• Fart. • What were you doing yesterday at 9:00 pm?
• See somebody you dislike in the street. • What was your dad doing yesterday at 7:00 am?
• Drop your mobile phone. • What were you and your family doing on Sunday?
• Start singing in the sower.
Schedule written test:
9.– WRAP-UP (5 MIN.) Sidney and His Lucky Scarf Chapters 1 & 2

→ Step 1: If your next class is online, they need to do

the preparation work (you will find this information at the
end of the LP). This is essential because, otherwise, they
will not be able to take part in the class. Go through the
preparation work and have Ss write down the ex. they will
need to complete.


If your next class is online, Ss must do the following

preparation tasks, which should take no more than 30 min.

Remind Ss they should log in to Lesson 45 on the PLTF.

IMPORTANT: Ss must do the following at home in time for

the next class.


• Complete ex. 27 on p. 137.

Ss should write down the 5 words they have been assigned
by their classmates in the blank spaces and use them
in their writing tasks. Ss should write their texts in the
CF under the label Lesson 45 - 5 tricky words on the
T&T zONe.


• Ss should review all the Lg Boxes seen in chapters 1

and 2: possessive adjectives/pronouns, subject/object
pronouns, irregular plurals, adjectives vs. adverbs.

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Lesson#45_in | Revision Day Fairy Tales 1


• Ss will revise the grammar that was covered in
Chapters 1 and 2. → Step 1: Draw the following table on the board:

• Ss will practise asking questions.

Start the sentence
• Ss will write short stories using the target
vocabulary. Posession+thing
MATERIALS After a verb or preposition

• pieces of paper Below it write the following pronouns: I, me, my, mine.
Ask a volunteer to write each pronoun in the right cell of
the table. If your Ss have difficulties, suggest opening page
135 and checking the Lg Box.

1.– WARM-UP (5-10 MIN.) Invite a second volunteer, give another pronoun (he or
she) and ask them to fill in the table with all the forms of
→ Step 1: Call the register. If it’s the first class of the this pronoun. Do the same for all the pronouns.
week, check their progress on the app. Ask the children if
“How many times have you played with the app this week?”. → Step 2: Explain that now they are going to take part in
They should reply: “I have played with the app 6 times since a relay race. For this, divide them into 2-3 teams and ask
(same day last week)”. them to stand at the far end of the room.

→ Step 2: Ss say whether the following things happen Say that you have a list of sentences and every round
before / while / after Sidney is speaking to his parents. . each team will have to send a representative who will read
one sentence silently, remember it and rush back to their
• Sid has geography class. Before team to share it with the others. All together they need to
• Sid’s dad tells him that they have to leave. While substitute the nouns in that sentence with the pronouns,
where it’s possible, and write a new sentence down on a
• Sidney says he hasn’t finished the exams. Before piece of paper. Once their team is ready with the answer,
• Sid’s dad reads the newspaper. Before they need to give a sign to the teacher by covering their
mouths with both hands.
• Sid’s dad tells him that a war has started. While
• Sidney’s family find a new home. After Every round they need to send a new representative and
• Sidney gets upset. While it should be also a different person writing every time.

Give 1 point for each correct pronoun.

2.– SID, PAGE 137, EX. 27 (10-15 MIN.)
→ Step 1: Get a volunteer to read and explain the exercise.
(cover them with a piece of paper and open them one by
→ Step 2: Ss choose 5 tricky words. They can do it one:)
individually or as a group, but in any case make sure to • This shelf is Susan’s.
review the meaning of the words to ensure that the next
step can be addressed properly. (It is hers.)
• My aunt Jinny helped my mum and me to buy
→ Step 3: Ss write their stories individually. Walk around presents.
and help when necessary. Silent Correction can come in
(She helped us to buy them.)
handy to solve any mistakes you may find.
• My friends don’t like cucumbers.
Do not check as a group, it would be too time consuming. (They don’t like them.)
Be especially thorough, though, while checking their work.
• Tell your sister to wash the bowl.
(Tell her to wash it.)

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Lesson#45_in | Revision Day Fairy Tales 1

• My dad took this car because this car is our 6.– DICE GAME (10-15 MIN.)
family’s car.
→ Step 1: Prepare the vocabulary that you want to revise
(He took it because it is ours.)
on small pieces of paper.
• Sidney always helps their parents with
(He always helps them with it.) starving, kettle, bowl, to peel, elections, thunderstorm,
in a bad mood, unemployed, neighbour, stream, scenery,
4.– IRREGULAR PLURALS REVIEW (5 MIN.) lazy, unfair, to avoid, can’t stand, celebrity.

Ask your Ss what the plural of “car” is. No doubt, they will → Step 2: A student picks a word / expression from the
give you the correct answer! Now ask them if they remember target vocabulary and rolls the dice.
any “strange” plurals. Tell your Ss that they have only 1 min.
• 1 or 2: draw the word/expression
and in the same teams they need to write as many irregular
plurals as possible. You can use a stopwatch to put some • 3 or 4: mime it!
pressure on Ss!
• 5 or 6: explain in English
Check the answers altogether as a group and count the The rest of Ss try to guess the word. In order for their
points. guess to be valid, they must use the word in a full and correct
sentence. For example:
(pick up) “Gran picked Susan up from school every day!”
Man -men
Mouse - mice
Woman - women
Tooth - teeth → Step 1: Divide Ss into 3 teams. Give them the following
Person - people
1. Think of an existing country and write its name on
Foot - feet
a piece of paper. It should be a country that they
Child - children know more or less well!
Their own ideas... 2. Write a list of 10 questions that they are going to
ask in order to guess the countries that the other
two teams have chosen. Warn them that they can’t
ask too direct questions such as “What language
do people speak in this country?”
→ Step 1: Write the following adjectives on the board:

cheerful, happy, fast, good, bad, amazing, slow, awful, Give them 5-7 min. to complete the task. Circulate and
lazy, angry help when it’s necessary, make sure that they are building
the questions correctly.
Ask one of your Ss “How do you sing?”. And elicit “I sing
beautifully / awfully”. Review quickly how we form adverbs → Step 2: When the teams are ready with their questions,
out of adjectives. tell them that now they are going to take turns asking one
question at a time: T1 asks T2, T2 asks T3, T3 asks T1.
Then pair your Ss up and give them 5 min. to write 3
similar questions on small pieces of paper. Encourage any Their task is to guess the country of the opposite team as
wild ideas such as “How do you tan?” or “How do you fart?”. fast as possible. The winner is the team that has guessed
it the first.
→ Step 2: Put all the papers together, mix them up and
let each S, one by one, draw one question. They will then
need to answer using one of the adjectives written on the 8.– WRAP-UP (5 MIN.)
board by changing them into adverbs.
→ Step 1: If your next class is online, they need to do
the preparation work (you will find this information at the
Reward the funniest answers!
end of the LP). This is essential because, otherwise, they

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Lesson#45_in | Revision Day Fairy Tales 1

will not be able to take part in the class. Go through the

preparation work and have Ss write down the ex. they will Remind Ss that for the test they should revise
need to complete. the vocabulary from Chapters 1 and 2
(pp. 124-125 and 138-139).


If your next class is online, Ss must do the following
preparation tasks, which should take no more than 30 min. Ask the following questions.

Remind Ss they should log in to Lesson 46 on the PLTF. • Who is the most intelligent person in your family?
• Who is stricter, your mum or your dad?
IMPORTANT: Ss must do the following at home in time for
• What is the heaviest land animal?
the next class.
• What is the tallest land animal?
• Who is the nicest teacher?
100% online course:
• What is the easiest school subject?
• Remind Ss that for the test they should
revise the vocabulary from Chapters 1
and 2 (pp. 124-125 and 138-139).

Blended course:

Tests will only be done during the following IN-

session (either Lesson#46_in or Lesson#47_
in, this latter in case your Lesson 46 is online).
In this sense, if you're doing Lesson#46_on,
assign Ss the following preparation as usual:


• Read Ch. 3 Part 1 on p. 141.

• Complete ex. 28 on p. 141. Ss might
also want to listen to the chapter to
check their answers (CD2 TR#12, NCP
of Lesson 45 or CP of Lesson 46).


• Complete ex. 29 on p. 141.


• Complete ex. 32 on p. 143. Put emphasis
on the structure "by + ING"



→ Step 1: Tell Ss that the homework is to revise for the


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Fairy Tales 1

In-Class Bonus Lessons

Fairy Tales 1

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Bonus Lesson#1_in Fairy Tales 1

When the music stops playing, the S who has the bag
must grab a word from the bag and come up with a sentence
using that word.
• Ss will review different grammar aspects seen so
far in the course. If they are able to come up with a correct sentence, they
keep the card. If not, they should put the card back in the
MATERIALS bag. The person who has the most cards at the end wins!

• PHC#10 NOTE: Encourage Ss not to form sentences about the story.

The aim of this activity is to introduce the new vocabulary and
• PHC#11 grammar into their “daily lives” (not checking that they know
• CD1 TR#2 Susan’s story by heart!)


→ Step 1: This time Ss can work in pairs.

1.– WARM-UP (5-10 MIN.)
Give a copy of the PHC to each of your Ss and write on
→ Step 1: Call the register. If it’s the first class of the the board (you may ask for a volunteer to do it for you):
week, check their progress using the app. Ask the children,
“How many times have you played with the app this week?”.
They should reply: “I have played with the app 6 times since Susan / practise / her BMX tricks
(same day last week)”.
→ Step 2: The pairs complete the PHC.
→ Step 2: Ask the Ss to finish the sentences (they need
to use a verb in V-ing form, but don’t tell them that, just → Step 3: Ask the Ss to swap papers and check the answers
elicit it). as a group. Use the board to ensure that slower Ss can assess
their classmates’ work appropriately.
• I always brush my teeth before...
Every day | Now | Tomorrow | Yesterday | 3 times
• I always have a shower before... so far this week
• Susan always put her BMX away after...
• Gran watched Susan while...
• I always play with the app before...
E/D: Susan practises her BMX tricks.
• At night, I always switch the light off after...
Now: Susan is practising her BMX tricks.
• Susan burst out crying after...
T: Susan is going to practise her BMX tricks OR Susan
• Gran passed away after... will practise her BMX tricks.
• Gran had bought the Christmas present before... Y: Susan practised her BMX tricks.
• Susan put on her lucky red hoody before... So Far: Susan has practised her BMX tricks.
E/D: Susan doesn’t practise her BMX tricks.
→ Step 1: Ask the Ss to write down on a piece of paper Now: Susan isn’t practising her BMX tricks.
a word they have learnt during the term (the more difficult,
the better!). Then put all the pieces of paper in a bag.. T: Susan isn’t going to practise her BMX tricks OR Susan
won’t practise her BMX tricks.
→ Step 2: Now, ask the Ss to sit in a circle. Stand outside Y: Susan didn’t practise her BMX tricks.
the circle and control the CD player.
So Far: Susan hasn’t practised her BMX tricks.
→ Step 3: Play the CD (TR#2). As the music plays, ask Question:
the Ss to pass around the vocabulary bag.
E/D: Does Susan practise her BMX tricks?
Stop the CD at intervals during the song. Now: Is Susan practising her BMX tricks?

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Bonus Lesson#1_in Fairy Tales 1

T: Is Susan going to practise her BMX tricks? OR Will Walk around and help them when necessary. Make sure
Susan practise her BMX tricks? they come up with correct, full structures.
Y: Did Susan practise her BMX tricks?
→ Step 3: Pairs read their sentences and the group votes.
So Far: Has Susan practised her BMX tricks? Let’s see who writes the best sentence!

OPTIONAL: Write the following grid on the board to help

your Ss assess their classmates’ work:
→ Step 1: Time to lighten up a little bit. Play the song,
tell Ss to listen and try to understand the situation, and Makes All 3 Is it Grammar Fluently
what Susan is feeling. sense? words? funny? mistakes? read?

Encourage Ss to join in singing the chorus. Dance

movements and gestures to enact the lyrics are welcome! 7.– “BEEP” GAME (10 MIN.)

→ Step 1: Divide the class into two groups (“Boys vs. Girls”
5.– SPEAKING, FLYERS RECAP, PHC#10 (5 MIN.) usually works really well, but it all depends on the group.)

→ Step 1:Put the flyers in the middle of the table. Ask Have one member of each team writing a list of numbers
the following questions using a ball: (1-10) on the board and ask everybody to line up at the end
of the classroom.
• What did the flyers advertise?
They advertised a BMX competition.
→ Step 2: Read out the paragraph saying “beep” + a
• Did both flyers advertise the same competition? number each time there is a gap. In turns, one member of
No, they didn’t. each team runs to the board to write the word that is missing.
• Which competition lasts longer?
The Spring Gold Cup Weekend does. Susan loved to play (1) outdoors, she (2) used to go hunting
for tigers in the woods and play with (3) mud and sticks.
• Which event sells the cheapest entry tickets? Susan loved Gran (4) dearly. Gran used to (5) look after her (6)
Super BMX Junior Series does. nearly every day because Susan’s parents worked late. Susan
• Are anticipated tickets available for both thought that the tricks BMX performers did were (7) amazing,
competitions? she found BMX competitions (8) good fun (enjoyable). (9) By
No. You can only buy anticipated tickets for the the age of 7 and ½ Susan was given a BMX bike.
Super BMX Junior Series.
• Which competition is open to both professional 8.- GAME - COFFEE POT (5-10 MIN.)
and amateurs?
Both competitions are. → Step 1: Ss write actions on pieces of paper. They can
be quite specific, such as “ride a bike”, “play outdoors”,
• Which competition is going to be held in
“make mud pies”, etc.
The Super BMX Junior Series.
→ Step 2: One S leaves the room and the rest of the class
• Which competition is going to be cancelled if the picks one action.
weather is not good enough?
The Spring Gold Cup Weekend. → Step 3: The S comes back and tries to guess what the
action is by asking questions using the word “coffee pot”.
6.– GAME - WRITING SLAM (15 MIN.) The rest of the class answers giving clues, but always using
the word “coffee pot”.
→ Step 1: Put the Ss in pairs. Each pair chooses three
words from target language (highlighted in orange) and EXAMPLE
writes them in a piece of paper. If the action was “ride a bike”.
– Have you ever coffee potted?
→ Step 2: The pieces of paper are gathered and each pair
receives three. Now each pair has to write one sentence that – Yes, I have.
is NOT about the story using all three words.
– When was the last time you coffee potted?

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Kids&Us 2020
Bonus Lesson#1_in Fairy Tales 1

– I coffee potted last month, on a Saturday. → Step 3: If your next class is an online class, tell Ss
to go to the next lesson on the T&T zONe and look for the
– Do you coffee pot on your own or do you coffee pot with
assigned activities in the Class Preparation section so that
other people? they know what they have to work on for the next session.
– It depends. I can coffee pot on my own, but I prefer
coffe potting with other people. 11.– DOOR QUESTIONS (5 MIN.)
– Where do you coffee pot?
Ask the Ss to turn the following answers into questions,
– We coffee pot in the park, the forest, the campsite... paying special attention to the question words.
- (...) • Gran helps Susan with her homework.
Q: Who helps Susan with her homework?
9.– GAME - TENNIS MATCH (5 MIN.) • Susan sees her Gran every day.
Q: How often does Susan see her Gran?
→ Step 1: Make Ss stand up and form a line at the back
of the class. • Susan and her Gran go to BMX competitions.
Q: Where do Susan and her Gran go?
→ Step 2: Stand on the opposite end, facing your Ss. Say • The stunts at the BMX competitions are fantastic.
each of the following words making a tennis move, as if you Q: What are the stunts at the BMX competitions
were swinging an invisible tennis racket. like?
Any Ss can answer. They must answer swinging a racket as
well, as if you were playing a tennis match with an invisible
ball. Encourage loud answers!

Call out the following words and elicit synonyms:

look after = take care of

incredible = amazing
enjoyable = good fun
start crying = burst into tears
sad = upset
a piece of cake = a no-brainer
very difficult = a tough one
super beautiful = gorgeous
prepare yourself = get yourself ready
walk with difficulty = limp
do your best = try your hardest

10.– WRAP-UP (5-10 MIN.)

→ Step 1: Write the following on the board:

be into = be interested in

→ Step 2: Start asking one S “Tell me, Anna, what are

you into?” They answer “I am into cycling”. Now say: “I’m
into swimming and Anna is into cycling”. The S sitting next
to Anna says: “(Teacher name) is into swimming, Anna is
into cycling and I am into…”

– 176 –
Kids&Us 2020
Bonus Lesson#2_in Fairy Tales 1


→ Step 1: Have a volunteer write on the board:
• Ss will review different grammar aspects seen so
far in the course.
• Ss will rehearse some speaking too. Susan’s parents / work / late

MATERIALS → Step 2: Now divide the class into two groups and ask
them to stand up. Call out different verb tenses. The first
• PHC#26 team to sit down gets to answer.

• PHC#20 Ask randomly for affirmative, negative and interrogative

Every day | Now | Tomorrow | Yesterday | 3 times so
far this week
1.– WARM-UP (5-10 MIN.)
NOTE: To make it more appealing, keep score for both teams
→ Step 1: Call the register. If it’s the first class of the on the whiteboard. Let’s see which team gets more points!
week, check their progress using the app. Ask the children,
“How many times have you played with the app this week?”.
They should reply: “I have played with the app 6 times since 3.- LAST CHRISTMAS, PHC#26 (10-15 MIN.)
(same day last week)”. → Step 1: Give a copy of the handout to each of your Ss
and get a volunteer to read an explain the instructions.
→ Step 2: Make Ss stand up and form a line at the back
of the class.
→ Step 2: Go over questions 1-7 as a class. Make them
pay attention to the tenses used in the answers.
→ Step 3: Stand on the opposite end, facing your Ss. Say
each of the following words making a tennis move, as if you
were swinging an invisible tennis racket.
1. How many presents did you get?
Any Ss can answer, but they must answer swinging a
2. When do you usually get your presents?
racket as well, as if you were playing a tennis match with
an invisible ball. Encourage loud answers! 3. Did you go anywhere?
4. What did you do on Christmas Eve?
Call out the following words and elicit synonyms:
5. What was your favourite present?
look after = take care of
6. Did your parents work or were they on holiday?
incredible = amazing
7. Did you feel like going back to school?
enjoyable = good fun
start crying = burst into tears → Step 3: Now ask them to fill in the first column of the
grid individually.
sad = upset
a piece of cake = a no-brainer Then allow them to stand up and move freely around
the classroom to interview another classmate (ideally, they
very difficult = a tough one should interview a classmate they don’t normally work with).
super beautiful = gorgeous
→ Step 4: Once they finished, ask them to share their
prepare yourself = get yourself ready
findings with the group. Encourage them to compare
walk with difficulty = limp themselves to the interviewed classmate.
do your best = try your hardest
Aimed structures: comparatives, “as...as”, “not as... as”,
“I did... but he didn’t”.

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Kids&Us 2020
Bonus Lesson#2_in Fairy Tales 1

4.– HAVE YOU EVER...? PHC#20 (5-10 MIN.) • Elicit from 1st S. “Well, mine is more beautiful
than yours!”
→ Step 1: Before class (if possible) cut a copy of PHC#20
• Elicit from 2nd S. “Well, mine is the most
into cards. Be careful not to mix actions and locations.
beautiful in the world!”
Grab both piles and encourage Ss to pick one card from
each pile. In turns, Ss build up questions with the prompts 6.– THE BIGGEST EVER FAMILY CHALLENGE
they got. You can write the target structures on the board (10-15 MIN.)
like this:
→ Step 1: Divide the class into two teams and give each
S a blank sheet of paper.
Have you ever been to ...(location)... and / to ... (activi-
→ Step 2: They’ll have a maximum of 5 minutes to try and
Yes, I have.
draw the biggest family tree they can imagine. The only rule
No, I have never ... .
is that all family relationships must be correct (e.g.: Uncle
Harry cannot be married to nephew Jessica!).

New York / have and X-ray done The aim of this activity is to revise family links, so encourage
them to first focus on who is who (father, son, grandmother,
Have you ever been to New York to have an X-ray done? etc.) and THEN invent names for everyone.

Once the S has asked the correct question, the S sitting → Step 3: One team reads aloud their family tree and the
to his / her left answers and asks the following question. other team tries to draw it on the board. Then they swap roles.

EXAMPLE ANSWER OPTIONAL: To make it more engaging, you can award points
What? No! I’ve never been to NY to have an X-ray done! (If for ‘correct relatives’ included in the family tree. You could do
I needed an X-ray I would simply go to a hospital.) something like this:

relative = 1 point
Carry on like this until everybody has asked and answered
at least a question. Make sure all Ss use present perfect relative + name = 1,5 point
both in their questions and answers. distant relatives = 2 points.
(such as great-aunt, great-grandfather, etc.)
5.– BRAGGING! (5 MIN.)
If you want to take it up a notch, deduct 2 points for each
→ Step 1: Put these useful expressions on the board: incorrect relative.

“Well, mine is/are ................. than yours.”
“Well, mine is/are ................. in the world!” Great-aunt Sally is married to Great-uncle John.

→ Step 2: Read out these statements one at a time (using 7.– USED TO - REVISION (5 MIN.)
appropriate body language, intonation and facial expressions
to help convey meaning), followed by the names of 2 Ss. → Step 1: Ask the Ss to correct you (if necessary!).

1. My singing voice is beautiful! Say (emphasizing the wrong words):

2. My muscles are big! • When Susan was a little girl she used to loved
3. My marks are good! playing with mud and sticks. (used to love!)

4. My car is sporty! • At 5 years old, I use to play outdoors. (used to

5. My English is good!
• Sidney and his family uses to learn English every
6. My cooking is delicious!
Sunday. (used to learn!)
7. My trainers are cool!
• The most important thing that Sidney’s family
8. Can you think of more? Add as needed. used to doing together was sing. (used to do!)

– 178 –
Kids&Us 2020
Bonus Lesson#2_in Fairy Tales 1

• Susan and Gran don’t used to hang out with 5. S (Singing was the most important tradition in Thalou)
other riders. (didn’t use!)
6. O / C (He didn’t have any. He was an Only Child)
Remember to make them explain why your sentences 7. V / E / A (They started studying English at a Very Early
are wrong! Age)
8. T (In spring and autumn in Thalou the weather is a bit
8.– GAME: NOUGHTS AND CROSSES (10 MIN.) wild, and thunderstorms are very common.)
9. H / S (The food was Hot and Spicy)
→ Step 1: Explain to Ss that they need to give you a
complete sentence that will need to include more than just
the keywords. Also, tell them that the letters given are the 9.– WRAP-UP: ALPHABET FEVER (10 MIN.)
initials of the target words.
→ Step 1:Tell Ss that they have got a very strange problem:
→ Step 2: Write on the board: they always speak using the next letter of the alphabet!

They will have to pretend to be as normal as possible, but

C/V C/H/F M/A/W/A every time they speak, they will have to start their sentence
with the next letter of the alphabet.
Start with a sentence that begins with “A”, then pick a S
and have them respond with a sentence that starts with B.
V/E/A T H/S Then the following S will start their sentence with C, etc.
If you have got the time, try to finish the whole alphabet!
→ Step 3: Ss ask for a chance on a square like this: “We
would like to try for the square with the letter in EXAMPLE
it.” (Useful expression to be written on board at least the T: Actually, I’ve always loved windy weather.
first couple of times the game is played.)
S1: Basically, it’s just air moving.
→ Questions: S2: Constantly!
1. Where are the most important cities of Thalou S4: Did you hear that?
S5: Extraordinary!
2. What was the Zhouma family like?
Encourage the rest of the group to mime or whisper ideas
3. Who wore colourful layers?
to their classmates if they are struggling.
4. What was considered really important for opening
doors when looking for work? → Step 2: If your next class is an online class, tell Ss
5. What was the most important tradition in Thalou? to go to the next lesson on the T&T zONe and look for the
assigned activities in the Class Preparation section so that
6. How many brothers and sisters did Sidney have? they know what they have to work on for the next session.
7. When did kids in Thalou start studying English?
8. What is very common in Thalou during spring and NEXT CLASS PREPARATION (2 MIN.)
9. What was the food like in Thalou? Students must do the following at home in time for the
next class.
1. C / V (The most important cities are often located
between Cliffs and Valleys) • Go to the Class Preparation section for the following
2. C / H / F (The Zhoumas were a Close, Happy Family) lesson. Remind them which lesson is next so that
they know which lesson they have to access on the
3. M / A / W / A (Men And Women Alike wore colourful PLTF.
4. L / E (Learning English was considered to be really
important for opening doors when looking for work)

– 179 –
Kids&Us 2020
Bonus Lesson#2_in Fairy Tales 1



→ Step 1: Remind the Ss to check if they completed all

the HW tasks so far. Also, remind them not to forget playing
with the app even if they don’t have any specific match to
play this time.


Ask Ss one of the DQs of the day. Once the S has answered
in full, he / she can leave the classroom.

• How well does your dad sing?

• How well does your best friend write?
• How well does your grandmother speak English?
• How well does your grandfather swim?
• How well do you play football / basketball /

– 180 –
Kids&Us 2020
Photocopiable Resources (PHC)
Red Riding Hoody

– 181 –
Kids&Us 2020
PHC#1 Red Riding Hoody | Photocopiable Resources (PHC)

Tweens 2 Revision






– 182 –
Kids&Us 2020
PHC#2 Red Riding Hoody | Photocopiable Resources (PHC)

1. Label the hobbies represented in the pictures below and then draw something you're into.

2. Fill in the first column about yourself, and then interview two of your classmates.


What are you into?

What were you into when

you were 6?

What do you think

you will be into
when you are 30?

What do you think

you won't be into
when you are 60?

– 183 –
Kids&Us 2020
PHC#3 Red Riding Hoody | Photocopiable Resources (PHC)

Song: Used to


What did Susan use to be

afraid of? (2 things)

What did Susan use to believe

in, that she doesn’t believe in
anymore? (2 things)

Which toys are mentioned

in the song?

Song: Used to


What did Susan use to be

afraid of? (2 things)

What did Susan use to believe

in, that she doesn’t believe in
anymore? (2 things)

Which toys are mentioned

in the song?

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PHC#4 Red Riding Hoody | Photocopiable Resources (PHC)

Tense Revision Grid

3 times so far

this week


– 185 –
Kids&Us 2020
PHC#5 Red Riding Hoody | Photocopiable Resources (PHC)

Mime it – Chapter 1





– 186 –
Kids&Us 2020
Tense Revision Grid (scrambled)

Kids&Us 2020
+ -

3 times so far
this week

– 187 –

Every day

Red Riding Hoody | Photocopiable Resources (PHC)
PHC#7 Red Riding Hoody | Photocopiable Resources (PHC)

Dice Game – Chapter 1 & 2







– 188 –
Kids&Us 2020
PHC#8 Red Riding Hoody | Photocopiable Resources (PHC)

You will hear a radio announcement. Listen carefully and colour in red, yellow or green the elements
that are mentioned.

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Kids&Us 2020
PHC#9 Red Riding Hoody | Photocopiable Resources (PHC)

Assessing a piece of writing


The reader is informed of all the most important events in the story.
5 There are very few spelling or grammatical errors,
and they do not impede communication.

4 Performance shares features of band 5 and band 3.

Some parts of the story are communicated clearly. Others

are missing or are difficult to understand due to errors

2 Performance shares features of band 5 and band 3.

1 The errors make it difficult for the reader to understand most of the text.

Assessing a piece of writing


The reader is informed of all the most important events in the story.
5 There are very few spelling or grammatical errors,
and they do not impede communication.

4 Performance shares features of band 5 and band 3.

Some parts of the story are communicated clearly. Others

are missing or are difficult to understand due to errors

2 Performance shares features of band 5 and band 3.

1 The errors make it difficult for the reader to understand most of the text.

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PHC#10 Red Riding Hoody | Photocopiable Resources (PHC)



– 191 –
Kids&Us 2020
Tense Revision Grid (with questions)

Kids&Us 2020

+ - ?


– 192 –


3 times so
far this week
Red Riding Hoody | Photocopiable Resources (PHC)
PHC#12 Red Riding Hoody | Photocopiable Resources (PHC)

Put the text in order (book exercise 46, page 47)

After lunch that day, they decided to sit down together and look through
Susan’s BMX scrapbook.

The following Saturday, there was going to be a BMX competition in her

hometown. She decided she should enter the competition to honour the
memory of her gran.

A few months later it was a Saturday in early spring. Flowers were blooming,
the days were getting longer, the weather was getting warmer and Susan’s
family were feeling a little better.

So every afternoon that week after school, Susan put on her lucky red hoody
and practised her BMX tricks until they were perfect. She was going to make
her gran so proud of her!

They slowly looked at each of the photos and laughed and joked about all
of the memories. Susan hadn’t been to see any BMX competitions since her
gran had died, but looking through the photos gave her new inspiration.

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Kids&Us 2020
PHC#13 Red Riding Hoody | Photocopiable Resources (PHC)

Cut out the strips and mix them up

Students rearrange them in the correct order using BEFORE and AFTER + V-ing.


Gran took Susan to BMX competitions. Gran took Susan to BMX competitions.

Gran took photos of Susan. Gran took photos of Susan.

Gran made a scrapbook for Susan. Gran made a scrapbook for Susan.

Gran gave Susan the scrapbook. Gran gave Susan the scrapbook.

Gran bought the Christmas gifts. Gran bought the Christmas gifts.

Gran tripped. Gran tripped.

Gran fell down the stairs. Gran fell down the stairs.

Gran passed away. Gran passed away.

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Kids&Us 2020
Tense Revision Grid (with questions, scrambled tenses)

Kids&Us 2020

+ - ?

3 times so
far this week

– 195 –


Red Riding Hoody | Photocopiable Resources (PHC)
PHC#15 Red Riding Hoody | Photocopiable Resources (PHC)

Silence! Game 1







– 196 –
Kids&Us 2020
PHC#16A Red Riding Hoody | Photocopiable Resources (PHC)

What happened on competition day? Student A

1. Read what Susan did on the day of the competition and answer your partner’s questions:

On the day of the competition, Susan woke up by herself. She didn’t sleep very well because she was afraid of oversleeping
and not getting to the competition in time. As soon a she woke up, she had a quick, cold shower because she wanted
to feel fresh and awake. After the shower she went down to the kitchen to have breakfast, she was so nervous that she
didn’t feel hungry, so she only had a cup of drinking chocolate with cereal.

2. Now find out from your partner what happened before. Use the cues to ask the questions:

After breakfast she wanted (1) , went back to (2)

sat (3) and listened to (4) . While listening to music, she tried
to (5) she was going to do in her mind, first the jumps, then the spins and finally
the flips in the air. She also thought of (6) , and how much she would like her to be there in
the arena, watching her. She started (7) , but then her mum knocked on the door and told
her it was time to go, so she took (8) and left.

3. Student A’s cues for questions:

1. What / she / want / do / after breakfast?
2. Where / she / go?
3. Where / she / sit?
4. What / she / listen to?
5. What / she / try to do?
6. Who / she / think of?
7. What / she / start / to do?
8. What / she / take?

4. Check student B asks his/her questions correctly:

1. When did she wake up?
2. What was she afraid of?
3. What did she have after waking up?
4. What did she want to do?
5. Where did she go?
6. How did she feel?
7. What did she have for breakfast?

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Kids&Us 2020
PHC#16B Red Riding Hoody | Photocopiable Resources (PHC)

What happened on competition day? Student B

1. Read what Susan did on the day of the competition and answer your partner’s questions:

After breakfast she wanted to relax and concentrate on the competition, went back to her bedroom sat on her bed and
listened to her favourite music. While listening to music, she tried to picture the tricks she was going to do in her mind,
first the jumps, then the spins and finally the flips in the air. She also thought of Gran, and how much she would like her
to be there in the arena, watching her. She started to cry, but then her mum knocked on the door and told her it was time
to go, so she took her anorak and left.

2. Now find out from your partner what happened before. Use the cues to ask the questions:

On the day of the competition, Susan woke up (1) . She didn’t sleep very well because
she was afraid of (2) and not getting to the competition in time. As soon as she woke
up, she had (3) because she wanted to (4) . After the shower she
went (5) to have breakfast, she was (6) that she
didn’t feel hungry, so she only had (7) .

3. Student B’s cues for questions:

1. When / she / wake up?
2. What / she / afraid of?
3. What / she / have / after / wake up?
4. What / she / want / to do?
5. Where / she / go?
6. How / she / feel?
7. What / she / have / for breakfast?

4. Check student A asks his/her questions correctly:

1. What did she want to do after breakfast?
2. Where did she go?
3. Where did she sit?
4. What did she listen to?
5. What did she try to do?
6. Who did she think of?
7. What did she start to do?
8. What did she take?

– 198 –
Kids&Us 2020
PHC#17 Red Riding Hoody | Photocopiable Resources (PHC)

Comparing my classmates
Fill in the “Me” column about yourself and then interview two other classmates:

1 = No good at ... | 2 = Quite good at ... | 3 = Very good at ...

How good are

you at...?

Make your bed

Wash the dishes

Drive your teacher crazy

Keep secrets

Now exchange information with a classmate you didn’t interview.Use the language below in your

1 = ... IS THE WORST | 2 = ... IS NOT AS GOOD AS ... | 3 = ... IS THE BEST

NOTE: If there is a draw = ... IS AS GOOD / BAD AS…

“Who did you Interview?” “I interviewed Marina and Roger”

“How good is Marina at English?” “She is the best / She is the worst / She is not as good as ... .
Marina’s score was ... and Roger’s score was ...”

How good is at...?

Make his/her bed

Wash the dishes

Drive your teacher crazy

Keep secrets

– 199 –
Kids&Us 2020
PHC#18 Red Riding Hoody | Photocopiable Resources (PHC)

Dice Game – Chapter 3 & 4






– 200 –
Kids&Us 2020
Tense Revision Grid (with Super Past)

Kids&Us 2020

+ - ?


– 201 –


3 times so
far this week

Before she
arrived home
Red Riding Hoody | Photocopiable Resources (PHC)
PHC#20 Red Riding Hoody | Photocopiable Resources (PHC)

Locations and activities


campsite put up a tent

New York visit the Statue of Liberty

shout at the top

theme park
of your lungs

cemetery feel scared

library borrow a book

crowded concert pass out

ask for directions

to find the departure gate
buy something
department store
you don't need

hospital have an X-ray done

Have you ever been to (location) and / to (activity) ?

Yes, I have.
No, I have never .

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Kids&Us 2020
PHC#21 Red Riding Hoody | Photocopiable Resources (PHC)

Chapter 5 part 2 | Script

Commentator/Interviewer: And now onto the sports news. Ladies and gentlemen, as part of our ongoing series on up
and coming sports figures from all over England, I am pleased to say that today we’ve got an exclusive interview with
Susan “Red Riding Hoody” Williams, the reigning champion in the world of kids’ competitive BMX! Susan, thanks for
coming in today to chat with us!

Susan: Thank you for inviting me!

C/I: So Susan, can you tell all your fans out there the secret to your success?

Susan: Oh, gosh! There’s no secret. I just practise all the time! I mean when I’m not at school or doing my homework,
I’m out there on my bike practising my stunts.

C/I: What? No sleeping? No eating?

Susan: Well, you know what I mean. I practise about 3 hours a day!

C/I: Well, all your hard work seems to be paying off. Last week you won first place in Salisbury’s first BMX and Skate
Festival in your category! How does that make you feel?

Susan: I feel very lucky! Whenever I fall or feel down or unmotivated, a little voice whispers in my ear that as long as
I work hard and do my best, I’ll come out on top!

C/I: Well, that’s a philosophy that all your young fans can learn from! Kids, did you hear that out there? Work hard and
do your best! Well, that’s all the time we havefor today. Thanks again for talking to us, Susan. I look forward to watching
you take part in many more competitions and I wish you the best of luck!

Susan: It’s been fun talking to you!

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Kids&Us 2020
PHC#22 Red Riding Hoody | Photocopiable Resources (PHC)

Silence! Game 2






– 204 –
Kids&Us 2020
PHC#23 Red Riding Hoody | Photocopiable Resources (PHC)

That must have been...!

This morning I sang Happy Birthday to my best friend in front of everybody in class.... And it turned
out his birthday is next week!

I s p e n t a l l n i g h t st u d y i n g fo r m y s c i e n ce exa m , a n d w h e n I g o t to
school this morning... The teacher gave us the English test! I had
studied for the wrong exam!

To make my mum's day, I decided to clean and tidy my room. Well, I share it with my little sister, so I
tidied all her things too. When I finished, though, she came with three of her friends to make a pyjamas
party and my mum told me I should let them have their party!

My grandpa had been feeling unwell for quite a while so he decided to go and see the doctor. After
a lot of tests, the doctor told him he was seriously ill and that there was no solution to his condition.
All the family went crazy when we learned the news, but a week later the doctor called and said there
had been a terrible mistake. He had given my grandpa someone else's diagnosis! My granda had only
a huge flu!

Yesterday a I bought a gorgeous t-shirt that I had seen weeks ago in my favourite shop. It costed me
a lot of money, and I had to insist a lot to my mum, but I couldn't help it. It was the nicest t-shirt I had
ever seen. This morning though, I went to school and all the girls in my class were wearing it!

Last summer my family wanted to go to New York on holidays. We woke up at 4 o'clock in the morning
to take the plane, and after queueing for more than an hour, when we got to the police security check,
my dad realised he had left his passport at home!

Once my parents took me and a friend to a huge concert. We were having a real blast when my friend
said she needed to go to the toilet. So we agreed we would wait for her right there. She said it would
be just 5 minutes, but she got lost and it took as a whole hour to find her!

My grandparents gave me 200€ for my birthday last weekend and my parents told me I can do
whatever I want with the money!

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Kids&Us 2020
PHC#24 Red Riding Hoody | Photocopiable Resources (PHC)

Bingo Boards

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Kids&Us 2020
PHC#25 Red Riding Hoody | Photocopiable Resources (PHC)

Present perfect information exchange

FOR ...

• We use SINCE +
• We use FOR +

1. What would you use the following with?

two years - 1999 - I was a child - 10 minutes - last April - 6 months - 2 seconds - last summer

2. First finish the sentences below:

1. I have lived in since .
2. I have been a student here for .
3. I have been studying English for .
4. I have liked since .
5. I have had these shoes since .
6. I have had this pencil case for .

3. Now ask two people in your class the following questions and write down their answers:

How long have you...?

live in ...

be a student here

study English

like ...

have these shoes

have these shoes

– 207 –
Kids&Us 2020
PHC#26 Red Riding Hoody | Photocopiable Resources (PHC)

Last Christmas
First complete the questions, then fill in the first column in the grid below with your own information
and then interview your partner about last Christmas.
1. How many ?
I got 10 presents.
2. When ?
I get presents on the 6th of January.
3. anywhere?
Yes, I did, I went skiing in the Swiss Alps.
4. on Christmas Eve?
On Christmas Eve I had a family dinner.
5. your favourite present?
My favourite present was a laptop.
6. your parents work or were they on holiday?
My parents worked every day.
7. going back to school?
No, I didn’t feel like going back to school.


Number of presents?

When you get presents?

Go anywhere?

What you did on Chr. Eve?

Favourite present?

Parents work?

Feel like going ... back ...?

– 208 –
Kids&Us 2020
PHC#27 Red Riding Hoody | Photocopiable Resources (PHC)

Relative Pronouns & Vocabulary Revision





– 209 –
Kids&Us 2020
PHC#28A Red Riding Hoody | Photocopiable Resources (PHC)

She has listened to the CD. (–)

Susan gave interviews. (–)

Susan had become a huge BMX star. (–)

People used to point at Susan. (–)

BMXers meet at the skate park. (–)

Susan took part in competitions every weekend. (–)

Jason had emailed the police. (–)

She always wore her lucky red hoody. (–)

Susan felt lost without her hoody. (–)

Susan was happy with her life.(-)

Susan has fallen off her bike. (–)

She is taking the bus. (?)

– 210 –
Kids&Us 2020
PHC#28B Red Riding Hoody | Photocopiable Resources (PHC)

They have opened their gifts. (–)

They used to spend the afternoons together. (–)

She wore her lucky red hoody. (?)

Susan comes from England. (?)

BMXers met at the skate park. (?)

Susan took part in competitions every weekend. (?)

They took Gran to hospital. (?)

Mum got a gorgeous dress. (?)

Susan felt lost without her hoody. (?)

Susan was picking up a few tips.(?)

Susan was into BMX. (?)

She was taking the bus. (?)

– 211 –
Kids&Us 2020
PHC#29 Red Riding Hoody | Photocopiable Resources (PHC)

Pair Matching



















– 212 –
Kids&Us 2020
PHC#30 Red Riding Hoody | Photocopiable Resources (PHC)









– 213 –
Kids&Us 2020
– 214 –
Kids&Us 2020
Homework Key
Red Riding Hoody

– 215 –
Kids&Us 2020
HW#1 | Teacher's key Red Riding Hoody | Homework Key

1. Circle the right words to create correct questions. Then answer them in complete sentences:
1. Where / Which does / do your closest friend live?
My closest friend lives in
2. When / How old is / are your mum?
My mum is...
3. Where / What kind of sports events do / does you and your family go / goes to see?
We go to see...
4. What / How are / is the weather like in your country ?
It is / It's...

2. The information in these sentences is true, but there are mistakes. All sentences are written in the

1. My little cousin like playing with mud and sticks. / My little cousin likes playing with mud and sticks.

2. My mum sometimes take me to see swimming competitions. / My mum sometimes takes me to see

swimming competitions.

3. My closest friend ride her bike nearly every day. / My closest friend rides her bike nearly every day.

4. My grandparents always takes pictures of us. / My grandparents always take pictures of us.

5. My sister don’t sit around the house doing nothing – she’re a live wire. / My sister doesn’t sit

around the house doing nothing – she’s a live wire.

3. Fill in the blanks with TRUE information about your life, using the verbs in brackets ( ) in affirmative
or negative:
1. My mother doesn’t like mud and dirt around the house. (like)
2. My grandparents take / don’t take me to see sports events. (take)
3. My best friend knows / doesn’t know how to do flips on his/her bike. (know)
4. My best friend sits / doesn’t sit around the house doing nothing. (sit)

– 216 –
Kids&Us 2020
HW#2 | Teacher's key Red Riding Hoody | Homework Key

1. Write the questions that elicited the following answers:

1. Susan felt very nervous. / How did Susan feel?

2. She used to play with mud and sticks when she was 4. / What did Susan use to do when she was 4?
3. Susan's gran gave her a scrapbook. / What did Susan's gran give Susan?

4. She was only 8 years old. / How old was Susan?
5. She could ride a bike really well. / What could Susan do (really well)? / How well could Susan ride her bike?
6. She waited for tweny minutes that day. / How long did Susan wait (for her gran)?

2. Write a summary of Chapter 1 explaining the most important things that have happened. You can
use the words below.


(Answers may vary)

3. Transform the verb in each case to make sentences:

Susan / have /cereal for breakfast

+ -

EVERY DAY Susan has cereal for breakfast. Susan doesn't have cereal for breakfast.

NOW Susan is having cereal for breakfast. Susan isn't having cereal for breakfast.

YESTERDAY Susan had cereal for breakfast. Susan didn't have cereal for breakfast.

Susan will have cereal for breakfast.

Susan won't have cereal for breakfast.OR
TOMORROW OR Susan is going to have cereal for
Susan isn't going to have cereal for breakfast.

Susan has had cereal for breakfast. Susan hasn't had cereal for breakfast.

– 217 –
Kids&Us 2020
HW#3 | Teacher's key Red Riding Hoody | Homework Key

1. Replace the words in bold with a phrase or expression from chapters 1, 2 and 3. You might have to
open the book to help you.
1. Susan decided she should take part in the competition. / enter
2. They started saying funny things while looking at the photos. / joking
3. They all felt terrible after Granny's death / felt awful
4. Susan put her BMX in its proper place. / put it away
5. Susan didn't feel like opening the presents / (wasn't) in the mood for
6. Granny didn't survive / make it through

2. Transform the verb in each case to make sentences.

Granny / drink / a cup of tea

+ -

EVERY DAY Gran drinks a cup of tea. Gran doesn't drink a cup of tea.

NOW Gran is drinking a cup of tea. Gran isn't drinking a cup of tea.

YESTERDAY Gran drank a cup of tea. Gran didn't drink a cup of tea.

Gran will drink a cup of tea. Gran won't drink a cup of tea.
Gran is going to drink a cup of tea. Gran isn't going to drink a cup of tea.

Gran has drunk a cup of tea. Gran hasn't drunk a cup of tea.

3. BY MYSELF = ALONE. Look at the sentences and replace ALONE by BY ...SELF / ...SELVES. Check
page 66 if you need to.
1. Susan didn’t do the homework alone. / by herself.
2. I like being in my bedroom alone. / by myself.
3. My friends do their homework alone. / by themselves.
4. My dad works alone. / by himself.
5. Can we go to the cinema alone? / by ourselves?
6. You and your sister are going to stay at home alone. / by yourselves.
7. My dog plays in the garden alone. / by itself.

– 218 –
Kids&Us 2020
HW#4 | Teacher's key Red Riding Hoody | Homework Key

1. Answer the questions below in full:

a. Who is the oldest person in your family? / The oldest person in my family is...
b. Who is the youngest person in your family? / The youngest person in my family is...
c. Who is the best at English in your family? / The best at English in my family is...
d. Who is the worst at English in your family? / The worst at English in my family is...

2. Find expressions in Chapter 4 that can replace the words in bold.

1. I went to my oldest cousin's wedding last week and everybody cried with happiness.

cried tears of joy

2. My youngest cousin, Grace, is only 6 months old. I asked my aunt if I could hold Grace, and she said I had to
hold her with a lot of care

3. I am always very sure of myself, so I told my aunt it would be a peace of cake.


4. Poor Grace had an upset tummy, and when I held her she vomited all over my shirt!

threw up

5. I decided I didn't want to hold her ever again.


3. Write a summary of Chapters 3 and 4 explaining the most important things that have happened. You
can use the words below.



(Answers may vary)

– 219 –
Kids&Us 2020
HW#5 | Teacher's key Red Riding Hoody | Homework Key

1. Finish these sentences as shown in the example. Use the phrases below:

be speechless lose weight give me the biggest hug ever

miss the train cry tears of joy

• If we don’t hurry, we will miss the train.

• If you stop eating junk food, you’ll lose weight.
• If I win the competition, I’ll cry tears of joy.
• If I pass my exam with flying colours, my mum will give me the biggest hug ever.
• If you are told you have won the lottery, you’ll be speechless.

2. Complete the sentences using the phrases below:

be famous not wear her hoody rip another hole

perform amazingly win lots of competitions

• If Susan wins lots of competitions , she will become very famous

• If she is famous , people will ask her for autographs in the street.
• If she performs amazingly at BMX competitions, the crowd will cheer, scream and clap.
• If she rips another hole , she’ll burst into tears.
• If she doesn’t wear her hoody , she’ll feel lost without it.

3. Put the verbs in the correct form: EVERY DAY or WILL FUTURE.

• If it rains (rain) tomorrow, I will stay (stay) at home.

• If I find (find) a wallet in the street, I will not keep it (not keep it), I will take
(take) it to the police station.

• If the ice in the caps melts (melt), there will be (be) floods.

• If we do (do) nothing, many animal species will become (become) extinct.

• If you want (want) to avoid global warming, we will have (have) to save energy.

– 220 –
Kids&Us 2020
HW#6 | Teacher's key Red Riding Hoody | Homework Key

1. Rephrase the sentences below using the verb in SO FAR + FOR or SINCE.
• I bought these shoes two months ago. I have had these shoes for two months
• I went skiing last Christmas. I haven't been skiing since December (answers may vary)
• I saw my grandmother two weeks ago. I haven't seen my grandmother since Tuesday (answers may vary)
• I bought these jeans 1 week ago. I have had these jeans for 1 week
• I went to Rome last summer. I haven't been to Rome since July (answers may vary)
• I called my dad 2 minutes ago. I haven't talked to my dad since 18:45 (answers may vary)
• I spoke to my grandpa last summer. I haven't spoken to my grandpa since August (answers may vary

2. Rephrase the sentences changing from FOR to SINCE.

• I have been here for 1 hour. I have been here since 10 am (answers may vary)
• I have been a student here for 5 years. I have been a student since 2012 (answers may vary)
• I have been wearing these shoes for 6 hours. I have been wearing these shoes since 5 pm (answers may vary)
• I have had this teacher for 3 months. I have had this teacher since May (answers may vary)
• I have lived in my house all my life. I have lived in my house since I was born
• I have had these shoes for 3 days. I have had these shoes since Thursday (answers may vary)

3. Transform the verb in each case to make sentences:

George / ride / his bike

+ -

EVERY DAY George rides his bike. George doesn't ride his bike.

NOW George is riding his bike. George isn't riding his bike.

YESTERDAY George rode his bike. George didn't ride his bike.

George will ride his bike. George won't ride his bike.
OR George is going to ride his bike. OR George isn't going to ride his bike.

George has ridden his bike. George hasn't riden his bike.

– 221 –
Kids&Us 2020
HW#7 | Teacher's key Red Riding Hoody | Homework Key

1. In the Red Riding Hoody story, what had / hadn’t happened before Susan met Jason?


Gran had passed away.

Susan had

Susan hadn’t

Jason had

Jason hadn’t

2. Using one item from each column, write out the sentences:

a. Gran gets a new mobile for Christmas.

b. Mum Susan has is BMXing.
c. Susan Susan practises nearly every day.
d. A red hoody tries to hurt Susan.
e. The arena passes away in the story.
f. Dad BMX competitions take place.
g. The skate park gets a gorgeous dress for Christmas.
h. Jason brings Susan good luck.
i. The hobby is the protagonist of the story.

a. Gran is the person that / who passes away in the story.

b. Mum is the person that / who gets a gorgeous dress for Christmas.

c. Susan is the person that / who is the protagonist of the story.

d. A red hoody is the thing that / which brings Susan good luck.

e. The arena is the place where BMX competitions take place.

f. Dad is the person that / who gets a mobile for Christmas.

g. The skate park is the place where Susan practises nearly every day.

h. Jason is the person that / who tries to hurt Susan.

i. The hobby that / which Susan has is BMXing.

– 222 –
Kids&Us 2020
HW#7 | Teacher's key Red Riding Hoody | Homework Key

3. Write a summary of Chapters 5 and 6 explaining the most important things that have happened. You
can use the words below.



(Answers may vary)

– 223 –
Kids&Us 2020
– 224 –
Kids&Us 2020
Fairy Tales 1

– 225 –
Kids&Us 2020
Fairy Tales 1 | Tapescripts

GRAN: Oh, you’ve made my day. Let me pay for it before

someone else shows up and falls in love with it too!
S.A.: Sure, madam. If you just want to follow me to the
CD1 TRACK #6 checkout. Would you like us to wrap it up?
GRAN: If you’d be so kind, yes, please.
SHOP ASSISTANT: Good morning. Can I help you?
GRAN: Yes, please. I was looking for a nice present for
my granddaughter. CD1 TRACK #10

S.A.: Oh, how sweet. How old is she? Woodsville Department Store welcomes you to our annual
Christmas sales! From December 13th to January 5th save
GRAN: She’s 7 and a half. up to 45% in your Christmas shopping! We’ve got all kinds
S.A.: 7 and a half, then she’s definitely going to love these. of discounts for all sorts of needs! See a yellow label?
They’re very popular among children. Save up to 25%! See a green label? 30% off! See a red
label? Save 45%! If joining a gym is one of your new year’s
GRAN: Well, they look fine, but it is not what I had in mind.
resolutions, then make sure you visit our sports section.
S.A.: What were you thinking of, then? You’ll find green discounts on swimsuits, ski helmets and
GRAN: Well, I’d like to buy something she could wear. tennis rackets. Do you spend your day surfing the web and
Something warm. texting? If the answer is yes, come and visit our Electronics
section. Forget about expensive prices and don’t miss out
S.A.: Shall we go to the shoe section? We’ve got some on our outstanding red offers! Does your office equipment
lovely leather boots. need updating? Check out our laptops and printers! We’ve
GRAN: Oh no, not boots. She prefers wearing trainers to got the best brands at the cheapest prices! Check out
wearing boots. the yellow discounts in our Home section. Need a new
dishwasher? A bigger washing machine? You’ll find the
S.A.: So no dresses then, either? latest models in our home section and yes, you’ll pay 30%
GRAN: No, thank you. less! And go crazy with our red discounts in furniture.
Modern cupboards or comfy armchairs are waiting for you!
S.A.: What about necklaces, bracelets or rings?
Merry Christmas and Happy Shopping! Remember, these
GRAN: Oh, no, no, no. My granddaughter is not into shiny promotions are not valid with any other offer, discount
things. She’s not into dressing up, either. We should go or coupon.
for something comfortable, loose and sporty.
S.A.: Then follow me, madam. Let’s go to the tracksuits CD1 TRACK #12 (KEY)
section. What about this?
1. A few months later it was a Saturday in early
GRAN: Lovely! But what is it made of? It looks thick and spring. Flowers were blooming, the days were
heavy. getting longer, the weather was getting warmer and
S.A.: This one is made of wool. Susan’s family were feeling a little better.

GRAN: Don’t you have anything in cotton? 2. After lunch that day, they decided to sit down
together and look through Susan’s BMX scrapbook.
S.A.: Sure, madam. What about this one?
3. They slowly looked at each of the photos and
GRAN: Oh, I love it! But the sleeves seem a bit too short. laughed and joked about all of the memories. Susan
What size is it? hadn’t been to see any BMX competitions since her
S.A.: It’s a small, madam. gran had died, but looking through the photos gave
her new inspiration
GRAN: Could I see a medium, please? And have you got
it with a hood? 4. The following Saturday, there was going to be a
BMX competition in her hometown. She decided she
S.A.: Here you are, madam.
should enter the competition to honour the memory
GRAN: Fantastic, I think this is it. This is really Susan’s of her gran.
style. Just one more thing. Have you got it in red? It’s her
5. So that week, in the afternoons when she got back
favourite colour.
from school, Susan put on her lucky red hoody and
S.A.: Let me see… Oh, you are very lucky. This is the last one practised her BMX tricks until they were perfect.
we have in the store. And it’s only 45 pounds… a bargain! She was going to make her gran so proud of her!

– 226 –
Kids&Us 2020
Fairy Tales 1 | Tapescripts

CD1 TRACK #14 GIRL: Hi Oscar! Well, I spent the whole weekend at home
with a cold.
SPEAKER 1: I don’t make my bed myself. I have it made.
BOY: Oh, you poor thing! But you were absolutely fine on
S2: Well I’m rich, so I obviously have my clothes washed,
Friday when we went on that school trip to the forest!
ironed and folded for me.
S3: Really? I’m so rich that I even have my luggage carried GIRL: Yes, I was, but in the evening it got chilly and I didn’t
when I travel. have my hoody with me, so I caught a cold.

S4: Oh, so do I. But then I also have my car driven by a BOY: Oh, what a shame! By the way, what do you think
chauffeur. about the trip, it was good fun, wasn’t it?

S5: Oh please! I even have my text messages typed for GIRL: Yes, it was amazing! I really enjoyed having lunch all
me. My nails are too long, so I can’t type on my mobile. together. Everyone shared their crisps and sandwiches…!
Did I mention that I have my nails painted, too? BOY: Yes! If people hadn’t shared their food with me, I
wouldn’t have eaten at all!
CD1 TRACK #16 GIRL: Oh, why’s that?
JOURNALIST/COMMENTATOR: Things are getting exciting BOY: The teacher told me off before lunch so I was late.
today at the 11th Super BMX Junior series. I’m here with I tried to hurry up but then I tripped over a rock and my
BMX legend Lucas Krasinsky. Lucas, which competitor lunch fell in the mud! It was awful!
has done the best spins?
GIRL: Poor you. Anyway… The best moment of the day was
BMX EXPERT: Well, I’d say that Freddie Clements has when we picked up wooden sticks and played baseball
done the best spins, but young Susan Williams would be with them! It was so cool!
a close second. George Ray’s spins have been quite good,
but not as good as Susan’s, or Freddie’s. BOY: That’s right! However, it was a pity that only 3 girls
joined us. Where were the others?
J/C: Susan Williams has done an amazing flip, too.
GIRL: Those lazybones spent the whole afternoon taking
BMX: Yes, she’s definitely the best at flips. Which is selfies for their Instagram accounts.
incredible, considering she is a lot younger than most of
the other competitors. BOY: Mmm. You know, I was glad that our new classmate
Florence came along. The day before, she had said that
J/C: Who has done better flips in your opinion, Freddie she wasn’t in the mood for hanging out with people that
Clements or George Ray? she didn’t know so well.
BMX: Well, it’s difficult to say, but I think Freddie’s flips GIRL: Had she? She must be quite unhappy here, all alone,
have been a bit better than George’s. Sorry George! her closest friend lives so far away now.
J/C: What about their bikes? BOY: I think we should look after her and help her find
BMX: Well, I wish I had had George Ray’s bike when I was new friends. What do you think?
his age! Have you seen George’s bike? It must be very GIRL: That’s a good idea, Oscar! I’m going to invite her to
expensive. To be honest, he has the best junior bike I my birthday party next week!
have ever seen. The weird thing is Freddie Clements has
performed much better than him, even though he has
got the worst bike: too heavy, and not as fast as Susan’s CD1 TRACK #18
bike, for example. Ladies and gentlemen, the day has come to an end and
J/C: Thank you very much for taking time to talk to us, it is time to announce the winners.
Lucas. It has been a tough battle. 72 riders from all over the country
BMX: You’re welcome. have been competing and performing their best tricks
to win today’s competition. The almost 10,000 spectators
gathered here today at Woodsville have witnessed 13 rounds
CD1 TRACK #23 (TEST 1) and more than 930 tricks. We have seen 123 astonishing
Look at the six sentences. You’ll hear a boy called Oscar front flips as well as 167 back flips which have left us all
and a girl called Emily talking about the school trip they speechless. All of the competitors were absolutely amazing,
went on last Friday. Decide if each sentence is true or but unfortunately, only three of them will make it to the
false. Circle the right answer. podium. Are you ready to find out who they are?
BOY: Hey, Emily! How was your weekend? With 246 points, our 13 year old rookie George Ray wins a
well-deserved third place. Congratulations mate!

– 227 –
Kids&Us 2020
Fairy Tales 1 | Tapescripts

The second place goes to a 15 year old boy who has proven Susan would have to push away sadness.
to be the life of the party. With 351 points and some of
Pedals spinning out and away from madness.
today’s best stunts, please welcome the incredible Freddie
Clements! Jump and flip across the hills of fear.

Finally, a rider who has stolen the show. She’s our youngest Leap for tricks on her BMX, on her BMX.
rider, it’s her first competition ever and, nonetheless, she
has an astonishing score of 398 points. Please meet our
outright winner, Susan Williams! And with that hood, that beautiful red hoody.
And with that hood, that beautiful red hoody.
CD1 TRACK #20 And with that hood, that beautiful red hoody.

Commentator/Interviewer: And now onto the sports news. Susan was now Little Red Riding Hoody.
Ladies and gentlemen, as part of our ongoing series on
up and coming sports figures from all over England, I am
pleased to say that today we’ve got an exclusive interview Jump and flip and cross and spin.
with Susan “Red Riding Hoody” Williams, the reigning And up the ramp and fly like wind.
champion in the world of kids’ competitive BMX! Susan,
Turn and brake and breathe in deep.
thanks for coming in today to chat with us!
New tricks will come out of her feet.
Susan: Thank you for inviting me!
C/I: So Susan, can you tell all your fans out there the
secret to your success? So she jumped and flipped and crossed and spun.
Susan: Oh, gosh! There’s no secret. I just practise all the Those wheels those wheels made her a champ.
time! I mean when I’m not at school or doing my homework, The youngest champ on a BMX, on a BMX, on a BMX.
I’m out there on my bike practising my stunts.
C/I: What? No sleeping? No eating?
Interviews on television,
Susan: Well, you know what I mean. I practise about 3
hours a day! Signing autographs like she was on a mission.

C/I: Well, all your hard work seems to be paying off. Last With no permission
week you won first place in Salisbury’s first BMX and Skate She got an e-mail, e-mail, e-mail, fake, fake e-mail.
Festival in your category! How does that make you feel?
It wasn’t a boy! Fake, fake ID.
Susan: I feel very lucky! Whenever I fall or feel down or
Jason had been in the hands of a bully.
unmotivated, a little voice whispers in my ear that as long
as I work hard and do my best, I’ll come out on top! And what are you going to do?
C/I: Well, that’s a philosophy that all your young fans can When you’re facing somebody who is missing a screw.
learn from! Kids, did you hear that out there? Work hard
They met on a fake, fake TV set.
and do your best! Well, that’s all the time we havefor today.
Thanks again for talking to us, Susan. I look forward to He said it was an interview and yet
watching you take part in many more competitions and I Susan saw something strange in that man.
wish you the best of luck!
Our Little Hoody couldn’t understand.
Susan: It’s been fun talking to you!

CD1 TRACK #3 Little Red Riding Hood left the set.

Jason came tumbling after.
The door slammed into Jason’s head.
Up the hill and down the alley.
Was that Little Hoody’s Granny?
She rode her bike always watched by Granny.
With that hood, that beautiful red hoody.
But what if Granny wasn’t there one day?
And with that hood, that beautiful red hoody.
What if Granny tripped and passed away?
And with that hood, that beautiful red hoody.

– 228 –
Kids&Us 2020
Fairy Tales 1 | Tapescripts

Susan was now Little Red Riding Hoody. CD2 TRACK #6

Jump and flip and cross and spin.
My family? Well, I have a rather small family. There’s my
And up the ramp and fly like wind. dad, his name is Rahulan Zhouma. He is married to my
Turn and brake and breathe in deep. mum, Noofa. I am an only child and so are my parents,
so I haven’t got any cousins, any aunts or uncles. My
New tricks will come out of her feet.
dad’s parents are called Malki and Lakmal. Malki is my
grandfather, he has a sister called Fathima. My great-aunt
Fathima used to be a volunteer nurse. She is single and
she hasn’t got any children.
Then, on my mum’s side, there are my other grandparents,
SCRIPT: Sufuni and Nuwan. Grandma Nuwan’s parents are called
Netmi and Resitha, they are my great-grandparents! They
Journalist: Hello, I’m Charles P. Hunter from The Grimm
are very old (and I mean very VERY old) and I love them so
Tribune. Could I ask you a few questions, please?
much! Apart from my grandma Nuwan they had another
Police Officer: Of course. Please go ahead. daughter, Nayana. From what they’ve told me, my great-
J: Who called the police? aunt Nayana married a foreigner, Adrian, and moved to
Europe many, many years ago. Nayana and Adrian had
PO: It was Susan Williams herself. She managed to escape a daughter named Victoria, who married a man called
from Jason Wolf and knock him out, and then she called Martin Sevil, but I’ve never met them.
us from her mobile phone.
J: What did you do? CD2 TRACK #7
PO: We immediately drove to the scene of the crime. When
we arrived, one police officer stayed with Susan Williams SCRIPT:
to make sure she was ok. My colleague and I went upstairs The North of Thalou is a small desert, called the Red Desert
to arrest Jason Wolf. We found him lying on the floor. I because of the colour of its sand. The most important cities
don’t know how Susan Williams did it, but he was dizzy are located in the centre, often on cliffs or along valleys.
and confused, and couldn’t speak. The South has spectacular scenery, with waterfalls, lakes
J: Did you take him to prison? and mountains.
PO: No. We had to investigate first. We looked into his Thalou is a country with different climates. The North
online activity to try to find some clues. We discovered is dry with severe heat all year round. In the South, the
that he had been pretending to be a teenager on social summers are humid with lots of sunshine, and the winters
networks. He had sent a fake email to Susan Williams are warm and mild. Thunderstorms are common in spring
telling her about a fake interview. We also found out that and autumn.
he had suffered terrible psychological pressure as a child. Men and women alike dress in lots of colourful layers. The
As a teenager he had been bullied by classmates who most common materials are silk for clothes and gold for
were into BMX biking. jewellery. Younger generations, though, are starting to
J: Is that why he tried to hurt Susan? He was taking wear modern clothes, such as jeans, T-shirts and trainers.
revenge? The food in Thalou is hot and spicy, flavoured with chilli,
PO: We suppose so. He suffered emotional and psychological garlic and pepper. Many dishes, like curry, are made
trauma from the bullies at school. He probably wanted to with coconut milk. People eat with their fingers or with
take revenge on Susan, because she is a famous BMX star, chopsticks.
and he connected that to the bullying he had experienced Thalou’s most important tradition is singing. People in
as a teenager. Thalou sing for lots of different reasons: to celebrate an
J: Where is Mr Wolf now? important life event such as a wedding or birth, to cheer
themselves up after a disaster, to entertain small children…
PO: He is under house arrest. The jury will have to decide
whether he goes to prison or not. In any case, hopefully
he will receive the psychological help he needs.
J: Thank you for the information, officer.
PO: You’re welcome.

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Kids&Us 2020
Fairy Tales 1 | Tapescripts



TOURIST: Do you celebrate Christmas in Thalou?

SIDNEY: Actually, we do, yes. It’s on the 25th of December,
just as it is elsewhere.
T: That’s not very exotic.
S: I know, but we have lots of other special holidays.
T: Such as…?
S: Well, there’s the Spring Festival, when people decorate
their houses with flowers. That’s on April 10th, and school
closes for a week.
T: Sounds good!
S: And you know chillies are very important in our cuisine,
right? Well, in the North of Thalou there’s the Chilli Harvest
Festival. It used to be on August 25th, but many people
were on holidays then, so it changed to July 15th.
T: I’m not into spicy food, thank you.
S: Education Day is also in July, but it’s on the 2nd. It
celebrates the first time a law was passed to guarantee
free education for everyone.
T: Do you have to go to school on Education Day?
S: No, we don’t. We’re on holidays by then. School holidays
start on National Family Day, which falls on June 3rd, when
families come together for a huge meal.
T: Wow! Sounds like you’re always having fun!
S: Actually, I haven’t told you about our most important
national holiday yet.
T: What is it?
S: It’s National Music Day. There are free concerts
everywhere in Thalou, and everybody is supposed to
participate. It’s in October, on the 18th.
T: Oh no! I’m going to miss it!
S: That’s too bad!

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Kids&Us 2020
Red Riding Hoody

– 231 –
Kids&Us 2020
Test 1 (Ch. 1 to 2) Name: MARK Red Riding Hoody | Tests

1. Listening
Look at the six sentences. You will hear a boy called Oscar and a girl called Emily talking about the
school trip they went on last Friday. Decide if each sentence is TRUE or FALSE. Circle the right answer.
(6 points)

1.  Emily says that she got ill before the trip. T F
2.  Oscar says that he couldn’t eat his own lunch. T F
3.  Both Emily and Oscar think that playing baseball was the best part of the day. T F
4.  The whole class played baseball together. T F
5.  Emily and Oscar feel sorry for their new classmate who misses her friend. T F
6.  Emily had already invited Florence to her birthday party. T F

2. Grammar
Change the verb in each case to make sentences. (5 points)

Susan / make / mud cakes

+ -






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Kids&Us 2020
Test 1 (Ch. 1 to 2) Red Riding Hoody | Tests

3. Writing & Vocabulary

Write a summary of the story explaining the most important things: who Susan and Gran were, what
happened to Gran, and what Susan got on Christmas day.

You MUST use the following words:


You can change the words if you need to, for example: “picked up” or “gifts”.

(10 points)

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Kids&Us 2020
Test 1 (Ch. 1 to 2) | Teacher's key Red Riding Hoody | Tests

NOTE: Please enter the same marks for each part in My Classroom (for example, if the student has all
the right answers, you should enter a 6 in the Listening part, a 5 in the Grammar part, and a 10 in the
Writing&Vocabulary part). Then, My Classroom will calculate the final mark, which you should write down on
the test.

1. Listening
Look at the six sentences. You will hear a boy called Oscar and a girl called Emily talking about the
school trip they went on last Friday. Decide if each sentence is TRUE or FALSE. Circle the right answer.

1.  Emily says that she got ill before the trip. T F
2.  Oscar says that he couldn’t eat his own lunch. T F
3.  Both Emily and Oscar think that playing baseball was the best part of the day. T F
4.  The whole class played baseball together. T F
5.  Emily and Oscar feel sorry for their new classmate who misses her friend. T F
6.  Emily had already invited Florence to her birthday party. T F

(Each question = 1 point | Total = 6 points)


Look at the six sentences. You'll hear a boy called Oscar and a girl called Emily talking about the school trip
they went on last Friday. Decide if each sentence is true or false. Circle the right answer.
BOY: Hey, Emily! How was your weekend?
GIRL: Hi Oscar! Well, I spent the whole weekend at home with a cold.
BOY: Oh, you poor thing! But you were absolutely fine on Friday when we went on that school trip to the
GIRL: Yes, I was, but in the evening it got chilly and I didn’t have my hoody with me, so I caught a cold.
BOY: Oh, what a shame! By the way, what do you think about the trip, it was good fun, wasn’t it?
GIRL: Yes, it was amazing! I really enjoyed having lunch all together. Everyone shared their crisps and
BOY: Yes! If people hadn’t shared their food with me, I wouldn’t have eaten at all!
GIRL: Oh, why’s that?
BOY: The teacher told me off before lunch so I was late. I tried to hurry up but then I tripped over a rock and
my lunch fell in the mud! It was awful!
GIRL: Poor you. Anyway… The best moment of the day was when we picked up wooden sticks and played
baseball with them! It was so cool!
BOY: That’s right! However, it was a pity that only 3 girls joined us. Where were the others?
GIRL: Those lazybones spent the whole afternoon taking selfies for their Instagram accounts.
BOY: Mmm. You know, I was glad that our new classmate Florence came along. The day before, she had said

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Kids&Us 2020
Test 1 (Ch. 1 to 2) | Teacher's key Red Riding Hoody | Tests

that she wasn’t in the mood for hanging out with people that she didn’t know so well.
GIRL: Had she? She must be quite unhappy here, all alone, her closest friend lives so far away now.
BOY: I think we should look after her and help her find new friends. What do you think?
GIRL: That’s a good idea, Oscar! I’m going to invite her to my birthday party next week!

2. Grammar
Change the verb in each case to make sentences.

Susan / make / mud cakes

+ -

EVERY DAY Susan makes mud cakes. Susan doesn't make mud cakes.

NOW Susan is making mud cakes. Susan isn't making mud cakes.

YESTERDAY Susan made mud cakes. Susan didn't make mud cakes.

Susan is going to make mud cakes. Susan isn't going to make mud cakes.
Susan will make mud cakes. Susan won't make mud cakes.

Susan has made mud cakes. Susan hasn't made mud cakes.

(Each question = 0.5 point | Total = 5 points)

3. Writing
Write a summary of the story explaining the most important things: who Susan and Gran were, what
happened to Gran, and what Susan got on Christmas day.

You MUST use the following words:

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Kids&Us 2020
Test 1 (Ch. 1 to 2) | Teacher's key Red Riding Hoody | Tests


You can change the words if you need to, for example: “picked up” or “gifts”.


Susan was a litle girl who loved playing outdoors. Her gran used to pick up her from school nearly every day
and look after her. They watched BMX competitons together. One day, Gran tripped and fell down the stairs.
She was bad so she went to the hospital by ambulance. The doctors operated on her, but she passed away.
Susan was very upset. In Christmas day, Susan and her parents opened the gifts. Susan’s gift was a red hoo-
dy, from Gran.


Susan was a love play in the outdoors. Susan had a gran. Gran looked after Susan because her parents work
late. But Gran tripped and felt down the stairs. So he went to hospital. In hospital, he operate on but dyed.
Susan was upset becaose Gran was her closest friend. For Christmas, Susan give a hoody is a gift from Gran.
The hoody was red.


Susan is a girl play outdoors. At the afternoons, she with Gran. They look after BMX competitions. But Gran
down the stairs because after hospital, very bad operate on. Gran no life. Susan upset very much. For Chirst-
mas, present of Gran for Susan a hoody.


The reader is informed of all the most

important events in the story. All 6 vocabulary items are used correctly in
5 There are very few spelling or grammatical terms of their position in a sentence, their
errors, and they do not impede meaning and their spelling.

4 Performance shares features of band 5 and band 3.

Only 3 of the suggested vocabulary items

Some parts of the story are communicated
are used correctly. The rest are either
3 clearly. Others are missing or are difficult
used incorrectly (e.g. incorrect context,
to understand due to errors.
incorrect meaning) or not included.

2 Performance shares features of band 3 and band 1.

Only 1 of the 6 vocabulary items is

The errors make it difficult for the reader used correctly. The others are either
to understand most of the text. used incorrectly (e.g. incorrect context,
incorrect meaning) or not included.

(Add the writing mark and the vocabulary mark to obtain a mark out of 10 | Total = 10 points)

Total test = 21 points.

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Kids&Us 2020
Test 2 (Ch. 3 to 4) Name: MARK Red Riding Hoody | Tests

1. Grammar
Read this page of a magazine and choose the best word for each gap. Circle the right answer. (10

Last week we received a letter from Kylie Edwardson’s mother. She wanted us to publish this story to tell
people why teenagers nowadays are not as bad as we think they are.

Kylie is 6 years old and she is a live wire. A couple of weeks ago, she announced that she would like to
skateboard. But the little girl 1. nervous about going to a skate park on her own. So her
mother, Hazel, gave Kylie her old skateboard and took her 2. the local skate park.

When they 3. , a group of teenage boys were skating, joking and laughing loudly. Kylie found
them very scary and wanted to leave immediately. But Hazel said, “Take 4. deep breath and
be brave! The skate park is for everyone.”

Kylie went to the ramp and after only two or three runs, one of the boys went over to her and said,
“Hey, excuse me…”. Kylie’s mum 5. about to go to him and explain that her daughter
was allowed to skate there just like everyone else when she heard the boy say, “Your feet are in the
wrong position. 6. you?” That boy spent 7. an
hour giving Kylie tips on how to balance and turn, and
helping her to get up when she fell 8. .
His friends were making jokes about him, but it didn’t stop him. Hazel was
watching 9. , speechless, with tears of joy in her eyes.

When she finished skating, little Kylie was so proud of 10. , and
now she was confident that she could do anything!

1. A. felt B. fell C. feeled

2. A. to B. in C. care
3. A. arrive B. were arriving C. arrived
4. A. the B. a C. some
5. A. were B. was C. where
6. A. Can you help B. I can help C. Can I help
7. A. almost B. mostly C. after
8. A. under B. on C. down
9. A. they B. them C. their
10. A. she B. her C. herself

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Kids&Us 2020
Test 2 (Ch. 3 to 4) Red Riding Hoody | Tests

2. Reading
Read the text again and decide whether each statement is True or False. Circle the right answer. (4

1.  Kylie didn’t want to go to the skate park alone. T F

2.  The teenage boys in the park told Kylie that she wasn’t allowed to be there. T F
3.  The boy taught Kylie some basic tricks. T F
4.  Kylie’s mother was upset about what the boy did. T F

3. Vocabulary
Fill in the gaps with words that match the definitions. (8 points)

1.  Wanting to do something very much and not allowing anything to stop you d_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ t_

2.  The people watching a performance a_ _ _ _ _ _ _

3.  With pain p_ _ _ _ _ _

4.  To talk in a way that gives someone confidence e_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

5.  To put something in the place where it’s usually kept p_ _ a_ _ _

6.  It’s a way to say things loudly when you are excited, scared or angry s_ _ _ _ _

7.  To turn pages without reading carefully l_ _ _ t_ _ _ _ _ _

8.  A round part that both cars and bicycles have w_ _ _ _

– 238 –
Kids&Us 2020
Test 2 (Ch. 3 to 4) | Teacher's key Red Riding Hoody | Tests

NOTE: Please enter the same marks for each part in My Classroom (for example, if the student has all the
right answers, you should enter a 10 in the Grammar part, a 4 in the Reading part, and a 8 in the Vocabulary
part). Then, My Classroom will calculate the final mark, which you should write down on the test.

1. Grammar
Read this page of a magazine and choose the best word for each gap. Circle the right answer:

Last week we received a letter from Kylie Edwardson’s mother. She wanted us to publish this story to tell
people why teenagers nowadays are not as bad as we think they are.

Kylie is 6 years old and she is a live wire. A couple of weeks ago, she announced that she would like to
skateboard. But the little girl 1. felt nervous about going to a skate park on her own. So her mother,
Hazel, gave Kylie her old skateboard and took her 2. to the local skate park.

When they 3. arrived , a group of teenage boys were skating, joking and laughing loudly. Kylie found
them very scary and wanted to leave immediately. But Hazel said, “Take 4. a deep breath and be brave!
The skate park is for everyone.”

Kylie went to the ramp and after only two or three runs, one of the boys went over to her and said, “Hey,
excuse me…”. Kylie’s mum 5. was about to go to him and explain that her daughter was allowed to
skate there just like everyone else when she heard the boy say, “Your feet are
in the wrong position. 6. Can I help you?” That boy spent 7. almost an
hour giving Kylie tips on how to balance and turn,
and helping her to get up when she fell 8. down .
His friends were making jokes about him, but it didn’t stop him. Hazel was
watching 9. them , speechless, with tears of joy in her eyes.

When she finished skating, little Kylie was so proud of 10. herself , and now
she was confident that she could do anything!

Adapted from: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3283929/Mother-six-


1. A. felt B. fell C. feeled

2. A. to B. in C. care
3. A. arrive B. were arriving C. arrived
4. A. the B. a C. some
5. A. were B. was C. where
6. A. Can you help B. I can help C. Can I help
7. A. almost B. mostly C. after
8. A. under B. on C. down
9. A. they B. them C. their
10. A. she B. her C. herself

(Each question = 1 point | Total = 10 points)

– 239 –
Kids&Us 2020
Test 2 (Ch. 3 to 4) | Teacher's key Red Riding Hoody | Tests

2. Reading
Read the text again and decide whether each statement is True or False. Circle the right answer.

1.  Kylie didn’t want to go to the skate park alone. T F

2.  The teenage boys in the park told Kylie that she wasn’t allowed to be there. T F
3.  The boy taught Kylie some basic tricks. T F
4.  Kylie’s mother was upset about what the boy did. T F

(Each question = 1 point | Total = 4 points)

3. Vocabulary
Fill in the gaps with words that match the definitions:

1.  Wanting to do something very much and not allowing anything to stop you determined to
2.  The people watching a performance audience
3.  With pain painful
4.  To talk in a way that gives someone confidence encourage
5.  To put something in the place where it’s usually kept put away
6.  It’s a way to say things loudly when you are excited, scared or angry scream
7.  To turn pages without reading carefully look through
8.  A round part that both cars and bicycles have wheel

(Each question = 1 point | Total = 8 points)

Total test = 22 points.

– 240 –
Kids&Us 2020
Test 3 (Ch. 5 to 7) Red Riding Hoody | Tests

1. Listening
You will hear a headmistress (the director of a school) talking on the school radio. She will give details
about a YouTube video competition. Listen and complete each question. There can be more than one
word for each gap.

You will hear the information twice.

(6 points)


Prize: become one of our School YouTube Channel Bloggers

Amount of videos you need to send: (1)

Topics you can talk about in your videos:

1. A teacher;

2. (2) ;

3. A hobby club.

The video should last (3) minutes.

Competition closing date: (4)

There will be 5 winners.

Bonus: famous blogger Dana Minkov will give you (5) on video making.

To enter, go to Mrs Garvey in (6) between 9.00 and 14.00.

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Kids&Us 2020
Test 3 (Ch. 5 to 7) Red Riding Hoody | Tests

2. Writing
You want to participate in the school YouTube video competition, but something’s wrong with your
smartphone. You want to ask Matt, one of your classmates, if he would be interested in making a video
with you using his phone.

Write an online message to your classmate. In your message you should:

• ask him what he thinks about the competition

• explain why you can’t use your phone

• suggest making a video together

Write 35-45 words.

IMPORTANT: Although you have to use informal language, don’t use any texting language (C U / THX / LOL).

(10 points)

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Kids&Us 2020
Test 3 (Ch. 5 to 7) Red Riding Hoody | Tests

3. Grammar
Your classmate has sent you his answer. Read it, find 8 grammar mistakes and correct them. The first
one has been done for you as an example. (7 points)

How is you? I’ve been ill for last Monday. I didn’t knew about the competition! I have ever made videos before.
It sounds cool!
My smartphone’s camera is not as better as my brother’s. I can ask her to lend us his phone. What you think?
Have you registered already?
See you next Monday,

1.  is → are 5. 

2.  6. 

3.  7. 

4.  8. 

4. Grammar and Vocabulary

Define the vocabulary using one of these words in each definition. (12 points)



A challenge is something that is difficult for you.

1.  A nickname

2.  A filmmaker

3.  A block of flats

4.  A factory

5.  An interviewer

6.  Make-up

– 243 –
Kids&Us 2020
Test 3 (Ch. 5 to 7) | Teacher's key Red Riding Hoody | Tests

NOTE: Please enter the same marks for each part in My Classroom (for example, if the student has all the
right answers, you should enter a 6 in the Listening part, a 10 in the Writing part, a 7 in the Grammar part,
and a 12 in the Grammar&Vocabulary part). Then, My Classroom will calculate the final mark, which you
should write down on the test.

1. Listening
You will hear a headmistress (the director of a school) talking on the school radio. She will give details
about a YouTube video competition. Listen and complete each question. There can be more than one
word for each gap.

You will hear the information twice.


Prize: become one of our School YouTube Channel Bloggers

Amount of videos you need to send: (1) one / 1

Topics you can talk about in your videos:

1. A teacher;

2. (2) school news ;

3. A hobby club.

The video should last (3) five / 5 minutes.

Competition closing date: (4) 1st February / February 1st / 01/02

There will be 5 winners.

Bonus: famous blogger Dana Minkov will give you (5) (a few) tips on video making.

To enter, go to Mrs Garvey in (6) Classroom 13 between 9.00 and 14.00.

(Each question = 1 point. This is a listening exercise. If the answer shows comprehension but the words
are spelt incorrectly, give the full score. | Total = 6 points)


You will hear a headmistress talking on the school radio. She will give details about a YouTube video compe-
tition. Listen and complete each question.

You will hear the information twice.

HEAD MISTRESS: Now, this morning I’m very excited to announce that we are about to start our own school
YouTube channel! For this reason we are looking for students who want to become our official video bloggers.

If you are determined to be one of them, you have to make one video about your school life and send it to us.

There are three different topics to choose from. In your video you can talk about a teacher that you especially
like, tell us some school news or present a hobby club.

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Kids&Us 2020
Test 3 (Ch. 5 to 7) | Teacher's key Red Riding Hoody | Tests

Now for the technical details. At the beginning of the video you should introduce yourself and say what class
you represent. The video should be at least 5 minutes long. You have to do everything by yourself, no help
from adults is allowed.

So, get your smartphones out and start making videos now, as you must send them to us by the 1st of Fe-

All the videos will be shown in the school hall on the 10th of February, and the judges will choose the 5 best

We’ve prepared a great prize for the winners. Not only will you become our official school bloggers, but you
will also meet the famous YouTuber, Dana Minkov, in person. She will talk to you about the secret to her suc-
cess and give you a few tips on how to make a terrific video.

To enter the competition, you should contact Mrs. Garvey, our IT teacher. You can find her in Classroom 13
every day from 9am to 2pm.

We are looking forward to seeing the results! Try your hardest and good luck to everyone!

2. Writing
You want to participate in the school YouTube video competition, but something’s wrong with your
smartphone. You want to ask Matt, one of your classmates, if he would be interested in making a video
with you using his phone.

Write an online message to your classmate. In your message you should:

• ask him what he thinks about the competition

• explain why you can’t use your phone

• suggest making a video together

Write 35-45 words.

IMPORTANT: Although you have to use informal language, don’t use any texting language (C U / THX / LOL).


Hello Matt! Did you hear about YouTube video competition? What do you think? I want to enter but my phone
is broke because I put water on it. Can I use your phone? Do you want to make a video togeder? Bye! Joel.


Hi! What you think about YouTube video compitition? I like it. My phone not work because felt down on the
floor. I want to making a video together. You have phone? Do you want? Bye.


Hi! I thing competition interesting. I participate. I can’t use my phone, break yesterday. Want your phone to
wach interesting video together. Call me. Bye.

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Kids&Us 2020
Test 3 (Ch. 5 to 7) | Teacher's key Red Riding Hoody | Tests


All three parts of message clearly communicated.

Only minor spelling mistakes or occasional grammatical errors.

All three parts of message communicated.

4 Some non-impeding errors in spelling and grammar and some awkwardness
of expression.

All three parts of message attempted.

Expression requires interpretation by the reader and contains impeding errors
in spelling and grammar.
All three parts of the message are included but the context is incorrect.
Two parts of message are clearly communicated but one part has not been
Only minor spelling errors or occasional grammar errors.

Only two parts of message communicated.

Some errors in spelling and grammar.
2 The errors in expression may require patience and interpretation by the reader
and impede communication. Some relevant content to two or more points, but
response is unclear.

Only one part of message communicated.

Some attempt to address the task but response is very unclear.

(Multiply the Ss’ writing mark by 2 and you will have the final mark for the writing part (e.g: 4 x 2 = 8) |
Total = 10 points)

3. Grammar
Your classmate has sent you his answer. Read it, find 8 grammar mistakes and correct them. The first
one has been done for you as an example.

How is you? I’ve been ill for last Monday. I didn’t knew about the competition! I have ever made videos before.
It sounds cool!
My smartphone’s camera is not as better as my brother’s. I can ask her to lend us his phone. What you think?
Have you registered already?
See you next Monday,

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Kids&Us 2020
Test 3 (Ch. 5 to 7) | Teacher's key Red Riding Hoody | Tests

1.  is → are 5.  better → good

2.  for → since 6.  her → him

3.  knew → know 7.  what you → what do you

4.  ever → never 8.  already → yet

(Each question = 1 point | Total = 7 points)

4. Grammar and Vocabulary

Define the vocabulary using one of these words in each definition:



A challenge is something that is difficult for you.

1.  A nickname is a special name that people call you.

2.  A filmmaker is a person who makes films.

3.  A block of flats is a building where a lot of people live.

4.  A factory is a place where people produce / create something.

5.  An interviewer is a person who interviews famous people / asks famous people questions.

6.  Make-up is something that women put on their face to make themselves more beautiful.

This is not a writing exercise, so if a student used the relative pronoun correctly and the definition
shows understanding of the word, but there are some minor mistakes, they should be given the full

(Each question = 2 points. The use of the relative pronoun = 1 point; the correct definition = 1 point |
Total = 12 points)

Total test = 35 points.

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Kids&Us 2020


Kids&Us 2020
Good degree
Manages to produce pronunciation and
Uses a wide range of control of Handles communication on
and connect short intonation.
of vocabulary and grammatical forms. class topics with relative ease.
5 and some longer Words are generally
structures learned in Errors are noticeable They attempt to use more
sentences, despite pronounced correctly
class. but do not impede complex language successfully.
some hesitation. (stress, consonant
and vowel sounds).

4 Performance shares features of band 5 and band 3.

Uses mainly basic Good degree of Manages to communicate

Produces very short vocabulary and control of simple Some simple ideas only. More
sentences mainly. structures. Misses grammatical forms. mispronunciations complex language is either not
3 Some hesitation and some opportunities Mistakes are made occur, but can be attempted or too difficult to
pauses. to use the language when using more understood. understand due to mistakes or
learned in class. complex grammar. inappropriate usage.

2 Performance shares features of band 3 and band 1.

Responses consist Uses basic language Mistakes are made

– 248 –
mainly of phrases only, with hardly when using simple Mispronunciation of Manages to communicate basic
Oral tests | Photocopiable Marking Grid

or words, with few any attempts to use grammar. Complex several words makes ideas only. The listener has to
1 or no full sentences. the vocabulary and grammar is not communication make an effort to deduce what
Frequent hesitation structures from the attempted or used difficult. they are trying to express.
and pauses. course. incorrectly.

1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Red Riding Hoody | Tests
Oral Test Term1 Red Riding Hoody | Tests

Teacher’s Script | Oral Test Term 1

Welcome the child and tell him/her: “This test consists of four questions. To answer some of them, you
will need to remember what happened in the story, and in the others, you will have to express your
personal point of view. You will also need to use the pictures that I will show you. Do you have any

1.  Students look at the prompt (Oral Test Term 1 | Photocopiable prompts: Question 1) and answer the
question written on it.


Charlie is older than Claire, and Claire is older than Fred. Fred is the youngest. Claire is the tallest, and
Fred is the shortest. Charlie is taller than Fred. Fred is better than Charlie at English. Claire is the best at
English. Claire is more interested in maths than Fred. Charlie is the most interested in maths. Fred is the
least interested in maths.


Who is the youngest?

Who is taller, Charlie or Claire?

Who knows English better?

Who do you think is more interested in maths?

2.  Ask the student to tell you what has happened so far in the story using the pictures as prompts
(Oral Test Term 1| Photocopiable prompts: Question 2). They can use either Present Perfect or Past


Susan rode a BMX bike and did tricks. She went to competitions with her grandma. Gran was her closest
friend. One day she didn't come to pick her up after school. Then, her mum came and said that Gran had
tripped and fallen down the stairs. She was badly hurt. The doctors operated on her but she didn't make it

On Christmas day Susan and her parents opened the presents. Gran had bought the presents before
she passed away. Susan got a red hoody. She wore it when she rode her bike. She entered a competition,
but one day before it, she fell off her bike and ripped a hole in her hoody. She felt anxious. Before the
competition, Susan had butterflies in her stomach, and then she saw that she left her hoody at home. But
her mum brought it on time. Susan performed amazingly and won the competition.

3.  Ask the student to look at the pictures (Oral Test Term 1| Photocopiable prompts: Question 3) and
say whether they used to or didn’t use to do the same things as Susan when they were little. Then
ask, “What else did you use to do / didn’t you use to do when you were little?”


When I was little, I used to be afraid of the dark too. I didn't use to cry when I wanted some ice-cream.
I used to play with toys and imagine other worlds. I also used to be afraid of dogs. I didn't use to like
vegetables. I used to go to bed early.

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Oral Test Term1 Red Riding Hoody | Tests

4. Point to the pictures that were used in Questions 2 and 3 and ask the following questions:

• How is Susan feeling here? (Frightened / scared / afraid.) Tell me about the time you felt the most
frightened / scared? (The picture of a dark room)

• How is Susan feeling in this picture? (Excited / cheerful / happy.) What makes you feel excited /
cheerful? (The picture of Susan playing)

• How is Susan feeling in this picture? (Disappointed / unhappy / sad.) When was the last time you felt
disappointed / unhappy? Why? (The picture of Susan asking for ice-cream)

• How is Susan feeling in this picture? (Anxious / worried.) How often do you feel anxious / worried?
(The picture of Susan and her family waiting at the hospital)


• She is feeling frightened. I felt the most frightened when I was alone at home and I heard some noise in
the garden. I called my mum and she asked the neighbours to come and check what it was.

• In this picture Susan is feeling cheerful. I am cheerful when I go out with my friends and we have fun

• Here Susan is feeling unhappy. I felt unhappy when my parents told me I couldn't use my tablet because I
had got a bad mark in my maths test.

• Susan is feeling worried. I feel worried when I'm waiting for the results of my tests.

Use the Photocopiable Marking Grid to assess Ss’ performance. You will get a mark out of 25. To obtain
a mark out of 10, divide it by 2.5.

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Oral Test Term1 | Photocopiable prompts: Question 1 Red Riding Hoody | Tests

Compare 3 people using the information below:


AGE 13 12 11

HEIGHT 1.53 m 1.56 m 1. 40 m

ENGLISH + +++ ++

MATHS +++ ++ +

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Oral Test Term1 | Photocopiable prompts: Question 3 Red Riding Hoody | Tests

Picture 1 Picture 2

Picture 3

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