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NIM : 141200028

I. Reading Comprehension.

1. because the function of the manager is educated guiding, coaching, supporting, motivating
and training employees rather than telling them what to do.
2. What managers of high-tech companies do when they realize their workers know better is
emphasize teamwork and cooperation more than they do
discipline and giving of order.
3. tread employees as partners rather than unruly workers
4. In the past, a worker would expect to work for the same company for many years, maybe
even a lifetime. Similarly, companies would hire people and keep them for a long time.
Today, many companies don’t hesitate to lay off employees, and employees don’t hesitate
to leave if their needs are not being met.
5. In general, management is experiencing a revolution. Managers in the future are likely to
be working in teams and to be assuming completely new roles in the firm. Comprehension

ll. Vocabulary and Terminology

a. Fill in the blanks with correct words to complete the sentences below, and write the
meanings of the words in Bahasa Indonesia.
1. Managers today must deal with conflict to create trust in an atmosphere where trust
has been badly shaken.
Manajer saat ini harus menangani konflik untuk menciptakan kepercayaan dalam
suasana di mana kepercayaan telah terguncang dengan parah.
2. The trend today is to have planning teams to help monitor the perfomance
Tren saat ini adalah memiliki tim perencanaan untuk membantu memantau kinerja
3. Japan has been successful in decrease inflation
Jepang berhasil menurunkan inflasi
4. The Japanese approach puts task on men above the other two factors of production.
Pendekatan Jepang menempatkan tugas pada laki-laki di atas dua faktor produksi
5. The company is anxious to acquire and maintain a reputation of integrity, fairness, and
Perusahaan sangat ingin memperoleh dan mempertahankan reputasi integritas,
keadilan, dan loyalitas
b. Based on what you have learned about Management, please answer the questions below.
1. organization is a group of people who will achieve the common goals of the group.
2. - As a container to jointly achieve goals
- Organizations can help individuals to add relationships and make good use of free time.
- Increase the ability, independence, and resources they have.
3. Yes the bank is buildingorganization, because in order to produce synergy
4. Management is the art of getting work done through other people.
5. - Planning - coordinating
- Organizing - controlling
- Staffing
6. The point is that humans play an important role as executor of production factor but do
not forget their duties as managing management work.

Ill. Writing Skill

1. determine a topic, because finding a topic is difficult.

2. 1. In writing descriptions there is one clear dominant impression (a clear dominant
2. Writing descriptions can be objective or subjective, giving the writer a broad choice of
words, color, and atmosphere.
3. What is needed is to add a temporal conjunction so that it can describe the sequence of a
clear and complete story. Such as: then, then, next, after, and before.
example: before taking the test, he prays first. after eating, my sister did not forget to wash
her hands.
4. I describe someone when i want to make a picture of that person's life. what I describe is his
very inspiring personality

Iv. Speaking Skill.

1. In my opinion, learning activities using an online system during a pandemic are less effective
and there are many obstacles such as internet quota that suddenly runs out, or inadequate
facilities. And what I feel as a student is too relaxed with online lectures, as the important
thing is to be absent and keep logging in, zoom, or google meet or something else.
2. by memorizing and practicing it every day
3. in my option, the way to improve speaking skills is to increas self-confidence practice with
people who speak in public is god often see so they are motivated to keep practicing.
4. Promoting a product is the name of the product its benefit how to us the price where to buy
it caution etc

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