Alberto Ferro SMARTgoals

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Goal Setting

Lifetime Goals Worksheet

Date: 1/15/2021


Maintain a group of at least four friends throughout my life that
Social / meets at least once a month to discuss what is going on in our lives
Community and keep each other accountable for certain things that we have
Work out three times a week in any manner whether it be playing a
Health / sport or going to the gym. Eat small meals often by keeping my
Physical Fitness metabolism up and maintaining a healthy diet and restraining from
Shepherd a church and be constantly growing in my relationship
with God through reading/meditation of scripture and prayer.

Trust the Lord with my finances and remain faithful to Him

Financial / regardless of the financial circumstances.

Use a master’s in divinity to lead my church well and have a strong

Educational / community and wife that is able to support me and keep me on the
Mental straight and narrow when I am weak.

Plant a small church and potentially trade in the forex market on

Career / the side so that I will not have to take money from the church to
Business live off of and support my family.

Get married to a wonderful woman who loves the Lord more than
Relationships / anything and seeks to serve Him. Have four children and train them
Family up in the faith so they will honor God with their lives.

Play sports often with my kids and be involved in a volleyball club

Personal / where I would be able to show up and play a bit whenever I have
Recreation the time.

6 WEEK 1, SESSION 2 – Goal

1- to 5-Year Goals Worksheet

Date: 1/15/2021


Maintain my community of friends Develop new friendships within my
Social / around me and deepen those college community and deepen my
Community friendships through intentional current friendships to ensure they
conversations. stand the test of time.
Be as healthy as I can be with Work out at the gym three days a
Health /
consistent exercise and a well- week to pack on some muscle and
Fitness balanced diet. eat as often and healthy as
possible by planning meals.
Grow in my understanding of the Lead a Bible study and read the
Lord and learn to better honor Him Word every day to develop my
through scripture reading and understanding of God and be
prayer. constant in prayer to Him.
Have at least 20k in my bank Work a part time job to save up
Financial / account from working part times enough money for an engagement
Retirement jobs while in school. ring and have extra saved money
for the future.
Complete my master’s in divinity Complete my bachelor’s in finance
Educational / and meditate on scripture often to and make time to find the peace of
Mental delight in the Lord despite any God and cast all of my burdens on
earthly burdens Him daily.
Become an elder at a local church Enroll in a seminary to work
Career / with the intention of growing toward a master’s in divinity and
Business toward planting one. Be able to learn to trade in the forex market
trade forex with practice. for supplemental income.
Pursue a healthy and loving Strengthen my relationships and
Relationships / relationship with my wife through get engaged by the end of this
Family open communication and year.
intentional quality time.
Play volleyball and other sports Play club volleyball at USF and
Personal / with my friends and wife. Play other sports with my housemates
Recreation chess with the boys and crack at least twice a week.
open a cold one occasionally.
8 WEEK 1, SESSION 2 – Goal

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