Casing Leather Casing Leather Casing Leather Casing Leather: C C C C

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Casing Leather

… Bob Park

Once the tooling process begins, try to avoid frequent

Casing is probably re-wetting. The frequent addition of moisture results in
the most important a loss of tooling definition. The colors fade, beveled
step in preparing leather to be tooled and I am and shaded areas begin to raise and the tooling just
frequently asked about the process. I'm sure there are doesn't look nice and crisp any longer...because it isn't!
many variations but the following is a common And while there is nothing wrong with wetting the
technique and it works well for me. leather and tooling it in one sitting, it won't have the
nice burnish that is achieved when beveling and
Years ago, saddle shops would have a "casing box" shading properly cased leather...nor will it cut as
which was usually a wooden box lined with galvanized nicely.
steel sheets designed to prevent moisture from
escaping the box. Needless to say these boxes were When I am tooling a project that I know I can't finish
anything BUT airtight and a pretty wet piece of leather without re-wetting several times, I break the tooling
could be placed into the box and the next day when it down into sections and keep everything not being
was removed it was ready to tool. tooled covered with plastic wrap which preserves the
casing until I am ready to move on to the next section.
Today, we use plastic trash bags, ziploc bags and ice I am not saying that moisture can't be added as you
chests, all of which prevent ANY moisture from's just that the more frequently it is, the more
escaping....especially the plastic trash and ziploc bags. color and definition is lost. During breaks I cover what
When a soaked piece of leather is sealed in a plastic I'm tooling with plastic wrap also...squeezing as much
bag, everything is preserved...moisture and air out as I can.
all...resulting in leather that is not cased...just soaked!
Another popular method for preserving moisture
The purpose in casing leather is to achieve moisture at content is one preferred by leather artist, Peter Main.
a saturation level that allows the leather to be tooled. Peter simply wets the edges of the leather and then
Properly casing the leather will result in cleaner, crisper covers the entire piece with 1/4” plate glass which
and better colored tooling. In addition, properly casing effectively seals in the cased moisture until it's time to
the leather will allow you to tool a little longer than just continue. Peter told me that he has been able to
wetting with a sponge. Simply wetting the leather with preserve a project for upwards of one week utilizing
a sponge IS NOT casing! this technique.
When using plastic bags, much of the moisture in the Directly related to this subject are the use of additives
leather must be allowed to evaporate BEFORE it goes to the casing water and the use of backing materials to
into the bag. I let my leather begin to return to it's control stretch. In the interest of simplicity, however, I
natural color before bagging it. I want it a little wetter will address these techniques another time.
going into the bag than I would want it to begin
tooling. The idea is for the moisture to be evenly As I have stated there are a variety methods being
distributed through the leather and not wetter on the utilized by toolers and saddlemakers....this is just the
top or bottom. one I use and it's a pretty simple process....I hope you
find it helpful on your next project!
I wet my leather, by pulling it through a pan of water. I
want to see bubbles coming out as it passes through Bobby
the water...but waiting until all the bubbles are gone is
way too long. One will quickly learn how much is
enough. The same holds with learning what the leather
should look and feel like when properly cased, which is
a color close to natural, with a cool feel when touched
to the cheek. It's pretty easy to get the hang of it!
© 2009, Bob Park Custom Leather

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