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B.Sc. /Part-II/Hons.



B.Sc. Honours PART-II Examinations, 2017



Time Allotted: 4 Hours Full Marks: 100

The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Candidates should answer in their own words and adhere to the word limit as practicable.

Use separate Answer Scripts for each Group and mention the Group on Answer Scripts.


1. Answer any five questions from the following: 2×5 = 10

(a) Define Biological Species.
(b) What do you mean by ‘Homonymy’?
(c) Define trophic niche.
(d) What is meant by edge effect?
(e) Name two r-selected species.
(f) What is meant by co-existence?
(g) Name two primary successor communities in coastal sand-dunes.
(h) Name two non-consumptive values of biodiversity.

2. Answer any two questions from the following: 4×2 = 8

(a) What is cladistic classification? Draw a cladogram showing clade branch 2+2
and node.

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B.Sc. /Part-II/Hons./ZOOA-V/2017

(b) Define Linnaean Hierarchy. Explain law of authority. 2+2

(c) How does systematics differ from taxonomy? What is microtaxonomy? 3+1
(d) Define ‘Holotype’ and ‘Paratype’. 2+2

3. Answer any two questions from the following: 5×2 = 10

(a) What is exponential model of population growth? Mention its 2+3
(b) Differentiate between Grazing and Detritus food chain with suitable 5
(c) Explain the MacArthur and Wilson model of Island biogeography. 5
(d) Define community and guild with examples. 2.5+2.5

4. Answer any one question from the following: 11×1 = 11

(a) (i) Discuss different types of Eltonian pyramids. 4
(ii) Write a suitable index used to measure species diversity and state its 1+2
(iii) What is climax-community? Explain it with suitable examples. 1+3
(b) (i) Differentiate between autogenic and allogenic succession. 4
(ii) What is life-table? State its importance? 2+2
(iii) Define carrying capacity. How is it related to k-selected species? 1+2

5. Answer any one question from the following: 11×1 = 11

(a) (i) State the characteristics of dry deciduous forests. 3
(ii) What is man-wild life conflict? Explain it with a herbivore wild life. 2+3
(iii) Give scientific names of three schedule-I mammals according to Indian 3
Wild life Protection Act.
(b) (i) Write a short note on Tiger Project. 5
(ii) What is endemicity of wild life? State two endemic mammals of 2+2
Western Ghats.
(iii) Name two biodiversity hot-spots which India shares. 2

B.Sc. /Part-II/Hons./ZOOA-V/2017


6. Answer any five questions from the following: 2×5 = 10

(a) Mention the peculiarities of the cell membrane of Gram-positive bacteria.
(b) Distinguish between biotroph and nectrotroph.
(c) Compare the trophozoite and cystic stages of Entamoeba sp.
(d) Name two freeliving larval stages of Fasciola sp.
(e) Give two scientific names of myiasis causing flies.
(f) State the principle of ELISA.
(g) Write down the source and function of the Tumor Growth Factors.
(h) Distinguish between cytotoxic and helper T cell.

7. Answer any one question from the following: 11×1 = 11

(a) What do H1N1 strains of Influenza virus designate? Comment on the 2+4+2+3
pathophysiology of influenza virus. What do you mean by Facultative
aerobic microbes? Classify microbes on the basis of their sensitivities to
(b) Differentiate the cell wall composition of Gram Positive and Gram Negative 3+3+1+2+2
bacteria. Mention briefly the direct methods for measurement of microbial
growth. What is Pulmonary Tuberculosis? How this disease spread? What is
latent TB infection?

8. Answer any one question from the following: 13×1 = 13

(a) Define hyper-parasitism with example. Describe the life-cycle of Fasciola 2+4+2+4+1
hepatica with a flow diagram. What do you understand by the term
polyembryony? Mention the pathogenicity and mode of infection caused by
Giardia sp. What is Loeffler’s syndrome?

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(b) Discuss parasitic adaptation shown by Ascaris sp. Classify myiasis based on 4+4+2+1+2
the place of infection. Define anthroponosis with example. What is
molecular mimicry? Explain it with a suitable example.

9. Answer any two questions from the following: 8×2 = 16

(a) Define RIA. Describe its application in diagnosis of microbial disease. What 1+2+2+3
are precipitin reaction? Mention the working principle of double
immunodiffusion test. Mention the advantages of ELISA over RIA.
(b) What is innate immunity? Briefly describe the components of the innate 2+4+2
immune system. Distinguish between primary and secondary lymphoid
(c) Draw the structure of MHC class I molecule. Describe the Exogenous 2+4+2
pathway of antigen presentation. Write down the functions of TCR complex.
(d) Mention the source and functions of the following interleukins (1L - 1, 1L - 4+2+2
2, 1L - 4 and 1L - 12). What is hematopoiesis? Distinguish between GM-
CSF and M-CSF.


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