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Lesson A: grammar and vocabulary

A. Unscramble the job titles. Complete the sentences

1. (hpootragephr) He’s a photographer

2. (nolitpcaii) She’s a politician
3. (cnadre) He’s a dancer
4. (fche) She’s a chef
5. (Icelop fofcire) She’s a police officer
6. (tolpi) He’s a pilot
7. (lervta getna) He’s a travel agent
8. (anjtiulros) She’s a journalist

B. Write the nationality

1. France French
2. Jordan Jordanian
3. Ireland Irish
4. Japan Japanese
5. Australia Australian
6. Peru Peruvian
7. Mexico Mexican
8. Your nationality: Colombian

C. Read the conversations. Write the pronouns and the correct form to be.
Cristina: Where (1) are you from, Mike?
Mike: (2) I am from Australia.
Cristina: So, (3) Are you Australian. Sounds cool. (4) Are you from Sydney
Mike: yes, I am. And you, Cristina? (5) Are you Mexican?
Cristina: No, (6) I am not. (7) I am Brazilian
Mike: Wow! Brazil. I’d love to go to Brazil. Which city. (8) Are you from?
Cristina: (9) I am from Rio de Janeiro. (10) It is a cool city!
Lesson B: grammar and vocabulary

A. What’s My Name? is a TV show. Read the information below and

complete the sentences

Contestant: (1) Are you a travel agent?

Woman #1: (2) yes, I am.
Contestant: And (3) Are you Chilean.
Woman #1: No (4) I am not.
Contestant: Hmm. So, you’re Mexican.
Woman #1: yes, (5) I am.
Contestant: Are you 23 (6) years old?
Woman #1: Yes!
Contestant: Is (7) your name Anita?
Woman #1: Yes! You’re right!

Contestant: Are you Mexican

Woman #2: Yes, (8) I am.
Contestant: (9) Are you 25 years old.
Woman #2: Yes.
Contestant: Are you a travel agent?
Woman #2: No, (10) I am not.
Contestant: So, (11) you’re a dancer.
Woman #2: Yes. You’re right
Contestant: Is your name carmen?
Woman #2: Yes, (12) you’re right!

B. Write the contractions

1. I am I’m
2. She is She’s
3. It is It’s
4. You are you’re
5. Is not Isn’t
6. We are We’re

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