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in English : Preparation Guides

Chapter 1
What Makes a Good Presentation?

To deliver a good presentation in front of some audience may not be a simple
thing to do for some people. There might be some problems hampering our efforts
to do it, especially when the presentation should be delivered in English while it is
not our mother tongue. Thinking of appropriate language to use is an important thing
to deal with besides the need of mastering the material to present. This book
provides some aspects related to the need of language use to have good
presentations. Nevertheless, before dealing with practices, it is important to learn
some aspects that can make a good presentation. To start this lesson, it is important
to understand what might be a good presentation, what can be the troubles may
come up and how to handle the problems.

Warming Up : Answer the questions below and compare your answers with your

1. Have you ever delivered a presentation? Was it successful?

2. How do you define a good presentation?
3. What are important aspects to have a successful presentation?
4. Besides language mastery, what problems can make a presenter fail in
his/her presentation?
5. Can you share some tips to overcome those problems?

Read the following passage and answer the questions based on it.

How do you define a successful speech or an oral presentation? What problem do you find in
delivering a presentation? What would you do to handle any problem comes up in a
presentation? Read the following ideas expressed by some students when they were asked
about the questions. Later on, discuss with your friends about your own opinions.

Gwasucca Geroghy – a university student

“I always feel nervous anytime I stand in front of many people. The bigger the audience, the
more serious my problem could be. And this nervousness problem seems to block my words
to come out”

Zhuqa Gmettarand – a sales representative

“I don’t like to bring any piece of paper or any small things in my hand when I deliver a
speech because when I fell nervous, those things shake and people can see that.”

Aquma Vedeyajja – a secretary of a multinational company

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“in my opinion, a good presentation is simple, that is when your audience understand what
you deliver well.”

Kudumi Numtea – a high school student

“I usually drink a cup of warm tea before delivering a presentation, and for sure, I won’t
come late. Otherwise, I will be easy to get nervous.”

Raiso Yotakono – a singer

“… to sing in front of people is a kind of presentation for me. Wearing proper dress help me
much to feel confident in front of people. Sometime, I ask people around before I come to a
stage to sing”

Mustilla Teehan – a business motivator

“I believe that practice makes perfect. I will always have time to rehearse in front of my
friends and ask their ideas about it before I have my real presentation. That reduce my
nervousness in my presentation”

Mickiry Clambee - a fashion model

" For me, to walk on catwalk in front of people is a presentation. I must control everything I
wear because the way I dress is my material in my silent presentation"

Tellad Isagawwad - a TV anchor

" Don't ever come late for your presentation. Try to show up at least 30 minutes before your
presentation. Coming late may give you many troubles in your presentation"


Practice 1 : Answer the questions below based on the text above

1. Can you infer some presentation problems discussed by the people?
2. What factors can cause problems in their presentation?
3. What do they do to handle their problems?
4. Have you ever tried any of the tips mentioned above?
5. Can you share your experience in delivering a presentation: what problems
you had and what you did to handle the problems ?

Vocabulary Study: Derivation

For some non native speakers, one of the problems that may come up in delivering a
presentation in English is the language itself. Some aspects of language such as the
language structure, the choice of word / diction as well as the pronunciation of the
words need to be prepared for a presentation. This section will discuss an aspect of
vocabulary in English, namely the word derivation.

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Some words in English are formed by deriving – taking and changing – the word
from a root word. This may be done by either simply changing the word or adding
certain suffix into the word. As the result, this changes the meaning and the form of
a word into another form. Take for example, the word ‘presentation’ (a noun) is
derived from the word ‘present’ (a verb). The word presentation refers to the activity
of delivering information while the word ‘present’ indicate the kind of action or the
process of doing the presentation.

Verb Noun Adjective Adverb

present presentation presented
deliver delivery delivered
beautify beauty beautiful beautifully
develop developer developed
development developing
developmental developmentally
endanger danger dangerous dangerously
need need necessary necessarily
believe belief believed
live life / lives living lively

Practice 2. Choose the correct underlined word for each sentence

1. Franklin is a politician/politics
2. Graham Bell was an invention / inventor
3. Nobel was famous in the field of science / scientist
4. Mr. Dahlan Iskan is also known as a successful electrician / electricity
5. The physicist / physics proved that electricity produce magnetism
6. Television is commonly used as a medium of entertainment / entertainer
7. The country fight for their free / freedom
8. The scientist discovery / discover that lightning was electricity
9. The director must sign / signature all the documents
10. The waiters serve / service the customer very well
11. The people development / developer the village together
12. The actor became successful / successfully in his young age
13. The film was very interesting / interested

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14. My father reads his week / weekly newspaper
15. The dancer can dance very beautiful / beautifully
16. He can play very good / well
17. He is very careful / carefully to finish his job
18. Everybody thinks that the lesson is importance / important
19. The athlete can accomplishment / accomplish the best result in the Olympics
20. It is dangerous / dangerously to go out alone in the night in that city.

Practice 3. Write your sentence by using the following words

Example : deliver (V) – delivery (N)
- The man delivers the speech very clearly
- The topic is simple, but the delivery is very interesting.

1. Present (V) – presentation (N)


2. Develop (V) – development (N)


3. careful (Adj) – carefully (Adv)


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4. Important (Adj) – importance (N)

5. Direct (V) – direction (N)


6. Influence (V) – influence (N)


7. Beautify (V) – beautiful (Adj)


8. Dangerous (Adj) – danger (N)


9. Sleep (V) – sleepy (Adj)


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10. Need (V) – Need (N)

11. Live (V) – Life (N)


12. Choose (V) – choice (N)


Practice 4. The text below contains some troublesome words – some of

them are related to grammatical aspect too. Can you find and correct the

“Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for come to

my presentation. Today I will presentation about how to
delivery a good presentation. The first thing is to mastery the
materials. Try to understanding the ideas you will delivery to
your audience. This will help you to feel confidence in front of
people. It is danger if people know that you don’t understand
what you talk about. And I belief you don’t want to look
confusing, right? The next thing is your dress or your cloth.
Some people will attention to your dress. If they find
something wrong with the way you dress, they usually reaction
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by giving you a silly smiling, and that can make you
nervousness. So make sure that you use appropriate dress.
The last, try to come in time rather than on time. If you don’t
late, you may have more time to relaxation yourself and time
to anticipation any problem. If you late, you may feel stress
and it may make you more stress. Well, the point is, if you
want to presentation you must preparation everything you
need. Thank you.”

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Chapter 2
To Prepare Presentation Notes

People deliver a speech or presentation in some ways: manuscript reading,

memorization, impromptu (spontaneous without preparation) and extemporaneous
speaking. To some extent, extemporaneous speaking – organized yet very naturally
delivered – is very effective way of presentation. Usually, this type of speech comes
up with two types of preparation: planning outline and speaking notes. This chapter
will discuss some technical things of preparing an effective presentation.

Warming Up
What do you think of the following statements? Share it with the class.

1. Have you ever experienced delivering a presentation without preparation?

What do you feel about it?
2. Is it important to make preparation before delivering a presentation?
3. What kind of preparation may be needed to help make a presentation
4. Especially for the content of presentation, what would you prepare to make it
effective or helpful for your presentation?
5. Do you think we must always be strict to whatever we have prepared for the

Read the dialog below and answer the following questions.

Situation : A student is interviewing Mr. Harits to get some ideas about preparation
for a speech or presentation.

Student : Good morning, Mr. Harits. I am Fitry from ETC Student Magazine. Can I
have your time? I need to get some knowledge about preparing a
Harits : Good morning. Be my guest, Ms. Fitry. What can I do for you?
Student : Well, we find out that you always perform well in every presentation. May
I know how you do that ?
Harits : Frankly, my presentation is not always as I wanted. I experienced
failures, nervousness, … sort of things. But one thing for sure, I always
prepare for my presentation.
Student : I see. So what kind of preparation do you usually make?
Harits : Sometimes I make a planning outline some other times I use speaking

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Student : A planning outline and a speaking notes. Can you describe more about
that, Sir ?
Harits : Let’s see. A planning outline is a full content outline that includes every
part of a speech or presentation – the introduction, the body complete
with the main points and supporting detail, internal previews, and
summaries, and the conclusion. It also comes up with the specific
purpose and core idea of our presentation. You see that ?
Student : Yes, Sir. And what about the speaking notes?
Harits : Well, actually they are the same, but a planning outline comes with
complete sentences and special important terms. A speaking note uses
only simply abbreviated key words, phrases, or even codes that only you
understand. It is much simpler and shorter than a planning outline.
Student : What makes you choose to use one of them?
Harits : Mostly about my time to make the preparation. If I don’t have much time,
I will go with speaking notes.
Student : And the planning outline?
Harits : It’s like this… a planning outline helps you think in terms of language
choices, that is how your speech will sound, especially when you need
formal terms and very detail ideas.
Student : Great. Do you mind showing me your samples of planning outline and
speaking notes, Sir?
Harits : No problem. Here they are. As you can see, you can include any words
or sign you need to improve your presentation, for example “SHOW THE
PICTURE HERE” , LINK DOCUMENT #7 HERE’ , or something as
“CHECK YOUR AUDIENCE”. Well, if you need it, you can copy and take
it for you.
Student : Thank you very much for the knowledge and your time Mr. Harits.
Harits : Don’t mention it.

Now answer The following questions

1. What are the two kinds of presentation Mr. Harits usually makes ?
2. What are the differences of the two ways?
3. When does Mr. Harits prefer using the speaking notes ?
4. Which one do you prefer fit yourself better and why?
5. Look at the pictures of Mr. Harits’ preparation, can you distinguish the
speaking notes and the planning outline ?

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Picture 1

New Learning Way at ETC Course: The English Teaching Café

Specific Purpose :
To inform audience that Waroeng Inggris ETC has a great commitment for English education and
ETC has some effective learning programs.

Core Idea :
ETC presents the newest product : English Teaching Café which will enable the learner to select
material to learn, set the learning program based on their budget, and set their time to study

People need more realistic learning program: to focus on what they need; to pay based on what
they learn; to adjust the study time with their own schedule.

Preview Statement:
Because of the changing lifestyle, people require more realistic and more flexible way of learning.
Most people deny the importance of learning English. I will show that English is still needed even
more important nowadays. And I will explain some facts about the changes of students and
workers activities.
1. Indonesia can’t avoid globalization
2. Asian Economic Community or MEA started last year
3. Skilled workers are ready to invade Indonesia work market. Besides their core skill, they are
equipped with global language as well.

1. The most important skills needed in the globalization era are: International language;
computer literacy; and positive attitude in working.
2. Formal school learning programs need to be supported especially in speaking skills. In this
case, English course can be an option.
3. English course provide better environment and facilities to learn English effectively

Internal Summary:
As you can see, in the future, without mastering good English as an international language, we
will find it difficult to compete in global level

The implications
The need of studying English should be facilitated with flexible and effective way of learning
1. Learners need to learn what they really need, not joining course curriculum which sometimes
is not in line with their needs. At ETC we provide Learning Menu from which you can select the
list of the materials you prefer to learn.
2. The need of saving budget will be accommodated as they pay for only what they prefer to
learn and how far they will learn. They also can share their expenses to make their learning
more efficient.
3. Because of their busy life, learners need to be able to adjust their schedule flexibly to learn
English at course.

Now that we have examined the real condition, it is time to look ahead, to choose Waroeng
Inggris ETC to accommodate the need of learning English effective, efficient and flexible way.
Come and join Waroeng Inggris ETC and enjoy the new easy fun way of learning English.

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Picture 2

New Learning Way at ETC Course: The English Teaching Café

People need more realistic learning program: to focus learning; cheap and flexible

Preview Statement:
the importance of learning English
1. globalization
2. MEA started last year (SHOW LINK TO NET)
3. Imported workers to invade Indonesia. (SHOW WORKER MAP)

4. Globalization need; English, computer literacy; and positive attitude.
5. To support formal school.
6. better environment and facilities

Internal Summary:
without mastering English > difficult to compete in global level

The implications
should be facilitated with flexible and effective way of learning
4. Learn what they really need > ETC we provide Learning Menu
5. To save budget
6. adjust their schedule

Now choose ETC for effective, efficient and flexible way

Skill Focus: Drafting an Outline

Drafting an outline for a presentation – either a planning outline or a speaking note –

needs some process. For this purpose, we can learn the way we create an outline
for essay writing. The process is started by generating ideas, editing:
selecting/adding an organizing the ideas, and finally making the outline. This draft
then can be modified into speaking notes or further to be a planning outline for our

ü Generating Ideas.
One common technique to generate ideas is through brainstorming.
Brainstorming is a technique of gathering ideas about a topic. Imagine thousand
of ideas raining down into your paper. Then, you just need to write those ideas
down. Don’t worry about the quality of the ideas – good or silly, useful or not.
The point here is that you must collect as many ideas as you can. You can do
this through 2 techniques: listing and mind mapping.

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• Making a list
You just need to write down all the ideas you can think of into a list. You can
write words, phrase or sentences. See the example.

Topic : Why I need to study English

- For my future job
- I want to speak with foreign people
- To watch American movie
- To study to other country
- To chat online with people from other countries
- To read English magazine
- Cool subject
- My mother asks me
- All my friend at school can speak English
- To kill time

• Mind Mapping
To work with this technique, you need to write the topic in the middle of your
paper and if necessary circle it around. Then put the coming ideas in a circle
around the first one, and connect them with a line to show that the two ideas are

My friends Get a job

speak English

My future

To chat online
in social media
My family likes to
go holiday in
Reasons why to
My daily other country
study English
Read English
books / news My family

My family
Understand music speak English
and movies in

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ü Editing = editor
After gathering plenty of ideas, you need to go back and edit those ideas. In this
phase, you must think of what idea is important and which is not. Besides
deleting the ideas you have written down, it is also possible to add new ideas
here and there if you think it is necessary. You can simple cross the ideas you
don’t need from the list or map. See the example below!
Editing from a list
Topic : Why I need to study English
- For my future job
- I want to speak with foreign people
- To watch American movie
- To study to other country
- To chat online with people from other countries
- To read English magazine
- Cool subject
- My mother asks me
- All my friend at school can speak English
- To kill time
- To improve my career
- To update my intellectual state

Editing from a map

Get a job Study
My friends
speak English
My future To improve
Professional need career

To chat online
in social media
My family
Reasons why speak English
My daily
to study
Read English needs
books / news My family

Understand music My family likes to go

and movies in Communicate with
holiday in other
English people in English

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ü Making the Outline
After having your ideas edited, then the next step is to reorganize the ideas into a
ready to use draft. In this phase, it is very important for you to organize the ideas
into their focused main points. If you brainstorm through listing, this can be done
by selecting and classifying the ideas into similar groups. But if you work with
mind map technique, it may be easier because the ideas may have been
classified as you write them down according to their groups. If we develop the
above samples of brainstorming activities, we can have a possible outline as

Topic : Reason Why You need to study English

Professional Need
- To get a job
- To support my study
- To continue study abroad
- To get better job position
Personal Need
- To improve our intellectual quality: reading / watching / listening
to English news service
- To communicate with global society
- To enjoy entertainment presented in English
- To fit family need
- my family likes to go abroad
- some of my family member speak English

Once you have the outline of the ideas to present, then you have to put them into a
well organized preparation notes, either in form of a planning outline or a speaking

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Practice 2
Organize the ideas generated below into an outline of a presentation. Do the editing
process (selecting, adding/deleting and organizing) and outlining.

Topic : reasons to continue study to university abroad

Purpose : to attract students to continue study abroad

Meet more international

Better social status More chance to get a job
Local campuses are not
Better facilities Better teachers and staff
Learn English / foreign Can’t get a job after high
Learn international culture
language school
More conducive
Get scholarship Chance to see world life
environment to study
Feel the new weather More knowledge experience
Change mind set International career Traveling
Future husband More independent Demands of parents
Many campus event Open minded Food travel
New special skill New habit Simple studies
Get connection / network

Practice 3
Work in group. Choose one of the topics below. Brainstorm your ideas, organize,
and edit the ideas, and finally make your presentation outline. You are free to set the
purpose of your presentation and the audience.

1. Reasons to study in my campus / school

2. How to choose extracurricular activity to join
3. Why use TV as the media for promoting a product

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Chapter 3
Visual Aids for Presentation

Visual aids may be the only notes you need during a speech or presentation.
Business speakers often structure their presentation around a series of slides that
provide both visual appeal and content, interest, and clarity. Other business
speakers may use many types of visual aids in one speech. In this chapter we will
take a closer look at the types of visual aids available to speakers and then offer
some guidelines for both designing and using them.

Warming Up
Answer the following questions.
6. What kind of presentation aids have you ever used?
7. How do you get the presentation aids? did you make it yourself?
8. What do you consider before using the presentation aids?
9. Can you name some types of presentation aids?
10. In your opinion, what is a good presentation aids?

Read the passage below and answer the following questions.

Visual Aids for Presentation

Business speakers have a broader selection of visual aids than those available to writers.
Freed from the constraint of paper– for example, limitations of size and space-speakers can
think in terms of such media as objects and models; flip charts, chalk-and writing boards,
and posters; handouts; overhead transparencies; slides; and videos. According to a recent
survey of 69,000 sales managers, speakers prefer to accompany their verbal sales
presentations with bound-paper presentation far more than any other medium.

OBJECTS AND MODELS If you are presenting the prototype for a new hammer, your best
visual aid is the hammer itself. If you are involved in the manufacture of a new airplane, a
scaled-down model enables you to demonstrate its characteristics. You may use objects
creatively to add interest and clarity to your presentation. As object and models are passed
around the room, they encourage active, hands-on interaction. However, you may find
yourself competing with your own visual aids for audience attention.

presenting information to small interactive groups. Flip charts are the most common way to
display visual in a business presentation, allowing you to show a sequence of graphic
information with the turn of a page. Because flip charts can be prepared in advance, your
presentation can be neat and exact. In addition, advance preparation eliminates the need to
turn your back as you speak or to pause while you draw or write. If you choose this

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medium, be sure that an easel is available in the presentation room. In certain situation,
however, you may actually prefer to write as you speak. When used in this manner, aids like
flip charts and chalkboards are excellent group interaction tools. In a problem-solving
situation, for instance, you can record key ideas as they are contributed. For an informative
presentation, you can list your most important points in the order in which you want to
make them.

HANDOUTS In order to refer to them as they speak, many speakers hand out printed
materials such as agendas, reports, and letters and such visual aids as charts and tables.
Handout are especially useful in small working groups because they encourage interaction.
However, they can divert the audience’s attention. Some speakers prefer to save their
handouts until the end of the presentation. Indeed, many presenters consider it essential to
leave a copy of the presentation, especially if they discussed complex data that requires
more than one quick look.

OVERHEAD TRANSPARENCIES Overhead transparencies, the most popular presentation
medium, allow an image to be projected without darkening the room and without losing
touch with the audience. They are easy to use and flexible, allowing you to add or highlight a
concept while it is being shown. High-quality transparencies can be produced in-house on
photocopy machines that handle transparent film. You can also create full-color computer
graphics that are transferred directly from the computer onto the projection screen. In this
case it is a good idea to create a hard copy of the transparency as a back-up in case of
computer failure.

SLIDES Both color and black-and-white slides can add a professional touch to a
presentation. Slides can be used to display any type of two-dimensional visual aid, including
photographs, maps, lists, tables, and charts. Today’s remote-control slide projectors allow
you to changes slides without stationing yourself next to the machine. You can stand in
front of the room where the audience can pay attention to you as you point out important
details on the slide. However, slides require a darkened room, thereby decreasing audience
interest and eye contact. Programs that create and capture computer-generated graphics
are available on 35mm slides. This requires the use of a film recorder, usually provided by a
slide service, to transfer computer images into slide form.

POWER POINT PRESENTATION SLIDES Power Point presentations consist of a number of
individual pages or “slides”. The slide analogy is a reference to the slide projector. Slides
may contain text, graphics, sound, movies, and other objects, which may be arranged freely.
You can import what you have created in other Microsoft products, such as Word and Excel
into any of your slides. The presentation can be printed, displayed live on computer, or
navigated through at the command of a presenter. PowerPoint provides three types of
1. Entrance, emphasis and exit of elements on a slide itself are controlled by what
PowerPoint calls Custom animation
2. Transition, on the other hand, there are movements between slides which can be
animated in a variety of ways
3. Custom animation can be used to create small story boards by animating pictures to
enter, exit or move.

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VIDEOS Videos are an integral part of many business presentations. Videos has the
advantage of easy recording and instant playback – a feature especially valuable when you
must record activities in the midst of a presentation. A visual imagine in the middle of a
cassette is also easy to locate. Because most videos are shown on small television screens,
they are most effective for small audiences. Many presenters are now showing video clips
with sound to small groups via CD-ROM attachments on their computers.

Depending on how they are used, visual aids can enhance or detract from a speech or an
oral presentation. The following guidelines will help you select and design effective visual
Ø Choose the right visual aids. Your choices should be based on the purpose of your
speech, the size of your audience, the needs of the occasion, and your skill and
experiences in using the medium. Ask yourself whether each visual belongs in your
presentation or could be eliminated.
Ø Remember that your audience wants to see you, not your visuals. Beginning your
presentation with slides projected in a darkened room will prevent you from connecting
with your audience. Ending with a visual will encourage your audience to remember the
visual instead of you.
Ø Don’t repeat the content of the visual when you comment on it. Resist describing every
detail, but explain what is being shown. For example, “This slide shows how workforce
reduction has reduced company overhead in the last three years.”
Ø Stop after your main point and allow the audience to scan the information projected
on the visual. If you speak “on top” of a visual, you will force your audience to choose
between you and it. Pause for several seconds after displaying a visual aid and then
Ø Avoid turning your back on your audience. Maintain eye contact throughout your
presentation, even when displaying a visual. Do not talk to your visual; talk to the
Ø Work on your timing. Never display a visual before talking about it; remove it when you
finish the thought.
Ø Rehearse. Integrate your visual and oral presentations before your performance.
Rehearsal is especially important if you use more than one medium. Moving from a flip
chart to a slide projector to a VCR requires familiarity with the equipment (and a back-
up plan if something goes wrong).

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Useful Language : Expressions used in presenting visual aids

Starting to use the aids

8 OK, let’s take a look at this picture / graph / model
8 To get a clearer view, let’s find out what the graphic can show us
8 Let’s focus on the prototype of our product
8 Now, may have your attention to see the data on the slide

To move on to another aids

8 Let’s move on to another picture / slide / graph
8 Let’s see the next slide
8 Please pay attention to the coming graphic
8 Shall we continue with the next visual aids

Answer the following questions.

1. Compare and contrast the different types of visual aids available to speakers.
2. List specific design guidelines for creating effective visual aids.
3. Why is it important to make yourself, rather than your visual aids, the primary
focus of audience attention?

Read the passage above carefully. Then, pretend that you are going to deliver the
passage above in front of your class. You are to arrange PowerPoint presentation
slides. Write down your concept of slides below (continue from the provided
example or start your own). After that, create your real presentation slides any
necessary PowerPoint application to make it interesting.

Slide 1
Title /sub title : Visual Aids for Presentation
Points :
- Why using a presentation Aids
- Some types of presentation aids

Slide 2
Title /sub title : Objects and Models
Points :
- What are objects and models
- Benefit : encourage active interaction
- Keep the attention on you

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Slide 4
Title /sub title : ………………………………………..

Points :

- …………………………………………………………

- …………………………………………………………

- …………………………………………………………

Slide 5
Title /sub title : ………………………………………..

Points :

- …………………………………………………………

- …………………………………………………………

- …………………………………………………………

Slide 6
Title /sub title : ………………………………………..

Points :

- …………………………………………………………

- …………………………………………………………

- …………………………………………………………

Slide 7
Title /sub title : ………………………………………..

Points :

- …………………………………………………………

- …………………………………………………………

- …………………………………………………………

(you are free to create more slides if necessary)

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Chapter 4

Review Practice 1: What Makes a Good Presentation

Create a dialog with your partner with one of the following topics:

1. The preparations to make an effective presentation.

2. Some tips to handle nervousness before and while having a presentation.
3. Some mistakes that can turn a presentation awful.
4. My personal experience of being a presenter (when; where; what topic; who
and how many audience attended it; what you felt, etc.)

Review Practice 2: To Begin a Presentation

Choose one of the following presentation schemes. Create an introduction part and
act it out. You are free to set the Q and A session.

Scheme 1
Presenter : Giggino Ciccato
Position : Marketing Executives of Oddole Saccuill Inc. Italy
Audience : Prospective product agents/resellers
Outline : 1. About the company: Oddole Saccuill Incorporation Italy
2. Some innovations about the new tooth paste product
3. Profit share and bonus mechanism

Scheme 2
Presenter : Zing Mbiyen Kaelo
Position : Director of Non Ton Dong Production House, Korea.
Audience : Participants of movie star auditions from Indonesia
Outline : 1. Rules and regulations of audition
2. Scoring system in the audition
3. Choice of roles to act in auditions

Scheme 3
Presenter : Vzawatte Maburre
Position : General Manager of PT. Qethuban Air Lines
Audience : All managers and supervisors
Outline : 1. The newest type and specifications of aircraft to operate
2. The Standard Operation Procedures for the new planes operation
3. New flight routes open for next year

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Review Practice 3 : To deliver a presentation
Study the outline of the passage below. Choose one of the topics to present.
Arrange your own passage and present the ideas

Presentation 1 : to promote an English course

Point : Flexibility of course fee
Details : - can share the fee with your friends
- the more friends join, the cheaper the fee
- share with up to 6 students
- can pay in 3 installments
Point : Flexible lesson / learning material
Details : - decide by yourself what you want or need to study
- consult your level of command
- repeat / relearn the lesson anytime you need
- consult your campus / school homework

Presentation 2 : to promote a campus to students

Point : Extracurricular activities available at campus
Details : - Football club / Scientific Club / Youth Muslim union / Entrepreneur
Club / English Debate club
Point : Campus achievements
Details : - National awards:
- First Runner up at National Football Championship for
Universities (2001 – 2003 – 2005 – 2010)
- Champion of National Debate Contest (2010 – 2014)
- National Research Award (2016)
- Second runner up at Students Quran Reciting Contest (2016)
- International awards:
- Best speaker in Asia Debate contest in Japan (2015)
- Best team at World Students Football Championship in USA
(2016 – 2018)

Presentation 3 : To sell a home fitness facility

Point : features of the water cleaner
Details : - Easy to use and easy to keep
- Low voltage > save your money
- Many functions and many mode
- Strong material > 10 years guarantee
Point : Discounts for ordering today
Details : - 50 % discount if you order today
- Free tutorial DVD
- 0% interest for 12 x installments with credit cards from Bank Kotan
- Door prize fro 10 first buyer of today

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Practice 4 : To End a Presentation
Think of a presentation session you carry out with the points given on the table
below. Now, you are to end the presentation. Choose one of the two drafts of the
presentation then think of the closing part to perform

Presentation 1

Presenter Marketing from Smogha Vintar Global School

Audience High school students
Topic Invitation to continue study to Smogha Vintar Global School
Details - School features
- Extracurricular activities
- School achievements: national and international
- School fee and regulations
Target action Audience to continue study at the school

Presentation 2

Presenter Marketing Manager

Audience Prospective business investors
Topic New business investment
Details - Product features
- Prospect of investment:
- small capital to start the business
- easy management
- high profit but low risk
- fast break even point (BEP) time : 1 month
- Some warranties
Target action Audience to invest in the business

Presentation 3

Presenter Sales Executive

Audience Prospective buyers
Topic Selling new product : super vitamin
Details - Company profile
- Product features:
- production process
- ingredients and how they work in our body
- some illness that can be totally cured
- testimonies from user
- Some discounts for the buyers
Target action Audience to order / buy the product as soon as possible

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Chapter 5
To Start a Presentation

The first few minutes of the presentation can be very important time to make a
first impression. It may play a very crucial role for the whole presentation as usually
in this phase the listeners decide whether a presentation has any value, whether the
speaker is credible, and whether they should pay attention to the presentation. If a
speaker makes a bad impression during the introduction, he or she possibly will
spend more time to regain the good grace of the audience. This chapter will
elaborate some suggested ideas to carry out an introduction of a presentation.

Warming Up : Answer the questions below and compare your answers with your

1. Have you ever presented something in front of some audience? When was that?
What did you present?
2. Did you divide your presentation into some parts? what are they?
3. Do you know how to start a presentation?
4. What points should we convey in a beginning of a presentation? introducing
5. What should we say when we do the initial part of a presentation?

Read the following passage and answer the questions based on it.

Harits Ahmad Naufal, Head of Marketing Division at Waroeng Inggris ETC is giving a
presentation to some potential customers. Read the text of the presentation he

OK, let’s get started. Good morning everyone and thank you for coming
to this presentation. For those of you who don’t know me, my name is
Harits Ahmad Naufal and I am the Head of Marketing Division at
Waroeng Inggris ETC, Bandar Lampung. Well, I should start off by
asking how many people here have heard about Waroeng Inggris ETC.
Can you just raise your hands? OK, Thank you. And of you people who
have heard of it, how many of you have studied in our campus? Great,
thank you. Today, I am going to talk to you about Waroeng Inggris ETC.
I’m going to begin by giving you an overview of our course. Then, I’ll go
on to tell you about our services, and finally I’ll explain how it you can
benefit from our institution. And feel free to ask any questions as you
like as we go along.

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Now answer the following questions

1 What part of presentation does the text above belong to?

2. What does Harits say to start the presentation?
3. How does Harits introduce himself to the audience?
4. Why does Harits ask some questions for the audience?
5. What points should we present when we open a presentation?
6. Do you know other possible statements/sentences to use to open a

Useful Language : To Start a Presentation

The statements below can be few of possible expressions to use to start a

presentation. Learn and practice the expressions.

ü Greeting / Opening

It is necessary to greet your audience appropriately to show your respect as well as

to draw their initial attention to you. It is common to thank your audience for their
coming to open your presentation and lead to the main intention of the meeting or
your presentation. For that purpose, you may use the examples below.

• Good morning ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for coming to this
• Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to thank you very much for your time here.
• Good evening everyone. It is an honor for me to stand before you to talk
about ….
• Good afternoon. Thank you very much for the chance to present this ….

ü Introducing yourself

When you are to present in front of the audience who don’t know you, then it will be
wise to introduce yourself clearly. When necessary, the following expressions may
be used.

• For those of you who don’t know me, my name is ………

• Let me introduce myself, my name is …….
• I am Mukarat Nakuti, the sales representatives of Kakikulika Hospital.
• My name is Khan. I am the Public Relation Officer of Anchour L’bour
• On behalf of myself and DnD Enterprise, I’d like to welcome you. My name is
Raiso Koyokui

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ü Capturing attention of audience

This part may also play the most important role for your whole presentation. If you
succeed to capture your audience attention, it will be easier for you to go through the
next parts. There are some techniques to do – making simple or rhetoric questions,
anecdotes or jokes, or doing an interesting demonstration of a product related to
your presentation. The expressions may be as follow:
• Well everyone, have you heard of Waroeng Inggris ETC ?
• Most Indonesian students graduate from high school with sufficient English
speaking skills. They just know how to do with paper tests. Isn’t it dangerous
for their future ?
• How can we ignore the need of studying English ?
• Do you have any idea of how to graduate from this college with flying colors?
• Ladies and gentlemen, I wish I could tell you all the wisdom you need to
succeed in this line of business. No I don’t. But I have some suggestions
which may be of help.
• Allow me to show you first how this product can help you.

ü Previewing / Outlining the points of your presentation

Before coming to your detail presentation, it is important to preview the outline of

your presentation. This may give your audiences the idea of how or what your
presentation will be about. To do so, you may try the examples below.

• This morning, I’d like to outline the campaign concept we have developed for
you, it is ……….
• I’m going to tell you about the ideas we’ve come up with for our marketing
• I’ve divide this presentation into some parts. First, I will present ……..
secondly, I will talk about …… afterwards, I will give you some ideas about …
and finally / last of all, …….

ü Signaling for Question and Answer session

In the last part of the opening of your presentation, you may also inform how you
would interact with your audience if they have something to ask. For that, you may it
this way:
• Please feel free to ask any questions as you like as we go along.
• If you have something to ask, please don’t hesitate to interrupt me.
• Ladies and gentlemen, I would be glad to discuss things over at the end of my
• At the end of this presentation, we would have time for any of your questions or
• If you are not clear about anything, go ahead and ask any questions you want.

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Practice 2
Complete the following passage with appropriate expressions.
(1). To thank the audience and Introduce yourself
(2). To capture attention from the audience
(3). To preview outline
(4). To signal Q & A session

Good Morning everyone . (1) …………………………………………………………..…

……………………………… is Sugianto, but please just call me Giant. I am a sales

representative from Mlaqu Seackill Tour and Travel. (2) ……………………..…………





(3) ………………………………………………………………………………………………


about our new facilities; new travel destinations and discount rates offer.

(4) ………………………………………………………………………………..…………..


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Practice 3 Create a passage for a possible introduction part below

Presenter 1
Name : Vallapu Singh
Position : Public Relation Divison Head of Smoga Vinthar School
Audience : Parents of the students
Outline : 1. Annual achievement report
2. School agenda for the next year
Presenter 2
Name : Maruto Kloppo
Position : Sales Executive of Blassra Wuenack Café and Resto
Audience : Prospective buyers
Outline : 1. New atmosphere at the café
2. New products features
3. Special services for special clients program
Presenter 3
Name : (you)
Position : Chairman of the class
Audience : your classmates
Outline : 1. Rules and regulations of the class
2. New structure of the class
3. Class plans

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Chapter 6
The Body of a Presentation

After dealing with the first step of a presentation in the previous chapter, in
this chapter we will deal with the body of a presentation. The body is the heart of a
speech or presentation. Usually, this part comes with certain organizational patterns
– problem/solution, cause and effect, chronological order, deductive or inductive
patterns, etc – to present the main points and supporting materials. The goal of
organizing the body in such a way is to lead listeners to accept a particular point of
view or to comprehend the information that is presented. Besides mastering the
content of your material, some expressions can be used for the sake of delivering
this part successfully.

Warming Up
Work in pairs or groups of three. Comment on the following statements then share it
with the class. In your opinions are they: a) important, b) helpful, or c) useless for a
successful presentation ?

1. Tell a joke at the beginning

2. Read out your presentation from a script
3. Stand up when giving presentation
4. Speak more slowly than your normal speaking habit
5. Provide too many details to support a point
6. Involve the audience during the presentation
7. Invite questions during the presentation
8. Stick on what you have planned
9. Move around the room during your presentation
10. Use a lot of gestures to strengthen meanings

Read the following passage and answer the questions based on it.

Harits Ahmad Naufal, Head of Marketing Division at Waroeng Inggris ETC is giving a
presentation to some potential customers. The passage below is some part of the
body of his presentation. Read and answer the questions about it.

Alright, let’s start with the best selling English learning programs we
can provide for you. We understand that nowadays some people
have to live a busy life with tight and dynamic schedule. As the result,
although they are badly in need of English learning, it is hard for them

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to join English course with regular schedules. They require more
flexible learning schedules to accommodate their need of learning
with their condition. Of course, it would be easier for them if they can
set their own free schedule – they can decide when to study or to skip
it when necessary without losing their chance to learn. You know, it
commonly happens when we join a certain course with regular
schedule – if you are absent you miss the lesson. On the grounds of
this condition, we will launch our new learning program that we
called ETC Flexiblearning. This program provides some features
which are very beneficial for people with busy schedules. Besides
flexibility in time, this program also comes up with some other
flexibility of features such as the course fee, the learning material, the
person and the number of partner to learn with, as well as the
instructors or teachers.

Now let’s move on to the first benefit of this program that is the
flexible time or schedule. Through this time flexibility feature, you can
flexibly set your very appropriate time to study. Yes, you still have to
come to ETC to learn but the time is up to you. Anytime you find
yourself free, you can simply contact our administration staff and
book a schedule. You can just either call, send sms or chat us through
social media such as Whatssap, BBM, Facebook, etc. Yes, it is just
that simple.

Now answer the following questions

1. What is the main point of the first paragraph of passage above ?

2. How are the ideas organized ?
3. What is the point of the second paragraph of the passage ?
4. Are the ideas of the second paragraph and the first paragraph similar ?
5. What points would be discussed / presented following the second paragraph ?

Useful Language : To deliver the body of a presentation

The statements below can be few of possible expressions to use to deliver the body
of a presentation. Learn and practice the expressions.

ü Presenting the main points

• The main point of my presentation is …..
• Let’s start with the first point that is …..
• Let’s focus on ….
• We need to underline the idea of ….

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ü Referring to visuals
• If you look at the graph / chart , ….
• If you take a look at the picture / slide / display, ….
• Could I draw your attention to the chart ?
• Let’s look at the ….

ü Changing the topic

• Right, let’s now move on to ….
• OK. Now I will look at ….
• Moving on to the next point, …..
• I’ll continue to tell you about ….

ü Ensuring audience’s involvement

• OK, can you follow what I’m trying to convey?
• Are you with me this far ?
• Do you see the points ?
• Can you catch what I present ?

ü Ending the presentation

• Thank you very much. Any questions ?
• Well, that’s all I have to say. Thank you for listening.
• I think that would be all. Thank you
• That’s all my presentation. Thank you very much.

Practice 2
Read again the passage in Practice 1 above. Complete the outline below with the
point and the supporting details of the first and second paragraph.

Paragraph 1
Point : …………………………………………………………………………………
Details : ………………………………………………………………………………...

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Paragraph 2
Point : …………………………………………………………………………………
Details : ………………………………………………………………………………...

Practice 3
Study the outline of the passage below. Arrange your own passage and practice to
present the ideas in front of your class.

Point : Flexibility of course fee

Details : - can share the fee with your friends
- the more friends join, the cheaper the fee
- share with up to 6 students
- can pay in 3 installments

Point : Flexible lesson / learning material

Details : - decide by yourself what you want or need to study
- consult your level of command
- repeat / relearn the lesson anytime you need
- consult your campus / school homework

Point : Flexible to choose partner

Details : - want to study individually > take private learning program
- want to study with special friends only > take group learning
- or choose who and how many friends to join with you
- share with up to 6 students > cheaper fee

Point : Flexible to choose the instructor

Details : - many great instructors are available
- try to study with those great teachers
- select one favorite teacher to teach along your course
- change the instructor for your convenience

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Chapter 7
To End a Presentation and Handle the Q and A Session

The last part of a presentation is the conclusion and question and answer
session. The conclusion may serve four important functions: to sum up the
message, to put the message in a broad context, to personalize the message and to
call for specific action to follow. It may simply tell the audience that the presentation
is completed, so it is not the place to make new point to discuss. As the final words
the listeners will hear, the closing part should give a deep impression. So it is
important to note that even if you feel disappointed with your own presentation, it is
not necessary to conclude by apologizing for your failures during the presentation.
In addition, there is also something to ponder when the presentation is continued
with question and answer session. It is important to know how to handle the Q and A
session as it can help us understand how the audiences follow our presentation.

Warming Up
Do you agree and what is your comment on the following statements ? Share it with
the class.

1. When we end a presentation, it is important to tell the summary of our

2. Before we end our presentation, we should ask our audience some questions
to check whether they follow our presentation.
3. It is not necessary to take note of the name of someone who asks a question
about our presentation.
4. We can just ignore any question from our audience, if the topic is out of our
5. When there is a question too difficult to answer, we should tell honestly that
we don’t know the answer.

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Read the following passage and answer the following questions based on it.

Harits Ahmad Naufal, Head of Marketing Division at Waroeng Inggris ETC is giving a
presentation to some potential customers. The passage below is some part of the
body of his presentation. Read and answer the questions about it.

Well, let me now conclude what I have presented this far. The points
are ETC has been developing with a serious commitment to serve you
in learning English. Besides our regular classes, we provide you with
the more flexible way of learning, which is the ETC Flexiblearning for
more flexible time, friends, course fee, lesson and instructor for you.
So, don’t think too much. It is time to come and experience exciting
learning with us.
Ladies and gentlemen, now I would like to invite any question or
suggestion from you.
(a woman rises her hand) Yes, Ma’am. Would you mention your name
please ?
(the woman asks a question) Thank you. My name is Tery Makashi. My
question… err … is there any discount if my husband and I study
together ?
OK, thank you very much, Ms. Tery, that’s a very good question. All
right, ETC provides special discount for family members who study in
our course. In your case, we can provide 10% discount from the total
course fee. Do I answer your question, Ms. Tery ?
(The wonman replies) That’s clear. Thanks a lot.
You are welcome. (then a man rises his hand) Yes, Sir. Please.

(the man asks a question) Thank you. I am Denlave. That’s interesting

presentation. I want to ask you about the program. Is it possible if we
take the flexible program but the instructor come to our home or office?
and … what about the course fee ? Thank you.
Thank you Mr. Denlave. Very good. Yes, sure, we are committed to
flexible learning. We can surely accommodate your need that way. We
can provide the teacher to come to your place. Yes, there will be a little
adjustment with the fee, not much. And it is really negotiable based on
how far your location is.
(after the Q and A session ends) OK. Ladies and gentlemen, thanks a
lot for your attention. We would be looking forward to serving you at
ETC. have a nice day. Good bye.

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Now answer the questions below based on the above passage.

1. What point does the presenter emphasize in the ending part of his
2. Should we repeat the sentence exactly as we did in the opening part of our
3. Why is his intention to mention: “So, don’t think too much? It is time to come
and experience exciting learning with us.”?
4. What does he say to invite questions from the audience?
5. How do you think he respond to the questions from the audience?
6. What is your comment about the closing part above?

Useful Language : To end a presentation and to handle the Q and A session

The statements below can be few of possible expressions to use to end a
presentation and to handle the Q and A session of a presentation. Learn and
practice the expressions.

ü To conclude the message

• To conclude / sum up, …
• In conclusion, ….
• I would highlight that ….
• As I mentioned earlier in my presentation, …

ü To call for the expected action

• So, the next thing to do is ….
• What we’ve got to do now is ….
• I believe that it is necessary for you to ….
• We should underline that we need to ….

ü To invite for a question / suggestion

• I would like to invite any question and suggestion from you all.
• Now I would be glad to answer your question.
• Is there any question ?
• Please feel free to ask any question ?

ü To comment on a question / comment

• I think that’s interesting question / comment
• That’s a very good question / comment
• That’s brilliant, Sir / Ma’am.
• I should thank you very much for the suggestion.

ü To confirm our answer

• Do I answer your question?
• Is that clear to answer your question?
• Do I make it clear ?
• Is that what you expected to know ?

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Practice 2
Now, you are to end the presentation that Harits do in above. Use your own words
to complete the missing statements.

……………………………………………………………………. The points are

ETC has been developing with a serious commitment to serve you in
learning English. Besides our regular classes, we provide you with the
more flexible way of learning, which is the ETC Flexiblearning for
more flexible time, friends, course fee, lesson and instructor for you.
So, don’t think too much. ……………………………………………………

Ladies and gentlemen, ………………………………………………………

(a woman rises her hand) Yes, Ma’am. Would you mention your
name please ?

(the woman asks a question) Thank you. My name is Tery Makashi.

My question… err … is there any discount if my husband and I study
together ?

……………………………………………………………………….. All right,

ETC provides special discount for family members who study in our
course. In your case, we can provide 10% discount from the total
course fee. ………………………………………………………………… ?

(The wonman replies) That’s clear. Thanks a lot.

You are welcome. (then a man rises his hand) Yes, Sir. Please.

(the man asks a question) Thank you. I am Denlave. That’s interesting

presentation. I want to ask you about the program. Is it possible if we
take the flexible program but the instructor come to our home or
office ? and … what about the course fee ? Thank you.

…………………………………………………………………. Yes, sure, we

are committed to flexible learning. We can surely accommodate your
need that way. We can provide the teacher to come to your place.
Yes, there will be a little adjustment with the fee, not much. And it is
really negotiable based on how far your location is.

(after the Q and A session ends) OK. Ladies and gentlemen, thanks
a lot for your attention. We would be looking forward to serving you
at ETC. have a nice day. Good bye.

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Practice 3
Think of a presentation session you carry out with the points given on the table
below. Now, you are to end the presentation. Choose one of the two drafts of the
presentation then think of the closing part to perform

Presentation 1

Presenter Sales person

Audience Housewives
Topic Marketing new products : gas stove
Details - Save up to 60% of common gas consumption
- Make cooking faster and easier
- High quality material
- Big discount up to 50%
Target action Audience to buy the product

Presentation 2

Presenter Marketing Manager

Audience Board of Directors / Managers
Topic Sales report of 3 months
Details - Sales increase up to 45% in 3 months
- Because of some reasons :
- effective TV promotion sales force
- effective door to door selling
- effective training for the sales people
Target action - Increase production and promotion
- Increase incentive or salary for marketing division

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Chapter 8
Presenting Your Company

We have to present our company profile to our new business partners,
prospective customers, or other parties who might need or be interested in knowing
about our company. In this kind of occasion, besides mastering your company
profile, you are required to deliver the information in such a way that can enable the
listeners to catch the information you present. This chapter concerns the needed
expressions to use when you are to present your company.

Warming Up : Put a tick (P)on the kind of information would be necessary and put
a cross (X) for the kind of unnecessary information to present about a company.
Write down more ideas you can think of in the black circle.

Year of
office Future plans
Number location
of branch

Annual Compan
y Profile The founder

Names of Total company

all directors lost last year
and staffs Company
customers products
Compan / services

Read the following passage and answer the questions based on it.

Mrs. Hanifa, the Personnel manager at Waroeng Inggris ETC is giving a presentation
to some potential customers. Read the text of the presentation he conveyed.

Good morning everyone and thank you for coming to this

presentation. My name is Hanifa Sophia and I am the Personnel
Manager at Waroeng Inggris ETC, Bandar Lampung. Within few
minutes, I am going to talk to you about our institution in brief. First of

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all, I will give you some basic information about our English course
then I will continue with our branches. After that I will outline the
strengths of our learning programs. Ladies and gentlemen, please feel
free to ask any questions as you like as we go along.

Let me start with some basic facts about Waroeng Inggris ETC. The
institution was established in 2012. We are a family owned institution
and our head office is in Bandar Lampung city, of Lampung province.
We provide some English learning programs for all level of learners.
Our programs are prepared for elementary up to university students
and employees as well as professional business people. We have 7
branches located in some regencies of Lampung and now we are
planning to open more branches in other cities out of Lampung.

Our institution is growing fast as the programs we provide are very

suitable for our target customers. Besides the regularly scheduled
programs, ETC also provide a very flexible learning program for
those who cannot join the course with certain scheduled course time.
Our strength might be in the low cost feature and freedom for the
learners, you know, we make our customers free to set their own time,
course fee and groups to learn with.

Finally, a few words about our new project. We have been planning
to establish our higher level English school that is an academy of
foreign language. This hopefully will give us foothold in Indonesia.
We are very excited about this new development. Well, thank you
very much for listening to my talk.

Now complete the following grids with the information from the passage above.

Name of Institution
Year of Establishment
Head Office
Products / Service Provided
Future Plan

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Useful Language : To present some company profiles

The statements below can be few of possible expressions to use to present a

company profile. Learn and practice the expressions.

Giving the history of your company

• We were founded / set up / established in 1981.
• We merged with X company in 1990.
• We set up a subsidiary in the UK.
• We floated on the stock exchange last year, and we are now listed on the Jakarta
Stock Exchange.

Talking about your products and services

• We make / produce packaging material.
• We manufacture car engines.
• We supply paper products.
• We launched a new washing powder last month. It has revolutionised the
washing process.
• We have pioneered new ways of reducing energy costs in domestic appliances.
• We are researching new products for the home entertainment industry
• We are developing new software for the internet

Company performance
• We are the market leaders in three countries.
• We have expanded our operations.
• Our company has grown by one-third.
• We make annual profits of $1 million.
• Our turnover is in excess of $2 million.

Company structure
• We employ more than 2000 people worldwide
• At the head is the President, or CEO.
• Below the President is the Managing Director, who has overall responsibility for
the day-to-day running of the company.
• The company is divided into different departments, each with its own director.
The Marketing and Sales department consists of the sales team, and customer
services. The Administration department also includes Human Resources.

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Practice 2
Rearrange the following scrambled paragraphs into a speech presenting a company
profile. Put the number to show the order in the left column.

Now let me show you this figure. From our stores above, we have annual turnover of
about US $250 million. Our net profit last year was about US $25 million. We have a
workforce of about 1500 employees.

Well, I think that would be all of my presentation. thank you for your attention.

Today I will present some information about my company which is about our products,
our stores, our strengths a company and our prospective future.

First, about my company history. Noracx Fashion was established in 2005 in Jakarta,
Indonesia. It was initiated by few outstanding fashion designers in Indonesia. I believe
you are familiar with the big names of Utang Lyunas, Haji Nyotonecoro, Oskar
Radalatah and Diam Pulangin.

We sell clothes for men and women and our customers are mainly fashion conscious
people aged 60 to 70. We have 13 stores all over Indonesia, 2 stores in Singapore, 1 in
Bangkok and 2 in Malaysia. All stores are very profitable.

Good morning ladies and gentlemen. Thank you very much for the chance. First of all,
let me introduce myself, my name is Vallapu Singh. I am the Marketing Manager of
Noracx Fashion.

Finally, I will tell you that Noracx Fashion is planning to open a new store in Italy next
year. We are simply responding to a great demand from Italian market. Hopefully,
this will be our promising step to enter international fashion world.

Ladies and gentlemen, our strengths are our ability to keep updated with fashion
trends. We always update our designs every 2 weeks. And we sell with the right price.

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Practice 3
Create a passage for a possible company profile presentation with the following

Profile 1
Company “Mauro Bogh” Hotel and Convention Centers
Business Start 2000
Head Office Menggala Regency, Lampung, Indonesia
Branches Jakarta, Singapore, New York, Rome, Paris
Products / service Hotel and convention center services
Customers High class business people
Annual Profit USD.50 million
Strength High quality modern and complete service
Future Plans Open a branch in Mumbay, India

Profile 2
Company “Smogha Vintar” Public High School
Business Start 1999
Head Office Bandung, Indonesia
Branches Jakarta, Surabaya
Products / Service Public Education services
Customers High school students from middle up economic class family
Annual Profit (not to be exposed)
Strength Low cost, professional teachers, complete modern facilities,
various students organizations, green school zone
Future Plans Establish a new branch in Papua

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Chapter 9
Presenting Your Company Product

In some occasions, we need to present our company products to our new
business partners, prospective customers, or other parties who might need or be
interested in knowing about our products. To be successful in such kind of
presentation, we are required to have sufficient product knowledge as well as the
ability to convey the ideas. This chapter discusses the needed vocabulary and
expressions to use when you are to present your company products.

Warming Up : Answer the following questions. Compare your answer, then,
compare your answers with your friends.

1. What preparation would you do if you have to present a product in front of

your customers?

2. Choose the aspects of a product that might be important to describe for the
consumers ! Can you add more ideas ?

price material brand guarantee characteristic

seller outlet production location of types of plusses of the

process the factory consumers product

how to get service how to use minuses of

the product centers the product the product

3. If you have a very short time to present a product, what aspect will you
convey ? (choose 3 most important aspects)

4. How do you define a successful product presentation?

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Read the following passage and answer the questions based on it.

Mrs. Vina Aliya – the Marketing manager at Waroeng Inggris ETC – is giving a
product presentation to some potential customers. Read the text of the presentation
she conveyed.

Ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce you to our newest product of

Waroeng Inggris ETC – the UPtoME. The term UPtoMe stands for
Ultimate Program to Mastering English. As indicated by the brand we
present, this program is the ultimate offer we can dedicate for your
easy, effective and efficient learning. Let me tell you its features.

The first is the super flexible schedule. The feature allows you to set
free from the tight weekly schedule that may collide with your
routines. Simply, you can study anytime you wish. The second strong
point is the flexible learning material. We provide the lesson menu
and you can choose the lesson that you really need. So you will not
waste your time for useless lesson. The third feature is the flexible fee.
In this case, as you can choose the lesson from the menu, then you
are also free to set how many meeting you will take and how much
course fee you should pay. Simply, just pay as the number of the
course you take. Moreover, you can share the fee with your friends.
The more friends you have in your group, the cheaper you should
pay. Yes, you can make your special study group. Now, you can
study only with people you want. And the last feature is the flexibility
to choose the teacher. We let you try our professional teachers, but
then you can choose one who matches your learning style to be your
teacher. Yes, you decide you will teach you.

For this freedom, you may pay start from only Rp.28.000,- per
meeting. The fee includes the learning module and soft drink for every
meeting. If you register now, you don’t need to pay any registration
fee and we will give you some nice souvenirs. OK, so far, is there
any questions ?

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Now complete the following grids with the information from the passage above.

Product Brand

Selling Points


Other aspect

Useful Language : To present a product

The following expressions can be used when we should deliver a presentation of a

product. Learn and practice the expressions.
Introducing the product
• This is our new product
• Let me introduce you to our latest product
• We are proud to present to you our newest product
• It is an honor for us to show you our product

Talking about your products

• Let me tell you about its special features
• This product is made of unique material
• It weighs no more than 2 kilos
• We provide a wide range of colors and size
• The main characteristic of our product is ….
• The dimension of our newest cell phone is 10x3x0,2 cm,

Stating the product’s uses

• We dedicate this product for your great travel time
• This product is ideal for real music lovers
• This head set is designed to be used with any type of gadget
• This motorbike is produced to meet the need of an economical commuter

Mentioning selling points

• This product has several special features
• It has some advantages, they are ….
• The specifications of this product are ….
• The special characteristic of this product is ….

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Practice 2
Complete the passage below with any appropriate words / terms from the list.

Comes really ideal order

let me tell you Present completed
as you can see meets the need its selling price
Paired I forgot to tell you competitive

We __________ for you the mini LCD projector from Iridenk-Q.

_________________ , it is useful, attractive and stylish. The casing is made of
high quality plastic material that makes this LCD very light yet strong. Its lens can
stand for 10 hours, the strongest in its class. It ___________ with Bluetooth and
infra red technology that enables you to connect your wireless device. It is
_____________ with rechargeable battery. Now, ____________________ the
dimensions. It is only 5 cm high, 10 cm wide and 7 cm long and it weighs no more
than 500 grams. It comes in various colors : red, black, yellow and blue. It is
__________________ for you who need a handy tool to display your
presentation images anywhere. It __________________ of busy and mobile
people. It is very easy to use too. All you need to do is pairing your device
through the Bluetooth or infrared connection in the LCD. As it is ____________ ,
then you can manage the operation, … oh sorry, ___________________ that it
comes with a handy remote control that you can use as a usual LCD projector.
With this device, your presentation will appear very professional and interesting.
And _________________ is only under Rp.500.000,-. That is a very
____________ price for your convenience. If you ___________ at least 3 units
now, we can give you 50% discount. All right, I think I am ready if you want to
ask any questions.

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Practice 3
Create a passage for a possible product presentation with the following features.

Product 1 : Filling Cabinet

Brand L’marri Cowtack
Material aluminum case (5 mm) with stainless steel frame
Dimension @ W x L x H (25 x 40 x 60) Available in 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 stacks
Colors Green / blue / maroon / white
Durable product – 10 years guarantee
Selling points Anti fire, moth and anti rust
Easy to construct and move
Users Home and office
Price Rp.1.500.000,- up to rp.4.000.000,-
Discount 50% (order more than 5 units)
Guarantee 10 years
Other features Free delivery for all Lampung area

Product 2 : Office Cleaning Service

Brand Smogha Bersheeh
Personnel Well trained SMU graduates
Well trained for international standard of hygiene
Selling Well motivated and discipline
points Reasonable service fee
Available for long or short term contract
Users Offices / hospitals / schools etc
Price Regional Minimum Wage Standard
Other We only use varieties of high quality cleaning equipment and eco
features friendly cleaning material (depending on the specification of service)

Practice 4
Create your own product presentation. Create your own table to describe the
product specifications (you can think of any real or imaginary product to present).
Then, present it in front of your friends.

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Chapter 10
Presenting Your Company Performance

A company experiences some trends within its operations. Sometimes a

company performance may have positive trends as it gets some positive
improvements of number of production, sales, subscribers, etc. But some other
times, bad performance may give rise to negative trends indicated through some
unwanted falling conditions. This chapter is to discuss some terms and expression
used to present company performance.

Warming Up : Answer the following questions. Then, compare your answers with
your friends.

1. If you are a person of marketing force, what do you expect to happen with
your sales? What do you avoid to come up?
2. Can you mention some indications of positive and negative trends of a
company performance?
3. What can people do get positive company performance?
4. What would you do if you experience negative trends in your business?

Read the text of a presentation from Mrs. Vina Aliya about the company
performance. Afterward, complete the table showing the condition explained through
the presentation.

Good evening and thank you for coming. I will try to present the
performance of our English course for this year. We have gone
through four terms this year. The first term of January through March,
there were about 650 students distributed in 37 classes. The next
term, April through June, there was an increase by 150 students. So
the total number of students was 900 distributed in 45 classes. As
commonly happens every year during national exam periods, our
students deceased from 900 to 760 students in the third term. There
were about 100 students reported to postpone their class and 30
students quitted and 10 students were dropped out. There were 38
classes run during the term. Ladies and gentlemen, we have tried our
new promotion approach, which was through social media, and the
result was amazing. There was a significant increase in the number of
our students. I can say that it reached a peak in our fourth term. We
had about 1.125 students registered in our data base. They were
distributed in 57 classes. We must thank to our online marketing
force. Well, now we are at the end of our fourth term, and the newest
report I got this morning that the number of students are raising now.
Hopefully this trend will get better in the coming year.

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Now complete the table below

The number of students and classes at Waroeng Inggris ETC

Terms Jan – Apr May – June July - Sep Oct – Dec



Useful Language : To present a company performance

When presenting ideas related to company performances, the following terms and
expressions are commonly used. To describe changing circumstances, some verbs
and adjectives indicating movement may be used to express the condition

improve decline
increase decrease
recover drop
rise fall
go up go down
grow dive
edge up plummet
rocket edge down
soar dip

reach a
reach plateau
a peak remain constant /
stable / flat
stay the same
level off

get a down
ward trend
get an up
ward trend fluctuate

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The amount of increase can also be indicated using these verbs:
- halve (/2) - double (X2) - triple (X3)
- quadruple (X4) - increase tenfold (X10)

or with prepositions:
- our business grows by 15%
- sales increased from Rp.150.000,- to Rp.500.000,-

Some adjective can be used to indicate the movement:

- rapid - dramatic - sharp
- steady - moderate - small - slight - gradual

It is important to note that the use of tenses will be very crucial to indicate the
performance as it may happens in a certain range of time. Look at the examples:
• The sales have increased by 30 million units since January
• The number of consumer has been increasing since last semester
• We got some dramatic lost last month
• Last year, our profit dropped to the lowest condition
• Our market is recovering nowadays
• The graph shows that our profits are inclining sharply this year
• We are in a very healthy financial condition nowadays
• We will double our sales next year

Read again to the presentation from Mrs. Vina Aliya about the company
performance. Now, complete the text below with your own words

Good evening and thank you for coming. I will try to present the
performance of our English course for this year. We _______________
through four terms this year. The first term of January through March,
there _______ about 650 students distributed in 37 classes. The next
term, April through June, there ___________________ by 150
students. So the total number of students was 900 distributed in 45
classes. As commonly ___________ every year during national exam
periods, our students _____________ from 900 to 760 students in the
third term. There ________ about 100 students reported to postpone
their class and 30 students quitted and 10 students were dropped out.
There were 38 classes run during the term. Ladies and gentlemen, we
have tried our new promotion approach, which was through social

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media, and the result was amazing. There _____________________
in the number of our students. I can say that it
____________________ in our fourth term. We had about 1.125
students registered in our data base. They were distributed in 57
classes. We must thank to our online marketing force. Well, now we
are at the end of our fourth term, and the newest report I got this
morning that the number of students _______________ now. Hopefully
this trend _______________ in the coming year.

Practice 3
Complete the passage with any appropriate expressions based on data provided in
the graph below.

The Number of Students Visiting ETC Library

January – December 2016

700 725
610 610

500 540
400 375

100 100

Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Good morning ladies and gentlemen. I am glad you can manage to come to our
meeting today. I would like to start by showing you this graph – the data of students
visiting our library. After officially open in the beginning of January 2016, the graph
shows that there were 100 students visited our library. In February, the number
……………….. by 85 student. Then there was ………………………………. In March.
I think it is an indication that the library division worked well. Unfortunately, it did not
perform well to April because as we can see the number ………….………………….
to 200 students. One reason we can understand is that there was a renovation in

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some areas of the library during that month. Next, …………………………………….
from 200 to 375 students in May but then …………………………………. to 300 in
June. In July, the visits ………………………………………… As we can see, there
were 725 students on the record. ………………………………………. In August and
…………………………. in September. And finally the data show that the visits
…………………………………………… from September to December. Well, ladies
and gentlemen, the next, Mrs. Ceres will present you the data about the number of
our library collections. Mrs. Ceres, the floor is yours.

Practice 4
You are a the Marketing Manager of Ketuban Air. Now you are presenting the
number of passengers using your company flight service during the first semester of
this year. Create your own presentation based on the data below and present it in
front of your friends.

Ketuban Air
Domestic and International Flight Sales Report
January – June 2016

Flight Jan Feb Mar Apr May June

Domestic 1500 1300 225 450 900 950

International 650 650 115 263 925 875

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Chapter 11
Delivering Situational Speeches

In some occasions, we need to deliver certain remarks or short speech in

accordance to the situation such as a colleague’s promotion, farewell party, etc.
Often, we have to deliver such situational speech without advance preparation –
usually known as impromptu speaking. When called on to make an impromptu
remark, it is important to focus on the needs of our audience. We should try to limit
our remarks to a specific purpose and resist any temptation to say too much: make
short and clear points. Although our audience may not expect a formal presentation,
our speech does expect intelligent and cogent ideas.

Warming Up : Answer the following questions. Then, compare your answers with
your friends.

1. Can you name some more situations in which an impromptu speech is

sometimes required?
2. Have you ever been asked to deliver such an impromptu speech ? What was
the occasion?
3. Imagine that you are to deliver a short speech to start a dinner with your
company guests. What points would be necessary to extend when deliver
such a situational speech?

Mr. Thomas, one of the teachers at Waroeng Inggris ETC, will be transferred to
another branch office in another city. The company holds a luncheon as a farewell
party. Mr. Thomas is delivering his farewell speech. Read his speech and number
the items below in the correct order.

Good afternoon guys. Thank you for your coming. Thanks a

zillion. First of all, Cyndy, I’d like to thank you very much for
organizing this nice luncheon. I owe you much. And my special
thanks go to Mr. Adhi, a real patient teacher as well as a killer
supervisor. Frankly, I don’t think I can reach such a great
improvement without your guidance, Sir. Thank you very very
much. And for you all, well, guys, it has been great years for me
to have great colleagues like you all here. Thanks for giving me
so great great experience and lessons. I really appreciate all the
hard work we have done together as a team. And especially my
dynamic teaching team, Mr. aldo, Mr. Smith, Mrs. Erny, Mrs.
Ulfa, Ms. Caca, and Ms. Nesya … what can I say ... you are the

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best team I ever have. It won’t be easy for me to start new steps
without great people like you. But in the mean time, I think I just
have to try this. So please, wish me luck, Guys. I am sure I will
miss you all. Finally, please forgive me if I’ve done any
disturbing attitudes. Trust me; I’ve never intended to hurt
anyone. Thank you very much.

Asks for good luck

Thanks his supervisor

Says he will miss the people

Thanks Cyndy for the party she organized

Asks for apologize

Thanks all colleagues for coming to the party 1

Appreciate all his colleagues

Useful Language : To deliver a situational speech

A situational speech may vary according to the situation. It is important to note that
even though this kind of speech tends to be less formal, but to be polite is of a great
importance. Some expressions may be useful in delivering a situational speech.
The following are some examples.

ü To open the speech ü Thank various different people

• Could I have your attention, • My special thanks go to ….
please? • Please let me extend my deepest
• All right, let me start this with gratitude to ….
thanking you all for coming • First of all, I would like to thank ….
• Good evening. It’s an honor for • I really appreciate ….
me to stand before you all here • I would especially like to thank ….

ü Talk about appropriate situation ü Ask for apologize

you enjoy • I would also like to ask for
• It has been a great experience to apologize for ….
be part of you all • Please forgive me if I have been
• Frankly speaking, I do enjoy being of any disturbance
here • I am really sorry for any

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• I will miss the moment like we inconvenience.
have had so far • Never have I intended to create
• I really enjoy this moment and I inconvenience. Please apologize
hope you can enjoy even more if I have been doing so.
• I hope you can enjoy this great

ü Talk about the future ü Wish people luck

• I look forward to …. • I would like to wish you all the best
• In the future, I expect …. of luck
• Looking ahead, I hope our • I wish you luck for …
company will …. • I wish you all the best
• In the near future, we hope ….. • May god bless you all

ü Propose a toast ü Closing the speech

• I would like to propose a toast. To • That might be all. Thank you
our …. • I think that’s all. Thank you very
• Let’s have a toast for … much

Match the extracts from different speeches below with the suitable situation in the
list. Write your answer below each statement.

Launching a product A colleague’s retirement A colleague’s promotion

Winning an award Opening a new office Serving guests in a luncheon

1. I am really sure the new Lampung branch will provide better service and lead
the market.


2. We are really sorry that you must leave our department, but we are proud that
you have been appointed general manager.


3. We hope that this latest version will reach a great success in the market. This
company appreciates all hard work you have done for this innovation.


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4. On behalf of everyone in the company, I would like to appreciate your real 25
years’ commitment in developing this company.


5. We would like to offer you all our best local cuisine. We have tried our best
for that and we hope you can enjoy it.


6. I would like to thank all member of my production team. This award belongs
to every single person involved in the making of the product


Practice 3
Fill in the blanks with suitable expressions from the list. After that, check your
answer by listening to the text in Practice 1 once again.

I really appreciate all the hard work I owe you much

So please, wish me luck, Guys Finally, please forgive me
Thank you for your coming. it has been great years for me

Good afternoon guys. _________________________________ Thanks a zillion.

First of all, Cyndy, I’d like to thank you very much for organizing this nice luncheon.
__________________________________. And my special thanks go to Mr. Adhi, a
real patient teacher as well as a killer supervisor. Frankly, I don’t think I can reach
such a great improvement without your guidance, Sir. Thank you very very much.
And for you all, well, guys, ____________________________________ to have
great colleagues like you all here. Thanks for giving me so great great experience
and lessons. ________________________________________ we have done
together as a team. And especially to my dynamic teaching team, Mr. aldo, Mr.
Smith, Mrs. Erny, Mrs. Ulfa, Ms. Caca, and Ms. Nesya … what can I say ... you are
the best team I ever have. It won’t be easy for me to start new steps without great
people like you. But in the mean time, I think I just have to try this.
_________________________________________________. I am sure I will miss
you all. ______________________________________________ if I’ve done any
disturbing attitudes. Trust me; I’ve never intended to hurt anyone. Thank you very

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Practice 4 . Rearrange the jumbled paragraphs below into a good passage of a
speech. Put the number in the right column to order the paragraphs.

Let me express my highest appreciation for every single hard work you have
done and especially our production team for meeting all the deadlines. I am
really proud of being with you here.
First of all, I should thank you all for organizing this party. Let me tell you that
it is a big surprise for me to know that our office is recognized as the best
branch office in Indonesia. This is our first achievement and I believe we can
do even better for next years.
Good morning everyone. Can I have your attention please? OK. Thanks.
Congratulations for everyone here. Enjoy the party. Thank you.
Looking ahead, we know that our head quarter will assign more projects for us
next year. If we can succeed, and sure we will do, they will promote our status
along , well … that may also mean some of you will get nice promotion. And
through our excellent team work, everything is simply possible to do.
In this great moment, I especially would like to thank you all for everything that
you have done to reach all targets given to us. We have been working our
best and we really deserve this recognition.

Practice 5
Work in groups. Prepare a short speech for one of the following situations. Choose
one person from your group to deliver the speech in front of the class.
a. A celebration party of company success in reaching the target sales
b. Your farewell party (you are promoted as a new branch manager)
c. A newly appointed manager’s speech at a luncheon with the staffs

Refdi Akmal 57

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