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Mathematics 1

4c. Candidates demonstrate and apply understandings of major mathematics

concepts, algorithms, procedures, applications and mathematical practices in varied

contexts, and connections within and among mathematical domains.

Math is often considered a dry, elitist subject; one with one right answer, and one

way to get there. There is a belief that you either are or are not good at math. These

misconceptions are not only harmful-especially to females and students of color (Boaler,

2016), but they also close off the opportunity to explore math as a dynamic and creative

subject. My philosophy in teaching mathematics boils down to one goal: destroy these

harmful, elitist views in order to make the joys of mathematics available to all learners.

This includes using a multidimensional approach to teaching, emphasizing flexible use of

numbers, promoting student collaboration, and applying math in real-world contexts.

These mathematics activities showcase these various methods.

“When you learn a new idea in mathematics, it is helpful to reinforce that idea, and

the best way to do this is by using it in different ways” (Boaler, 2016, p. 42). This is the

heart of a multidimensional approach to teaching mathematics. In a classroom, this means

focusing on depth over breath by using a wide variety of strategies, tools, and modalities.

Jo Boaler, a strong advocate for multidimensionality in math, submits that rather than

doing worksheets with many repetitive math problems, to instead, “take a small number

of the questions (three or four) and approach them in different ways” (Boaler, 2019, p.

109). Consider the equation 10+5=15. In a multidimensional classroom, this equation can

be approached using manipulatives (such as unifix cubes), ten frames, number lines, story

problems, and visuals such as drawings. An example of using drawing to solve an

equation can be found in my Arts Integration section. In my attached activity, How Many
Mathematics 2

Ways?, students come up with as many equations as they can to make 10. Not only do

students write their equations using numerals and symbols, but they also represent the

equations visually. “It is very important to engage students in thinking visually about

mathematics, as it gives access to understanding and to the use of different brain

pathways” (Boaler, 2016, p. 185). Using hands-on activities is another way activate

different brain pathways when doing math. My attached activities include Folding

Shapes, where students fold a piece of paper in different ways to make new shapes, and

Jigsaw 100s chart, where students work together to put together a 100s chart. Both of

these activities emphasize hands-on approaches to learning. Sousa and Tomlinson (2011)

stress, “a teacher’s role is not simply to cover material or to expose students to content,

but rather to maximize student learning” (p. 8). This occurs when students interact with

concepts in a variety of ways.

“Learning is optimized when we approach ideas, and life, with creativity and

flexibility” (Boaler, 2019, p. 134). A common misconception in math is that speed is a

measure of aptitude. This is far from the truth; as high-achieving mathematicians are not

always fast, but rather are able to work with numbers flexibly (Boaler, 2016). In

mathematics, this is often called ‘number sense’, which is the ability to “interact with

numbers flexibly and conceptually” (Boaler, 2016, p. 35). For example, when trying to

solve 21-6, a student with number sense can work with these numbers creatively in order

to create a more easily-solved equation, such as 20-5=15. A student without number

sense is unable to adapt the numbers to form an easier equation. Boaler (2016) explains

that these students tend to “cling to formal procedures they had learned, using them very

precisely, not abandoning them even when it made sense to do so” (Boaler, 2016, p. 35).
Mathematics 3

The ability to think about numbers and strategies flexibly can be demonstrated and taught

by looking at numbers and strategies in various ways. For example, in my attached

activity, How Many Ways?, where students consider all the ways they can make 10, they

are learning to look at 10 more flexibly. Similarly, in Number Quadrants, students take

an amount and represent it in multiple ways: in drawings, as an equation, as an amount of

tens and ones, and as a part of a number chart.

Johnson (2012), points out that “learning is fundamentally social” (p. 67), and

mathematics is no exception. In fact, “mathematics is all about communication and

reasoning” (Boaler, 2019, p. 200). By including class discussions and collaboration in

mathematics, we are making thinking strategies visible, and showing that there is not

only one way to get to an answer. Furthermore, class discussions are an essential aid to

understanding, as talking through ideas helps students to understand them more deeply.

Debbie Miller advocates that “learning is the consequence of thinking” (p. 12), which is

the center of communicating your own ideas, as well as considering the ideas of other.

Collaboration asks student to engage in reasoning, which is a critical skill in

mathematics, and in life. Jo Boaler (2016) recommends questions like, “Why does that

work?” and “Did anyone see that in a different way?” (p. 122). Having students explain

their strategies and approaches to math in this way is a great way for them to practice

reasoning. In my attached activity, How Many Ways?, students collaborate to compare

and combine ways of making 10. This allows them to explore the way their classmates

see and approach the task. In Jigsaw 100s Chart, students work together to put a 100s

chart puzzle together. When students place a piece of the puzzle, they are asked, “Why do

you think it goes there?”, allowing them to share their reasoning.

Mathematics 4

Finally, mathematics must include real world application. “The world is full of

fascinating examples of situations that we can make sense with mathematics…[so] it is

important to have students see the applicability of mathematics and work with real-world

variables” (Boaler, 2016, p. 195). Timed work sheets are not reflective of the math that

students will see outside of school. Rather, problem-solving questions (such a measuring

the amount of dirt needed in a garden bed, or the amount of sugar to add to a recipe after

doubling it) require students to understand the problem at hand and how to solve it. These

problems are relevant and applicable to students’ lives. Story problems based on realistic

situations are also a great way to infuse a practical thread into mathematics. An example

of using story problems is shared under my Art Integration section.

Math is an active and relevant subject that promotes innovation, critical thinking, and

communication. To teach it as a closed minded subject is a disservice to our students and

deprives our world of creative problem solvers. Anyone can learn math. It is not a “one

size fits all” subject, and I believe it is best taught using a multidimensional approach

with an emphasis and flexibility, collaboration, and real-world application.

Mathematics 5


Boaler, J. (2016). Mathematical mindsets: Unleashing students’ potential through

creative math, inspiring messages and innovative teaching. Jossey-Bass.

Boaler, J. (2019). Limitless mind: Learn, lead, and live without barriers. HarperOne.

Johnston, P. H. (2012). Opening minds: Using language to change lives. Stenhouse


Miller, D. (2013) Reading with meaning: Teaching comprehension in the primary grades

(2nd ed.). Stenhouse Publishers.

Sousa, D. A., & Tomlinson, C. A. (2011). Differentiation and the brain: How

neuroscience supports the learner-friendly classroom. Solution Tree Press.

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