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Teacher: Miss.

Hoisington Date: March 2-4, 2021

Class: Inquiry
Time: 30 min

Adaptation- The Wolf

Student Information:
Previous Knowledge:
 Students have engaged with various activities and stories that have introduced them to the
notion of adaptation. We have not formally talked about the wolf yet though.
Summary Overview:
 Students will first learn about the wolf and how they adapt, then we will engage in a
directed drawing. After we do our drawing, we will talk about humility through story.

Curriculum Objectives:
General Outcomes:
o Environment and Community- Explores familiar places and things in the
environment and community.
o GLO 1- Ss will listen, speak, write, view and represent to express thoughts, ideas,
feelings and experiences.
Specific Outcomes:
o EC3- I can notice changes in the environment outside my school.
o 1B- I can be an active learner
Lesson Objectives: At the end of the lesson, a student will be able to…
1) Identify the way a wolf adapts to the winter weather
2) Participate in a directed draw for a wolf
3) Gain an understanding of humility, and the sacred teaching from the wolf

Whole Class

 No specific adaptations for this lesson; be sure to provide support where necessary while
Ss are working!

 Lesson 1
o Wolf Video-
o Blue Journals
o Pencils

o In the snow
 Lesson 2
o Fine line black markers
o Crayons
o “The wolf ___________ in the winter” sentence strips (1 each)
 Lesson 3
o Singing Sisters by Katherine Vermette
o Blue Journals
o Crayons
o Pencil
o Sentence strips


Introduction- Lesson 1, Adaptation & Drawing Time

 Tell Ss that today we are going to learn about a new animal and how they
deal with the winter- we are going to look at the wolf!
3 min
 We are going to watch a video about wolves, learn about how they deal
with the cold, and then do a directed drawing!
Body Time
All About the  Have students watch the video all about wolves- 12 min
Wolf while they are watching the video have them listen
for something they didn’t know, or something they
thought was interesting!
 Once the video finishes, choose 3 Ss to share
something about the video

 So now that we know more about wolves, let’s think

about how they adapt to the winter weather.
 Revisit the chart we created about animals in the
winter and remind Ss how some animals change-
warmer coats!!
 Wolves grow two layers of hair- the guard layer
which is nice and fluffy and the undercoat which
keeps the wolf nice and cozy!
 Show Ss a picture of a wolf in the winter- the fluffy
hairs are the guard layer to keep the snow/wet off
the animals body, and the undercoat is thick and
heavy underneath- if anyone has dogs, it is similar
to that- they shed the undercoat in the spring when
they don’t need to be as warm!
 Show the videos of the wolves in the snow
 This will show Ss how their hair works to keep the
snow off their bodies!
Directed  Tell Ss that now we are going to do a directed
Drawing drawing of a wolf to help us remember!
 Pass out the blue journals- as Ss collect their
journals they should go grab their pencils and then
meet sit at their table spot
 Remind them of the expectations to treat the 12 min
classroom with kindness and respect- when you are
done with your drawing step your pencil goes down
onto the table to show me you are ready to move on
 Once Ss are finished the drawing, collect their books
so they are ready for tomorrow
Conclusion Time
 Let Ss know that tomorrow we will be colouring our wolves, and
adding a word onto the drawing to help us remember that wolves 2 min

Introduction- Lesson 2, Colouring Time

 Remind Ss of what we did the day before- talking about wolves and the
way they adapt.
 Ask if anyone remembers HOW wolves adapt in the winter? Review
5 min
from the day before
 Show Ss the live stream from the wolf conservatory- tell them we will
keep it up throughout the morning so we can see if we spot any wolves!!
Body Time
Colouring &  Let Ss know that today we will be working on our 25 min
writing drawings of the wolf- we will outline, add colour,
and then do some writing!
 The first job will be for Ss to write the word
ADAPT on the line in their journals
 Once they do that, they will put their hand up and
receive a thin black marker- once you get that
you will outline the wolf in black- everywhere
you have pencil, like we did for the dust bunnies!
Remind Ss that they should not be scribbling,
otherwise they won’t get to participate in the
 Once they finish those two steps, they will read a
story until their friends finish up.
 Once Ss are all finished, have them join back at
the dots again to talk about colouring the wolf
using realistic colours
 Some wolves are brown, some are grey- these are
the colours they can use! Do a demo of colouring
the wolf.
 Ss can then return to their spots and use their
crayons to colour in the wolf they drew.
 Once finished they can do stories or a puzzle.
Conclusion Time
 Before having Ss tidy up, let them know that we are going to revisit
1 min
the wolf after snack time and talk about the teachings of the wolf!

Introduction- Lesson 3, Teachings & Journal Time

 Introduce Ss to the concept of the Seven Sacred Teachings- these are
different characteristics and traits that Indigenous peoples lived by in
order to have a happy and successful life- these things are taught to
children as they grow up in many different ways!
3 min
 The teachings include things like love, bravery and truth telling. The one
we are going to learn about today is taught by the wolf! It is called
 Ask if anyone has ever heard that word before beginning.
Body Time
Wolf Teachings  Give Ss some info/background on what humility
is, and how it is demonstrated by the wolf!
o “The expression of this humility is
manifested through the consideration of
others before ourselves. In this way, the
Wolf became the teacher of this lesson. He
bows his head in the presence of others out
of deference, and once hunted, will not take
3 min
of the food until it can be shared with the
pack. His lack of arrogance and respect for
his community is a hard lesson, but integral
in the Aboriginal way.”
 The wolf teaches us to care for others, and
consider the effects of our actions- if I keep all of
the food for myself without sharing, those around
me will suffer greatly because of me
Humility Story  After introducing Ss to the connection to the wolf, 22 min
& Journaling tell them we will read a story about humility-
closely related with kindness, and then do a
journal about ways that we can show humility at
school or even at home without families.
 Read the story- stop on the first page and have Ss
say the Anishinaabe word for wolf, Ma’iingan
 After reading, ask how the character
demonstrated kindness or humility to her sister-

find the page and explain!
 Ask Ss what humility might mean for us- have a
couple Ss share an idea
 Have Ss collect their blue books and do a drawing
of a way they can show humility (or kindness) at
home or at school.
 They will glue the strip onto the page beside the
wolf drawing, and then draw their picture- using
their best kindergarten drawing. Remind them to
add a background, use realistic colours, etc.
 I will go around and write their idea!
 If Ss finish early they can do puzzles or read a
Conclusion Time
 Thank Ss for all of their hard work! If time allows, have a couple of
students share one way they can show humility at home or at school
2 min
 Tell Ss that next week we will talk about animals that Migrate and
talk about the Buffalo!

 No formal assessment within these lessons- take note of who struggles with their journal
ideas/ who needs support over all with the other activities.

Teacher Notes:
 Have the “A wolf _________ in winter” already glued into Ss books so they can guide
their drawing on day 1- make sure it is on the left side, so the humility drawing will be on
the right!

Reflection: How did the lesson go? Is there anything you would do differently next time? What
worked well/ not so well?

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