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performance specifications
and test procedures

E3: Refrigerators and freezers

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World Health Organization, Geneva, 1997

Date of last revision of this module: 1 January 1998

E3: Refrigerators and freezers

This module is part of the following series:

E1: Equipment performance specifications for cold rooms and freezer rooms
E2: Equipment performance specifications for motorcycles
E3: Equipment performance specifications for refrigerators and freezers
E4 & E11: Equipment performance specifications for insulated containers
E5: Equipment performance specifications for icepacks
E6: Equipment performance specifications for temperature
monitoring devices
E7: Equipment performance specifications for cold chain accessories
E8: Equipment performance specifications for injection devices
E9: Equipment performance specifications for steam sterilizers
E10: Equipment performance specifications for injection accessories

ii Equipment Performance Specifications and Test Procedures

iiiEquipment Performance Specifications and Test Procedures


Equipment Performance Specifications

Equipment Specification Applies to Page

reference Test procedure

Equipment descriptions 1
Refrigerator & vaccine/icepack freezer, E3/RF.1 E3/PROC/3 3
Large refrigerator & icepack freezer, E3/RF.2 E3/PROC/5 5
Icelined refrigerator &/or freezer, E3/RF.3 E3/PROC/4 6
Refrigerator &/or icepack freezer, E3/RF.4 E3/PROC/7 8
compression DC
Refrigerator & icepack freezer, thermal E3/RF.5 [None set] 12
Small refrigerator, absorption E3/RF.6 E3/PROC/8 13
Vaccine/icepack chest freezer, E3/FR.1 E3/PROC/1 14
Icepack freezer, compression E3/FR.2 E3/PROC/2 16
Icepack freezer, thermal solar E3/FR.3 [None set] 17
Icepack freezer, absorption E3/FR.4 E3/PROC/6 18


WHO/EPI/LHIS/97.06 iii
E3: Refrigerators and freezers

Contents (continued)

Test Procedures

Equipment Procedure Applies to Page

reference specification

General test conditions 19

Location of temperature sensors 23

Glossary 26

Vaccine/icepack chest freezer, E3/PROC/1 E3/FR1 27

Icepack fast freezers, compression E3/PROC/2 E3/FR2 32
Refrigerator and vaccine or icepack E3/PROC/3 E3/RF1 35
freezer, compression
Icelined refrigerat&/or freezer E3/PROC/4 E3/RF3 41
Refrigerator and icepack freezer, E3/PROC/5 E3/RF2 47
Icepack freezer, absorption E3/PROC/6 E3/FR4 53
Solar (PV) refrigerator/icepack freezer E3/PROC/7 E3/RF4 55
Small refrigerator, absorption E3/PROC/8 E3/RF6 61

This module contains references to the following annexes, printed separately in


Annex 1: Testing institutions

Annex 2: Electrical safety ratings
Annex 6: Kerosene quality
Annex 7: CFC-free symbol
Annex 8 Test procedures drawn from IEC 335-1 (1991) and Amendment 1
(1994-11), ‘Safety of household and similar electrical appliances’
Annex 9: Performance and design specifications for batteries used in
solar-powered vaccine refrigerators
Annex 10: Battery charge controller specifications

iv Equipment Performance Specifications and Test Procedures

1Equipment Performance Specifications

Equipment performance
specifications for
refrigerators and freezers

Equipment descriptions
Performance specifications cover the following types of refrigerator and freezer
required for storing vaccines and freezing icepacks in the cold chain:

E3/RF.1: Refrigerator and freezer combination, compression cycle. To store
vaccine at +4°C and -20°C and to freeze icepacks in health centres with electricity
at urban and district levels.
E3/RF.2: Large refrigerator and icepack freezer combination, absorption cycle. To
store vaccine at +4°C and freeze icepacks in large health centres with either poor
or no electricity supplies.
E3/RF.3: Ice-lined refrigerator and/or freezer, combined or separate,
compression cycle. To store vaccine in large vaccine stores with a minimum of
eight hours of electricity each 24 hour cycle.
E3/RF.4: Photovoltaic solar refrigerator and/or icepack freezer, combined or
separate, compression cycle. Complete photovoltaic system to run
refrigerator/icepack freezer on electricity generated by the sun.
E3/RF.5: Thermal solar refrigerator and icepack freezer combination, adsorption
or absorption cycle. To store vaccine at 0°C ±8°C and to freeze icepacks in small
and large health centres.
E3/RF.6: Small refrigerator and icepack freezer combination, absorption cycle. To
store vaccine at +4°C and freeze a small quantity of icepacks in small health
centres with poor or no electricity supplies.

WHO/EPI/LHIS/97.06 1
E3: Refrigerators and freezers

E3/FR.1: Vaccine/icepack chest freezer, compression cycle. To store measles and
oral polio vaccine and quantities of frozen icepacks in large vaccine stores.
E3/FR.2: Icepack fast freezer, compression cycle. To freeze icepacks efficiently
and quickly in large vaccine stores.
E3/FR.3: Thermal solar icepack freezer, adsorption or absorption cycle. To freeze
icepacks efficiently in areas where no other reliable fuel source is available.
E3/FR.4: Icepack freezer, absorption cycle. To store measles and oral polio
vaccine and quantities of frozen icepacks in large vaccine stores with poor or no
electricity supplies.

2 Equipment Performance Specifications and Test Procedures

3Equipment Performance Specifications


Specification reference: E3/RF.1
Applies to procedures: E3/PROC/3
Date of last revision: 1 January 1998

Compression cycle, with 1 or 2 compressors;
CFC-free-units : R134a refrigerant. The acceptability of alternative refrigerant
gases will however continue to be assessed.
R12 refrigerant is only acceptable within the geographic limitations and
deadlines set by the Montreal Protocol on the ban of CFC gases.

Thermal insulation
Any gas complying with the geographic limitations and deadlines set by the
Montreal Protocol on the ban of CFC gases can be used as thermal insulation
foaming agent.

Temperature control:
Temperature of a full vaccine load in refrigerator to remain between 0°C to +8°C
• Continuous availability:
+43°C and +32°C continuous ambient temperature and +43°C/+15°C
day/night cycling temperature.
• Intermittent electricity supply, 8 hours on/ 16 hours off:
+43°C continuous ambiant temperature (20 days test)
For freezing compartment suitable for storing vaccines the temperature should
remain below -15°C in the same ambient temperatures.

Safe freezing capacity:

At least 1.6 kg and more than 2.5 kg of icepacks per 50 litres gross volume
(freezing compartment) frozen per 24 hours at ambient temperatures of +43°C
and +32°C while maintaining the above temperature control.

Holdover time:
Minimum 4 hours and more than 6 hours per 100 litres gross volume at an
external temperature of +43°C.

Compressor starting voltage:

At 22% below manufacturer’s stated voltage, 10 out of 10 cold starts and 10 out
of 10 hot starts all successful.

Electrical safety rating:

Only ratings 4 and 5 are acceptable (see Annex 2).

WHO/EPI/LHIS/97.06 3
E3: Refrigerators and freezers

Corrosion resistance:
Internal and external cabinet, lid and frame protected against corrosion to DIN

Markings, accessories and fittings:

Compressors operating on R134a refrigerant should be marked with a blue disk
painted or otherwise securely attached on their visible side. The disk should
have a minimum diameter of 100 mm (see Annex 7).
External reading thermometer; door lock with key.

Users’ instructions in English, French, Spanish and Arabic available and
provided upon request.

4 Equipment Performance Specifications and Test Procedures

5Equipment Performance Specifications


Specification reference: E3/RF.2
Applies to procedures: E3/PROC/5
Date of last revision: 1 January 1998

Absorption cycle
Manufacturer's gross volume: more than 100 litres

Thermal insulation
Any gas complying with the geographic limitations and deadlines set by the
Montreal Protocol on the ban of CFC gases can be used as thermal insulation
foaming agent.

Temperature control:
Temperature of a full vaccine load to remain within the range 0°C to +8ºC
during +32°C and +43°C continuous ambient temperature; not to exceed
0°C/+10ºC during +32°C/+15°C day/night cycling temperature.

Safe freezing capacity:

At least 2.4 kg of icepacks frozen within a period of 24 hours at +32°C
continuous ambient temperature, while maintaining the above temperature

Power consumption:
No standard set.

If kerosene, see Annex 6 for recommended fuel quality.

Holdover time:
More than 3 hours at an ambient temperature of +32°C.

Corrosion resistance:
Internal and external cabinet, lid and frame protected against corrosion to DIN

Accessories and fittings:

External reading thermometer; door lock with key.

Users’ instructions in English, French, Spanish, Russian and Arabic available
and provided upon request.

WHO/EPI/LHIS/97.06 5
E3: Refrigerators and freezers


Specification reference: E3/RF.3
Applies to procedures: E3/PROC/4
Date of last revision: 1 January 1998

Compression cycle; combined or separate.
CFC-free-units : R134a refrigerant. The acceptability of alternative refrigerant
gases will however continue to be assessed.
R12 refrigerant is only acceptable within the geographic limitations and
deadlines set by the Montreal Protocol on the ban of CFC gases.

Thermal insulation
Any gas complying with the geographic limitations and deadlines set by the
Montreal Protocol on the ban of CFC gases can be used as thermal insulation
foaming agent.

Temperature control:
Temperature of a full vaccine load in refrigerator to remain between 0°C to +8°C
• Continuous availability of energy:
+43°C and +32°C continuous ambient temperature;
+43°C/+15°C day/night cycling temperature;
• Intermittent electricity supply, 8 hours on/16 hours off:
+43°C continuous ambient temperature (20 day test).
For freezing compartment suitable for storing vaccines the temperature should
remain below -15°C in the above ambient temperatures.

Safe freezing capacity:

No standard set, however performance data will be published in the
WHO/UNICEF Product Information Sheets.

Holdover time:
No standard set, but the recommended target is a holdover time of more than 20
hours in a continuous external temperature of +43°C. Performance data will be
published in the WHO/UNICEF Product Information Sheets.

Compressor starting voltage:

At 22% below manufacturer’s stated voltage, 10 out of 10 cold starts and 10 out
of 10 hot starts all successful.

Electrical safety rating:

Only ratings 4 and 5 are acceptable (see Annex 2).

6 Equipment Performance Specifications and Test Procedures

7Equipment Performance Specifications

Corrosion resistance:
Internal and external cabinet, lid and frame protected against corrosion to DIN

Markings, accessories and fittings:

Compressors operating on R134a refrigerant should be marked with a blue disk
painted or otherwise securely attached on their visible side. The disk should
have a minimum diameter of 100 mm (see Annex 7)
External reading thermometer; door/lid-lock with key.

Users instructions in English, French, Spanish, Russian and Arabic available and
provided upon request.

WHO/EPI/LHIS/97.06 7
E3: Refrigerators and freezers


Specification reference: E3/RF.4
Applies to procedures: E3/PROC/7
Date of last revision: 1 January 1998

Photovoltaic solar, compression cycle; combined or separate;
CFC-free-units : R134a refrigerant. The acceptability of alternative refrigerant
gases will however continue to be assessed.
R12 refrigerant is only acceptable within the geographic limitations and
deadlines set by the Montreal Protocol on the ban of CFC gases.

Thermal insulation
Any gas complying with the geographic limitations and deadlines set by the
Montreal Protocol on the ban of CFC gases can be used as thermal insulation
foaming agent.

Criteria for qualification of solar refrigeration system suppliers:

The following general criteria are currently applied by WHO and UNICEF to the
selection of system suppliers.
A system supplier must:
• supply a coherent, well sized system where the settings of all the components
have been adjusted for optimum performance of the system;
• have been responsible for the installation and support of at least ten
photovoltaic systems in a developing country, or countries, for at least two
years (precise references, including donors, locations and contacts, must be
• have the capacity and financial resources to provide long term support to the
systems in the country of destination;
• offer a refrigerator/icepack freezer which has passed independent testing in
accordance with EPI Equipment Test Procedures at a WHO qualified
• be willing to meet all the conditions laid out in the standard performance
specifications for EPI equipment and the current terms and conditions of
supply agreed between WHO and UNICEF.

Photovoltaic system design:

The system shall be sized to enable continuous operation of the refrigerator and
freezer (loaded and including icepack freezing) during the periods of lowest
insolation in the year. If other loads, such as lighting are included in the system,
they shall operate from a separate battery set, NOT the battery set which powers
the refrigerator. In such a case, the charge regulator shall give priority to
recharging the refrigerator battery set.

8 Equipment Performance Specifications and Test Procedures

9Equipment Performance Specifications

The design of the system shall permit a minimum of five days continuous
operation when the battery set is fully charged and the photovoltaic array is

Temperature control:
In continuous ambient temperatures of +32°C and +43°C the internal
temperature of the refrigerator, when stabilized and fully loaded with the
standard vaccine load, shall not exceed the range of 0°C to +8°C.

Safe freezing capacity:

The recommended load of standard icepacks (type E5/IP.1) containing water at
the ambient test temperature shall freeze in one freezing cycle in less than 24
hours and shall weigh at least 2 kg, without the material of the pack. During the
test, the same thermostat setting shall be maintained and the above temperature
control shall be demonstrated in continuous ambient temperatures of +32°C and
+43°C and day/night cycling temperatures of +43°C/+15°C.

Freezer storage capacity

No standard set, however it is recommended that the freezer compartment be
able to accomodate a minimum of 16 frozen icepacks (8 Kgs) (frozen gradually
over several days)

Power consumption:
Less than 0.7 KWh/24 hours for appliances with a gross volume of less than 50
litres, and less than 0.1 KWh per additional 10 litres gross volume, at 43°C with
vaccine load, but without icepack freezing.

Photovoltaic array:
Modules shall meet the latest applicable specifications laid down by the Jet
Propulsion Laboratory (USA) or Joint Research Centre, Ispra, (Italy). Array
structures shall be designed to withstand wind loads of +200 kg per square
metre and shall be supplied with fixings for either ground or roof mounting.
Protection against the effect of lightning will be provided to protect the battery
charge regulator and other components.

Array-to-refrigerator cable:
This cable shall be sized so that when the array is at its maximum operating
temperature and maximum output, the voltage delivered is sufficient to charge
the batteries at their maximum charge rate.
The manufacturer shall provide recommendations for sizing the cable (as a
function of the distance from array to control box).

Battery set:
Batteries shall be capable of withstanding a minimum of 1000 cycles to 50%
discharge. Maintenance intervals shall be limited to a maximum of once every
six months. No dry cell batteries shall be used to power instruments or controls.
The batteries shall be housed within a lockable ventilated cabinet with access for
maintenance inspection in place.

WHO/EPI/LHIS/97.06 9
E3: Refrigerators and freezers

Batteries must meet the WHO/EPI design specifications. Supporting

documentation on the batteries must be provided (see Annexes 9 and 10)
Batteries must be supplied dry/charged with acid in separate hermetic containers.

Battery charge regulator:

Battery charge regulators must meet WHO/EPI design specifications.
Supporting documentation must be provided (See Annexes 9 and 10). They must
be precisely set to meet the charge and temperature requirements of the selected
battery and they shall disconnect the load when the battery has reached a state
of charge which can be repeated a minimum of 1000 cycles. Lightning surge
protection shall be provided. The load shall be automatically reconnected when
the system voltage recovers.

Markings and instrumentation:

Compressors operating on R134a refrigerant should be marked with a blue disk
painted or otherwise securely attached on their visible side. The disk should
have a minimum diameter of 100 mm (see Annex 7)
An alarm (red LED) shall be installed to warn that power to the compressor has
been disconnected by the regulator. An alarm shall also be fitted to warn the
user when the battery is in a low state of charge. The advance warning to the
user (voltage threshold if voltmeter used, or orange light if LED used) shall be
clearly labelled “Do not freeze icepacks” in an appropriate language.

An external reading thermometer shall be provided.

A thermostat OR a defrost switch shall be accessible to the user without tools but
no other power switches shall be installed. Circuit breakers or fuses shall be
installed in the positive line, near the battery, and the fuse-holder shall be in
non-corrodible materials. Ten spare fuses shall be provided in a polyethylene
bag fixed near any fuse box.

Essential spare parts:

The type and number of spare parts which may be needed during the first five
years of operation shall be assembled as a kit in appropriate quantities for
central or regional storage in the country. As a minimum, there shall be:

Spare parts Quantity per 10

Photovoltaic modules 1
Battery charge regulators 2
Battery sets 1
Array cables 1
Compressor or complete cooling unit, as 1
recommended by the manufacturer
Spare compressor electronic control cards 3
Thermostat or temperature control cards 3
Condenser fans (if used) 2

10 Equipment Performance Specifications and Test Procedures

11Equipment Performance Specifications

Manuals shall be provided with each refrigerator with clear descriptions for
users and electrical technicians of:
• simple daily, weekly and monthly maintenance tasks;
• periodic preventive maintenance checks;
• diagnostic and repair procedures;
• temperature adjustments;
• installation procedures.

Corrosion resistance:
Internal and external cabinet, lid and frame protected against corrosion to DIN

Individual sea-crating of the components of each system should be provided
whether or not containers are used to transport the systems. No package shall
be larger or heavier than can be handled manually in the country of use. Labels
bearing handling instructions shall be highly visible and printed clearly.
NOTE: Acid must be provided for the batteries (see above under "Battery set").

Any component of the system which fails due to defective design materials or
workmanship will be covered by a warranty for replacement. The minimum
period of the warranty shall be 10 years for the solar array, 5 years for the
batteries and 2 years for the other components.

WHO/EPI/LHIS/97.06 11
E3: Refrigerators and freezers


Specification reference: E3/RF.5
Applies to procedures: [No Standard Test Procedure available]
Date of last revision: 1 January 1998

Thermal solar, adsorption or absorption cycle

Thermal insulation
Any gas complying with the geographic limitations and deadlines set by the
Montreal Protocol on the ban of CFC gases can be used as thermal insulation
foaming agent.

Temperature control:
Temperature of a full vaccine load to remain within the range 0°C to +8°C when
maximum daytime temperature is between +32°C and +43°C.
Manufacturer to state minimum daytime temperature and minimum day/night-
time interval required to maintain this temperature control.

Safe freezing capacity:

At least 2 kg of icepacks frozen within a period of 24 hours at +32°C ambient
temperature, while maintaining the above temperature control.

No sun autonomy:
72 hours at +32°C ambient temperature.

Corrosion resistance:
Internal and external cabinet, lid and frame protected against corrosion to DIN

Accessories and fittings:

External reading thermometer; door/lid-lock with key; fence for protection if
equipment installed outside.

Detailed installation instructions and users guide in English, French, Spanish,
Russian and Arabic available and provided upon request.

12 Equipment Performance Specifications and Test Procedures

13Equipment Performance Specifications


Specification reference: E3/RF.6
Applies to procedures: E3/PROC/8
Date of last revision: 1 January 1998

Absorption cycle.
Manufacturer's gross volume: less than 100 litres.

Thermal insulation
Any gas complying with the geographic limitations and deadlines set by the
Montreal Protocol on the ban of CFC gases can be used as thermal insulation
foaming agent.

Temperature control:
Temperature of a full vaccine load to remain within the range 0°C to +8°C
during +32°C continuous ambient temperature; not to exceed 0°C/+10°C during
+32°C/+15°C day/night cycling temperature.
No standard set, however performance at an ambient temperature of 15°C will
be measured and published in the WHO/UNICEF Product Information Sheets.

Safe freezing capacity:

No standard is set, however performance will be measured for publication in the
WHO/UNICEF Product Information Sheets.

Power consumption:
No standard is set, however performance will be measured for publication in the
WHO/UNICEF Product Information Sheets.

If kerosene, see Annex 6 for recommended fuel quality.

Holdover time:
Minimum 3 hours at an ambient temperature of +32°C.

Corrosion resistance:
Internal and external cabinet, lid and frame protected against corrosion in
compliance with DIN 8985 or any equivalent national or international standard.

Accessories and fittings:

External reading thermometer; door lock with key.

Users instructions in English, French, Spanish, Russian and Arabic available and
provided upon request.

WHO/EPI/LHIS/97.06 13
E3: Refrigerators and freezers


Specification reference: E3/FR.1
Applies to procedures: E3/PROC/1
Date of last revision: 1 January 1998

Compression cycle; low energy.
CFC-free-units : R134a refrigerant. The acceptability of alternative refrigerant
gases will however continue to be assessed.
R12 refrigerant is only acceptable within the geographic limitations and
deadlines set by the Montreal Protocol on the ban of CFC gases.

Thermal insulation
Any gas complying with the geographic limitations and deadlines set by the
Montreal Protocol on the ban of CFC gases can be used as thermal insulation
foaming agent.

Temperature control:
The vaccine load must remain below -15°C during +43°C continuous external
temperature; +43°C/+15°C day/night cycling temperature. While freezing a
quantity of icepacks equal to its icepack freezing capacity, the temperature of the
full load of vaccines must remain below -5°C and return to below -15°C within
the 24 hour freezing cycle.

Icepack freezing capacity:

If there is a fast freeze compartment, more than 7 kg ice to be frozen in icepacks
per 24 hours at +43°C while maintaining above temperature control.

Power consumption:
Less than 1 KWh per 24 hours, per 100 litres gross volume stable running, fully
loaded with vaccine only, at +43°C ambient temperature.

Holdover time:
No standard set, however performance data will be published in the
WHO/UNICEF Product Information Sheets.

Compressor starting voltage:

At 22% below manufacturers stated voltage, 10 out of 10 cold starts and 10 out of
10 hot starts all successful.

Electrical safety rating:

Only ratings 4 and 5 are acceptable (see Annex 2).

14 Equipment Performance Specifications and Test Procedures

15Equipment Performance Specifications

Corrosion resistance:
Internal and external cabinet, lid and frame protected against corrosion to DIN

Markings, accessories and fittings:

External reading thermometer; doorlock with key.
Compressors operating on R134a refrigerant should be marked with a blue disk
painted or otherwise securely attached on their visible side. The disk should
have a minimum diameter of 100 mm (see Annex 7)

Users instructions in English, French, Spanish , Russian and Arabic available
and provided upon request.

WHO/EPI/LHIS/97.06 15
E3: Refrigerators and freezers


Specification reference: E3/FR.2
Applies to procedures: E3/PROC/2
Date of last revision: 1 January 1998

Compression cycle
CFC-free-units : R134a refrigerant. The acceptability of alternative refrigerant
gases will however continue to be assessed.
R12 refrigerant is only acceptable within the geographic limitations and
deadlines set by the Montreal Protocol on the ban of CFC gases.
Evaporator configuration: Evaporator set in shelves; minimum clearance
between shelves 130 mm.

Thermal insulation
Any gas complying with the geographic limitations and deadlines set by the
Montreal Protocol on the ban of CFC gases can be used as thermal insulation
foaming agent.

Icepack freezing capacity:

Minimum 15 kg of ice (icepack type E5/EP.1) frozen per 24 hours plus 15 kg for
every 100 litre of gross storage volume, i.e. 15 kg for 1-99 litre, 30 kg for 100-199
litre, etc..

Power consumption:
Less than 1 KWh per 24 hours per 10 kg ice frozen at +43°C ambient

Compressor starting voltage:

At 22% below manufacturers stated voltage, 10 out of 10 cold starts and 10 out of
10 hot starts all successful.

Electrical safety rating:

IEC 335-1 (1991) and Amendment 1 (1994-11)

Corrosion resistance:
Internal and external cabinet, lid and frame protected against corrosion to DIN

Marking, accessories and fittings:

External reading thermometer; doorlock with key.
Compressors operating on R134a refrigerant should be marked with a blue disk
painted or otherwise securely attached on their visible side. The disk should
have a minimum diameter of 100 mm (see Annex 7)

Users instructions in English, French, Spanish, Russian and Arabic available and
provided upon request.

16 Equipment Performance Specifications and Test Procedures

17Equipment Performance Specifications


Specification reference: E3/FR.3
Applies to procedures: [No Standard Test Procedure available]
Date of last revision: 1 January 1998

Thermal solar, adsorption or absorption cycle

Icepack freezing capacity:

More than 15 kg ice in 0.6 or 0.4 kg icepacks (type E5/IP.1 or 2) per 24 hours at
+32°C ambient temperature.
Manufacturer to state minimum daytime temperature and minimum day/night-
time temperature interval at which 10 kg of ice can be produced within 24 hours.

Holdover time:
Temperature not to exceed 0°C in 72 hours with load of 7.5 kg of ice at +32°C
ambient temperature when thermodynamic cycle is not operating.

Corrosion resistance:
Internal and external cabinet, lid and frame protected against corrosion to DIN

Accessories and fittings:

External reading thermometer; door/lid-lock with key.

Detailed installation instructions and users guide in English, French, Spanish,
Russian and Arabic available and provided upon request.

WHO/EPI/LHIS/97.06 17
E3: Refrigerators and freezers


Specification reference: E3/FR.4
Applies to procedures: E3/PROC/6
Date of last revision: 1 January 1998

Absorption cycle

Icepack freezing and storage capacity:

• Minimum icepack freezing capacity 2.0 kg of icepacks, plus 2.0 kg for every
50 litre gross volume, frozen per 24 hours at +32°C continuous ambient
temperature, i.e. 2.0 kg for 1-49 litre, 4.0 kg for 50-99 litre, etc..
• The freezer should be able to accommodate a minimum of 10 frozen icepacks
(approximately 5 kg) (frozen gradually over several days)

Power consumption:
No standard set, however performance data will be published in the
WHO/UNICEF Product Information Sheets.

If kerosene, see Annex 6 for recommended fuel quality.

Corrosion resistance:
Internal and external cabinet, lid and frame protected against corrosion to DIN

Accessories and fittings:

External reading thermometer; doorlock with key.

Users instructions in English, French, Spanish, Russian and Arabic available and
provided upon request.

18 Equipment Performance Specifications and Test Procedures

Standard Test Procedures

Standard test procedures
for refrigerators and freezers

General test conditions

1. Testing conditions
Tests must be carried out in a room for which both temperature and humidity
are capable of being controlled within an accuracy of + or -1ºC. Stable
temperature of +32ºC and +43ºC are required within the room with relative
humidity (RH) in the range of 45% to 75%. Temperatures within the appliance
must be capable of being continuously monitored to within an accuracy of ±
0.5ºC without the sensors used influencing the test in any way. Thermocouples
which are sealed within the appliance are most commonly used.
Up to 15 simultaneous temperature measurements may be required for a single
appliance. The ambient temperatures at which equipment is tested must remain
within a tolerance of ± 1ºC, unless otherwise stated.
It is essential that appliances are level and that air flow around the appliance is
not restricted in any way.

2. Stabilization times
Before measuring the performance of a refrigerator or freezer under normal
running conditions, conditions must be stable. This is normally assumed to exist
when either:
(a) the thermostat has been cycling for 24 hours, or
(b) the temperature at each point in the appliance varies by less than 2ºC
over 24 hours.

3. Loading
Appliances are tested in both empty and loaded conditions. Tests which call for
a vaccine load specifically require:
Cardboard boxes 100 x 100 x 100 mm and 100 x 100 x 50 mm containing empty
glass vials or bottles so that the gross weight of the load is equivalent to 0.35 to
0.45 kg per litre volume of boxes.
This load is packed in the following manner:
Freezers: No air spaces are left between the boxes or between the boxes and the
walls. The loading should respect any maximum loading lines recommended by
the manufacturer. The load is not placed in the fast freeze compartments of

WHO/EPI/LHIS/97.06 19
E3: Refrigerators and freezers

Refrigerators: The load is packed in refrigerators with air spaces of 15 mm

between each column of packets and between the packets and any adjoining
walls of the refrigerator.
The total volume of vaccine which can be stored in this way is taken as the
vaccine storage capacity used for testing. The volume and distribution of the
vaccine load should be recorded in all cases.
Tests which call for a load of icepacks specifically require:
Icepack freezers/freezing compartments: 0.6 litre icepacks conforming to
Specification E5/IP1.
Solar PV refrigerators: 0.6 litre icepacks conforming to Specification E5/IP1.

4. Recorded temperatures
Temperatures are recorded at various points within an appliance to monitor the
temperature of the load, or the internal temperatures of the appliance when
empty. In general, the temperatures at centre of the vaccine load or empty
cabinet are recorded together with any positions which are likely to have
extremes of temperature. Such positions might be near door seals, or where air
circulation is restricted by the appliance design. Other positions are also
monitored so that an overall picture of the temperature distribution can be
obtained. Suggested positions of sensors for all refrigeration equipment are
given in the figures at the end of this procedure.
Where appropriate, the following points should also be monitored:
• surface temperature of evaporator plates,
• the flue temperature; and,
• the condenser fins or outer skin temperatures.

Positions of sensors should never be altered during the stable running tests.
Special care should be taken in reporting and analysing data for temperature
distribution in case domestic refrigerators with separate vegetable compartments
in the bottom are tested; these compartments usually have much higher
temperatures than the rest of the refrigerator and are not normally used for
storing vaccine. So that the values obtained for the vegetable compartment do
not distort those of the main compartment, they should be reported and
analysed separately.

5. Fuel sources
If equipment can be operated by more than one fuel source (particularly
absorption refrigerators) and the order of the test has not been already
determined, then the tests should start on electrical power before moving to
another option.
For equipment which can be run as a freezer or as a refrigerator, the first set of
tests should test the refrigerator function and the second should test the freezer
Multi-fuel, multi-function equipment will be lengthy and costly to test, so a
decision should be made by WHO on a case by case basis which options should
be tested.

20 Equipment Performance Specifications and Test Procedures

Standard Test Procedures

6. General inspection
On receipt, all refrigerators and freezers should be carefully examined to ensure
that no serious damage or defects are present. Before testing commences, each
appliance should be run for at least 48 hours to run in and to check that it is
operating correctly.
The initial inspection report is sent to WHO as soon as possible. It should be as
complete as possible, particularly regarding:
• Any damage or faults observed,
• The action taken to remedy these,
• Any problems which make it difficult or impossible to test the appliance,
• Any recommendations for manufacturer's action.
• External measurements of appliance.
• Internal volumes of refrigerator and freezer
• Estimated vaccine storage capacity)
• Maximum icepacks load
• Vaccine load distribution
• Icepacks distribution
• Projected test cycle
The test laboratory should include in its initial report to WHO the schedule of
the tests to be carried out. If a previous version of the same appliance was tested,
the physical and procedural differences between the appliances and their
respective test cycles should be mentioned.
Photographs should be taken showing a 3/4 view of the appliance with the door
open. Borderless black and white prints l00 x 70 mm should be provided for
attachment to the Product Information Sheet.

7. Electrical safety
Manufacturer should provide evidence of conformity with one of the following
standards: VDE, BEAB. If no evidence is provided, an inspection should be
made including the following points:

Test procedures are drawn from IEC 335-1 (1991) and Amendment 1 (1994-11),
'Safety of household and similar electrical appliances', following the clauses
listed in Annex 8.

Test criteria for qualification:

Pass on listed clauses of IEC 335-1.

8. Corrosion
Manufacturers should be requested by the laboratory to provide evidence that
appliance meets national of international standards for corrosion resistance. In
the absence of such evidence then resistance to corrosion will be checked to DIN
8985 or any later revision of this standard

WHO/EPI/LHIS/97.06 21
E3: Refrigerators and freezers

9. Reporting
Reports should be to a fixed format. If more than one piece of equipment is
being tested, then one report per manufacturer should be prepared including the
test results of all equipment belonging to the same manufacturer. Appliances
should be referred to by code to avoid confusion of names. A list of these codes
and the corresponding names, models and country of origin should be as a
separate fold-out table at the back of the report.
The report should be in four sections as given below:
Section 1: Introduction: This gives a brief description of the purpose of the tests
and the samples used.
Section 2: Testing Procedure: Contains a copy of the standard testing procedure
and a description of the test apparatus used.
Section 3: Results: The results of test on each product are described individually.
For each product, the following are provided:
a) A copy of the initial inspection report.
b) A description and interpretation of the test results, with a table summarizing
performance results, with a comparison with previous versions of the same
appliance if applicable.
c) Graphs showing all test results and diagrams showing distribution of internal
temperatures with distinct marks for the thermocouples measuring vaccines,
icepacks, freezers and evaporator temperatures.
Section 4: Performance summary: Reports are prepared and submitted to WHO
as follows:
a) Initial inspection report, on arrival of equipment.
b) Interim performance report, at end of +32ºC tests.
c) Final report on completion of all testing.
Copies: Two original copies of the reports must be provided to WHO (one copy
for WHO and one which will be forwarded to the manufacturer by WHO).

22 Equipment Performance Specifications and Test Procedures

Standard Test Procedures

Locations of temperature sensors

Figure 1: Chest freezers: plan view (E3/FR.1)

x 7 9 x
x 5
x 4, 6

x 1, 8 10 x 3 x

Figure 2: Chest freezers: front view

x 1 x 2 x 4

x 5 6 x 3 x

x 7, 8 9, 10 x

Figure 3: Icepack fast freezers (E3/FR2)

Front view Side view
x 1, 2 x1 x2

x3 x3
x 4, 5 x4 x5

x6 R
x7 x6

x8 x9 10 x 8, 9, 10 x

WHO/EPI/LHIS/97.06 23
E3: Refrigerators and freezers

Figure 4: Refrigerators with integral icepack freezing section (E3/RF1,2)

Front view Side view

x 2 x2

x1 3x x 1 3x
(each shelf) x 4, 5 x 4 (each shelf) x 5 O

x 8 x 6, 7 x 6 x 8, 9 x 7

x 10 x 11 12 x x 10, 12 x 11

Figure 5: Refrigerator with separate freezer (E3/RF1,2)

Front view Side view
x 1 x 2 3x x 1 x 2 x 3 O
x 4 x 5 6x x 6 x 5 x 4 R

x 7, 8 x 7 x 8
x 9, 10 x 10 O

x 11 x 12 13 x x 11 x 12 x 13

x 14 15 x x 14 x 15

24 Equipment Performance Specifications and Test Procedures

Standard Test Procedures

Figure 6: Chest type refrigerator/freezer (E3/RF1, 2, 4)

Front view Side view

x 1, 2, 3 x 4, 5 6, 7, 8 x x 1 2x x 3

x 9,10 x 9 x 10

x 11, 12, 14, 15, 16 x x 11, 14 12, 15 x x 13


Figure 7: Icelined refrigerators and/or freezer (E3/RF3)

Plan view

x 1, 2 x 3, 4 5, 6 x

x 7 x 8 x 9

x 10, 11 x 12, 13 14, 15 x

Front view
x 1, 10 x 3, 12 5, 14 x

x 9

6, 15 x

x 2, 11 8, 4, 13 x

WHO/EPI/LHIS/97.06 25
E3: Refrigerators and freezers


Manufacturers gross volume

This is taken as the manufacturer's stated gross volume or, for purposes of
comparison, the internal free volume, including the space occupied by the
freezing compartment, and the volume occupied by shelves, door storage space,
etc., but excluding the space taken by the icelining, if there is any.

Flat plastic bottles filled with water which conform to Specifications E5/IP1 or

Vaccine storage capacity

The vaccine storage capacity is a measure of the net space in a refrigerator,
freezer, cold box or vaccine carrier available for the storage of vaccines. It is
measured in the following ways:
• Refrigerators: a load of boxes of 100x100x100 mm or 100x100x50 mm is
packed in the refrigerator with air space of 15 mm between each column of
packets and between the packets and any adjoining wall.
• Freezers: the same boxes are used as above, but no space is left between them
or with and the walls.

Freezing compartment
As defined by the manufacturer and, for purposes of comparison, the internal
free volume measured in litres ± 5%.

Icepack freezing capacity

Maximum weight of icepacks which can be frozen, in one batch, during a 24
hour freezing cycle while temperatures of vaccine storage remain within the
limits: 0 to +8ºC (refrigerators) and below -15ºC (freezers), or -5°C for a limited
period during the actual freezing process.

Holdover time
The time between switching off the appliance and when the warmest internal
temperature reaches +10ºC for refrigerators and freezers at a given ambient
temperature. Note : In order to calculate the minimum holdover time, the
electricity supply should be switched off at the start of a new compressor cycle

Areas not suitable for vaccine storage

Certain areas of an otherwise acceptable appliance which are too warm, and
should be excluded from use (e.g. vegetable drawer or door shelves in domestic

26 Equipment Performance Specifications and Test Procedures

Standard Test Procedures


Procedure reference: E3/PROC/1
Applies to specification: E3/FR1
Date of last revision: 1 January 1998

1. Cool down at 43°C (appliance empty)

Test condition:

Objectives :
• To determine how long it takes for the appliance to stabilize and at which
temperatures this is achieved, with the thermostat on its maximum setting.
• To determine the energy consumption and the compressor duty cycle during
the appliance start.

The test room should be set to +43ºC with the appliance empty, the door open
and the power supply switched off for a period of 48 hours. The lid of the freezer
should then be closed, the appliance switched on and left to stabilize, with the
thermostat/fast freeze switch on its maximum setting. Temperatures should be
recorded every hour during 24 hours. During this period the energy
consumption should be measured and the compressor duty cycle determined.
The duty cycle is measured by timing from the end of one cycle to the end of a
corresponding cycle approximately 24 hours later. The percentage "on" time over
this period is then calculated. Consumption is measured over the same time

Test criteria for qualification:

Stabilized internal temperatures below -15ºC.

2. Stable running and consumption tests at 43°C

(appliance loaded)

Test condition:

• To determine the capacity of the appliance to keep the vaccine below -15ºC
and the optimum thermostat setting to achieve this.
• To determine the energy consumption and the compressor duty cycle.

With the thermostat adjusted on its maximum setting, the appliance should then
be fully loaded and allowed to stabilize as above. Internal temperatures, energy
consumption and compressor duty cycle are recorded. If the internal
temperatures are not correct, the thermostat should be adjusted if possible and

WHO/EPI/LHIS/97.06 27
E3: Refrigerators and freezers

the test repeated. This new setting is referred to as the revised optimum. Note
all thermostat settings.

Test criteria for qualification :

• Stabilized internal temperatures below -15ºC.
• Power consumption to be less than 1 KWh per 24 hours per 100 litres gross
volume, fully loaded with vaccine only.

3. Icepack freezing capacity at 43°C

Test condition:

Objectives :
To determine the maximum quantity of icepacks which the appliance can freeze
keeping the vaccine temperature below - 5ºC during the freezing process and
returning to below -15°C by the end of the 24 h cycle.

The ability of the fast freeze compartment of the freezer to freeze icepacks
without affecting vaccine storage is then measured. Ice-making capability is
measured in kg per freezing cycle. All icepacks to form part of the freezing load
should be pre-conditioned at +43ºC. Fast freeze switches on freezers should be
switched on at the start of this test, but thermostats should not be adjusted.
After stabilization place 11 icepacks filled with water (6.6 kg) at 43ºC, if possible
in a row and with the edges perpendicular to the evaporator surface. The
icepacks and vaccines temperatures must be recorded every hour during the
following 24 hours. If the ice load is frozen (below -3ºC) and the vaccine load
stays below -5°C and has returned to below -15°C by the end of the 24 h cycle,
the icepacks are removed. The procedure is repeated every 24 hours increasing
the amount of icepacks each time by a number that seems appropriate to achieve
the objective. This is the way to proceed until 1 or more icepack is not
completely frozen or the vaccines do not stay in the correct temperature range.
The icepacks are removed and the amount of newly introduced icepacks is
reduced by a number that seems appropriate to achieve the objective. The
successive increase and decrease of the number of icepacks to be introduced will
be repeated until the icepack freezing capacity can be determined.
The available thermocouples for the freezer must be distributed as uniformly as
possible between the loaded icepacks.

Test criteria for qualification:

More than 7 kg ice frozen in icepacks per 24 hours at +43ºC while maintaining
vaccine storage temperatures below -5ºC and returning to below -15°C by the
end of the 24 h cycle.

28 Equipment Performance Specifications and Test Procedures

Standard Test Procedures

4. Holdover time at 43°C

Test condition:
Fully loaded with vaccine but no icepacks, and with fast freeze compartment

Objectives :
To determine for how long the appliance can maintain the vaccine load below
+10ºC from the moment the electricity supply is switched off.

After completion of the freezing tests, all icepacks are removed and a full load of
vaccine is added. The freezer is then allowed to stabilize for 48 hours, loaded
with vaccine but without icepacks. The electricity supply is then switched off at
the moment that the thermostat switches on the compressor. Internal
temperatures are monitored every hour. The time recorded for the warmest
point to exceed +10ºC is reported

Test criteria for qualification:

No standard set, however performance data will be published in the
WHO/UNICEF Product Information Sheets.

5. Day/night test

Test condition:
+43ºC and +15ºC.

To determine the temperature range maintained in the freezer while ambient
temperatures are varying during a day/night cycle.

Before the test, the appliance should be stabilized fully loaded with vaccine at an
ambient temperature of +43ºC, but without icepacks, and allowed to run for a
further 24 hours. The ambient temperature is then varied to simulate day/night
temperatures. Over a 3 hour period the temperature is reduced to +15ºC and
held at this temperature for 9 hours before being raised to +43ºC over a 3 hour
period. It is held at 43ºC for a further 9 hours before being reduced to +15ºC
again over a further 3 hour period. Five such day/night cycles are undertaken.
During this time the internal Temperatures should be recorded every hour.
From the results the temperature range of the warmest and coldest recorded
temperatures should be found.

Test criteria for qualification:

Stabilized internal temperatures below -15ºC.

WHO/EPI/LHIS/97.06 29
E3: Refrigerators and freezers

6. Maximum icepack freezing load at 43°c

Test condition:

To measure the quantity of icepacks that can be frozen without a vaccine load..
Ice-making capacity is measured in kg per freezing cycle

All icepacks to form part of the freezing load should be pre-conditioned at
+43ºC. Fast freeze switches on freezers should be switched on at the time of
loading, but thermostats should not be adjusted.
The icepack load should occupy one third of the internal gross volume as stated
by the manufacturer, and the whole of the fast freeze area included in this
volume. Temperatures inside the icepacks (as distributed in Figures 1 and 2 for
E3/FR1 under General Test Conditions (E3), points 7 to 10 and 5 in the centre of
the load) are monitored every hour and the load is assumed to be completely
frozen when the temperature of the warmest icepack reaches -3ºC. Internal
temperatures should be monitored throughout this test.
The maximum icepack freezing load is then reported as the weight of icepacks
which has been completely frozen in 24 hours.

Test criteria for qualification:

No standard set, however performance data will be published in the
WHO/UNICEF Product Information Sheets.

7. Compressor starting test (freezer empty)

Test condition:

To determine the minimum starting voltages of the appliance from cold and hot

A minimum starting voltage, at which the appliance starts successfully in 10 out
of 10 attempts, should be established. The voltage is reduced in 2% steps from a
starting voltage 20% lower than the nominal voltage of the compressor. At each
voltage the freezer should be started ten times from cold (compressor at
ambient) and ten times hot (compressor at normal operating temperatures).
If the appliance presents starting problems, the reason for these should be
established, if possible, and included in the final report.

30 Equipment Performance Specifications and Test Procedures

Standard Test Procedures

Test criteria for qualification:

Ten out of ten starts successful in both cold start and hot start tests at a
minimum of 22% below the manufacturers nominal voltage.

8. Electrical safety testing

Manufacturers should be requested to submit evidence that the appliance meets
National or international Standards for Electrical Safety. In the absence of such
evidence, then electrical safety should be checked to IEC 335-1 or any other later
modification of the above

Test procedures are drawn from IEC 335-1 (1991) and Amendment 1 (1994-11),
'Safety of household and similar electrical appliances', following the clauses
listed in Annex 8.

Test criteria for qualification:

Pass on listed clauses of IEC 335-1.

9. Corrosion resistance
Manufacturers should be requested by the laboratory to provide evidence that
appliance meets national of international standards for corrosion resistance. In
the absence of such evidence then resistance to corrosion will be checked to DIN
8985 or any later revision of this standard

According to DIN 8985.

Test criteria for qualification:

Meet DIN 8985.

WHO/EPI/LHIS/97.06 31
E3: Refrigerators and freezers


Procedure reference: E3/PROC/2
Applies to specification: E3/FR2
Date of last revision: 1 January 1998

1. Cool down test

Test condition:
+43ºC (appliance empty)

Objectives :
To determine how long it takes for the freezer internal temperature to stabilize,
with the thermostat on its maximum setting and what is the temperature
distribution of the stabilized appliance.
To determine the energy consumption and the compressor duty cycle during
this period.

The test room should be set to +43ºC with the appliance empty, the door open
and the power supply switched off for a period of 48 hours. The door of the
freezer should then be closed, the appliance switched on and left to stabilize,
with the fast freeze switch on or, if there is none, the thermostat on its maximum
setting. Temperatures should be recorded every hour during 24 hours. During
this period the energy consumption should be measured and the compressor
duty cycle determined. The duty cycle is measured by timing from the end of
one cycle to the end of a corresponding cycle approximately 24 hours later. The
percentage "on" time over this period is then calculated. Consumption is
measured over the same time scale.

2. Freezing and power consumption tests at +43ºc

Test condition:

Objectives :
• To determine the maximum quantity of icepacks which the appliance can
freeze in 24 hours.
• To determine the time it takes to freeze a complete load of icepacks.
• To determine the energy consumption during the test.

2.1 The freezer is fully loaded with icepacks (conforming to Specification
E5/IP1) which have been pre-conditioned to +43ºC and, if provided, the fast
freeze switch is turned on. The icepacks are stacked vertically or horizontally;
whichever arrangement is thought to give the best rate of freezing. If the
manufacturer recommends a loading arrangement, this should be followed for at
least one test cycle.

32 Equipment Performance Specifications and Test Procedures

Standard Test Procedures

The number and overall weight of the icepack load is recorded before the test
begins and the energy consumption is recorded throughout the test.
The available thermocouples for the freezer must be distributed as uniformly as
possible between the loaded icepacks.
The internal temperature of selected icepacks is then monitored and recorded.
When the warmest temperature recorded in the freezer reaches -3ºC the load is
assumed to have been frozen. The period of time between the completion of
loading of the icepack freezer and when the load is completely frozen is
2.2 Ice making capacity is then measured in kg per 24 hour freezing cycle.
All icepacks to form part of the freezing load should be pre-conditioned at
+43ºC. Any air flow restrictor on refrigerators should be used for this test only.
Fast freeze switches on freezers should be on, but thermostats should not be
After stabilization place 25 icepacks filled with water (15 kg), if possible in a row
and with the edges perpendicular to the evaporator surface, or according to the
manufacturers recommendation. The icepacks temperatures must be recorded
every hour during the following 24 hours. If the ice load is frozen (below -3ºC)
the icepacks are removed and the procedure is repeated every 24 hours
increasing the amount of icepacks each time by a number that seems appropriate
to achieve the objective. This is the way to proceed until 1 or more icepack is not
completely frozen or the vaccines do not stay in the correct temperature range.
The icepacks are removed and the amount of newly introduced icepacks is
reduced by a number that seems appropriate to achieve the objective. The
successive increase and decrease of the number of icepacks to be introduced will
be repeated until the icepack freezing capacity is determined.

Test criteria for qualification:

No standard set for the time it takes to freeze a full load, however performance
data will be published in the WHO/UNICEF Product Information Sheets.
Minimum 15 kg of ice (icepack type E5/EP.1) frozen per 24 hours plus 15 kg for
every 100 litre of gross storage volume, i.e. 15 kg for 1-99 litre, 30 kg for 100-199
litre, etc..
Less than 1.0 KWh per 10 kg of ice frozen in 24 hours at +43ºC.

3. Compressor starting test (Icepack freezer empty)

Test condition:

To determine the minimum starting voltages of the appliance from cold and hot

WHO/EPI/LHIS/97.06 33
E3: Refrigerators and freezers

A minimum starting voltage, at which the appliance starts successfully in 10 out
of 10 attempts, should be established. The voltage is reduced in 2% steps from a
starting voltage 20% lower than the nominal voltage of the compressor. At each
voltage the freezer should be started ten times from cold (compressor at
ambient) and ten times hot (compressor at normal operating temperatures). The
interval between starts (both hot and cold) should be at least 15 minutes.
If the appliance presents starting problems, the reason for these should be
established, if possible, and included in the final report.

Test criteria for qualification:

Ten starts successful out of ten in both cold start and hot start tests at a
minimum of 22% below the manufacturers nominal voltage.

4. Electrical safety testing

Manufacturers should be requested to submit evidence that the appliance meets
National or international Standards for Electrical Safety. In the absence of such
evidence, then electrical safety should be checked to IEC 335-1 or any other later
modification of the above

Test procedures are drawn from IEC 335-1 (1991) and Amendment 1 (1994-11),
'Safety of household and similar electrical appliances', following the clauses
listed in Annex 8.

Test criteria for qualification:

Pass on listed clauses of IEC 335-1.

5. Corrosion resistance
Manufacturers should be requested by the laboratory to provide evidence that
appliance meets national of international standards for corrosion resistance. In
the absence of such evidence then resistance to corrosion will be checked to DIN
8985 or any later revision of this standard

According to DIN 8985.

Test criteria for qualification:

Meet DIN 8985.

34 Equipment Performance Specifications and Test Procedures

Standard Test Procedures


Procedure Reference: E3/PROC/3
Applies to specification: E3/RF1
Date of last revision: 1 January 1998

1. Cool down at +32ºC

Test condition:

Objectives :
• To determine how long it takes for the appliance internal temperatures to
stabilize with the thermostat on its maximum setting.
• To determine the energy consumption and the compressor duty cycle during
that period

The test room should be set to +32ºC with the appliance empty, the door open
and the power supply switched off. After allowing stabilization to take place as
per General Test Conditions (E3), procedure 2, the door should be closed, the
appliance switched on, with the thermostat on its maximum setting, and left to
Temperatures should be recorded every hour during 24 hours. During this
period the energy consumption should be measured and the compressor duty
cycle determined. The duty cycle is measured by timing from the end of one
cycle to the end of a corresponding cycle approximately 24 hours later. The
percentage "on" time over this period is then calculated. Consumption is
measured over the same time scale and corrected to consumption per 24 hours.
Special care should be taken in reporting and analysing data for temperature
distributions in refrigerators with separate vegetable compartments in the
bottom (for example domestic appliances), which usually have much higher
temperatures and are not normally used for storing vaccine. So that the values
obtained for the vegetable compartment do not distort those of the main
compartment, they should be reported and analysed separately.

Test criteria for qualification:


2. Stable running test at +32ºC

Test condition:

WHO/EPI/LHIS/97.06 35
E3: Refrigerators and freezers

To determine the appliance capacity to maintain vaccine temperatures in the
range 0ºC to 8ºC, or below -15°C when operating as a freezer, with continuous
energy supply.

The appliance should be loaded, as specified in the General Test Conditions,
procedure 3. After allowing for stabilization, with the thermostat set at medium
position, internal temperatures, energy consumption and compressor duty cycle
are recorded. If the internal temperatures are not correct, the thermostat should
be adjusted if possible and the test repeated. This new setting is referred to as
the optimum. Note all thermostat settings.

Test criteria for qualification:

All internal refrigerator temperatures to remain within the range 0 to +8ºC.
Temperatures in vaccine freezer compartments to remain below -15ºC

3. Icepack freezing at +32ºC

Test condition:

To determine the maximum quantity of standard size of icepacks (E5/IP.1, or
IP.2 if justified and specified by the manufacturer) which the appliance can
freeze in 24 hours while maintaining the vaccine temperature between 0ºC and

The ability of the freezers to freeze icepacks is then measured. Ice making
capability is measured in kg per 24 hour freezing cycle. All icepacks to form part
of the freezing load should be pre-conditioned at +32ºC. Any air flow restrictor
on refrigerators should be used for this test only. Fast freeze switches on
freezers should be on, but thermostats should not be adjusted.
After stabilization place 2 icepacks filled with water (1.2 kg), if possible in a row
and with the edges perpendicular to the evaporator surface, or according to the
manufacturers recommendation. The type of icepacks to use is E5/IP1, however
E5/IP2 may be used if icepack trays are designed for that type only. The
icepacks and vaccines temperatures must be recorded every hour during the
following 24 hours. If the ice load is frozen (below -3ºC) and the vaccine load
stays between 0ºC and 8ºC the icepacks are removed and the procedure is
repeated every 24 hours increasing the amount of icepacks each time by a
number that seems appropriate to achieve the objective. This is the way to
proceed until 1 or more icepack is not completely frozen or the vaccines do not
stay in the correct temperature range. The icepacks are removed and the amount
of newly introduced icepacks is reduced by a number that seems appropriate to
achieve the objective. The successive increase and decrease of the number of
icepacks to be introduced will be repeated until the icepack freezing capacity can
be determined.

36 Equipment Performance Specifications and Test Procedures

Standard Test Procedures

The greatest load of icepacks which can be frozen without exceeding vaccine
storage temperatures is recorded as the "icepack freezing capacity".
The available thermocouples for the freezer must be distributed as uniformly as
possible between the loaded icepacks.

Test criteria for qualification:

At least 1.6 kgs and more than 2.5 kgs per 50 litres of gross volume (freezer
compartment) frozen per 24 hours while maintaining the recommended vaccine
temperature control.

4. Hold over time at +32ºC

Test condition:

Objectives :
To determine for how long the appliance can maintain the vaccine load below
+10ºC from the moment the electricity supply is switched off.

The appliance is allowed to stabilize loaded with vaccine in the refrigerator but
without icepacks in the freezer compartment. The electricity supply is then
switched off at the moment that the thermostat switches on the compressor.
Internal temperatures are monitored every hour. The time recorded for the
warmest point to exceed +l0ºC is reported.
Note :
In order to calculate the minimum holdover time, the electricity supply should
be switched off at the start of a new compressor cycle

Test criteria for qualification:

No standard set, however performance data will be published in the
WHO/UNICEF Product Information Sheets.

5. Day/night test

Test condition:
+43ºC/+15ºC, day/night, 12/12 hour cycle.

To determine the appliance ability to maintain vaccine temperatures in the 0°C
to 8°C range while the ambient temperature simulates a day (+43°C) / night
(+15°C) cycle

Before the test, the appliance should be stabilized as in procedure 2 above at an
ambient temperature of +32ºC and allowed to run for a further 24 hours. The
ambient temperature is then varied to simulate day/night temperatures. Over a
2 hour period the temperature is reduced to +l5ºC, held at this temperature for 9

WHO/EPI/LHIS/97.06 37
E3: Refrigerators and freezers

hours before being raised to +43ºC over a 3 hour period. It is held at +43ºC for a
further 9 hours before being reduced to +l5ºC again over a further 3 hour period.
Five such day/night cycles are undertaken. During this time the internal
temperatures are monitored every hour .
The location of the warmest and coldest recorded vaccine temperatures should
be identified and reported

Test criteria for qualification:

• Refrigerator temperatures must remain in the range 0ºC to +8ºC.
• Freezer temperature must remain below -15ºC.

6. Stable running and power consumption tests at 43ºC

Test condition:

• To determine the capacity of the appliance to maintain vaccines in the range
0ºC to 8ºC
• To determine the optimum thermostat setting to achieve it.
• To determine the power consumption and the compressor duty cycle.

With the ambient temperature at +43ºC and with the thermostat adjusted on its
maximum setting the appliance should be fully loaded and stabilized The
internal temperatures, duty cycle and consumption are then determined as
before. If the internal temperatures are not correct, the thermostat should be
adjusted to give the results closest to a mean internal temperature of +4ºC and
the measurements repeated. For freezers the thermostat should be adjusted to
result in temperatures between -15ºC and -25ºC.
This setting is referred to as the optimum (+43ºC). Record the settings used and
the internal temperatures achieved.

Test criteria for qualification:

• Refrigerator temperatures must remain in the range 0ºC to +8ºC.
• Freezer Compartment to remain below -15°C

7. Icepack freezing at +43ºC

Test condition:

To determine the maximum quantity of icepacks which the appliance can freeze
while keeping the vaccine temperature between 0ºC and 8ºC.

38 Equipment Performance Specifications and Test Procedures

Standard Test Procedures

This test will only be carried out if the performance at +32ºC is satisfactory and
suggests that the freezing capacity at +43ºC is likely to be greater than 1.6 kg.
The test described in procedure 3 above is repeated at 43°C. Estimates of the
freezing load can be made from the previously obtained results.

Test criteria for qualification:

At least 1.6 kgs and more than 2.5 kgs per 50 litres of gross volume (freezer
compartment) frozen per 24 hours while maintaining the recommended vaccine
temperature control.

8. Holdover time at +43ºC

Test condition:

Objectives :
To determine for how long the appliance can maintain the vaccine load below
+10ºC from the moment the electricity supply is switched off.

The appliance is first allowed to stabilize loaded with vaccine in the refrigerator,
but without icepacks in the freezer and then switched off at the moment the
thermostat turns on the compressor. The internal temperatures are monitored
hourly. The time recorded for the warmest point to exceed +l0ºC is reported.

Test criteria for qualification:

Minimum 4 hours and more than six hours per 100 litres of gross internal

9. Compressor starting test (appliance empty)

Test condition:

To determine the minimum starting voltages from cold and hot starts.

A minimum starting voltage, at which the appliance starts successfully in 10 out
of 10 attempts, should be established. The voltage is reduced in 2% steps from a
starting voltage 20% lower than the nominal voltage of the compressor. At each
voltage the freezer should be started ten times from cold (compressor at
ambient) and ten times hot (compressor at normal operating temperatures).
If the appliance presents starting problems, the reason for these should be
established, if possible, and included in the final report.

WHO/EPI/LHIS/97.06 39
E3: Refrigerators and freezers

Test criteria for qualification:

Ten successful starts out of ten in both cold start and hot start tests at a
minimum of 22% below the manufacturer's nominal voltage.

10. Corrosion resistance

Manufacturers should be requested by the laboratory to provide evidence that
appliance meets national of international standards for corrosion resistance. In
the absence of such evidence then resistance to corrosion will be checked to DIN
8985 or any later revision of this standard

According to DIN 8985.

Test criteria for qualification:

Meet DIN 8985.

11. Electrical safety testing

Manufacturers should be requested to submit evidence that the appliance meets
National or international Standards for Electrical Safety. In the absence of such
evidence, then electrical safety should be checked to IEC 335-1 or any other later
modification of the above

Test procedures are drawn from IEC 335-1 (1991) and Amendment 1 (1994-11),
'Safety of household and similar electrical appliances', following the clauses
listed in Annex 8.

Test criteria for qualification:

Pass on listed clauses of IEC 335-1.

40 Equipment Performance Specifications and Test Procedures

Standard Test Procedures


Procedure reference: E3/PROC/4
Applies to specification: E3/RF3
Date of last revision: 1 January 1998

1. Cool down at +43ºC

Test condition:

Objectives :
• To determine how long it takes for the appliance internal temperatures to
stabilizes with the thermostat on its maximum setting.
• To determine the energy consumption and the compressor duty cycle during
that period

The test room should be set to +43ºC with the appliance empty, the door open
and the power supply switched off. After allowing stabilization to take place (48
hours), the lid should be closed, the appliance switched on, with the thermostat
on its maximum setting, and left to stabilize as indicated in General Test
Conditions, procedure 2.
Temperatures should be recorded every hour 24 hours. During this period the
energy consumption should be measured and the compressor duty cycle
determined. The duty cycle is measured by timing from the end of one cycle to
the end of a corresponding cycle approximately 24 hours later. The percentage
"on" time over this period is then calculated. Consumption is measured over the
same time scale and corrected to consumption per 24 hours.

2. Stable running and power consumption tests at +43ºC

(continuous energy supply)

Test condition:

Objectives :
• To determine the capacity of the appliance to maintain vaccines in the range
0ºC to 8ºC
• To determine the optimum thermostat setting to achieve it.
• To determine the power consumption and the compressor duty cycle.

With the ambient temperature at +43ºC the appliance is loaded with full vaccine
load and stabilized, the optimum thermostat setting is searched by starting with
a medium position. The internal temperatures, duty cycle and consumption are
then determined as before. If the internal temperatures are not correct, the
thermostat should be adjusted to give the results closest to a mean internal

WHO/EPI/LHIS/97.06 41
E3: Refrigerators and freezers

temperature of +4ºC and the measurements repeated. For freezers thermostat

should be adjusted to result in temperatures between -15ºC and -25ºC.
This setting is referred to as the optimum (+43ºC). Record the settings used and
the internal temperatures achieved.

Test criteria for qualification:

Refrigerator temperatures must remain in the range 0ºC to +8ºC.

3. Stable running test at +43ºC (intermittent energy supply)

Test condition:
+43ºC, intermittent energy.

• To determine the appliance capacity to maintain vaccine temperatures in the
range 0ºC to 8ºC, while operating on intermittent energy supply.
• To determine the power consumption and the compressor duty cycle with
intermittent energy supply.

The previous test conditions are continued, but the electricity supply is
interrupted for sixteen hours, continuously each 24 hour cycle for a total of
twenty days. Energy consumption and compressor duty cycle are recorded.

Test criteria for qualification:

All internal refrigerator temperatures within the range 0ºC to +8ºC

4. Holdover time at +43ºC (intermittent energy supply)

Test condition:
+43ºC, intermittent energy.

Objectives :
To determine for how long the appliance can maintain the vaccine load below
+10ºC from the moment the electricity supply is switched off.

The appliance is first allowed to stabilize, loaded with vaccine only. The
appliance is then operated under the same intermittent energy supply schemes
above, for a period of 4 days. The electricity supply is then interrupted at the end
of the 4th day at the start of a compressor ON phase. The length of time of the
preceding compressor OFF period will also be reported. The internal
temperatures are monitored hourly. The time between the moment the
electricity supply is interrupted and the moment the warmest vaccine load
temperature exceeds +10ºC is recorded and reported.

42 Equipment Performance Specifications and Test Procedures

Standard Test Procedures

Test criteria for qualification:

No standard set, but the recommended target is a holdover time of more than 20
hours in a continuous external temperature of +43°C. Performance data will be
published in the WHO/UNICEF Product Information Sheets.

5. Day/night test (continuous energy supply)

Test condition:
+43ºC/+15ºC, day/night, 12/12 hour cycle.

To determine the appliance ability to maintain vaccine temperatures in the 0°C
to 8°C range while the ambient temperature simulates a day (43°C) / night
(15°C) cycle

Before the test, the appliance should be stabilized as in procedure 2 above at an
ambient temperature of +43ºC and allowed to run for a further 24 hours. The
ambient temperature is then varied to simulate day/night temperatures. Over a
3 hour period the temperature is reduced to +l5ºC, held at this temperature for 9
hours before being raised to +43ºC over a 3 hour period. It is held at +43ºC for a
further 9 hours before being reduced to +l5ºC again over a further 3 hour period.
Five such day/night cycles are undertaken. During this time the internal
temperatures are monitored every hour .
From the results, the temperature range of the warmest and coldest recorded
temperatures should be found.

Test criteria for qualification:

• Refrigerator temperatures must remain in the range 0ºC to +8ºC.
• Freezer temperature must remain below -15ºC.

6. Stable running test at +32ºC (continuous energy supply)

Test condition:
+32ºC, continuous energy.

• To determine the capacity of the appliance to maintain vaccines in the range
0ºC to 8ºC
• To determine the optimum thermostat setting to achieve it.
• To determine the power consumption and the compressor duty cycle.

With the thermostat adjusted in its medium setting the appliance should then be
loaded as specified in the General Test Conditions (E3). After allowing for
stabilization, internal temperatures, energy consumption and compressor duty
cycle are recorded. If the internal temperatures are not correct, the thermostat

WHO/EPI/LHIS/97.06 43
E3: Refrigerators and freezers

should be adjusted if possible and the test repeated. This new setting is referred
to as the revised optimum (+32ºC). Note all thermostat settings.

Test criteria for qualification:

• All internal temperatures within the range:
• 0°C to +8ºC for refrigerators,
• below -15ºC for freezers.

7. Stable running test at +32ºC (intermittent energy supply)

Test condition:
+32ºC, intermittent energy.

• To determine the appliance capacity to maintain vaccine temperatures in the
range 0ºC to 8ºC, while operating on intermittent energy supply.
• To determine the power consumption and the compressor duty cycle with
intermittent energy supply.

The previous test conditions are continued, but the electricity supply is
interrupted for sixteen hours continuously each 24 hour cycle for a total of 20
days. Energy consumption and compressor duty cycle are recorded.

Test criteria for qualification:

All internal refrigerator temperatures within the range:
• 0°C to +8ºC for refrigerators,
• below -15ºC for freezers.

8. Icepack freezing at +32ºc (intermittent energy supply)

(Test only for freezers or appliances with freezing compartment)

Test condition:
+32ºC, intermittent energy supply

Objectives :
• For appliance that refrigerate or freeze in the same compartment: to
determine the maximum quantity of icepacks which the appliance can freeze
during intermittent energy supply keeping the vaccine temperature below -
5ºC during the freezing process and returning to below -15°C by the end of
the 24 h cycle.
• For appliances equipped with a separate freezing and refrigerator
compartment: to determine the maximum quantity of icepacks which the
appliance can freeze keeping the vaccine temperature between 0°C and 8°C.

The ability of the appliance to freeze icepacks without affecting vaccine storage is
then measured. Ice-making capability is measured in kg per freezing cycle. All

44 Equipment Performance Specifications and Test Procedures

Standard Test Procedures

icepacks to form part of the freezing load should be pre-conditioned at +32ºC.

Fast freeze switches should be switched on at the start of this test, but
thermostats should not be adjusted.
After stabilization, place the number of icepacks recommended by the
manufacturer (or the number based on an estimated freezing capacity), if
possible in a row and with the edges perpendicular to the evaporator surface.
The icepacks and vaccines temperatures must be recorded every hour during the
following 24 hours. If the ice load is frozen (below -3ºC) and the vaccine load
stays within the range defined in the objectives, the icepacks are removed. The
procedure is repeated every 24 hours increasing the amount of icepacks each
time by a number that seems appropriate to achieve the objective. This is the
way to proceed until 1 or more icepack is not completely frozen or the vaccines
do not stay in the correct temperature range. The icepacks are removed and the
amount of newly introduced icepacks is reduced by a number that seems
appropriate to achieve the objective. The successive increase and decrease of the
number of icepacks to be introduced will be repeated until the icepack freezing
capacity can be determined.
The available thermocouples for the freezer must be distributed as uniformly as
possible between the loaded icepacks.

Test criteria for qualification:

No standard set, however performance data will be published in the
WHO/UNICEF Product Information Sheets.

9. Holdover time at +32ºC (intermittent energy supply)

Test condition:
+32ºC, intermittent energy supply

Objectives :
To determine for how long the appliance can maintain the vaccine load below
+10ºC from the moment the electricity supply is switched off.

The appliance is first allowed to stabilize, loaded with vaccine only. The
appliance is then operated under the same intermittent energy supply schemes
above, for a period of 4 days. The electricity supply is then interrupted at the end
of the 4th day at the start of a compressor ON phase. The length of time of the
preceding compressor OFF period will also be reported. The internal
temperatures are monitored hourly. The time between the moment the
electricity supply is interrupted and the moment the warmest vaccine load
temperature exceeds +10ºC is recorded and reported.

Test criteria for qualification:

No standard set, however performance data will be published in the
WHO/UNICEF Product Information Sheets.

WHO/EPI/LHIS/97.06 45
E3: Refrigerators and freezers

10. Compressor starting test at 32°C (appliance empty)

Test condition:

To determine the minimum starting voltages of the appliance from cold and hot

A minimum starting voltage, at which the appliance starts successfully in 10 out
of 10 attempts, should be established. The voltage is reduced in 2% steps from a
starting voltage 20% lower than the nominal voltage of the compressor. At each
voltage the freezer should be started ten times from cold (compressor at ambient
temperature) and ten times hot (compressor at normal operating temperatures).
If the appliance presents starting problems, the reason for these should be
established, if possible, and included in the final report.

Test criteria for qualification:

Ten starts successful out of ten in both cold start and hot start tests at a
minimum of 22% below the manufacturer's nominal voltage.

11. Electrical safety testing

Manufacturers should be requested to submit evidence that the appliance meets
National or international Standards for Electrical Safety. In the absence of such
evidence, then electrical safety should be checked to IEC 335-1 or any other later
modification of the above

Test procedures are drawn from IEC 335-1 (1991) and Amendment 1 (1994-11),
'Safety of household and similar electrical appliances', following the clauses
listed in Annex 8.

Test criteria for qualification:

Pass on listed clauses of IEC 335-1.

12. Corrosion resistance

Manufacturers should be requested by the laboratory to provide evidence that
appliance meets national of international standards for corrosion resistance. In
the absence of such evidence then resistance to corrosion will be checked to DIN
8985 or any later revision of this standard

According to DIN 8985.

Test criteria for qualification:

Meet DIN 8985.

46 Equipment Performance Specifications and Test Procedures

Standard Test Procedures


Procedure reference: E3/PROC/5
Applies to specification: E3/RF2
Date of last revision: 1 January 1998

1. Cool down at +32ºC

Test condition:

Objectives :
To determine in how much time and at which temperatures the refrigerator
internal temperatures stabilize with the thermostat on its maximum setting. To
determine the fuel consumption or the electrical resistance working time during
the test.

The test room should be set to +32ºC with the appliance empty, the door open
and the power supply switched off. After allowing stabilization to take place (48
hours), the door should be closed, the appliance switched on, with the
flame/thermostat on its maximum setting, and left to stabilize.
Temperatures should be recorded every hour during 24 hours. During this
period the energy consumption should be measured and reported as
consumption per 24 hours.
Special care should be taken in reporting and analysing data for temperature
distributions in refrigerators with separate vegetable compartments in the
bottom (domestic refrigerators), which usually have much higher temperatures
and are not to be used for storing vaccine. In order that the values obtained for
the vegetable compartment do not distort those of the main compartment, they
should be reported and analysed separately.

Test criteria for qualification:


2. Stable running test at +32ºC

Test condition:

To determine the capacity of the appliance to keep the vaccine between 0ºC and
8ºC and the optimum thermostat setting to achieve it. To determine the fuel
consumption and/or the electrical resistance working time.

WHO/EPI/LHIS/97.06 47
E3: Refrigerators and freezers

The appliance should be loaded, as specified in the General Testing Conditions.
After allowing 48 hours for stabilization with a thermostat set at a medium
position, internal temperatures, and fuel consumption are recorded. If the
internal temperatures are not correct, the thermostat/flame should be adjusted if
possible and the test repeated. This new setting is referred to as the optimum.
Note all thermostat/flame settings.

Test criteria for qualification:

All internal refrigerator temperatures within the range 0ºC to +8ºC.

3. Icepack freezing at +32ºC

Test condition:

To determine the maximum quantity of icepacks which the appliance can freeze
in a 24 h cycle, while keeping the vaccine temperature between 0ºC and 8ºC.

The ability of the freezing compartment to freeze icepacks is then measured. Ice-
making capability is measured in kg. per freezing cycle. All icepacks to form part
of the freezing load should be pre-conditioned at +32ºC. Any air flow restrictor
on refrigerators should be used for this test only. Thermostat/flame should not
be adjusted.
After stabilization place 4 icepacks filled with water (2.4 kg) at 32ºC, if possible in
a row and with the edges perpendicular to the evaporator surface. The icepacks
and vaccines tempertures must be recorded every hour during the following 24
hours. If the ice load is frozen (below -3ºC) and the vaccine load stays between
0ºC and 8ºC the icepacks are removed and the procedure is repeated every 24
hours increasing the amount of icepacks each time by a number that seems
appropriate to achieve the objective. This is the way to proceed until 1 or more
icepack is not completely frozen or the vaccines do not stay in the correct
temperature range. The icepacks are removed and the amount of newly
introduced icepacks is reduced by a number that seems appropriate to achieve
the objective. The successive increase and decrease of the number of icepacks to
be introduced will be repeated until the icepack freezing capacity can be
The available thermocouples for the freezer must be distributed as uniformly as
possible between the loaded icepacks.

Test criteria for qualification:

At least 2.4 kg of icepacks frozen within a period of 24 hours while maintaining
the above vaccine temperature control.

48 Equipment Performance Specifications and Test Procedures

Standard Test Procedures

4. Hold over time at +32ºC

Test condition:

Objectives :
To determine for how long the appliance can maintain the vaccine load below
+10ºC from the moment the energy supply (electricity, kerosene or gas) is
switched off.

The appliance is allowed to stabilize for 48 hours loaded with vaccine in the
refrigerator but without icepacks in the freezer compartment. The energy supply
should be switched off at the moment the thermostat switches the compressor
on. Internal temperatures are monitored every hour . The time recorded for the
warmest point to exceed +l0ºC for refrigerators is reported.

Test criteria for qualification:

Minimum 3 hours hold over time.

5. Day/night test

Test condition:
+32ºC/+15ºC, day/night, 12/12 hour cycle.

To determine the appliance ability to maintain vaccine temperatures in the 0°C
to +10°C range while the ambient temperature simulates a day (+32°C) / night
(+15°C) cycle

Before the test, the appliance should be stabilized as described in paragraph 2 at
an ambient temperature of +32ºC and allowed to run for a further 24 hours. The
ambient temperature is then varied to simulate day/night temperatures. Over a
3 hour period the temperature is reduced to +l5ºC, held at this temperature for 9
hours before being raised to +32ºC over a 3 hour period. It is held at +32ºC for a
further 9 hours before being reduced to +l5ºC again over a further 3 hour period.
Five such day/night cycles are undertaken. The internal temperatures are
monitored every hour for the duration of the test.
The location of the warmest and coldest recorded temperatures should be
identified and reported.

Test criteria for qualification:

Refrigerator temperatures must remain in the range 0ºC to +10ºC.

WHO/EPI/LHIS/97.06 49
E3: Refrigerators and freezers

6. Stable Running test at +43ºC

Test condition:

To determine the capacity to keep the vaccine between 0ºC and 8ºC and the
optimum thermostat setting to achieve it. To determine the consumption and the
compressor duty cycle.

With the ambient temperature at +43ºC the appliance is loaded and stabilized,
for at least 48 hours with the thermostat/flame at the revised optimum setting.
The internal temperatures and consumption are then determined as before. If
the internal temperatures are not correct, the thermostat/flame should be
adjusted to give the results closest to a mean internal temperature of +4ºC and
the measurements repeated.
This new setting is referred to as the revised optimum (+43ºC). Record the
settings used and the internal temperatures achieved.

Test criteria for qualification:

Refrigerator temperatures must remain in the range 0ºC to +8ºC.

7. Icepack freezing at +43ºC

Test condition:

To determine the maximum quantity of Icepacks which the appliance can freeze
keeping the vaccine temperature between 0ºC and 8ºC..

This test needs only be carried out if the performance at +32ºC is satisfactory and
suggests that the freezing capacity at +43ºC is likely to be greater than 0.5 kg.
The test described in procedure 3 above is repeated at 43°C. Estimates of the
freezing load can be made from the previously obtained results.

Test criteria for qualification:

None set.

50 Equipment Performance Specifications and Test Procedures

Standard Test Procedures

8. Holdover time at +43ºC

Test condition:

Objectives :
To determine for how long the appliance can maintain the vaccine load below
+10ºC from the moment the energy supply (electricity, kerosene or gas) is
switched off.

The appliance is first allowed to stabilize and switched off at the moment the
thermostat switches the compressor on. The internal temperatures are monitored
hourly. The time recorded for the warmest point to exceed +10ºC for refrigerator
is reported.

Test criteria for qualification:

None set

9. Day/night test

Test condition:
+43ºC/+15ºC, day/night, 12/12 hour cycle.

To determine the appliance ability to maintain vaccine temperatures in the 0°C
to +10°C range while the ambient temperature simulates a day (+43°C) / night
(+15°C) cycle.

Before the test, the appliance should be stabilized as in paragraph 2 at an
ambient temperature of +32ºC and allowed to run for a further 24 hours. The
ambient temperature is then varied to simulate day/night temperatures. Over a
2 hour period the temperature is reduced to +l5ºC, held at this temperature for 9
hours before being raised to +43ºC over a 3 hour period. It is held at +43ºC for a
further 9 hours before being reduced to +l5ºC again over a further 3 hour period.
Five such day/night cycles are undertaken. During this time the internal
temperatures are monitored hourly.
From the results the temperature range of the warmest and coldest recorded
temperatures should be found.

Test criteria for qualification:

None set
Manufacturers should be requested by the laboratory to provide evidence that
appliance meets national of international standards for corrosion resistance. In
the absence of such evidence then resistance to corrosion will be checked to DIN
8985 or any later revision of this standard

WHO/EPI/LHIS/97.06 51
E3: Refrigerators and freezers

10. Corrosion resistance

Manufacturers should be requested by the laboratory to provide evidence that
appliance meets national of international standards for corrosion resistance. In
the absence of such evidence then resistance to corrosion will be checked to DIN
8985 or any later revision of this standard

According to DIN 8985.

Test criteria for qualification:

Meet DIN 8985.

11. Electrical safety testing

Manufacturers should be requested to submit evidence that the appliance meets
National or international Standards for Electrical Safety. In the absence of such
evidence, then electrical safety should be checked to IEC 335-1 or any other later
modification of the above

Test procedures are drawn from IEC 335-1 (1991) and Amendment 1 (1994-11),
'Safety of household and similar electrical appliances', following the clauses
listed in Annex 8.

Test criteria for qualification:

Pass on listed clauses of IEC 335-1.

52 Equipment Performance Specifications and Test Procedures

Standard Test Procedures


Procedure reference: E3/PROC/6
Applies to specification: E3/FR4
Date of last revision: 1 January 1998

1. Icepack freezing at +32ºC

Test condition:

• To determine the maximum quantity of icepacks which the appliance can
freeze in a 24 h cycle , or to determine the number of hours it takes to freeze a
fully loaded freezer if this is less than 24.
• To determine the capacity to store a minimum of 10 frozen icepacks
(approximately 5 kg) while maintaining their temperature below -3°C.
• To determine fuel consumption and/or the electrical resistance working time.

1.1 The empty icepack freezer is allowed to stabilize at maximum
flame/thermostat setting in an ambient temperature of 32°C. Ice making
capacity is measured in kg per 24 hour freezing cycle. All icepacks to form part
of the freezing load should be pre-conditioned at +32ºC.
The available thermocouples for the freezer must be distributed as uniformly as
possible between the loaded icepacks.
Fuel consumption and/or electrical resistance working time are measured
during the test.
After stabilization place icepacks (conforming to Specification E5/IP1) filled with
water, if possible in a row and with the edges perpendicular to the evaporator
surface, or according to the manufacturers recommendation. The number of
icepacks should be based on the manufacturers recommendation or on an initial
estimate of icepack freezing capacity, with a minimum of 3 per 50 litre gross
volume. The icepacks temperatures must be recorded every hour during the
following 24 hours. If the ice load is frozen (below -3ºC) the icepacks are
removed and the procedure is repeated every 24 hours increasing the amount of
icepacks each time by a number that seems appropriate to achieve the objective.
This is the way to proceed until 1 or more icepack is not completely frozen. The
icepacks are removed and the amount of newly introduced icepacks is reduced
by a number that seems appropriate. The successive increase and decrease of the
number of icepacks to be introduced will be repeated until the icepack freezing
capacity is determined.
If the number of icepacks that can be frozen per 24 hours exceeds the contents of
the freezer or freezer compartment, the number of hours it takes to freeze a full
load is recorded.
1.2 To determine the capacity to store frozen icepacks, while maintaining
their temperature below -3°C, frozen icepacks are placed in the freezer or in the

WHO/EPI/LHIS/97.06 53
E3: Refrigerators and freezers

storage compartment if available. The number of icepacks should be minimum

10, or the number found in the icepack freezing capacity test, whichever higher.
The icepacks temperatures must be recorded every hour during the following 24
hours. If the ice load remains frozen (below -3ºC) the icepacks are removed and
the procedure is repeated every 24 hours increasing the amount of icepacks each
time by a number that seems appropriate to achieve the objective. This is the
way to proceed until 1 or more icepack does not remain completely frozen. The
icepacks are removed and the amount of newly introduced icepacks is reduced
by a number that seems appropriate. The successive increase and decrease of the
number of icepacks to be introduced will be repeated until the capacity to store
frozen icepack is determined.

Test criteria for qualification:

• Minimum icepack freezing capacity 2.0 kg of icepacks, plus 2.0 kg for every
50 litre gross volume, frozen per 24 hours at +32°C continuous ambient
temperature, i.e. 2.0 kg for 1-49 litre, 4.0 kg for 50-99 litre, etc..
• The freezer should be able to accommodate a minimum of 10 frozen icepacks
(approximately 5 kg) (frozen gradually over several days)
• No standard set for power consumption, however performance data will be
published in the WHO/UNICEF Product Information Sheets.

2. Electrical safety
Manufacturer should provide evidence of conformity with one of the following
standards: VDE, BEAB. If no evidence is provided, an inspection should be
made including the following points:

Test procedures are drawn from IEC 335-1 (1991) and Amendment 1 (1994-11),
'Safety of household and similar electrical appliances', following the clauses
listed in Annex 8.

Test criteria for qualification:

Pass on listed clauses of IEC 335-1.

3. Corrosion
Manufacturers should be requested by the laboratory to provide evidence that
appliance meets national of international standards for corrosion resistance. In
the absence of such evidence then resistance to corrosion will be checked to DIN
8985 or any later revision of this standard

According to DIN 8985.

Test criteria for qualification:

Meet DIN 8985.

54 Equipment Performance Specifications and Test Procedures

Standard Test Procedures


Procedure reference: E3/PROC/7
Applies to specification: E3/RF4
Date of last revision: 1 January 1998

Power supply system

In all the performance tests of the refrigeration equipment a direct current source
in the appropriate voltage and current ranges, as recommended by
manufacturer must be used.

1. Cool down test at +32ºC

Test condition:

• To determine how long it takes for the refrigerator temperatures to stabilise
with the thermostat on its optimum setting (manufacturer recommended
• To determine the energy consumption and the compressor duty cycle during
that period.

The test room should be set to +32ºC with the appliance empty, the door open
and the power supply switched off. After allowing stabilization to take place (48
hours), the door should be closed, the appliance switched on, with the
thermostat on its optimum setting, and left to stabilize.
Temperatures should then be recorded every hour for 24 hours. During this
period the energy consumption should be measured and the compressor duty
cycle determined. The duty cycle is measured by timing from the end of one
cycle to the end of a corresponding cycle approximately 24 hours later. The
percentage "on" time over this period is then calculated. Consumption is
measured over the same time scale and corrected to consumption per 24 hours.

Test criteria for qualification:

None set.

2. Stable running test and power consumption

Test condition:

• To determine the capacity to keep the vaccine between 0ºC and 8ºC and the
optimum thermostat setting to achieve it.
• To determine the energy consumption and the compressor duty cycle.

WHO/EPI/LHIS/97.06 55
E3: Refrigerators and freezers

The appliance should then be loaded, as specified in the General Testing
Conditions, E3. After allowing for stabilization (see General Test Conditions,
procedure 2), internal temperatures, energy consumption and duty cycle are
recorded. If the internal temperatures are not correct, the thermostat should be
adjusted if possible and the test repeated.
• All thermostat settings must be recorded.
• If the thermostat setting cannot be modified, and the temperature range is not
satisfactory, then the test should be terminated.

Test criteria for qualification:

Refrigerator temperatures must remain in the range 0ºC to +8ºC

3. Icepack freezing and storage of frozen icepacks at +32ºC

Test condition:

• To determine the quantity of icepacks which the appliance can freeze, in one
cycle, while keeping the vaccine temperature between 0ºC and 8ºC.
• To determine the ability of the refrigerator to maintain a load of frozen
• To measure energy consumption during icepack freezing.

3.1 Icepack freezing

The ability of the freezers to freeze icepacks is then measured. Ice making
capability is measured in kg per freezing cycle. All icepacks to form part of the
freezing load should be pre-conditioned at +32ºC. Any air flow restrictor on
refrigerators should be used for this test only. Fast freeze switches on freezers
should be on, but thermostats should not be adjusted.
At least 2.0 kg of icepacks conforming to Specification E5/IP1 or IP2 are placed
in the freezing compartment the edges perpendicular to the evaporator plate or
as directed in the manufacturers instructions. The thermocouples available for
the freezer should be distributed as uniformly as possible in the packs which are
loaded each time.
Temperatures inside the icepacks are monitored every hour and the load is
assumed to be completely frozen when the temperature of the warmest icepack
reaches -3ºC.
Internal refrigerator temperatures should be monitored throughout this test. If
the temperatures in the vaccine load exceed the range 0ºC to +8ºC during the
freezing test, the vaccine temperatures should be recorded as well as the location
of the boxes which have suffered exposure to unacceptable temperatures. The
test is not repeated. Energy consumption is measured and corrected to
consumption per 24 hours and recorded.

56 Equipment Performance Specifications and Test Procedures

Standard Test Procedures

Test criteria for qualification:

At least 2.0 kg ice frozen per 24 hours.

3.2 Storage of frozen icepacks

The conditions of the above test are maintained.
If the icepack freezing test at 4.1 was successful then the appliance is allowed to
stabilize for a period of 24 hours and another freezing cycle is conducted. The
icepacks frozen during the initial cycle are left in the freezer compartment and a
new load of unfrozen packs is introduced and test 4.1 is repeated.
This cycle is repeated again twice if the volume of the icepacks freezer allows it.

Test criteria for qualification:

No standard set, however performance data will be published in the
WHO/UNICEF Product Information Sheets.
The objective is that the appliance should be able to maintain at least 16 frozen
icepacks conforming to standard E5/IP2.

4. Hold over time at +32ºC

Test condition:

Objectives :
To determine for how long the appliance can maintain the vaccine load below
+10ºC from the moment the electricity supply is switched off.

The appliance is allowed to stabilize as above loaded with vaccine in the
refrigerator but without icepacks in the freezer compartment and then switched
off just at the time that the compressor is turned on by the thermostat. Internal
temperatures are monitored every hour. The time recorded for the warmest
point to exceed +l0ºC for refrigerators and freezers is reported.

Test criteria for qualification:

No standard set, however performance data will be published in the
WHO/UNICEF Product Information Sheets.

5. Day/night test

Test condition:
+43ºC/+15ºC, day/night, 12/12 hour cycle.

To determine the appliance ability to maintain vaccine temperatures in the 0°C
to 8°C range while the ambient temperature simulates a day (+43°C) / night
(+15°C) cycle.

WHO/EPI/LHIS/97.06 57
E3: Refrigerators and freezers

Before the test, the appliance should be stabilized as in the General Test
Conditions, procedure 2, at an ambient temperature of +32ºC and allowed to run
for a further 24 hours. The ambient temperature is then varied to simulate
day/night temperatures. Over a 2 hour period the temperature is reduced to
+l5ºC, held at this temperature for 9 hours before being raised to +43ºC over a 3
hour period. It is held at +43ºC for a further 9 hours before being reduced to
+l5ºC again over a further 3 hour period. Five such day/night cycles are
undertaken. Temperatures should be recorded every hour during 24 hours.
The warmest and coldest recorded temperatures as well as the precise location of
the sensors should be recorded.

Test criteria for qualification:

Vaccine load temperatures must remain in the range 0ºC to +8ºC.

6. Stable running test at 43ºC

Test condition:

• To determine the capacity of the appliance to maintain vaccines between 0ºC
and 8ºC and the optimum thermostat setting to achieve it.
• To determine the energy consumption and the compressor duty cycle.

With the ambient temperature at +43ºC the appliance is loaded and stabilized,
with the thermostat at the revised optimum setting. The internal temperatures,
duty cycle and consumption are then determined as before. If the internal
temperatures are not correct, the thermostat should be adjusted to give the
results closest to a mean internal temperature of +4ºC and the measurements
repeated. If the thermostat cannot be adjusted, then the laboratory should
contact WHO to take a decision on whether the test should be terminated.

Test criteria for qualification:

• Refrigerator temperatures must remain in the range 0ºC to +8ºC.
• Less than 0.7 KWh/24 hours for appliances with a gross volume of less than
50 litres, and less than 0.1 KWh per additional 10 litres gross volume, at 43°C
with vaccine load, but without icepack freezing.

58 Equipment Performance Specifications and Test Procedures

Standard Test Procedures

7. Icepack freezing at +43ºC

Test condition:

• To confirm that the appliance can freeze the required minimum quantity of
standards icepacks while keeping the vaccine temperature between 0ºC and

• To measure power consumption during icepack freezing.

The ability of the freezers to freeze icepacks is then measured. Ice making
capability is measured in kg per freezing cycle. All icepacks to form part of the
freezing load should be pre-conditioned at +43ºC. Any air flow restrictor on
refrigerators should be used for this test only. Fast freeze switches on freezers
should be on, but thermostats should not be adjusted.
At least 2.0 kg of icepacks conforming to Specification E5/IP1 or IP2 are placed
in the freezing compartment the edges perpendicular to the evaporator plate or
as directed in the manufacturers instructions. Temperatures inside the icepacks
are monitored hourly and the load is assumed to be completely frozen when the
temperature of the warmest icepack reaches -3ºC.
Internal refrigerator temperatures should be monitored throughout this test. If
the temperatures in the vaccine load exceed the range 0ºC to +8ºC during the
freezing test, the vaccine temperatures should be recorded as well as the location
of the boxes which have suffered exposure to unacceptable temperatures. The
test is not repeated. Energy consumption is measured and corrected to
consumption per 24 hours and recorded.

Test criteria for qualification:

At least 2.0 kg ice frozen per 24 hours.

8. Holdover time at +43ºC

Test condition:

Objectives :
To determine for how long the appliance can maintain the vaccine load below
+10ºC from the moment the electricity supply is switched off.

The appliance is first allowed to stabilize and then switched off at the time that
the compressor is turned on by the thermostat. The internal temperatures are
monitored every hour. The time recorded for the warmest and coldest points to
exceed +l0ºC for refrigerators and freezers is reported.

WHO/EPI/LHIS/97.06 59
E3: Refrigerators and freezers

Test criteria for qualification:

No standard set, however performance data will be published in the
WHO/UNICEF Product Information Sheets.

9. Corrosion
Manufacturers should be requested by the laboratory to provide evidence that
appliance meets national of international standards for corrosion resistance. In
the absence of such evidence then resistance to corrosion will be checked to DIN
8985 or any later revision of this standard.

According to DIN 8985.

Test criteria for qualification:

Meet DIN 8985.

60 Equipment Performance Specifications and Test Procedures

Standard Test Procedures


Procedure reference: E3/PROC/8
Applies to specification: E3/RF6
Date of last revision: 1 January 1998

1. Cool down at +32ºC

Test condition:

Objectives :
To determine in how much time and at which temperatures the refrigerator
internal temperatures stabilize with the thermostat on its maximum setting. To
determine the fuel consumption or the electrical resistance working time during
the test.
The test room should be set to +32ºC with the appliance empty, the door open
and the power supply switched off. After allowing stabilization to take place (48
hours), the door should be closed, the appliance switched on, with the
flame/thermostat on its maximum setting, and left to stabilize.
Temperatures should be recorded every hour during 24 hours. During this
period the energy consumption should be measured and reported as
consumption per 24 hours.
Special care should be taken in reporting and analysing data for temperature
distributions in refrigerators with separate vegetable compartments in the
bottom (domestic refrigerators), which usually have much higher temperatures
and are not to be used for storing vaccine. In order to avoid that the values
obtained for the vegetable compartment distort those of the main compartment,
they should be reported and analysed separately.

Test criteria for qualification:


2. Stable running test at +32ºC

Test condition:

To determine the capacity of the appliance to keep the vaccine between 0ºC and
8ºC and the optimum thermostat setting to achieve it. To determine the fuel
consumption and/or the electrical resistance working time.

The appliance should be loaded, as specified in the General Testing Conditions.
After allowing 48 hours for stabilization with a thermostat set at a medium
position, internal temperatures, and fuel consumption are recorded. If the

WHO/EPI/LHIS/97.06 61
E3: Refrigerators and freezers

internal temperatures are not correct, the thermostat/flame should be adjusted if

possible and the test repeated. This new setting is referred to as the optimum at
32ºC. Note all thermostat/flame settings.

Test criteria for qualification:

All internal refrigerator temperatures within the range 0ºC to +8ºC.

3. Icepack freezing at +32ºC

Test condition:

To determine the maximum quantity of icepacks which the appliance can freeze
in a 24 h cycle, while keeping the vaccine temperature between 0ºC and 8ºC.

The ability of the freezing compartment to freeze icepacks is then measured. Ice-
making capability is measured in kg. per freezing cycle. All icepacks to form part
of the freezing load should be pre-conditioned at +32ºC. Any air flow restrictor
on refrigerators should be used for this test only. Thermostat/flame should not
be adjusted.
After stabilization, place the number of icepacks recommended by the
manufacturer (or the number based on an estimated freezing capacity), if
possible in a row and with the edges perpendicular to the evaporator surface.
The type of icepacks to use is E5/IP1, however E5/IP2 may be used if icepack
trays are designed for that type only. The icepacks and vaccines temperatures
must be recorded every hour during the following 24 hours. If the ice load is
frozen (below -3ºC) and the vaccine load stays between 0ºC and 8ºC the icepacks
are removed and the procedure is repeated every 24 hours increasing the
amount of icepacks each time by a number that seems appropriate to achieve the
objective. This is the way to proceed until 1 or more icepack is not completely
frozen or the vaccines do not stay in the correct temperature range. The icepacks
are removed and the amount of newly introduced icepacks is reduced by a
number that seems appropriate to achieve the objective. The successive increase
and decrease of the number of icepacks to be introduced will be repeated until
the icepack freezing capacity can be determined.
The available thermocouples for the freezer must be distributed as uniformly as
possible between the loaded icepacks.

Test criteria for qualification:

No standard set, however performance data will be published in the
WHO/UNICEF Product Information Sheets

4. Hold over time at +32ºC

Test condition:

62 Equipment Performance Specifications and Test Procedures

Standard Test Procedures

Objectives :
To determine for how long the appliance can maintain the vaccine load below
+10ºC from the moment the energy supply (electricity, kerosene or gas) is
switched off.

The appliance is allowed to stabilize for 48 hours loaded with vaccine in the
refrigerator but without icepacks in the freezer compartment. The energy supply
should then be switched off at the moment the thermostat switches the
compressor on. Internal temperatures are monitored every hour . The time
recorded for the warmest point to exceed +l0ºC for refrigerators is reported.

Test criteria for qualification:

Minimum 3 hours hold over time.

5. Day/night test

Test condition:
+32ºC/+15ºC, day/night, 12/12 hour cycle.

To determine the appliance ability to maintain vaccine temperatures in the 0°C
to +10°C range while the ambient temperature simulates a day (+32°C) / night
(+15°C) cycle

Before the test, the appliance should be stabilized as described in paragraph 2 at
an ambient temperature of +32ºC and allowed to run for a further 24 hours. The
ambient temperature is then varied to simulate day/night temperatures. Over a
3 hour period the temperature is reduced to +l5ºC, held at this temperature for 9
hours before being raised to +32ºC over a 3 hour period. It is held at +32ºC for a
further 9 hours before being reduced to +l5ºC again over a further 3 hour period.
Five such day/night cycles are undertaken. The internal temperatures are
monitored every hour for the duration of the test.
The location of the warmest and coldest recorded temperatures should be
identified and reported.

Test criteria for qualification:

Refrigerator temperatures must remain in the range 0ºC to +10ºC.

6. Stable running test at +15ºC

Test condition:

WHO/EPI/LHIS/97.06 63
E3: Refrigerators and freezers

To determine the capacity of the appliance to keep the vaccine between 0ºC and
8ºC and the optimum thermostat setting to achieve it. To determine the fuel
consumption and/or the electrical resistance working time.

The temperature of the chamber is reduced to 15ºC . After allowing 48 hours for
stabilization with a thermostat set at a medium position, internal temperatures,
and fuel consumption are recorded. If the internal temperatures are not correct,
the thermostat/flame should be adjusted if possible and the test repeated. This
new setting is referred to as the optimum at 15ºC. Note all thermostat/flame

Test criteria for qualification:

No standard set, however performance data will be published in the
WHO/UNICEF Product Information Sheets

7. Icepack freezing at +15ºC

Test condition:

To determine the maximum quantity of icepacks which the appliance can freeze,
while keeping the vaccine temperature between 0ºC and 8ºC.

The ability of the freezing compartment to freeze icepacks is then measured. Ice-
making capability is measured in kg. per freezing cycle. All icepacks to form part
of the freezing load should be pre-conditioned at +15ºC. Any air flow restrictor
on refrigerators should be used for this test only. Thermostat/flame should not
be adjusted.
After stabilization, place the number of icepacks recommended by the
manufacturer (or the number based on an estimated freezing capacity), if
possible in a row and with the edges perpendicular to the evaporator surface.
The type of icepacks to use is E5/IP1, however E5/IP2 may be used if icepack
trays are designed for that type only. The icepacks and vaccines temperatures
must be recorded every hour during the following 24 hours. If the ice load is
frozen (below -3ºC) and the vaccine load stays between 0ºC and 8ºC the icepacks
are removed and the procedure is repeated every 24 hours increasing the
amount of icepacks each time by a number that seems appropriate to achieve the
objective. This is the way to proceed until 1 or more icepack is not completely
frozen or the vaccines do not stay in the correct temperature range. The icepacks
are removed and the amount of newly introduced icepacks is reduced by a
number that seems appropriate to achieve the objective. The successive increase
and decrease of the number of icepacks to be introduced will be repeated until
the icepack freezing capacity can be determined.

64 Equipment Performance Specifications and Test Procedures

Standard Test Procedures

The available thermocouples for the freezer must be distributed as uniformly as

possible between the loaded icepacks.

Test criteria for qualification:

No standard set, however performance data will be published in the
WHO/UNICEF Product Information Sheets

8. Corrosion resistance
Manufacturers should be requested by the laboratory to provide evidence that
appliance meets national of international standards for corrosion resistance. In
the absence of such evidence then resistance to corrosion will be checked to DIN
8985 or any later revision of this standard

According to DIN 8985.

Test criteria for qualification:

Meet DIN 8985.

9. Electrical safety testing

Manufacturers should be requested to submit evidence that the appliance meets
National or international Standards for Electrical Safety. In the absence of such
evidence, then electrical safety should be checked to IEC 335-1 or any other later
modification of the above

Test procedures are drawn from IEC 335-1 (1991) and Amendment 1 (1994-11),
'Safety of household and similar electrical appliances', following the clauses
listed in Annex 8.

Test criteria for qualification:

Pass on listed clauses of IEC 335-1.

WHO/EPI/LHIS/97.06 65

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