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Application of Genetic Algorithms in Knitting Technology

Article  in  Journal of the Textile Institute · October 2005

DOI: 10.1533/joti.2004.0064


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2 authors, including:

Mirela Blaga
Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iasi


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Application of genetic algorithms in knitting

M. Blaga & M. Draghici
‘Gh. Asachi’ Technical University, Faculty of Textiles and Leather, Iasi, Romania
‘Gh. Asachi’ Technical University, Faculty of Textiles and Leather, Iasi, Romania
Version of record first published: 08 Jul 2010.

To cite this article: M. Blaga & M. Draghici (2005): Application of genetic algorithms in knitting technology, Journal of The
Textile Institute, 96:3, 175-178

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Application of genetic algorithms in knitting
M. Blaga and M. Draghici
‘Gh. Asachi’ Technical University, Faculty of Textiles and Leather, Iasi, Romania

Abstract: The paper presents an original software, Knitting Machine Simulator (KMS), developed
to design and to optimize a knitting machine’s cam profiles. The program applies a genetic algorithm
over a real-time knitting machine simulation in order to test the generated cam profiles.
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Key words: Genetic algorithm, knitting, cams, software, optimization. DirectX, KMS.

WHAT IS A GENETIC ALGORITHM? Generate Evaluate Are Yes Best

initial objective optimization
A genetic algorithm applies the principles of evolution population function criteria met?

found in nature to the problem of finding an optimal No

solution to a solver problem. In a genetic algorithm, the Start Selection
problem is encoded in a series of bit strings that are
manipulated by the algorithm. Generate new
In practical problems, we often want to optimize more population Recombination
than one measure of performance at once. The measures
may conflict with each other, and it can be unsatisfactory Mutation
to combine them into a single optimization objective, or
reduce them in some way so that only one is optimized.
By using evolutionary computation, parallel Figure 1 Structure of a simple genetic algorithm.
optimization techniques such as genetic algorithms (GA)
mean we can find a set of Pareto – optimal solutions, in • Evolutionary algorithms do not require derivative
which each cost is found so that the whole set is no worse information or other auxiliary knowledge;
than any other set of solutions. A decision maker can make • Evolutionary algorithms use probabilistic transition
the final decision between the sets of solutions in an rules, not deterministic ones;
informed way. The use of the additional information from • Evolutionary algorithms can provide a number of
the evolutionary process can be incorporated to improve potential solutions to a given problem. The final choice
the choice offered to the decision maker. is left to the user.
Evolutionary algorithms model natural processes, such
as selection, recombination, mutation and migration. KMS SOFTWARE APPLICATION, DEVELOPED BY THE
Figure 1 shows the structure of a simple genetic algorithm AUTHORS
(Chipperfield and Fleming, 2003).
Evolutionary algorithms differ substantially from more The Knitting Machine Simulator (KMS) – Cams
traditional search and optimization methods. The most Generator Module represents a software developed to
significant differences are: design a knitting machine’s cam profiles. The program
• Evolutionary algorithms search a population of points applies a genetic algorithm over a real-time knitting
in parallel, not a single point; machine simulation in order to test the generated cam
profiles. The KMS program uses a genetic evolving
algorithm, adapted for optimizing the knitting machine’s
Corresponding Author: cam profile. The benefit of the method is that numerous
Mirela Blaga parameters and situations can be taken into account and
‘Gh. Asachi’ Technical University, Textile and Leather Faculty
the precision of the final cam profile is adjustable and
53 D. Mangeron Str.
700050, Iasi, Romania very high.
Tel: +40 740078570 The user has the possibility to establish the following
Email: geometrical characteristics of the raising cam (Draghici

© The Textile Institute 0159 175 JOTI 2004 Vol. 96 No. 3 pp. 175–178
M. Blaga and M. Draghici

and Blaga, 2004): the height (h), the bottom length (L),
and the top length of the cam (l). The difference between
the top and bottom length will determine its angle (α).
When shaping the cam, the algorithm will not change its
profile beyond these dimensions. In order to obtain the
profile optimization, the program generates an individual
population, named ‘chromosomes’.
Each chromosome will contain dates referring to the
profile of a cam, using genes. The number of genes is the
same for all individuals of the same population. To describe
a cam profile using genes, dividing the height of the cam
with the number of genes in the chromosome is used, a
value describing the length of the cam at the height of the
gene being attributed to each cam. An example of a gene
information generated cam can be seen in Fig. 2.
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The software offers the facilities detailed in the following Figure 3 The calculated forces at the impact between the needle
sections. butt and the cam
Legend: Dark force: the force that raises the needle; Light force:
Generation of an initial population the shear force.
The first cam is generated starting from the user-specified
characteristics and will have a linear profile. The others impact between the cam and the needle butt, and the
will be obtained by applying the mutation operator upon optimization of the average and dispersion ensures the
the linear profile cam. A cam will be generated until the search for a cam with a profile as uniform as possible and
number of chromosomes specified by the user is reached. with the least variations of the shear force.

Evaluation of the population Selection of chromosomes

The evaluation of the population has as its purpose the The selection of chromosomes takes place to eliminate
attribution of a mark to each individual from the current the specimens that have weak results from the new family.
population. The mark is given depending on the shear The program utilizes a selection algorithm based on sorting
force on the butt of the needle. The shear force is the which utilizes selection pressure. The final mark of the
force that determines the destruction of the needle butt cam depends on the family to which it belongs. Its
(Fig. 3). belonging to a family is decided through the calculation
For the evaluation of the shear force, each cam undergoes of the distance between the chromosomes using the
a simulated working test. The test consists of one run of Hamming method, which establishes the number of genes
the cam. During its movement, the impact between the by which two chromosomes differ. This criteria allows
needle butts and the cam is detected, and the forces the search within a wider range of solutions and ensures
appearing at the collision are calculated, recording the selection of the optimal profile.
shear forces and applying an impulse to the needle,
Generation of a new population
depending on the impact. The optimization of the
maximum shear force leads to a reduction in the initial In the new population, only the chromosomes with the
best grades will be copied (the elitist strategy) to keep the
good characteristics of these. After the crossing and
mutation, cams with wrong profiles can be obtained (Fig.
4) and they are excluded from the next family; the cam
with a better profile (Fig. 5) than that of the previous
generation cam will have more descendents.
After the evaluation of a new population of
chromosomes, the algorithm is restored from the
‘population evaluation’ step.


The program is designed in Visual C++, based on a user-

friendly interface (Fig. 6) using Direct X technology. The
Legend: h – cam height; l – cam top length; L – cam bottom program records every action made and the cam profiles
length; α – cam angle. in separate files on the hard-disk. Each generation is stored
Figure2 Cam generated by gene information. in a separate folder; the last two populations are saved.

JOTI 2005 Vol. 96 No. 3 176 doi:10.1533/joti.2004.0064 © The Textile Institute

Application of genetic algorithms in knitting technology
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Figure 4 Cam with wrong profile. Figure 5 Cam with better profile.

Figure 7 ‘Select Machine/Simulation Settings’ window.

Figure 6 The main menus of the KMS.

This way, the program can be restored from the last step.
If the final position is not finalized, the program returns
to the generation before last. To start a new search, the
‘Genetic algorithm’ window is used. Here the test name
is inserted, the file-path location, the number of genes,
and the number of chromosomes of the current test, as
well as dates regarding the cam to be generated: base
length, top length, height and width of the cam.
The ‘Select Machine/Simulation’ window (Fig. 7) sets
different machine configurations, such as the number of
needle beds, the needle number on which the test will
take place, the angle between the needle beds, the distance
between them, the knockover depth, the knitting speed Figure 8 ‘KMS Cams Generator’ in the cam setting stage.

© The Textile Institute doi:10.1533/joti.2004.0064 177 JOTI 2005 Vol. 96 No. 3

M. Blaga and M. Draghici

and the knitting cycles during which the test of the cam advantage of the method is that data are obtained in real
will happen. time, from the simulation, not pre-calculated values, so
The user may setup the following characteristics: an interval of initial impact points on the cam can be
obtained that the program will consider when modeling
– the time evolution method, which can be a constant or
the profile of the cam. The utilization of KMS software
a variable between frames;
in knitting machine cam design ensures a reduction of
– the constant time duration established in the ‘Time’
the time for the design process of about 25%, which will
involve lower costs for this phase.
The ‘Cams Generator Module’ has also a routine that The ‘Knitting Machine Simulator – Cams Generator
allows the visualization of obtained marks by the Module’ (KMS) represents an original tool for the
chromosomes of a population and the visualization and generating and optimization of cam profiles for knitting
printing of a 2-dimensional image of the cam profile, named machines.
‘KMS–Mesh Profile Viewer’. Figure 8 represents the KMS
Cams Generator in the cam-setting stage. REFERENCES
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CHIPPERFIELD, A. and FLEMING, P. J., 2003. An Overview of

CONCLUSIONS Evolutionary Algorithms for Control Systems Engineering,
Department of Automatic Control and Systems
The ‘Knitting Machine Simulator – Cams Generator Engineering, University of Sheffield.
Module’ (KMS) is based on the principles and method of (
DRAGHICI, M. and BLAGA, M. 2004. Knitting Machine Simulator
genetic algorithms, which applied in textile fields is opening – Cams Generator Modules, Proceedings of the IX
a new challenge for knitting cam designers. The software International Conference on the Theory of Machines and
is fully compatible with all Microsoft Windows platforms, Mechanisms, Technical University of Liberec, Department
so does not involve supplementary costs for the user. The of Textile Machine Design, Czech Republic.

JOTI 2005 Vol. 96 No. 3 178 doi:10.1533/joti.2004.0064 © The Textile Institute

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