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Teacher Observation #1

User Information
Name: Julia Ottinger (5903) Title: TE-24
Building: Schreiber Department: Mathematics
Grade: None Evaluation Type: Probation
Assigned Administrator: Pernick, Ira Evaluation Cycle: 09/01/2019 - 06/30/2020
Submitted By: Moss, Mary Date Submitted: 08/12/2020 6:28 pm EDT
Acknowledged By: N/A Date Acknowledged: Unacknowledged
Finalized By: Moss, Mary Date Finalized : 08/12/2020 6:28 pm EDT

Date and time of observation:
Time spent in 20 minutes
Number of students 25 students
Subject and Grade Algebra Grade 9

System of Linear Inequalities Breakout

As students arrive the teacher instructs them to find their partner and get their desks together. Students also take a chromebook from the cart in the
front of the room. Students are moving around the room while the teacher provides some reminders and displays the pairs in case anyone forgot. One
student informs the teacher that her partner is absent. The teacher moves the student to another pair. The teacher tells the class that the first part
of the class is the do now that will require a pen and paper. The do now contains two problems that are also part of their review before the midterm.
The class gets very quiets the students begin working. The teacher reminds the students that they can talk to their partner while working on the
problems. The teacher reminds the students that they can volunteer to go to the board if they are finished with the do now. Several students raise
their hands and are invited to the board by the teacher. The teacher reminds the students at the board to be explicit in their thinking about each
problem. By 11:29pm the teacher has a student at the board explain the steps she took and why. The teacher continues to ask clarifying questions to
push the students thinking. The teacher then provides an even more detailed explanation of the thinking.

The teacher transitions to the activity for the remainder of the period. She asks the students to pay attention to the instructions and begins to
explain while she also displays the instructions on the board. The teacher resolves some of the problems students are having logging into the website
for the activity. The teacher circulates the room to ensure that all students are on the activity page and begins to set the scene for the activity
called Trapped At the Zoo. The teacher continues to complete the complicated instructions nd distributes a packet to the students as they begin at
11:41am. The students immediately begin to talk to each other as they begin working. The teacher reminds the class to stay focused on the assigned
website and to not wander the web.

Teacher: Domain 1 - Planning and Preparation (Includes understanding of content and pedagogy, knowledge of students, and design of instructional
outcomes, resources and assessments)
Ineffective Developing Effective Highly Effective
1 2 3 4
1a: Demonstrating Knowledge of - Teacher makes content errors. - Teacher is familiar with the discipline - The teacher can identify important In addition to the characteristics of
Content and Pedagogy - Teacher does not consider but does not see conceptual concepts of the discipline, and their "proficient,"
prerequisite relationships when relationships. relationships to one another. - Teacher cites intra- and inter-
planning - Teacher's knowledge of prerequisite - The teacher consistently provides disciplinary content relationships.
- Teacher's plans use inappropriate relationships is inaccurate or clear explanations of the content. - Teacher is proactive in uncovering
strategies for the discipline incomplete. - The teacher answers student student misconceptions and address
- Lesson and unit plans use limited questions accurately and provides them before proceeding.
instructional strategies and some are feedback that furthers their learning.
not suitable to the content. - The teacher seeks out content-
related professional development.

1b: Demonstrating Knowledge of - Teacher does not understand child - Teacher cites developmental theory, - The teacher knows, for groups of In addition to the characteristics of
Students development characteristics and has but does not seek to integrate it into students, their levels of cognitive "proficient,"
unrealistic expectations for students. lesson planning. development. - The teacher uses ongoing methods
- Teacher does not try to ascertain - Teacher is aware of the different - The teacher is aware of the to assess students' skill levels and
varied ability levels among students in ability levels in the class, but tends to different cultural groups in the class. designs instruction accordingly.
the class. teach to the "whole group." - The teacher has a good idea of the - The teacher seeks out information
- Teacher is not aware of student - The teacher recognizes that children range of interests of students in the about their cultural heritage from all
interests or cultural heritages. have different interests and cultural class. students.
- Teacher takes no responsibility to backgrounds, but rarely draws on - The teacher has identified "high," - The teacher maintains a system of
learn about students' medical or their contributions or differentiates "medium," and "low" groups of updated student records and
learning disabilities. materials to accommodate those students within the class. incorporates medical and/or learning
differences. needs into lesson plans.
- The teacher is aware of medical - The teacher is well-informed about
issues and learning disabilities with students' cultural heritage and
some students, but does not seek to incorporates this knowledge in lesson
understand the implications of that planning.
knowledge. - The teacher is aware of the special
needs represented by students in the

1c: Setting Instructional - Outcomes lack rigor. - Outcomes represent a mixture of - Outcomes represent high In addition to the characteristics of
Outcomes - Outcomes do not represent low expectations and rigor. expectations and rigor. "proficient,"
important learning in the discipline. - Some outcomes reflect important - Outcomes are related to "big ideas" - Teacher plans reference curricular
- Outcomes are not clear or are stated learning in the discipline. of the discipline. frameworks or blueprints to ensure
as activities. - Outcomes are suitable for most of - Outcomes are written in terms of accurate sequencing.
- Outcomes are not suitable for many the class. what students will learn rather than - Teacher connects outcomes to
students in the class. do. previous and future learning.
- Outcomes represent a range of - Outcomes are differentiated to
outcomes: factual, conceptual encourage individual students to take
understanding, reasoning, social, educational risks.
management, communication.
- Outcomes are suitable to groups of
students in the class, differentiated
where necessary.

1d: Demonstrating Knowledge of - The teacher only uses district- - The teacher uses materials in the - Texts are at varied levels. In addition to the characteristics of
Resources provided materials, even when more school library, but does not search - Texts are supplemented by guest "proficient,"
variety would assist some students. beyond the school for resources. speakers and field experiences. -Teacher’s knowledge of
- The teacher does not seek out - The teacher participates in content- - Teacher facilitates Internet resources for classroom use is
resources available to expand his/her area workshops offered by the resources. extensive, including those
own skill. school, but does not pursue other - Resources are multi-disciplinary. available through the school. or
- Although aware of some student professional development. - Teacher expands knowledge with district, in the community,
needs, the teacher does not inquire - The teacher locates materials and professional learning groups and through professional
organizations and universities,
about possible resources. resources for students that are organizations.
and on the Internet.
available through the school, but does - Teacher pursues options offered by
-Teacher’s knowledge of
not pursue any other avenues. universities. resources to enhance content
- Teacher provides lists of resources and pedagogical knowledge is
outside the class for students to draw extensive, including those
on. available through the school or
district, in the community,
through professional
organizations and universities,
and on the Internet.
-Teacher’s knowledge of
resources for students is
extensive, including those
available through the school or
district, in the community, and
on the Internet.

1e: Designing Coherent - Learning activities are boring and/or - Learning activities are moderately - Learning activities are matches to In addition to the characteristics of
Instruction not well aligned to the instructional challenging. instructional outcomes. "proficient,"
goals. - Learning resources are suitable, but - Activities provide opportunity for - Activities permit student choice.
- Materials are not engaging or do not there is limited variety. higher-level thinking. - Learning experiences connect to
meet instructional outcomes. - Instructional groups are random or - Teacher provides a variety of other disciplines.
- Instructional groups do not support only partially support objectives. appropriately challenging materials and - Teacher provides a variety of
learning. - Lesson structure is uneven or may resources. appropriately challenging resources
- Lesson plans are not structured or be unrealistic in terms of time - Instructional student groups are that are differentiated for students in
sequenced and are unrealistic in their expectations. organized thoughtfully to maximize the class.
expectations. learning and build on student - Lesson plans differentiate for
strengths. individual student needs.
- The plan for the lesson or unit is well
structured, with reasonable time

1f: Designing Student - Assessments do not match - Only some of the instructional - All the learning outcomes have a In addition to the characteristics of
Assessments instructional outcomes. outcomes are addressed in the method for assessment. "proficient,"
- Assessments have no criteria. planned assessments. - Assessment types match learning - Assessments provide opportunities
- No formative assessments have - Assessment criteria are vague. expectations. for student choice.
been designed. - Plans refer to the use of formative - Plans indicate modified assessments - Students participate in designing
- Assessment results do not affect assessments, but they are not fully for some students as needed. assessments for their own work.
future plans. developed. - Assessment criteria are clearly - Teacher-designed assessments are
- Assessment results are used to written. authentic with real-world application,
design lesson plans for the whole - Plans include formative as appropriate.
class, not individual students. assessments to use during instruction. - Students develop rubrics according
- Lesson plans indicate possible to teacher-specified learning
adjustments based on formative objectives.
assessment data. - Students are actively involved in
collecting information from formative
assessments and provide input.

Evidence for Domain 1

1B) During our post-observation conference we discussed the students in your Algebra class and they impact they have on your planning process.
You explained how you determine partners for your students and your process for planning the activity. You explained that the activity is designed to
be a review as the midterm approaches. You further explained that too often review classes are not engaging for students. As a result you and a
colleague worked together to create a design for a more engaging review that also included some fun which is vital for students to support learning.
Keeping your students in mind as you plan can lead to truly engaging activities.

Teacher: Domain 2 - The Classroom Environment (Addresses the teacher’s skill in establishing an environment conducive to learning, including both
physical and interpersonal aspects of the environment)
Ineffective Developing Effective Highly Effective
1 2 3 4
2a: Creating an Environment of - Teacher uses disrespectful talk - The quality of interactions between - Talk between teacher and students In addition to the characteristics of
Respect and Rapport towards students. Student body teacher and students, or among and among students is uniformly "proficient,"
language indicates feelings of hurt or students, is uneven, with occasional respectful. - Teacher demonstrates knowledge
insecurity. disrespect. - Teacher responds to disrespectful and caring about individual students'
- Students use disrespectful talk - Teacher attempts to respond to behavior among students. lives beyond school.
towards one another with no disrespectful behavior among - Teacher makes superficial - When necessary, students correct
response from the teacher. students, with uneven results. connections with individual students. one another in their conduct towards
- Teacher displays no familiarity with - Teacher attempts to make classmates.
or caring about individual students' connections with individual students, - There is no disrespectful behavior
interests or personalities. but student reactions indicate that the among students.
efforts are not completely successful - The teacher's response to a
or are unusual. student's incorrect response respects
the student's dignity.

2b: Establishing a Culture for - The teacher conveys that the - Teacher's energy for the work is - The teacher communicates the In addition to the characteristics of
Learning reasons for the work are external or neutral: indicating neither a high level importance of learning, and that with "proficient,"
trivializes the learning goals and of commitment nor "blowing it off." hard work all students can be - The teacher communicates a
assignments. - The teacher conveys high successful in it. genuine passion for the subject.
- The teacher conveys to at least expectations for only some students. - The teacher demonstrates a high - Students indicate that they are not
some students that the work is too - Students comply with the teacher's regard for student abilities. satisfied unless they have complete
challenging for them. expectations for learning, but don't - Teacher conveys an expectation of understanding.
- Students exhibit little or no pride in indicate commitment on their own high levels of student effort. - Student questions and comments
their work. initiative for the work. - Students expend good effort to indicate a desire to understand the
- Class time is devoted more to - Many students indicate that they are complete work of high quality. content, rather than, for example,
socializing than to learning. looking for an "easy path." simply learning a procedure for getting
the correct answer.
- Students recognize the efforts of
their classmates.
- Students take initiative in improving
the quality of their work.

2c: Managing Classroom - Students not working with the - Small groups are only partially - The students are productively In addition to the characteristics of
Procedures teacher are disruptive to the class. engaged while not working directly engaged during small group work. "proficient,"
- There are not established with the teacher. - Transitions between large and small - Students take the initiative with their
procedures for distributing and - Procedures for transitions, and group activities are smooth. classmates to ensure that their time is
collecting materials. distribution/collection of materials, - Routines for distribution and used productively.
- Procedures for other activities are seem to have been established, but collection of materials and supplies - Students themselves ensure that
confused or chaotic. their operation is rough. work efficiently. transitions and other routines are
- Classroom routines function - Classroom routines function accomplished smoothly.
unevenly. smoothly. - Students take initiative in distributing
and collecting materials efficiently.

2d: Managing Student Behavior - The classroom environment is - Teacher attempts to maintain order in - Standards of conduct appear to In addition to the characteristics of
chaotic, with no apparent standards of the classroom but with uneven have been established. "proficient,"
conduct. success; standards of conduct, if they - Student behavior is generally - Student behavior is entirely
- The teacher does not monitor exist, are not evident. appropriate. appropriate; no evidence of student
student behavior. - Teacher attempts to keep track of - The teacher frequently monitors misbehavior.
- Some students violate classroom student behavior, but with no apparent student behavior. - The teacher monitors student
rules, without apparent teacher system. - Teacher's response to student behavior without speaking - just
awareness. - The teacher's response to student misbehavior is effective. moving about.
- When the teacher notices student misbehavior is inconsistent: sometimes - Teacher acknowledges good - Students respectfully intervene as
misbehavior, s/he appears helpless to very harsh; other times lenient. behavior. appropriate with classmates to ensure
do anything about it. compliance with standards of

2e: Organizing Physical Space - There are physical hazards in the - The physical environment is safe, - The classroom is safe, and all In addition to the characteristics of
classroom, endangering student and most students can see and hear. students are able to see and hear. "proficient,"
safety. - The physical environment is not an - The classroom is arranged to - Modifications are made to the
- Many students can't see or hear the impediment to learning, but does not support the instructional goals and physical environment to accommodate
teacher or the board. enhance it. learning activities. students with special needs.
- Available technology is not being - The teacher makes limited use of - The teacher makes appropriate use - There is total alignment between the
used, even if available and its use available technology and other of available technology. goals of the lesson and the physical
would enhance the lesson. resources. environment.
- Students take the initiative to adjust
the physical environment.
- Teachers and students make
extensive and imaginative use of
available technology.

Evidence for Domain 2

2B) As students entered the class you directed their attention to the board which had the names of students along with their partners. The board
had further instructions for students as well. After the bell you welcomed the students to the activity and appeared to be having fun as you hoped the
students would too. By demonstrating your own willingness to have fun allows for your students to also relax and have fun as well. Further, by
structuring a review as a game allowed students to compete while also practicing their mathematical skills. Creating a positive classroom environment
helps students focus throughout the period.

2C) During our post-observation conference we discussed the transitions I observed during my visit to your class. Your students immediately read the
board, found their partners and took their seats, a strong indication they have engaged in this sort of work before. Once the class started, but before
they started their work you reviewed the instructions for the activity. Reviewing instructions before students begin may seem obvious, but is also a
good strategy. Once students begin their work it is harder to get their attention again.

Teacher: Domain 3 - Instruction (Addresses the teacher’s skill in engaging students in learning the content, and includes a range of instructional and
assessment strategies that enables students to learn)
Ineffective Developing Effective Highly Effective
1 2 3 4

3a: Communicating with Students - At no time during the lesson does - The teacher refers in passing to - The teacher states clearly, at some In addition to the characteristics of
the teacher convey to the students what the students will be learning, or it point during the lesson, what the "proficient,"
what they will be learning. is written on the board with no students will be learning. - The teacher points out possible
- Students indicate through their elaboration or explanation. - If appropriate, the teacher models areas for misunderstanding.
questions that they are confused as to - Teacher must clarify the learning the process to be followed in the task. - Teacher explains content clearly and
the learning task. task so students can complete it. - Students engage with the learning imaginatively, using metaphors and
- The teacher makes a serious - The teacher makes no serious task, indicating that they understand analogies to bring content to life.
content error that will affect students' content errors, although may make a what they are to do. - All students seem to understand the
understanding of the lesson. minor error. - The teacher makes no content presentation.
- Students indicate through body - The teacher's explanation of the errors. - The teacher invites students to
language or questions that they don't content consists of a monologue or is - Teacher's explanation of content is explain the content to the class, or to
understand the content being purely procedural with minimal clear, and invites student participation classmates.
presented. participation by students. and thinking. - Teacher uses rich language,
- Teacher's communications include - Vocabulary and usage are correct - Vocabulary and usage are correct offering brief vocabulary lessons
errors of vocabulary or usage. but unimaginative. and completely suited to the lesson. where appropriate.
- Vocabulary is inappropriate to the - Vocabulary is too advanced or - Vocabulary is appropriate to the
age or culture of the students. juvenile for the students. students' ages and levels of

3b: Using Questioning/Prompts - Questions are rapid-fire, and - Teacher frames some questions - Teacher uses open-ended In addition to the characteristics of
and Discussion convergent, with a single correct designed to promote student thinking, questions, inviting students to think "proficient,"
answer. but only a few students are involved. and/or have multiple possible - Students initiate higher-order
- Questions do not invite student - The teacher invites students to answers. questions.
thinking. respond directly to one another's - The teacher makes effective use of - Students extend the discussion,
- All discussion is between teacher ideas, but few students respond. wait time. enriching it.
and students; students are not invited - Teacher calls on many students, but - The teacher builds on and uses - Students invite comments from their
to speak directly to one another. only a small number actually participate student responses to questions classmates during a discussion.
- A few students dominate the in the discussion. effectively.
discussion. - Discussions enable students to talk
to one another, without ongoing
mediation by the teacher.
- The teacher calls on most students,
even those who don't initially
- Many students actively engage in
the discussion.

3c: Engaging Students in - Few students are intellectually - Some students are intellectually - Most students are intellectually In addition to the characteristics of
Learning engaged in the lesson. engaged in the lesson. engaged in the lesson. "proficient,"
- Learning tasks require only recall or - Learning tasks are a mix of those - Learning tasks have multiple correct - Virtually all students are highly
have a single correct response or requiring thinking and recall. responses or approaches and/or engaged in the lesson.
method. - Student engagement with the demand higher-order thinking. - Students take initiative to modify a
- The materials used ask students content is largely passive, learning - Students have some choice in how learning task to make ir more
only to perform rote tasks. primarily facts or procedures. they complete learning tasks. meaningful or relevant to their needs.
- Only one type of instructional group - Students have no choice in how - There is a mix of different types of - Students suggest modifications to
is used (whole group, small groups) they complete tasks. groupings, suitable to the lesson the grouping patterns used.
when variety would better serve the - The teacher uses different objectives. - Students have extensive choice in
instructional purpose. instructional groupings; these are - Materials and resources support the how they complete tasks.
- Instructional materials used are partially successful in achieving the learning goals and require intellectual - Students suggest modifications or
unsuitable to the lesson and/or the lesson objectives. engagement, as appropriate. additions to the materials being used.
students. - The materials and resources are - The pacing of the lesson provides - Students have an opportunity for
- The lesson drags, or is rushed. partially aligned to the lesson students the time needed to be reflection and closure on the lesson to
objectives, only some of them intellectually engaged. consolidate their understanding.
demanding student thinking.
- The pacing of the lesson is uneven;
suitable in parts, but rushed or
dragging in others.

3d: Using Assessment in - The teacher gives no indication of - There is little evidence that the - Students indicate that they clearly In addition to the characteristics of
Instruction what high quality work looks like. students understand how their work understand the characteristics of high- "proficient,"
- The teacher makes no effort to will be evaluated. quality work. - There is evidence that students
determine whether students - Teacher monitors understanding - The teacher elicits evidence of have helped establish the evaluation
understand the lesson. through a single method, or without student understanding during the criteria.
- Feedback is only global. eliciting evidence of understanding lesson. - Teacher monitoring of student
- The teacher does not ask students from all students. - Students are invited to assess their understanding is sophisticated and
to evaluate their own or classmates' - Teacher requests global indications own work and make improvements. continuous: the teacher is constantly
work. of student understanding. - Feedback includes specific and "taking the pulse" of the class.
- Feedback to students is not timely guidance for at least groups of - Teacher makes frequent use of
uniformly specific, not oriented students. strategies to elicit information about
towards future improvement of work. - The teacher attempts to engage individual student understanding.
- The teacher makes only minor students in self- or peer-assessment. - Feedback to students is specific and
attempts to engage students in self- or - When necessary, the teacher makes timely, and is provided from many
peer-assessment. adjustments to the lesson to enhance sources, including other students.
- The teacher's attempts to adjust the understanding by groups of students. - Students monitor their own
lesson are partially successful. understanding, either on their own
initiative or as a result of tasks set by
the teacher.
- The teacher's adjustments to the
lesson are designed to assist
individual students.

3e: Demonstrating Flexibility and - Teacher ignores indications of - Teacher's efforts to modify the - Teacher successfully makes a minor In addition to the characteristics of
Responsiveness student boredom or lack of lesson are only partially successful. modification to the lesson. "proficient,"
understanding. - Teacher makes perfunctory attempts - Teacher incorporates students' - Teacher successfully executes a
- Teacher brushes aside student to incorporate student questions and interests and questions into the heart major lesson readjustment when
questions. interests into the lesson. of the lesson. needed.
- Teacher makes no attempt to - The teacher conveys to students a - The teacher conveys to students - Teacher seizes on a teachable
incorporate student interests into the level of responsibility for their learning, that she has other approaches to try moment to enhance a lesson.
lesson. but uncertainty as to how to assist when the students experience - The teacher conveys to students
- The teacher conveys to students them. difficulty. that he won't consider a lesson
that when they have difficulty learning, - In reflecting on practice, the teacher - In reflecting on practice, the teacher "finished" until every student
it is their fault. indicates the desire to reach all cites multiple approaches undertaken understands, and that he has a broad
- In reflecting on practice, the teacher students, but does not suggest to reach students having difficulty. range of approaches to use.
does not indicate that it is important to strategies to do so. - In reflecting on practice, the teacher
reach all students. can cite others in the school and
beyond who she has contacted for
assistance in reaching some
Evidence for Domain 3
3B) During our post-observation conference we discussed the questions that were part of your activity. Specifically we discussed the inclining
difficulty of your questions throughout the activity that kept students challenged and ensured that they couldn't complete the work too quickly. We
discussed the challenge of asking questions that will keep all the students engaged at both ends of ability levels. It can be difficult to strike a balance
of engaging students while also keeping them challenged.

3C) During our post-observation conference we discussed the level of student engagement during my visit to your class. I noted the level of
excitement from the students in your class - I credit your excitement for some of that. Further I noted that the structure of the activity also keeps
students engaged even if the math is difficult. Students want to finish the task and escape. Your design tapped into their competitive spirit and kept
students working.

Teacher: Domain 4 - Professional Responsibilities (Addresses the teachers attention to maintaining accurate records, communicating with families,
reflecting on his/her practice and exhibiting professionalism)

Ineffective Developing Effective Highly Effective

1 2 3 4

4a: Reflecting on Teaching - The teacher considers the lesson - The teacher has a general sense of - The teacher accurately assesses In addition to the characteristics of
but draws incorrect conclusions about whether or not instructional practices the effectiveness of instructional "proficient,"
its effectiveness. were effective. activities used. - Teacher's assessment of the lesson
- The teacher makes no suggestions - The teacher offers general - The teacher identifies specific ways is thoughtful, and includes specific
for improvement. modifications for future instruction. in which a lesson might be improved. indicators of effectiveness.
- Teacher's suggestions for
improvement draw on an extensive

4b: Maintaining Accurate Records - Absence of a system for either - The teacher has a process for - The teacher's process for recording In addition to the characteristics of
instructional or non-instructional recording student work completion. student work completion is efficient "proficient,"
records. However, it may be out-of-date or and effective; students have access - Students contribute to and maintain
- Record-keeping systems that are in does not permit students to access the to information about completed and/or records indicating completed and
disarray so as to provide incorrect or information. missing assignments. outstanding work assignments.
confusing information. - The teacher's process for tracking - The teacher has an efficient and - Students contribute to and maintain
student progress is cumbersome to effective process for recording data files indicating their own progress
use. student attainment of learning goals; in learning.
- The teacher has a process for students are able to see how they're - Students contribute to maintaining
tracking some non-instructional progressing. non-instructional records for the
information, but not all, or it may - The teacher's process for recording class.
contain some errors. non-instructional information is both
efficient and effective.

4c: Communicating with Families - Little or no information regarding - School or district-created materials - Information about the instructional In addition to the characteristics of
instructional program available to about the instructional program are program is available on a regular "proficient,"
parents. sent home. basis. - On a regular basis, students develop
- Families are unaware of their - Infrequent or incomplete information - The teacher sends information about materials to inform their families about
children's progress. sent home by teachers about the student progress home on a regular the instructional program.
- Lack of family engagement activities. instructional program. basis. - Students maintain accurate records
- Culturally inappropriate - Teacher maintains school-required - Teacher develops activities about their individual learning progress
communication. grade book but does little else to inform designed to successfully engage and frequently share this information
families about student progress. families in their children's learning, as with families.
- Teacher communications are appropriate. - Students contribute to regular and
sometimes inappropriate to families' ongoing projects designed to engage
cultural norms. families in the learning process.

4d: Participating in a Professional - The teacher's relationship with - The teacher has pleasant - The teacher has supportive and In addition to the characteristics of
Community colleagues is characterized by relationships with colleagues. collaborative relationships with "proficient,"
negativity or combativeness. - When invited, the teacher colleagues. - The teacher takes a leadership role
- The teacher purposefully avoids participates in activities related to - The teacher regularly participates in in promoting activities related to
contributing to activities promoting professional inquiry. activities related to professional professional inquiry.
professional inquiry. - When asked, the teacher inquiry. - The teacher regularly contributes to
- The teacher avoids involvement in participates in school activities, and - The teacher frequently volunteers to and leads events that positively impact
school activities and school district school district and community participate in school events and school school life.
and community projects. projects. district and community projects. - The teacher regularly contributes to
and leads significant school district
and community projects.

4e: Growing and Developing - The teacher is not involved in any - The teacher participates in - The teacher seeks regular In addition to the characteristics of
Professionally activity that might enhance knowledge professional activities when required opportunities for continued "proficient,"
or skill. or when provided by the school professional development. - The teacher seeks regular
- The teacher purposefully resists district. - The teacher welcomes colleagues opportunities for continued
discussing performance with - The teacher reluctantly accepts and supervisors in the classroom for professional development, including
supervisors or colleagues. feedback from supervisors and the purposes of gaining insight from initiating action research.
- The teacher ignores invitations to colleagues. their feedback. - The teacher actively seeks feedback
join professional organizations or - The teacher contributes in a limited - The teacher actively participates in from supervisors and colleagues.
attending conferences. fashion to educational professional professional organizations designed to - The teacher takes an active
organizations. contribute to the profession. leadership role in professional
organizations in order to contribute to
the teaching profession.

4f: Showing Professionalism - Teacher is dishonest. - Teacher is honest. - Teacher is honest and known for - Teacher is considered a leader in
- Teacher does not notice the needs - Teacher notices the needs of having high standards of integrity. terms of honesty, integrity, and
of students. students, but is inconsistent in - Teacher actively addresses student confidentiality.
- The teacher engages in practices addressing them. needs. - Teacher is highly proactive in
that are self-serving. - Teacher does not notice that some - Teacher actively works to provide serving students.
- The teacher willfully rejects school school practices result in poor opportunities for student success. - Teacher makes a concerted effort to
district regulations. conditions for students. - Teacher willingly participates in team ensure opportunities are available for
- Teacher makes decisions and departmental decision-making. all students to be successful.
professionally, but on a limited basis. - Teacher complies completely with - Teacher takes a leadership role in
- Teacher complies with school school district regulations. team and departmental decision-
district regulations. making.
- Teacher takes a leadership role
regarding school district regulations.
Evidence for Domain 4
4A) During our post-observation conference we discussed the challenges of creating productive review materials for students especially for 9th grade
students. Throughout our meeting you were open, honest and receptive to feedback. It was a pleasure visiting your class and I look forward to
stopping by again soon.

Additional Comments:

Observation Rating:

Teacher's Signature:
Evaluator's Signature:

Overall Observation Rating = Effective

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