Activity My Personal Style of Communication at Work

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Activity My personal style of communication at work

Instructions: In each case, choose the statement (a, b, c, d) that best describes you in the work context.
In case you are hesitating between several options, remember that personal style of
communication is the way others perceive you and they make inferences about your
motivations, your attitudes, your interests and intentions. Circle the chosen answer.
For example, in response to the first question, you can say you are persuasive (a), diplomat (b), centered
on results (c) and logical (d), and it is surely right. Nonetheless, other persons choose the group of
adjectives that best identifies with no hesitation and may say that it is rather a, b, c or d.
1. When I'm at my best, my interlocutor would describe me as someone who is …
a. imaginative, stimulating, persuasive.
b. understanding, encouraging, diplomat.
c. practical, results-oriented, efficient.
d. logical, systematic, precise.
2. When I have to submit a proposal before a committee,
a. I get prepared to present my project in a brief and concise way.
b. I prepare myself thoroughly, I prepare the supporting documents and try to anticipate
c. I prepare myself well, but feel concerned about the climate that will prevail in this
d. I get prepared in a comprehensive way because I know I'll find the right words once
committed to the situation.
3. I am the most convincing when ...…
a. I have enough time to present a solid argument.
b. I have a specific and realistic objective to assert.
c. I have an original point of view.
d. I have the esteem and respect of my interlocutors.
4. When I have to solve a problem, I tend to ...
a. obtain enough information to choose the best solution.
b. let the solution emerge inside me
c. quickly choose the most practical solution.
d. find a solution that suits me and that is acceptable to others.
5. When I have to give critical feedback,
a. I document my feedback with precise data and facts.
b. I present my feedback so that does not offend the other.
c. I find an original way to present my feedback.
d. I present on as they are.
6. When I do a presentation,
a. I present all the important points in a logical order.
b. I give almost a show to attract attention.
c. I focus on the understanding and involvement of participants
d. I go straight to the point
7. If I were attributed defects, we would probably say that I am ...
a. slow and controlled.
b. undisciplined and excited.
c. authoritarian and impatient.
d. too sensitive and too concerned about others.

8. If I were a painting, people would see me as ...
a. picnic lunch.
b. garden perfect.
c. mountain.
d. an erupting volcano
9. Answer to question 8 I found ...
a. interesting.
b. somewhat ridiculous.
c. incongruous.
d. intriguing.
10. In a discussion,
a. I consider ideas different from mine.
b. I defend my point of view emphatically.
c. I argue appropriately.
d. I often present things from a different angle.
11. For me, the substantive discussions are ...
a. often a waste of time (shoveling clouds).
b. interesting if we can empty a question at a time.
c. interesting if people do not take themselves too seriously.
d. rich if people seek to understand rather than maintaining their position
12. In a conflict situation where I am personally involved,
a. I propose or compromises.
b. I can not predict my reaction.
c. I find a solution to the conflict.
d. I wait until the dust settles.
13. When I witness an altercation between two collaborators.
a. I try to get them to understand each other.
b. I get personally involved.
c. I decline to intervene in order to avoid worsening the situation.
d. I try to reason with them.
14. When I am personally involved in a conflict, my general pattern of reaction is ...
a. bring the other to see the problem as is.
b. to analyze with the other the situation from different points of view.
c. to invest a lot of energy to find a workable compromise.
d. let time do its work.
15. The interpersonal dimension that I would chiefly benefit is to develop:
a. listening.
b. assertiveness.
c. affective expression.
d. control of my reactions.
16. When I interact with someone,
a. I make little gestures.
b. my actions are rather harmonious.
c. I can make jerky gestures.
d. my gestures are large and numerous

17. When someone presents a personal problem to me:
a. I try to play down the problem so as to propose another way of seeing things.
b. I seek a solution.
c. I listen carefully and I reformulate what I understand.
d. I ask many questions to have a complete view of the situation.
18. They see me as someone who…
a. is often unpredictable.
b. enhances interpersonal relationships.
c. requires rigor and logic.
d. is very competitive
19. In my interactions, I often bemoan the fact that people ...
a. are not aware of their feelings.
b. speak without thinking.
c. lack imagination.
d. Speak to say nothing
20. When I'm stressed or defensive, I get ...
a. emotional.
b. impulsive.
c. overly controlled.
d. Dominating.
21. I defend my ideas
a. tactfully.
b. with logical arguments.
c. with gusto.
d. forcefully.
22. When I make a decision,
a. I consider the people involved.
b. I choose the most convenient decision.
c. I try to take the most informed decision.
d. I trust my intuition.
23. When I listen to someone
a. I tend to interrupt to give my idea.
b. I try to understand properly his perspective.
c. I listen to him it while thinking of something else.
d. I let him time to express his thoughts.
24. When one gives me critical feedback,
a. I defend myself.
b. I try to understand
c. I ask for evidence.
d. I react impulsively.
25. I completed this questionnaire ...
a. trying to analyze my behavior as accurately as possible.
b. wondering about its scientific value.
c. recklessly.
d. quickly without asking questions

Summary description and comparative
personal styles of communication1


Slow reaction Fast reaction

Maxim effort to organize Maximum effort to control
Focuses on the processes
Minimal concern for the analysis and
Minimal concern for the emotional and
theoretical reflection
personal feelings
Historical frame of reference The present is frame of reference
Direct action
Prudence in action
Tendency to avoid inaction.
Tendency to avoid personal involvement
Need for truth and relevance of rapid reaction Need for control and results


Moderate reaction Strong reaction

Maximum effort to build relationships. Maximum effort to get involved
People-centered Centered on the interaction
Minimal concern for formal logic Minimal concern for routine and
The present is frame of reference compliance
Supporting action The future as a framework
Tendency to avoid conflict Impulsivity in action
Need for cooperation and acceptance Tendency to avoid isolation
Need stimulation and interaction

My personal style of communication at work
Instructions: Circle the letter of your choice for each statement.

Analytical Directing Amiable Expressive

1. d c b a
2. b a c d
3. a b d c
4. a c d b
5. a d b c
6. a d c b
7. a c d b
8. b c a d
9. c b d a
10. c b a d
11. b a d c
12. d c a b
13. c d a b
14. d a c b
15. c a b d
16. a c b d
17. d b c a
18. c d b a
19. b d a c
20. c d a b
21. b d a c
22. c b a d
23. d a b c
24. c a b d
25. b d a c

If the result of a column is significantly higher than those in other columns, your personal
style of communication is very marked.
Nonetheless, if your results are divided almost equally between two columns, some features
of one of the styles are reinforced by those of another. Other features of this style are
tempered by that of another. The plausible combinations are analytical / directive, kind /
analytical, directive / expressive, expressive / kind. Combinations of kind and directive as
well as of analytical and expressive are rare because both these styles are opposites on the
basis of the two dimensions of dominance and responsiveness.
Finally, if your results show a more or less even distribution between the four styles, you give
evidence of a lot of flexibility.
Regarding personal style of communication, we suggest you complete the questionnaire by
another person from his perceptions of your style.

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