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Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Hi Everyone,
Just a little sharing about our first-day of school for our cohort of A-G Surname Students.
It was AMAZING to see their smiling eyes and to welcome them back to school or to welcome our ‘new’
students and their families to James Potter.
Most of our classes only had 3 students in attendance, though there were a few that had a whopping 8
students in them … these happened to have a large amount of A-G Surnames
Over the last few months, your guidance and open discussions with your child/ren certainly paid off.
They were happy to share summer adventures and appeared to be quite aware of the importance of
wearing their masks and social-distancing.
For our next cohorts that will be joining us tomorrow and Friday, we wanted to remind you of a few
safety procedures:
-please remember to wear a mask
-parents and students are to line-up along the entry gate pathway; there are white marker lines that
each family is to use for social-distancing while they line-up … please adhere to these
-only kindergarten parents/guardians are to enter the tarmac area – they are to walk their child/ren to
the designated kindergarten gate – those parents will notice a white line with yellow arrows … please
follow this to the various kindie gates
-although we appreciate that many kindergarten parents may choose to wait around outside of the
fenced kindie areas, we do ask that you refrain from reaching over the fence
-Gr. 1-5 students are to be dropped off at the gate, a staff member (wearing an orange vest) will help
guide your child to their class’ line … parents are asked to remain outside of the fence (if you chose to
wait around until the entry bell rings, please ENSURE that you are taking the steps necessary to keep a
safe social-distance between yourself and other parents
Thank you for your patience and for your understanding as we collaboratively navigate our ‘new normal’.
Also THANK YOU for trusting in us and recognizing that children pick up on our own apprehension …
you’ve done a wonderful job of helping to set them up for success and to make their first days back
positive and exciting
Please do not hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions and concerns. It’s through our open
doors of communication that we will foster trusting relationships and a collaborative spirit that students
thrive in
Have a wonderful evening,

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