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5/8/2020 How do I allow a program to run that Firewall is blocking?

How do I allow a program to run that Firewall is blocking?

Firewall might prevent a program on your PC from running. You can allow your program to run by changing your Firewall
se ngs. Here are a few things you can try to fix this problem:

Unlock Firewall Unlock Firewall and instantly allow all network traffic between your PC and
any network, including the Internet.

1. In the Web and Email Protec on drawer, click Firewall.

2. In the Security Levels drawer, select Outgoing Access, and then click
3. Click Done.

Open System Service Ports Open an exis ng port to allow remote network access to a system service on
your PC.

1. In the Web and Email Protec on drawer, click Firewall.

2. In the Ports and System Services drawer, select a system service.
3. Click Edit.
4. Under Open ports to, do one of the following:
· To open the port to PCs on any network (for example, at home,
work, or in a public loca on), select All PCs.
· To open the port to PCs on a work or home network only, select
PCs in Work and Home networks only.
5. Click Save, and then click Done.

Allow Programs Allow a blocked program on your PC to have full incoming and outgoing
Internet access.

1. In the Web and Email Protec on drawer, click Firewall.

2. In the Internet Connec ons for Programs drawer, select a program that
has Blocked or Outgoing access.
3. Under Access, click Full.
4. Click Save, and then click Done.

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