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Se See SE The Traditional Craft and Culinary Techniques of Sushi Cuisine Bae eee ASS SSR Mb uot Oe sites aed ek. ORE CEES S AVF OILS Y The Hand-Pressed Kohada (Gizzard Shad) Sushi Varies by the Level ofthe Kohada's Maturity AaKeoMnmen Hate, BINH YY AIS FAK PROB AULD Y EF. BONDI RADU Ee E, FEL OOMMPRY HERA CHDVERDET. The name of kohada changes in line with its stage of growth: starts out as shinko in its infancy and develops into kohada 1d nakazumi before finally becoming konoshiro. he flavor of this sushi is heightened by varying the way is hand pressed or by fine-tuning its vinegar seasoning —such as pickling the whole fish or just half oft SABIE (Ghinko) NM (kohodo) P48 (Nokoaum) S48 (konoshivo) ERE EON BNHS A SA RM AN CS eH BAU MRRTIEMS DORR OLT NR, ie NA. OMD ARP RTF IDIEFY Seasonal Icefish and Clam Sushi aaa PEN FURR IVEY Te ORY ELIE CUT LIKE ABI LED HEV CHM LED LT EE WY ET CNEMOALEC STH. Even toppings that are difficult to hand raft into sushi delicacies, such as icefish and clam, ‘can be shaped into beautifully shaped morsel, such as the gunkanmaki (battleship roll sushi) and aaboiled and seasoned delicacy with the meat sliced open. ‘They are a testament to the sushi chefs mastery FRARNNE RMR ARE. AA QAR ERY LTA T OT ART TZ. iy & a) 4S EPOPLORE Crafting Seasonal Sushi, The Art of the Hand-Pressed Sushi ATOR JO ERED Ifo T OFFIODBLE NEB DIFY The Sayori (halfbeak) Sushi is an Exceptionally Stylish Hand-Pressed Sushi astm SESAME (ZOE ECD IC VOTE AS SOBA Y UAE MPT, ART EIESATED, BL PNAC HOLD EF. The sayor is Sender and long and is therefore difficult to press t into shape for sushi, bat it ean be shaped stylishly, braiding itor even foidin {o form the shape of ating to wrap it around some oboro (ground meat of whitefish or shrimp) HAREKS MOEA —REREE— RAMEN, FAR LAME, ORR. REAR Of LMOMTIZ FD ‘The Crane and Tortoise Artisan Sushi enereA BO CEOME MOK E91, F LOM) SERA MPD BML EY CH oAMVEDS IR Hd He LOB) OF LEDSUTAVET. “The delightful Crane and Tortoise artisan sushi is ‘an exceptional nigiri arrangement, clevating the display of sushi assortment to the level of gorgeous art RAHM ONALAANARRAN RAALEMER. SCSHAFSAEOREARR CERN waseM. JEDI ET V YY BSPlLOR® ‘Traditional Skills and Arrangements, The Techniques for Creating Maki-Zushi (Rolled Sushi) HRB GHA, BAT RR OMIBsEOT ev Y [MOE] Slender Roll Arrangement —"The Wisteria Flower" SRR TINIE MBS HBS ETO MAMI SEBEL DYOELCLTHOL IIMS L MOTEIZ. AS MAEMO ET. Slender roll sushi are rolled up into a circular shape, but they can be made to resemble wisteria flowers by ‘molding their cross sections into teardrop shapes, positioning the cut areas face-up, and finally arranging them into clusters, Arranged in a circle, ‘they will resemble the chrysanthemum, 265M COMET TRON ERES EAR, PREM, MRT LD SMO UIE OF LY VATED [BSS FL I ‘The Creative Inside-Out Rolls adeRones WHEE AMAHEE NS HBS Le AY T*WATU-MIRHRENS OOF LU—Wit BESS MALY OPES HET “The uramaki sushi (inside out rol) is favored by many non-Japanese, who tend to dlite nor (edible seaweed sheets) As upifed by the California rll, the uramakt ean be arranged fely, using a variety of different kinds of ingredients, including tobiko (fying fsh oe) as a substitute for nor, anda variety of other ingredient forts core. ABARATRRENE EReAMREEEA RRMA erm a RIN AO RRR TE ese HEROES PBIFLI ‘The Bouquet-Like "Temaki Sushi (Hand Roe Sati) " TROT EEA WBENOBBE MO, FLMEREON PCBVRFBEET Lo FOG EM HOKE BI THEOL 5 oF MONS AO ET. ‘This sushi is hand rolled, using nori for making slender ols, Rice and other ingredients ae placed ‘on top of the nori and its front side is made slender ‘while its end is made open like a bouquet. ‘Western-style ingredients also go well with this sushi SACMRNOMER, BF GRMNR BIB wm ARRAN ALS [MLAS | “The Artisan Rolls Where the Tradition of Sushi-Craft Shines se AeA MAT AE [hie ) Ev ae OT LY TCH. Heise 7 OPIS oe LORE ARTETA ER ROTRU TUS DA DIY ETD? This isthe traditional artisan arrangement known as the shikai maki (four oceans rol). It is prepared by placing some tuna and omelet in the middle, but can you figure out how itis rolled? AARMRAAMHOMREL TE RMANOR. PARR Rem MORE RE. SOF RANE, AR Gorgeous Sushi Servings FHM RE ADAH 5 f >i) 2 > ) i a 2 “Th, R/in rit ge \ I ¥ FUDD OaPpZA@® ¥ SSend Wd BPS LAAT Lbs 274 Brea RDN TS Fa A, BORO 5 9S MESHTOT, BRETT SEY OU BLSNTOET WED DES ROMP LD 6 RG OMS TOZLOAH) BLOF LESTE FT. Ava ofseed ad in both Kapaa au and Edbmacatle ih Seen ee ee en eee carat eppciingsenat Be rere mere cre ent aa ranging from, ranging from the ceramic bow and plate to the lacquerware tub, helping to present sushi in its most beautiful light XUAMLIARAT SERRE MSH. HRT. REMMI, Ae AR A CLAS REFER OWAWS LORD Get SOF LEGETLOLANT LEY ODETT. TTL LETTS FORE RIET LIAL HIEINTES LOX ISRA CHE OTERH IED HN F LICH. BES, ENENOF LAM ET. BOL MONTOET TK (ICEY EBST LOMITA LOSBOEFIE HO) SALW NLET ERM EMOMILT LEH OT MED PRUOREEL SS DLUIED ALD BEN TOET ASR EY FLOR OBSPRMENTOET ‘The Edomae-style sushi asortment comprises nigiri sushi (Ginger sushi and makicashi (rolled sushi), using fresh seafood as toppin, Inthe old days there was a me when Edomacsiyle sushi were served as stacks in the manner of Karsaisiyle ashi However, today the flat arrangement, known as the "lowing arrangement,” is mainstream, Each sushi is easy 1 pick up and the arra colorful. In addition, the bamboo grass is used as 2 partition between the finger sushi and rolled sushi to prevent the nor from getting wet. ‘Various types of servings of the Edomae-style sushi are prepared for celebrating occasions such as Memorial Day ~ the main servings for such occasions are the artisan sushi offerings with floral arrangements and the Crane and Tortoise arrangement. ‘Their presentation has become more gorgeous over the yeats, serving as exemplary expressions of new heights reached in sushi-cralt, FR MAEN ARORA ORAL AMORA EES —HAROA A VT RAS RR RARE IR, ERAT i SED) NOSE URAL ORE ADE OE RN RRR REA OW PES LORD Fatt BNF LORREVAL MF LEBSFLEE CT. LEP TMDIAREDLEE Eo CHILI AT LEMCRMEESATRATHN ET. FECL ORT LO FIBEERDLELA. FEMA EEE BVEABER EET PREWLTVET PPOHEOTST LIL DAY ODD EMITS T. ‘Typical examples ofthe Kansaé-tye sushi are the bokeh end rolled sh Box sushi are shaped by pressing them into shape twit a box using as toppings ships and whisk Such as sea bream and fatfishand served with tupidicta inserted berveea them. The mackerel Suck sushi andthe bateria, seasoned with vinegar, tre not to be mind. ery sua reatnarant ag orves their own gnature thick ols of omelet or shitake (riental black mushroom) sushi “These sushi canbe stored for some dine and take-out ean be enjoyed as box lunches. SBHARRMORRSA Beam. IFS LOE DOE ME PT YEN TERESA. SR LO BAe. Me EAMG AR ARRALATD. FAMAL RRHORERAE SA ROMARTA. OIRO RIURE RA TTI HLA, MBI. OSU RED IF FLOM RRMA TORT» TLERSEPEI HD SCI LY AE BUD Ate AED ETE ED 5S BENTHES, EK MLOI-A BAO HISD ASSETS TS Sushi today is popular all over the world. cis served in ways that reflec a wide variety of individualistic styles, ‘and the plates and bowls in which they are served and even the arrangements of the servings all rellect a modern sensibility. In addition, sushi is also enjoyed as part of a full-course Japanese course meal, Aamsaeer em. RISO RRL DL HE st NRT ACRE, ASHRAM RHMAREE NEN AS. BABY Asic5a) BOLBOPONMPH MIPT VLE WOPRARIMED USD ETHOED EVE TS HCP TOTIEBAJ ESOT HELE KRDT LOS HS DIYRTOOT. CHO BUTNERD FEA SM OLATIA. MIDS Ce AT MOF TEMA TORT. The Hosha Mori (Radial Serving) isa serving where sushi are arranged in a radial pattern, ‘making sushi easy to pick up from any side of the bowl, Tn the old days this type of serving was also called Happo Nirami, or the omnidirectional glare. Since is plain to make out a single person's portion, this style can also be considered modern, ‘The arrangement ean be changed to match the mood of the occasion. PRS SHIRE FAA, ARTE SH RRSOW BHRPOM—TABRMAM. OTS LE AMRRE A. FRRAETSAME TR AMET Knife-Cutting Techniques and Knife Types 7B -R45 18 A, $9 2 inik 71 TARR TOREBAS 1 FORA E LT 9 FER FURR EM AOWY) OGL, SRERGEM MES NT OST o WAWAOTTS MEBTLIOMHAT CECT OMMEMBEADL CHUODVET. EPA OMBU Lo WSBAP UY GEBA ELO RIBERA T SLE ALTO ET 5 ‘To cut sashimi and sushi toppings, various techniques are applied. ‘The type of knife used depends ‘on the purpose af use there are knives for cutting sashimi and knives for lllesing fish as wel In addition, the sushi chels pursue pleasing textures, ease of eating, and delicious favors by varying the thickness of cuts and cutting techniques, depending on the type of seafood they work with AAPHAORUNEEN KURAARMOEASE ADEA E RATA OERT UAE MOTE REKRARRERARAMEDR. Hh ABR SER TS MERTEN ah SACL AOL RIS RL Obi) BEY Frit ka ORT Sashimi Servings and Knifing Techniques £8 AM. 7-IWERIER FUR CAY OMS SAMIR TORT. V7 OFT 10, TIP AEE, MEDEA, EBT OEY SLO ELTSLENT EET MOF LIFAAMELTV SHAE, BEHVELTRLECEBLVTL EF 6 R_EPUHO TRA IA BEER RDI, HOLE PLETAL PMOOT EMF SBE DW FEBATT HLH SoC SMHCT SMI LY [PES S MATS EDL (RIC) (WD) MELORMET LINC SATORTT. Sushi restaurants offer a variety of sashimi cuisine. You can order them 2s assortments, not to mention as single dishes of tana, sea bream, squid, horse mackerel, or shellfish among others. Ifthe shop has seasonal sushi in stock, it might be a good idea to leave your order up tothe chet ‘The fish cuts vary: slightly thick euts for soft-fleshed meats such as tuna or bonito, and slightly thin cuts for hard-fleshed whitefish, ‘The knifing sills ofa sushi restaurant are traditional techniques that have been passed down. They include the technique for preparing sashimi after welng the skin of the fish (known as Yakishimozuka), the technique for preparing the fish while iis stil live (known as Tkizukur), and the technique for Sugatazakuri or Sugata Mor (a serving with the tail and head attached). ATR ABSRARDLERNERER Oe NEE MMELETAT AORAPR OFS RMR. FRR RMRE ARH OTtA~BOM. TORY WERASMMT TT AAR RRM ASK, ARTA, NN SOR, AHR RIaShRHe MIR AGA HBR) DARI AE GRESHAM OF UDR REA EU) D » HEBD ‘Traditional Sushi Techniques : Partitioning with Bamboo Grass or Aspidistra fee 2 He aunt 29 LAW F LTD) MEF LCM AR DNET. EDM (EM AS LOD_NTVET A, FLOMILEA EW) PHY ORAERLLET EAPO MELO LY I LHLSVICHOET. Edomae-style sushi use bamboo-grass asa partition, while Kansai-style sushi make se of pdr, The bamboo grass td to act asa preservative while also performing double-duty as a partition and decoration when placed between individual sushi pieces. Also, itis used as an ornament and partition in the Crane & Tortoise and Butterfly arrangements 1088 FT SE SBA TOO {OTR EOE ATE ZT LA AIT. AR RAR FHA AERA TIO The Horse Mackerel Sugata Mori Sashimi ys HAT HAAT. SHAT ‘Yanagiba Knife (a slender kitchen knife for sashimi), Deba Knife (a broad-bladed kitchen knife for dressing fish), Usuba Knife (rectangular-shaped thin-bladed knife used for vegetables) HE DRT RR TT FT URMAIAES DI OERBIEVAVDHVIEFo ARM OT, PLIRP RHE DIOS MHATERBSLMOMNAT TT. MEM MAD oMCMINET, UDOT HOMALMATIEBSTOIILTOET. WHAT ECTROVA BOP ABODE RE EIMVEF. ‘There are a varicty of knives used for preparing sushi and sashimi. ‘The most representative kinds are the Yanagiba knife used for cutting sushi toppings and sashimi and the Deba knife used for filleting fish, The slender Vanagiba knife allows for smooth cross-section cuts The Deba knife is suited for filleting fish, thanks to its weight and thick blade. ‘The Usuba knife is mainly used for peeling vegetables and peeling daikon into paper-thin strips. Hifi ask Rat eMC Hak. HARA BASF DITA) AE AT TREO A, ASEM FMLAUR MAK TART RE TERE ADERTD TON AAEM, BAF MTHS ANS NERM FP ONRLAIE NT. | a AA OWES The Squid Narutomaki Sashimi &05/18 WHAT Vanagiba knife sinew AIT Deba knife nae SHOT Usuba knife 0m weariee PPLOREG CB "A glossary of sushi-related seasonal words" for anniversaries and special events BARA HH LH OI” 4000 ReaPZ=oYoe Sushi for Welcoming in the New Year ‘Sushi fora Mothers Day Party EA Kem eRsnEetm ‘ ABCRUAVRALOENER EDEMA DUT LE, RICCRS BOA ILI BIE FFL, Enjoy a splendid asorument of sushi dae over the New Year hola ‘Apary platter of shi offerings ~ rich in vatien toeclebrate with many of your ear and dear one feet felting Mothers Day at home. ERRAR AWE RSMO. ERROR SHEROERINEEE. nton> BBB 75 The Longevity Roll forthe Day of Respect for the Aged neni HID AMI UHL OMENS BIALHERORETB. ‘The Longevity Roll ses abo kelp, ‘rich pleasing people who hate rouble chewing no SASMRORRNS, DEERE RR ACER. Peete maki (sushi roll enjoyed during sevbun, the day before the start of pring) San smEne BET LEDSTIADRD TMT FORMEBVET. Ehomak i a rolled sushi you can sink your eth into vwthout eating it To ex the clomaki nth way an act ‘ot praying ors year of good hue, veer @BLPL™ ito PUPS nes art asc ere IME MI TTle | Senate iow about enjoying a pienc or an excursion this spring and ‘uturan wih a aus box hunch? Susi eay opi uy ‘The chirahisusi, whic filed with seazonel shellfish, mare wit cabo nt Stl ea oe snd shi pred into a dimond shape are enjoyed during Hiramatsu, the Gir Festival RAN STAMMA TARTRATE LER. n020 BROPL +ioam BOOP L ‘Soshi for celebrating Sushi Day ‘The Chima Susi for Children's Day aRaARRAT Jas TLPAD AA MEMIEN ESD MOBVASESFLURA OWI AY. (FLOR) CH CBROLELES, Rolled up with bamboo grass, Let alleelebyate the "Sushi Day” the chimall su deal or this seasonal fea in May ‘when sealood is abundantly avalable for wseas sushi toppings SRGer Se. 10 mee ERIE. RE TRRENGRRAY ER-ERBAAE. AOFRLADEY, AERTS, OTN ZL TR. G7) AIRE TY RMA ML N/T E/E ENT LR CLT LA, ES LDA FLL SL BALTES ORG A HEA GSE SS So LBS SMMBIRMIET 5S

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