Antigone Questions

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Sophocles’ Antigone

Directions: Respond to the following questions after doing a close reading of the selected passages.

Lines 1-177
1. Summarize what happens just previous to the beginning of the first scene of Anigone.

2. Describe the character Antigone. Personality? Values?

3. Describe the character Ismene? Personality? Values?

4. What is the main conflict that is introduced for the plot of the Greek tragedy?

5. Name the two people Ismene refers to in lines 64-67.

6. Why doesn’t Ismene agree to Antigone’s plan?

7. Paraphrase Antigone’s statement, “My honours for the dead...I’ll lie down there forever” (92-94).

8. Explain Ismene’s judgement of Antigone in her statement, “But remember this...” (120-121).

9. Who is the Chorus and what is their purpose?

10. What is a strophe and an antistrophe?

Sophocles’ Antigone
Directions: Respond to the following questions after doing a close reading of the selected passages.

Lines 179-387
1. According to Creon in line 185, who is responsible for one’s fate?

2. Why is Creon allowed to be king?

3. Why does Creon want to give Polyneices’ corpse utter disrespect?

4. Why is the guard so afraid (256-285)?

5. Why is the guard the one who has to bring the message to Creon?

6. What is the irony regarding the argument between the Chorus Leader and Creon (322-335)? Consider
the issue of the gods’ law and man’s law.

7. How does Creon feel about money? Quote part of the passage to support your claim.

8. What is the significance of the guard’s question, “Where does it hurt? Is it in your ears or in your mind,”
(370)? Why is the answer important to him?

9. Does Creon believe that the guard is guilty? Quote the line that supports your claim.
Sophocles’ Antigone
Directions: Respond to the following questions after doing a close reading of the selected passages.

Lines 388-665
1. According to the Chorus, man has accomplished great things, but also has a terrible flaw in character.
Elaborate on both sides of man’s character (388-432).

2. Why does the guard say, “This time, I was the lucky man” (446-447)?

3. When Antigone is caught by the guards while she is burying her brother (480-496), how does she react?
Why does she act this way?

4. According to Antigone, why does she disobey Creon’s proclamation?

5. Why doesn’t Antigone fear death?

6. How is Creon’s claim that Antigone is “obdurate” and shows hubris?

7. Explain Antigone’s remark to Ismene, “I don’t love a friend whose love is only words” )621)?

8. Paraphrase Creon’s remark, “There are other fields for him to plough” (651).

9. Aside from Creon’s decree, who will stop the marriage between his son and Antigone?
Sophocles’ Antigone
Directions: Respond to the following questions after doing a close reading of the selected passages.

Lines 666-843
1. Describe the impact misfortune has on a family, according to the Chorus.

2. What is the metaphoric meaning of the Chorus’ remark, “For now the light which has been shining over
the last roots of Oedipus’ house is being cut down with a bloody knife...” (683-684)?

3. When Haemon first greets Creon, what appears to be his position on Antigone and his father’s decision?
Quote text to support your response.

4. What are two qualities that a good son shows to his father, according to Creon?

5. What does Creon say which best illustrates his deep misogyny 725-773)?

6. Why is it unlikely that the king will ever hear the truth of how the citizens feel about his decisions?

7. How do the people of Thebes feel about Antigone?

8. Explain one of the analogies that Haemon gives in his monologue about people who are inflexible
and stubborn.

9. After the Chorus suggests that the king should listen to his son’s advise, how does Creon respond?
Sophocles’ Antigone
Directions: Respond to the following questions after doing a close reading of the selected passages.

Lines 844-981
1. Should Creon take Haemon’s reply, “That’s true--if you’re the woman,” as an insult (846-847)? Why?

2. Although Creon perceives Haemon’s argument as merely a defense of Antigone and thus an insult to
him, what is Haemon’s actual intention (846-863)?

3. What is Creon’s plan for Antigone’s death?

4. Who is Eros? How strong is Eros? Use a quote to support your claim.

5. What is the main regret Antigone tells in her monologue (914-923)?

6. Why does the Chorus say, “You were not stricken by lethal disease or paid your wages with a sword”

7. How does the Chorus respond to Antigone’s personal comparison to Niobe, a goddess?

8. How does the Chorus respond (961-964) to Antigone’s rant?

Sophocles’ Antigone
Directions: Respond to the following questions after doing a close reading of the selected passages.

Lines 981-1151
1. Why wouldn’t Antigone cover the corpse of her husband or children, as opposed to doing it for her

2. How is Antigone’s rhetorical question, “Which [god] can I invoke to bring me help, when for my
reverence they charge me with impiety,” ironic (1035-1037)?

3. What does Antigone hope for Creon and those who support him 1040-1042)?

4. How does the story of Danae illustrate the Chorus’ statement of fact, that “There’s no evading it, no, not
with wealth, or war, or walls, or black sea-beaten ships.”

5. Explain the two meanings of Teiresias’ statement, “[We] two have walked a common path, one person’s
vision serving both of us,” (1098-1099).

6. What is the bad sign that Teiresias witnesses?

7. Explain the blind prophet’s advice in lines 1140-1143, “But when they do...”

8. Paraphrase lines 1147-1148, “What’s the glory...”

Sophocles’ Antigone
Directions: Respond to the following questions after doing a close reading of the selected passages.

Lines 1152-1302
1. Quote a line that demonstrates Creon’s paranoid belief that Teiresias is not acting on his own authority.

2. Explain the significance of Creon’s bold claim in lines 1160-1165, “Even if Zeus’...”

3. What terrible event does Teiresias predict for Creon in his monologue?

4. According to Teiresias, whose laws has Creon actually violated?

5. After the blind prophet leaves, the Chorus responds to what he has said. Describe how the Chorus feels
about what the prophet said and explain why they feel this way.

6. Quote the line when Creon first relents and changes his mind.

7. Who is supposed to actually free Antigone from her cave?

8. What is the news the messenger brings?

Sophocles’ Antigone
Directions: Respond to the following questions after doing a close reading of the selected passages.

Lines 1302-1495
1. What does Creon do first to try and appease the gods, as well as alter his fate?

2. Whose scream is first heard?

3. How does Antigone die?

4. How does Haemon feel about his lover’s death? What does he do when he first sees his father?

5. What, according to the messenger, is the worst evil that “afflicts mankind” (1384)?
How does this characteristic have detrimental effects?

6. What does the Chorus leader fear in lines 1396-1399?

7. What does Creon wish for in lines 1473-1477?

8. According to the Chorus, what is the key to a good life? What will inevitably cause one’s downfall
and retribution from the gods?

9. List two traditional components of womanhood Antigone gives up to stand by her principles.

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