Meto212 Midterm Reviewer: Quiz Week 8

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1. A classification of tropical cyclones with closed isobars and distinct circulation with highest sustained
surface wind speed s in 32 knots is called a/an?
A. Tropical Depression
B. Tropical storms
C. Tropical disturbance
D. Subtropical cycloneds

2. It has a strong and very pronounced rotary circulation,a sustained 1-minute mean surface wind speed
of 64 knots or higher is termed a/an?
A. Tropical revolving storms
B. Subtropical cyclones
C. Hurricanes
D. Cyclones

3. What are the largest low pressure systems?

A. Warm-core cyclones
B. Midlatitudes cyclones
C. Cold-core cyclones
D. Polar vortex

4. A major tropical cyclones with maximum sustained winds of 111kph (96knots) or higher,
corresponding to a category 3,4 or 5 of Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale, is termed a/an?
A. Cyclones
B. Major Hurricanes
C. Tropical Revolving storms
D. Sub-tropical cyclones

5. Tropical cyclones occur almost entirely in _________rather districts/regions as?

A. Five (5) [ 4 in N.H and 1 in S.H]
B. sIX (6)[4 in N.H and 2 in S.H]
C. Seven(7){4 in N.H and 3 in S.H.}
D. four(4){ 2 in N.H and 2 S.H}

6. A tropical cyclones with winds of 34 knots or greater in the Indian ocean is called a/an?
A. Cyclones
B.Cyclonic Stor
C. Tropical Depression
D. Tropic Revolving Storms

7. A tropical cyclones in the South Indian Ocean is called a/an?

A. Cyclones
B. Sub-Tropical Cyclone
C. Midlatitude Cyclones
D. Hurricanes

8. A severe tropical cyclones originating in the Timor Sea and moving SW then across the interior of NW
Australia is called a/an?
A. Willy-wally
B. Willy-willy
C. Cyclones
D. Cyclonic Storms

9. Classification of tropical cyclones having non-frontal migratory characteristics and having

maintained its density for 24 hours or more is termed as a/an?
A. Tropical Depression
B. Tropical storms
C. tropical Disturbance
D. Tropical revolving storms

10. It has one or more closed isobars , rotary circulations at the surface , highest sustained wind speeds
in 32 knots is called a/an?
A. tropical revolving storms
B. Subtropical cyclones
C. Midlatitudes cyclones
D. Tropical depression

11. They are characterized by intense low pressure systems nelow 950 mb, high wind speeds,storm
surges-high waves, thunderstorms and heavy rainfalls/ or squalls, is termed as a/an?
Tropical cyclones
tropical depression
Tropical disturbance
tropical revolving storms

12. Tropical cyclones names in the Atlantic coast of North AMERICA and Europe is termed as a/an??
Tropical Revolving Storms

13. Vernacular name of tropical cyclones at the Pacific coast of East Asia and the Pacific islands?
Tropical Revolving Storms

14. Tropical cyclones over at the Indian ocean coast of South Africa and Australia is called a/an?
Cyclonic storms

15. When meteorologists and other people say this tropical cyclones name in Japan and the Philippines is
called a/an?
Subtropical Cyclones
Tropical Revolving Storms

16. Tropical cyclones in both Northern and southern hemisphere tend to move westward and drift slowly
poleward. Their motion is due to in large part to the ________________of the Earth's Atmosphere?
General Circulations
Idealized circulations
non-rotating orbits
tilting of 23.5 degrees

17.Tropical cyclones westward motion is due to this surface winds systems near the equatorial region, is
termed as a/an?
Trade winds
Easterly winds
Prevaling Westerlies

18. Tropical cyclones poleward movement is largely due to two (2) factors, one is due to this subsiding
air over the oceans. What is this wind systems called?
Sub-tropical highs
NE Trade winds
SE trade winds
Polar highs

19. The greatest number of tropical cyclones generates in this ocean waters is called ?
Pacific oceans
Indian Ocean
Atlantic ocean
Southern Ocean

20. A few tropical cyclones/ storms develops or generates in this part of the sea/ocean waters of the
Western North Pacific?
South China Sea
Sulu sea
Luzon sea
West Australian Sea

1. Wind speed in a hurricane is highly related to the surface pressure of the storm, since the wind speed
is determined by _____?
A. Pressure gradient winds
B. pressure gradient
C. Pressure gradient force
D. Pressure heights

2. It is the change in air pressure divided by the distance over with the pressure change?
A. Pressure gradientwinds
B. Pressure and wind speeds
C. pressure gradient
D. Pressure difference

3. For a storm to be considered as a hurricane the winds inside the storm must produce speeds at least
A. 64mph
B. 54mph
C. 74 mph
D. 34mph

4. Hurricanes are most common along the _________of US because the warm ocean waters that feed
them and giving their strength?
A. West coast
B. East coast
C. North Pacific coast
D. North Atlantic coast

5. Hurricanes are classified as a type of cyclones when their pressure is ______mb or lower?
A. 908mb
B. 980mb
C. 890mb
D. 809mb

6. Hurricanes are classified as a type of cyclones when the winds i.e. sustained 1-minute surface wind
speeds are greater than 118kph. What is the equivalent in knots?
A. 67.32knots
B. 63.72knots
C. 72.36knots
D. 76.32knots

7. What is the category in Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale if a hurricane has a sustained 1-minute
surface wind speeds of 135knots?
A. Category 4
B. Category 3
C. Category 2
D. Category 5

8. It is considered as the most deadly area of a hurricane?

A. Spiral winds
B. Eyewall
C. Eye
D. Spiral bands of clouds

9. This is the calmest part of a hurricane?

A. Eyewall
B. The Eye-frontside
C. The Eye
D. The Eye-right side

10. It is almost serene and is where the weather service plane flies into it to determine the ferocity of the
A. The Eye-Wall
B. Spiral bands of clouds
C. Clouds Eye-tops
D. The Eye

11.. The winds and storm clouds that the eyewall removes from the eye of the hurricane
become_______that force warm air into the rest of the hurricane?

A. Spiral winds
B. Sinking winds
C. Backing winds
D. Verring winds

12. It is the largest part of a hurricane that produces the vast majority of the winds and rain?

A. The Eye-left side

B. the eye
C. The Eye-wall
D. Spiral clouds bands

13. Atmospheric ______and _______ changes across the diameter of a hurricane.

A. Pressure and wind direction

B.Pressure and Wind speeds
C. Pressure and Clouds
D. Pressure and Temperature drop

14. Showing a rough profiles of wind speed and surface pressure across a hurricane , between
______from the eye, the winds are fast enough to qualify as a tropical storm?

A. !00 to 300kms
B. 100 to 200 kms
C. 100 to 200 meters
D. 150 to 250 kms

15. In a hurricane, the surface pressure continues to drop through the eyewall and into the center of the
eye, where the ______is found?

A. Lowest rains
B. Lowest clouds
C.Lowest pressure
D. Highest winds

16.. The wind and pressure profiles inside a hurricanes are roughly symmetrical , so a quick rise in winds
and pressure, the _______ followed by a slower increase in pressure and decrease in wind speed would
be expected?

A. Eye-rear side
B. Eye-left side
C. Eye
D. Eyewall

17. The cause of the eye formation of a hurricane is a combination of these forces where it makes
objects to spin faster as they move toward the center, so that air increases in speeds as it heads towards
the center of the storm?

A. Centrifugal Force
B. Conservation of angular momentum
C. Conservation of Energy
D. Coriolis force

18. In a hurricane, an outward-directed force occurs as the wind speed increases in a cyclonic and inward
motion, this force tends to carry the winds momentum in a straight-line. The faster the rotation, the
stronger is the force. What is this effect called ?

A. Coriolis force
B. Normal force
C. Centrifugal force
D. Graviational force

19. This strong cyclone winds creates the _________ of a hurricane / or storm?

A. Eye
B. Spiral bands of clouds
C. Spiral winds
D. Eyewall

20. in a hurricne, this strong cyclonic windC. s creates a vacuum, as the _______?

A. Eye spiraling clouds

B. Eye-level clouds
C. Eyewall
D. Eye

1. A localized, very intense low pressure systems, forming over tropical oceans with winds of hurricanes
is classified as a/an?
A. Tropical Depression
B. Tropical Storms
C. Typhoons

2. It is a rotating low pressure weather systems that has organized thunderstorms, but no fronts,
maximum sustained winds of 30mph or more?
A. Hurricanes
B. Tropical Storms
C. Secondary circulation
D.Cut-off lows

3. The typical movement of tropical storms with a diameter of 300-400 miles wide can travel at a speed
of ___________mph?
A. 10-25mph
B. 20-30mph

4. Tropical storm typical move westward due to ________________ in the northern hemisphere?
A. Westerly winds
B. Easterly winds
C. Southeast trades
D. Polar winds

5. Many tropical storms eventually drift far enough from equator to move in areas dominated by
___________in mid-latitudes?
A. Easterly winds
B. Westerly winds
C. Gradient winds
D. Polar easterlies

6. The _____________________is the right front quadrant due to the forward motion and rotation of
the storm?
A. less destructive
B. most destructive
C. Right-front quadrant
D. Left-front-quadrant

7. The ________________________of the storm tends to have higher seas, higher winds, higher storm
surge, etc.

A. Most destructive side

B. Less destructive side
C. Right-front quadrant
D. Left-front-quadrant

8. The route over which a TRS is already passed is called a/an?

A. Path
B. Track
C. Right-front quadrant
D. Vertex

9. The predicted route over which there is a possibility of the TRS passing at " near future" is called a/an?
A. Track
B. Vertex
C. Path
D. Left-front-quadrant
10. It is the westernmost point the TRS when recurving takes place is called a/an?
A. Vortex
B. Trac
C. Path
D. Vertex

11. It is the half of the storm which lies to the right of the observer who faces along the route of the
storm, is called a/an?

A. Left-hand semi-circle
B.Left-front side
C. Navigable side
D. Right-hand -semi-circle

12. It is also called as the storm- right-hand side?

A. Most destructive side

B. Left-hand-quadrant
C. Left-side
D. Right-hand -semi-circle

13. In the northern hemisphere, the weather condition of the right side of the storm is more severe than
those in their left-front side, is called the?

A. Dangerous semi-circle
B. Navigable semi-circle
C. Right-front quadrant
D. Left-front-quadrant

14. It is called as the distance over which waves actually grow?

A. Trapped Fetch
B. Dynamic fetc
C. Resonance phenomenon
D. All of the choices

15. It is termed as the Dynamic fetch?

A. Trapped -fetch
B. Resonance waves
C. Oceanic waves
D. Duration of waves

16. Other wise men called it a resonance phenomenon?

A. Oscillatory waves
B. Waves heights
C. Trapped fetch
D. Waves period
17. The strongest part of the storm is the ______, because of the air located in this part moves faster
than any part of the storm where it pulls in warmer ocean water that feed the storm?

A. Spiral cloud bands

B. Vertex
C. Eye-wall
D. Eye

18. In most cases, the __________________________is also the strongest side because it includes the
right side of the eye-wall?

A. Dangerous semi-circle
B. Right-hand semi-circle
C. Right-front quadrant
D. Left-front-quadrant

19. In the southern hemisphere, the ______________________is the strongest side of the storm
because of the opposite spin.

A. Dangerous semi-circle
B. Navigable side
C. Right-front quadrant
D. Left-front-quadrant

20. In the northern hemisphere, __________of the direction of movement of the storm, where the
winds are strongest because of the storm translational speed and rotational wind field are additive?

A. Left-front side
B. Dangerous semi-circle
C. To the right
D. To the left

1. For sailing vessels attempting to avoid Storm center, the General Rule for Steamer, in the Southern
Hemisphere, Right or less dangerous semicircle- bring the wind on the __________________(225∘
relative), hold course and makes as much way as possible. if necessary heave to with stern to the sea.

A. Port side
B. Port quarter
C. port bow
D. Port tack

2. For sailing vessels attempting to avoid Storm center, the General Rule for Steamer, in the Southern
Hemisphere, Left or dangerous semicircle- bring the wind on the __________________(315∘
relative), hold course and makes as much way as possible. if necessary heave to with head to the sea.

A. Port bow
B. Port side
C. Port quarter
D. Port tack

3. In the Northern hemisphere, for a sailing vessel attempting to avoid the storm center, the general rule
if on the storm track ahead of the storm, the wind should be put about 160∘ on the
________________until the vessel is well within the less dangerous semicircle.

A. starboard tack
B. Starboard bow
C. Port tack
D. Starboard quarter

4. In the Northern hemisphere, for a sailing vessel attempting to avoid the storm center, the general rule
if on the storm track ahead of the storm, the wind should be put about 160∘ on the
________________until the vessel is well within the less dangerous semicircle.
A. Port quarter
B. Port tack
C. Starboard quarter
D. Port side

5. In the Northern hemisphere, for a sailing vessel attempting to avoid the storm center, the general rule
with a faster than average vessel, the wind can be brought a little farther __________in each case
A. Port side
B. port tack
C. Port quarter
D. Aft

6. For a sailing vessel attempting to avoid the storm center, the general rule if the vessel is faster than
the storm, it is possible to overtake it. However, in this case the only action usually needed is to
__________ enough to let the storm ahead ?
A. Fast
B. slow
C. Recurve
D. Changed course

7. For a sailing vessel attempting to avoid the storm center, the general rule if the vessel is faster than
the storm, in all cases, one should be alert to changes in the _______________of the storm center
particularly in the area where the track normally curves toward the pole?
A. Dangerous semi-circle
B. direction of movement
C. Direction and speed
D. direction of storm

8. For a sailing vessel attempting to avoid the storm center, the general rule if the vessel is faster than
the storm, in all cases, if the storm maintains it direction and speed, the ship's course should be
____________________ as the wind shifts
A. Changed
B. Alter
C. maintained
D. recurve

9. For a sailing vessel attempting to avoid the storm center, if it becomes necessary for a vessel to
heave to, the characteristics of the vessel should be considered. A good general rule is to heave to
___________ in the dangerous semicircle
A. With stern to the sea
B. With leeward to the sea
C. with head to the sea
D. With aft to the sea

10. For a sailing vessel attempting to avoid the storm center, if it becomes necessary for a vessel to
heave to, the characteristics of the vessel should be considered. A good general rule is to heave to
___________ in the less dangerous semicircle?
A. With stern to the sea
B. with head to the sea
C. With aft to the sea
D. leeward to the sea

11. For a sailing vessel attempting to avoid the storm center, if it becomes necessary for a vessel to
heave to, the characteristics of the vessel should be considered. A good general rule is to heave to
___________ in the less dangerous semicircle?
A. head to the sea
B. aft to the sea
C. leeward to the sea
D.Stern to the sea

12. For a sailing vessel attempting to avoid the storm center, if the vessel handles better with sea astern
or on the quarter, it may be placed in this position in the _____________ semicircle?
A. Left side dangerous
B. Right side dangerous
C. Less dangerous
D. More dangerous

13. For a sailing vessel attempting to avoid the storm center, if the vessel handles better with sea astern
or on the quarter, it may be placed in this position in the _____________ semicircle?

A. starboard tack
B. Starboard tack
C. Starboard bow
D.Starboard quarter

14. For a sailing vessel attempting to avoid the storm center, a good general rule is always to heave to on
whichever tack permits the shifting wind draw aft. In the northern hemisphere, this is the
______________________ in the less dangerous semicircle?

A. Port tack
B. Port quarter
C. Port bow
D. Port side
15. For a sailing vessel attempting to avoid the storm center, a good general rule is always to heave to on
whichever tack permits the shifting wind draw aft. In the Southern hemisphere, this is the
______________________ in the dangerous semicircle?

A. Port side
B. port tack
C. Port bow
D. Port quarter

16. For a sailing vessel attempting to avoid the storm center, a good general rule is always to heave to on
whichever tack permits the shifting wind draw aft. In the Southern hemisphere, this is the
______________________ in the less dangerous semicircle?

A. Starboard bow
B.Starboard tack
C. Starboard quarter
D. Starboard side

17. For sailing vessels attempting to avoid Storm center, the General Rule for Steamer, in the Northern
Hemisphere, Right or dangerous semicircle- bring the wind on the __________________(45∘ relative),
hold course and makes as much way as possible. if necessary heave to with head to the sea.
A. Starboard bow
B. Starboard side
C. Starboard quarter
D. starboard tack

18. For sailing vessels attempting to avoid Storm center, the General Rule for Steamer, in the Northern
Hemisphere, Left or less dangerous semicircle- bring the wind on the __________________(135∘
relative), hold course and makes as much way as possible. if necessary heave to with stern to the sea.

A. starboard tack
B. Starboard bow
C. Starboard side
D. Starboard quarter

19. For sailing vessels attempting to avoid Storm center, the General Rule for Steamer, in the Southern
Hemisphere, Left or dangerous semicircle- bring the wind on the __________________(315∘
relative), hold course and makes as much way as possible. if necessary heave to with head to the sea.
A. starboard tack
B. Starboard bow
C. Port bow
D. Port side

20. For sailing vessels attempting to avoid Storm center, the General Rule for Steamer, in the Southern
Hemisphere, Right or less dangerous semicircle- bring the wind on the __________________(225∘
relative), hold course and makes as much way as possible. if necessary heave to with stern to the sea.
A. starboard tack
B. Starboard bow
C. Port side
D.Port bow

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