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Assessment Type Tool Learning Goal(s) Scoring Procedure/Feedback

Pre-Assessment KWL Chart Learning Goal 1: I can recognize Students were not graded on how
major components/beliefs of much they knew or could include
the five major world religions. in the different sections of their
charts, but rather their
participation and completion
(having anything written down) of
their first two columns on their
KWL charts.

Check For Understanding/ Chapter 14 Section 1 Multiple Learning Goal 3: I can analyze As a class students were
Formative Assessment Choice Questions (Verbal the impacts that religion has on individually asked to answer
Discussion) people’s behaviors. multiple choice questions about
the reading. They were not graded
on the correctness of their
answers, rather they were graded
on their participation and effort in
answering the questions. This
was factored into their habits of
work grade.

Formative Assessment Chapter 14 Section 1 Opinion Learning Goal 3: I can analyze Students were not assessed on
Questions (Written Answers and the impacts that religion has on the “correctness” of their
Verbal Discussion) people’s behaviors. answers. However, they were
Learning Goal 5: I can form my assessed and graded on
own opinions and back them up completion as well as their ability
with evidence or examples to integrate concepts from the
through both written and verbal reading to support their opinions.
tasks. Students were also assessed on
their participation during the
discussion. Feedback to the
students on their opinion
questions was attached to their
assignments on the google
classroom page.
Assessment Type Tool Learning Goal(s) Scoring Procedure/Feedback

Check For Understanding Chapter 14 Section 2 Reading, Learning Goal 2: I can identify Students were assessed on their
Verbal Discussion the sociological perspectives participation during the
and concepts. discussion. This was factored into
Learning Goal 3: I can analyze their habits of work grade.
the impacts that religion has on
people’s behaviors.
Formative Assessment Does Science Threaten Religion? Learning Goal 5: I can form my Students were not assessed on
Article Questions (Written own opinions and back them up the “correctness” of their
Answers and Verbal Discussion) with evidence or examples answers. However, they were
through both written and verbal assessed and graded on
tasks. completion as well as their ability
to integrate concepts from the
reading to support their opinions.
Students were also assessed on
their participation during the
discussion. Feedback to the
students on their opinion
questions was attached to their
assignments on the google
classroom page.
Formative Assessment Chapter 14 Section 3 Opinion Learning Goal 5: I can form my Students were not assessed on
Questions (Written Answers and own opinions and back them up the “correctness” of their
Verbal Discussion) with evidence or examples answers. However, they were
through both written and verbal assessed and graded on
tasks. completion as well as their ability
to integrate concepts from the
reading to support their opinions.
Students were also assessed on
their participation during the
discussion. Feedback to the
students on their opinion
questions was attached to their
assignments on the google
classroom page.
Assessment Type Tool Learning Goal(s) Scoring Procedure/Feedback

Formative Assessment Danger of Cults Article Questions Learning Goal 4: I can apply the Students were not assessed on
(Written Answers and Verbal sociological concepts and the “correctness” of their
Discussion) perspectives to religious answers. However, they were
extremist groups/cults. assessed and graded on
Learning Goal 5: I can form my completion as well as their ability
own opinions and back them up to integrate concepts from the
with evidence or examples reading to support their opinions.
through both written and verbal Students were also assessed on
tasks. their participation during the
discussion. Feedback to the
students on their opinion
questions was attached to their
assignments on the google
classroom page.

Formative Assessment Short Answer Questions Learning Goal 5: I can form my Students were not assessed on
own opinions and back them up the “correctness” of their
with evidence or examples answers. However, they were
through both written and verbal assessed and graded on
tasks. completion as well as their ability
to integrate concepts from the
reading to support their opinions.
Students were also assessed on
their participation during the
discussion. Feedback to the
students on their opinion
questions was attached to their
assignments on the google
classroom page.
Check For Understanding/ Case Study Discussions on Learning Goal 4: I can apply the Students were assessed on their
Formative Assessment People’s Temple and Tiger King sociological concepts and verbal observations during a class
perspectives to religious discussion about two case
extremist groups/cults. studies of religious cults. Their
participation during this
discussion is factored into their
habits of work grade.
Assessment Type Tool Learning Goal(s) Scoring Procedure/Feedback

Post-Assessment/Self- KWL Chart Final Column Learning Goal 1: I can recognize Students were not graded on how
Assessment/Summative major components/beliefs of much they totally learned or could
Assessment the five major world religions. include in the final section of their
Learning Goal 2: I can identify charts, but rather their
the sociological perspectives participation and completion of it.
and concepts. (Post-Assessment) This counted
Learning Goal 3: I can analyze as a self-assessment of their
the impacts that religion has on learning as well because they
people’s behaviors. could use it to track their learning
Learning Goal 4: I can apply the of the information in the unit. The
sociological concepts and completion of this chart overall
perspectives to religious went into the grade book as a
extremist groups/cults. summative assessment.
Learning Goal 5: I can form my
own opinions and back them up
with evidence or examples
through both written and verbal
Summative Assessment Religious Cult Case Study Learning Goal 3: I can analyze Students were assessed on their
Reports the impacts that religion has on Cult Reports by a rubric and their
people’s behaviors. ability to apply the concepts we
Learning Goal 4: I can apply the learned through the earlier
sociological concepts and readings/formative assessments.
perspectives to religious It counted as a summative
extremist groups/cults. assessment in their grade book.

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