So, ¡Let's Get Into It!

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Andrea:¡Hello everyone!

and welcome My name is María Ramírez

Jennifer: Hi there, my name is Jennifer Jaimes

Andrea: We will talk about How School Trains Us To Fail In The Real World. So, ¡let’s
get into it!

Jennifer: Andrea, what do you think about What has school taught your life and well-being?

Andrea: Well, I reckon that instead of learning life-critical skills, if you ask me about how to
manage money, how to negotiate or how to communicate, I am convinced that children in
school are primarily taught to memorize information. Without considering that these actions
are very useful and necessary for life, to my mind.
Many people believe in these "life" skills are the responsibility of parents to teach their
children, however this is incorrect from my point of view, because not all parents are
qualified to teach these lessons, and many assume that school is "enough learning." I have
strong view on The school system would be a perfect place to learn these indispensable

Jennifer: I’m agreed with you.This view to convince me.

Andrea: Now, Jeniffer after my little intervention I would like to know what you think i
in school support the development for the life and well-being of students?

Jennifer: Yes, In my view that people who have enough life skills flourish. So, meaningful
life is achieved through mental well-being, self-awareness, the skills to appreciate humanity
in others, as well as work towards well-being in one's own community. that is to say ,
Instilled life and well-being skills in school supports mental well-being in children and young
people now and in the future by reducing human suffering.

Andrea: Yes,That's really true Jennifer, what you mention is a general focus problem that
schools have To my mind, This is quite wrong in my opinion, because all students must learn
the practical skills and experience of working and knowing how to function in real life and
daily life.

Jennifer: In adition, I can say that we have a same view about school and its skill and else.
I maintain the idea that school is a very important place to develop different skills and to
prepare for life. Also, at this time the school has been training to focus more on the human
and life side. For example, comparing the curricula, different approaches and forms of
teaching that they are using with those that were used long ago. Therefore, this place is
making capable people.

Thanks Andrea for this little conversation on this topic so important to us, when we have
more time we can continue….
Andrea: In conclusion, I want to leave the following message, because I my views
on remember that there will always be talented authors whose books remain
unknown, superior athletes who never have a chance, and bright people who remain
out of work. life is rarely fair, we need the school to prepare us to fail in the real world
while you can "get out" of school, you only take over life if you give up. And even
better than that, and you don't need the best grades to succeed.

Thank you so much for listening

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