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Based on the formats made by the UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization),
the DepEd at one time prepared the computational techniques or guidelines for educational planning, which will be
discussed in the succeeding parts of the paper.

In the preparation of an educational situational analysis of a given district, division or region, all available data
will be evaluated in terms of the existing policies and national standards. In doing this, educational planners will need
computational techniques to obtain a clear picture and meaning of every available data. Some of the computational
techniques presented and illustrated by the DepEd are the following:

A. Growth Rates
r= × 100
r =0.349× 100
r =34.9≈ 35 %

Average Annual Rate of Growth

a. Calculate the growth each year in the period and thereafter deriving the
arithmetic mean of these growth rates
b. Use the formula

E b−Eo
×100 Where
En =Eo (1+i)n∨i=



t Eo
En =¿enrollment
Where Eo =¿enrollment in the first year of the period
r =¿rate of growth i=¿ average annual rate growth
Eb =¿recent enrollment data available n=¿number of years in the period
Eo =¿enrollment from the previous data available
t=¿number of school years between Eb and Eo

What is the Average Annual Growth Rate of Private Elementary enrollment in the
Example: Philippines from the data in the given table?
The total Private elementary grades enrollment in the Philippines in SY 2016-2017
is 1,999,569 while 1,177,596 in SY 2014-2015.What is the growth of enrollment
Method A
over the period 2014-15 to 2016-17?

Given: 1. Growth 2014-15 to 2015-16 = 1.031 %

r =¿rate of growth 2. Growth 2015-16 to 2016-17 = 0.825 %
Eb =¿1,999,569 3. Average Annual Growth Rate =

Eo =¿1,177,596 1.031+ 0.825

=0.928 %
t=¿2 2
Method B
r= ×100 En =¿1,199,569
Eo =¿1,177,596 i=¿ average annual rate growth from 2010-2015
i=¿ average annual rate growth n=¿number of years in the period (4)

2 1,199,569
−1=0.009286∨0.9286 % ≈ 0.93 %




En =1,955,373(1+0.019297)4
En =1,955,373(1.0795)
En =2,110,729.58 ≈ 2,110,730

Given the average annual rate of growth (i ) and the enrollment in the first ∴ The Estimated Population of Nueva Ecija
year of the period ( Eo ), we can project or estimate the number of enrollees
¿ 2014 is 2,110,730
for the nth year ( En ).

B. Extrapolation (beyond the given periods)

“Extrapolation is an estimation of a value based on extending a known

sequence of values or facts beyond the area that is certainly known.”[1]
D. Rates and Ratios (UNESCO’s definition)
The same formula for the average annual rate growth will be used.
Rates- “stock”
Ratio- “flow”
En =¿enrollment in 2019-2020 “A stock is measured at one specific time, and represents a quantity existing
Eo =¿enrollment in SY 2014-15 (1,177,596) at that point in time.”[2]
i=¿ average annual rate growth (0.009286) “A flow variable is measured over an interval of time.”[2]
n=¿number of years in the period (5) The enrollment ratio will relate the enrollment in a certain school level to the
number of children in the certain age-groups. Since the number of children
En =1,177,596(1+.009286)5 and the enrollment are taken on the same date, this forms a stock indicator.
En =1,177,596(1.0473)
The promotion rate, on the other hand, tells us what promotion proportion of
En =1,233,296.69≈ 1,233,297
the students in Grade I this year are promoted to Grade II next year. A rate
indicates the flow of students between two consecutive years.

E. Some Ratios
C. Interpolation (between the given periods)

“Interpolation is an estimation of a value within two known values in a a. Enrollment Ratio

sequence of values.”[1]
Enrollment at a certain level
Usually Census data are available at 5-year or 10-years intervals. We need of education∈a given year
interpolation to estimate intercensal data (data in between 2 census periods). ¿ ×100
The same formula for the average annual rate growth will be used. age−group∈that year

Enrollment Ratio for the First Level of Education (District of Munoz 2015)
Population of Nueva Ecija in 2010: 1,955,373[4]
Population of Nueva Ecija in 2015: 2,151,461[4] Enrollment at the first level (Grade I-VI): 2846
Population Age Group (7-12): 2914
En =¿Population of Nueva Ecija in 2014
Eo =¿Population of Nueva Ecija in 2010 (1,955,373)
2846 Total recurrent costs of a certain level
Enrollment Ratio= × 100 of education∈a given year
2914 ¿
Enrollment Ratio=97.67 Enrollment at the level∈that year

Philippines 2018
b. Pupil-Teacher Ratio Dep-Ed Budget: 553,310,000,000 [6]
Enrollment at the Elementary Level for 2018(Public):13,301,248(Projected)
Enrollment at a certain
level ∈a given year Recurrent Unit Cost =
¿ 13,301,248
Number of teachers at the Recurrent Unit Cost =41,598,35
same level∈the same year

Pupil-Teacher Ratio at the Elementary Level of Education

(District of Munoz 2015) e. Ratio of Total Educational Expenditures to G.N.P.

Given: “Gross national product (GNP) is an estimate of total value of all the final
Enrollment at the Elementary Level: 2846
Total Number of Teachers at the Elementary Level: 129
products and services turned out in a given period by the means of production
owned by a country's residents.” [3]
Pupil−Teacher Ratio= Total educational expenditures
¿ a given year
¿ ×100
Pupil−Teacher Ratio=22.06 ≈ 22 Gross National Product ( G . N . P . )
∴ OneTeacher is ¿ 22 students ¿ that year

Ratio of Total Educational Expenditures to G. N.P

Philippines: 2018
G.N.P. 2018: P 5,274.531 billion[6]
Total Educational Expenditures: P 553.31 billion[7]
c. Illiteracy Ratio Ratio= ×100
Number of persons illiterate Ratio=0.1049 ×100
Ratio=10.49 %
¿ an age−group
¿ ×100
Total Population∈¿ that age group
F. Some Rates

Illiteracy Ratio (Province of Nueva Ecija 2015)

a. Promotion Rate
Number of Persons Illiterate in age groups 6 years old and over: 34,575

¿ Number of pupils promoted ¿ grade g+1∈ year t+1 ¿

Population in age groups 6 years and over: 305,946
Illiteracy Ratio= ×100
Illiteracy Ratio=11.30 % Promotion Rate From Grade I in 2016 to Grade II 2017
(District of Munoz)
∴ The Illiteracy Ratio of Nueva Ecija∈2015is 11.3 % Given:

Grade I Enrollment in 2016: 550

Number of students promoted to Grade II in 2017: 518
d. Recurrent Unit Costs

“Recurrent costs are those incurred for goods and services consumed in the Promotion Rate= No . of Pupils promoted ¿ Grade II ∈
course of a budget year, and which must be regularly replaced. … Staff ¿
salaries are the most obvious, and often the biggest single item of recurrent 518
cost. … Other payments were defined to include items such as travel and
Promotion Rate= ×100
subsistence expenses, grants, bonuses or subsidies paid to staff.” [5]
Promotion Rate=0.9418 ×100
Promotion Rate=94.18 %
d. Graduation Rate
b. Drop-out Rate
Number of pupils dropping Number of graduates∈¿ Grade VI of a given year
¿ ×1
¿ grade g during year t Number of Grade VI
¿ × 100 enrollment∈the given year
Number of pupils∈¿ grade g∈ year t

Using the forgoing data on Grade VI enrollment and graduates for school
year 2016-2017 the graduation rate is:
Drop-out Rate from Grade IV in 2016 (District of Munoz)
Number of graduates∈¿ Grade VI ∈2016
Given: Graduation Rate=
Number of Grade VI
Grade IV Enrollment 2016 :575 enrollment ∈2016−17
Promoted to Grade V in 2017: 553
Dropped Out: 22 421
22 Graduation Rate= ×100
Drop−out Rate= ×100 427
575 Graduation Rate=0.9859 ×100
Drop−out Rate=3.83 % Graduation Rate=98.59 %

c. Survival Rate Grade VI Graduates

Number of pupils enrolled∈¿ Grade VI ∈a given year e. Completion Rate ¿ ¿ a particular year ×100
¿ × 100 Enrolment ∈Grade I
Number of pupils enrolled∈¿ Grade I six years before
(6 years before)

Consider the following data:

Using the data on Grade I enrollment on school year 2011-2012 and
graduates for school year 2016-2017 the completion rate is:
School Grade GradeII GradeIII Grade GradeV Grade Graduate
Year I IV VI
620 Number of graduates∈¿ Grade VI ∈2016
Completion Rate=
2012−13 534 Number of Grade I
2013−14 530 enrollment ∈2011−12
2014−15 506
2015−16 492 421
Completion Rate= × 100
2016−17 427 421 620
Completion Rate=0.6790 ×100

The Survival Rate of 2011-2012 to 2016-2017 is computed as follows: Completion Rate=67.9 %

Survival Rate ( 2011−12¿2016−17 )

Number of pupils enrolled∈¿ Grade VI ∈2016−17
G. Cohort Analysis
¿ ×100
Number of pupils enrolled∈¿ Grade I six years before(2011−2012)
A cohort is a group of people who share a common characteristic over a
certain period of time. {8]
¿ × 100
620 Cohort analysis is a study that focuses on the activities of a particular cohort.

¿ 0.6887 ×100
Cohort analysis gets more interesting when we compare cohorts over a period
¿ 68.87 % of time. [8]

Cohort analysis allows us to identify relationships between the characteristics

of a population and that population's behavior. [8] [click this to view] (How?)
Consider the data below. Suppose a big central elementary school has 30 classes (5 classes in each
grade, from Grades I-VI). The class-sizes are as follows:
I 104 99 100 115 108 90
II 136 123 111 112 122 121 18 20 22 25 26 28 30 32 33 36
97 136 118 109 117 131 37 38 40 42 43 43 44 45 45 47
47 50 50 50 50 52 53 53 55 55
IV 106 104 131 122 115 127
V 112 117 105 134 127 124
The class-size is an important variable that has to be considered for decisions
VI 126 113 109 113 135 127 regarding the size of the classroom, furniture, teaching methods, and others. If
Gradu the decision-maker has to use 30 different class-sizes, he/she will never be
ate 124 110 109 112 130 127
able to come to decision. He has to look for an indicator which one figure
combines the information of the 30 class-sizes.

Grade 2011-2012 Retenti Such an indicator is the arithmetic mean which represents the average size of
Level Cohort on a class.
Grade I 104
Grade II 123 118%
Grade III 118 113% ∑ of values of
Grade IV 122 117% all observations
Grade V 127 122% Arithmetic Mean=
Number of
Grade VI 127 122% observations
e 127 122%

Arithmetic Mean of class−¿ ¿

We can see that the Grade I enrollees in the S .Y 2011−12
increased up to 18 % when they entered the next Grade level (Grade II),
18+20+22+25+26+ 28+30+32+33
Arithmetic Mean=
and when they Graduated, the total increase from where they started were
22 % . 1209
Now, if we are going to make calculations for all the cohorts, the result will be 30
the graph/table below: ¿ 40.3 ≈ 40

2011- 2012- 2013- 2014- 2015- Average Increase

12 13 14 15 16
Grade I
100 %100 %100 %100 %100 %100 % The arithmetic mean is not the only indicator of central tendency, though it is
118%112%112%106 %112% 112% 12.10 % undoubtly the most frequently used. Actually, there are quite a number of
other indicators which are designed to estimate the central value of a set of
113%110%117 %114 % 114 % 1.52 % observations. Each of these indicators has its own characteristics which can
117 %116 %127 % 120 % 6.54 % make it more or less applicable in a particular case. One of the most
frequently used among other indicators is the median.
122 %125 % 124 % 3.53 %
122 % 122 % −1.57 %
122 % 122 % 0.00 %
3.69 %
The Median of a set of observation is the middle observation, after the
observations have been arranged in order of magnitude. The median is,
From there, educational planners can now come up with projections, therefore, that point in a range of observations above which and below which
decisions and plans from the data analysis that was done. 50 percent if the observations lie.

Number of observations+1
H. Central Tendency
Median= ( 2 )
iff thenumber of observations is odd The story of a scoutmaster who wanted to take his two young scouts across
the river will illustrate the point. The Scoutmaster got the information from a
statistician that the average mean depth of the river was 3 feet .

18 , 20 ,22 , 25 , 26 ,28 , 30 , 32 ,33 He quickly calculated the mean of the heights of his own and that of his two
th scouts. It turned out to be 4 feet . His was 6 feet and his two scouts were
( ) 3 feet each. So, he decided to wade through the river and asked the two
young scouts to follow him.
Median=( 5 )
Median=26 When he had crossed the river, he found the two young scouts were missing.
He later found out from the statistician that the range of the river varied from
1/2 ¿5 feet . At different points the depth of the river was

Median=¿ 1,1,2,3,5,3,1,1/2 feet.

iff thenumber of participants is even The scoutmaster should have not relied on the mere information of the
average mean depth. He should have known first the scattered depth of the
river before he made the decision to cross it.

18 , 20 ,22 , 25 , 26 ,28 , 30 , 32 ,33 , 36 , Similarly, the educational planner should know the dispersion of the
37 , 38 , 40 , 42 , 43 , 43 , 44 , 45 , 45 , 47 , observations so that he may decide to formulate different schemes for
47 ,50 , 50 , 50 ,50 , 52 ,53 , 53 ,55 , 55 different class sizes in rural and urban areas.

Median=¿ Note:
Knowing merely the average mean of given observations is not enough basis
(43+ 43) in making decisions.
2 [ =43 ]
J. Frequency Distribution

In our example of class-sizes, the median is bigger than the mean. Generally, In the preceding section of central tendency, we used an example of class-
mean and median will be different, because the median is less affected by sizes, calculating the mean of class-sizes of a school.
extreme values of observations.
Suppose now that one has data on class-sizes on a region-wide basis. For
Comparison of Mean and Median 15 , 000 classesin the elementary
example: In Region III, there may be

(a) Median is less affected by extreme values. It therefore represents grades which means 15,000 observationof a class-size.
better total set of observations. The mean can be made high or low
by a small number of extreme observations. To make this information useful to the planner, it has to be classified and
(b) Mean is a more useful instrument in statistical inferences because
For this purpose, the Frequency Distribution is used. Class-sizes are grouped
many advanced statistical tests and techniques make use of the
in small ranges and for each range the number of observations within the
mean and not of the median.
range is given.


Less than 11 350 2
We have noticed from the previous discussion that although the arithmetic of 11−15 300 2
the class−¿ 40 , there are classes which may have as many as 16−20 650 4
55∨as few as 18 pupils. This means that the observations range 21−25 1250 8
from 18 ¿ 55 pupils . There are many different indicators of this 26−30 2150 14
dispersion. Range gives the lowest and the highest values of the 31−35 3350 22
observations. Studying the dispersion is necessary. 36−40 2250 17
41−45 1350 9
Range=Highest Value−Lowest Value 46−50 1550 10
51−55 1800 12
Total 15000 100
The “gross area” of a building is the total floor area of the building, measures
on all the floors, of all the spaces within the walls; that is educational areas,
The frequency distributions can also be used to calculate the arithmetic mean. administration spaces, circulation areas, areas of sanitary facilities, living
To do this, the middle value of each group is multiplied with the number of facilities, etc.
observations in the group:

5 x 350=¿1750
13 x 300=¿
3900 “Space standards” is the gross area per place that is agreed nationally to be a
minimum requirement.
18 x 650=¿
23 x 1250=¿
28 x 2150=¿
HOUSE BILL No. 473 [10]
33 x 3350=¿
110550 SECTION 1. Title. This Act shall be known as “ The Public School
38 x 2250=¿
85500 Class Size Law of 2016” [10]
43 x 1350=¿
58050 SECTION 5. Large Class Size. Any class exceeding 35 students up to
a maximum of 50 students shall be considered a large class. In no
48 x 1550=¿
74400 case shall a class size in excess of 50 students be permitted. [10]
53 x 1800=¿
Total 530200

∑ of classess ( middle∨mean )
multiplied by class frequencies
Artithmetic Mean= Floor Area and Gross Area per Place of School Rooms in the Different
Total Number of Observations Types of School Buildings
Type of Floor Floor Area Gross Area Per
530,200 Building Dimensions Place @ 40
¿ Pupils/Room
15,000 Gabaldon Type 7 m . x 9 m. 63 sq . m. 1.575 sq .m .
Army Type 6 m . x 7 m. 42 sq . m. 1.05 sq .m .
¿ 35.35 ≈ 35 Magsaysay 6 m . x 7 m. 42 sq . m. 1.05 sq .m .
Marcos Type 7.30 m. x 6 m.43.8 sq . m. 1.095 sq .m .
K. Computations Relating to Facilities Bagong 6 m . x 8 m. 48 sq . m. 1.2 sq . m .
Lipunan Type
Definitions RP-US 7.95 m. x 6 m.47.7 sq . m . 1.192 sq . m .
“Educational facilities” is a term which includes sites, building and fixed and Type
loose furniture, laboratory rooms, desks, and chairs for classrooms. Other Types 6 m . x 7 m. 42 sq . m. 1.05 sq .m .
Since in our country, we have several types of buildings of different floor areas
It should be noted that the term “educational facilities” does not include as shown in the above table, the capacity of the existing building stock of a
equipment: audio visual aids, laboratory equipment and the like. school, district, division or region will be obtained by dividing the total floor
area of all classroom of the different types of buildings.
Computations relating to facilities are always in terms of individual
pupil/student. This is reflected in the terminology used as “area per Example:
pupil/student” or “area per place”, “cost per pupil/student”, or “cost per place”
and so on. The computations never involve the cost of a classroom or the cost A summary of the year-end report, SY 2016-2017, on the number of
of a laboratory room. elementary school buildings by type of structure and classrooms of Munoz
District the following data:
Thus, if a new school is to be provided, the first question might be asked is
“for how many pupils/students?” rather than “how many classes?”. Type of School Number of Number of Gross
Building Building Classrooms Area
Planning for educational facilities requires first, statistical data on the existing (m2)
building stock. The data required will be of two sorts: first, the capacity of the Gabaldon Type 2 10 630
building stock, and secondly, an assessment of the state of building Army Type 3 6 252
maintenance indicating the proportion of the stock that needs replacement. Magsaysay Type 2 4 168
Marcos Type 15 44 1927.2
The capacity will be obtained by calculating the gross area of the building Bagong Lipunan 0 0 0
stock and dividing it by an agreed space standard. Type
RP-US Bayanihan 2 6 286.2
Other Types 16 55 2310
¿ 400+ 240+160+1760+240+220
Total 40 125 5573.4
¿ 5000 places

Using the following formula: Method 2

Another way of determining the total capacity of the existing building

Method 1 stock is to multiply the number of the existing classrooms by 40 in as
much as that 40 is the national average class size.
Gross Area of Building Stock
Capacity= Capacity=¿
Gross Area per Place
The total capacity of the existing building stock of Munoz District is number of existing classrooms
computed as follows: × standard class ¿ national average class ¿ ¿
630 252 168
Capacity= ( 1.575 )+( 1.05 )+( 1.05 )+( 1927.2
1.095 )+(
1.192 ) +(
¿ 125 × 40
5000) places

For computing for future requirements for classrooms it is best that

the recommended per pupil place of
1.20 sq .m . be used.

For other requirements related to facilities, the following

recommended standards prepared by the Ad Hoc Technical Group of
the DECS School Building Committee could be used.


The cost per place is the cost per pupil/student for the building and
furniture. It is derived by dividing the building and furniture costs by
the number of students/pupils.
The planner attempts to find places for a number of children in school. Some places are available in the existing stock, others may have to be provided either rented
buildings or by adding new classrooms to existing schools or by constructing new schools.


If in a school, the existing stock of buildings can provide places for 5,000 pupils but we desire to accommodate 6,500 pupils at a cost of
P 1,000 per place. What will be the total cost?

Total cost=cost per place× number of places

¿ P 1,000× ( 6,500−5,000 )

¿ P 1,000× 1,500

¿ P 1,500,000


Arcelo, A. A., & Franco, E. A. (1994). Educational planning. Metro Manila, Philippines: National Book Store. Chapter 16. pp 457-474
[4] (Nueva Ecija Census)
[5] Curran, Chris. 1989. "Resource Factors: Recurrent Costs." In UNESCO and International Council for Distance Education, Developments in Distance
Education in Asia: An Analysis of Five Case Studies, pp. 32-37.
[7} (Total Educational Expenditure)
[9] (Cohort Analysis Explained)

Prepared by:
Danika Jade S. Paragas
MS Education in Mathematics
Central Luzon State University

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