Sol2e ELEM Cumulative Test 1-5 B

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Cumulative Test Units 1–5 Test B

Name: ___________________________________________

1 Complete the dialogue using the words in brackets.
Mel Ali? Are you there?
Ali Just a minute! 1________________ (I / listen) to some loud music – I'll turn it down.
That's better. How are you?
Mel Fine thanks! What's new?
Ali Nothing much. 2________________ (I / wait) for Hannah to come round at the moment.
Mel 3__________________ (I / not understand)! You 4________________ (not / like) Hannah!
Ali Yes, I know! But 5________________ (she / help) me with maths and physics this weekend, because
6________________ (I / need) to pass these exams on Monday.
Mel So 7________________ (you / study) all weekend?
Ali Yes – there's a lot to remember!

Mark: ___ /7

2 Choose the correct answers.

1 Please sit down! I ________ see the film very well.
A can't B shouldn't C don't have to
2 Is it a good idea to go to a wedding in jeans? I think you ______________ wear a nice suit.
A can B should C have to
3 Why do we ________ get up early tomorrow?
A can B should C have to
4 The sun here is very strong. You __________ go swimming all day at the beach.
A can't B shouldn't C don't have to
5 ________ you help me write this letter?
A Can B Should C Have to
6 You __________ go climbing without the right equipment.
A can't B shouldn't C don't have to
7 The school gives us our schoolbooks for free, so you _________ pay for them.
A can't B shouldn't C don't have to

Mark: ___ /7

Photocopiable © Oxford University Press Solutions 2nd edition Elementary 1

Cumulative Test Units 1–5 Test B
3 Complete the text with the words below.
quickly hard many never often some
Mike is angry. He says you 1_______ call him. How 2_______ does he call you? Friends are very
important! You can lose them 3_______ if you're not careful. How 4_______ times do you forget to call
him? You study 5_______ at school, but you have to make 6_______ time for your friends!

Mark: ___ /6

4 Choose the correct answers.
1 When do you usually __________ dinner?
A make B do C use
2 'I'd like you to meet my sister's son.' 'You mean he's your __________?
A cousin B nephew C niece
3 Is he wearing a T-shirt under his __________?
A trainer B jacket C shorts
4 I'm not interested in money and markets! I don't want to study __________!
A DT B ICT C economics
5 No controls? No screen? No action? I don't like playing __________.
A video games B board games C Internet
6 Sorry! Rudi can't play basketball because his __________ is painful.
A nose B mouth C shoulder

Mark: ___ /6

5 Complete the sentences with the words below.

athletics awful field government match stomach venue
1 We want to have a New Year party, but it's not easy to find a good __________.
2 Your cousin is in hospital? That's ___________!
3 I need to see a doctor! I've got a pain in my __________!
4 This __________ is only interested in money, not people! I'm not voting for them next time!
5 There is only one more _________ before the final! We can win this competition!
6 There's a lot of water on the playing _________, so we have to use the gym.
7 I can't run very well, so I'm not very keen on __________.

Mark: ___ /7

Photocopiable © Oxford University Press Solutions 2nd edition Elementary 2

Cumulative Test Units 1–5 Test B
6 Complete the letter. Write the words in brackets correctly.
Hello Mum!

I hope you are getting better. Is your back still 1_________ (afilnpu)? I hope your 2_________ (nicedemi) is
helping you and the doctor is giving you some other kinds of 3_________ (nemearttt). I'm really 4________
(drupo) of you, but I don't think you should work 12 hours every day – it's not a very healthy 5_________
(eellstify). You should have more time to 6_________ (aelrx) and enjoy life! And don't forget to eat well too – all
that fast food isn't good for you – you need to have a 7_________ (aabcdeln) diet!

Call me when you have time!



Mark: ___ /7

Use of English
7 Choose the correct answers.
My sister Clare teaches English and a Japanese high school in Nagasaki, on the island of Kyushu. She speaks
Japanese really 1 _________ and she 2 _________ karate in her free time. She loves Japan! I’m really
interested 3 _________ Japanese culture too, like the Japanese comics called manga. This summer, she 4
_________ married to her Japanese boyfriend, Akira, so all my family 5 _________ to the wedding. There aren’t
going to be 6 _________ guests because it’s expensive to fly to Japan. They want to have a 7 _________
wedding, because my sister wants to wear a white wedding dress. However, in a traditional Japanese wedding
the 8 _________ wears a beautiful kimono. And they want to have the 9 _________ on a beach – very 10

1 A badly B carefully C fluently D slowly

2 A does B goes C has D plays
3 A at B in C of D on
4 A gets B getting C is getting D to get
5 A are travelling B travel C travels D travelling
6 A any B many C much D some
7 A boring B hard C interesting D modern
8 A bride B groom C nephew D niece
9 A canteen B ceremony C hall D venue
10 A fun B hard C old-fashioned D romantic

Mark: ___ /10

Photocopiable © Oxford University Press Solutions 2nd edition Elementary 3

Cumulative Test Units 1–5 Test B

8 Listen to the conversation about weekend plans. Are the sentences true or false?
1 Pam and Reece are going to a wedding together. _____
2 Reece doesn't usually wear smart clothes. _____
3 Reece doesn't like colourful clothes. _____
4 Reece wants to buy a shirt and trousers. _____
5 Pam has to pay for Reece's clothes. _____

Mark: ___ /5

9 Read the text.


A Running parties
In some parts of the country, especially where the weather's always good, it's common for groups of friends to
organise running parties. 1_________. They put on sports clothes: trainers, tracksuits, joggers, sweatshirts. They
run through the trees, they climb hills, they jump over rivers and they try not to fall. And when they get back to
their cars, they have a picnic and relax in the fresh air. 2_________.

B Cooking parties
If you don't know how to cook, you should try a cooking party! Once a week, usually at the weekend, a group
of friends meets in someone's kitchen. 3_________. Two of them do the shopping to buy the food, while the
others do the cooking on the day. 4_________. There's only one rule: if they cook very badly, they have to pay
for coffee and sweets for everyone!

C Theme parties
Theme parties are also very fashionable these days. One of my favourites is a film character party. All the guests
dress up as their favourite character from a film, and the others have to guess who they are. Can you imagine
Shrek meeting Darth Vader?! You can try some interesting food, make new friends and have a good time - and
there's usually some good film music to dance to. 5_________.

Match the sentences A–E with the gaps 1–5 in the text.
A Before that, they decide what food to prepare. ____
B But don't forget: your costume should be easy to move around in! ____
C Then they sit down and all enjoy a meal together. ____
D It's a great way to mix exercise, food and friends. ____
E They drive their cars to the starting point and everyone gets ready. ____

Mark: ___ /5
Photocopiable © Oxford University Press Solutions 2nd edition Elementary 4
Cumulative Test Units 1–5 Test B

10 An American student is coming to live with you for three months. Write a welcome letter (90–120
words) to this student. Include:
 Information about your family.
 Information about your school.
 The good and bad things about your town.
 Your typical weekend activities.

Mark: ___ /10

Total: ___/70

Photocopiable © Oxford University Press Solutions 2nd edition Elementary 5

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