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PROBLEM AREAS IN LEGAL ETHICS | ATTY. GCC | “In civilized life, law floats in a sea of ethics.

” -Earl Warren
PROBLEM AREAS IN LEGAL ETHICS as counsel, they were made fully aware of the pertinent facts and
Consent and written conformity was obtained after full disclosure of the
REPRESENTATION OF CONFLCIITNG INTERESTS facts of the case. They even submitted a verified written manifestation
of conformity to show proof that the respondent was hired with their
Ocampo-Ingcoco v. Yrreverre, Jr. approval.
A.C. No. 5480
September 29, 2003 One of the recognized exceptions to the rule against a lawyer's
representation of clients with conflicting interests is where the
Doctrine: One of the recognized exceptions to the rule against a clients knowingly consent to the dual representation after the
lawyer's representation of clients with conflicting interests is where the prospective counsel makes full disclosure of the facts to the
clients knowingly consent to the dual representation after the parties.
prospective counsel makes full disclosure of the facts to the parties.

FACTS: 2. Yes, respondent is guilty for violation of notarial law.

 Leilani Ocampo-Ingcoco and Baltazar D. Ocampo filed an
administrative complaint before the Court charging Section 1 of Public Act No. 2103 provides:
respondent Atty. Alejandro G. Yrreverre, Jr. for "unethical
and unprofessional conduct in violation of his duty as a (a) The acknowledgment shall be made before a notary public or
lawyer. an officer duly authorized by law of the country to take
 Complainants alleged that respondent notarized a falsified acknowledgments of instruments or documents in the place
Deed of Absolute Sale involving a parcel of land then where the act is done. The notary public or the officer taking
registered under the name of their parents, Pacita and the instrument or document is known to him and that he is
Hermilindo Ocampo. The alleged vendee, Rosita S. Billones, the same person who executed it, and acknowledged that the
falsified their father's signature and caused the notarization same is his free act and deed. The certificate shall be made
of the deed before the respondent. under his official seal, if he is by law required to keep a seal,
 Respondent's illegal act of notarizing the said deed without and if not, his certificate shall so state.
the parties thereto appearing before him was compounded by
the fact that he even placed a Community Tax Certificate Notary public should not notarize a document unless the persons who
(CTC) Number, which was not issued to Pacita, but to a signed the same are the very same persons who executed and
certain Edelia M. Balingan. As a consequence of the personally appeared before the said notary public to attest to the
respondent's acts, Rosita Billones and her husband were able contents and truth of what are stated therein. The defense of the
to transfer the subject property in their names despite the respondent that he acted in good faith, and had no knowledge that Mr.
non-payment of the purchase price. Old TCT was thus Ocampo, the other party to the document, was already deceased, is of
cancelled, and a new TCT was issued in the name of the no merit.
Billones Spouses.
 Complainants later learned that the respondent apparently When the respondent notarized the Deed of Absolute Sale without
had a personal interest in the subject property, as it was later ascertaining that the vendors-signatories thereto were the very same
mortgaged to JCY Loans and Mortgage, Inc., a company persons who executed it and personally appeared before him to attest
owned by the respondent, and for whom the latter also acted to the truth of what were stated therein, he undermined the confidence
as legal counsel. Rosita Billones secured a loan from JCY Loan of the public on notarial documents and thereby breached Canon I of
and Mortgage, Inc. and used the subject property as the Code of Professional Responsibility which requires lawyers
collateral. to uphold the Constitution, obey the laws of the land and
 Pacita, filed a civil case for nullification of the deed of sale and promote respect for the law and legal processes, and Rule 1.01
reconveyance of title to real property. Respondent then thereof which proscribes lawyers from engaging in unlawful,
entered his appearance as counsel for the Billones dishonest, immoral or deceitful conduct. In acknowledging that
Spouses.The complainants also filed a criminal case for estafa the parties personally came and appeared before him, the respondent
through falsification against the Billones. also made an untruthful statement, thus violating Rule 10.01
 Complainants further alleged that the respondent, of the Code of Professional Responsibility and his oath as a
although acting as counsel for the Billones Spouses in lawyer that he shall do no falsehood.Moreover, he opens himself
the said civil case, also acted as counsel for JCY Loans to prosecution for falsification of a public document.
and Mortgage, Inc., which had earlier filed a civil case
against the same spouses. The respondent also entered Penalty: Notary Public Revoked; Supended from the practice of law for
his appearance as counsel for JCY Loans and 6 months
Mortgage, Inc., which moved to intervene in the civil
case. According to the complainants, such act of the
respondent was unprofessional and unethical, as he
counseled for parties with conflicting interests.
San Jose Homeowners Association, Inc. V. Romanillos
A.C. No. 5580
ISSUES: June 15, 2005
1. Whether or not respondent is representing clients with
conflicting interests. (NO) FACTS:
2. Whether or not respondent’s act of notarizing a deed without In 1985, respondent Romanillos (“RESPONDENT”) represented San
requiring the parties to be present to attest to the truth of the Jose Homeowners Association, Inc. (“SJHAI”) before the Human
matters constitutes a breach of notarial law. (YES) Settlements Regulation Commission (HSRC) in a case against Durano
and Corp., Inc. (DCI) for violation of the Subdivision and Condominium
Buyer's Protection Act (P.D. No. 957). SJHAI alleged that Lot No. 224
RULING: was designated as a school site in the subdivision plan that DCI
1. No conflict of interest. submitted to the Bureau of Lands in 1961 but was sold by DCI to
spouses Durano without disclosing it as a school site.
Respondent cannot be held liable for representing conflicting interests
in acting as defense counsel for the Billiones Spouses in the civil case FIRST DISBARMENT CASE
while acting as counsel for defendant-intervenor JCY Loans and While still the counsel for SJHAI, respondent represented
Mortgage, Inc. in the same case. The evidence presented by the Myrna and Antonio Montealegre in requesting for SJHAI's
respondent shows that when the Billones Spouses secured his services conformity to construct a school building on Lot No. 224 to be
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PROBLEM AREAS IN LEGAL ETHICS | ATTY. GCC | “In civilized life, law floats in a sea of ethics.” -Earl Warren
purchased from Durano. When the request was denied, respondent is still connected to the judiciary, a more severe penalty shall be
applied for clearance before the Housing and Land Use imposed on him by the Commission.
Regulatory Board (HLURB) in behalf of Montealegre. SHJAI’s
Board of Directors then terminated respondent's services as counsel IBP BOARD OF GOVERNORS
and engaged another lawyer to represent the association. It approved with modification from 4 months to six (6) months of
suspension. It considered that the respondent is in violation of Rule
Moreover, respondent also acted as counsel for Lydia 1.01 and Rule 3.01 of the Code of Professional Responsibility (CPR). It
Durano-Rodriguez who substituted for DCI in Civil Case No. goes with a WARNING that should he violate his undertaking/promise a
18014 entitled "San Jose Homeowners, Inc. v. Durano and Corp., Inc." more severe penalty shall be imposed against him.
filed before the RTC of Makati City. With this, SJHAI filed a disbarment
case against respondent for representing conflicting interests,
docketed as Administrative Case No. 4783. ISSUES:
1. Whether or not, the respondent is guilty of representing
The Investigating Commissioner found the following: 2. Whether or not the respondent should be liable for the
continuous use of the title “judge”.
1. Respondent failed to observe candor and fairness in dealing with his
clients, knowing fully well that the Montealegre case was adverse
to SJHAI wherein he had previously been Corporate Secretary having RULING:
access to all its confidential documents or otherwise and its counsel in First Issue: YES.
handling the implementation of the Writ of Execution against its
developer and owner, DCI. The respondent undoubtedly represented the inconsistent
interests of SJHAI, DCI as substituted by Lydia Durano-Rodriguez and
2. Respondent acted as counsel for the substituted defendant Lydia the Montealegres. The former was admonished yet he continued to
Durano-Rodriguez; the conflict of interest between the latter and SJHAI represent Durano-Rodriguez against SJHAI. Also, it is inconsequential
became so revealing yet, respondent proceeded to represent the that petitioner never questioned the propriety of respondent's
former. continued representation of Lydia Durano-Rodriguez. The lack of
3. opposition does not mean tacit consent. As long as the lawyer
The Investigating Commissioner recommended dismissal of the represents inconsistent interests of two (2) or more opposing
complaint with the admonition that respondent should observe clients, he is guilty of violating his oath and the CPR.
extra care and diligence in the practice of his profession to uphold its
dignity and integrity beyond reproach. Specifically, the respondent violated Rule 15.03 of the CPR which
mandates that “a lawyer shall not represent conflicting interests
IBP BOARD OF GOVERNORS except by written consent of all concerned given after a full
It adopted and approved the report and recommendation of the disclosure.” It is also misleading for respondent to insist that he was
Investigating Commissioner through a Resolution dated March 8, 1999. exonerated in A.C. No. 4783.


However, despite the admonition, respondent continued
representing Lydia Durano-Rodriguez before the Court of Appeals The Supreme Court (SC) agreed with the IBP that respondent's
and this Court and even moved for the execution of the decision. With continued use of the title "Judge" violated Rules 1.01 and 3.01
this, a second disbarment case was filed against respondent for of the CPR prohibiting a lawyer from engaging in deceitful conduct and
violation of the March 8, 1999 Resolution in A.C. No. 4783 and from using any misleading statement or claim regarding qualifications
for his alleged deceitful conduct in using the title "Judge" or legal services.
although he was found guilty of grave and serious misconduct.
The quasi-judicial notice he posted in the billboards referring to himself
RESPONDENT’S COMMENT AND EXPLANATION: as a judge is deceiving. It was a clear attempt to mislead the public into
1. The respondent claimed that he continued to represent Lydia believing that the order was issued in his capacity as a judge when he
Durano-Rodriguez against petitioner despite the March 8, 1999 was dishonorably stripped of the privilege. Respondent did not
Resolution because it was still pending when the second honorably retire from the judiciary. During the pendency of
disbarment case was filed. He maintained that the instant Zarate vs. Judge Romanillos case, he resigned from being a judge,
petition is a rehash of the first disbarment case from which he where he was eventually found guilty of grave and serious
was exonerated. misconduct and would have been dismissed from the service had
he not resigned. In that case, respondent was found guilty of illegal
2. As to the use of title “Judge,” respondent stated, that since the filing solicitation and receipt of P10,000.00 from a party litigant. He was given
of the instant petition he had ceased to attach the title to his the supreme penalty of dismissal.
A judge who resigned from office prior to the effectivity of his dismissal
IBP’S INVESTIGATION, REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION. shall be FORFEITED of all leave and retirement benefits and
1. The Investigating Commissioner reported that respondent did not privileges to which herein respondent Judge may be entitled WITH
violate the admonition because it referred to future cases only PREJUDICE to reinstatement and/or reemployment in any branch or
and not to cases subject of A.C. No. 4783. Besides, petitioner never instrumentality of government, including government-owned or
questioned the propriety of respondent's continued representation of controlled agencies or corporations. Undoubtedly, the use of the title
Lydia Durano-Rodriguez on appeal until the case was terminated. 'Judge' is one of such privileges, which should be reserved only to
judges, incumbent and retired, and not to those who were dishonorably
2. The Investigating Commissioner believed that respondent was discharged from the service. As correctly pointed out by the
deceitful when he used the title "Judge", which created a false Investigating Commissioner, the right to retain and use said title applies
impression that he was an incumbent. only to the aforementioned members of the bench and no other, and
certainly not to those who were removed or dismissed from the
3. The Investigating Commissioner recommended the minimum judiciary, such as respondent.
penalty of reprimand to a maximum penalty of four (4) months
suspension. Also, a stern warning shall be given to respondent in that, Considerably, this is not respondent's first infraction as an officer of the
should he violate his undertaking/promise not to handle any case in the Court and a member of the legal profession:
future where the SJHAI would be the adverse party and/or should he
again use the title of "Judge" which would create an impression that he 1. He was stripped of his retirement benefits and other privileges in
Zarate v. Judge Romanillos.

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PROBLEM AREAS IN LEGAL ETHICS | ATTY. GCC | “In civilized life, law floats in a sea of ethics.” -Earl Warren
All the cases in the second set were included in the first one, for which
2. In A.C. No. 4783, he got off lightly with just an admonition. he had filed the subject Motion to Dismiss. Furthermore, in his position
With respondent’s previous infractions, his disbarment is consequently paper for the complainants, Atty. Arquillo protected his other client,
warranted and his name is ordered stricken from the Roll of Respondent Jose C. Castro, in these words:
“More than lack of valid cause for the
dismissal of complainants, respondents, except
Atty. Jose C. Castro and Atty. Ernesto B.
Asuncion, should be made accountable for not
according complainants their right to due
Northwestern Univ., Inc. V. Arquillo process."
A.C. No. 6632 In his two-page Motion for Reconsideration, Atty. Arquillo claims that
August 02, 2005 there was no conflict of interest in his representation of both the
respondent and the complainants in the same consolidated cases,
DOCTRINE: Representing conflicting interests is prohibited by because all of them were allegedly on the same side. Attaching to the
the Code of Professional Responsibility. Unless all the affected clients' Motion the Decision of Labor Arbiter Norma C. Olegario on the
written consent is given after a full disclosure of all relevant facts, consolidated NLRC cases, Atty. Arquillo theorizes that her judgment
attorneys guilty of representing conflicting interests shall as a rule be absolved Castro of personal liability for the illegal dismissal of the
sanctioned with suspension from the practice of law. complainants; this fact allegedly showed that there was no conflict in
the interests of all the parties concerned.

FACTS: This Court does not agree. Atty. Arquillo's acts cannot be justified by the
fact that, in the end, Castro was proven to be not personally liable for
Northwestern University, Inc. and Mr. Ben A. Nicolas (COMPLAINANTS) the claims of the dismissed employees. Having agreed to represent one
accused Atty. Macario D. Arquillo (RESPONDENT) of engaging of the opposing parties first, the lawyer should have known that there
in conflicting interest in a case before the National Labor Relations was an obvious conflict of interests, regardless of his alleged belief that
Commission. they were all on the same side. It cannot be denied that the dismissed
employees were the complainants in the same cases in which Castro
Complainant alleges that in a consolidated case, herein respondent was one of the respondents. Indeed, Commissioner Funa correctly
appeared and acted as counsels for both complainants (eight out of the enounced:
eighteen complainants therein) and respondent (one out of the ten
respondents therein). "As counsel for complainants,
[r]espondent had the duty to
Respondent failed to file his Answer to the Complaint despite a June 24 oppose the Motion to Dismiss filed by Jose G.
1998 Order of the IBP-CBD directing him to do so. Even after receiving Castro. But under the circumstance, it would be
five notices, he failed to appear in any of the scheduled hearings. impossible since [r]espondent is also the counsel
Consequently, he was deemed to have waived his right to participate in of Jose G. Castro. And it appears that it was
the proceedings. [r]espondent who prepared the Motion to
Dismiss, which he should be opposing [a]s
Thereafter, the complainants were ordered to submit their verified counsel of Jose G. Castro, Respondent had the
position paper with supporting documents, after which the case was to duty to prove the Complaint wrong. But
be deemed submitted for decision. In their Manifestation dated August Respondent cannot do this because he is the
30, 2004, they said that they would no longer file a position paper. They counsel for the complainants. Here lies the
agreed to submit the case for decision on the basis of their inconsistency. The inconsistency of
Letter-Affidavit together with all the accompanying documents. interests is very clear.
In his Report, Commissioner Dennis B. Funa found respondent guilty of The IBP Board of Governors recommended that respondent be
violating the conflict-of-interests rule under the Code of Professional suspended from the practice of law for two years. Considering, however,
Responsibility. Thus, the former recommended the latter's suspension prior rulings in cases also involving attorneys representing conflicting
from the practice of law for a period of six (6) months. interests, we reduce the suspension to one (1) year.
The Board of Governors of the IBP adopted the Report and WHEREFORE, Atty. Macario D. Arquillo is found GUILTY of
Recommendation of Commissioner Funa, with the modification that the misconduct and is hereby SUSPENDED from the practice of law for a
period of suspension was increased to two (2) years. period of one (1) year.
On January 20, 2005, respondent filed a Motion for Reconsideration to
set aside the resolution. The IBP denied the Motion.

When a lawyer represents two or more opposing parties, there is a

ISSUE: conflict of interests, the existence of which is determined by three
separate tests:
Whether or not Atty. Arquillo is guilty of misconduct for representing
conflicting interest. (1) when, in representation of one client, a lawyer is required to fight
for an issue or claim, but is also duty-bound to oppose it for another
(2) when the acceptance of the new retainer will require an attorney to
An attorney cannot represent adverse interests. It is a hornbook perform an act that may injuriously affect the first client or, when called
doctrine grounded on public policy that a lawyer's representation of upon in a new relation, to use against the first one any knowledge
both sides of an issue is highly improper. The proscription applies when acquired through their professional connection; or
the conflicting interests arise with respect to the same general matter,
(3) when the acceptance of a new relation would prevent the full
however slight such conflict may be. It applies even when the attorney
discharge of an attorney's duty to give undivided fidelity and loyalty to
acts from honest intentions or in good faith.
the client or would invite suspicion of unfaithfulness or double dealing in
In the present case, Atty. Macario D. Arquillo, as counsel for the performance of that duty.
Respondent Jose C. Castro in NLRC Cases, filed a Motion to Dismiss
those cases. Shortly thereafter, a position paper was filed by Atty.
Arquillo as counsel for several complainants in consolidated NLRC Cases.
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PROBLEM AREAS IN LEGAL ETHICS | ATTY. GCC | “In civilized life, law floats in a sea of ethics.” -Earl Warren
agency QRMSI and when he conferred with the brother of Quiambao to
Quiambao v. Bamba organize SESSI. Suspended for 1 year. This was adopted by the IBP
A.C. No. 6708 Board of Governors but reduced it to a mere stern reprimand.
August 25, 2005

Whether or not Atty. Bamba is guilty of misconduct for representing
Felicitas S. Quiambao (QUIAMBAO) charges Atty. Nestor A. Bamba conflicting interests in contravention of the basic tenets of the legal
(ATTY. BAMBA) for violating the CPR for representing conflicting profession.
interests when the latter filed a case against her while he was at that
time representing her in another case (ejectment), and for committing
other acts of disloyalty and double-dealing. RULING:
Quiambao was the President and managing director of Allied
Investigation Bureau Inc. (AIB) a family owned corporation engaged in Rule 15.03, Canon 5 of the CPR provides:
providing security and investigation services. "A lawyer shall not represent conflicting interests except by
written consent of all concerned given after a full disclosure

She avers that she procured the legal services of Atty. Bamba not only This prohibition is founded on principles of public policy and good taste.
for the corporate affairs of AIB but also for her personal case, in an The lawyer learn all facts connected to the client’s case, weak and
ejectment case filed by Quiambao against Sps. Torroba and she paid strong points. The relationship is, one of trust and confidence of the
him for Attorney’s fees. highest degree. This is not only to inviolate client’s confidence but also
to avoid the appearance of treachery and double dealing.
6 months after she resigned as AIB president, Atty. Bamba filed on
behalf of AIB a complaint for replevin and damages against her Tests if there is conflict of interests;
for the purpose of recovering from her the car of AIB assigned to her as
a service vehicle. This he did without withdrawing as counsel of 1. whether a lawyer is duty-bound to fight for an issue or claim
record in the ejectment case, which was then still pending. in behalf of one client and, at the same time, to oppose that
claim for the other client.
For acts of disloyalty and double dealing. She avers that Atty. Bamba So, if a lawyer's argument for one client has to be opposed by
proposed to her that she organize her own security agency and that he that same lawyer in arguing for the other client, there is a
would assist her in its organization, causing her to resign as president of violation of the rule. or
AIB. That Atty. Bamba assisted her in another security agency (QRMSI), 2. whether the acceptance of new relation would prevent the
registered under Quiambao’s name and Atty. Bamba as silent partner full discharge of the lawyer's duty of undivided fidelity and
(this was denied by Atty. Bamba). The latter was paid attorney's fees for loyalty to the client or invite suspicion of unfaithfulness or
his legal services in organizing and incorporating QRMSI. double-dealing in the performance of that duty, or
3. whether the lawyer would be called upon in the new relation
While serving as legal counsel for AIB and a "silent partner" of QRMSI, to use against a former client any confidential information
he convinced Quiambao’s brother to organize another security acquired through their connection or previous employment.
agency, San Esteban Security Services, Inc. (SESSI) where he
(the Atty. Bamba) served as its incorporator, director, and The proscription against representation of conflicting interests applies
president. (this was denied by Atty. Bamba saying it was the brother to a situation where the opposing parties are present clients in the
and his wife who has effective control over SESSI) same action or in an unrelated action.

The brother and Atty. Bamba then illegally diverted the funds of AIB to ITC, Atty. Bamba filed the replevin case on behalf of AIB he
fund the incorporation of SESSI, and likewise planned to eventually was still the counsel of record of the complainant in the
close down the operations of AIB and transfer the business to SESSI. pending ejectment case.

His representation of opposing clients in both cases, though unrelated,

ATTY. BAMBA’S SIDE: obviously constitutes conflict of interest or, at the least, invites suspicion
of double-dealing.
He admits that he represented the Quiambao in the ejectment case and
later represented AIB in the replevin case against her. While Atty. Bamba may assert that the complainant expressly
consented to his continued representation in the ejectment
However, he denies that he was the "personal lawyer" of the case, the respondent failed to show that he fully disclosed the
Quiambao, and that he was made to believe that it was part of his facts to both his clients and he failed to present any written
function as counsel for AIB to handle even the "personal cases" of its consent of the complainant and AIB as required under Rule
officers. 15.03, Canon 15 of the CPR.

That the ejectment case and the replevin case are unrelated cases Neither can we accept respondent's plea that he was duty-bound to
involving different issues and parties and, therefore, the privilege handle all the cases referred to him by AIB, including the personal cases
information gathered from one case would have no use in the other. of its officers which had no connection to its corporate affairs.

That it was Quiambao who insisted that he stay as her counsel despite They have the right to decline such employment, subject, however, to
the perceived differences among her, her brother, and AIB over the Canon 14 of the CPR. Although there are instances where lawyers
motor vehicle subject of the replevin case. cannot decline representation, they cannot be made to labor under
conflict of interest between a present client and a prospective one.
He serves AIB and SESSI in different capacities: as legal counsel of the
former and as president of the latter purchasing 800 shares. Atty. Bamba alleges that, he was invited to join QRMSI but he
"vehemently refused to join them due to his perception of conflicting
Investigating Commissioner: interest as he was then (and still is at present) the Legal Counsel" of AIB,
which is also a security agency. However, later allowed himself to
Found Atty. Bamba guilty of respresenting conflicting interests. He was become an incorporator, stockholder, and president of SESSI, which is
her counsel in an ejectment case and as legal cpunsel of AIB in replevin also a security agency.
case filed against her (Quiambao). That He was still the legal counsel of
IAB when he advised Quiambao on the incorporation of another security

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PROBLEM AREAS IN LEGAL ETHICS | ATTY. GCC | “In civilized life, law floats in a sea of ethics.” -Earl Warren
He justified his acts claiming that he is serving with different capacities. Thereafter, Sps. Jalbuena was sued by PRC for estafa, and the
As an in-house legal counsel of AIB, protecting the legal rights and respondent represented the Sps. Jalbuena before the city Prosecutor of
interest of the corporation; hearing on violations of company rules and Bacolod. In his contention the respondent said there is a retainership
regulations of their office employees and security guards; and agreement between them and Mr. Jalbuena and that he cannot refuse.
representing the corporation in any litigation for or against it. And as a A case was filed against the respondent, due to conflict of interest to his
president of Sessi, serving in the operational aspects of clients and for not releasing the significant documents which belongs to
business. That Quiambao not being a stockholder of AIB and SESSI Mrs. Jalandoni or PRC and which was allegedly used for the benefit or
has no right to question the conflict of interest in serving 2 security advantage of Sps. Jalbuena in the case filed against them by PRC.

The proscription against representation of conflicting interests finds ISSUE:

application where the conflicting interests arise with respect to the Whether or not there is conflict of interest in the cases represented and
same general matter however slight the adverse interest may be. It handled by Atty. Villarosa.
applies even if the conflict pertains to the lawyer's private
activity or in the performance of a function in a
non-professional capacity. RULING:
An important criterion is probability, not certainty, of conflict to
determine if there is conflict of interest. Rule 15.03 provides that a lawyer shall not represent conflicting
interests except by written consent of all concerned given after a full
Since the respondent has financial or pecuniary interest in SESSI, which disclosure of the facts.
is engaged in a business competing with his client's, and, more It is only upon strict compliance with the condition of full disclosure of
importantly, he occupies the highest position in SESSI, one cannot help facts that a lawyer may appear against his client; OW, his
entertaining a doubt on his loyalty to his client AIB. (PASSES THE 2ND representation of conflicting interests is reprehensible. Conflict of
TEST). interest may be determined in this manner:

The close relationship of the majority stockholders of both companies  if the acceptance of the new retainer will require the attorney
does not negate the conflict of interest. Neither does his protestation to do anything which will injuriously affect his client in any
that his shareholding in SESSI is "a mere pebble among the sands." matter in which he represents him and also whether he will
be called upon in his new relation, to use against his first
It must be noted that Republic Act No. 5487, otherwise known as client any knowledge acquired through their connection.
the Private Security Agency Law, prohibits a person from  whether the acceptance of a new relation will prevent an
organizing or having an interest in more than one security attorney from the full discharge of his duty of undivided
agency. fidelity and loyalty to his client or invite suspicion of
unfaithfulness or double-dealing in the performance thereof
Thus, in organizing SESSI, Atty. Bamba violated Rule 1.02, Canon 1 of (cases in which the opposing parties are present
the CPR, which mandates lawyers to promote respect for the law and clients either in the same action or in a totally
refrain from counseling or abetting activities aimed at defiance of the unrelated case)
law. The Supreme Court suspended Atty. Bamba for 1 year from the  whether he will be called upon in his new relation to use
practice of law. against his first client any knowledge acquire in the previous
employment. (cases where the adverse party against
whom the attorney appears is his former client in a
matter which is related, directly or indirectly, to the
present controversy)
Lim, Jr. V. Villarosa
A.C. No. 5303 This rule on conflict of interests covers not only cases in which
June 15, 2006 confidential communications have been confided but also those in
which no confidence has been bestowed or will be used.
Atty. Villarosa (respondent) was the lawyer of Lumot A. Jalandoni, The rule prohibits a lawyer from representing new clients whose
Chairman or President of Penta Resorts Corporation (PRC). Mrs. interests oppose those of a former client in any manner, whether or not
Jalandoni has two sons-in-law, Dennis G. Jalbuena married to her they are parties in the same action or in totally unrelated cases.
daughter, Carmen J. Jalbuena, and complainant Humberto C. Lim Jr.,
married to her daughter, Cristina J. Lim. ITC, the cases directly or indirectly involved the parties’ connection to
PRC, even if neither PRC nor Lumot A. Jalandoni was specifically named
Mrs. Jalandoni organized a corporation namely the Penta Resorts as party-litigant in some of the cases mentioned.
Corporation (PRC) where she owned almost ninety seven percent
(97%). In reality, Penta Resorts Corporation is a single proprietorship An attorney owes to his client undivided allegiance. After being retained
belonging to Mrs. Jalandoni. The only property of the corporation is the and receiving the confidences of the client, he cannot, without the free
Alhambra Hotel, constructed solely through the effort of the spouses and intelligent consent of his client, act both for his client and for one
Jalbuena on that parcel of land. whose interest is adverse to, or conflicting with that of his client in the
same general matter. The prohibition stands even if the adverse
Respondent represented Mrs. Jalandoni in a civil case. Utmost trust and interest is very slight; neither is it material that the intention
confidence were reposed on him, hence delicate and confidential and motive of the attorney may have been honest.
matters involving all the personal circumstances of his client were
entrusted to the him. Respondent was provided with all the necessary Even respondents alleged effort to settle the existing controversy
information relative to the property in question and on legal matters among the family members was improper because the written consent
affecting PRC particularly involving problems which affect Hotel of all concerned was still required. A lawyer who acts as such in settling
Alhambra. Respondent was privy to all transactions and affairs of the a dispute cannot represent any of the parties to it.
As to Atty. Villarosa’s withdrawal, a lawyer shall withdraw his
Respondent handled the entire case and also presented Mrs. Jalandoni services only for good cause and upon notice appropriate in the
as a witness, eventually respondent filed a motion to withdraw as circumstances.
counsel for Mrs. Jalandoni without any approval or knowledge form the
said client, which resulted to irreparable injury to Mrs. Jalandoni A lawyer who desires to retire from an action without the written
because it suffered unexpected defeat. consent of his client must file a petition for withdrawal in court. He must
serve a copy of his petition upon his client and the adverse party at least

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PROBLEM AREAS IN LEGAL ETHICS | ATTY. GCC | “In civilized life, law floats in a sea of ethics.” -Earl Warren
three days before the date set for hearing, otherwise the court may Lawyers are deemed to represent conflicting interests when, on behalf
treat the application as a "mere scrap of paper." of one client, it is their duty to contend for that which duty to another
client requires them to oppose. The proscription against representation
ITC, respondent made no such move. He admitted that he withdrew as of conflicting interest applies to a situation where the opposing parties
counsel on April 26, 1999, which withdrawal was supposedly approved are present clients in the same action or in an unrelated action.
by the court on April 28, 1999. The conformity of Mrs. Jalandoni was
only presumed by Atty. Villarosa because of the appearance of Atty. The Court noted that by Sanchez’s own admission, Paz and Dizon were
Alminaza in court, supposedly in his place. both his clients at the time when he filed the DARAB case on behalf of
Dizon. Likewise, Sanchez did not specifically deny that he represented
The appearance of Atty. Alminaza in fact was not even to substitute for conflicting interests, that he merely offered to justify his actuations by
respondent but to act as additional counsel. stating that he felt it was his “duty and responsibility” to file the case.

Respondent should not have presumed that his motion to withdraw as Good faith and honest intentions do not excuse the violation of this
counsel would be granted by the court. Yet, he stopped appearing as prohibition. In representing both complainant and Dizon, respondent's
Mrs. Jalandoni's counsel beginning April 28, 1999, the first hearing date. duty of undivided fidelity and loyalty to his clients was placed under a
No order from the court was shown to have actually granted his motion cloud of doubt. In the eyes of the Court, Sanchez should have inhibited
for withdrawal. himself from representing Dizon against Paz in the DARAB and RTC
cases to avoid conflict of interest.
The fact That Mrs. Jalandoni continued with Atty. Alminaza's
professional engagement on her behalf despite respondent's withdrawal WHEREFORE, the Court finds respondent Atty. Pepito A. Sanchez
did not absolve the latter of the consequences of his unprofessional GUILTY of violating Rule 15.03 of the Code of Professional
conduct, specially in view of the conflicting interests already discussed. Responsibility. The Court SUSPENDS respondent from the practice of
Wherefore, Atty. Villarosa is found GUILTY of violating Canon 15 and law for ONE YEAR and WARNS respondent that the commission of a
Canon 22 of the Code of Professional Responsibility and is SUSPENDED similar act in the future will merit a more severe penalty.
from the practice of law for one (1) year.

Capinpin, Jr. V. Cesa, Jr.

A.C. No. 6933
Paz v. Sanchez July 05, 2017
A.C. No. 6125
September 19, 2006 FACTS:

FACTS: Complainant (Capinpin Jr.) executed a real estate mortgage on 2 of his

This is a disbarment complaint filed by Simon D. Paz (Paz) against Atty. two lots in favor of Family Lending Corporation (FLC) as security for a
Pepito A. Sanchez (Pepito) for representing conflicting interests and loan amounting to PhP5 Million with interest at two percent (2%) per
violation of the lawyer's oath. month. FLC through its President, Dr. Malaya initiated foreclosure
proceedings due to default in payment. Complainant availed of several
Simon Paz and his partners engaged the services of Atty. Sanchez to legal remedies, but the auction sale still proceeded. For these cases,
assist them in the purchase and documentation of such purchase of FLC engaged respondent Cesa’s legal services.
several parcels of land from tenant farmers in Pampanga as well as
defend Paz’s claim on the properties against the claim of George Lizares. Complaint:
On May 2000 after the termination of their lawyer-client relationship, - Alleged that during the proceedings, Cesa approached
Sanchez filed a complaint before the Department of Agrarian Reform complainant to negotiate the deferment of the auction sale
Board (DARAB) on behalf of Isidro Dizon (Dizon) for annulment of TCT and the possible settlement of the loan obligation.
No. 420127-R in the name of Paz and his partners. - Cesa allegedly represented himself as being capable of
influencing the sheriff to defer the auction sale, as well as his
Paz then explained that the subject property was among the properties client FLC through Dr. Malaya to accept the amount of PhP7
purchased by them with Sanchez’s assistance. Later on June 23, 2003, Million to fully settle the loan obligation.
Sanchez filed a civil case against Paz and Sycamore Venture Corp.
before the RTC, San Fernando, Pampanga for annulment of TCT No. Respondent’s Contention:
483629-R while the DARAB case was pending. - Cesa denied the allegations and alleged that it was
complainant who asked for his help to be given more time to
With that, Paz filed the administrative complaint alleging conflict of raise funds to pay the loan obligation and that Cesa
interests and use of malicious machination in the filing of the DARAB communicated said request to FLC.
case. - That the payments alleged in the complaint are advance
payments of his Attorney’s Fees, as evidenced by a Letter
IBP’s findings and recommendation: signed by complainant and addressed to FLC thru Dr. Malaya
Commissioner San Juan found Sanchez guilty of violating the prohibition in which complainant expressly stated that he will negotiate
against representing conflicting interests. The IBP Board of Governors for the payment of respondent’s fees as FLC’s counsel.
adopted the findings of Commissioner San Juan and recommended
imposition of ONE YEAR SUSPENSION from the practice of law as a IBP Findings
penalty. - Suspended Cesa for 1 year for violation of Canon 15.03, for
representing conflicting interests, and Canon 16.01, for not
accounting the money received from Capinpin in favor of FLC.
Whether or not Sanchez represented conflicting interests when he later
represented Isidro Dizon in the DARAB Case . ISSUE:
Should Atty. Cesa, Jr. be administratively disciplined based on the
allegations in the complaint and evidence on record?
Rule 15.03 of the Code of Professional Responsibility provides that "a
lawyer shall not represent conflicting interests except by written YES.
consent of all concerned given after full disclosure of the facts."

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PROBLEM AREAS IN LEGAL ETHICS | ATTY. GCC | “In civilized life, law floats in a sea of ethics.” -Earl Warren
Respondent violated Canon 15, Rule 15.03 and Canon 16, Rule 16.01 of
the CPR:

Rule 15.03 — A lawyer shall not represent conflicting

interests except by written consent of all concerned given after a
full disclosure of the facts.

Rule 16.01 — A lawyer shall account for all money or

property collected or received for or from the client.

Violation of Rule 15.03:

FLC engaged respondent's legal services to represent it in opposing

complainant's actions to forestall the foreclosure proceedings. As can be
gleaned from respondent's position paper, however, it is admitted that
respondent extended help to the complainant in negotiating with FLC
for the reduction of the loan payment and cessation of the foreclosure

There is conflict of interest when a lawyer represents inconsistent

interests of two or more opposing parties. The test is whether or not in
behalf of one client, it is the lawyer's duty to fight for an issue or claim,
but it is his duty to oppose it for the other client.

The relationship between a lawyer and his client is imbued with the
highest level of trust and confidence. The reason for the prohibition on
conflict of interest is to avoid the appearance of treachery and
double-dealing for only then can litigants be encouraged to entrust their
secrets to their lawyers.

Evidently, Cesa was working on conflicting interests — that of his client,

which was to be able to foreclose and obtain the best amount they
could get to cover the loan obligation, and that of the complainant's,
which was to forestall the foreclosure and settle the loan obligation for a
lesser amount.

As to the allegation the FLC had knowledge of Cesa’s dealings, the court
found no record of any consent from any parties allowing Cesa to
negotiate. As to respondent’s admission that he received payments of
professional fees from complainant, this only made matters worse for
him since it was highly improper. Respondent’s professional fees must
come from his client, even if eventually such fees will be reimbursed by
the adverse party depending on their agreement.

Furthermore, the Letter presented does not, in any way, prove that
there was an agreement between Capinpin and FLC. It is also suspicious
that respondent was already receiving several amounts even before the
date of the said Letter, supposedly stating an agreement between
Capinpin and FLC as regards the settlement of the lona obligation and
the payment of Cesa’s professional fees.

Violation of Rule 16.01:

At any rate, even assuming that there was indeed an arrangement

between FLC and complainant that Cesa's professional fees shall be
paid by the complainant, which will be later on deducted from whatever
the latter will pay FLC for the settlement of his loan obligation,
respondent's act of accepting such payments from the complainant and
appropriating the same for his professional fees is still reprehensible.
The said payments from the complainant are still considered FLC's
money; as such respondent should have accounted the same for his

IBP Resolution Affirmed.

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