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Pastoral Candidate Questionnaire



1. Articulate the Gospel in 300 words or less.
2. Describe how this message became personally real in your life—i.e. your conversion story.
3. Are there any doctrinal items on the Statement of Faith which you could not affirm? If so, please
explain your difference.
4. Please provide a brief statement summarizing your understanding of the following subjects and the key
differences with their contrasting positions where a contrast is listed. For each, note what you believe
at this time. If you are unfamiliar with the subject, just note that.
a. Calvinism vs Arminianism
b. Cessationism vs. Continuationism
c. Eschatology (Pre-Millennialism vs. Amillennialism vs. Post-Millennialism)
d. Creation: by six 24-hour days vs. “Old Earth” view
e. Complementarianism vs. Egalitarianism
f. Homosexuality and Transgenderism
g. Baptism (believers only or children of believers by covenant inclusion)
h. Music in church worship (Traditional vs. Contemporary)
i. Counseling (Biblical vs. “Christian” vs. Secular)
5. How do you respond to people with different theological positions than you on essential issues? On
non-essential issues?

Church Ministry Perspectives

6. What is the Church? What is the local church?
7. Briefly describe the core value(s) that you think should guide a church’s operation and direction.
Compare or contrast your views with church philosophies common in North American evangelicalism
today such as: seeker sensitive, justice & compassion focused, and discipleship centered.
8. What is the role of a pastor? What are a pastor’s primary responsibilities?
9. What approach to preaching is or will be the approach you follow? Please explain why? (Please
provide links to 2 or 3 sermons online if possible—video preferred, include your most recent sermon as
one of them).
10. List some cultural issues that you think are especially important for Christians to understand biblically

Calling to Ministry
11. Please describe what compelled you to pursue pastoral ministry and why you desire to be or continue
to be a pastor.
12. If you are changing ministries what has prompted you to make a change?
13. Where do you see yourself in 5-10 years, i.e. what are your aspirations for type of ministry and
location? Any desires for further education? If so, what kind of program and what kind of study do you
see being of interest to you?

Ministry Orientation/Experience\
14. What do you see are your giftings (ie. spiritual gifts)? How have you come to recognize them?
15. Rate yourself in the following areas from 1 being a weakness to 5 being a strength.
___Administration ___Teaching/Preaching ___Cultivating leaders
___Hospitality ___Planning/Organizing ___Prayer
___Visitation ___Counseling ___Evangelism

Do you have any comments on the above?

16. Describe your experience in evangelism and global missions and the role you believe the local church
should have in these areas.
17. Tell us about a time when you confronted / corrected another Christian. How did you handle it? What
was the outcome?
18. Tell us about a time when you were corrected / criticized. How did you handle it? What was the
19. Tell us about the community and church where you currently serve and how you came to be there.

20. Please give your age and marital status:
Never Married _____ Married _____ Widowed _____ Divorced _____
21. Are there any Elder qualifications set forth in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9 that you struggle with? If
so, which one(s)? Please explain your struggle.
22. Tell us about your family. Include the names/ages of immediate family members and provide a
summary of your family background.
23. Is there anything which you are aware of that would limit, or otherwise restrict, your ability to pastor a
local church?
24. What do you view as your wife’s role in your ministry?
25. Briefly describe your practice of the following spiritual disciplines:
a. Prayer
b. Bible intake
c. Spiritual leadership in your home (Include how you encourage and support your wife’s spiritual
growth and her use of her gift in ministry).
26. Are there personal problems that could surface and make things uncomfortable for you or the church
congregation that we should know about at this time? (such as financial problems, lawsuits,
relationship/marital issues, mental health issues, struggles with pornography or substance abuse, etc.)
27. Please provide the names and addresses of personal references whom we may contact:
a. A colleague in your denomination
b. A colleague from another denomination
c. A leader in your present or former church
d. Someone who has worked with or under you


I agree that all information on this questionnaire and any accompanying questionnaires may be released to those
seeking information regarding candidates for their church. I furthermore agree that interested persons may
contact any references given, and I release any references contacted from liability for information given.

Signature Date

Thank you for returning this questionnaire. Be assured that the information will be handled with confidentiality by
the Search Committee.


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