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Meaning Pinocytosis is called cell drinking, Phagocytosis is called cell eating, in which
substance is directly ingested as it is in particles are broken down into simpler
dissolved form and ready for cellular substance with the help of enzymes for
absorption. absorption.

Process of By Invagination. By pseudopodia (false feet).


Kind of particles Liquid. Solid.


Substrate Pinocytosis is not substrate specific Phagocytosis is specific in substrate it

specific and cell takes all kind of surrounding transports.
fluids with all solutes present.

Purpose Pinocytosis is used for intake of Phagocytosis is used for defensive purpose
materials. by engulfing the foreign particles.

Vesicles formed Pinosomes. Phagosomes.

Role of No role of lysosomes. Lysosomes combine with phagosomes for

Lysosomes the formation of food vacuole.

Types of Sugars, ions, amino acids, enzymes, Foreign particles, harmful bacteria and
particles intake hormones, etc. virus, dust, etc.

Where it Pinocytosis usually occurs in secretory Phagocytosis is performed by neutrophils,

happens cells, cell linings of blood capillaries. macrophages and protozoans.

Definition of Pinocytosis

Cell drinking is the another name of Pinocytosis. It is the intake of liquid and small particles. Usually,
ions, amino acids, sugars, insulin, and lipoproteins are ingested through this method.

Process– In this the small liquid particles which are to be engulfed get themselves attached to the outer
layer of the plasma membrane. These small particles attach to the specific receptors located on the
outer layer plasma membrane. Subsequently, plasma membranes form the membrane-bounded vesicles
called pinosomes, which is an invaginated area surrounding the particles. These pinosomes finally travel
to the cytoplasm and the particles are released.

Cell eating is also called Phagocytosis. Here the particles which are to be ingested are larger in size,
hence digestive enzymes are required.

Process– Plasma membrane surrounds and fuses with the particles to be engulfed, where phagocytic
vesicles are formed called as phagosomes. These phagosomes along with the lysosomes release
digestive enzymes which are helpful in digesting the phagosomes.

Phagocytosis is most commonly seen in protozoan, amoeba, and in higher animals, including humans,
this process helps in engulfing foreign particles, harmful bacteria, virus, and other waste materials.

Key Differences Between Pinocytosis and Phagocytosis

We already discuss, that both the mechanisms pinocytosis and phagocytosis falls under the main
process called Endocytosis, given below are the key differences between them:

1. Pinocytosis is the process of ingestion of small liquid particles through plasma membrane with
the help of formation of vesicles known as pinosomes; Phagocytosis is the process of ingestion
of solid particles through plasma membrane with the help of lysosomes and phagosomes,
which release enzymes for breaking the larger particles.

2. The process of engulfing is by Invagination in pinocytosis, and by pseudopodia in phagocytosis.

3. Lysosomes do not play any role in pinocytosis, while lysosomes along with phagosomes help in
digestion of bigger particles.

4. Pinocytosis is not substrate specific and cell takes all kind of surrounding fluids with all solutes
present while, Phagocytosis is specific in substrate transportation.

5. The purpose of pinocytosis is used for intake of materials, whereas phagocytosis is used for the
defensive purpose by engulfing the foreign particles. The vesicles formed in pinocytosis
is pinosomes and that of phagocytosis is known as phagosomes.

6. The particles taken in pinocytosis are enzymes, hormones, amino acids, sugars, etc. for the
purpose of intake of smaller particles; while phagocytosis is performed by neutrophils,
macrophages, and protozoans for defensive purpose and ingests dust, foreign particles, harmful
bacteria, and virus.

There are two topologically different structures inside the cell: the lumen and the cytosol. Lumen
consists of the inside of the organelles and the inside of vesicles. Cytosol consists of the fluid that
surrounds the organelles.

The questions states that particle A undergoes endocytosis. In endocytosis particles from outside of the
cell are brought to the inside of the cell by vesicles that bud off from the cell membrane. These vesicles
deliver the particles to the target organelle. The vesicles fuse with the organelle’s membrane and the
particles are released into the lumen of the organelle. These particles never make contact with the
cytosol side of the cell; therefore, the best answer is that particle A is destined for one of the
membrane-bound organelles because it is being transported via a vesicle. This mechanism is also
relevant for exocytosis. Secretory vesicles carry contents from inside the cell to the outside, without
letting the contents touch the cytosol.

Endocytosis is the process of a cell receiving the contents of a vesicle. The vesicle will fuse with the cell
membrane and release its contents into the cytoplasm for cellular use.

In contrast, exocytosis is the release of compounds from a cell via vesicle transport. Vesicles are formed
at the Golgi apparatus and transported through the cytoplasm to fuse with the cell membrane, where
the contents are released into the extracellular space. Transport vesicles can also be formed to contain
and carry molecules away from the cell.

The plasma membrane engulfing particles to enter the cell would be an example of pinocytosis, and the
conversion of light and carbon dioxide to carbohydrate and oxygen is the process of photosynthesis.

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