Fe Math156 2Q1819

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Second Quarter, SY 2018-19
January 28, 2019

WARNING: Academic dishonesty or any form of cheating is a major offense.


Course Outcome 1 (Total of 30 points)

1. Find the solution to y’ = cscx + ycotx (Linear)

2. In the equation x(y - 1)dx + (x + 1)dy = 0, if y =2 when x = 1, determine

y when x = 2.

3. A roast turkey follows Newton’s Law of Cooling is taken from the oven
when its temperature has reached 185 F and is placed on a table in a room
where the temperature is 75 F.
a) If the temperature of the turkey is 150 F after half an hour, what is the
temperature after 45 minutes?
b) When will the turkey have cooled to 100F?
c) Find a formula for the temperature of the turkey at time t.

Course Outcome 2 (Total of 30 points)

4. Determine whether the equation (2xy2 + 2y) + (2x2y + 2x)y’ = 0 is exact. If

it is exact, find the solution.

5. Find an integrating factor and solve the differential equation

(3x2y + 2xy + y3) + (x2 + y2)y’ = 0

6. Solve the initial value problem 6y’’ – 5y’ + y = 0, y(0) = 4, y’(0) = 0.

Course Outcome 3 (Total of 40 points)

7. Find the general solution of the differential equation

y’’’ – 3y’’+ 3y’ – y = 4e t

8. Find the general solution of the differential equation (D2 + 1)y = sec3x

9. A mass of 200g stretches a spring 1.568cm. If the mass is set in motion

from its equilibrium position with a downward velocity of 40 cm/s, and if there
is no damping, (a) determine the position u of the mass at any time t, and (b)
when does the mass first return to its equilibrium position? Use 1 gm mass =
980 dyne weight.

© Dante L. Silva
Mathematics Department

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