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Scenario-based Examination

NCM 106 Simulation

Name : Jam Mikka g. rODRIGUEZ

Short-answered questions. Discuss briefly.

It is 11 o’clock in the evening and you are the EMS team on duty in the emergency room; you have received a phone call
to prepare for an incoming e,emergency of a car accident with 3 casualties injured.

1.The ambulance has arrived and initial treatments to the casualties were not yet done. The following are reported by
phone: Please write also your assessment findings and classify base on Triage Nursing:

Assessment findings Triage

Patient 1
 Generalized pallor
 Shortening lower limb area Red
 Pants soaked with blood
 Responsive
 Avulsed wound noted
 PS – 10
 Wound depth – 5mm
 Bruises and contusions all over the limbs and left side of the face

Patient 2
 Trembling Green
 Sweating
 Catching breath
 Shocked

Patient 3
 Screaming in pain Yellow
 Part of eyeliner stuck in her left eye
 PS - 8

2.How did you classify?

Triage Definition
1. Red Immediate

2. Yellow Delayed

3. Green Minimal

4. Black Expectant
3. In order to assess further, what are your diagnostic tests to be done to the 3 casualties arrived.
Diagnostic tests Rationale
Patient 1
a. CBC a. Evaluate the cells that circulate in blood, including
red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets.
b. ABG b. Measures the pH and the levels of oxygen and
carbon dioxide in the blood.
c. Serum electrolytes c. Measures the levels of the body’s main
d. X-ray d. Used to diagnose fractured bones or joint
e. Blood Typing and crossmatching e. To find a compatible blood type for transfusion.

Patient 2
a. CBC a. Evaluate the cells that circulate in blood, including
red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets.
b. ABG b. Measures the pH and the levels of oxygen and
carbon dioxide in the blood.
c. X-ray c. Used to diagnose fractured bones or joint

Patient 3
a. CBC a. Evaluate the cells that circulate in blood, including
red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets.
b. X-ray b. To determine the extent of the eye trauma.

3. Write the following managements to help the 3 casualties.

Patient 1 Patient 2 Patient 3

 Obtain vital signs and continue to  Obtain vital signs and continue to  Obtain vital signs and continue to
monitor. monitor. monitor.
 Perform physical assessment.  Perform physical assessment.  Perform physical assessment.
 Monitor ABG and obtain necessary  Monitor ABG.  Monitor ABG and obtain necessary
laboratory and diagnostic tests,  Encourage the patient to take laboratory and diagnostic tests,
blood typing and crossmatching. deep, slow breaths or breathe into blood typing and crossmatching.
 Attach O2 and IV (fast drip). a brown paper bag.  Encourage the patient to take
 Apply pressure on the bleeding  Keep the patient warm and dry deep, slow breaths.
area.  Apply donut bandage around the
 Irrigate the wound and splint the  Monitor for signs of changes in affected area.
affected area. neurologic, neuromuscular, or  Administer pain medication as
 Administer medications for pain cardiovascular functions. prescribed by the doctor.
and bleeding as prescribed by the  Prepare for possible surgery once
doctor. stabilized.
 Blood transfusion if permitted.
 Prepare for possible surgery once
Thank you and may the good Lord bless you always!

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