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Modern University for Technology & Information

Faculty of Management

Research Paper

Student and Course Information

Student Name: Mohamed Hesham Mahmoud Mohamed
Student Code:
Course Code:
Course Name:

Research Title
(website optimization)

Spring 2020

Modern University for Technology & Information
Faculty of Management


Whether through Paid Promoting or SEO, there are various strategies that can offer assistance your
website make strides its positioning on search engines and get more individuals coming to it.But
what happens once the client has arrived on your location??

Do they convert? Do they leave? This is where Website Opt. comes in!

Performing any sort of activity on a website whether submitting a lead frame, marking up for a
webinar, subscribing to your mail notices or basically calling your trade, are cases of site

Considering that, the normal transformation rate for website is approximately 2.35%, you'll get a
clear thought of how many guests you really have to be send to your site to induce changes.

Making the most excellent and most effective use of your location permits you to extend the
amiability to produce the foremost changes.

In spite of the fact that not incomprehensible, Website Opt. is no piece of cake.

It may require a few steps within the prepare, such as A/B testing.

In spite of the fact that this strategy has appeared numerous comes about to numerous businesses, it
isn't the as it were way in which you'll optimize your website.

And now we are going to know the Website Opt. by answering this following question:
1. What is website optimization
2. How Can Website Optimization Help My Online Business?
3. Why is website optimization important?
4. Website Optimization Strategies
5. Website optimization techniques
6. Website optimization tools
7. How do you optimize problems?
8. How do I optimize my website for search engines?

Modern University for Technology & Information
Faculty of Management

1. What is Website Optimization?

Website Opt. includes all the specialized and marketing methods utilized to procure traffic, lock in
guests and after that change over them into prospects or buyers employing a clearly characterized
strategy which meets a number of pre-defined objectives.

Past this definition, it’s difficult to recognize between the different constituent parts of website
is the method of efficiently making strides the execution of your website to meet your trade

Whether your objective is to induce more leads, deals, or decrease client service phone calls, Website
Opt. can be utilized to form your website more compelling at assembly those objectives?
Website the method of making changes to your website so that it'll show up higher in look
engine comes about pages (SERPS). Based on a number of variables, search engines assess your
website's pertinence and coherence some time recently doling out it a position or positioning on the
search engine comes about page. The more significance the search engines decide your site has for a
given search, the higher the site will rank. After you consider that more than 60% of Web clients will
not see past the primary page of look comes about, it's imperative to utilize SEO to thrust your
positioning as tall as conceivable. SEO administrations for Website Opt. address a assortment of
variables, counting: keyword selection, including and reviving substance, making search-engine
friendly design, building joins, and settling specialized issues which will drive search engines absent.

2. How Can Website Optimization Help My Online Business?

When your website isn't found by search engines, commerce is misplaced. Proficient SEO
administrations can assist you increment your site's significance and, in turn, move it higher
within the rankings – putting your items and administrations closer to potential clients. With its
capacity to create more quality activity to your website at a generally moo taken a toll, look motor
optimization is an basic portion of your online showcasing methodology.
Search engine perceivability can too be accomplished through utilizing computerized search
engine accommodation apparatuses, which can frequently yield your website address to national
and neighborhood search engines and catalogs. Utilizing these devices in conjunction with site
optimization can drastically affect the sum of activity to your location.

3. Why is Website optimization important?

Website imperative since it makes a difference your website guests be more fruitful with their
visits to your website. Each guest comes to your location trusting to reply a address, discover a
solution to their issue, or total a assignment of one kind or another. Once you optimize your site,
you're making it less demanding for your location guests to achieve those errands.

in case, in the event that you're an ecommerce website that sells shoes, you'll be able optimize your
website to extend the number buys made by individuals visiting your site. will be able do this
through change rate optimization, which is centered on systematically a/b testing different parts of
your location to expand this change rate.

Modern University for Technology & Information
Faculty of Management

When you optimize your website, your site gets to be more viable for your trade. A more viable
website can increment income for your commerce through unused deals or leads, and diminish
fetched, through superior change rates on existing marketing spend, or by diminishing client support
needs through way better data and clarity for guests with questions.
Website Opt. for an improved transformation rate could be a sensible commerce move. A great begin
to having an optimized website could be a clean and straightforward domestic page which loads
rapidly and shows as it were pertinent data, with a user-friendly route, clearly stands out.

If you work with a web originator who knows the make, she must know how to supply the most
excellent possible client encounter. Then again, in case you construct your site yourself employing a
site builder like Shopify or Wix, make beyond any doubt to check the instructional exercises in their
online learning centers and their gatherings for plan tips and traps that can truly clean your web page.

Too, individuals put parcels of believe in look engines for high-quality comes about. In the event that
Google places your website inside the beat three to five look comes about, that tells the individual
performing a Google search that your website must be great. This client at that point tells individuals
approximately your website through word-of-mouth or online. This is often known as change which
is the extreme objective of your online trade.

4. Website Optimization Strategies

Google formally started rolling out the mobile-first record in Walk. Keen marketers were taking a
mobile-first approach long some time recently the official rollout..
basics for making your site mobile-friendly:
 Make website compatible to any device; be it desktop, mobile and tablet.
 scale your images while using a responsive design, for mobile users.
 Use small meta titles. Easy to read on mobile devices.
 Avoid pop-ups.
 mobile-first. Less can be more on mobile,
 Do not use mobile and tablets as an excuse for cloaking.
Technical SEO
A few discover the thought of performing technical SEO to be threatening.
Much obliged to the numerous SEO apparatuses accessible, an SEO review is now not a
overwhelming errand.
The key, in any case, is to know how to translate the information given and what to do with it.
For starters, check:
 site qualifications as being mobile-friendly.
 look-over code errors and correct them.
 look-over the robot.txt for errors. Optimize if needed.
 look-over your site indexing via Google Search Console.
 Fix duplication (title tags, meta descriptions).
 Audit your website content. Use Google Analytics to check the traffic stats.
 Check and fix broken links. 
 Submit your XML sitemap.

Modern University for Technology & Information
Faculty of Management

Website Speed

Page speed includes a coordinate effect on both activity and changes. Concurring to Google, “the
typical time it takes to totally stack a mobile landing page is 22 seconds… be that as it may 53
percent of flexible location visitors take off a page that takes longer than three seconds to load.”

Slow page speed makes a destitute client involvement, which is why Google takes page speed into
thought as a positioning factor.
Best practices for optimizing page speed include:

 Minimize HTTP requests for the different parts of the page, like scripts, images, and CSS.
 decrease file size by compressing them and combine common files to reduce requests.
 Have both CSS and JS load simultaneously.
 let JS load after important files have.
 decrease DNS lookup time.
 Improve server response.
 Use an appropriate hosting solution.
 Leverage browser caching.
 Edit image sizes to be small.
 Use a CDN.
 Use minimum number of plugins.
 Attempt to Keep redirects to a minimum.

User Intent
Composing “great content,” optimizing it, and getting trusted joins is presently fair the begin for
ranking a keyword.
As machine learning and artificial intelligence proceed to advance, each will carry more weight in
Google’s center calculation.

The extreme objective for Google is to understand setting and serve comes about based on searcher

This makes progressed level watchword research and choice more vital than ever A keyword’s
relevant pertinence must adjust with a look query.

Sometime recently investing time and assets attempting to rank for a state, you would like to see at
the current positioning websites and expressions.
Unless your website and landing page are comparable to what is ranking, chances are it won’t
happen. Take the inquiry [albany modern york individual injury lawyer] for example:

Modern University for Technology & Information
Faculty of Management
At one time, this query resulted in a series of independent lawyers and law firms appearing at the top
of the search results.
That’s changed.
Google is now giving preference to law directories:

In this occurrence, since there's still a chance to rank in Google maps, it’s still worth seeking after
this phrase. In case not for that opportunity it would be a squander of time.
Google shows up to have concluded that searcher expectation is to discover a arrangement of
lawyers or firms – not just one.
Content Marketing

It is anticipated that by 2020, 44 zettabytes of information will be created each day.

To put this in viewpoint, that’s the comparable of 8.48 trillion tunes or 1,440 a long time of HD
video each day.
The challenge to break through the clutter will ended up exponentially more troublesome as time
passes. In arrange to do so:

 Create a substance hub within the shape of a resource center.

Modern University for Technology & Information
Faculty of Management

 Fill resource hub with a combined ( informative, and entertaining content).

 Write “spoke” pieces.
 Write news articles.
 promote your news articles.
 Take advantage on trending topics.
 convert better than text by Using (smartphone camera, Images and videos)
 Update low trafficked content.

Construction markup, once included to a webpage, makes a “rich snippet” – an upgraded portrayal
which shows up within the search results.
All of the driving search engines, counting Google, Yahoo, Bing, and Yandex, back the utilize of
The genuine esteem in pattern is that it can give setting to a webpage and move forward the search
There's no prove that including construction has any impact on SERPs.

User Experience
Client encounter (UX) is centered on picking up understanding into clients, their needs, their values,
their abilities, and their limitations.
UX moreover takes into thought trade objectives and goals.
Best UX hones center on progressing the quality of the user involvement.
Concurring to Dwindle Morville, variables that impact UX include:

 Useful: unique content and satisfy a need.

 Usable: easy to use website and navigate.
 Desirable: evoking emotion and appreciation in Your design element.
 Findable: easy for users can find what they need too esay, by Integrated design and navigation
 Accessible: Content accessible to everyone.
 Credible: trustworthy website, users believe it.
 Valuable: providing value to the user in terms of (experience & to the company in terms of
positive ROI.

Link Building
Links have been among the best ranking components for very a few time presently.
Google has ended up more capable at distinguishing and devaluing spammy links.
That being the case, quality will proceed to trump amount.
The Best Link Building Strategies
 Utilize Resource Pages (a.k.a. linkbait or Skyscraper technique).
 Broken Link Building.
 Guest Posting (not the spammy kind).
 Backlink Mining.
 Link Reclamation.
 Claiming Unlinked Mentions.

Modern University for Technology & Information
Faculty of Management

5. Website optimization techniques

Optimizing the HTML structure

 Referencing JS and CSS files at the bottom
 Dealing with flash of unstyled content (FOUC)
 Inlining CSS and JS

Server configuration
 Browser caching
 How long should files be cached?
 How to override caching
 Data compression

6. Website optimization tools

Here are 12 popular Website Opt. tools:
i. Optimizely
ii. SEOCrawler
iii. Crazy Egg
iv. Visual Website Optimizer
v. Ahrefs
vi. Screaming Frog

7. How do you optimize problems?

1. Draw and name a picture. Optimization issues frequently include geometry.
2. Find the objective function.
3. Identify the constraints.
4. Reduce the objective function to one variable
5. Identify the domain of the objective function.
6. Differentiate the objective function.
7. Find the critical numbers.
Critical numbers are values of the variable that cause the derivative to equal zero or be
8. Test the critical numbers (and conceivably the endpoints of the domain). The basic numbers
are not automatically the reply. You wish to test each one to see in the event that it’s a nearby
least, a nearby most extreme, or not one or the other.
Critical numbers tests:
 Closed Interval Method.
Requirements: The domain of the objective function must be a closed.

Modern University for Technology & Information
Faculty of Management

 First Derivative Test.

Requirements: There must be as it were one basic number within the domain.
Test: Assess the first derivative of the objective function at two numbers within the
domain, one of which is less than the basic number and the other of which is greater
than the basic number.
 Second Derivative Test.
Requirements: There must be as it were one basic number within the space.
Test: Discover the second derivative of the objective work and assess it at the basic

8. why do we optimize website for search engines?

What is SEO?
SEO stands for “search motor optimization.” It’s the method of expanding your site activity through
look motor comes about..
This helps your website become more discoverable. When potential customers search terms related
to your brand, they’ll have a better chance of discovering your website and becoming a customer.
 Make your website useful for your specific audience
Marketers in some cases feel as in spite of the fact that they’re at chances with Google. The look
engine comes up short to rank their best substance, for occasion, or they see a gigantic drop in
activity after an algorithmic update. In reality, in spite of the fact that, your objectives and Google’s
are the same:
 Serve up the best possible content for your audience
 Create a positive website UX/UI
 Prioritize content that offers significant value

 Grow your organic traffic

Attracting organic traffic through SEO.
 Capitalize on existing traffic
Learning how to optimize your website for conversions requires an understanding of the user
experience. Figure out how visitors navigate your site.
 Force your website to work harder
study your audience closely and give them what they need and expect.
If you’ve done the research and applied the data to your site, you can expect a jump in conversion
SEO always comes first, though. Without traffic, you can’t have conversions.
 Give your audience what they want and expect
Imagine this scenario:
You have got an e-commerce site that offers shoes. A client needs a unused match of running shoes
and conducts a Google seek for the leading shoes for runners. You’ve composed a long, in-depth
web journal post around choosing running shoes, counting brand proposals and data for distinctive
sorts of runners.
The guest peruses the article. At the conclusion, you've got a lead magnet that provides a free
measuring and fit chart for runners. All the guest needs to do is sign up for your mail list.

Modern University for Technology & Information
Faculty of Management
You send the lead magnet quickly to the guest. A couple of days afterward, you send out a coupon
code for your online store along side pictures of running shoes. The client realizes you have got what
meets his or her needs, and the markdown incentivizes an prompt deal.
As you'll see, SEO and change rate optimization work hand-in-hand. In case you meet your
audience’s desires and offer assistance them discover what they need, you’ll secure a client.
How to Optimize your Website for SEO
1. Analyze all of your website data
One piece of information by itself might not tell you anything, but once you collect parcels of
information, you begin to take note designs.
On the off chance that some individuals visit your location and fall flat to tap on your CTA, you
might not have a problem.
However, in case a huge rate of visitors ignore your CTA, you might have to be make a few
2. Conduct thorough keyword research
A long time prior, you'll choose a catchphrase out of lean discuss, compose a 300-word article, and
rank for that watchword the following day. SEO doesn’t work like that any longer.
3. Produce long and value-rich content
Concurring to Buffer, the perfect length for a web journal post is 1,600 words. That’s fair a
beginning point, in spite of the fact that.
Sometime recently you choose on the ideal length for your substance, Google your essential
catchphrase and visit the best 10 result within the SERPs. Are a few of those pages longer than 1,600
words? At that point yours ought to be, as well.
4. Optimize for on-page SEO
On-page SEO tells you how to optimize your site when you’re building particular pages.
Components like features, subhead lines, URL slugs, and meta labels drop into this category.
Utilize your essential watchword in your feature, ideally as near to the starting as conceivable.
5. Optimize for off-page SEO
Off-page SEO — also called off-site SEO — alludes to the ways in which you optimize your website
by means of outside implies. Visitor blogging, social media action, influencer showcasing, and brand
notices can all progress your site’s SEO.
6. Optimize the website for mobile
Responsive plan offers the least demanding arrangement. You'll download free and premium
WordPress themes that have responsive design built in, which implies you don’t got to stress almost
including any additional code.
7. Speed up the pages
Page speed matters when it comes to both SEO and conversions.
Google’s Page Speed Bits of knowledge gives you important knowledge into how quick your
location loads over all gadgets and what particular things you'll settle to create your location quicker.
8. Get quality backlinks
Backlinks are a prime factor in helping your website rank better.
When high-quality sites connect to yours, Google interprets the interface as a flag of your site’s
validity. As you construct a strong backlink profile, your pages will climb up the ranks.

Modern University for Technology & Information
Faculty of Management

1. Conclusion
Conclusion of the reminder of what mentioned in the whole paper
 Summary: we tried to answer:

 What is website optimization

 How Can Website Optimization Help My Online Business?
 Why is website optimization important?
 Website Optimization Strategies
 Website optimization techniques
 Website optimization tools
 How do you optimize problems?
 How do I optimize my website for search engines?

This question gives us some knowledge of Website Opt. and SEO, and how we must use and
what is the strategies and what we can use, techniques and how to apply them, and our
conclusion in last:

Website Opt. is important because it helps your website visitors be more successful with their
visits to your website. Every visitor comes to your site hoping to answer a question, find a
solution to their problem, or complete a task of one kind or another. When you optimize your
website, you are making it easier for your site visitors to accomplish those tasks.

When you optimize your website, your site becomes more effective for your business. A more
effective website can increase revenue for your business through new sales or leads, and reduce
cost, through better conversion rates on existing marketing spend, or by reducing customer
support needs through better information and clarity for visitors with questions.

Modern University for Technology & Information
Faculty of Management

List alphabetically all the reference materials that have been cited in the text of the report
How to write a reference?
[1] Search engine Journal,
[2] The daily egg,, [August 27, 2018]
[3] WebFX,
[4] GOdaddy, optimization tools
tools-you-should-use-in-2018/, [May 18, 2018]
[5] Search engine Journal,, [May 18, 2018]
[6] Search engine Journal, Conversions,
website/, [May 14, 2020]


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