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Putting the Customer First

Sports and Entertainment Marketing, 4e © 2016 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved.


2.1 The Marketing Concept

Chapter 2 Sports and Entertainment Marketing, 4e

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The Essential

What is the marketing concept for

sports and entertainment events?

Chapter 2 Sports and Entertainment Marketing, 4e

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a focus on satisfying customer needs

Customer satisfaction is the bottom line for

maintaining successful marketing relationships.

Chapter 2 Sports and Entertainment Marketing, 4e

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A high standard of living means more
discretionary income to spend on sports and
entertainment events.
Event organizers want “a piece of the pie” so
more are entering the market to compete for
consumer dollars.
This means more variety for consumers.

Chapter 2 Sports and Entertainment Marketing, 4e

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the rate at which companies produce goods or
services in relation to the amount of materials
and number of employees utilized

Business goal – to earn a profit while satisfying

customer needs

Chapter 2 Sports and Entertainment Marketing, 4e

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Breakeven point
the minimum sales required to cover all of the
expenses of organizing, promoting, and running
an event

Chapter 2 Sports and Entertainment Marketing, 4e

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Opportunity Cost
the value of the next best alternative that you pass
up when making a choice
The value is the benefit given up.
Example - When you and your friends decide to
attend a concert (insert favorite artist here) instead
of a Phillies game, the Phillies game becomes your
opportunity cost.

Chapter 2 Sports and Entertainment Marketing, 4e

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