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Co-ordination Compounds 19 is pushed into the vacant 4p-orbital of higher energy. This possibility explains both the magnetic susceptibility results and square planar geometry. Third possibility. In the second possibility, one of the 3d electrons is present in the higher energy vacant 4p orbital. It suggests that Cu?* ion can be easily oxidised to more stable Cu?* ion. In practice, however, Cu2* ion is more stable than Cu3* ion. It is now believed that the unpaired 3d electron remains in 3d sub shell and is not shifted to 4p orbital. The Cu?* ion undergoes sped hybridisation by making use of outer d-orbital and the complex has square planar geometry with magnetic susceptibility due to one unpaired electron. (®) Consider the formation of [Ni(CN)4]?-. The configuration of Ni?* is 3d8, Accordingly, it has two unpaired electrons. But experiments reveal that this complex ion is diamagnetic. It is possible only if unpaired electrons are forced to pair up against Hunds’s rule, It is possible because CN” ion is a strong ligand. The geometry and the magnetic character is described below : INICN) adé 4s 4p MPSA ABA ela Ground state ion Excited state ion AL {AL | |b wim [ay [aL] pala) [4b] [Av] auf] "= souare GEOMETRY ELECTRONS DONATED BY 4 CN” IONS DIAMAGNETIC is 5.9. Predict the geometry of this Example 4. The magnetic moment of [MnCl complex ion. Solution. From the value of magnetic moment, the number of unpaired electrons in the w= nn t2) =5.9 3d 4s 4p we Atti) | Since there should be five unpaired electrons, 4s and 4p empty orbitals get mixed up to form four sp? hybrid orbitals. Clearly, the geometry of this complex ion is tetrahedral. complex ion can be found. On solving, n = 5. Types of hybridisation and geometries of coordination complexes Hybridorbital | Geometry Examples 1 sp Tetrahedral [Zn(NH3),]?*, [NI (CO),] eerie: Square planar INi(CN),F4, [Pt NH) F* 3. Psp Octahedral [Co(NH,)6]°"; [Fe (CN) I> m pe Octahedral [Zn (NHL).}**, [Ni(H,0),2"

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