The Presidency Lesson 1 Shaniya Tucker PD

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The Presidency Lesson 1 shaniya tucker pd.

inherent powers: powers not described in the Constitution, but that have been claimed by presidents

contemporary: happening, existing, living, or coming into being during the same period of time

executive privilege: the right of the president and other high-ranking executive officers to refuse to
testify before Congress or a court

mandate: an authorization to act given to a representative

impeach: to accuse a public official of misconduct in office

investigation: an observation or study by close examination

1. Discussing What does it mean to impeach a president? Which presidents have been impeached?

The President can be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or
other high Crimes and Misdemeanors. Most of the members of the House must vote for these charges
in order to impeach the president. After the charges of misconduct are filed, the Senate has the power
to try impeachment cases like a court. Two-thirds of the senators must vote for conviction. Andrew
Johnson and Bill Clinton were impeached. Richard Nixon was almost impeached.

3. Identifying What powers does the Constitution grant to the executive branch and the president?

The Constitution explicitly assigned the president the power to sign or veto legislation, command the
armed forces, ask for the written opinion of their Cabinet, convene or adjourn Congress, grant reprieves
and pardons, and receive ambassadors.

4. Describing What are informal sources of presidential power?

The power to go public, power of persuasion, make executive agreements, issue executive orders, issue
signing statements, create & use bureaucracy, personality, and leadership, and make legislative

5. Explaining What are the main roles that modern presidents fulfill?

Chief Executive: Executive power to enforce and lead the nation. Commander in Chief: Directing military,
controls military arsenal like tanks. and 3rdly always has the "football" (brief case containing codes to
launch the nuclear missiles of the US at some nation.) Chief Legislature: Sets public policy. Through
Union, initiates suggest, requests, insists, and demands legislation. Campaigns and lobbies for certain
bills to be passed. Chief Administrator: Representative of the Nation. Runs and directs the 2-7 million
government officials with a budget of $2.5 trillion a year. Annually meets with the VP, secretaries of
Defense, state, and security. and Joint Chief of Staff. Chief of Citizens: 5th role; Represent the interests
of all people. "the representative of all the people" Chief of the Party: Party leader: Acknowledged
leader of the party that controls the executive branch. Chief Diplomat: The main architect of US foreign
policy and the nation's chief spokesman to the rest of the world.

1. Identifying Which powers are shared by presidents in all of the countries in this chart?

Approved legislation, Appoint executive officials, and Appoint judges.

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