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Colonial and Revolutionary Families of Pennsylvania

@rnralogirul nnb 18r[sonal :IlemoirB



Former Curator of Independence Hall Philadelphia

:-';EW SERIES V01 .. UME V


Hr rr RI \_ Pt'HLI'UI 'G COMPA!'JY, Ixc. . ·e .... · YORK

(1) \Vn,LlAl\l \VETHEREL. of ) Iulladry. ounty \rm.

I750 and died January ~, [804, aged fifty-I ur. H wa County Armagh, Ireland.

Williarn \\ etherel married at Rullyhagan, :N veml ·r of Tullarnore. Armagh. She was prohall)' the Haunt h Wetl

ber 27. 1818.


The \Vctherill family of Ireland is not an original Iri b Iamilv. It I one in the north uf England. the name being \ ariously spell \\ ~ th n \Yctherel, \Vetherall, and originally Witherhold. \ John \\ ith rh I ~ewcastle-on-Tyne in 1259 A. D. The family derived 1 nam where we first find it settled .. ,\\ ethcrhold," later \\. th rail. COllnty of Cumberland, near the : .otti h b rd r. 111 "hold" or keep to which cattle and sheep were driven for of border raids and Scottish invasions.

The family oi County Cumberland pr ad into .. ·ortbuIH connties and later to Durham ami Lincoln counti and Lon all, in Ioea.lities the name was found by 1650. Some branche of th Ireland,wbt.:l-c they received grants of land. Th \. h nil

\Vetheralls are Li ted as l\nglo-Irish families. who t: 11 I

Ireland not earlier than the latter part of the sixteenth c ntury,

(Hanl!'tcy: "Dictionary of English and \\"el h :-,uro 11l .' ~ tr

Gencal.)gical and Heraldic History ol the Landed ;I."otr} of ,r t Brr 1

Il', 11P. 21Hl-82, George W. i.\larshall: "Records. English nd I m I f

iI,," arranged amI the Colonial records added by Charles Weth fill ai d \\ ... :6. John OTlart: "Irish and Anglo-Irish Families," \'QI. II, p, i-;

t. Richard, of whom further.

2. Sarah, born April 25, li~JO; married at Rich Hill. 'OUI\\) \n

Jacob Allen.

3. William. hum Apr il _2, 170..!. -t' joseph, born Octoher 20, Ii 4, 5. George, horn October 4. 1;00. dieu October 15. h: J; marri

ary 12, 1830, Hannah Hayd ck,

("Hecords oi the Society of friend:.," Dublin, Ireland.)

(II) RICHARD \VrL'lIERTT.L as the name is 11 W i. 11 ).

Hannah (Cruth) \Vetherl!1 was born in Rich Hill. (oUl1h \fln ber q. 17SfoI.. anrl died ill Chester Towll"hip. 1'cnn!'-yhama. 0

According- to his nwn statl'ment: • t tune .

ship in the United Slates, he W~L b< rn in . nnag-h, 111 • time (1814) was about twenty-three) ear" old. .\ndh


h. 00,<1. n \prill~. Ii .• nd the record 01 hi, death states lhnt h. was .ig~~,j0:~

J J TJ'csc lac;t tWO record; confirm th vear a ~ho\\"n III the bi rth re

y ar 0 {. . . .' -'

the society of FrienJ in Dublin, althou~h the III nth and dale dltter. .

Rich"" \\,,,herH! left Ireland and arrived in "e'" YOlk "on 0' abo"t the 'OUl-

tee nth day 01 June, A. D .• 8.2." lie went [0 Penn<ylvanin, whet< he settled at G,een 'Jill. on (0",,, -"ek in Concord Town hip. Delnw.,' County. The>e mdls "ere I at cr known a Hannum )[;\1.. II.,. he e"gn~ed in the ,",n"l.cllne 01 wor .,,1 do.h. \\'Hhin .",<I,·e year • Rkh.," \\'cth,·';l1 was ,"lliciently ';tnblisherl in hi" new home and work to be able to lease From George Lewis, in 1822, the \Vallinglo'" 1'01'" ~Iill, 0" Crurn C".k, Spdn.Jield Tow",hlp, Delaware County. For ~ix YClUS he cuntinued here until t8~g. when he relllOl:cd to Lower )Icrion Town~hip, l\[ontgomery County. Pcnn~ylvania. ,\ 11 0 I these mills were success fun:

upaated; hi.; principal productions were Ielt, woolens and satinette.

Richard \VctheriIl retired in I '-lo. giying the husiness to his two S011S. Rohert

arid Isaac, FIve years later. however. he purcha<;ecl from Thomas Y. Hutton. on Seph!11lhrr I. 18-1-5. a rrristrnill on Ridley Creek. in N ether Providence. He operated this mill for only two y('ar~ and then sold it to Robert Boyd, who changed it to a turning l1,ill and snllrl paper factory. III 1 '..j.~. Rich:ml \Yetherill retired to a {arm which he had pllrcha~cd in Chester Township. Pen1lsylvania. He lived on this farm

until his death, giving all his time to its management.

Richard Wetherill married (first). ill 18q. Ann Henvis. (Henvis lV.1He

married (second) Ann t.lagill,

Children :


I. Oebj)rah. bnrn June " 181':;.

2. \\'ill 'Ill, hI rn JUlle ..?:!. 18](i,

3. Robert. of whom further .

... Isaac, horn December 16, lSIR .;, Hannah, hom .\ugust 23. 18;0. 6 ~larr, horn March 4, 1822.

,. joseph, hL'rn July 5, 1f:l2.'1.

8. 8.1[;(11, born November 3. 182-1.

C). ':'1ary Ann, horn Decl'mbcr 23, 1826. [0. RIchard. born Novernb",r .:-. 182R

11. George, horn clnbcr I, r83T.

I.!. Benjamin. born I )ecembcr 24 ,83" <lied November I~n,~ \Vh h

Y{'LIr~ of age he \ t t \\'.. -'. d ,c.,.._. en e was twenty-one

il j"'I':\1 \'~n 0 rsconsrn an Inter tn Iowa. He married in ~faJ' 18:6 at

1(' neru ~ . cCII~~home at Iowa Falls, ).fari(1n 1'om kins In' 18- h " :J.,

~O~~t~t~r,~CIC~'I~~~~io:'hl~~~a.,~i,;:i;"'~7t~;1~1,~'::'~~~:~, ~~};~;~!,,;~ 1~~: !ptl,~""'oes:

ea II I II cOl1l11ry omcs 111 Colorado,

,om[1(i';l~~~CO;"~(:~~a~~\;:.~C~~et~~ Frif'n(!s," Dublin. Ireland. Family records. H. C. Ashmead Aim (~clany) w ctl!ri\I:' 1 • ex: ~:arIHng Cthr IJcsCe[1t, a f .. th.!": Children of Robert and Phceb~

svlvanir: .. PI' ict tj.o F 1 p., J' t') ." Ashrncad : Historv of Delaware Countv Penn

• • ..' fl. amI r ! a a. . J I -



I. l,'rtll U" .\lJri1 12, J788. and the record of his death states that he ~as eighty-onef

115 ul" . . tl b rtl record 0

years ald. These Last tWO records confirm the year as shown 111 . ie 1 1

the Society of Friends in Dublin. althotlgh the month and date chffer.

Richard \V,therillleft Ireland and arrived ill New York "on or abont the lour-

reerith day of June. A. D. T812." He went to Pennsylvania. where he settled at Green Mills on Green Creek in Concord Township. Delaware County. These mIlls were later known as Hannum Mills. Here he engaged in the manufaclure of worsted cloth. ,Yithin twelve years. Richard Wetherill was sufficienlly estab1ished in his new home and work to be able to lease [rom George Lewis, in 1822, the \Vallil1gford Paper ;\Iills on Cru111 Creek. Springfield Township, Delaware Cotlllty. For six yenrs he continued here until J 828, when he removed to Lower Merion Township. MOJltgomcry County. PCllil~ylvania. .All or these mills were successfully operated; his principal productions were felt, woolens and satinette.

Hicharcl '\Vetberill retired in T840. giving the business to his two sons, Robert

and Isaac, Five years later. however, he purchased from Thomas y, Hutton, on September I, 1845, n gristmill on Ridley Creek, in Nether pro\'idence. He operated this mill for only two years and then sold it to Robert Boyd, who changed it to a lurning mill and sand paper factory. In 1847, Richard Wetherill retired to a farm which he had purchased in Chester Township, Pcnmnivania. He lived all this farm

until his death. giving all his time to its nU.1..nagement.

Richard Wetherill married (first}, in 1814. Ann Henvis. (Henvis IV.) He

rna rried (!'ccond) Ann ){agill.


r. Deborah. born June f. ,815· 2, ,',. illiarn, born June 22, 1816, 3. Robert. uf whom further.

-I. Isaac, born December 1(1, IRIS.

5. Hannah, born August 23. 18.20.

6. }!ary, born ),[arch 4, 1822.

7. Jo~("pll. horn July 5. 1823.

8. Sarah. horn November 3. 1824-.

Q. Mary Ann, bum December 23, 1826. 10. Riel-ant, horn November 5. r828.

I L GeCtrge. born October r. .S3I.

12. Ben] a 111 in, horn December 24, 1832; died Nov I R'

years 0 f agl.' be went to Wisconsin and 1 t e~ l~r. h oS, '\Theil. he was twenty-one

the FriellI1~' ;\1 ccilughnuse at T~wa Fall~.e)l; . OW~ He,.marned, in May, 1856, at l? Leavenworth, Kansas; in lR7q the' local ~IO!l ,oll1pkms. InT 18SQ they moved CUUIl~Y, Colorado, homesteading the A~am elm the :-'lanc?5 \ alley, Montezuma beautiful C('\lntrr home. in Colorado. 0 Ranch, now considered one of the most

"Hccords of the Society of Friends," Dublin. Ireland, Familv records II G 'h d

A ( " .. ....... 5 mea,

11n Delany} Wetherill ., pp Go (il H . To

sylvania," pp. 4r)l, f,3H. Fami'!y (iata:) . G. \~hmead; "HIstory (1 Delaware County, Penn-

(Ill) HOTlERT (I) "\VETHERfLL son of R·\ I

was born in Concord T.- ' I' n' \' . tenure and :\1111 (Henvis) \Vctherill

8 I\~ I1S lip. e aware Coin tv P> I . .

I 17. and rlicr1 in PI,,'l"rl'l I '. \ . . 1 ) , cnl1sy varna. t\ ugu.:;t zo ()1" <>6

'1 ",Cp11;JJllgusl"- 1'56 HI -,

111ilills on his fathcr'~ retir ~ 0-;" I )J. e )tGl111C the head of the \Vl·tI1cr

, , .. iremcut 111 [('\.10' .\ ., -

"1' • <Hit eventually became the sole owner of


1. William Delanv born in Lowe '[ .

D . • r ~\ erron To' hi ~1

ecernber 16, 1845. died in Philadsl hi 'Fns IP •. orngcmery County. Penn ylvania,

bar of Philadelphia, June 30. 1868 P ,a. ebru~ry IB, T i· He "3:, admitted t th Wethenll married Louise Stratton' d\~~ere he was a succes Iul lawyer. "'illiam D. Jersey. They had two children' l JOh~h~e~ of Joh~: Stratton, of Mount Holly, New

2, Robert (2), of whom further. " t atton. II. )'Iauu \\.

3. Richard, of whom further.

4- Phrebe Delany, born in Lower Merion T hi .

February 29 18'''' rna r ried 0 t b owns IP. ~Iontgom~ry County, Pe.n.lIsylvama.

, a= , . C n er 1'" 18-- T Ha f :..... I" r

sota, They had' i Etta .. R 1 \~{' ';>' :.. rmon, l) "Imneapo I', xunne-

. .•. 11. 0 iert IV etherill, III. Arra,

5· MarPri~~IS~c~~rS~nt~;~~r I~1ed~n Townsh.ip. ~.Iay 9. 1~-tQ. • he marri tl Dr. Samu I _ M . D l' ,p.. . / , 18/~' and.resl~cs In Lansdale, Pennsvlvania, Th y had:

1. ar) e an). 11. Richard Wetherill. Iii. Gertrude. .

RoJ;:.a~d f~~:~ai,~~rn(pJe~: :)'G~e,~eahlOg~lcal ,I, Sket;h. Tracing .the I -CClIt of the Children of e an) net en , pp. UI-U,. Family data.)

(IV~A) ROBERT ~ 2) VVETIIERILL,5011 of Robert ( I) and Ph 'be Ann ( Delanv ) Wetherill, was born 111 Lower Merion Township, M ontaornerv Countv. I e 1111 ... \ 1- vania, September -1-, r8..t7. At that time his father owned and operate 1 th thr e Wetherill woolen mills at Manayunk. which prior to the creat and disastrous pani were among the best profit-returning- units in the woolen indu ... trv in this ~tat 11 received his early education in the public chools of Philac1elll~ia and later was a student at the Upland State Normal School. in Delaware ountv, PClltlwhamtl. From the latter chool he went to Chester and there hound himself f r f ur .. a an as apprentice to ]YIiller and Allen in the machinery trade, ~o manifest wa .. hi .. ability in support of his character that his employers. after he had heen with them two years, advanced him to a position in the drafting department, where he c 111- pleted his apprenticeship. During this period he had ,,110"'11 marked ingenuity in mechanics and won the implicit contide11ce 0 f the firm. He remaine I an im; rtant factor in the success of the busines .. uperintending the pbnt and haviuu char of the designing and construction until January 1. IS/J.

On the date last mentioned. be and his brother. Richard "·e hcrill, a- as ada s,

established the business of Robert \\'etherill and Cmnpall_', manufacturer ... of orliss engines, boilers anc11l1achinery. By close and intelligent application to th c uduct of the enl!'rprise they developed one of the largest Cllginecl;u!=! work ... in

America. The orig;.-:><ll meager capital greatly increa Nt and ihe works nlarged t

. '. c of the 1110:-t im] rtant in its line in


fl' f!.TfI FRIl.I ..

icr UII I ordn nc \\'ith hi,; broth r, ill III trial

, , J l uvcrnment iJatlh .. hip. cru

' . for the (lrllll.:lpa , II

important casu ngs \, , , "k f or the ! radl' genera ).

work ns well as other 1I11JlOl taut \\ rn I r 0 i pled lie railway s nnd

R· I ard J1C. held vested i ntercsts in a n urn It; :\.le 1011 •

. ,. tl r .iiics and tOWIJi;. iness to mtcrests r '111" .nt-

cnterpnse - III 0 re I.- ., 'II ,I I th 'i r bu 111(' S to 111 ..

. II \\r, - the \ \' etheri s so ( l lIt f

During the \ \ or ( . ,11 '_ till oJ .rate t ic P all JT

~ "C ' which C(Jllll,.1Jl) ;, I

in." the Sun Shipbuilding ompany, • I .'11 also had larcc and V<l1 ious lilt r-

::> - I' J • 1 (» "ct Jell ruso ju t'> • , k

bl1ildil1fT Diesel engines. \0 leI - '" -II 'I the \ 1)1( rican "nf .r \ \ or

. d '1 Iterpns('::. sue. '- ,

ests in other important III ustna t.:1 : ~ '1 '0111 In 11\ New Yr rI and

- \ ' ,")C and (,1I11"truCLI(l1 .'

d Electric Company. j merican 'I <. ,

an -. - . _. 'r:11 Hefactories Company, etc" etc,

Pennsvlvania Coutpany, Gene g_( :\1'1[\' Bullock ;ray.

R~Lert (2) Wetherill married, Februarv 27, J I)' • c •

(Gray V,)


" Pc '1,':< January ]C), fR&, ."11(' is r. ll1ember of

r. :I r ary f~ra,\', "as hur!1t1',11 C\hest~r: 11 R~:'~I~f~i~:; 'and Iff the Dames 0 i the L,oy;tI Legion.

ihc I laughter" 01 iu , mer rca • , \)

She married Thoma . ., 'VI)(,c1\\'anl Trainer. (I ranter .', •

2. >\1 nc Rulon. burn in Chester, Pcnns)'lvania, December 9, ISSr; marfler! Jame. Rem\lck

Kerr. (Kerr rv.: '!\' f R' h

3· Phe-be Delany, born in Chester. October ~J. ISSJ; marned Carl II, ~ ottrng, 0 icn-

mond, Vinrinia. She died , \prJl f 5, !fiJ2, . , p

Louise Stratton born Jul\' 20. 1885; married, OctOber '9, Tr,1I I, J. PhillIp \'a~. Keuren, ../, , born October 19. 18o..l~ Children: i. ~Iarj' Gray, II1Irn january /, '91J, II, Louise \Yelherill, bern JUlie 8, 1[;23.

~I'I Ired l'ubert born in Chester Pennsylvania, January 6. 1/.l~IO; married. October 14, 5· • "00'<. Gid",d lJ ill" Suo 1I.·o~ 0 f (:'""< W. ,,!d F,di' h (Cha",. Stull. Ch ild, 'u. ~. lIiJdred \\T<'"1.herill, burn. epternbc} 10, 19](5. II, 1\alhlrcll Eyr, , born April 3D, r92,:" iii. Rox,r Trainer, born Noyemner -+, IQJO.

6. Kathleen E\Te born in Chester, PelUlsyhania. Octuber 26, 18~.)2; married Arthur Edward' Co~elalld. burn October 30. 1892. Childrcn: i. Arthur F.dward. Jr., born .\pril 7. IgLj, ii, Ruhert \Vclhcflll, born (le,el1l!Jt:r r7. 192';

F' Robert. .Ir., horn ill Chester, Penllsylvania, ~cfltl:ll1bt·r..j. rf(95, He attended the T01l1e SchL"ll, Pori Deposit, .Maryland, lie is a member ,If the Union League. f(obert Wetherill, Jr.. married, .\1u\'embcr 9. 19T6, Oarhara Carr ni~pham, born in Claymont, Delaware, Augu~l 20, r8ri-+, daughter of Captain Harrison AUgLlstus and Barbara Carr (Graff) Bispham, IIer rnci her, I:arb:1ra Carr- Graff, was born l~ebrl1ary 4, 186.;, and died January ll'i, .'900. lIer maternal grandl!arcllts were Frank and Ra\'31111a Barbara (Carr) Graff; lIer male mal g real-gr:1l[t1rl4lrenb, Joseph and Barbara Carr, Her pall'rnal gr<lndparcnt· were Samuel, \ugu<;lu and Cornelia (K( 1011,) Risrham. Barbara Carl' (Hi pham ) \Vetherill was educated at till' .\li'~es .lIchbs' School ill Wllmill~tOl1, Delaware, and at the Dwight ch'IlI, Englewoo I, Ne\\ JcrSC}. (hilrlr(;JI of Robert Wetherill, jr" and Barbara Carr I3isphalll) \\Tetherill: i. ~OLc~~. ~d. Lora SePlcrnbcr~. IQl7, ii. !I~rrisC:II Iiispham. born. eP,tcl11iJer ..j, 1918. '~l. \, I(h::rr!l Gray, l.IOrn \prrl 2:;, HIZI. 1\', RIchard, 2(1. born Allrtl 25, 1923, v, E,I",nf B"Pham. born Januarv '3. '9>5. vi. nul,,,, flm. tK"" Xo",mh er '5. '930.

(Family data.)


rell1(!\' '<1 With his mother and

I '. , a~11ily tn Delaware COllllty. and at the Che t or \caden~y COIlll)ieted

us eduC<ltlon I r I' h ' .

. '. '.' "'ceor HI t e busHI, World "egan in hi- ""nth. When he I,.came

a JUn,ot dcrkon a "rug stor II I , '. . .., _ ". •

the Ph']! ' .i «: e, eater ,lCCcpterl a ckrH.:al I OSition II1 the office of

J ac elph1a, \Vllmlngtoll nlld BIt' 1" 'I C

' a !lI1ore \(1] way Olllpa 1)" being stationed for

ordnance brother. ndustrin!

erre$cnt~lnllt for us interr \Yorks [ork and


mber of Legion.


of Rich-

Keuren, " Louise

tober 1 ... dren : i, 30, 1925·

Arthur r., born

Tome Robert

Clayd Barbruary k and Baraons) ebbs' JerlJ : i. 1918.

• Y.


oy) .\"1-

e of



a pa~ of t~e ~me in :\~ilmin~on. Delaware. On January I, 1 ,2,!> n after attaining Ius rnajorrty. he joined his brother. Robert (2) Wetherill. in forming a partnership for the p~rpose of carrying forward the building of Corli . ellgines and boiler" and the operation of the foundry business. Still young to accept uch heavy re .. ponsibility, he as sum ed the management of the financial affair' of Robert \Yerherill and Company, and from the inception of the business he was acoutribuung iactor to the highly satisfactory results from their operations.

Richard \VetheriU's financial ability carne to be well recognized outside the 'Wetherill business interests. He is one of the group oi sub .. rantial men who organized the Chester National Bank. He wa a member of the orieinal board oi direc-


tors and has been annually reelected to this po ition. He h " also been a director

of the Chester Street Railway Company, treasurer and vice-president of the Standard Steel Castings Company, anr] ','as president ot the Chesler Gas Company until that corporation was taken over by the Philadelphia Suburban (;a~ Company. Of several of the successful textile industries of Chester he has been a director ami he has served on the board of trustees of the Pennsylvania Military Collc:;:c.

Richard Wetherill married, December 3. 1878, Ella Larkin, horn March 20, 18j6, daughter of the late Hon. John Larkin, who enjoyed the di tinction o i havine been the first mayor of Chester. Mrs. Wetherill also trace: her line 01 descent from well-known Iamilies who were among the cady settler" of that section of Peunsylvania, They were active, too, in large affairs in their day. and it i. through several of these ancestors that Mrs. Wetherill is a member oi the Society of Colonial Dames of America.


1. Robert, Jr .. born in Chester, Pennsylvania, April 13. lSd. 1~1: attc~rlcd Penns~l\'a~l~~ Militarv College. in Chester. Pennsylvania. where he. received h~s degree 01 l:r'iI.1 Engineer. He was employed as an eJ1gin~e~ in the .\~rellm~n En~lnecnll.g C0r.npan~. Ji Cleveland Ohio, having t'i.r t held a similar position \\,IU: Robert \\ ethenll and ~om(1any ln~ .. of Chester. Pennsylvania, He is a menu 'r 01 the ~Iew'la,\~ "\tI~l.c~l~ Club. of Cleveland, Ohio; Ma sonic Lodges. and the Cleveland Consi tory, II po mcs

he is a Republican. . . \1' . B Id

2. Flor:.i~.~ D~~~~r' !fBn~ ~?:~;tr p~:~~;f~:::t~.a, l~~';fni' t:l~8~ro~~t: \~,~~1~~1~ ,~.a~~~ 11l!n;~

t th Red Cross doing canteen service as well, She 15 on the hoard ,01 manage,

~rrtl~e C~c5ter Hospi'tal and of the' o~ th~ ~'i:~~c:~; ~h:~~~~~ tion, and ex-head of the Stcnsty Cha~~er of S~e~~~ers of r~:"~~~t Ai1i,"{ce of [,hilawhich she served for twe ve years. ~e j~e a American Revolution, and the Springdelphia. CDlom~l Dames, Daughters pO ,1 . 111 politics she is a Republican. haven Club. o t Delaware County. enn~} vCo~f~J:riale Church [If the City oi New Florence Delany \Vethertll .. ~ •. a rned"\~~l t re son of William 1. \\-iison. of Louisville, ". k 1 I ?? 19o5 Bennett J ounz 1 son, . - .. El D 1 nv ]. or '. u y --. . • . R' I d \V the ill born Mav 6. 1900. 11. ueanor e a J'

Kentucky, Children: I. "It tar e riu, '.

born September 9, 1908. I' D 1 1-1 18 6 John Larkin \V etherill

. b . Chest Pennsy valll<l ecem ICf ,"" . •

3. John Larkin, om m es er.. . ~rilitar;' College, where he received the degree. 01

was ertL~cated a~ Penl~syhal~la nd at Cntnell University, where in H)Oj' he rec~n~ed Mechanical En~l!:eer m,loo;" F I - until 19[6 he was employed as an el:gmcer the degree or CIVIl 'Englneer .. romd tf parry Inc in Chester Pennsylvanin. 1n ill the firm of Roh~.rt Wethenll an t~ dealer a~d has contj~ued sm:ces~f\lny. in 19J(i he entered b~lsU1es~ a~ aLa~l~~~rn~~therili served overseas in the. 'World War. that line to tim. time. Jp. n. E . ineer Officer' Reserve Corps, October. 3, He was cnmll~i5sioned first lIeutenant, 11;:1 I" until ltarch 15 1919; ~erve~ with


c. & 11.. fi-l~

w ertt J!NI LL

'. T -ansportnt kill Cur[Js, American

I t "lpl'lI1l J ~ f .

• . , - He \\"as l,rol1lOl(;( (I (. , • -ahlv liischarg\!d rul1l service

and !i)~h !~ng:n~~;1:~e5, Fcbnmry Li, h?J'.J. a~d h?Il'!;:lb' of Philadd]lhia; Chester

ExpcdltlOnM} 1 - H"c clubs arr Union .Lcagllc (_ l:1 L \\"III'rllgrlJrrl Pennsyl-

1 1 '9Ty I~. C 111 rv II T,' •

t..larc 1 '-17• t· p' "I1nsv[I'ania; Spring Hayen 'Jml '[ 'l"'I'in \Vdlwrill married, in

Clult Chester, ~', . P t No 1\)0 \1111.", 1.1 'I

.' d .-l"merican Legion. os " . " • I" rric daughtcr of )0111 anu •• ary

varua : an • '\ "3 19'>/1 NaU!111 'cL ,

l~hjladeJ!lhia, Pennsylnmla, J [111 I -, •

l'" Barrie. . . ()'tl)ll"I' I~ jH.~8. She attended the

r , 'I P 11'\'I\"aI113 C' ~ . • •• I I

X Iia J Wetherill. lxirn in C rester. en s. ': '[~c[JIlS)'lval11a; ;,Ii s Hald\:JlI S • c IO~ u,

4· • c ::\\"'~~thrnorc Preparatory Sc~o.ol, S~"~{(t~~~::~r\ierIlOll' ;-;1.!11Iil1;(ry. of Washtllgtos',". ~)I _ of Brvn :\J awr, Pel1ltSr!,'allla, a~l • .' r she was 11 I':{'r1 rv~s worker, .. re I a triet of Columbia, During l~le \\ o\_ld .\~~ r~cvlJltlti(j11 :lIu! the Spring;havel1 Clu,b. member of the Daughters ot. the " ml.!rl~~n she is a NCPltbJicl1Jl, Nelln L. \Vcthalll Delaware County, Pennsylvania .. In po 111l::~:8 r;.,- TIIII111:1s :'I.lacK'l1l.ic Allen. ~Jfl married, in Chester, Pennsylvania, J.al1l1~rj \.lien -·Childn.!II: i, 'I'homas 1laclH!,

of William Linton and :'lIar)' U.l~cdheln;l.le '. l' I(p6 n \Villialll Thomas, horn

J[., hom December 2..j., 1l;J25, die january r r, _. .

J nne 9. 1928.

(Family data.)

"" : j) A V-,' ;1u t!.t..

(The Trainer Line) . .

The orieiu 0 £ the surname Trai nor or Trainer has I )ecn :l eri.hed .:0 ~'alrJ(JllJI:

h , 1.1' ti [ro 11 a "trainer 1)10 >a J \

rc ><: Bardslev suggests all occupationa uen vatmn I I , • .

SOU t:_. ,:-. , Y 1 I' L wer

of horses, especially since the name is found at an early date 111 or {: 11r:: .,. (~. _ .:

On the other hand, finds a Celtic derivntion for the name [rom the In 11 7 I cIIIJIu..a1 or Trhwfhcar C"fh" mute), strong or brave ; a hero.

(Lower: "Patronyrnica Britannica." Bardsley: "Dictionary o] English and \Vel~h Surna mes.")

(1) Dxvrn (I) TRA[i\ER, progenitor of his line in America, was born in Eng-

land in l750 and died in Pennsylvania in r831. He was buried in Lower Pro vi-;;::" ;. ~ _ 4? dence Friend . Graveyard.

, David (I) Trainer left his native land in 177 I, in order to escape from the reli-

- ..)~..f S gious persecution of his sect in England. He s dtlcd ill what is now Ridley Park,

Delaware County, Pennsylvania. and fanned for several years with George I'Iink~ "son, of Hinkson's Corner; Nether Providence. Delaware County, Later be owned ~f "'_"I<tthis comer. Later stif he bOll~lll the r arm 0 r George J ordan in Ridley Townshi p, ~ ~ and his old house with additions still stands on the edge of Ridley Park Lake, Tn .oM ,/' ':iii- spite of his religious beliefs. David (1) Trainer served in the Revolutionary War in

T 780, in the 6th Chester Countv DattallOll.

_~_t_~. , David (I) Tr~iner mar:-ie<Cfirst) , in 1773,l\Iartha Booth. of Chichester Town~Jup, PennsyJvama. who died In r78s. He married (second). in Christ Church. (d,. ~iilarielphia, December 28, IiRG, Margaret Morton. sister of Iohn l\Iortol1, the

Signer of the Declarano» of Independence. •

Children of first marriage:

J Jane, horn January IS. (('74: married C~eorge Jordan . . \faD·. born J\p~i' li, '7i;;. martied JohJl Ham,

ra, horn 1 )f'I"' r Orr ~, r i/~; married William Trites.

sic ' "'</1'14. Prulr1<:lJlf'C. horn ~Iarch 7. 1783; married (first) Daniel McCullour.h'

~ leI. 0,

~C ~ ~ 'fA...t G. Martha (! Will!, born P'ebnlilry 2~, 17R_;: married Benjamin l\I i!l('r.

;r~ ~ 7, Mar.l!aret (tWJJ1). horn FeLruarv"8 £-{85' marrle.l ] .. ,ll E ki

4,.(;1 k ~ ~ .I - • '" L v, 11 vrs me.


(second) Samuel


Children of second marriage:

8. Daniel, born March t z [- _. . d '[

El -, I'" marne .\ ary Hink 0 id

y. eanor, born j anuary 10 _..,~ n, a WI 0\\.

E-" 'J ,I,<,]<J.

10. dith, born December ar r- .. di ... •

Phil" L -h ~\i-. ieo unmarr-ied

11. ip, orn ] une 28, 1,1)5. .

12. George. born Avril - I-no-. . •

] ~. ,'r': married Eliaa Rudolph

13· ames, born December '0 8·' .

1.j. Eliza]. tb I . -, l Q[. married Hannah tewart.

. e , lorn April :20, l804.

(Family data.)

(II) DAVlf) (2) TRAIN f D . ,..

Pennsvlvani ER, son 0 . avid ( I) J ramer. was hom in Ridl \ Park

8ell~sYS,'ama, ab~tlt 1776, nnd died February .:!9, ]R i. He married 16; r i~

I 0,) arah (SmIth) New}' ·h '

did cl 111, W 0 was noted for her remarkable be. utv and plen-

~ lara~ter. S~e~lad lhe honor of beinc bridesmaid to Dolly :\ladj_~n. when h

"as married to Ple:'I(~ent james Madison. Sarah Smith-X wlin) Tram r wa the daugh.ter 0 f ~ ohu Smith, OJ. gentleman ~lIaker who settled in Darb, T wnshij and the widow at Dr. Nicholas Newlin. by whom she had Iour cluld; 11. II' 111. rrie (second) 1\Ir<;. Mary (Leiper) Balfour,

Children of the first marriage:

1. Sarah ~L, who married a :'Ir. \Yillkt:r.

2. William.

3. Josiah Dunting.

4. :'lary Caroline. born November IS. lu12; marri d a ~lr Smith. 3. David (3), of whom further.

(Family data.)

(III) DAVID (3) TR!\lNER. son of David l.!) awl .... arah (Smi h- Tewlm) Trainer, was born in "he!'ter, Delaware County, Pennsylvania, Jul, q. I t land died J .. \pril ,. 1890• He acquired a good practical educati n in th C 111111 n ch 1 ... After attaining hi" mnjoritv he became one oi the pi( ncer cotton manufu tur t Delaware County, and it wns largely thn II1!:!h his in trumerunlity tha h indu

trial interests 0 f the town pro~>Tc!>sed :00 rapidly. For forty) e. r h wt 11. ed

in the manufacture or cotton Iahrics at Linwood, lat r kn .wn n Train r. in [ 'ware County, and during this time he improved the m rhods in II and th ch ~ of the fini hed product. The product of the mill rec iv ';1> 1:11 n i M

N ational Fail' in Wa:-.hingloI1. District of -0lu1llbia, during l\la). 1 ,n i1 I 'i

at the Paris Expo:;iliotl :I hrol1zc medal was awarded t the finn rIa rid Train r and Suus r or ~tlpcrio!" ticking;;;. Later he admi ted his on into 1 artr rship, und r the firm name of David Trainer am! 5t111, aurl this wa .. afterward han d 0 David Trainer and Sons .i\1:ulIIractllring Company. lie was mad PI' ident :md erved in this office for the rl't1lainder of his li Ic. lie was abo th orgamz r f th thre

. . at 1 r in t ti 1.

and the Patterson LlJtton ~ I ills. ope!";'! It d by tilt' Patleron numerous lither enterprises. I'olitically 11 > \ -a .. a 'hig and aft rw

lican, and in his religion he was a clI!I..,i.,t ut memb ," f the I'r t

Church of St. Martin in ~larcl1" Hook. \\'11 re h rd~ 11

Dayid (3) Trainer married, January IS. 1.3 E Ill. 1111d 7



1. Sarah. 1. S\1~al1 . .I \rilliam I~yre, married I£Iiza lr\·in~. 4 \l1l1ic L£yre. 11larn.:d Thomas M. Kerr. (K,rr :11 ,

_, ) :\ewlin, m,crned Hannah 1I001h. 6. Calhcrin~ ". In;lrrlcrl :'>I.1hloll p. ~{lrsha.ll. t, Edward Eyrr. oj whom iurthcr

(Family data. I (1\') EU\\',\IlI) E\'Iu: TRAIXl-:R, 011 of f>;wic (J) and I tl," II

was born in Trainer Pl'ULlbyl\'<lni,l, XO\Cll1oer .?i. ,850. and dll' n f( eational advantages 'were ol~lai ned iii the Penn ('harte r d ool It }l11I de II' '

later tlns rrainlnc was sllpplcm~ntcrl 1)) .I COLlr"c in tilt he t r \Itltt n

At the age of cI~hteen years he entered the cou III mill the lid 0)

his father. where he familiarized 11In! eli with th bu III' d • II

employ ed 111 all tile difT<.>n.nt br ncl Of th Lt. d. tl majority he was well quahhed t b -c me a nt((!'ht'r of h this relation until JUI.e 8, H)OI. when It llec:lln(' actl\ h in r

Spinning Cornpanv of Chu.te~. (or \\ Inch he acted 111 th C I' I

many year- Mr. Trairer served a trca urer i r th (h org;lIliL:ltion hi", father was one of th charter meml r domestic nature, acuve in chant). aii'nhlr ami pi ~ ant III m

integTit~ ill business affairs. Bctl Mr. Train r ani hi \\1

Protestant Episcopal Church of Marcu He , ~\fartin' 'hurch fOT twenty rear ,an 111 wi i work cornccted with It

Edward Eyre Trainer married (fir t), 0 ober I daughter of T'tornas \\'000\\ ard I I rnarrie {eco~ 1 J, Ro~er:. II' ughter (Ii Wrlliam H R ers, of ~ "i J r Child-en of the first marriage :

I. Ed\',~r E, born Allri: 6 lFiS. de a rd ,;) I vir a W, 'ff)1T' Atll;1I t 'l. I i6. decca [ .;. Th mas Woodwar'l, of ""hort" furtl r 4- \rdic B •• born June 2<1. I 79. S. fa1coln E.. be m fan'h g I Z

Child of the econd marriage: 6, H ers E .. bern \pd 2~. I I (Fill: Iy data)

hurd! of


'" TiTI J!? fa !.I •

. I' - l·~ 'IT W 10.; horn al,(/111 1750- 11(' ('llg,Ij..(Cr[

~ T- K cI Ie.::t SOil "I t.!tt'l '-I , ' l' I

I !) ",I ~ll'EL ,I-R. [ . " ' 11 .. J J • IlHll'ncrl J .11)(' lru\\ II. I I()

. II" • 1 I im[lJlltlllg" 111 ax )alli. (

ill the hU\'I[Jg.~' Ill/;.; .~l I I . , I I ng rhein, Sallluel t z ), {I wh III

, [ 'J (. 1 SOl1~ and d;Ulg 11 I , • 1 •

had a Inrgl' :1I11l y

further -

l Fillllil~' data.)

) I~ _ II' l 11 oi "ulllirl. 11(( Jail r Hrow n) JP rr, \\ I

(JT J S,\\[L"-J. l": ,[,I{R, C (lS.U •• , f

, - , ' I l' .,s, l Ic fullo\\C(1 ill lu Inther I)l l I .1 .111

horn III \\T.o;i1lr(', :-orol am, In I,' I, .

, . 1 I ._' fl -" and hi :Ill'UlIlll bool .. al'l 1111 III till P' ( I III (If

impurter and ( ea er 111 ax) arn, •

hi" gf'alld~( 111 ,11111 n:lI11c.;ak(', •

Samuel (2) Kerr married .\11111' i\lc.\iUrLrlt', of

had len dtildrm, -r\ ell :;(111:0 and 11m: . daughtLr'S. Statcs : am HI!; them were:

r. ,\I('xan<l\:[, the c1!c,;t '011, who founded. 111 \

well known firm of salt m rchants, 1

• Thomas ~lcMurtri<" r whom Iurthe r

J, Robert. the ~·o.lulI.t!est son, w a a'1 oflic r, and ilJ I lit III th I II \ r

(Family d .. ta.'

'OUlIl} I) -rr \11 th' oil

t nn: rl

I h,)

l11 I} "1'1I0;lJ,\" .'Ie .'lIt NTl<IF KhHR 011 of :II II I 1111 \1111(' :\ Mnrtr«

Kerr. came to the L'uited States ir un Scotland nrd fill ( III Pluta 1111111, wh r he formed the well-known coffee irn] ,ning firm II i K r r II I 1 J I Jrt 1 t r knov II 1 Thoma ~I. Kerr and L~UI1,

Thuma ~1. K rr marn d I fir t Sarah J married ( .. econd j Annie F 're Train r, IT ond rnarriagc :

.Merit U hili, in til. I


n If

I, David Tr iner,

.::, J Xcwli, Trarner, J Frank RD~rt.

-I. Edward Eyre,

;" Jan'c R n vick, r f vnom h rther, (Family , ta I

_ 11\') JA" I Rr. \'IC.h. K 'RIl, 011 of Th 111.1

Kerr, wa born in Phrla lcl; h • f' nn \ varna U

as Delated with th' I neral Ch 11 I "I { ( '. 1

H . CI I1npam I If , r

c 1- a member of the l-mot1 Le 1I f Ph I I phi

Club,. and Phila Ielohia (OUIll n. (I 1 I ~u

T r ',I 1I 1 •

• ~ marrJed • \nn( Rulon \ \" eth 'nll a 111 -ml r of II .\tncnca I Wetherill IV \ C:t'11

Chi 11 ( 2,)

ildren :

(I 1 I, 1 1) m





(The Gray Line).

Gray is in general considered a descriptive surname, used at first to designate one with gray hair. The early records in mentioning individuals of the name prefaced it with the preposition 'de" and "le'": the "de" suggests a patronymic derived from a place. For this rca onlllne authorities believe the name rnav be derived from Grai, a village near Caen, in France, fr0111 when: it b said, Anchi~illuGrai, who appears LtS owner of land in the Domesdav B ok, mav have c, me.

There are many families in existence today bea;ing the name. everal of which are of very ancient lineage. One of the families (the connection with the line of our interest is not known) is traced by tradition to one Henry de Grey, who received from Richard. Coeur de Lion. the Manor o i Thurrock in County Essex.

(Bardsley: "Dictionary of English and Welsh Surnames.")

(I) JAMES GRAY, a Scotchman. settled in Cumberland County. Pennsylvania, in I754. His history is associated with the French and Indian wars. particularly in connection with the attack on Fort Bigham, June I I, 1756. James Gray was one of the few persons who escaped that rna sacre.


1. Thomas. of whom further.

(H. G. Ashmead: "Genealogical Sketch, Tradng the Descent of the Children of Robert and Phoebe Ann (Delany) Wetherill," p. 63.)

(II) TH01l1AS GRAY, son of James Gray. was born in I,65 and died January i· r845. aged eighty year::;. He was buried at St. Martin's Protestant Episcopal Church, Marcus Hook. Pennsvlvania. He settled ill Aston Township, Delaware County, Pennsylvania, about the beginning of the Revolutionary War.

Thomas Gray married Margery Smith, who was born in 1766 and died May 6, r826. She was buried at St. Martin's.


1. 'William, of whom further.

2. Thomas, born in 179.+. died October 18, 182I. aged twenty-seven years.

3. Smith, born in 1799, died September 20. r8JJ. ag-ed thirty-four year ..

-I. John. born April 26, 1806. rued July 18. 1883; married. at St. ~1~rti~·s. March 6, :<34!

Sarah H. Bullock, born in 1817. riled June 21, 1838. aged I" eulj -one, daughter ot Thoma H. and Elizabeth (Roberts) Huilock.

(Ibid. Genealogical Society Collection "Records at St. ~!artil1'~ Pr,otc"tant Epi copal

Church. Marcus Hook, Pennsylvania.")

(III) \VILLIA~r GRAY, son of Thoma;; and l\ra1'~cry ( ~llith) G.ra.~. W;t~, O?rIl

D I· "T 17,"13 died Allril 2 18r::9, and was huried at 51. Martin's. \\ illiam

ceClll Jel ~.. "... '- - .,,;J

1 Iarme 1 cated 011 Nnaman's Creek. ncar Claymont, Delaware;

Gray, w 10 was a armer. 0 c •

- cl 1 1.1 about 18;:,' to Bin1111l~hnm Township, Delaware

r Inove ro ra 1 \ .... ,)~ I ,.

P 1 . d later to oncor nWl1shll', sarrre errtrrrry: ,n

el111SY varna, an -. r; G ' .

following deeds are r 'corded 0 ( land rrnnsacuons of \\ illiam sray :

,V'!l' Painter City of Wilmington, Kew Ca tie Co" Del., "

Deed. 23 ~I,~r~h IS~2. . I la~ll • Co l;a ~[S,SS3.16. Tract of land partly in Binning-

wife Phch!:, ~(j v\ illiam (,ray. DelaC art! Pa "on r~ad li;vting [rum 'Vilmin "11)11 to \ v est Chester ham, partly In CO!lco.rdd;,l?elll.awa~ , ~:.\' (t:;ossing road leading Irom Chester to Kennet Square) adjoining lands of sal ¥V 1 lam am e


-7 I d of Thomas Nichol-

" , ' ids land late of \JVil!iam Thatcher, an :£:111'5, Wits: A lbert

Gideor: Williamson, "'J 1111138 Sh~~a~ containing 183 acres r rod 14 sq. pe

son, Samuel Thoma~, 0 m pea ,

IV. Smith, I. P. Fair lamb. 1 C Fa farmer. and wife

B· , h 11 twp lJe aware 0." S t d

- '18" William Ciay, rrrnmg ar .. '_ Tract in Concord on La c roa

Deed, ,!./Iay Ga;~blc Concord, housccarpenter, $Wl:T?" g lands of Benjamin Thatcher,

"\j~f}'~!~ ~r~cl:~: from \\'est Chester to Wfilmi':'dgt~~'il~~~IlG~~Y, an;] containing f acres 17

all! r " I" S uel Hewes land 0 sal '" PI b 23 March 18,,2,

Thomas Xicho son, ,a.m h" William Painter and Wile 11' 1',

perches Part oi premises boug 1 at I I

\\;)'1,: I~"bert Frame, Thomas S, Gray . Ack 1 )'1al' 11!55,

'. "', d D la vare Co. and wife: Mary B., to S,tc'p~c:n

.D~;C"rl 23 March 1858. W~lham Gray, I Co~cor i ou~ \Vilnlillgton to West Chester, ad] ?lnlTlg

:\ladgj[j J r Chester TLlWn~hlJJ, on road ~a{ II1g r, :r road leading' from Chester to Kennet lands 0'1' Ji~r\\jn P~il!lerJ "Ior~~c:;i L~h~slu(('r~r~l~~in Fletcher, ,Villiam Gall1~leJ ],,:~d. of Square), CirlC0t1 Wllham~Qn., "'! illiam • re I ~ Lla~ir Part 0 f same pre-mises which ", illiam said Y\'il/iam Gray, and contairnnq MJ acre~Q I ,'ci W'JJial1l Gra v

P~inter & lI'ife Pliebr: conveyed 23 ]I,~ arJl:h rh5~i to S3\ saiti Stephen 'Mndgin 'the cestue que trust [11 trust. that said Stephen ~I~dgln 'k' s a.dPercrn!\'e and' enjoy the rents, issues and profits to occupy, manage let and demise and ta e as re e

of said premises, etc., etc.

'Nits: Nathau Shaw, .Ioseph Taylow, Ack, 2) .\Iarrh J8SR

The will of 'William GlilY, Concord Township, Delaware County, Pennsylvania. dated :\larch 23, 1859, reads as Iollows :

To my wife, .\'[ary Gray, all household "ilL?cl kitchen. lurniture and tile 11SI! for ,life of two rooms in the house in which 1 now reside, !lrn,lIeges of kitchen. cellar. etc. Also, $.+;10, annually

during her life, . .

Hanllg already provided ior my $011 John Gray liy advances, I discharge hun from all right

to pay the sallie, and of all claims lip to date, '. , .

To my son \\ illi:lnl C. C)·ay. ~2jOOJ b~ pa}'Illg" my ~al<l Wife $120 annually (being part of

~aj<l $':;0). .

T.)- my son hzri\ Gray $.:'J(Jo (he also paying my wife $120 annually, part of aid $.J.50). 'ro mv . 11 Tllflmas S Gray. $800.

Tn rnv dan Hannah , Green, wife of EI111110r K Green, of ChEster County, $r5OO, she to pay my w;fe $fJ(J annually (part of said $450),

To my S('11 Henrr 'I', Gray the farm on which I 111,\\' reside adjoining lands of John Spackman, Sa!TIIwl Th"ma~, the State road, and the 'Vilminl,ltoll and 'Vest Chester road, containing illllJlJt Lli acres; also, all stock and f.armillg utensils, he payitl~ my wife $120 anL1ually (being rernaiIJing part {Jt said ~~130).

'Tel my three grnndchilJn,'Il, Mary Palmer, William Palmer and Winfield Palmer, children or illY tlatlglltcr Sarah B. Palmer, deceased. $r!ioo, share and share alike, at 21 respecli\'ely, principal to remain in snirl (arm without illterest LLntil they arri\'{, at that age.

To Illy executors, a hond r hold against the Bait i more and Philadelphia Central R. R, Co, lor $2(ll) for their sen'iec~, 1,1 he di"ided share an-] share alike.

The 11'\(JI~LYS beqllcalhl:'i to ruy children \\'illianl C. Gray. Ezra Gray, Thomas S. Gray and

Hannah S, Green te, be paid them as soon as ronH'l1iclll,

Exccrs, Illy S()I1S J~Jlm r,ray ail!] \Villial11 C, Gray. LJaterl .?3 Ma rch I R~().

Witness!:: : (jarrett 'l'hatl'her, Morrl~cai Lewis.

Codicil. dated ~br~h 23, 1859, revnkes al! rlevise s, etc to his SOil Hcnry '1', Gray, and bC(IUeaths thellJ to ~OI1 John D, Gray,

\Vilnesscs: GilTrett ThatdLl'r, Mordl!<'ai Lewis,

,I' Tb,~ d\,ue.()f rlr~tml~,i' giVfn as 1Ihrch 24. 1859, hu] this is probahly an errOf, as he did not '~Jf:!,llntt . 1IrII,2, r"5'), fhc leners were ~anled tn V.'illialn C, Grav the other excCl to J h

(,ray, rtlllJlJnCLng , • '. I r, 0 n


L nhn's Protestant Episcop;d Church Concord Penn'}'ivan ra , M." h <I. '8'9. ll"y BlIlIock. horn SCI"c"'i rer 2 I. 17< 4. ,lied March

20, 1848, daughter of John and Sarah S. (HarnI)ton) Bullock 01' C- d D 1

C r~ I' , " oncor e a-

ware ounty, ennsy varna. •

t. ).Cargery Nouett. born March 1.5. I ar,

2. John BulJQc~, born .January q. I 23. died pt m r 2

3. Hannah Smith (lwlI1), bom ~Iarch > 18." .

J . _'" -. marn

anuary JI, I, 49, Emmor Rec e Creen,

4. Sarah ,Bullock (twin), born i\larch;!. 1 nn , Marcus Hook, February 24, I June 13. 19<)1.

5. Thomas Smith, born S ptemb r 21. 1 i

6. Mary Jane. born July q. I "'9: (tomb tone 1833. aged 5").

7. William Clemson, of whom iurther.

8. Ezra. born }:ovcmbcr 2i. 1834; marr ied at February ~6, lR,'ij, Anna E .• OW2r by.

9. Henry Talbot, born ~Iarch Ij, LR3 .




(IV) COLONEL \\'lLLLDI CI.E" ~O.· JR W, on of \\ illi m Gray, was born on the homestead farm. ncar lnvmont 1 1

- . .

and died in Chester. Pennsylvania, Dccernb r 30, I ~i

and real estate man of Chester. When the ,'j, jl \\ ar of in lantry, was commissioned capulin and \HI a ign Infantry. William C. Gray to, k 1 art in the b .. attl nock Station, where he received til thank f; n rnl



1. .\IaTY Bullock, of whom Iurtln r. z, \Yilliam C.

3. Howard,

\ arried a Hathaway. ." I I C R I . "Th

4· . nne, Jll 1 di P nnsvl 1'311 12. • a m . u 011. e

"'II " "Records at 1. e lao CJ (., I' I Sk t IT'

l"j)elaware COttn~' h l S. ~. ) '0 H. G. Ashmead: ".~l1ea (~gl;~a , eel, rac~ng

RulQIl Family and Tb~lT Descendants, p, 3Phrebe Ann (Delan.y). \1\ ';thcnIl, pp, 6~-6+ PhIlathe Descent uf the Chllcl.;Cll of Rubert and8 _ "Pa ers in Register s Office. Media, Pennsyl_

delphia "Public Ledger. December JJ, r 91' p

vania," Papers No. 6_P9.)

d 'ht of Colonel \Viliialll Clemson and Annie

(V) MARY BuLLOCK GRAY, aug er. •

1 h 8 ~ nd died December r a, T931. She married

(RuJon) Gt·uy, was born 1\ arc 5. I 5'), a

Robert (2) Wetherill, (\Vetherill IV-A.)

" . th D 'cent of the Children of Hobert

(H. G. Ashmead: "Genea! Sketch, I racing' e es

and Phoebe Ann (Delany) Wetherill, IlP. 62-63.)

(The Rllion r~ine).

The Rulon farnilv is of Huguenot origin, Tradition says that the first of the name came to America between r68.+ and 1/04 and that his brothers were Catholics. He. a Protestant, fled to escape persecution and was taken all board a ship bound for America, hidden in a hogshead, until out at sea he came forth. ProbaLly be landed ill New York. It is probable that the name Rulon has underg-one some transition since the family immigrated to America as the nearest French forms found are Rllelin. Ruellan, Rouillon, etc.

(Edwin Salter: "A History of Monmouth and Ocean COllllties, New Jersey:' p. r. Rietstap : "Armorial Gcneral ")

(i) D.\VIO Rl'LON was born about T70-J. and died in I 7i~, aged about seventyfour years. He settled in Nottingham Township, Bllrlington County, New Jersey. He was a weaver. David Rulon bOl1ght land in Shrcwsimr) Irurn his father-in-law, Henry Allen, Janulry r3. f7J.j.. and more in the same vicinity, also from Allen, in Ii42. III T74.J, he purc.hased Iand from Jame::: Brittan. which afterwards became the homestead farm on which at least nre generations of the family have succcssircly lived. He also owned, at the time or his death, lnnd in New \Vindsor To\.vnsbip, 7\Jiddiesex County, New Jersey. Nottingham TownShip has since vielded its [ann t(J Hamilton Township Chamhersburg and South Trenton, all in Mercer County. The will "r David Rulon. or Nottingham Township, Burlington County, New Jersey, dated Decemher 26. r77o. follows:

To son J1fl\·id. tile land r hought of flr!ttan and H l' .

Tr, son ]ollatll;lI1. the land in 'N~w Wind '. 11 l_ns. !lr~ which I floW d~\' '11.

JoseV!l L<I\\:rl'!lCt; and Isaac Rogers. SOr To\\ nshlp, lIJnldlese.-..: Co., which / J.)I)ught of

'1 he sairl 5(JT1~ to flay my daughter Hanllah .

wiu,?w, .£50, hut, ii ~he IS not a widn~ then th~ (I~: year ha Iter Illy .decea~c I r she should be a tile Interest yearly till she hcoomcs a wiclr w a I tI-j{J to e put trJ lnll;;rcst, and 'he is 10 have

h .. r chilrlren. J , l1C len to have theC50, but, if she die, then to

Til dau . .\f ,£.ro, but if

gran U Catharl' 1 c- ',' lhrn to hrr Chilrlrcn.

T' .. ne owa 111 , £5.

o my two gr:md-daus .. Rhoda Raina and T .

E~ecrs; sons O,l\'id and Jonathan. .. abah Rat,)o. t:: 20 each \\ hell 2 r.

WJtne5-,e~; Leah Ellis, A/s(' GarWMr JIB

Pro~cd Sl'jlt. 8. li7K u, (J 111 rul'c.

Arml J, [tiR, J nventon' £r)67 IO 1'/ cI I

• , '. '-;1, rna e )y Nathaniel R I .

\0 itns anci Dan iel Henilrit-kson.



Da vid Rulon married Exercise Allen who w .

Allell. ' 0 w as born 111 r7os. daughter of Henry


I. C'lthnrine, born 1-1726.

__ lI:'Lnnah, b rrn 2-5-17-8' married ~ Mr B

• "l\ • rown.

3. ~tarYt born 5-5-1730; married a 1\1r. Cuhberlv.

4. IIenrv, r whom further. -

5. Pati 11' , born 12-..24-1734.

6. E.unic", born 12-1.H736 (probably); married John Rato. 7 Lvdia, born J,Z-lj-li37.

8. Joh I. b rn .!-[-174u.

o, Phebe.

I • I or s, born 11-14-1,43. II J nathan, born -5-174. 1 __ \bi ail, b< rn 6-30,1750.

John C. T 1111 n: "The Rulon Familv and Their Descendants," pp. 4-7· "New Jersey Archiv ." Fir t erie. \'01. XXX.i V. p. 438.)

(II) IIr:. 'R" Ret.ox, son of David and Exercise (Allen) Rulon, was born 6-S-173.!. He ·ttlcd in Fairfield. Cumberland County. New Jersey. He married Th od a Robbin . wh was born T 2-15-1742.


I, John, hom 12-17-175".

_. Benjamin, horn l-q-T7(i1: married (first), at Woodbury Meeting, 4-r7-1789, Eunice L rd; married ( econd); at Woodbury ~reeting. 12-7-1796. Sarah West.

David. born 2-15-1763.

+ ~. rhaniel, of whom further .

. • f . born IO-Q-17)7; married, man Hartley.

6 Henry, hom 2-1-1,09. died V:!T-I~15; married. at Woodbury Meeting-. 4-22-171}6. Sybil

Cpr. born 3-20-177 \, died 0-4-1830•

t, jonathan, born 7-..!I)-J 774; married Mary Langstaff,

8 ble, born -lJ-ffjll

Q Annie, born 5-1-1 ,S.!.

10. Ephrs im, born 6-8-li8-1.

(J hn C. Rulon: "The Rulon Family and Their Descendants," pp. -1-7.)

(II I) • TIIAN'IEL RULO.', "on of Henry ~nd Theodosa (Robbins) Rulon. was born t e- o-I;-6-!-, TIe married Halll1ah Dennis.

hildren :

I. Mark. born n-23-[i9J· .!. Saruu I, born 0-4- tillS·

J. John. b-orn 12-11-1,{I6. married James Dare .

. Prudence, born f)..4-17~J8. dil.:o 7-1-1-1828:

~ Job. of whom £urthrf

lit 1, r n _- -

,. Philip, b rn (J-7 ll-OJ

Iathani 1. born Q-25-180..j. • d (first) Elizabeth Harker, who died 4-lo--rS.p:

o, Henry, born 12-1-1 '08; l11arr;c h 'H Stoddart.

rie<l ( ccond 14-3°-184-1. I. anna '8-~' 1l1a.rricd Jane Kerlin.

10, Marlin \\' .. born Cj-dH81 r, died 10-20-1 :11 ,




(IV) JOB RULON, son of Nathaniel and Hannah (Denaia) a ..... 2-15-1800 and died in 1870' He settJed in the borough (now Cit Pennsylvania. The will of Job Rulon, proved September' 15· J8iO. II U

_I, Job Rulon, of the Borough of Chester in the County ()( Orlawar. and of

vam8,.do hereby make my last "ill and Testament &5 foil W First, I will and direct that all my ju I debts be paid Item. 1 give, devise and bequeath unto my dear wife Ablg II Nt 1M II m personal to hold to her. her heirs and assigns {( re tr-and ,ulland dir tit care and guardianship of our children dunng th ir min fit) And lastly. I nominate and appoint my said ".fe ex IIttl

WI!~ess my hand and seal this 14th day of the fir I month {\\ rtncs , E. Darlington

Joshua P, Eyre

The will of .\higall Rulon. wife uf Job, who un H-J tum. \ iJ

27. J8io. proved l\"(lycrnt,cr q. 1877. lind rea I Ii follow



unhor3eu and his helmet crushed into his face. Truelove, snatching away the helmet, enabled \\'itliam to breathe, and for this \Villiam said, "Thou shalt hereafter from Truelove be called Eyre (Air), because thou hast given me the air I breathe," At the close of the battle, William inquired for Truelove, but found he had been severely wounded, his leg cut off at the thigh. The Conqueror rewarded him with lands in Derbyshire, and for his crest he was entitled to use a "leg cut off at the thigh." A more probable derivation of the name Eyre, though le romantic. IS from the Latin, heres, through the old French, heire, signifying an heir.

(J. H. ~ril:r~n: "Chester ~nd Its Vicinity, Delaware County, in Pennsylvania," pp, 50-.51• Bardsley: . Dictionary of English and Welsh Surnames.")

(1) ROBERT EYRE, born in England, January 30. I648. was living in Bethel Township, Delaware County, Pennsylvania. in 1697- Robert Eyre, in early life. was an apprentice to a merchant. William Rogers, in Bristol, England. a town on the border of Somersetshire, England. Far a time he followed the sea as supercargo and eventually came to Pennsylvania about r682-83, He probably settled in New Jersey at first and later in Bethel Township. Chester County. Pennsylvania, on land deeded to him in 1704 by his father-in-law, Francis Smith. Robert Eyre and his wife, Ann, had a legacy of £4 or £5 "if it will be spared," in the will of Nathaniel \Vatson, 0 f Philadelphia, 4-9mo.-168S. Ann Eyre was a witness to this will.

In 1683. Robert Eyre was clerk of courts of Chester County. Pennsylvania, and held that office till rGgo. Some of his descendants were Quakers. His father-inlaw, Francis Smith, li'yed in Kennett and. it i~ said, named that township after hi native place in England. _ rnong the taxa bles in Bethel TOWII:;hil, , old hester County. now Delaware County, Pennsylvania, in t693. was Robert Eyre. tax four shillings, two pence. and "Robert Eyre for Thomas Copper 6 shillings." This Ia l entry meaninz that he was the owner of the estate. 011 which lived Thomas Copper.

" b

or vice verso:

Robert Eyre married Ann Smith, who died in 1726, the daughter of Francis

Smith, gentleman, of Devises, Wiltshire, England. and Pennsylvania.


T. Robert,

2. Ann,

3. jane,

4. William of whom further.

5. Francis.

" V I r ) s-(1). George Smith;

(,'Gcnealogical Socil'lY r)f Pcnnsyh'ania P\1hl~catillm. ur. '. Pd': "Hi lor" of Delaware

"H' C t P ·1 -ania ,. r '11' H G, A,hmta . "

istory 0 f Delaware cun y, l"nI1S} , , , .; _.'

I \ Smith) EYr died ill Bethel

ell) "rILLlA~J EYRE. SOIl of Robert auc nil, ._. T' ,

. '\' " . 1-6~ or ]-6.+. In 1722 \\ illiam

Township, Delaware County. Penusy \ arna. III I"! . t

I t l B,thel TO\\'I1Slup, old Chester COUllt),

Eyre was Iiving lin the paterna esta cat: . . ..' f F' d

. 1 11 I ie n member , t the ~OCI t) 0 . rt n

Penns\'lvallia. and he died t lere. e 1('cal1, • . • . ' , I

-. 1- 1"" j,'i\lr'tillg". His widow Ul\l\'cdhuuam

and was married at Harer on I.' ricnc ~. ~

was all overseer at Chichester i\[ceting. 1,j6-i'~'


id daurrhter oi Lewis and Flo-,

MaP' Va"l, , ::> • D id h

rn I, n ri.!3'~· ' • J • ut,'Cn tlJe LeWIS aVI W 0 was

r • II" Rl:JY ha\C

l) I. 1 '('nn"~ 1\<lrtI3,

ru). fO

P "I rokc hire, 1\ ale

• LI , b'rel-:) ,

I, fl. t In order 01 I • .

rr d. II liil. d (_';ghty·eight years. unmarried.

t 1--. led J1nw-1 rSI-'i. age d abollt eighty-one years), said to

t f',lx'rt II ho died 6-10-1&3. a~e to Penn,;)'1 \'ania before his death:

(r _. ~ ';} but probably return.: •

r ~o~rd t ,rgull•


rn ut I I \.kew.

I 1.'" I •. rr'ed,.lI 1.-..1;-1 ;.11, Jo cp 1 •

__ ( r~obcrt \\',1 on, r r,

j e, n arrt d, In II::> ' • cd <<!"ent\,-th ree,

\! born al)um ljJ9. died l.:rnl.~.l-JOI.:?,:lI!· .

7 I I (I II"enJ further, • . t Chesler }[!:etillg, 12mo.-I3-J759, Rebecca

. J ~ . died ('Il'O,-4 lSI': nlo"lmcd (~rst);[ ~sccond), .. 11110.-29-179\,/. Isabella Campllell.

:lmr I~~ "h died .z.J .I;ob, m,urlC .,. - -> •

p '. • C t Penns¥, pp, 4;)6. 46-. Gilbert Cope:

(l.C(""fge III th: "HI tor~ o~ U~la\\ a~e ~ ~~'6 Y'!ohll Hill Martin: "Chesler and Its Vicin"e I 1.'m 01 rh ~h.lrple~s l'amll,hP~~' _I,.)~ - :'Gcnealos:ical Society of Pennsylvania Publi-

uy, Ilcb ar Ccunrv, in f'eno-yil'3mll. p. "I. ~

'II n-," \ II. '\ pp, Jo' -J:}.)

LIT) I A\ E\RL. -on of \\"illinIll <llld ).Iary tDa\'id) Err.e, ,~as born in Bethel

, [' .. 'I" .. "1101lt· r"O and died 111 Chester Penn-

Town hip, Delaware County. eJ1lI"'~' ,II1Ia, a. 1"1" • ..'

S) 'vani I. 10m, ',-_3-IS2_:;. ng-t'd eighty-fi ve years. Is~c Eyre .anci 111 5 brother, ] ohn,

settled in ell" ter, IJCJlTI~)'h'ania. He took all active part 111 SOlDe measures for secnnng our country's imitpendc!1ce ."Im1 in consequence thereof lost his membership among the Friend ... ill IliS. but ill T783, he made an acknowledgment to tile (he rer Friends' Meetin!!' and again became a member, only to lose membership in liY'. when hi" second marriage \\ . as peri(lnned by a magistrate. The division of

higad I Dicks) Eyre's father's estate shows in settlement records that Octoher 8 Ji 5 .• \lJi 'nil was then a spinster, The Friends records of the disownment on account of I nne Eyre's marriage to her by a magistrate, is dated 11-27-1786.

Isaac Eyre married (first}, at Chester Friends' l\leetillg 6mo.-26-l766, Ann Preston, iJ~rn 12mfJ.-15. 17,15-46. daughter 0 i J ouas and Jane Preston. He man-jed (second), IJ1 l~S(), Abigail Dicks, born about Ii59. daughter of Nathan and Sarah (Sharpless) DIcks.

Children of the first marriage:


r. JOllE', hf~'1 .jll1o:-28-1;6i, dieu 3-":1-[836; married ,'~le. m. rJted (seconrl), Il"ll-'~Ol, Susannah r~a, I:!e tho Susannah who diet! rO~2'-184I.)

s: LeWI~, born 3.lJ-!7()(j.

J 'Vii iclll1, 1'01'11 J-u-I,iT 11rob'tlll" di ,J

n ,. • < . 1 leu yo un '!:.

4· J'n~1 'li, I" rn '-I-"j-- .' < •

• , - I ".) I mal'rlr.:d, Qmo -8-1803 .\ b 11

'> "fan, born Jmo -""--0' . '. . ~., zvra e a t\'~htl1ead

( ... 1/ , n1:lrned in T~(16 E·' d I '

. I~aal". born '11110.-19-17/8. 'h. uwar Engle.

Children of the secom] 111 .

. arrragc:

r. Wi1Ii:1Il1. I,

(first), about li9I. Elizabeth B Pusey, of London GrMe, (Sh~

who died 1-20-r843.



o. Ann. died yuung.

10, jal1llS, prohahly .lived in Burlington Count" N J

. '. - • ew ersey ; married ~rar tt H

11. Jane, hom iJ-.j-1,1.14. dll'd 8-10-1~79, urunarr ied, " gare a ayes.

12. Elil.:Jbe. lh, horn n-I~-I797: lived unmarried in Ch t P .

, . cs cr, ennsvlvania,

1.1. Abigail, of whom [llriller. .

(Gilh~rt ~Of1c: "Genealogy. of .lhe Sharpless Famil ." ... .., _ _ _

Hill ~Jartlll: Chester and Its Vicinity, Delaware COUllt/' if' _16 .. _2~, ~;)J, 3.,2, ;,Q8. John logical Society of Pennsylvania Publications," \ ul. IV, P~,1~8_3~~)s)h·ama. pp. 51-5:?, "Cenea-

~IV) ABIGAIL EYRE, daughter of Isaac and !\.biga'l (D' k ) E

• 1 ic rs 'yre. was born

-+-23-1802, Both she and her husband were deceased in 188- Sh '.

R 1 1\' ) f· e married Toll

Rulnn. (~u on . -

(Gilhert Cope : "Cenealogy of the Sharpless Family," p. 598.)

(The Henvis Line).

Henvis. corrupted from Henhest. Wits doubtless compounded from the term "hen." meaning a r(l\~l. ami from "best." interchangeahle, in Old Eugiish. with beast. Th~ patronyrmc fi:st arose probably from some nickname applied to one who dealt in hen. or who 111 some manner suggested to his neighbor a connection with these animals.

(Harrison: "Surnames of the L nited Kingdom.")

(T) 05:\1 A ND H r::l'l;r-:ST was born in Eng-land and died in Philadelphia. Pennsylvania. in 17:::!J. He died intestate. ami administration on his estate was granted to Samuel Blunston, of the county of Philadelphia. gentleman, and John Eller. of said county. yeoman. December 30. 1723. Osmand Henhest, of "Philadelphia County, yeoman. ~;-I\·e a mortgage to General Loan Office. June 12, 1723. on land in Kingsess. Philadelphia County. bounded hy lands of Thomas Paschall. Swan Yocum, John Yocum, 5W<I.'1 jones. John Enochson. Mounce Yocam. Andrew Yocum, Robert Boncll, and the King's Road. which consisted of eig-hty-nine acres. His land upon hi death descended to hi." 50115 and heirs, John Henbest and Robert Henbest.

The name of the wife oi Osrnand Henbest has uot been ascertained. Perhaps

.. he did not come to America.


J. Nnme unknown, sLlppo~!'d to have lived in P,ngland,

2 TI hn, title of hi share of his father's real estate was conveyed by him, in r;+1. to Xnthan

• Oibson.

3, Robert. of whom further. , ,

(,'Publication 1)£ the Gent>alogical Society of Pen115ylvania," Vol. \'1. p. 276, "Philadelphia

Admini. trations," Book C. p. -18.)

(II) [,Ofn::RT (I) HE,S'BF:ST or I TE:r-.;"15. son of OsmanQ Henhest. W~5 born

• .1 I' l' 0 t 1 1780 The followina Articles of

before December 30. 1723. al1u (1('( III ' C o)('r, ' . " .

. . 6 .- 1 twr Robert (1) Henbest. of Kingsess.

Agreement were marie -;\fay , . 17:':~· ie ween x, ..'

r:(ll1ntl! Phihulelnhia, farmer. and Nathan Gib~Ol1, of Kingsess, a(oresaHl. yeoman:

(K' . aforesaid the father of tile aioresam 1"(1)<;1

\\'HERF.A., OJIC Osmand Henbcst, 0. rngsess " sed of several pieces of land and

Henbest died intc'itate (about twellt~-~Ight years ~ago) pO;;:~l~1 he the said O ... maud at the time marsh nr meadow in King<;ess, contal!llDl{ about \~ aCf~:st of them named John the othtr Robof hi decease had tw , children in tl115 ProY:llc.e . e, e ( t'd had one son in England older than

ert (who i ·,>arty \0 these presents) and as It IS 1I1~111L1a e '


•• 'UW there be) nor no r(!pr!!~

,30-+ f . csaid Elde,t SO~I (II , claim to tile aforesaid land" ~

. . t Ij~yertheJess as the a n rJl~is oel1ali has dla:(~ _a:~~tlividcd right in sa~d eighty-_

either 01 these ) e non whatsoe\'cr 0 , brother~ .01· m " a al 0 by article of alnt. lire of him or any P~C5t eldest 0 ~ the t'~~ dated 3 Septemher .r :1~'1 to air! Rohert Henbesl_ aiorcsaid J~lIN ~I:n Gibson, by jQ(,~I1~\lthan Gibson hath gr.~ op n a road (rum King's road acres II! 5al 1 date. which land S~I -d at this POillt)-:-Ie<lV~~l~. , i 5\\,:111 Jones. to land of said mCcn~ ~,t Isadn~~llment cvj~enUYD[l1l1btl,la!~ong line of laud }O~I11~~lJ Nathal1 Gih~olt is bound in the ( Jngll1<l , d I hia to ar',·. tc '\ <HI, S , I of £47' ~.1

I·' di [r orn phlla CP - _ 'd Kathan GIl>SOIl. etc. " J "1'5 and a~,'gn~ tIe SIIIIl _ s ......

~t1~li~71 Gib-c<11. for usc ot "3\0 said John llanb,:_,1 11I~e~~lC;n:delillal to prove the Death of th!! !It'naltvoj ,f9''' I-IS_, 8dEt~ P~Yr'leasc~ to him, or '1If!iuC1] hn \\'i111011t lawful rssue and IIltestatt!f;

upon rrudm:tion 01 :[11 CC~il~Cl~ older than he the Sal U (Si~l1\'d) l~oOl'ltT I IA :iII EST.

said Ozmand H enbest ient title, etc., etc. .

and make good and slife] Paschall. Joseph I3on,,,!lci 'C C. P. (If l iclaware County, by Isra!!1 Witnesses: ] on~tll~(, before H ugb Llo)'~. J t: go; 1 ;\'itTlt,;~'c:>,

vrfirmed 28 Apr! )<" •. f above srguo. am

.~,. 1 d Tltulg 0 L '

Elliott. that he ~1I0\\;S mil \~ .

Rcc ,8 April, 1809· _ R b -t Henbcst decca sed, \\ ere gr: nted to DaVId

L '-. r Administration on the estate ~~ 0 CI ,

cllt!r~ () I' ,- T- ..... ,

.., , I Peter Henbest Decem ier -I, I

l;lu on am , N mber I "81 .

I. "Court held at Philadelphia, 24 1 OV J I .

At an O([J tans 11 st ) behalf of the minor childr It (Osman, RobPetition o i Peter Hanbest (also Haru )eo;~ 19'~1J!'e'S!llg town hip, decd., selling forth that

rt and Rebecca) of Robert Hanbest, lJ~t,c 01 , ~l . t~;\'nsljiIJ died intestat orne time in OctoC • ,,' i 'at estate 111 vingsessmg '. l:l t d h . ." Hobert hell1g' possesseu 0 re , Jl J 1..1 'IUd petit toner bcmg e oes son, an elr",

ber, 1 it'D, lcavil1f.:: abort' ~in~r children a nL~I~::ll n: :0111C (;,. nCI'OLll t of the aid children,

part oi "aid C'l~te. find.> I~ dl ffih ,cl,ultplO, rent f Killg,~5!>illg. and Jam s Jon s of B lockley, yeoman,

Pravs appointment at P 1 IV nee. 0 - J' I

[', '. '0 said children Court appoints them accorr Illg ).

guarr ians t .< • d ' . .• II k 1

. , I I' D d '. B k IC \'01 I " '72 "Philadelph a .\ mnn trauons, 00 •

("PIHladeplla ee 5. 00 , ..... ' ....

p . .JS, "Philadelphia Orphans' Court Docket, No. II, iJ' 33< )

Robert (T) Henhest witncs ed the will of X athan Gibs on. 0 f Philad~lphia County. December 1,1753. and in 176<; he was taxed in K'ng e jng Township on

fifty-eight acres, two horses and fuur Co\\ s. . .

Robert (I) Henhest or Henvis married (Ilr!>t;, at Swed • Church, Philarlelpll ia, May 23, 1752• Elizabeth Eller (or Ell iot ) , c1allghL!.:r () ( l-.t och Elliot, of Darby. Pennsylvania. The will of Enoch Elliot, of Darby. Chester County. Pennsylvania, dated August 13, 1767. and proved October 30, li()7, bequeaths LO hi two granddaughters, Martha and Elisabeth lIanhest, " £50 each at t\\ nty-one, with reversion to their hruther Peter. Also h) gral1d~()n Peter Han st. III uage, erc., wh re hi father, Robert now lives. at twenty-one," RrJ]){;rt I r) IIrl1bc t married ( ecnnd), ~pri) 16, I~67. Ann Thomas, (Tl1IJmas II.) It i ... possihl that he may have marned three times. The Elliot-Moore Bil)le contains the fnllo\\.o'illg rccor I :

Hannah Henocst. wife of Hoben, departed thi, liie VI! J-3-1"1 J

Rubert He\lb~~st departed (hi, life ye .3-7- t i80, . I I

("Puhlicatil1ns of the Genealogical SOelety of P

Clltlsyh'ania," Vol. X, p. 7 .) Chlldren of [he first mnrriag-c:

1 .J" . r lWClllV-IAll! in 1-6-· t d I ,P' .. -7

an" '7"2; owned sixr, acr- " I" axe 1I1 mgo 1Il~ 111 1774, I, •

was t II ' " es tnerc In 1--., itl 1 d h s :

. ax co crtnr 111 17& "n I' 11'1, WI I two lor S an t r ~ cow.

TfenbeSI" III 17R3 with eighty trn)1; t s eSlate" was ta e I there in r-~.! and "Wid \\ ll1arle and Vr()ve~1 ill 1-8" . - II.fL'C'. acres, two horse and two CO" ' ll" left a will, 'V'II' . I -. mr 11 t(lll1ng .' r M "., d

• I ~am, Proccenings (111 his C~lall' IV :~~ e r ~rgarct anrl rhilflrrn. John. Mary al!

t~ .T,~. 178.~ anrl !iI"Jo, f'ch:r l Ienh \ e Imd 111 the ()rphan~' ( ourt n{ Philadl'lph'3 :;~I';i1i~ cjtember 15, lii4, Am ... El!i'Jt~~ 1:~llr~l~t ((ftr I) at Chri t Church, Phlladd-

;.l, ~! 'II '. une 25. 1778. M.argaret llng('~ .lrnr second) at S wedc , Church, Phila

,al ra, llnder twenIY'\lIlC in r-G- '

J, Elir.aLclh. under twenty-one i I ~'.,prob~ltly rlied beiore her falh r

n I, )" TJrrlilablv died t ... f I

• J\. un' 1 r father.


.1111 ( en t JI"lttr

(;uk l]"11 r uuparu wltl 1 a bordure W-1Y arr;t'nt \n anch r ft wr "ra~ C' f'{\ t <1 c II pr 'ptt.

- nc..lIl~ fa t lBl.lrk·; "Geu ral \rmory.")




I [' 'et

,\ 11 l'

. Armorial General." )

" ({ r

In, f r co r n ch T! n vahlc, t r l qL'Htn '(IiI .. or.

l' st On a c p n mamt ru nee prol I c r pale urI{ n au.l ules I ur f r


\ I I t. . ( ,I ?lIl" Ii rt II"

I rr«


11 n C"1Il ,\ rruorv :' )

, r


PC'11 ,il e nd a ur ,

\ l l I

lr \, It a chevron ar en!

( ~I st \ d mt t't I It (If, ~CJldin

\ -mol) ,'.)

JI 1'l Pf

n pale.

r>I'1. .v

a I )11 r

I1t 1('1\ l'l

a ... ITt ~ h o;cl \\11 1 'I crt l t 01 the If."

Ilurke : "(;( n ral AmIOr},")

rI \I'PI. ( . f \Rill.

TVETHERILL Children of the second marriage:

4. Osm<1u, under icurteen in J;8r rna . d C

(Tunis) Kite. ,me atherine Kite, daughter I

5. Robert (2), of whom further.

6. Rebecca, under fourteen in 178J.

("Philadelphia Orphans' Court Docket ,. X I" 307. "Rec~~ds of :vedes Church, Philadcl~h~ .... l1",~· 338' N 12 Vol. IT. p. f2/, \ 01. \ Ill, pp. 1 r3 391' Thi d S . I enn }h-ama r

. • ~6 - ." 1 x\rI' . rr erie Vol '1\

X\, pp. :J • ?2-1--25 ',. o. ~ ,pp. 108, 581. "Per' _. :"" ,

GreO'ory Jl. Keen: Descendants of Ioran Ke .. 10 }hanta larria

Clte~ter Co~nty Wills." Vol. II, p. 285. ··Philad~~~h·PP\\~fiQ1,I1. til "PhiladelphIa Deeds," Book rc, "01. 1 P ,-? .. plha·1 dll~h' . U k K, P-

C 8 T ' . ..,/-, I a c p ra Admi

45; Book ,p . ..I-.' hornas Allen Gleml: "Merion in the \\,' n r

oi the Gendagoclal Society of Pennsylvania," \'01. X. p. ;- .) elsh Tra p

(III) ROBERT (2) HE~'VIS, son 0 f Ruhert (I and nn Th was born ~epte111ber 21, 1769. and died in Chester Town hip, Pennsylvania, February 28, r859· He married first) , a U 1- • (Kite V.) He married (second), at 'aint Paul' Church, Ch It r, 1 June 33, 184-9, Sarah Scott.

Children of the first marriage:

T. Ann, of whom further.

2. Deborah, married, at First Reformed Church, Philadelphia, \pnl

3. r saac,

Perhaps others.

l Cregory B. Keen: "Descendants of [oran Kern:' pp, - I, - - "Merion in the Welsh Tract," p. 85. "Records of • t. I aul' 'hur h "Records of First Reformed Church," \ 01. [[I. p, 23o.l.)

(IV) ANN Hnrrvrs, daughter of Robert and Deborah (Kit Richard Wetherill. (Vvetberill IT.) (Gregory B. Keen: "The Descendants of )omll K)I1:' p ~ J f •

(The Kite Line).

~. f . 1 \\')11' ch ira e th ir

KIte belongs to the group 0 surnan c . .

thus Kite is derived from "the kite," a sobriquet nllll(, t

h b.' ..' . ),l\ill'"'' Kevt. Kevt . K a Its. The name, 111 Its various sIt:,_" . I

accounts among them Hugu K}ie. Poll Ta· (If ~ ~'fhl

of \i\'olferton, County ~orilJlk. 150i· III t ~(;

L' I"' d \\"I~h :um:ltIC"

"Dictiot1ary or I:'..llg IS 1 art ~

of the Kite family herewith, "h



• rrt d ' therint Kite, daughter of laue and Catherine

and . nn Thoma) Henvis, he ter T WI1 hil • Delaware County,

marri fir t ). • bout 17~3. Deborah Kite,

lint r ul' hurchv Che tcr, Pennsylvania.

He rm I hur h Philadelphia, April 26, 1821, Isaac Kite.

Thomas Hen Glenn: 'hester, Pennsylvania,"

Henvi . married


nt of J rail Kyn." p.262 (footnote).) 'rhe KIte Lint .

r up of uruame which truce their origin to nicknames; m "th kite," a hriqu applied to one of wild, voracious

I lllng K) t. Key!', Keite). wa recorded in

• 1 ull Tax of York hire. in 1379. and John rfolk, 15u7. in the "Hi tory of Norfolk."

lid Wel 11 • umame "

eni or of the K;te family herewith. who e Christian name is not -ry f w record. have been found. was the {ather of the

r • chuylkill."

Book B. p.

(11) ]ADS 9/16 1713- He pro~ ... of Gloucester. and settled iD BIde)r' ~ ScbuylkiU Rivet. liThe friends CIt tht ~ ..

may ha e liberty to keep their nteetiac • ....- __

agreed unto and that they may besbJ the 9/30/170 . The win of Jame Koite (so spelled) of BlQ_rv.

proved larch 24. 17J3/14. mentions wife Martha, who WitI;&~tI.

tor; children, James. braham. Gri ell Lewis; gtandsaD

imonds and hi wife and children j John amer, Isaac WJINlil1 Walker. Witnes es were John Warner, Ann Warser (.atI~· According to the records of Race Street Monthly Meeting. J ... 9 6 1713.

Jame Kite married (first), before 1680, Mary Warner wHO land. and wa buried at" koolkiU Buring Place west side, , probable that ther was an element of tragedy in connection

led to her death, a at the Friends' Quarterly eeting beIcI

I/i I i. it wa "reported to thi meeting concerning the _

Kite. he having received of late great damage by fire," and at a ·Mcnitl. held 3 li 1687. "Thomas Duckett & Henry Lewis having made james Kite'. neee it}', make Report to this meeting that this concitioa and hi 10. according to their infonnation about £60." The r~

cv ral later meeting how that Friends throughout the county. ub cribed freely to Kite' relief; and hi receipts for the

r rted t the Quarterly Meeting held at Philadelphia. J/

ally retrieved hi fortunes. and in the tax Ii t dated September erty be) ond chuylkiU was valued at £40, on which be was : __ •

hilling. 4 pence. Mary (Warner) Kite was the daughter of iIlia:aa Blockley Town hip, Philadelphia County. She came to America _Mil 'With her father and other relatives. Having died before the will. she was not mentioned in it, but the will contained bequests tiHWI. two sons. Jame Kite married (second). nat the public ateeW.;';_.'j.~ 3/13/1698. Martha Med1icort, widow of Daniel Medlicott. riage were: John imond. John amer.lsaac Warner,1Gba

widow of James Kite. married (third), 8/28/1715. JOO8_."C __ 1II Children of James and Mary ( amer) Kite:

I. GrisseJ. married, 2/26/1'1f/6 C-- iatenticD at ~ "' ...

oel Lewis

1. James. Jr .. born 10/1 the I01Ith side of B1Clddlqo

Kite. Sr .. and conVeyed

William Warner; died


I. '" ( , " 30-

m 0 u .' ~,ii"" "01. II I

J r\ldl~ :'C.~n"n in 1111: \\/i 13(~; "Records o i the l' \

"I"",I!'" T' ", I'r act," n, '" " e ~"hl' ,,"",hly Mc,,'og," '"nom' ,"100

rm Ie:, l,t T'lliladrlllhia;' ,:hl\l\lIdelpllla Wills;' Book C, p. 3,2, )ollll ,,',

111) , ' 0" r- "",J

1 I . 1H!..\HA)\ KITl1 .

o I /16 _ , ' -, son of Jam s .,1 "1 ' ~'

• ' ,,,,,I Ih,d ; n 0 .t " e a"" "a<) I \\ .n"') hi I', was honl

l non ')/ / ~ c ouer. I j..I.8 ,. \ . " •

I, " 9 1, 4'~. .. \b h ~, ,lcmg mnecl H1 Fnentls' Growe): ard at

, hem I '. ' ta am kne ap r 1 r . . . .

g removed to 1'1 _ f P lee lor certlhcatt! Lor hl1l1Se\l and wde

re rd . aver ord lV[eeting" / I ' • 01 the Radnor MOI"hl 'M ' ' 7 30 '726, and ~n 8/28/1/>6, in th'

. t raham KIte and wi i '1 ), ayJpears the [o\luwmg: "Ccrti ftc ale tor

-e \ e j,\ arv hom Ph'! 1 i \'

re ('( ucated aru] 1 . ' d . 1 at e ? ua Monthl\' Meeting sa) il1g 'the\'

H ' ' narne amo " ' ' "

,kle)", l'h;l",ld"l>h C ng U'. "eel".," The w\ll o[ Apeahmn K;,'"

17 ,... 1 ' ounrv, veornan (\<1.le 1 II"/ Q i

, ><que""hSl o wi [.;',1 .. -" ", 7 , '740 an' pr<",.d N o"n,l", 23,

a l. ary I cluhh"en Isaac TI... J hE'

ru nom.' ~ \3" an I I' _, «, "o",.'iS, 0 n, 'h,.b"h' \Ill l OInes ;

\ "1 . . u rsaac KAe execute rs T' .

, ham, . , s ne ,,,,n,,'" ,ve" Etc'''' l'ete",,,d

hraham Kite marne 1 ( " '

! I-OS 't ( second 111h:ntlOns, Philadelphia Monthly'

_ 1"'\ an' l' ters da ht r Tl

bu,i <I '1 • ,u, ''0' iorna and Ehwl>eth Peter

11~1111' amegrayeyartlaswasherhusl,and 11/l2/IJ-~O--1 '

I" ren ; " "

Meeting) , She was

I Isaar, of whom (lIrtlwf.

2. Thomas marrier\ at T'l .\ d 1 h' ~.'

I '[ J 1.. '1 " a 'V", ,,,,,,,,,1,,,.", ,,/'0/ I 7!<' 1 ", " ar , """1,,,,11, ,,"ueh-

er n <.)1\11 an! Smannah n nl1tnall.

3 J d1l1J, Illla"R;~' at ~"'rim! ,\,,,;,,\;0'",, "/ ",I"" 1 ,6, "".,. Rob,rt, d,,,"''' o[

"", n,,,"', no """ .. , " -

l~\i1 beth. marnell, ':\o\'enlher 16, 1737. ThoffiM Howell.

;, ) am " I,",,,',d, .1 M,doo ""t'o ,hO use , 8/ "'/'"'' ""II" W ",0" 0' 1110<"'"

( !~ ,onl ~! I~dl'" }\onthl, M~tin,," ,_'733, I" "" I, Phlb"d.\;b "unlhl, ,1,,,,110"", \ 01, 'I, VI" hi, ,,,, Th"''''' AlI'" GI,nn' .. ",,'00 iu Ih' W,,,, 'trn""

"pI i\""ll,hi, W\I\,," B,~k r" I" ,;0 \ '

I -I I' AI' K I TIC, ~'" 0 1 ~ 1".,.,,, .,,,1 Mary 11'''''') 1Z; ic, d i,,1 in '7 i , th' a "';,; ""ion on llie e,tot' "I ];ru," Kite ",;ng geOnteu ,l rli;l,.lell''';' in thaL yea', , I.",h c 1 7')0, I be I",il ino "I Cat herin, Kite, vv idnw, and \\1 Dehomh ",,,1 n.nn"h K, , 'hlld,,,' ,,' (,,,,,e \Gtc, ,kcen>"I, was 1"''''''«1. ",(ing Io<th Ihal Ihe ,.id 1 ac Kit died i nl"t.", ";,,,,1 of • Ir.d 01 land in mockley TI"VI"h;P, ,,".cing

, 1"" Klle, bi- elll"" "on, \nlh"n),: m;,.l>,th, who ;n"""""i,,1 with fete' , "" r,: ~Io"': 1 ",lIn ra h ; H.n nah an' I Calha,'ne: tho t ;a;d M ai" in "",,,,,ried " h ]{ichOr.!·1 'co ere, and h.1 u ,in" died ; nl"tale: etc" p,"y;ng C nu,'t to a ""d in u t. \ 'hc<I'nl;on Ih' Conrt ",."ted an ;nl,u,,! to make ",,,titi"" of ,,;d rract

{ lM.1, etc - .

1.0.c K i te n" "iffi, at ,Ie" on M ecl;nghnn,;e, ,,/4'749, Kothen ne ,C .,h. tine)

T\lni , "o,,"h,,'( "I A"thony Tun;" 01 M,,;on aMen:



6. lJlltln. a h h('jrn 111 lilJJ. (lied in 1793: her will. dated April I. I7VJ, proved \11) ~3, 1793. meniioll -istcr s, [)~b(lrah and Catharine. nephew 5 and nieces, I aac, \\ iIIr:tm, Peter, Jr .• \lllr),. John, .11l( Ellaheth xummcrs ; Hannah, M ry. I n ~ ( on of IgaCI. ),' el'h. Elizatlelh and r a- ( HI of. \nthol1)) ~Itc, I ~~c 1I~I1\'1. The ~"Cqtors wen: O'IIl.m Henv I and Dcbomh Kite; tit Wl(III;", c I homas Th."II" l'ctllr> and John HUld'II1'iOlI.

i Cntharine, n-arried 0 ITh.lI Henvt ,

("l{cc(.r,1 of the Radnor .\Iumh" ;'\In tin~." Manu- ript 011, 11011 of GenealogiCilI Sociel) or l'elln~ylvaln:J, ThOlTJ:Is .\l1cn CI';nll: "Xl erron III the Webh Tract," p. ~. "I hiladelph] Adurinistraticns,' Book "1," II .. ltJ. "l'hiladdphlil ()rphilIiS lC)llft Docker," t\u, 15. p. ~Hl. "l'hdadell'llia \\' lls," U,",k X, II, 7'10,)

( \') DE[IU}{,U! KI n:, daugbter II f 1,:\;1(: and Katherine or Catharine ~ TUI Lt .... ) Kite, \0\'.1" horn ill Hlocklej Township, l.'hiladelphia County, Pcunxyl vunia, XO\'(:I11- her . .10. 176.l. anJ died. eptemher 17, 18~2. She married Roherr U) l l envis. ( f ICII\,j~ r I [ )

I G, Il. Kt.'ell: "The UeSCCIJ(IIlJ11 of J urilll K)'n." Ill'. m. Ihid,;

('I'll Thomas Line)

Curiously encugb, this old nrune. whose origin j" lo~l ill the unwritten hist r) of ar;!c, 11~I"it. did nnt come into English the until after till' Conquest. It hn since reached .'1Ll unprccedcmcd j1(JplLlarit~ Its pristine £lgnil'ical1cc was "a !\\";II," and it \\01<; rep r escntcd in ] I elrew, Creek, Latin, French. ami III Ang-le ,-S,,;o.;:OI1. Almost cuuntles cleriv aliolls han: .!iPfUlLg Irom it .. rnot, and such ndrL1r di,,~il1lili1r forms as Thorns. 'I'homersun, Torupsett, TILIlIll1l;;50n. Tlv 11'11 li 11 , Tornpkin. and Tomblin are close kin, all corruptions of the givell name Thomas. or ils nickname i(lr111. TOI11.

e Lcwcr : "Parronymica Hritannica." Bard,le)': "Dictionary oi Engli.h and \\ elsh Sur-

names ~J'II ri on; "Surname of the l'nit<:d Kmgdorn.")

([) UJ.IVVR TIlO\I,\$ W<JS born in Upland, PcnllSylvafiia, j une .:q. Ill.}. nud riird October 3. L 7(0<). .I r e married Sarah Sandelands. ( Saudelands 1 I I.)


J. 1';\'al1, b"m February I~. 1736'.17. 2, .\1111. of whom iurthcr,

3· -'dar.)" I,MIl MardI .1.1,-10--11. !liN' 111 1760; married. ;>.1<1) .5. 1,6-1. J~,hn PLI ,Iell\'

illg a 11.1 uahr e r )lary. born that year •

• !. :'Il;,n~ard, horn Onohcr 5, 1743: married (tirst ) lame, BUller; mar r ied (secoud]

Caleb Kennerly ; married (third) ]iltlll'S Hocan.

5· Sar.1h. 11111"1 .\ugu,;t 13. 1;<15. died Seutcrubcr ~fo 1 ;(xl: married John Hodgcock, Jr. t.), Rc11ercol. bnrn May 31. 17.1'1. died uumar-rier], Scptelllh(,r ':l. 1 ;t><},

" Eleunr, hum October 15. 1;;:;2. died Ociuber .lb. J7'.1,

It l l.rv id, I~"rn lIhy JI. 1754: liver! !n Chester Township. where he dird in IR3~. letters oi arllt111l1'lral,ull IlI1 hIS estate being grauu-r] tn lus gr e.u-nej.hcw, Isaac l Icnvrs :'.Illrch 1.1, 01 that year.

Ln. B 1'<:<'11 "Tile [)e~cl:'ndallts of JnroJn 1'::)'0." p. IIJo.)

(1) ANN Tno.\\,\S, daughter oi Oliver nnd Sarah (Sandelamls) Thomas. was bum llwlmllly at t:pl;mrl. later Chl!itlT. 1'(!I111sy1vallla. jnnuarv I, I i.38-,'(,) , and died Srpll:l11bll 4. 1~20. Oil I)n,(11111('1 10. 1- 'i, while Ii at a wi "he

r sister aret logan and her brother-in-law

Jallle'~ T [l1gan ill con\(.') ing land in Chester inherited from their mother to her (II

1r"'~TlfENJ LL

I{llhert I ICi1\,;~. The' Iced reserves certni n qua rrics anrl her OW11 nnd [\1 rs. 1 T ogan's right "to n'~ide in the ma)1~ion house.' Two years later, Oil ~'~arch 10, 1_79;' Ann (Thutl1~,,) Henvis, 1);l\'icl Thuma .... Hubt!11 nnt! Deborah (Kite) [Jenne; solrl lO Joseph 'alter their share of "the (ishillg place on Tunicum bland" inherited from

1);\\'i«1 Snl1c1damb.

Ann TIl,lInas married Rouerl l-leuvis. (}[clH'is IT.)

(JI);d .• 11. 261.)

(The Samklaml5 l.ine).

Sill1\ie\;ul{\s is a name deri ved j rom the plaCI:- III which an early member uf the iaruilv Uwclt. It ues;gi1<lle" their home place as being 011 or near sandy grounu.

\ Harrison r "Surnann:, IJj till' lTniw.l Killgt.lnm.")

t1) JUlES SA.. .. WELAKIJS. SOil of a Sandclands of Scotland. was born in 1646 and died in Chester, Pcnnsyh·Rllia.l\pril 12. I (_)()2. His mother was livil\g in 1683- 1684. as iu that yO:~l1' she was m..:ntioned ill the course of a trial of l\Iargarct Matson for" itchcrait- Jall1c~ Sandelands is first mentioned in records when, un August 6,1665, he re('eivC'rl a patent "Ior two lob of land in Upland at Delaware upon the ;';orth side of the creek or kill.'· This date is al-o g1Wll in other records as ro68. Later, 0111hc "3d clay ill the 2t1 week of the ~d 111 011 L11 , 1687," a deed was mane by Jbfiln Kyn "ior ;\ parcell 01 land 1ying and ueing in Chester with all the ap[mrtenances and lotts, dakd the I tlth day of the r r th month. 16cl6. til James Saunderlaine and hi" Heirs forever." This is prohably the same ('state re ferred to 011 the "30th day in the 1St wed; or the loth month" following whel' "James Saunderlainc was attested constable for the township and Liberty of Chester, or that he see the office duly executed until another he attested in his Ronntc, which service is upon the account of his father-in-law Urin Keens Iarrne which the said j ames purchased." This latter entry seems to indicate the olJligation 01 propnetofs to maintain the guardial1sbip anrl peace amflllK the peUjlle N1 their lands,

From time to time adrlitioual acres of land were purchnsl:d by J ames Sandelauds until he owned ahout 11"e hum] red ucres nil the west side u ( Ridley Creek, tracts at '[arcus 110uk or Chiche .. ter lin Neshaminy Creek and it1 'Vc~t Jersey, He is often mCl1lioneri in the records oi the Court at Upland and practiced there as attorney. It i~ known that 011 one occasion he represented a c1ic111 before the court at New Castle. In lU77- Jallle~ Sandelands was one of the "Tydables" residing at L pland anti the only person who owned a 51;1\,1; 1)11 the Delaware River above Upland. In L680, he was one of the "responsible housekeepers of Upland" and. in 1681, wit" the cOllling of Colonel \\'illiam, representative ot William Penn, ] ames Sandelanrls was nppuintcd one [J L the nine rncrnbcrs of a council orIrani.zcci lIy Xl arkham, He was at the 5".1111[; time made a justice of the new Upland Court. to 'which in T686 he vromiscd "a Convenient pcese of Land in the town of Chester. where the) nm~ erect 'l Court I I(JlI~c and f'do:,(l11." When William PCIlI1

City" at Upland, "hut that he and Sarulerlin could not agree." From 1688 to [61}0.

WE Tl/ERl U.

I ( , . I 1 anrl ;'0.'1 rs. 1[0"<1 II'S

Robert Hcuvis, The ( ced reserves n'r aln quarnes an: rer owu " "

right "to reside in the mansion house." Two yean; later. un Murch 10, I i!)i, Ann t Thomas HUI' is , David Thomas, Rohcrt anrl Drlwrah t Kite) Ile11\ is sold to Joseph Carter their share 0 f "the lishillg place nn T unicum I slarul" inherrlcd f 1'1)111

()d virl Sandelamls .

• \1111 Thomas marr i e d Robert Henvis, (Tleli\'is II.)

(ibid .. n, 261.)

rCht' Line).

Sandelallds i, a name derived iruru lite plrice In which an carlv member of the ramil.\' dwelt. It designates their horne plact as being nn or ncar sanely ground,

II !~rrlsnll. "Surnames 1)[ the l'nitcd Kingdum."}

(I) J.-\:-'!F~ Mwr~L\N(lS. SOIl nf a Sanddalld5 of Scntlaml, was horn in 1646 and died in Chester, T'enns}l\'ania. April 12. (f,cj2. His mother was living in 1683 1684. as in that year she was mentioned in the course of a trial of Margaret ~fatsQn ior witchcraft. Tames Sandelands is first mentioned ill records when, 011 August 1\ 1665. he rCl'ch:cd a patent "for twu lots of land in Upland at Delaware upon the North side of the creek or kill." This ll,ue is also given III other records as 1668. Later, on 'the "Jrl day ill the 211 week of the 2<1 1110nth, ](-.8;." a rlcerl WH" made hy JiJran Kyn "for :t parcell fJt land !_villg and being in. Chester with all the appurtenances and lntts, dated the t Sth day of the 1 11h mnnth. 1686, 10 James Saunrlerlaine and his Heirs forever." This i., probably the same estate referred to on the "30th tiny in the 1St week of the loth month" fpllowillK when "James Saunderlaine was attested constable ior the row nship and Liberty of Chester, or that he see the office duly executed until another he attested iu his Roome. which service is upou the account 0 f his father-in-law Urin Keens Iarme which the said James purchased." This latter entry :>C(!111." to indicate the obligation uf proprietors LO maintain ihe .~llardi;]nship arul pc,lee amorur the people on their lands.

From time tu time additional acres oi land were purchased by james Sandelauds until he owned abnut live hundred acres 011 the west side IJf Ridley Creek, tracts at Marcus Hook or Chichester IJIl Neshaminy Creek and in West Jersey. lIe i often ment irmerl in the record . ., of the Court at Upland and practiced there as attorney. It is known that on one occa 'ion he represented a client before the court at ,l;ew Castle, 1n I(q;, James Sandelands was one of the "Tydablcs' residing at Upland aud the only person who owned a slave 011 the Delaware I<.i\"{~r above Upland. In 1680, he was one oi the "responsible housekeepers of Upland" and, in 168T. with ihe coming of Colonel \\'illiam Markham, representative oi William Perm, james Sandelands was appointed unc of the nine members uf 11 council organized hy Xlarkhaur. He W<1.5 at the same lime marle a justice of the new Upland Court, to which in rGSG he promised "a Convenient PCC5C of Land in the town of Chester, where they may erect :J. Court l Inuse ami Prison." When William [lenn

the h, that



James SandeJands represented Chester County in the ~~ Province of Pennsylvania, and in the latter year he wna still ttld!iM"iiI~l-t

Two other records of James Sandelands show him as a man characteristjcs, as contrasted with the more dignified aspect of the ord. He wa pre ented to the Grand Jury "ror keeping an ol'1djJlIai'v.:

without Lvsence, as also for keeping disorder' in hi house upon the

the week. • The Court dispence with his keeping the ordinary until Council shall sit and remits the other on hi promising not to do 80

Upon a ~Ieeting of the Council "ye 18th of ye 3d 1\10. 1686, upon ye

James Sanderling for a Lycence tu keep an Ordinary it wa granted

james S(l11dclnnrls was II merchant, probably dealing in tobacco, as ord states that a purchase oi tobacco in Marylnnd had not been de:liVlm.'~tI and tucre tor a \. ertayne great Bonte or siallop." belonging to the mea'" whom the tobacco wa: bought was "attadlcd and puhlicqly ould." ]ama land' 1l31lW occurs in the list of di 'InrJ,:cd okliers for 1669· A late as 16i-. he wa. captain of a companv of militia in l'pland.

Cp()J1 the death of Jaml's Sandelaml , ill I (It.J2. hi friend. Patrick Rcmil_~cl his on-in-law. George Forman, were nppointed ex cutor of hi estate. James Sandcland , Jr .• and hi son-in-law, Ja. per Yeates, erected a tablet the Sandelands arms, indicating the burial place of janie and Ann :;aDdefll This stone is still to be seen in St. Paul's Churchyard in (he ter, Pennsylvania.

james Sandelmvls married vnnn Keeu, (Keen [I.) Children:

I. Elean r, married Ccorg Forman. a pr I pcrou merchant of the Colony. He

10 Ensdand: and hi. wife probably f llowed him there after dispolillg of a 1I0thUI' I' found co ncerrun chher of them a Iter I{IIJI).

2. C theriac, born January 26. 1671: married (fir tJ Alexander Creker :

J per Yeates, '

. (. hri nan, living january, 16;IJ .... l.I. 4- Alar)" married (fi rst ) Maurice Trent; married (second) Robert ( thrrd) Robert Gordon S. Jame .. ~>nl ~nd lived at Upland, \\ here he was II merchant: buried Dtcember

married I rudence, who was buried ~[arch 10, 17.1I-J.1. She: married ( '~jt .. "~..,"_I

:\iUllday 6. Jona , of "hom further, 7, L) ilia, lit.; iug February. ltiQ;,Jol)4.

(G. B. Keen: "The Descendant of Juran Kyn, of New Sweden," pp. t9'-25o)

(II) ]ONA_ ,AXDr-:r.ANDS, son of James and Anna (Keen)

!lOrn at Upland and lived there hi' whole lif time. He was a cooper by _",,*'..a I, also recorded i? deeds a "_gentleman." From October, '717 to 1~, Sandclnnds was Coroner fOT Chester County, Pennsylvania. He was 1III"';:I~l') tryrnan and warden of St. Paul's Church in Chester. He gave to the Che ter the land on Market Street on which the old courthouse, now

son were Jona andelands married Mary Taylor. (Taylor III.)



T. J ames, described as "!'j"Cntlcl11Un." He enlisted 2~ second lieul(;,l111nl. in one fJ I. ';he SC_V!:.Il companies or infantry {rom the Province of PCIII1syln1l1ia who _lOl!1ed \d1l1ll:a1 \ er- 11011', expedition against the Spanish terrilories in th.e West Indies. He sUrYlvedlllC n1[111\' disasters which these troops encountered and died, probahly I1llmarrJe~. Letters 01 ,idmillislration on. his estate were granted to his younger hrothcr, David, June S,


~ Ann. married (first) Richard ~lcGcc; married (second) Richard Venables.

3. ;\[ary. rnarrlcd james Cla .. xton .

.j. l iavid. inll~rited from his 11I1de, Christupher Ta.ylor,. of 'Tinicum .. part of 'I'inicum .. T.;;Ia.!1d, as well as a share of Long Honks Island and title to lands In Chester with fishing place. and the help lind use of" certain neg ro slaves together with some [Jerson;LI pr!)~".:rty. He dierl, however, within four Hlonths of .rc("~)\lI1g these bequesb and INters of atimirristratioll un hi. estate were granted to his sisters, Rebecca and Mar}"

and their h!.)sIJ<U1d:;, .-\llril O. 1,40.

5. Sarah. of whom further.

6. Rehccca, died al.out 1762: married, February 8. 1738. Henry Marlduck, who died about 1738. the son of Mordecai Maddock, and grandson uf Henry Maddock, uf LOO,!l Hall, Cheshire. England. Rebecca married \second) William Smith, III Philadelphia.

,. Eleanor, married in 1,-1-1. Georg.: Pooley. of Philadelphia. Both he and his wife died h)' lil)i. without issue.

~ •• Margaret, died unmarried and was buried ill Christ Churchyard, Philadelphia, October

30, 1746,

(I/Jid., 11. ;; •• I

(OJ.) S.\lV,IJ SA~DELk"'[)S. daughter or Jonas ami Mary (Taylnr ) Sandelands, was born at Upland and died about 1786. Leiters 0 { administration on her estate were ~ral1ted to her son-in-law, James Hogan. January 12, 1787.

Sarah Samle1amls married Oliver Thomas. (Thomas L)

(Lbid., p. 100.)

(The Taylor UIlt"L

Taylor, as a surname, originated in the occupation of an early member of the family. Because of its derivation, Ta~ lor I:; one of the [our most widely spread English family names and appears in great numbers in early records. In the Hundred Rolls of [273 we finrl Henry lc Taluir. Cecil Ie Tayllour, Roger Ie Tuylur and

Richard le Taylor.

(Bardsley: "Dictionary of l:;n",li~h and Welsh Surnames.")

(I) CUKISFJPTlER TAYLUR is said to have been Lorn near Skipton. in Yorkshire, England. and tliec! in Pennsylvania ill r686. He was a Puritan preacher until r6S:-?, when he was converted to the ~uaker doctrine hy George Fox. He became "eminent as a minister among Friends and was imprisoned several limes" because of his laith. He was a teacher in various places, finally "at Edmonton. in Middlesex." where he was later followed b~' the noted George Keith. In L6:-t2 he left England arul went to Pennsylvania where be obtained a g'taut 1)[ 5.000 acres of land. He settlerl first in Hucks CrJW1ty, PeI1l1!'.) IUlI1ia. at Hristol, where he was a representative to the First Assembly of the Province. Christopher Tnylor was an important rncrnher of the Colony. He was a member uf the 61'<;t Provincial Council after the arrival of William Penn. continuing uiui) his death. IIe was register-.~e_neral o i

the governmenl o I West New Jersey. IIe removed to Chester, where he was one


312 - .' J I' J ()B I He li ved on Ti nicum Island. which

of the justices of Chester Cour t 111 ll),..... • . "

. . I . h '11' Iter this date. Later, III grantmg this Island to his

was COil veved to 11111 Eo 01 )' a . . I " . ,

I I· I k f hi 11seJ( as a schoolmaster and of hIS 10rne as Tmlcum

SOD srae ie spea SOli •. .

1· I . d' ,.' C II· T -laI1'1" ('hristopllPr Tavlor was a scholar and In 1679 pub-

s an (J IilS 0 C"'C:5 " ' '. .

• ' • b • 'L' .. of Hebrew. Latin and Greek.

lished hIS "Compendium Trium mguarum,

Christopher Taylor married Frances. who died "in the Tenth month, r685_"

Children, perhaps others:

I Israel of whom further.

(~1 'B ~ . . "'I'll' Descendants 0 r Jiiran Kyn, 01 New Swc(k~I1:' Jl. 58. Robert Proud; "f-l' ,- " petn. I n~" " •. ,] 1 p 235 "The Friend," \'01. XX\ III, p, 12.+.)

ISIO!"}, ut ~nl1sy ,'3 ra, v cn. ,. .

(11) ISRAr.I~ TAYLOR, son of Christopher and Frances ~~ylor, was horn in England alreut 1660 and died after 1722. In r693 h: \Va;;, sheri FE of Bucks C~ttl1ty, Pennsylvania, and from 1720 to JiZZ representative o l Chester County tn the ;\ssen~lh' of Pennsylvania, At the lime of his death he was a surgeon. living on Tinicum- Island, \\'l~ich had been given him b)' his father. He had among. perhaps. other children:

I .',Jar}" of whom further.

(C. B. Keen: "The Descendants of Jiiran Kyn, of New Sweden," p. 58.)

(Ill) MARY TAYLOR, daughter uf Israel Taylor, was horn probably about 1790. She married (first) Jonas Sandelands, (Sandelands II.) She married (second). about 1731, Arthur Shield,

Child of the second marriage :

I. A daughter, baptized at St. Pa111's Church. Chester. August 29. 1732. (I biii.)

(The Keen Line}.

Several sources provided orig-ins ior the surname Keen, a belief supported by the appearance of "de" and "Ic' in the ancient recording of the name. One is evidently the descriptive nickname for a person who possessed sharp wits. The other is the parish of St. Keyne. in County Cornwall. flfore remote sources are suggested in the Irish "caein" or "caoin,' which means handsome. and "I .... lack-ian." a son of John, from which name the Mac 1'.'3$ ill some insrances dropped,

Many spellings are Iound, among them Keene. Kene, Kyue, Keyne, Kine, Kean and Keanne.

(Harrison: "Surnames of rhe United Kingdom:' Lower : "Patronymica Britannica:'

Bilrrlslcy "Dictionary of Enghsh and Wdsh ~\lmamcs.'·)

(J) jdRM" KYN or KI::EN, prugcllitor of his line and the ancestor of eleven generations 011 American soil, wa~ born in Sweden abotlt 1620 and died in New Sweden (Iater Chester), Pennsylvauin, between r6fS7 and T693. Fa'an Kyn was one of the earliest settlers 011 the Delaware River and the chief proprietor of land

at U nrl, Nc-w .

which left Slockholm OIl August l(), 1(j..j..2. and a Iter a roundabout and dangerous voyage they finally reached "Fort Christina in New Sweden, Virginia." on February r 5, 16.+3, "at two o'clock in the afternoon." according to the


historian. Here the first three Swedish settlements were established under Peter Minuit and Peter Ridder. The settlers under Governor Printz remained only a short time before they removed to Tinicum, where they erected a new fort and built their homes.

On June 20, IG-l4, Joran KYI1 is noted as "Suohuitt" in tbe list o[ soldiers in the governor's li fe guard, arul on March I. 16048, is 50-called agai n in a list of persons living in New Sweden. As the colony grelV. the settlers removed to other lands, and Juran Kyu look up a grant of laud which was exceptionally large even at that time, extending along the eastern hank of Upland Kill, now Chester Creek, for a mile and a half above its mouth, at the northwestern portion. three-quarters of a mile in width, and reaching to the east along the Delaware as far as Ridley Creek Following an order of the Court of _\ssigns at New York, on August I, 1665, he obtained a renewal of his pateut for land at Upland from the English authorities. Later, ill 1668, there were confirmed to him "three lots of land in his possession." He was one 0 I the seventeen "Tydable Persons" residing at Upland in r677 and om: or the "responsible housekeepers' named in the "census" (If 1680, He is mentioned rom or five times more in court records. The last record of Joran Kyn is 011 a court record of "the 6th day of the 1St 1I10nth, r687," when he made over a deed dated the" r st clay," of the same month convey ing a lot to certai n persons intrust "to the use and behalf of the said Chester meeting of the people of God called Quakers anrl their successors forever." On this ground the First ).ieeting House of Friends at Chester was built.

\Ve are fortunate in knowing something of the personal characteristics of Jaran Kyn through old records. The fact that he was called "Snohuitt." "Snewit" and "Schneweiss," doubtless meant that he was of unusually fair complexion. From a leuer. written by the Dutch Cornrrnssary Huygen to his "cousin vice-Director Beekman," dated March 29. 1663, we learn that Juran Kyn had been violently assaulted by a Friend, EVert l lendriekson. Huygen speaks of him as "The pious J urriaen Snewit. a man w110 has nc\'cri rritaterl a child even." Exactly when Ji)r:lll Kyn died or where he is buried i;-. not known, but no further mention 01 him is made after 168; and he is 1101 listed among the jurors residing on the Delaware in IIJl}-t-. so that some time between these two years he rnu l have died.

'Whom Ji;ran Kyn married is 110t known. The marriage took place in New Sweden as he was single 011 his arrival there in 11>"'3.

Children, pcr1nllJ" others :

I, Hans, rlierl iJd"fC Augus! [0, 1684, when his wife is mentioned among the chid subscr iher s to the salary of the Lutheran pastor; married Wi.lemka, who rnar ried (second) Caspar Fisck,

2. j0M;!', died h~fpre ],[arch, 1,02-0J: married and had several children . .3. Anna, of \Illum Iurther.

IIlg the Descent of the Children of Robert any Phoebe Ann (Delany) Wetherill." G. Jj. Keen: "Til, Desceurlants uf Jor;!n Kyn, of New Sweden," l'P ,-2.1

(11) ANN.\ or ANNl" \ KYN or KEEN, daughter of joran Kyn, was born in New Sweden and jived with her Iathcr at Upland. She died in li04 and was buried in St. Paul's Church in (hester.


Anna Keen married (first) James andelands l econd ). about 16c)3. Peter I!nynton. who died in 1710. hild of the ec nd rn rria

( lind

173 • a hi wife was record.

In rnJ R h harp

11 ETJI F.RI u.

on of D 111 1 n 1 R.1 h·l


dq run n

urul r tIT


TIc lived nearly six years after hi . retirement, d_ving in !LOS at Cape May. New Jersey. The noti~e of hi' death appear ... in the ,. Daily Advertiser" for October 30, as Iollows : "Died on the Twentieth Instant. at Cape May. New Jersey, where he had gOlle for the benefit of his health. in the iiity-thini year oi his age, Doctor \Villiam Delanv, a l(Jn'~ time respectable druggist uf ibis city."

Dr. ',"illin,;. Delany left a very mall estate, Hi continued ill health had so drained his re ources that his adrm nistrators (his widow had renounced in favor of her SOil). William Delanv, Jr., llcorge Hunter, chemist. and \,"illiam Lehman, druggist. all of Philadelphia, were required to give security of only $1.000, for the inventorv showed that there was little or 110 personal estate save some $1.500, in "Desperate debts and barred by the statute of Limitation and many of the persons (karl. or not to IH! found." r n real estate he owned two lots in the tov v 11 of Northumhcrtand, Pennsylvania. two plantations and two town lots in Harrison County

. . ,

Vi rgi nia.

William Delany married, in Philadelphia. 011 Thur day. December 4. li80, Lydia West, no record of whose parentage has been found. The ceremony was performed by the Rev, John Ewing. pastor of the First Presbyterian Church. Lydia \Vest was horn in 1760 and died October q. 1837. She "as in business in 180-1- as a milliner at No. 119 South Second Street. and in r805 at No. 1,31 South Second Street. She was apparently successful as in 1807 she was able to purchase a farm of ouc hundred and ten acres ill Haverford Township, Delaware County, from the heir: of John Free. This land is still in the possession of nne of her descendants. Mrs. Delany did not acquire full ownership in her first purchase of this estate. hut on October 22. 1800. for $.~. roo, she bought all the remaining outstanding interests. In 1831 Mrs. Delany donated ground for the Bethesda Methodist Church in Haver Inrd, where she is buried. The tombstone inscription in Bethesda :'IIethodist Cemetery is as follows:

r J1 11 emory 0 f [,n)IA Dr;T,A!II i~Y who departed li1i:;; life Oct L.jth 1::;37

aged ii years anrl :2 days (then Iollow, a verse)

The will oi Lydia (\Vest) Delany. which was dated July 22. 1837, and proved March I G. 1.')39. i gi "en helow :

Rclying on DivIJ1C assistance for aid I hereby write the Last \Vill and Testament of L. Delany marie JL1ly 22m[ 1837 it is Illy desire that my T half of the farm shall remain attached as at presen; with 111y Jaughter's I half unless that she may wish to dispose of it some other way :'1 ary i\[arllJ1-c paying the Interest rnnney that is to say ihe slim n r seventy five Uollar~. per annum tor a scholla rship Ior Sl .. Paul's Church l'hiladelphia. the person selected for the ~hms-

try to bl.: c11115(;Tl from a mcrnhcr of .

. upon as vangelieal and sound in the tnrt

(!l~'e and lJcqu..-ath 1O my Gralld dang rs :\lary J can Delany the sum of five hundred DoHars

being a ballance of a .\lortgagc remaining in the hands of )foses Brown in Pennsbury manner Bucks CO(1l1ty Pennsylvania.-To Phebe Ann Delany I give & bequeath the sum of one thousand Doll, the Inte~e't to he paid yearly so IOJig as She may remain unmarried and then to return to the estate agall1.-To Illy grandson William Delany I give & bequeath ten Dollers and whcrea at my rlo.:~t'a~c there will he several hundred Dollers as yet to be disposed of when the farty) IS sold r Wish 10 make 110 other appropriation at present I wish ~J ary Maclure should have the

H ETfll!NI u.

Iurnuure with a ic\\ cXl',cpLillll' on the stock 011 the farm as \\,illk5S my hand and ~('al this 2211(1

June 1R37. 1.~'IlI'\ Ih:I.AI''i

Eh .. ah th Pritchett

,\1, rgarer Owen

Sept . .19th I 37 I also give and bequeath to my daughter ~l:u'y Maclure during her life tim ami \\'idowh d the LIlli oi cue hundred Dolls. annually and at my dlceflSC to return to (he .. -state a ain " I w i h that she should keep it it. pre ent state not to sell it. Witness my hand

\\'nlter \Villinm on LVrH,\ I 'EU.','\',

It is m) desire that my dauzhter should ke II the iarm say 10-15 ur more years ii it should suit her in it nre '111 Iorm or any other way as might he thought agreeable say in the form uf a I.en e a no one ha' an} right to inter re .. e fir meddle with 11~ our concerns ... , 110 interest money to h paid or bencficiarv takes up Ior J or oj. vears to come vel 1I111ill O\1r uP!'t 011 the place is cancel] which amouuts to 6:2.5 dolls in the whol; amount JIlIY·22. 1837, a" witness Ill)' hand.

L. lJEl .. AN\,.

Children (not ill order of hirtn ) : 1. Wilham. Jr., of whom further .

z, j ame , a midshipman in the United State' Navy, asslguetl to the fleet commanded by Commodore ( liver Hazard Perry. He W;J killed in the galtlc oi Lake Erie 011 eptember 10, 1 13, before he \\'01 twenty .. me years old.

3, Maria, 10m in Philadelphia, Octob r :!7, 17B.!. died Janllary I, Ib:S5, hur ied in Bethesda Methodi t Church, Haverford, Pcunsylvania : married James }.lecture, who died before Janllar)" .zo, l~IO, as on that date \Villiam Delany conveyed real estate to his i, ter, Maria .:o.fcClurc, "widow," James and ?liaria (Delany) .\JcClun: had one child. Lydia, who married Thomas Cresson J>ritchett.

-I, Eliza. born III Philadelphia, October 7. 1791), died OCLObcr 8, [877; married. December 31, 1818, Robert Thompson, hr.rn near Craig :'10Ul1t, • \ntrim. Ireland, in 17(;-4. died in Philadelphia, October 15, I 'Sil, oSlin r)i Rev, l{olJCrt Thomson, nastnr of Batleywellian Pre byterian Church in Ireland. Children : i. Lydia. ii, Mary, iii. Robert.

H. C hmead : "Cenealogical Sketch, Tracing the Descent of the Children oj Robert

and PhO!IJe Ann Delany) Wetherill." Poul on's "American Daily Advertiser." October 16. 183;, "D lawurc County ,\ III~," BUllk C, !J 4·11.)

(Ill) WILI.IA I ELAN'", JR .. on of William ami Lydia (\\'est) Delany, was b rm in Phila l phia in 1/83 and died there on Saturday. l\[ay 1(, 1822. On September 19. J806. in hi' twenty-third year, In: was admitted to the bar of Philadelphia, He became a successful lawyer, acquiriug a large and prominent practice. Hi" office at fir .. t was at No. 138 \Valnut Street. later his residence and office both were at No. 50 South Sixth Stn:'l't. II e was a member of the Hibernian Society of Philadelphia and {rum I"I,~ until hi death in 1822 was one of the counsellors of the ociety, In I 18 he was al'jI inted .olicitor of Philadelphia Count)'. an office which ha been held hy many notable lawyer'.

William I elany, Jr .. married, ahout 1810, ~la[y Price. (Price J\.) Children:

I. William, born ill 181 I-I..?, died in 1846. unmarried . z. Pheebe Ann, of whom lurthcr.

3. :\Inry j ane, diell january t), 1~7J; married (fir!il) james Bailie, who died December 31, 18.:J9: married (second ) Jerry Walke r. who died April 24. 1886.


J'HmIlE i\:or 1)1~[.i\NY, daughter of William Delany, Jr., and Mary

'Price) I) '141I1Y, was hI I'll ill Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, September IS, 1815. and died at Lau dale. I 'cunsylvania, J anuary -4 1896. She married Robert (I) \Vethcrill. ("Wetii rill II 1.)

([bid •. Family data.)


4. Elenor, mar rivd and removed to "the Genesee Country."

5. '" lary, of whom further.

6. john a pnsthumous child, born in H.idlc)_ Township. I?e\a~\'a~e C~Ullty. (t?cn C",hester Cuunty). PcnUS)''''3Illa, February ~5, 1,14. and dlc~ 10 C1D:mnatl. Ohio, In 18J_. HI' entered the 1fcLhodisl ministry and was sent to Philadelphia and other places, before settling finally in Cincinnati. where he died


~ 1 V) :\IAR\' PR[O:, dauzhter of John and 11aI)' liarn Delany, Jr. \Dda!1) Ll I.)

( tu«)

\ Cruker ) Price. married \Yil~

(The Sharp Line) .

The surname Sharp was derived as a complimentary nickname alluding to the quickness or keenness of the person so called. As early as 1273 ..... \lexander Scharp was living ill County Bucks. John Scharp in County Sussex. and \Villiam Scharpe in County Lincoln. and in 1589 there is a record of the baptism of Anne. daughter of Edward Sharpe.

(Bardsley: "Dictionary of English and Welsh Surnames.")

(I) ANTrIONY SHARP was Lorn in Dublin in 1642. He married Ann Crabb, daughter of Thomas Crabb, of \Viltshire, England.


1. Isaac, of whom further.

(H C. Ashmead: "GencalolJic-al Sketch, Tracing Inc Descent of the Children ci Robert and Pluehe Ann (Delaoy) Wetherill.")

(II) ISAAC SI[ARP. first of the line iu .\merica. was the 5011 of Anthony and Ann (Crahb) Sharp. HI;: was horn ill I rclaurl ~111t! died there ill the summer of 1735, Isaac harp came to America he lure 1722. Here he was a prominent settler. holding office i 11 the Colony. 011 ,\ pril H), 172:2, he attended a meeting of the Governur and Council oi Pruprictor s, at Perth Amboy. New J ersey. At some time between 1722 and 1,25. Isaac returned to Ireland for a visit, He undoubtedly intended tn ret urn to America, as he signed hirnsel f 011 July 13, Ii 25. as "Isaac Sharp. Esquire, oi \Vesl New jersev, 111 Amctica.' His rlutics as the eldest son of a wealthy man and the care of his large estate apparently prevented his return to America. for he die.l in Dublin. His will, probated in .I LlI.". 1735, mentions his (laughter Rachel Sharp. at that time 11111l1:l1Tied. 1 n it he created a charge UP(}!l lands in Ireland. the interest (,f which was to I,,:: naid to his four daughters during their minority and the principal as they Lame 1)£ age.

Isaac Sharp married about 1704-05. :"far~ard Braithwaite. Children:

L ,\l\tl1"I1),. \\ ill t!~tetl (l('\(,h,r. 17:--1.

, l saar, liver] III ~ltll:llI Cuunt) , New Jcnc)·. where he owned large ulantatious. J. Rachel, (If whurn furtlrer,

s. \ daughter 6. A daughter,


(III) RACHEL SA&P, daughter of laaac 1Rt1 lIai'BNBI

was born probably about 1718-20. he died after

month her brother made the following 'bequest to her in hit

To my sister Rachel Delaney. otherwise Sharp, £ 10 sterl. to of £ I (I sterl. to di~tribut~ among such poor housekee~rs In '!V oeijrh1D1lM share or ,}roportiQns a~ my executrix hereinafter named ,hall think PI'ON.

Rachel Sharp married Daniel Delany. (Delany I.) (/l,icl.)

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