Lecture 1 Introduction To Course

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Introduction to Energy

Technology (MEEG 141)

Lecture – I

Nischal Chaulagain
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Kathmandu University
Lecture Overview

• Learning Objectives

• Topics Covered

• Evaluation Criteria

• Current Energy Scenario of Nepal

• Urbanization

• Sustainability
3/17/2021 Introduction to Energy Technology (MEEG 141) 2
Learning Objectives

Get Familiar With….

• Various Energy technologies in practice

• How energy systems functions ?

• Quantitative and Economic Evaluation of Different Energy Systems

• Energy and Environment – how are they related ?

• Energy policies
3/17/2021 Introduction to Energy Technology (MEEG 141) 3
Topics Covered
• Global Energy Scenario and Politics

• Energy Sustainability

• Energy Fundamentals (Heat and Work, Entropy, Combustion, Cogeneration)

• Heat Engines – (Steam Engine, IC Engines, Gas Turbines , EV)

• Electrochemical & Electromechanical Energy forms (Fuel Cells and Batteries)

• Renewable Energy (Solar , Wind, Geothermal, Biomass, Hydropower)

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Evaluation Method

• Internal Evaluation (25 )

- Assignments and Attendance 5 marks
- Examinations 10 (1/2 Internal Exam)
- Term Paper 10 marks

• Final Evaluation (75 (20 objectives type + 55 Subjective Type))

- University Board Exam

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To begin with..

• What is Energy Technology ?

- Efficient
- Safe
- Environment friendly
- Economical (extraction, conversion , storage, transport, use)

What about its effect on human and nature ?

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Energy Scenario of Nepal
• Major energy resource base includes – biomass, Hydro Electricity, Petroleum

products, natural gas, coal etc.

• HE generation potential 83 000 MW of which 43 000 MW is feasible with minimal

environmental hazards

• Grid Energy Access at around 90 %

• Solar Energy – 0.1 MW grid connected ; 317.14 MW under development

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Energy Scenario of Nepal

• Biomass – 95 % used for household purpose (wood , Agriculture residue , animal


• Fossil Fuels – Second largest energy source in Nepal

• Comprise 8 % of primary energy source

• Coal accounts for 2 % of energy consumption used primarily in Industries

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Energy Scenario of Nepal
Electricity:3.39% Renewable:2.49%



Animal dung:3.68%


Fuel Wood:70.47%

Total Energy Consumption Scenario of Nepal 2014/2015

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Energy Scenario of Nepal – HE Trend
6000 1600
y = 67.62x + 768.38

y = 384.2x + 395.53

Peak Demand (MW)

Energy (GWh)

3000 800
y = 40.082x + 2005.7



0 0
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019*
Fiscal Year

NEA Generation Total (GWh) Power Purchase Total (GWh) Peak Demand (MW)
Linear (NEA Generation Total (GWh)) Linear (Power Purchase Total (GWh)) Linear (Peak Demand (MW))

3/17/2021 Introduction to Energy Technology (MEEG 141) 10

Energy Scenario of Nepal
• Peak Electricity Demand – 1 300 MW Approx.

• Installed Hydro-Electricity Capacity – 1 073 MW (NEA-562 ; 511 Private Sector)

• Energy Balance through Power Purchase – 450 MW

• 20 billion spent of electricity import
• 90 billion spent on petroleum import
• 55 MW energy generated from Alternative Sources (Solar, Wind, Biomass) ; benefitted almost 3.6
million individuals

• 700 kWh energy consumption per capita in next 5 years

• 1 500 kWh energy consumption per capita in next 10 years

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• Urbanization is a process whereby people move from rural to urban areas / cities
/town for holistic growth.

• In other words, it is a progressive increase in number of people living in towns

and cities.

• Influenced by the notion of better economic, political and social development

including better education, health care, sanitation, housing, business
opportunities and transportation.

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Causes of Urbanization

• Industrialization – employment/ business opportunities leading to

economic development

• Social benefits – better educational facilities , living standards, sanitation,

housing, health care, recreation facilities and better social life.

• Rural- Urban Transformation – discovery of minerals, resource

exploitation, agricultural activities etc. rural areas transform into urbanism
leading to productivity and economic growth.

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Effects of Urbanization on energy

• Industrialization - increase in industrial activity demands additional energy thus increase in

energy use intensity, Mechanization – agriculture

• Change in Life style– demands more energy intensive products including use of electrical
appliances, modern transportation and others leading to higher energy use per capita

• Building stocks and Infrastructures – development – sustain - Maintenance

• Transportation on raw materials from rural areas to urban production center and re-
transportation of finished goods to consumer (rural + urban)

• Move towards private means of transportation leading to energy use and pollutant emissions

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Concept of Sustainability
• In the most basic terms sustainability is the “ability to exist constantly” .

• Focuses on meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of
future generations to meet their needs.

• the modern consumerist and urban society throughout the world consume lot of
natural resources every day.

• Urban shelters consume more resources than those who live in rural areas.

• How we move forward technologically and economically without adverse affect

on environment?
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Concept of Sustainability – Three principles
• Economic Development – Ensure Supply and Demand of Consumerist Market
without compromising quality of life.

• Social Development – awareness of and protection of environment, health of

people from pollution and others, sustainable housing, better homes.

• Environmental Protection – Reduce—Recycle—Reuse, protect ecosystem, air

quality, sustainability of resources
-- use less power (switch off rather than keeping devices on standby)\
-- less fuel for transportation
-- prevent pollution, low emissions
-- incentives for renewable power sources

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Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)
• Millennium Development Goals (MDG) , United Nations Conference
on Sustainable Development -2012
- End of poverty and hunger
- Better standards of education and health care
- Gender equality
- Clean water and sanitation, affordable and clean energy
- Sustainable economic growth, promoting jobs and stronger
- Tackling the effects of climate change, pollution and other
environmental factors on people’s health, livelihood and lives.
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• Unprecedented growth , technological revolution, massive increase in

power needs

• Collective effects is greater pressure and strain on the planets


• Develop new, cleaner technologies to cope with energy demands

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Other Topics

• Pollution
• Green House Gas
• Climate Change

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Thank You

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