Stage 1: Identify Desired Results

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Lesson Plan

Emily Zann

Stage 1: Identify Desired Results

Title: Nuclear Blast Effects Lesson Pan

Number of Class Periods: 1

Essential Questions:
● What destruction can nuclear missiles cause?
● How did this knowledge impact Americans during the Cuban Missile Crisis?
State of Michigan Content Standards:
● 8.1.2 Foreign Policy during the Cold War – Compare the causes and
consequences of the setbacks and successes of the American policy of
‘containing’ the Soviet Union, including: indirect (or proxy) confrontations within
specific world regions
Learning Objectives:
● Students will have a better idea of the possible destruction caused by nuclear
missiles and how this impacted American’s during the Cuban Missile Crisis

Stage 2: Determine Acceptable Evidence

Diagnostic/Formative Assessments:
● Completing the handout

Stage 3: Plan Learning Experiences (Procedure)

Instructional Strategy:
● Cold war in the 1960’s slides
● NUKEMAP activity
○ Students will complete their own key using an article for business insider
○ AS A GROUP: Go over how to use NUKEMAP and what they key means
○ MODELING: I will complete the first scenario on the handout with the help
of the class so that they will understand how to fill out the rest of the
○ ASYNC: Students will finish the remaining scenarios and analysis with the
remaining time in class and then for asynchronous work.
Students will use the simulation website NUKEMAP to complete the handout.
● Website key
○ Using the article from business insider, students will fill out their own
website key explaining the different layers of a nuclear blast
○ This article is an interview with the creator of the simulation website
○ Click here to visit the simulation website, “NukeMap” and fill out the
following tables. For each table, plug in the correct bomb and drop
location into the website and record the data.
■ Find East Lansing High School on the map.
■ What layer is it in? What effect does the layer have on the school?
■ Find where you live on the map.
■ What layer is it in? What effect does the layer have on your home?
○ Plug in different bombs and locations to create different scenarios and
choose the three that are most interesting to you. Fill out the tables for
○ Analysis and map questions

Other Important Information

● Business Insider website key
● Nuclear Effects Handout

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