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Bill Clinton #1 #325Mil #41


“We all do better when we work


Washington DC

Isn’t this such a nice picture of me signing the passage of the Family Medical Leave Act of 1993. Not to toot
my own horn.

Hillary_Clinton: I can’t believe you were just the governor of Arkansas and now you are considered the first
baby boomer president! So proud of you!
FMLA: In case you didn’t know, FMLA required certain employers to provide employees job-protected and unpaid
leave for qualified medical and family reasons such as military leave, pregnancy, and adoption.
Hillary_Clinton: Guess who is appointed as head of the task force? Me! I get to develop a plan to guarantee health
benefits for all Americans.
PeopleoftheUS: There is way too much of a burden of payment on employers and a lot of government control. So
let’s not vote on it.
Bill Clinton #2 #325Mil #41

“We all do better when we work


United States Gun Control

Look at me signing that Brady Bill. All about that gun control.

BradyBill: Make sure your background is clean because now it’s a requirement to have a background check
before purchasing arms.
FederalAssaultWeaponsBan: Man time flies – a year later and you can’t manufacture certain semi-automatic
firearms for civilians use for a period of ten years but don’t worry it did not get renewed.
PublicSafety: These laws are necessary to maintain public safety.
Critics: Why are you going to take weapons from law-abiding citizens? This increases crime by creating victims.
NRA: These laws are just being passed because of fear and lack of understanding of these weapons.
FavorofGunBans: Well if you look at all the tragic events that involve weapons – we need these laws.
Bill Clinton #3 #325Mil #41

“We all do better when we work


The Balkan Crisis

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War was an international armed conflict that took place in Bosnia and Herzegovina
between 1992 and 1995.

Bosnia: Well we declared independence from Yugoslavia.

ChristianSerbpopulation: Well us, Serbs, in Bosnia are not going to stand for this. So we are going to
rebel against the Muslims and Kosovo.
Muslims: more like ethnic cleansing @ChristianSerbpopulation
NATO: Well looks like all three are fighting now. Looks like it’s time for NATO (@UnitedStates) step in to
help negotiate some peace in this area. Airstrikes and US troops will do the trick.
Bill Clinton #4 #325Mil #41

“We all do better when we work


Contract with America

House of Representatives

Year is 1994 – during this Midterm election, Democrats lost control of the House of
Representatives. It has been 40 years since Republicans gained control of House.

ContractwithAmerica: You can thank me for that. I definitely helped.

NewtGingrich: Well that contract is because of me. I led a campaign where many Republicans in Congress
signed this contract detailing actions that they promised to take if they won majority in the House.
ContractwithAmerica: In this contract, actions included welfare reform and less government control.
NewtGingrich: I did such a great job. I am now the Speaker of the House!
Bill Clinton #5 #325Mil #41

“We all do better when we work



Let’s move toward a GLOBAL economy!!

GATT: Well hello again! It has been since 1947 since I have been looked at but General Agreement
on Tariffs and Trade is getting a new look. We were renegotiated in 1993.
WTO: Well it was nice knowing you!
Bill Clinton #6 #325Mil #41

“We all do better when we work




WTO: We replaced GATT! We are known as World Trade Organization. Don’t you forget it!
WeliketoTrade: What do you guys even do?
WTO: Since you asked so nicely – We supervise international trade and settle disputes! You can thank us
Bill Clinton #7 #325Mil #41

“We all do better when we work


US, Mexico, & Canada

Wahoo! Finally! North American Free Trade Agreement

Mexico: Finally we are included in the free trade zone with USA and Canada.
Canada: That means lowering of Tariffs and regulations.
Mexico: Hopefully this stimulates the economies of all three nations.
America: Really benefited us. Increased the exports of American goods to Mexico and Canada.
Canada: Welcome to the team!
Americanpeople: Look at those other nations, they have lower wages, fewer government regulations,
and fewer environmental concerns. We might lose our jobs to the other nations.
Bill Clinton #8 #325Mil #41

“We all do better when we work



Wow! There has been an increase in World Trade!

Americanworkers: Well now we are competing for jobs with other workers in other countries as outsourcing
jobs is now common.
Americanbusinesses: Yeah now, we have to find new ways to stay in the game. So we can compete in the world
JIT: Man do I have an idea for you! This will be a sure in to keep you competitive. We call ourselves – Just-In-Time
TraditionalManufacturers: We are stuck in our old ways. We like to forecast demand for our products and then
keep the factories running to meet the demand.
JIT: Well that could result in hidden costs and overproduction. With JIT, all a company has to do is purchase
materials to only produce as much as customers actually demand. We keep little to no inventory and all about that
quick production.
Bill Clinton #9 #325Mil #41

“We all do better when we work



Sad day for me but I will stay strong!

HouseofReps: We are so passing those two articles of impeachment or should I say formal
accusations against Bill Clinton!
Impeachmentarticles: There were four of us. Well first, he is accused of perjury or lying under oath.
Second, obstruction of justice. Don’t worry about the other two. Only those two of articles of
impeachment received the necessary votes for impeachment in the House.
Senate: Can’t wait to see Bill at the Impeachment Trial!
POTUSBillClinton: I still love you guys but man does it feel great to be acquitted. Seems like you guys did
not get the two-thirds majority you needed.
Bill Clinton #10 #325Mil #41

“We all do better when we work


United States of America

This has been a rough few years. There has been so many domestic threats.

RadicalMuslimgroup: We bombed the World Trade Center and killed six.

TimothyMcVeigh: I bombed a federal building in Oklahoma in 1995 and killed 169 people.
BranchDavidians: We had a fiery standoff in Waco, Texas with the government which ended in a huge fire
that killed men, women, and children.
Americanpeople: At this point, we really do not trust the government.

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