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Mr Scott O'NEILL

115 route de Nay

64290 GAN

Paid invoice no. FPE21143431

For the period 26/03/2021 to 30/09/2021

Your references
Your client reference number: C103351201 Policy number: APA9000175648
Principal insured: Mr Scott O'NEILL Customer Zone ID: 5626207679
Your insurance consultant: EO2C SOLUTIONS VIE - I82706 - Tel: 0643611888

Your premium
Total premium incl taxes: € 1,042.17
Invoice no. FPE21143431 paid on 03/04/2021 by: Bank card
TOTAL PAID: € 1,042.17
VAT registration no: FR60309707727 - "Insurance activities are exempt from VAT under article 261C2 of the General Tax Code".

Paris, 03/04/2021
Head of Membership Department

APRIL International Care France - 14, rue Gerty Archimède - 75012 Paris - FRANCE
Tel. : + 33 (0)1 73 02 93 93 - Fax : +33 (0)1 73 02 93 90 - Email: -
A French simplified joint-stock company (S.A.S.) with capital of €200,000 - RCS Paris 309 707 727 Insurance intermediary - Registered with ORIAS under number 07 008 000 (
Prudential Supervision and Resolution Authority - 4 place de Budapest - CS 92459 - 75436 Paris Cedex 09 - FRANCE
NAF6622Z - Intra-community VAT N° FR60309707727

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