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Pride Project

Senior Exit
Throughout the past couple years of
my highschool experience I have
learned discipline, hard work and
teamwork from being a part of this
very competitive cheer team. I have
learned so many life lessons that I
have already carried with me outside
of school. My team and I have
accomplished so much within my past
three years of being on the team. We
competed in anaheim my first year as
a freshman then the following year on
varsity we competed and won first
place again at Anaheim . The next year
on varsity we got the chance to
compete with UCA and fly all the way
to Florida. We came out top five of the
nation in fourth place. While also
being a part of one of the first teams in
STUNT we had so many
accomplishments and amazing
opportunities I would definitely
recommend this type of program to
anybody who wants to try it. This is
something that I have put so much
time and effort into. It is definitely one
of the top three things I'm most proud
of from being at El Cap.

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